Friday, March 12, 2010


Rainy Day thread.  Looks like several more days of rain coming through.


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normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I truly understand what we all go through when time comes to taking care of our parents-----My story is the complete opposite...My BEAUTIFUL MOTHER died in her 40s---I was in my 20s married with a young daughter!!!---I THOUGHT MY WORLD had ended!!---It took YEARS!---but now when my friends' parents began to get older & needed help----I decided that we must do the best we can & give thanks for the time we shared together!!! (hope this makes sense)!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, I just saw a picture of that penguin somewhere....just can't remember where at the moment because my poor brain is on BIRD OVERLOAD!

Lynn, you've go mail!

Norma and Lynn, I got my magazine yesterday! Thank you both so much!!

normabyrd said...

RAIN ALL DAY IN WV!--temp 47° expecting flooding & wet!!----Pray the little 'fuzz-balls' stay dry!

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, how bout those EEEEERRRRS!
I didn't know they were playing last night, but after I went to bed, Gene discovered they were playing and watched...told me of the last minute NERVE BLASTER!
I will surely watch the game tonight! At which college does our Judie teach? Is it Georgetown or George Mason? Too many Georges in our lives:)
THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and prayers for me and GG. It REALLY means so much. These have been difficult days for GG and I have to admit, I'm beginning to wear down. It gives a twinge to my heart to have my Mother depend on me to take care of most of her needs, after she has cared for ME for so many years. With your prayers, I will never let her down and a Nursing Home is completely out of the question! If she should need round the clock meds, IVs, etc., then I would reconsider.
Last evening was a joy. The whole family was there, including GG's new best friend, Jayden. She feed him his whole bottle and remembered to burp him and even heard him burp...she doesn't hear much these days.
Capt. Gene fried Whiting fish fillets and made a pot of crab soup. He made a pan of cornbread and GG thought it was Gingerbread...didn't taste right did it Mom? LOL She ate 4 fillets and a big bowl of soup! Told Gene that was the best fish she has ever eaten:) Made him feel good:)

Lolly said...



Lynne2 said...

wow Norma, so sad to have lost your mom at such a young age. I lost mine in my 40s as well, but not because she died...and that's a whole other sad ugly story.

UGH, can't get a picture on our cam. Maybe the wind?

Maybe Brother Cat got BLOWN onto the roof this morning!! LOL!

normabyrd said...

Did you folks read about the 'ANIMAL FATALLY MAULED TEACHER IN ALASKA'!---(autopsy; guessing she was mauled by WOLVES in the area!!-----WHOA!--Can not imagine how very terrible that would be??!!! (this was on my computer
this am)-------

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and your friends, Norma.

I am going to go back upstairs for awhile. Just want to rest some more this morning.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...