Monday, October 06, 2008


New week thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello the 2 Maryland sisters and Paula!

MITS said...

a BIG HELLO to you, Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yall could be a singing group!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Like the Sego Brothers and Naomi!

MITS said...


MITS said...

problem is I can't sing...when I was in high school and my sisters had went to the same school before me....both had made the Glee Club and the Acapella choir.....when I tried out the nun looked at me, thought she was going to cry....and said, "what happened to you, are you sure you are related to your sisters", if I had a cane back then would have smacked her....

MITS said...

and would have promptly been expelled:)

ceil said...

I'm confused to Paula. LOL
Hey Sharon. You know how in Church they ask you to sign. They ask me not too. Only kidding.

ceil said...

Helen she finally let me in.

MITS said...

well the witch did not like me...she suffered from migraines...think I was one of teacher also made me sit in the back of the room...didn't like my work...said I could not even make a decent stick person:), so she said just sit there be quiet, and I will pass you....oh, sewing teach was exasperated with me too, but that is another story

ceil said...

Sister Clarissa took me out of her class and put me in study hall with Sister Beatrice.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey where did all the turkeys go? Scaredy cats!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey where did all the turkeys go? Scaredy cats!

MITS said...

hmmm Sr. Beatrice liked me...never knew I was the one who pinned "kick me" on the back of her habit:)

MITS said...

now that is a song..."WHERE DID ALL THE TUKEYS GO....LALALALA"

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, I can't sing either...Glad Ceil can...she can carry us :)

MITS said...

I can carry a tune, but I cannot "TUNA FISH"....need some food , have not eaten yet today....been working on this puter

MITS said...

can't seem to get Atlanta panda cam up...

paula eagleholic said...

2 deer at the salt lick

Back to our current programming...squirrels....

Nope Deer....

3 of 'em

paula eagleholic said...

Squirrels, Deer, Squirrels, deer

paula eagleholic said...

My brother (Who lives w/ my Mom)had to laugh the other day...they have a bunch of deer that come up into the yard...they live on a dead end, with woods at the end of the street.

The deer were looking in the family room window...I think they were wondering "What happened to the old lady?" :)

MITS said...

aww, they miss her.

magpie said...

I think the PIX PA cam does a little bit of rewinding, have noticed that before, waiting to get a pic, then it changes, then the same pose shows up...

But it does not happen all the time.

Just enough to make us go crazy !

paula eagleholic said...

I told my Mom that..gave her a good laugh. They do look in the windows a lot!

paula eagleholic said...

Magpie, they all look different to me!

MITS said...

my Pa is fine...don't see any re-winding going on just the change from the salt lick to the field

MITS said...

little doe is there now...can see its spots

magpie said...

Off to see the Grandson...
You all have fun with all the animals and birds!
And Bloggers!

ISS Berkeley County, WV
rises and transits starting from 7:34 to 7:37 pm, from the NNW, 33-degrees, should be bright...but rises kinda low.


paula eagleholic said...

Remember Lil Smokey?

paula eagleholic said...

Later, Gators!

MITS said...

good for Little Smokey...ttyl, Paula

hedgie said...

For the first time EVER, I just heard a Pileated Woodpecker vocalizing!! Neat sound.

deb said...

Great blue at BWO!!

MITS said...

cool, Deb, they have been known to visit:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have a rather loud blue jay vocalizing out here as we speak!

deb said...

I was surprised at first, but knew from Bob's pictures they are plentiful at BWO.

MITS said...

it is eating leftovers....darn, Paula just left....but I know we are sending her the pics, Deb

deb said...

Yep, I just sent out a bunch!

MITS said...

so funny to see that big bird on the platform

deb said...

Turkey party at PA.

MITS said...

what a special treat to see that beautiful bird:)

deb said...

It is fun to watch it, isn't it.

MITS said...

I think he likes what he sees in the lens:)

MITS said...

oh oh...looking up..wonder is someone is coming?

deb said...

The rain is really coming down here.

MITS said...

if he gets any closer, he is going to be on the cam

Costume Lady said...

That is a spectacular sight...the Heron in the BWO nest...glad I got to see it live.

ceil said...

Note that there are technical difficulties with the Atlanta cam. It is under the cam picture. They are working on it.

MITS said...

thanks, Ceil, they didn't have it posted when I looked:)

MITS said...

Isn't it neat, Wanda..he is preening now

Costume Lady said...

Oh, look who's here now!

deb said...

Just like that, heron gone and eagle there.

Red said...

Eagle at BWO now.

MITS said...

I'll be darn..make way for Mr.Eagle:)

Costume Lady said...

Alright now, Didn't I just see an eagle in the BWO nest??

MITS said...

yes, Wanda, it is still there.

deb said...

Yes, Wanda, it is still there on my cam picture.

MITS said...

2 eagles there now!!!!!!!!!!!

deb said...

Now two eagles at BWO.

Red said...

Gosh, I'm hungry. Just made a big salad and I'm ready to eat. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices, brocolli spears, green pepper chunks, onions, mushrooms,radish slices. YUM! Sure wish Mrs Red would get home. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I know where your turkeys are!!! ( :

MITS said...

and is there a nice juicy steak going along that salad, RED?

Red said...

Pork roast.

MITS said...

mmmm, yum, great fall dish:)

MITS said...

groundhog back at Pix

ceil said...

Red, we had pork roast, potatoes, apple sauce and sauerkraut for dinner.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I haven't had dinner. Will anybody invite me to your house?

Red said...

Sounds good Ceil. Not many foods that I don't like except cooked carrots. I overdosed on them when I was in high school and never liked them since.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula thank you for Lil Smokeys update. Boy he'll be a happy cub when he is older to be realesed.

Red said...

It's a long drive Sharon and I don't think I could wait. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks anyway, Red!

MITS said...

Marie callendar is here and she is going to fix chicken pot pie.....didn't have time to run to the store today:)

MITS said...

eagles still at BWO....female eating, male still watching her

wvgal_dana said...

Red did you and wife go on any outings this past weekend?

MITS said...

deer at salt-lick

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love Marie Callendar's chicken pot pie.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But I don't have any. Maybe my sister will cook me something.

MITS said...

ok, male is getting some leftovers:)

Costume Lady said...

Each time I go back to BWO, the Heron is there now??

MITS said...

sorry, Sharon....:(

Red said...

Dana, Yes! Went out on the back porch and watched hummers. lol
Actually went to a movie Saturday night. Can't go too far when University of Alabama is playing football and NASCAR race on Sunday.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Red, congrats on Alabama win!

MITS said...

Wanda, have you hit refresh?

Red said...

They won Wanda but sure didn't look as good and the last few.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If he would move up an inch, I would know if that was a beaver. I know beavers!

Red said...

AS the last few.

wvgal_dana said...

Our friend in Maryland loves NASCAR Red.

Red said...

I'm thinking beaver too Sharon. Tail looks flat.

Costume Lady said...

MARIE CALLENDAR is great! I think we discussed her once before. We ate a lot of her dinners on our cross-country trip. Never stopped at one of her restaurants. Maybe next time. Costume Convention is in Las Vegas again next March. If price of gas goes down to $1.50 a gal. maybe we will go. LOL

MITS said...

yes, you do, Sharon:)

MITS said...

turkeys are back....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, that ain't beavers, that is for sure. That is Tom and all his buddies!

MITS said...

yes, we have talked about her before....:)I know I should not eat them, but it is an occasional thing...soo much sodium

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am confused!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You say "sooo much sodium" like that is a bad thing! :)

MITS said...

good golly Miss Molly, they sure want to be up close to the cam:)

Mema Jo said...

HEY HO!! AWOL GAL Has Returned!

Those Gobble Gobbles are sooooo
big & soooooooo close to the cam.

MITS said...

Sharon...I sent you a pic in an email of the little bugger....maybe you are confused with where you read it?

MITS said...

well I love it...but know that I should limit it...I like salt better than sweet:)

ceil said...

Oh good. I'm not the only one confused, Sharon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, I am confused with the little feller's pic popping up in between the turkey pics.

MITS said...

look at the feet on those gobblers

ceil said...

Sharon, I need a picture. When we get time if you would help me.

MITS said...

really....I'm not having any pop-up groundhogs

MITS said...

the doves are there now

Anne-Marie said...

two eagles at balckwater, beautiful

Mema Jo said...

I don't see any turkeys now
And where is that beaver?
I know you all are saying groundhog
but the pic sent to me I said beaver because of the tail. Megan's page didn't show the tail of a groundhog.
If we whistled - a groundhog would stand straight up on its hid legs.

If we could see the teeth - we would know if it were a beaver....

deb said...

If you have PA open for awhile, sometimes it does strange things. I just had turkeys in between the doves. Reloading usually works for me.

Mema Jo said...

Still on the birds in the woods...

MITS said...

well I have not seen the thing stand I'm voting for the beaver because of the flat tail

MITS said...

I did e-mail the site and asked.

deb said...

Something is near the microphone at PH, can hear leaves rustling.

Red said...

Another Question.

How much ground would a groundhog grind if a groundhog could grind ground?

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Your doves coo diferent that ours. the only time I had heard it before was in Hawaii. My son told me that the larger ones they had on the island were brought, with the cardnals, as gifts for the women missionaries on the islands from the east coast.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

THAT IS RIGHT MITS! GO BEAVERS! I believe it is a beaver!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And those are 2 beautiful eagles at BWO!

MITS said...

probably a groundhog could grind a great amount of ground if a grounhog could grind ground:)

Costume Lady said...

Take a look at Wanda's Wishes and see the Beaver and Groundhog side by side. I think it was a beaver at Pa.

MITS said... are the Beavers doing, Sharon?

Anne-Marie said...

Deer in Pix

Red said...

Approximately 700 lbs. Mits. Thats how much dirt is usually removed from a groundhog den.
I just read that. lol

Costume Lady said...

I know that a Groundhog can GRIND my garden away in 10 minutes. They are the most destructive animal we have in our parts.

MITS said...

wow, that is alot of dirt:)!

MITS said...

yep, Wanda, looks like a beaver to me that has been visiting PA

Mema Jo said...

Back to the deer at the salt lick

I did see the fawn with its mother yesterday and it was nursing -

MITS said...

eagles watching the sunset at BWO

Costume Lady said...

I meant a Groundhog in Pa. I have been working too long.

MITS said...

time to rest, Wanda:)

Anne-Marie said...

OK gang I respect your opinions and I did watch him today with Diana for the first time but the critter we watched had a fuzzy tail.

Mema Jo said...

Look at BWO Beautiful!

Costume Lady said...

Look closely at the tail, also the Groundhog has a tiny bit more pointed snout. Oh, well, they surely must be cousins.

Costume Lady said...

I have sent more Groundhogs to animal heaven than I care to count. You have no choice when you are trying to grow veggies to put on your table and freezer.

paula eagleholic said...


100+ comments to read!!

MITS said...

then it was a groundhog....the pic I got looked like a flat tail, but sure the cam can be deceiving

Anne-Marie said...

the only thing we have out here that even close is a goffer and they are very small compaired to what you have.

MITS said...

well that is ok.....should not be eating your veggies.

Red said...

I thought I heard thunder then realized it was my stomach growling. Might have to eat without MRS Red.

Costume Lady said...

Miss Anne-Marie...You are right, the critter has a fuzzy tail. I have never seen a Beaver, but I know DEB has. I have seen their dams, but not one of them. Interesting little fellas.

Anne-Marie said...

I have a big gray persian that must have Maine coon cat in him he is so big. My vet say he has never seen one this big any way Diana said the critter reminded her of Stormy the cat. We laughed that maybe they were related.

Costume Lady said...

That is funny RED, our neighbor's grandaughter knows Gene but not me very well, so one day someone asked her what my name was and she said: Mrs. Gene.

Anne-Marie said...

I used to watch beaver as a child. Not much to do wayout on a ranch.

MITS said...

Eagles all gone at BWO

Anne-Marie said...

Just brought in the mail. "West Virginia Travel Guide" just came in the mail. Hurray.. 2 1/2 more days.

Costume Lady said...

I need to eat also. I have been heating up left-overs for an hour. Now you know everything is going to be dried out. I get called away for one thing or another and then the food is i reheat it and then the phone rings again. Maybe I'll see if Mrs. Callendar is in my freezer.

paula eagleholic said...

I had leftover Chinese food for dinner....

The pork roast, salad and Marie's all sound good too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening Mema Jo! How are you on this fine evening? Glad you could join us! :)

ceil said...

I vote groundhog.

Mema Jo said...

HELLO Bluefield Beaver Buddy!

Anne-Marie said...

flock of geese going over head. Its warm so I have all the windows and doors open. I love the way they sound. Must be still storming up north.

Red said...

Beavers can be a nuisance too. Years ago I was driving through Colorado and wanted to visit the Coors Brewery but would have had to go too far out of my way because a beaver dam had caused flooding and the road I wanted to use was closed.

ceil said...

Red,I was out in Colorado and say the Coors brewery many years ago. I think it was before they ship to the east.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Beaver born and beaver bred and when I die I'll be beaver dead, singing rah-rah for beavers, singing rah-rah for beavers, singing rah-rah for beavers, rah-rah-rah!

MITS said...

why that little varmint...blocking your way to Coors

MITS said...

rah-rah, Sharon

Anne-Marie said...

We had problems with them deverting water that was suppose to go for irrigation of the fields. We had different ideas of where it was suppose to go.

Red said...

This was before shipping east too, Ceil. I think it was in 1972.

paula eagleholic said...

How can the PA Pix cam have sound???

BBL gonna walk the doggies...

Red said...

Just got a phone call from Mrs. Red. She is finally on her way home. I can eat in 40 mins. If I can last that long. lol

deb said...

Paula,If you are wondering about the sound by the mike, that was the PH cam in CA, not the PA cam.

Mema Jo said...

Link to new update for Mason

I did get a Mason Jar and will bring to the dinner on the 18th.
Any and all monies placed in the jar
goes to the Ellsworth family for the
many many expenses they encounter.
BTW I am thinking that any Momster/Blogger who would wish to have something placed in Mason's Jar and are not attending the Open House - contact me... That would be so generous of you.

MITS said...

MRS. RED sounds alot like Mr. Mits...he is on his way now.....chicken pot pie is cooking now:)

Red said...

Guess I better get things started for dinner. I'll see Y'all tomorrow. Be good.

Anne-Marie said...

Just read the up date on Mason. So glad he is doing better

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whoever is the tech person at Atlanta, they could not possibly understand how important it is to get Little Luney back in the Limelight! We can't live without him!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Rah rah for Beavers, RAH, RAH, RAH!! Go sis-o-mine!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Beaver has one the last 3 games played I think. Lost the first 2, the most important ones. Tom's alma mater and our next door rivals!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

time to get off of the computer. I am not coherent.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Poor Red....don't starve!!
I had pot roast!
Didn't Coors build a plant in Virginia??

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Deb...must have read it too fast!

Red & Mits - glad ya'll are finally eating!

Sissy - do you want to be a panda when you grow up?

hedgie said...

Wondered at the time how they could claim Colorado mountain stream brew if it was brewed in VA!!

paula eagleholic said...

I see know why you were Ohing and Ahing over the heron at BWO...he sure was pretty.

MITS said...

it was such a fun visit, Paula

MITS said...

good update on Mason, Jo....what that family has been through....

MITS said...

racoon at Pix

MITS said...

at least I know what a racoon looks like:):):)

MITS said...

it is Rocky and Rita....

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Mits Once again the
tail tells all!!!!! lol

paula eagleholic said...

LOL and little Ricky as well...

MITS said...

you have to forgive me...I am a city girl, that got tossed into the suburbs

paula eagleholic said...

Now 4 raccoons

MITS said...


NatureNut said...

Good Grief, had to read forever to get caught up. Saw the questions about groundhog (woodchuck, gopher). PA definitely had a groundhog---round, sausage shaped, furry tail.Beavers can be 30+ lbs. & of course have the flattened leathery tail & HUGE incisors.
Cool GBH at BWO today. As soon as the ospreys were leaving our Park, herons took over the nest platforms.One was napping & all compressed & I thought it was a black-crowned night heron, but then it stretched.DUH!!

But the burning question I have for Norma's comment around noonish, was if the expensive YOUNG plumber was worth it??!!LOL

ceil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

nope didn't work, Ceil

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, you are bad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone.

Ceil, you are good to go I think!

Costume Lady said...

We do know that she especially liked the TV repairman.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Sharon...Have you been fed yet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love getting to see raccoons before they are in the permanent prone position on the road!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, I ate 2 Oscar Mayer wieners on 2 pieces of bread. Had to feed myself.

floralgirl said...

Groundhog..beaver... I mean raccoons!!

MITS said...

2 hot to eat better than that Missy....I thought that was you

NatureNut said...

Sorry, I know that was bad. I had to stay away from 'puter after she said that!! LOL

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Actually, Mits, it was 2 cold dogs, straight from the fridge.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - I saw 2 of em like that this weekend! Poor Fellas!

MITS said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...