Monday, May 15, 2006

Wet Monday May 15

Live video is on, and the rain looks like it's moving on, although the forecast is for showers through Tuesday. Seems like our eaglets are getting used to the rain.

Tried to get a picture posted but blogger is all clogged up. I'll try again later.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live cam is off now.

Steve Chase said...

Thanks, I made a call. Should be reset and live again soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Monday afternoon, 1:13 p.m. Thanks Steve. It is back up now. These babies are busy. Getting more aggressive with food and each other. Doing a lot more self-feeding. I think they are trying to get dried out now. Love em, love em!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, feeling pretty alone today (with the exception of Steve). Where is everybody? I miss you. Jo, thanks so much for the info you left for me the other day. I so appreciate it. Kind of quiet now. Big boy (I think) is perching and the other 2 are napping.

Anonymous said...

Getting very hard to tell these babies apart! I think Little Bit still has more white down under the wings, am I right? Turned the cam on about 6 AM - 9 for you guys and saw what I thought was the adult swooping into the nest! It was Big Boy and I was sure he had flown!! Did anyone else see this? He was probably just hopping to the other side of the nest! It cannot be long now!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: If you feel alone, think of how I felt when my blog froze-up on the 5/10 Daily. I kept placing comments on the 10th for your benefit & I thought everyone had left the site! I emailed Steve this morning & he straightened me out! My browser had froze. I was so happy to see all the comments over the past few days & especially all the new 'watchers'. I just watched BigBoy, who now can 'fly' from one edge of the nest across to the other, flub it & land on the 2 sleeping ones. All the wings started flapping & the 2 rudely awaken eaglets looked at BigBoy as if to say 'You have a probem, BigBoy'! He just went on his way & acted like he was rearranging the twigs of the nest! They all 3 really have their own personalities! I had said earlier that when the leafy branches come into the nest that they are to the eaglets what a Sealy is to adults. Inbetween over the weekend ran & landed on the branch as soon as the adult brought it in. I am so happy to be back in BlogLand - I really missed everyone & their comments.

Anonymous said...

I really thought Big Boy did that on purpose, you know, older sibling thing - cannot stand it if others are being quiet! I think he could hurt the others if the desire was there!

Anonymous said...

I have been monitoring this site for a couple months and love the real time video and information. I've learned alot.
I would like to know if when the eaglets leave the nest, will the video of them actually taking flight be able to be saved and played on here for those of us who can't monitor the site as much as we'd like. I'd hate to miss them taking their first flight. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Jo - MD 3:57pm Hi Beth: I think we are praying that he only goes over to the tree branch with the cam's view! Should we be so lucky. When he goes, I really think he will go a good distance. Amazing site when the adult eagle flys in! Feeding Time - hope they all get some - looks like some grabbing going on!

Steve Chase said...

We do run a tape off of the live feed. We'll look into being able to serve that video up if we do catch these first flights. We may consider putting a camera up in the adjacent field to catch more of the flight away from the tree.

Mema Jo said...

That would be awesome! Great idea for the second camera!
Looks as though a 'fight for food' is taking place since the adult eagle left. I think that it is Spunky with the food.

Anonymous said...

Well, the sun is shining, and looks like our critters have had a chance to dry out. I haven't been able to watch much today, so thanks for all your comments! It looks like I just caught a portion of feeding time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you know what is going to happen with the first flight? It is going to be off hours of the live cam! Wouldn't that just be awful? God wouldn't do that to us though. He knows we are all excited about this. Big Boy is so beautiful perching there. He still makes me nervous being so close to the edge. The other two are resting again.

My friend who turned me on to this site was driving from Ohio to WV and an eagle almost flew into his windshield. Wouldn't that have been horrible?

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...