Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The heat wave continues thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Welcome to the "Newer" page

Lolly said...

Just heard from Chrissy. Frank had a good nights sleep and his pain is managable. Chrissy is still coughing, going to the doctor again today.

normabyrd said...

CAROL!!---It has been unbearable here---temp. now 95° with high humidity!---We have had that for several days!!---TOMORROW it is to be in 70s & 80s---Will feel like a Dec. day---KIDDIN'-- On Rt. 50 this side of WINCHESTER---I bought gas at $3.85!!!-----They always have it at least 10 cents lower!!!---Don't worry about the gas---just go without food!!---ho!---Will look forward to seeing you in OCT!!

normabyrd said...

LOLLY--Thank you for sharing your wonderful news!!---I had been worried about CHRISSY!!---Just learned that FRANK was ill too!!
Will keep them in my prayers!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think we got gas the cheapest near Roanoke at $3.78 a gallon.

Bird Girl said...

Rainbow...clear...rainbow...clear...ARGH!!!! I hope they're recording the CCTV feed at NCTC for us!

From yesterday's thread:

paula eagleholic said...
I always thought Jody was a guy!

LOL...noooo, Jody is definitely a gal! You can see her and me in the picture on the Education page of our group website, which is www.fallenfeathers.org

Mema Jo said...
Hi Carol! Enjoy those Kestrels - they really are beautiful birds.

Did you know that the American Kestrel is the smallest North American falcon? Tiny buggers :)

Mema, we get a LOT of kestrels into our care, especially this year and last year. There is a disease called 'canker', which is like a yeast infection but it invades the respiratory system, and it seems every kestrel has it. We can treat it, if it's not too thoroughly spread, but there are many we cannot save :( It's bad with doves this year, too.

Lolly said...
Just heard from Chrissy. Frank had a good nights sleep and his pain is managable. Chrissy is still coughing, going to the doctor again today.

What happened to Chrissy and Frank?? I missed that, apparently...

Bird Girl said...

OH!! 12 o'clock, I see an eaglet with relaxed wings...preparation, perhaps???

normabyrd said...

NO KIDDIN!---I had to look--SNOW IN OREGON NEST & appears to be snowing some now!

Bird Girl said...

dam cam!!!

Bird Girl said...

I wish they wouldn't hide under the camera like that!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Thanks for Chrissy's update.

movin said...


It's a pretty cloudy 63° in So Cal, but the Weather Bureau has scheduled sun and 75° for this P.M.

I see our Little Bit is still in the nest ... which I can see (not hear) by means of the live feed.

How's the world going for you all this morn??



Mema Jo said...

I think I see one wing feather
under the cam
Crazy shadow over the nest.....

Bird Girl said...

It's supposed to be 107 and windy here today, low of 77 LOL

Bird Girl said...

well i have things i need to do today, so i'll go...but leaving RP on and recording just in case!!

would someone please email me and tell me what's going on with Chrissy and Frank?? thanks!

paula eagleholic said...

Still hiding...out to lunch...BBL

glo said...

Are you serious. I have been out riding with Dexter this morning. I thought I came home to an empty nest. Is he really still there hiding. are you sure?

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break

I sure hope our last eaglet to fledge comes out of hiding from under the cam! Really makes it look like an
MT nest! lol

WOW I see Tiny !!!!

movin said...

Did he, or didn't he?? Guess I can see some tail under the cam...

Check out the "Giant Panda Blog" on the "News" page at San Diego ... new update, and they've added a more recent picture to the slide show.



Mema Jo said...

Seems as though whenever Tiny is visible and up & hopping around then the cam goes crazy.

Well, he is on the launch pad now.
Or should I say Again.

Tiny is making me nervous...

movin said...

Little Bird is looking stronger and more coordinated ... flying and walking ... He could go today yet.

Does anyone know when his "12-week milestone" was??



Mema Jo said...

There's a big world out there Tiny!

You can do it!

hedgie said...

I'm not sure, Jim, but Jo knows...I think it was Sunday.
What a day! Between the cam, not being able to get on the blog and Tiny teasing us, it's been frustrating!!
One good thing has happened, tho'--my box turtle has reappeared...fourth year in a row! Would you believe that they eat dog poop???? LOL!

deb said...

I need one of those turtles! Video of Larry from the loon cam and the OR eagle in the snow are posted. I am off to do some errands. BBL

hedgie said...

The sycamore is so sparsely leafed that I think under the cam area is the only place Tiny can get shade!!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn and they also it tomatoes and lettuce. They don't stay around here very long. We take them for a ride and give them another home, far away gardens.

Costume Lady said...

Lib didn't stay very long. Think he brought lunch.

Costume Lady said...

Well , I guess not. Tiny is mad.

Costume Lady said...

He's going into hiding.

glo said...

Parent in thought there was a food drop but don't see any food...Maybe tiny scurried it over withhim to the trunk area

Mema Jo said...

lol Well Lynn - I guess you can learn something new any day of the

Lolly said...

Cqme in and gasped!! Thought the nest was empty! Can barely see Tiny.

Jo, did you email T-bird to answer her question about Chrissy?

Lolly said...

Whoops! That was Bird Girl that was asking.

Mema Jo said...

Jim 3rd egg hatched on 3/17
St Patrick's day

So 6/9 marks the 12 weeks...

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lolly I copied Anne's message from the Momster emails and sent to Delphia.

Mema Jo said...

If I had sound I would put a bell on that bird just to know it's location.

Between the cam messing up
and taking short breaks away from the pc - I just can't even find the tail feathers at times......

Lolly said...

I see nothing right now!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lynn, can you send your box turtle over to my yard? :)

Lolly said...

You may have to head back to the tree!!!

movin said...

Well, Spunky went several days over the 12-week limit too, while they 'fed him up,' and he acquired some more adult aggression, etc.

Having two oversized chow hogs in front of you can really stunt your growth.

It might be cooler in flight or under the shade of a neighboring tree though.



paula eagleholic said...

Tiny is still hiding under the cam...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for those 2 videos Deb!

I wonder what Larry was collecting?
Guess he'll tell us in his blog - that cam should only be on for a few more days.

If I can catch a box turtle I'll airmail him to you Deb! Sounds like it would be a good poop scoop picker upper!! lol

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Yeah, Wanda, and this one loves cantaloupe and tomatoes, too! Only garden I have is tomato plants and he doesn't bother them, so he's allowed to stay! He summers under the woodpile pallets, but I have no idea where he spends the winters.

paula eagleholic said...

There we are....

hedgie said...

There's wing tips!

movin said...

BWO female back on the nest at least temporarily.



hedgie said...

The turtle isn't a very fast pooper scooper...the first time I saw him do it last year he spent an hour on one "piece". I provide his vegetables and the dog gives him protein. Ha!

Mema Jo said...

That was a pretty fast appearance & disappearance! I missed it completely. But then I was hollering at the blogger cop who had just eaten my comment....

I was talking about

Where is Spunky
Where is Spunky
Here I am
Here I am...............

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot and off to the other end of th enest...now back to the 6 position

Mema Jo said...

Need to be out of here for an hour or so...

Keep your eyes focused in between the blurry lines.


magpie said...

Great Video of Bald Eagle available for viewing off Lisa's BWE Cam page update today. It might knock you off live feed for NCTC like it did mine, but it's a beauty for later viewing. Also nice updates on the BWE chicks.

magpie said...

..bald eagle fishing that is. Really seems to work hard once it gets that fish in its talons.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom said Baby Littley was like Andrew. Just got it way too good to leave. Who can blame her?$

normabyrd said...

BW LISA is closing down soon!!---The 2 EAGLETS have fledged & are now on their own!!----FINAL PAPER IS A GOOD READ---with cool video of EAGLE fishing!----Thank you LISA---Have learned so much from you!!!!---Enjoyed your postings!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at noon on the nest.

Really wish she would fledge so she can go cool off down by the river...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to take the brat to work. BBIALW!

MITS said...

105°here, heat index 120°, humidity is low, but dew point is 76%, anything above 70% is considered oppressive....off to store

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We are under severe thunderstorn warning, nickle sized hail, 60 mph winds. Hope it skirts around us. The bad ones usually miss us. Mountains are such wonderful things.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

this camera is going to be the death of me!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

parent in the nest, brought supper maybe?

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

looks like Belle came to hang out with her baby....awwww

Bird Girl said...



Bird Girl said...

another food drop for Tiny.

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

she's still there...cam is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!

Bird Girl said...

I don't think Tiny is fledging today...getting to be kinda late in the day...

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

looks like one of the sibs came for supper too, parent gone now. I am with you all, camera is driving me crazy.

Costume Lady said...






hedgie said...

Hope these storms miss our nest area!!

movin said...

Just for your information and for the shock value...

Gas prices for "regular" in Orange County today run from $4.27-4.59!!



Mema Jo said...

I am home but lightning is fierce so I am closing down. CU after the storm.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like storm passed the nest by for now....dark and nasty here at present....still 97°

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet enjoying the fish

paula eagleholic said...

Must be getting full..slowing down....oops done....it is Middy with Tiny in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Pouring here now.

deb said...

Lisa was talking about eagles swimming in her post. Here is a video of a bald eagle swimming in the Missouri River. I wish I knew where this was at!

Eagle Swimming

MITS said...

isn't that amazing, Deb.

Mema Jo said...

I think for now the storm has passed. Doesn't look like it hit the nest!
That rain was coming down & blowing sideways! I don't need to water any plants this evening & it feels like the heat wave has been broken a little.

deb said...

Yes, it is, Helen. I kept looking in the background to see if I could figure out where it is. The river starts in Montana and ends in St. Louis, so it could be anywhere.

MITS said...

eagle on KENT CAM #1

Mema Jo said...

Deb - the Swimming eagle video was great - had not seen that one before - he was not going to lose that Fish!

MITS said...

The power of his wings, to keep swimming and keep his head above the water, and not lose that fish

deb said...

There are more videos of the same nest by that man. There is one that shows the eagle flying the fish it caught to the nest.

MITS said...

Flapping wings at our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Cool video Deb. He has more.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...catch ya'll later!

paula eagleholic said...

PS - I miss our sound!

NatureNut said...

Hi, Happy PM!!
Saw the eagle video & another on there called "Quitting is Not an Option" is also cool - to the theme from Rocky!
I see Tiny has a dinner guest who is cleaning up.If he got to eat a little more, maybe he'd have the power to fly.
Nest at Park was MT today--one eaglet was there Saturday, but couldn't use camera--lens kept fogging!

deb said...

I miss the sound, too. Kent eagle left.

Mema Jo said...

There are times that sadness cannot be kept out of our lives. Just received email from my daughter.
SSG McCoy passed away today at 1357 central time at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, TX. Please
keep Taibtha and three-year old twins, Landon and Riley, in your prayers along with all the family.

NatureNut said...

Weather here is chance of severe th'storms til 10 PM.

MITS said...

what heartbreaking news, Jo:(

NatureNut said...

Jo, So sorry to hear that sad news.
Thoughts and prayers

deb said...

Sorry to hear the sad news, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Those storms are headed towards you Loretta...... Batten down the
hatches! I hope we don't get anymore
this evening - I am waiting for
the Cold Front! LOL I can take
the high 70's or low 80's!

Going out for some dinner with hubby & son..... Glad Tiny has company again!

MITS said...

my RP is down

deb said...

My live feed is gone!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

$#%&*@!*&#!!! LIVE FEED IS DOWN ALSO!

NatureNut said...

Dag nabbit! Waited all day to get home & be able to see Live --maybe it's windy up there & messing w/wires.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

omg,did ya'll see that eagle swimming. And it had a fish. That is the wildest thing I have ever seen.

Costume Lady said...

No wind, ladies and the storm passed about an hour ago.

ceil said...

Jo so sorry to hear about the death of SSG McCoy. Such a shame. Will keep his family and all our service people in my prayers. Great video of the swimming eagle. Did not know they could swim like that.

MITS said...

isn't that eagle swimming just great, Ceil?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That eagle swimming was the neatest thing. I didn't know they could do that either.

MITS said...

I have seen a video of an eagle swimming, but not this video

deb said...

In saw that video awhile ago and was going to post it, but something must have interrupted me. Forgot all about it until I read Lisa's update.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Jo, so sorry to hear the news about SSG McCoy. Will definitely keep his family in our prayers.

We are getting some weather now. Supposed to start cooling down. Gosh I hope so but not too much. Going to the lake Friday for the weekend. Need warm weather to go out on the boat. :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Three in the nest!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, that is what you call perseverance!!

ceil said...

He is a great swimmer. We are a little windy here now but no rain yet.

MITS said...

no rain here, but temp, went from 102° to 87° in the last 30 mins

deb said...

Wow, that was fun to watch. Thanks, Helen.

MITS said...

the size of that fish was amazing.

MITS said...

sure would love to be at the nest tonight.

MITS said...

I got some nice cold chicken tenders, tossed salad, and deviled eggs for dinner tonight, only had to put the stove on for the eggs....no cooking or grilling in this heat.

magpie said...

I see three. Wonder how long that will last.

Mema Jo said...

lol We may never know how long it lasts if the cam keeps acting up on us!

magpie said...

MITS - That's rich, the Rocky Video, thanks for posting it!!!That's a keeper, and a sender to anyone who wonders why we are so fascinated with these Birds. lol

magpie said...

Good links to some of the other Eagle videos too...

MITS said...

thunder, lightning, and dark clouds, going to shut down, and hope to get back later

paula eagleholic said...

Love the other swimming videos too!

I've seen videos of them swimming before, but not these.

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't get much rain here at home...

Still 3 eaglets in the nest!

magpie said...

Yes, Paula, three I see, for awhile now. I think they look a little soggy. We got pretty good rain hereabouts...

paula eagleholic said...

down to 2

deb said...

I am off to SF and then on to Slayton, MN, for a funeral. Be back sometime Thursday. I wonder where Tiny will be when I get back??

Hope everyone gets cooler weather and comes through the storms ok.

Costume Lady said...

It is raining here again, but not hard and no wind.
Just now got windy.

magpie said...

Yup, soon as we talk about three, one leaves. Woulda been fun to watch him fly out.

magpie said...

DEB, Safe travels and prayers for you. We'll Miss You.

magpie said...

Osprey on the Over the Finland Nest.

magpie said...

I can't think straight, that's over the WATER Finland nest. I have yet to see the Ferry, but I did see trains on Harrisburg cam, and saw jet plans at San Jose Falcons cam...

Anne-Marie said...

Hi gang, I finally got home. Now I can talk and talk. I feel like I have been gaged all day not being able to blog. 1. thanks Deb for the video of the swiming eagle. That was really something else. If you havent seen it go back to it and look at the golden eagle drag the goats off the clif. If you cant find dinner one way you learn another way. When I was a kid I saw one carry of a new lamb but never tackle anything as big as an adult goat. the golden are bigger than the bald. we used to have them in the mountains above the ranch.

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Lolly for you news about Chrissy. She is such a dear.

Anne-Marie said...

I wish you could send some of your rain here. We have fires on all sides of us and wind to boot. Its really smokey

Anne-Marie said...

I wish you could send some of your rain here. We have fires on all sides of us and wind to boot. Its really smokey

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Wanda, Diana says Hi.

Anne-Marie said...

I give up! I wait all day and nobody home. I'm going to go and take off these pantyhose and heels and get into something human. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anne-Marie, I am here! Glad to see you on here. I just got back home myself.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Anne!

paula eagleholic said...

Does feel good to get those pantyhose off, doesn't it!

paula eagleholic said...

Does feel good to get those pantyhose off, doesn't it!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, she thought we left, Sharon.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, AML, I was reading email.

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets and one slingshot in the nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I couldn't tell you the last time I wore panty hose. Probably to one of those many funerals I attended last year.

Costume Lady said...

I only wear pantyhose to church. Can't wait til I get home to get them off! YUK!

Costume Lady said...

AML, tell Diana that we think of her often. She is a dear.

Costume Lady said...

I think Anne-Marie left us.
She'll be back after she gets comfy.

MITS said...

not much of a storm here, but the humidity is much higher....going to say GOODNIGHT TO ALL, long day at the zoo tomorrow, observing cams, my shift and the monthly meeting tomorrow night...prayers for SSG McCoy and his family.

paula eagleholic said...

I wear pantyhose everyday! Can't wait to get them off when I get home!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just one more reason I am grateful that my work attire is whatever I slept in the night before! :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I hate that pantyhose thing for you all. I personally work in my PJs all day. Can't get much more comfortable and actually stay awake and work. Sorry bout your luck!! :)

paula eagleholic said...

It's a good thing I don't work at home, I'd probably wear the same thing all week!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is easy to turn into a hermit if you're not careful for sure but I love my job.

It is still humid here, be glad to get a cool down, just not too much. That Rocky video was good, huh.

Mema Jo said...

I hope everyone is comfy!
I am watching another tv movie this evening. Be back around 11:00 to say good night!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I am calling it a day! All you beautiful people have sweet dreams. C ya in the mornin lite!!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi family, Brother in Ohio called and he got the storm last night and said it was a doozy.

Anne-Marie said...

I cant win tonight, oh well Heidi love me.

floralgirl said...

Thank goodness, the heatwave has broken:) dog poop eating box turtle?? who doesn't need one of those...no fledge from littley tiny I'm guessing.. live feed is not working?

Anne-Marie said...

I cant get live feed in either just "spead eagles" on cam

Anne-Marie said...

Megan do you get bitter sweet as early as October.?

floralgirl said...

Usually around November- you need a frost or two before it is ready and you can find the vines.

Anne-Marie said...

We dont have them here and I was just hoping.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy again, Anne. And hello ^#*&head. (grins)

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see 2 eaglets in the nest. Maybe tomorrow is the day for Tiny, but only when RP is back on!

Anne-Marie said...

I watch and read all day. I want so much to be able to blog but I cant. At least I can read until they find out I am and that will stop too. Jill said she thought I should take the back route through WV like Glo did last year and I just talked to my brother to coming with me.

floralgirl said...

Well I would send you some this year but I just don't want you to drop the berries outside caue it's not native to your area and can be invasive..

Anne-Marie said...

the trip to Romney was wonderful and I want to do it again

floralgirl said...

Well hello Paula:)

Anne-Marie said...

Megan dont you think after all these years it would have happened before now if it were do able.?

Anne-Marie said...

I see two eageletts zonked out. Must have been a hard day.

Anne-Marie said...

I see two eageletts zonked out. Must have been a hard day.

floralgirl said...

There is American bittersweet and an invasive non native form called oriental bittersweet- that is what now grows around here. The berries drop and grow, the vine grows up trees and eventually weakens or kills them. I wouldn't want to be the person rsponsible for sending it to CA-lol..

Anne-Marie said...

ok Megan I understand. Company, BBL

Lolly said...

UPDATE: June 10 2008, 5pm
by Dr. Dave McRuer, Director of Veterinary Medicine at the Wildlife Center of Virginia:

As the mass on the beak is shrinking in size and the eaglet's white blood cell count was lowered into the range of "normal" for an eagle, Wildlife Center veterinarians decided to remove the antibiotics from the eaglet's treatment regime. After four days, the white blood cells were rechecked; unfortunately, there was again a significant increase in the heterophils - the cells in birds that are involved in the initial defenses against bacteria. For this reason, we believe that a secondary bacterial infection is ongoing, and we have resumed our antibiotic treatment.

The eaglet continues to thrive, although it was extremely hot this past weekend with the unseasonable heat here in Waynesboro [highs in the mid to upper 90s.] To help cool the bird, we've placed a fan near the enclosure that ensures air circulation.

The patient has also gone back to not eating on his own. If the food (mice these days) is placed in his mouth, he has no issues with swallowing. However, the bird lacks initiative to open his mouth and actually take the food. Daily weight continues to increase, and a new dosage of pain medications is being considered.

We are close to finalizing surgery for the patient and we are hoping to nail down the date by the end of the week. There have been lots of consults with some of the best avian surgeons in the country, and we feel privileged that the veterinary community has responded favorably. While waiting for surgery, the mass continues to shrink, and this will make the operation less risky.

Lolly said...

Hi Anne Marie,Megan,and Paula, went searching and found they had posted the above late this afternoon. Poor little guy!

Lolly said...

LOL Just opened the heron cam. One was staring right at me!

floralgirl said...

Thanks for sharing that Lolly- I'm outa here, exhausted-the heat has been so brutal the past few days- nice cool air tonite-

Lolly said...

Glad you got a break this evening in the weather. We had a little break yesterday evening, but the heat was back today. Nite!

paula eagleholic said...

Stil going through my pics...I have a close up of the nest, and you can see the cam wire running down the trunk and under the nest...I wonder if that's why the pic always gets fuzzy when they are flapping/jumping around!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on Buddy!

Still humid here though.

Lolly said...

It does act like a loose wire!

paula eagleholic said...

I took a ton a pics..gonna upload most of em. I figure, why not.

Lolly said...

Go right ahead!! :) I will enjoy looking at them and I am sure everyone else will as well.

movin said...


Got to shut down and run to pick up a prescription before the SavOn closes tonight.

I think No.3's fledging would happen a lot sooner if Liberty could separate No. 2 from some of the food he leaves on the nest.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night - Just finished a Hallmark movie - Love them!

Prayers for all those in need

Peace to you and yours

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

I am shutting down myself. Nite everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all, Pics are ready for tomorrow!

magpie said...

Good Morning. Two in the Nest.

magpie said...

Looks like Tiny could just roll off his end of the nest....

magpie said...

Tiny only in the nest, doing hop-ups it looks like.

glo said...

Good morning all. Tiny jumping at spot where he branched on Monday, but finally with next refresh I see he is right there landed on the nest. Just jumping and flapping.

glo said...

I hope you have a much cooler day in store there in WV. Tiny appears to be very active this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I see Baby Littley is still there. Getting ready to start working now.

glo said...

well the good news is Tiny is still there although its kind of hard to tell how active or quiet he is at the moment. Still not sure if the weather has cooled in your area. Guess I will need to wait for a local meteorologist to check in.

and The still cam is clear at least so far, just well you kind of know the refresh rate.

hedgie said...

Currently 64 degrees here, so probably the same at NCTC. Today's high supposed to be in upper 80's.

ceil said...

Just stopping in to say good morning and have a nice day. Off to work in a little while. Hope Tiny fledges today.

ceil said...

Split is coming.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...