Friday, March 26, 2010


New thread.  Cold out there...


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 357 of 357
Ragdoll said...

Help I'm lost again. Can't find my friends.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Chrissy.

Flash was interested in the eagle calls from Charlotte.

I got my prescription. It would have been over $700.00. Thank goodness for insurance. For that much, it should fly itself to my house and cure me. Yikes!

Not getting but circling arrows on a black background from the live cam.

magpie said...

Good Night Ragdoll...
others will probably mentin it.. Paula has emailed Outdoor Channel there are some comments a few posts back about it, some site feed problems...

stronghunter said...

Hi Deb. I am Shirley. Don't want you to be confused. That's what the others are calling me. I took my name off my blog awhile back.

magpie said...

really cool field trip to Swinging Bridge, all kinds of wildflower things popping up, including may apple, trout lily, Virginia Blue Bells, cutleaf toothwort, and Ramps ! Could hardly walk on the path, but the best news came from the DNR officer who passed through, that's on my next post

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure am missing Mits on here.

stronghunter said...

I enjoyed hearing the North Carolina accent in the background. Takes me back. I grew up in North Carolina, was born in Charlotte.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kind words, folks. I, too, hope I feel better soon. Mostly I just feel a little run down.

magpie said...

DNR officer confirmed sighting near the boat slip of the adult Bald Eagle several months back, also he took his son on a canoe trip upstream and saw one perched on a branch there,
AND, confirmed bald eagle nest at Sleepy Creek Lake ! He told me whereabouts it is pretty close to the dam, he had to displace some campers from near the site today, The eagles are actively engaged in nesting there NOW, he was not sure about eggs

Sleepy Creek is here in Berkeley County ... ☺

floralgirl said...


Ragdoll said...

Thanks Magpie. Hope they fix it soon.

Prayers for Chrissy. The Lord knows her needs or situation.

Again, Night, Night. ^..^

magpie said...

Yeah, Megan, that's what I'm thinking, that is one place I can't go to alone...

magpie said...

well I could but I am not quite that brave - too isolated

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Mits went to the beach.

paula eagleholic said...

WOW Margy that is terrific news!!

Could be a Lib and Belle offspring!

magpie said...

hey, you could be right Paula!

what an awesome thought!

magpie said...

Hedgie has mentioned an Osprey nest or more than one that is supposed to be out that way also, DNR thought so also

magpie said...

Yep I miss Mits too...
and the weather report! would much rather read her report than watch the telly and the telly does not say Amen !

magpie said...

guess I got to do what I put off when I went out wildlifing, not sure if I'll get called in to work this week-end or not, won't know until the phone rings I guess.

Best wishes all for a good evening, will be starting on the prayers while I get to work here

magpie said...

Shirley I hope you'll be feeling better soon too...
have fun with those two wild domestic animals tonight


stronghunter said...

They just sniffed noses. George initiated it. Good sign! George just does not appreciate leaping puppies. Whoops, now a hiss.

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is black with the spinning circle of death as well...

stronghunter said...

Magpie, I found Sleepy Creek Lake on Google Earth. It looks like a good spot for eagles.

hedgie said...

Oh no, Mr. Bill....what's up with Chrissy??? Prayers...

magpie said...

Sharon -
sorry I see it was you that asked for prayers for Chrissy, I mixed you and Lynn up, so thank you and I hope you can tell us more when/if you know it and the time is right...

hedgie said...

A nest in Sleepy Creek??? Oh, boy! Coolness for sure!!! Let's go!

Costume Lady said...

Glad you don't go to Sleepy Creek alone, Margy!
Road Trip would be fun!

NatureNut said...

Well, it's almost time to hit the hay & I've gotta shampoo for work in AM! Worked late & have to go back sometime before Monday to finish one more banner. That will make 4!
Wed. at Chelsea, we saw a fuzzy red fox who looked like one we saw before the blizzards. This one had pale fluff on it's sides & a white tail tip. Must be shedding winter coat. Today a fox appeared---had no shedding look, no white tail tip & very dark lower legs! Can they shed in 2 days???If not, maybe we'll see a family again like in '07!
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

hedgie said...

Don't think they shed that fast, Loretta!!! Hope you DO see a family!
Sleep tight.

Mema Jo said...

I have checked out the cams
Read the comments & I am sleepy!

Heading back the hallway....
Good night all and prayers for all

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night and head upstairs.

paula eagleholic said...

We finally have a pipping egg at TH

Costume Lady said...

We had a fun evening with family...GG wasn't feeling well, but did eat a little spaghetti and played with Jayden a short while.
I put a few photos on JUST FOR FUN and 2 photos of a Pileated Woody who visited our yard a few days ago. I love prehistoric looking. Put them on WILD AND WONDERFUL.

hedgie said...

Good night Jo, Shirley, et al!
Gonna leave you, Wanda. I'm tired, too.
Hope GG feels better in the morning.
Prayers for all in need. Peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. Wanda, left comments on your pics!!

Lolly said...

Well, I am back. We ordered pizza for supper. Laurel came home and ate with us. Then we all returned to the hospital. Only stayed a short while, but Joey wanted to see the boys and wanted them to see he was okay. Still a lot of pain. Any way, they are now bathed and in bed. Laurel is still at the hospital. She should be home soon. We have early games in the morning. After the games I will take the boys to see their daddy again and then head home. Jack is now home....alone. :(

magpie said...

It's good you are there with the family Lolly, wish Jack could be there too

Wanda, sounds like a nice evening for GG and all, the pictures are great

Paula...looks like a great night for a hatch at TH - seems like just a few days ago we watched Mom Eagle lay those little rascal eggs
wish I could stay awake to watch longer

Cool avatar, Loretta!

Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

PeggyJean said...

thank you everyone. I thought I would share a video I made today

Peggy ....

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets now at Caltrans!

magpie said...

Nice PeggyJean...very nice...
saw your post and had to watch the video...really shows some loving parent and baby actions
Welcome Aboard...☺
and good night...

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you, Peggy Jean!

magpie said...

Eaglets are popping out all across the country..great news Paula...

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay here too...heading to Mom's in the morning for some yard clean up, be back in the afternoon...hope the live feed comes up...

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

My 'puter wouldn't let me see Peggy Jean's video...said no such HtMl

Costume Lady said...

Head is beginning to nod off...better head for bed while I still can.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Definitely saying prayers for Chrissy, Joey, Shirley, and for GG.
Hope everyone feels better tomorrow!

Still doing a lot of laundry, but did put quite a dent in it. Tomorrow is another day.

Can't seem to get the live feed either, so hope the still cam keeps working OK! Gonna be a long weekend.

Well, think I'll try to get some sleep. Leaving the night light on for lateniks, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers said for everyone.
Sleep well, and have pleasant dreams. Good night, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless!
Love you guys! :o]

movin said...

I loved your video Peggy ... and the Beethoven sonata.

TH seems to have an egg with a large pip hole in it (at nearly midnight), so they will probably have a fuzzy wuzzy in the nest by morning.

Belle is sleeping comfortably with her head tucked.


GooD nighT,




stronghunter said...

Thank you PeggyJean. Beautiful.

sunny said...

Good Saturday morning! I couldn't sleep, so I'm surfing the web. Belle is still all tucked in, and Lewis and Clark are passed out cold, with no apparent adult supervision. (Although I'm sure someone is nearby!) Just read back through some of the comments, and I'm now planning a kayak trip to Sleepy Creek Lake! We haven't gone there for a couple of years, but we always saw Osprey when we went. It is a somewhat spooky place.

stronghunter said...

Belle is awake now; it is dawn.

stronghunter said...

Both in nest. Feeding.

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of one of Palmer's early feedings on my blog. It was earlier this week.

Thanks for your continued kind words and prayers. It is working. I feel much better this morning. I slept well last night even after sleeping most of the day.

stronghunter said...

Just posted a Google Map picture of Sleepy Creek Lake. I can see why Sunny thinks it is kind of spooky.

stronghunter said...

Our eagle is catching some z's this morning.

sunny said...

SH, part of the lake is full of tree trunks that you have to kayak around. I think it would be fun, but very spooky to paddle on a foggy day. Or a moonlit night.

sunny said...

Shirley, I left a comment on your blog!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eable ♀'s and ♂'s

Nice pictures, both, Shirley...

Sunny, it is quite a place isn't it, the Lake...I have not been there for several years now.

It's a really pretty, classic Spring morning here,
Best wishes for a good day for everyone

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Sunny and Margy for the comments. I can see why you would not really want to go alone, Margy.

I have never been kayaking, Sunny, and it has been many years since I have been in a canoe.

sunny said...

Margie, it is an interesting place. We went there when we were very new to kayaking, and i was terrified because of the tree trunks. I thought I would run into one and tip over. We always say Osprey there, and that was one of the highlights!

paula eagleholic said...

On the outdoor channel page

Fri, Mar 26 2010 1930EDT - We apologize. The connection to the live feed has been disrupted. We're attempting to restore connection. Please try again later. Thank you.

stronghunter said...

Since I have Flash here with me, I have already enjoyed the crisp morning air. It was still dark then. I had to get up myself about 6:00, which meant I had to feed the cat, which meant I had to let the dog out.

Flash has been busy this morning. He already got into the litter box. I won't say any more about that.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, and from my email

Argh! Thanks, Paula

Sorry for the problems. I’ve notified the NCTC guys. Keep checking.


Outdoor Channel

magpie said...

Thanks Paula...

hope the day at your Mom's is a good one

bet there will be flowers a'poppin out

Two eggs at Wilminton this morning ☺

stronghunter said...

They do seem to respond quickly, Paula. I am sure it is not easy to maintain images coming from so many places.

sunny said...

Shirley, you should try kayaking! I think it's a lot more fun than canoeing. Where do you live? I'm in H-town, MD

stronghunter said...

Also not easy to maintain cameras in tall trees. . . with spiders crawling on them.

magpie said...

Sunny -
The only time I was IN the lake was early spring, think I saw Tundra Swans flying over over but didn't know what they were, then...
it's nice to hear about kayaking here, Deb would talk of it often

sunny said...

Good morning, Paula!

magpie said...

glad you are feeling better Shirley

Sunny, I sent you an email...
with a little more information about the lake

stronghunter said...

Fredericksburg, Va. I have a friend who does sea kayaking, although I haven't talked with her for some time. She is more adventurous than I am, also has more time, since she isn't working full time anymore.

magpie said...

there are lots of Spring warblers there too, but once the leaves start coming out, impossible to see them ! hard enough to, without the leaves

sunny said...

I have a very good friend in Fredericksburg! We came down a couple of years ago and kayaked on Lake Anna with a geocaching group. I would love to see more of Lake Anna. Working full time definitely puts a damper on the "fun" life, doesn't it?

magpie said...

time to start finishing what I started last evening

Thinking of all of you,

magpie said...

first bald eagle I ever saw was in Fredericksburg, Shirley ☺

magpie said...

my dad's name is/was Frederick, and also a brother, so any city name that includes that has a special spot in my heart ♥

stronghunter said...

Sleepy Creek Lake

stronghunter said...

Picture of the lake shows your spooky fog, Sunny. I guess the fishing's good there, too.

stronghunter said...

Nice pics, Wanda. I hope GG is better today.

paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya'll later!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning in Eagleland. I see by the still cam our Little growing Palmer is being fed.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Thelma ( : How are things your way?

wvgal_dana said...

Margy if you want to take a ride to Sleepy Creek before the leaves come in. Let me know I will ride along with you. There are suppose to be two families of Osprey. Now this news of an eagle. I'm ready to ride with you!!!

T-Bird said...

Good my way Dana. How bout you? Looks like a sunny day. Not sure about the temp, still a little chilly.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Please understand that millions of West Virginian's suffer from a rare blood disease that causes them to bleed the colors gold and blue. We are not looking for a cure, only a National Title. .......Repost if you are also afflicted.... GO EERS!!

sunny said...

Where are BW E'lets? Are they covered up with grass? They're too big to be hiding under Mama.

sunny said...

Never mind, they're starting to emerge.

hedgie said...

Good morning to all Momsters and Dadsters! Contrary to what my dear friend Margy says about a spring was only 27 degrees when I got up at 8.....LOL, not spring to me!!!
Thanks for nice video, Peggy Jean, and welcome. Where do you hail from?
Love Moonlight Sonata!

Did You is Earth Hour 2010 day. Everyone is encouraged to turn off all unnecessary lights from 8:30pm-9:30pm for en ergy conservation.

wvgal_dana said...

Thelma I had a partly good day yesterday. Then I just fell to pieces. I know that is in a song. I just was so lonely for Ed my heart ached and the tears just rolled. Took awhile and pulled it back together.

Today I think I am headed out side. Going to check out a lawn mower grrrr

hedgie said...

Shirley, thanks for refreshing my memory on Sleepy Creek Lake. Iam not a fishing person, but lnow many who are who have gotten somwe of those trophy fish. I remember when they drained the lake in '82.
Our most recent situations were a serious 2 man rescue operation during one of the snow storms this winter, and the closing of the shooting range last year due to stray bullets causing concern.

hedgie said...

Darling baby animals coming up on CBS!!

T-Bird said...

Dana, thanks for sharing that. Pain shared is pain lessoned. Love You

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Hedgie-Lynn.

Yes they did close the shooting range but it has been re-opened.

So most people not from around here know. Sleepy Creek is an area for fishing, hunting, and camping. There is NO ELECTRIC and NOTHING MODERN. It is ALL BACK TO NATURE THERE.

hedgie said...

DANA.....I have a lawn mower for sale! Brand new two yrs. ago---only used ONCE!! It's electric. Very easy to use in an area like yours!!

wvgal_dana said...

I look at the link to the picture that was put up. Very nice looking. Although vision this: a lake like you seen in the link but with all size stumps sticking out of of the water. In some area very close together and some short some higher than others. Where the dam is you can walk across it is a grassy area. Behind the dam is a stream. That is where the beaver dam is. That is where one year, I think it was 83 I found the biggest mushroom (not ateable) ever found. Science teacher from Martinsburg High help me put it in a fish tank in flamailihide (spelling can't find in dictionaary).

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Thelma that comment truly helps ( :

hedgie said...

Dana, range re-opened only partly---can't remember for sure to what kind of gun/ammo----maybe only shotgun? Don't recall specifics. Still no high-velocity.
Glad you're doing better today, Dana.

hedgie said...

Dana, how long did the mushroom keep in formaldehyde?

wvgal_dana said...

I'll keep that in mind Hedgie-Lynn. Not sure of electric I'd probably keep running over the cord. Who knows that just might be the mower for me.

wvgal_dana said...

It kept for years it was sometime in the 90's I gave it to a teacher at High School.

wvgal_dana said...

I found the pictures of the baby fox. I might find the one of the mushroom too. In going through things. I want to scan pics of fox and make a blog for her.

magpie said...

Nice feeding going on our nest, brunch.

Saw the large fish middle of nest come in shortly after 0900 just missed getting a pic of Liberty bringing it in
put pic on Magpie's Roost Link might have to double click to see it bigger...

demolished the check book have to follow through and mail some bills

Good Day everyone xo
Cares and Prayers

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Today will be grocery day. Nothing exciting.

Cam is down for me. Moving day for Noah.

Wishing a lovely Spring day for everyone -- lots of sunshine and fresh air.

BEagle said...

It appears that one of the TH eggs is hatching through!

Is 81 the male and 82 female?

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning All! As long as I can say good morning, believe me that makes it good!
Sleepy Creek Lake sounds like a 'must see' but I don't do Kayaks but I sure would love to walk over the dam! Dana & Sunny your description sounds great. I may just need to go for pictures!

Greencashew ! It's an honor to us to have you visit and for bringing us your video! Can't thank you enough Peggy Jean. Please come back often

stronghunter said...

Hi, Sorry I had to disappear for awhile. It is a beautiful sunny day here, too. But, the last time I was out, it was really cold. I am going to have to disappear again for awhile. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Beagle - 81 is the dad

Mema Jo said...

May have already been mentioned but:
Now we have two hatchlings in the nest at Fort St. Vrain

BEagle said...

Apologies for not saying Good Morning yet!


Thanks Mema Jo. I'm coming up with a zillion questions.

Over and over I wonder why the eggs on the TH nest look so big in comparison to the parents.

Palmer's egg looked so small comparatively. Are Lib and Belle bigger than 81 and 82? The later look like teenagers in comparison or is it just the way the cameras are?

hedgie said...

Hi, Judie and Jo!
Noah is still just sitting in his nest.....wonder if he knows his whole world is going to change today? Poor eaglet. Who will help keep him warm? Who will he talk to? Sorry---just doesn't seem right to me, IMHO.

hedgie said...

Hmmmm.....Noah cam is frozen at 10:11!!! They must have turned it off for the transfer.

hedgie said...

Beagle, it's just the cam perspective, lighting and deepness of the egg cup of each location that distorts sizes and shapes. Birds are all very similar in size, as are the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Beagle - it is probably the camera range.

Morning Hedgie - Judie
I think I was to late to catch everyone else this morning.

I am looking at the Maple out back with all those new buds ready to burst.
Dogwoods in my yard sure aren't ready yet.

BEagle said...

Thanks Hedgie and Mema Jo.

The clip I saw at the Fort St. Vrain looks closer to the images at our nest.

It sure will be nice when our cam is up and running again!

Mema Jo said...

Noah - Now you can see the hack tower. Don't worry. You'll be able to see Noah tomorrow about noon. (that means today)

Costume Lady said...

I've been reading over this morning's comments and it seems there is a LOT of interest in Sleepy Creek. I think I offered a Road Trip yesterday to anyone who is interested. Let me know some dates. NOT APRIL 5...going to Dulles to pick up some friends from Spain.

Costume Lady said...

I was finally was able to view the video that Greencashew/Peggy Jean
posted and have a question:
Why is her video running so smoothly and our view is on and off
every few sesconds? Anyone know?

Mema Jo said...

Here's a kicker - hope she qualifies
Pelosi turns 70, calls health bill 'a gift'

Well if I wish to go do something today out there in the sunshine I best get the street clothes!


Mits said...

Noah is at the hack tower now.

hedgie said...

Oh, PELOSI, Jo!!!

Bright sun on the hack tower...and Noah.

hedgie said...

Guess they have discontinued the enclosure cam.

Mema Jo said...

Here's Noah

Mits just shot me an email - they were right on the clock of 12:00 noon

BEagle said...

I can only get the pop up cam.
I get nothing on the live feed.

Went to the TH to see the hatching there. Trying to check their blog. Troll. Yech.

What a day!

Mema Jo said...

The Live Feed is being adjusted by Outdoor.. Small comment below the black Cam.........
When you watch the Still Cam you can
always hit F5 to refresh sooner then the cam automatically does.


BEagle said...

Thanks for the up-date Mema Jo. I didn't read the small print before.
The F5 is a great find. Thanks.

I wouldn't go to the TH nest until they clean up the doo-doo.

Mema Jo said...

lol You are too funny about the doo-doo. Only the rains would wash it away! Poop Shoots are great events of nature! Especially when you will see the little ones back it up to the edge of a nesting area just like they are potty trained.

I really will BBL

hedgie said...

West End nest is having severe technical difficulties.

BEagle said...

Eagerly awaiting the potty training sessions.

BBL also.

PS: TH site is all clear once again.

sunny said...

BEagle, you should have been here when we first got live video, and we all got to see our first poop shot. We were all just so tickled pink! We are very easily amused around here............

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Fellow Eagle Lovers!

Dropping in quickly to wish you all a wonderful Saturday! It is blowing like a hurricane here in SoCal--Santa Ana winds. Must be at least 50-60 mph! Gonna be fun (?) to clean up.

Glad you're feeling better, Shirley!
Certainly hope the new prescription helps.

Dana, hope you're feeling better today--know how that is. Tears are really very healing. Cry when you feel like it. Holding all that in is rougher on you! Hope it's sunny back there where you are today. If you can, get outside for a while. Maybe take Little Man with you. It'll do both of you good. You're in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS)) :o]

Need to get going. Hubby wants to go to the movies, and I need to shower and do some hair and makeup damage control. Hope, also, to have a good talk with Hubby about getting a pet. THAT ought to be quite a conversation!
He doesn't really want one yet, but I miss our dog Molly SO very much, it's painful! Get tired of talking to houseplants, and daytime TV rots the mind. Pls. say some prayers. Thanks!
Will BBL. :o]

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you, Andy. I am sitting here with George by my side. It is soothing to pat him and hear him purr. I have had dogs over the years and loved them, too.

Lovely feeding scene at our nest. got a pic.

stronghunter said...

Added a few Palmer pics to my blog.

stronghunter said...

Need to go get dressed and take my buddy Flash for a walk. He needs some attention from Grandma.

stronghunter said...

Don't you think Palmer poses beautifully?

movin said...


Good MorninG,





stronghunter said...

Hi, Jim!

movin said...

I was up earlier, too early considering when I got to sleep, but I took a Panda nap until just a few ago.

I did see that the first egg at TH has apparently hatched though. Are you all following that??

Also there are a couple of new reports of eagle doings on the Islands posted.



Mema Jo said...

I have been to the great out-of-doors and now I am back!
Looks like there is a heart to heart
chat going on at our nest.

Live cam still being worked on by Outdoor.

I can see Noah snoozing in the sunshine in the Hack tower.

movin said...

Hi, Shirley, Mema Jo. C(°ٿ°)D


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim & Shirley
I was reading and looking at pics for the Island nests. I was hoping to see into the nest at TH... I think a raven was giving them some concern.

The fresh air has made me think of a cat nap........

movin said...

Here's a GIF of the new TH chick in perpetual motion ... with a LARGE piece of the shell still stuck to it.

Shell Game

You'll have to scroll down maybe 3/4 of the page.



Mema Jo said...

Thanks so much Jim I got it!

movin said...

I think the older chick at BWE is starting to show some pin feathers. What do you think?



magpie said...

I see Noah in his new little home, bless his heart...what a noble bird, named after a noble soldier ♥

Yay for Two Harbors...nice video link Jim thanks

magpie said...

can someone tell me which Eagle parent is in our nest now
pls and thanks

movin said...

I hate the desert wind "Santa Ana" condition. But that's what we developed today anyway.

It was really blowing down everything out there for a while this morning.

My sinuses will be in rebellion for several days. Never noticed that part of it though until I quit smoking.



magpie said...

I am very interested in checking out Sleepy Creek Lake...
guess we can toss around some dates, a weekday would work better for me

that road won't be much fun....
but the reward could be well worth it

magpie said...

saw your note of congratulations on the Raptor Cam for Ft. St. Vrain...☺ and they gave you a sparkly purple thank you ☺

magpie said...

can't find my energy might look for it under the covers...
xo ttfn Eagle Pals...

BEagle said...

No one's posting at the moment. Everyone napping?

Palmer is airing. Soaking up the sunshine and fresh air. I think there's supper on the agenda.

Where are the pandas?

BEagle said...

Palmer stretching up for that food.

hedgie said... you want links to the Panda Cams?? Or were you still referring to the nappers??

Jim, nice video clipp from TH. Hope the winds die down for you.

I agree about the pinfeathers at BWE.
Still VERY little efforts at BWO.

BEagle said...

Yes. Panda links welcome. What are Panda naps?

BEagle said...

Supper's over. You can imagine a little "birdie burp!" : )

hedgie said...

Pandas take lots of naps, so whenever one of us takes a nap we call it a panda nap. Give me a minute and I'll post some links for you, BEagle.

hedgie said...

Atlanta Panda cam (offline on weekends):

Atlanta Pandas

National Zoo pandas:

Nat'l Zoo Pandas

San Diego Zoo Pandas:

San Diego Pandas

hedgie said...

New thread up....come on over! Read Steve's post!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 357 of 357   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...