Saturday, March 06, 2010


Evening thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Normabyrd!

normabyrd said...

CHECK the PICps site again---LOTS MORE TURKEYS! someone is using a TURKEY CALLER & the TOMS are responding!----They are huge!! SO COOL!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What in the world is that on our cam???

Mits said...

creepy bug:(

Mits said...

maybe a fly or stink bug:(

Mits said...

we are in big trouble if it does not move.

Mits said...

guess that gives the true meaning of getting bugs out of the system:(

Lynne2 said...

Norma, too funny about your daughter's dogs!

Mits said...

I enlarged it and it looks like it might have wings.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo read where you pulled an 8 hr. Bet you was tired. You and Dex always cheer them up.

Ragdoll nice you got your computer so fast.

Loretta contrags. on your new camera. We'll be looking forward to your pics as usual. (:

Oh I just read were IT guy messed up things on Lynn's-Hedgies computer. I sure hope he can get it straightened out. Please Please!

Ok that was all the catch up from earlier on thread.

Now Good Monday Morning in Eagleland to Shirley, Sissy,
Sissy, Norma, Glo (prayers for Tom and Ana), Mits(amen to that 50 degrees Mits, Lynne2, Judie, Sharon (wow TRAIN wishes).Megan (NOT EVEN GOING THERE ABOUT THAT GRRR LIVE FEED), and EVERYONE
just in case I missed someone!!!

Hoping our Mattie feels much better soon.

Happy Birthday Geula !! (:

I feel so embarrassed--I tell people where to get live feed last year for this season. Look what we
have--Not what I was looking forward for new people to see nor us.

normabyrd said...

MITS---If the bug is orange!!--don't touch it!---I have the darn things in my windows!!---Thanks SHIRLEY for the paper you sent--describing the darn THINGS! YUK! YUK! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

I am hurting today. Hauled between 30 and 36 shovel loads of snow. Had to use the ice cuter to cut in blocks. Haul to back of yard where sun is out. Doggie reasons I'll just put due to couldn't get on the ground. During the heavy snow storm.

Been busy working on getting things ready for the June Community yard sale. Plus moving and re-arranging some things.

Saw Janet (Nilla) Saturday...she look and no chest wheezing did I hear. That's good!

Mits said...

Norma we are talking about the bug on the cam:)

Mits said...

looks like it is moving...keep going..

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like it is making an exit now.

Mits said...

yeah it is gone, think it was a fly:), just flew off.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is crawling away! Thank God! I was afraid it was fried to the lens!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA & 'LITTLE MAN'!---Have you gotten all the book boxes packed up?---Bet that's a job!

Mits said... sure did take up alot of space.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I received this reply from the Outdoor Channel in regards to the cam.

Yes, we’ve been working on an issue. We hope to have it resolved today.


Outdoor Channel

Mits said...

thanks, Paula...feeding BWE

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks were just eating again...aren't they just the cutest pair!

normabyrd said...

This is one time that I wish BWE had sound!---Those little 'puff balls' are so darn cute!!

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

everyone at NBG is getting excited, hatchings should start this week, maybe as early as tomorrow....yes the BWE chicks are cute.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Geula!

floralgirl said...

Live feed is working here now- loud hum, but it's running.

Mits said...

thanks, Megan

floralgirl said...

Well, just lost it again...

Mits said...

yeah me too, must be working on it

Mits said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for contecting Outdoor.

No Norma just got my books ready.

Still have ALL and I mean LOTS of Ed's Westerns. All in good shape and no cig smell.
Clean Books!!!

Anyone know of anyone reading Gunsmith, Trailsman, Longarm (he has series of these), Paul Compton and many other western authors.

He has a series of 65 Louie (Louis) La'Mour Brown Leatherback no binds broken and clean and in great shape again no cigs. And a few other Louie "Louis" La'Mour.

Hed has the entire collection of hardback in W.E.B. Griffin.

So Norma I still have a lot to do.

If anyone knows of anyone wanting to buy Westerns would you please call me. Mema Jo and others on here have my home and cell #'er.

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...