Friday, March 19, 2010


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

I don't hear any sound on the cam..
They wouldn't dare have taken that from us - now would they?

Mema Jo said...

Natalie has my prayers
Insulin should be able to control those sugar levels I hope.
Prayers for Brian also!
Thanks for keeping us updated, Lolly

hedgie said...

Gee, come you get two flyovers??? Lucky!!
I saw it just fine. Jo, maybe you DID see it!
Welcome, Irene. Where do you hale from?

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - did Jen stay home from the dance?

Mema Jo said...

Don't know why our eagle won't tuck the head under the wing and get some shut eye. I know this is a guess because Belle is on the nest for the night shift BUT that looks like Lib.
Just going by the length.
Seems to be distracted this evening..
And I can't hear a thing!

paula eagleholic said...

I got an email from outdoor channel, they are working on it.

Tell me what browser you are using.

I don't have sound either

stronghunter said...

Hi, I just logged on. I have no sound here. I am using Firefox.

Lolly said...

From OK...

19 March: Most pairs of Bald Eagles in Oklahoma laid eggs much earlier in the winter than this pair. Oklahoma's eagles frequently contend with cold snaps and snow during incubation, so the weather expected this weekend will not be unprecedented for them to cope with, and we hope all will be well with them, although there is no guarantee.

Lolly said...

No sound, Shirley! Join me in crying....loudly! Maybe they turned it off after we complained of gun shots last night.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, prayers for Natalie and Brian. I am not up to date on all of the details, but they have my best wishes.

Lolly said...

Spidy is already moving about. Gross!

stronghunter said...

Well, spidey just took a turn around the camera.

paula eagleholic said...

Did anyone have to hit the play button?

Lolly said...

Shirley, she had a double mastectomy two days ago. Not healing well at all. Found no more cancer and did reconstruction.

stronghunter said...

I don't think I hit the play button at all. It just came on.

Mema Jo said...

I think that Spidey aka Boris is coming alive....

Lolly said...

I have had to hit the play button several times. First time it ran for 45 minutes, second time had trouble getting it going, but eventually did. Has been running 30 min. now.

Mema Jo said...

FYI - I am being 'lucky' at solitaire.

paula eagleholic said...

OUtdoor wanted to know how it's working...I told them seems to come up OK, but no sound. They have changed the player on the website to get the cam up while they work on the problem, that may be why we don't have sound. We'll see what he says.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lolly, are you using IE

paula eagleholic said...

and what version

paula eagleholic said...

I would rather have no sound than no live feed at this point

Mema Jo said...

I am on IE - I did hit the play button 1 time

I am up to 47:14 min

I have not needed to refresh..

I have NO sound.....

Lolly said...

Was watching Belle earlier mess with moving fluff around and I was looking closely at the egg. I think we will not see much when it gets a pip. You just can see the egg very well.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, kinda looks like Lib from this angle, too.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I am on IE 8

hedgie said...

No, Jo. Jenn didn't go to school or dance. She has a black eye now. Front tooth is still a bit loose.....

Judie said...

Hey Bob, best of luck and wishes for speedy healing. Please do check in and let us know how the surgery went. We care!

Prayers for Natalie's quick healing.

Lolly said...

Paula, using IE. Do not know the version, you told me once where to look. Forgot! Where do I look?

Mema Jo said...

Maybe if it is Lib that is why he is acting so antsy waiting for the night shift to take over! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lolly Click on Help
Click on About IE
And there should be your answer

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo

Lolly said...

Thank you! It is IE 8.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just told me how to find it!

paula eagleholic said...

I had a great early evening! Went to get pantyhose at the Hanes/Leggs store, and thought I'd drop into Dressbarn and take a look around while I was there...well, I walked out with 4-5 outfits! Sometimes that place is hit or miss, this time was a big hit!

I don't think I've bought much in the last 2 years, so this made up for it!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lolly!

paula eagleholic said...

Up and staring at the egg.

paula eagleholic said...

Daggone are they digging that cup deep! Can't see the egg now!

paula eagleholic said...

Man, what a wiggle!

Judie said...

Goodnight everyone.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in.

Lolly said...

Watching Hope. She is right in front of the cam...had her eyes open looking at the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Aww she's sooo cute!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Paula, enjoy your new outfits!

Mema Jo said...

I love it when you can find more then one item when you're shopping! Yes, you're right - You deserved all that new stuff!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Kids, I'm home!
Put on Still cam & see a shining eagle eye. Someone not sleepy.
We got carry-out dinner at a seafood place. Fried oysters--yum, yum!
Tried to get Lily, but no go. Clearing temp. int. to see if their new set up will work.

Lolly said...

Oh, that Hope is just too precious! I wanna cuddle her!

NatureNut said...

Lolly, healing wishes and prayers for Natalie & Brian. That's a tough surgery & I assume complicated by high sugar.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Loretta! Appreciate all prayers.

NatureNut said...

WOW!!!Got bear cam up & I guess that must be BIG baby on camera. Haven't seen them for a couple weeks!

Lolly said...

Glad you got it up. Yes, Hope has really grown. Still wobbly on her legs, though.

Lolly said...

Hope seems to be having trouble sleeping. Lily is sound asleep, Hope has been wiggling all over the place. lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. I am at Sissy's. We had a wonderful impromptu birthday party at Dairy Queen. 24 people there, we had a blast!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds great, Sharon!

No other response from outdoor channel about the sound.

hedgie said...

Woo-hoo, Paula!!! You done good, gal! We haven't had a Hanes store here for many years. I always order online. can have all the oysters! Yuck!

Lolly, prayers continue for Natalie. Is she diabetic? Or is the elevated glucise just a result of the surgical insult?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon! Glad you helped Bev enjoy her birthday and I hope you are feeling a little better!
Did you all eat the hotdogs?????

Mema Jo said...

I had to refresh Live Feed at the 60:00
I now have the 'ringy thingy'
I'll let you know how I make out...

Lolly said...

Lynn, she is not diabetic, that I know of.

Oh, my, Hope finally wiggled free from the position she was in on her back and is now having dinner. What a ractket!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Up/running again

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well eagle friends, I am calling it a day! It has been a great day. We had 24 people at the DQ this evening! They didn't know what to think of us! What a great day this has been! Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes and beautiful cards! Love and hugs!!

paula eagleholic said...

Is that her whining?

Lolly said...

Hope is making a lot of noise. And they call that bear cub purring? Momma milk must be really good!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, never heard that before!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a bumpy wheel or something, can't really describe it, snoring sorta maybe?

paula eagleholic said...

And Lily sleeps thru all that racket!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Sissy! ((hugs)) ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Total silence, Hope must have OD'd on all that milk, LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hope sounds like somebody is trying to start a car.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to read for a while.

Nite all! See you all tomorrow. Think the weather will keep me indoors.

paula eagleholic said...

That's it, Sharon! Thank You!

There she goes again!

Mema Jo said...

Sure wish we would hear from Lynne and know how her day went with the little stray dog.

stronghunter said...

Falling asleep. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Night Shirley! I'm not far behind!

paula eagleholic said...

Update from Outdoor Channel about the sound at our cam...

Yes, I noticed that the sound, today, was not working, even before we reverted to an older version of the player. So, I think the issue is at the source. I’ve asked the NCTC guys to check it out, but I don’t know when they’ll get my message. I’ll let you know. Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Hunter must have shot the mic out, lol

NatureNut said...

Well eyelids want to close & I want to see TV at 11!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

PA Nana said...

Egg roll. Wiggle, wiggle.
No sound here either.

Mema Jo said...

Live feed hit the 60:00 but is continuing on its own.

I am heading back my hallway..
Good night and prayers for everyone

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone. Prayers around for those in need or want.

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. Rejoice!


hedgie said...

Well, if Outdoor didn't get to NCTC gurus before 5, chances are there won't be any remedy on this end until at least
Hope Paula is tight about hatching being later rather than sooner.

Good night to all you sweet eagle dudettes and dudes. So glad that those celebrating the day had fun. Prayers for all in need. And a "miss you" to those who haven't checked in. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay!

Spring arrives tomorrow!!!!

Hugs to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

I finally got the timer going on the nest cam and the dreaded arrows are gone...still no sound:(


Friday night at GG's photos on JUST FOR FUN.

magpie said...

Well, I had just a fun tour through Just for Fun ☺

thanks Wanda...

Hello any night owls still around...

glad to read that a few of you saw ISS this evening....I had to miss it

magpie said...

I could get my oatmeal creme pies out and set up shop watching the nest but I think I will drink a lot of water and cruise by the cam when I wake up through the night

It does not exactly look like Belle or is it Belle is sleeping, but looks restful either way
oh eyes are open now and glowing

magpie said...

and now the egg is view because the EAgle is standing up

magpie said...

I'm going to have to unblog and switch to live feed to go full screen

magpie said...

well eagle is back down roosting but not sleeping - yet

magpie said...

closing up shop soon here soon, and Boris has just made an unwelcome appearance :(

magpie said...

Well, Boris is not going away.
Guess it is time to hit the sack.

Saturday is not only the first day of Spring, but it is
National Agriculture Day
(learned that from an article in newspaper by the WVU Extension Service...
so Megan
Happy National Agriculture Day to You ! ☺

Good Night Precious Pals...hope all are sleeping sweetly
God Bless Us, Every One
xox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

these blog numbers are something else !! once it said there 684 comments on here

Costume Lady said...

Wonder of wonders, I have a working live feed, no sound though.
Belle is wide awake and looking all around, but haven't seen eggbert yet.

floralgirl said...

Just had an egg roll....
45° here this morning.

Costume Lady said...

Good morning, Megan. We're going to have a beautiful day for gardening, today:) How's you seeding going?

floralgirl said...

Going great, Wanda, this week of sunshine is really making the seeds sprout.

Costume Lady said...

I hope that this is a good year for gardening. Last year was not a good one for us. Garden veggies did not do well at all. Flowers didn't flouish either. GG's garden did very well...her soil is excellent.

Costume Lady said...

This body needs coffee:)

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s
Hope it is as great as the weather here in West Virginia.

continued prayers as you ask for Natalie Lolly

Headed out to Berkeley Springs to spend some time with James, I hope to set up my $5 Goodwill Croquet set today ☺

Look for a good ISS view tonight hereabouts and watch for Growing Moon and Pleaides in the West/Southwest after sunset, they will be real close together

Best wishes for a really nice day for everyone, especially Liberty and Belle

xo ☺ ♥

Lynne2 said...

GOOD BEAUTIFUL DAY EVERYONE! Getting ready to run my errand so I can get outside!

Well, the dog is at Animal Control. They picked her up around noon. I gave her some breakfast and we took a nice walk in the sunshine, and she played and rolled in the grass!

The local cocker rescue group that I had contacted called about 2 hours later. However, the Office told me that I can reclaim her on Wednesday. OR, I can tell them I want to reclaim her if she is not adopted and her time is up. At that point the rescue can step in, and I have offered to foster her in that case until a permanent home can be found. They will take care of any medical expense costs. So, hopefully it will all work out. She is SO lovable and sweet! But she is very afraid at first so it didn't go so well when the Officer wanted to scan for a microchip. But she was patient and very nice! Still, it was very hard to see her go as scared as she was.

The bluebirds were investigating the new bluebird house yesterday but later in the day a pair of robins kept chasing them off. The robins won't use the house to nest in, but I suspect they want to build a nest in the apple tree right there and don't want the bluebirds around. I'm going to put up the other BB house today around in the back.

Last night we hear a fox screaming across the street so we went out with a flashlight. We saw him! And the stray cat that has been hanging around ran from that side of the street into our field and I wonder if they were having words!

I haven't caught up on the blog all the way yet but glad the cam is finally working! Hope nothing goes wrong in these next few exciting days!

I'm off to dress and run some errands so I can get back and PLANT and do some more work outside! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

Costume Lady said...

It's going to be a beautiful day to spend with James, Margy...enjoy!

Costume Lady said...

Still chilly here, but that will change in a few hours:)

Lynne2 said...

oh, Happy National Agriculture Day Megan!

Lynne2 said...

one last of the babies at BW is laying on his side passed out....must have a really full belly!

paula eagleholic said...

Just a note - the sound is not working on our cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Outdoor Channel is aware and sent NCTC a note

Lynne2 said...

put pic on my blog

Costume Lady said...

Chick looks really well fed:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynne what happened with the stray you found?

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at BWO

BWE Update

We've updated the Eagle Cam Gallery with new photos of our two eaglets. Thanks to all those who sent in images

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Heading to Beckley for the Social Studies Fair, then in the afternoon heading to Huntington. Gonna be a long but great day! If by chance we get Palmer today, would somebody please call me?

Costume Lady said...

You Betcha, Sharon:) Have a great day!

Costume Lady said...

There is a restaurant downtown Huntington (In the Holiday Inn) that has a huge "volcano" and it erupts every half hour. Awesome. I had a cocktail there called Cleopatra's Asp:)
Food was great...that was many years ago, don't know if it is still there or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just arrived with fresh fluff!!

floralgirl said...

both in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - read up a couple of posts, Lynne posted about the dog

time for Belle to get a break! Off she goes, lovely wing flaps!

paula eagleholic said...

Wiggle wiggle, Lib's turn

Costume Lady said...

I've been thinking of Lolly's report on Natalie...can't get that off my mind. Not only has she lost part of her body, now she is having added complications.
Take a moment to say an EXTRA prayer for her today.

paula eagleholic said...

the problem with no sound is that you have to constantly watch!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Paula...I get so far behind that I never get caught up.

floralgirl said...

Live feed here stops every few seconds, then runs real fast thru several seconds, then stops again. I hope it gets fixed soon. Seems so weird without sound too, after having it.
I should be outside anyway... have a great day everybody! It is already beautiful outside here:)

Costume Lady said...

Well, Lynne, it sounds like a win-win situation for the dog. What a sweet lady you are!

grannyblt said...

There is a new thread up

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, if you are still around, the Capt. says the restaurant is called "The Pompeii Room".

normabyrd said...

WHOA MEGAN!---Yesterday at the W/CTR a young photographer came in to take our pic---what a HUNK!--WANTED TO TACKLE HIM!!!---what kind of vitamins do I need??--old women can't tackle young men?--It's not proper!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Harrisburg falcons have their first egg!

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 325 of 325   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...