Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday May 26

Lots of speculation on the comments about first flights. I'll ask Karen here for her thoughts.

more soon.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Steve. Lots of speculation happening for sure. Hope we don't miss it. But, if we do, it was meant to be. Just so they all return after they fledge so we will know they are okay! I so appreciate NCTC for giving us this opportunity!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:02 p.m. Now they are just hopping from side to side and perching. They are so beautiful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:18 p.m. Live feed gone again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I emailed the "Friends of Blackwater" about it. I will let you know if I get a response.

glo said...

OK so Feed came on and then off again. Guess I didn't miss too much. I think I still see 3 and if they were fed..."Bless those parnets they really do great raising 3 as well as they have"...anyway If anyone spots live is up and running please comment on BLOG too Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back again.

glo said...

Thanks Looks kind of touch and go. I'm going to start fraps and see if I can catch us a fun movie today

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't guess I have ever seen so many wings flapping at one time as I did just now when one of the parents came in. Don't know what he brought but they were ready to fight over it. Might be getting a little hungry or something.

glo said...

Well I have lost my live feed. Gonna shut down and come back I hope. Not sure...tried to catch that adult arriving on FRAPS, hit f10 instead of f9...probably have a nice stillldidn't check that. Off to try to reget live feed.

Oh And my grandbaby is wonderfu. Follow my blogger name and go see what she's up to. I also have a nice piece about the hurnsby eagles on my BLOG

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:46 p.m. My live feed is still up.

Anonymous said...

Glo, I peaked at your blog. I'll go back later tonight when I have more time.

I'm going to a meeting at NCTC tonight. If it's not storming, I'm hoping to see the nest! I'll report in if I see anything.

Mema Jo said...

2:56pm Jo-MD I have returned & am really thankful I didn't miss much. So glad to hear that the food came in! Maybe they are cutting back to 1 meal a day. Sharon: you can also reach Blackwater by contacting Lisa-Webmaster at the bottom of the Eagle Page. Just in case your other message goes unanswered. I did check out the fluff-balls (falcons) & they are napping all over the ledge.Looks like one has become attached to the pole. Lots of wingflappin' by all 3 of our eaglets. Sure hope the live feed stays up!

glo said...

restarted my computer and have live feed and this BLOG running now. Seems pretty quiet at the moment. Not sure but looks like it coul dbe raining. My previous post before I left to reboot should have said Hornsby Island. Pretty poignanat story about a pair of eagles who cared for what turns out to be infertile eggs. Has sound etc. Wonderfully inspiring pair of mature eagles though...just gorgeous.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just checked out the fluff balls too (falcons) and boy have they made a mess of their home! :) They need to hire a housekeeper and nanny I think.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, thanks for Fraps. That is so cool. Good find!!

glo said...

Sharon...Oh good I'm glad someone else watching these 3 has fraps now too. We have a little more chance of someone catching a nice clip that others might miss. Then you can put them online in a few different places. Still working on how that is done LOL. I will figure it out though. Unless someone else figures it out for me. There are a couple of places out there, but not sure how to post from Fraps there yet.

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me how God creates these Eaglets and baby Falcons. As we watched in the beginning the eaglets would bend off and shoot out their body movements. Nest neat, clean, and I'd say Good Housekeeping Award. LOL Now on the other hand the baby Falcons LOL are in a messy house; laughing here they need a housekeeper. Oh yea thanks, got the message about the banning of the eaglets ty. Parent just brought in one fish for the three eaglets. Later West Virginian Gal

movin said...

About the first flights of Bald Eagles, I was reading the "Eagle Facts" on this site and came up with this passage:

"The young will stay in the nest about 11 to 12 weeks when the adults will start encouraging them to fly. The eaglets can often be seen exercising their wings on the nest or on a nearby branch several days prior to fledging (first flight from the nest).

The young will stay at or near the nest for the next 6 weeks while the adults continue to feed them and teach them to hunt and fish on their own. Young eagles are believed to return to within 100 miles or so of their own nest site when they reach maturity and are ready to mate."

With that info in mind, it looks like the two oldest eaglets will have a couple more weeks of practice before flying from the nest. I believe the males' smaller size allows them to fledge earlier.


Mema Jo said...

11:20pm Jo-MD Hi Jim,
Good reading can also be found at
There is a website which lists birdcams all over the world on quite a number of different birds. The BlackWater site in Cambridge MD has good info. Their 2 eaglets have both recently taken their first flights successfully. Our oldest (BigBoy) is 11wks old-so that is why we are getting very anxious. The others follow very closely in age. Glad you will be joining in on the event!

Just Vicky said...

All 3 accounted for at 6:39 this morning!!! In-between accidently landed on Squirty! No sign of food.

glo said...

What a blessing to actually have the live came again this morning. Thanks to Steve and anyone else to whom we owe gratitude to watch the eaglets strengthen their wings and their courage.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Grateful the live feed is up this morning. Has there been any breakfast yet. I know I have not seen it but could have missed it!

Mema Jo said...

8:55am Jo-MD Sensational Saturday!
I am so thankful for the live feed being up! I checked it out around 5am this morning when I was briefly up & they were all stretching their wings as though they had just awaken. Started watching again around 8am - Have not seen any breakfast - just a lot of wing flappin' & jumping around the nest. At one time I glanced over from the coffee pot & all 3 were hiden in under the cam - I thought they all had left us! I am thankful the rain storms didn't come!

Anonymous said...

Well, I saw the nest last night, but just barely. Now that the leaves are on the tree, I couldn't see the eaglets. I was hoping to see at least one perching! THey're going to have a hot weekend!

Mema Jo said...

10:48am Jo-MD Would someone clue me in? I wasn't away from the screen for very long, but I must have missed something.I saw the adult at 10:33 fly in & within seconds fly out.I didn't think food was brought in - but BigBoy seemed to grab something on the other side of the nest & start eating. I also didn't see the new leafy branch brought into the nest. I'm not doing so well! I think that Spunky & Inbetween are waiting for BigBoy to finish-or else there is going to be a food fight!

Mema Jo said...

10:55am Jo-MD I may be wrong because now that they are side by side, it looks like it is Inbetween that has the food & not sharing.

Anonymous said...

I only see two birds??? where's the third one! he's missing! it's 1244 EST and i only see two. I'm getting a little worried!

Anonymous said...

anonymous: One of them perches very close to the tree trunk on the right side. I can barely see him, but he's still there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's time for some lunch. Little boy doesn't look like he's getting in on the action... hope he gets enough to eat!

glo said...

OK So while we think we may or may not be seeing things, I could sware there is a little bird perched on a branch to the left of the nest. Anyone else see it? Please tell me you do OR just tell me what it is LOL

Mema Jo said...

4:16pm Jo-MD Hey there, GLO
Maybe our eyes are getting the best of us because I had been sitting here staring at that black spot on that limb to the left. I have to leave for church - so you keep watching & let me know if it flies away. I thnk at times I am Stare Crazy. I know all 3 are in the nest - the one I can see him feathers under the cam by the trunk. I always do look into the background just to catch a view of the adult if he flies in. The shadows can play tricks!

movin said...

Back to 'Jo,' who wrote "Our oldest (BigBoy) is 11 wks old--so that is why we are getting very anxious. The others follow very closely in age. Glad you will be joining in on the event!"

Well, Jo, I think you're a little long on the age of "BigBoy" (who I think is going to have to be renamed "BigGal").

However the two oldest ones are SOOO active with the flight practicing this weekend that I think you people are right...the two oldest youngsters probably will be lifting off on their first flights soon.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big Boy/Gal is actually 10 weeks old today. He/she hatched on March 18. It still can't believe how big they are. I have been gone most of the day and am glad they are all still there. Have they had supper?

Mema Jo said...

8:14pm Jo-MD Hi Jim,
Today ends the 10th week for the oldest eaglet & tomorrow starts the 11th wk. BIG BOY was born on 3/18,Sat. I want to clarify that the largest eaglet you see is the one we call Inbetween -she is almost as large as the adult. BigBoy is slender-only called him BigBoy because he was the 1st hatched. Hope my comments haven't confused you - All I know for sure is that I am 3464 wks old (I think).
Sharon: There were 2 or 3 interesting meals today-it seemed as though the food was brought in & then controlled by an eaglet -happened 2 times. The adult 2 more feedings held onto the food & fed them until Spunky & Inbetween took it away from the adult. BigBoy wasn't agressive like the other 2, so he didn't get as much. The adult did, however, give him a few mouthfuls. They were all fed well today.

Mema Jo said...

6:30 am Sunday Jo-MD
Live feed is running & looks like another beautiful day. Inbetween & BigBoy were perched on the far side of the nest & Spunky was laying right in the middle of the nest. Adult eagle flew in & Inbetween claimed the catch & is working on her breakfast while the other 2 watch. Adult eagle did not stay around - hopefully went to get some more fish.They will soon start to squabble over the food, I'm sure. They are just waiting for the right momment!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:14 a.m. Sunday. It looked like InBetween (I think) went out on a limb for just a second, the limb at the top of the screen and then jumped back down on the nest. That was pretty cool to see!

Anonymous said...

I tried on Saturday thinking maybe the site would be up because the eaglets should soon risk a flight. It was up! Happy (smile)..Did anyone see at 9:07 EST that I can't see one of the eaglets now. I kept watching I'm wondering is it higher in tree parent was there just before that. Brought nothing in. Eaglet where are you???? ty everyone West Virginia Gal

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal - 9:23 a.m. The eaglet hides at the base of the tree just to get our heart pumping I think. I saw it go there and kept watching for his butt to stick back out and it did. It was pretty exciting see the one go on that limb even for just a second. I certainly won't be as long as it has been until they fledge.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It just hopped/flew up on the limb at the top of the screen just a couple of inches above the nest and then hopped back down. It was pretty cool to see.

Mema Jo said...

10:37 Sun Jo-MD Hey Sharon! You are a priviledged eagleholic! I am so glad you were watching when the 'branching' happened. If they do it some more-1st flight can't be too far ahead! I hope they use the same branch since it is in camera view. It is so hard unless all 3 are together to tell them apart & sometimes then you can't be sure.I just know that Ms.Inbetween is the largest & Spunky is the smallest.Problem is that they all have the same physical behavior. I am sitting here coaching them with Come On!Do It Again! I am picnicing around 3-dark. Keep us posted as to what you see today as you watch.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I too am picnicking from 12-? so if you see anything before you leave, let us know. Eagleaholic is right. We are probably going to have to start an EAA (EAGLE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS) group when they turn off the camera next month.

Mema Jo said...

12:23pm Jo-MD Lunch is in. The eaglets didn't know quite how to handle it & at first the adult just stayed on the edge. Finally the adult started the feed with all 3.I swear it was a raccoon(the tail I saw). The funniest event was when 2 of the eaglets started pulling at opposite ends of the 'catch of the day'! It looks as though they will all get their fill without any fighting.

Just Vicky said...

I saw that too! It was a strange piece of lunch! The tug-of-war was funny!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really hate that I missed the tug-of-war. I bet that was funny.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...