Wednesday, June 17, 2015


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Amy lucky day thanks for the new one STEVE

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...


And. SANDI. IBwas just making your comment and yep you are still a early bird

Heading to check out something. One of our associate got arrested. I am so shocked want to see for myself and then. FB

JudyEddy said...

Adult in nest

stronghunter said...


Been busy this morning with e-mail and general catching up on things.

Will be heading off to the store in a bit. For one thing, we are in need of batteries for the smoke detectors. They kept sounding off last night, though there was no smoke. We checked the whole house, including the basement and the garage. These weren't those little beeps you sometimes get when a battery is low, but actual alarms, but I will try new batteries. It was just a little hard to get a good night's sleep.

stronghunter said...

Have been watching the news about the escaped criminals. Figure Judie has thoughts on the events.

Also interested in the woman who was president of the NAACP chapter. Really odd.

stronghunter said...

Going to take a quick check of the nest.

Oh, wow! Both eaglets are there. One just jumped up onto the stump.

stronghunter said...

An amazing collection of bones and stuff in the nest.

Sandi said...

Hi all, home from the dermatologist's office. Not sure how many stitches but one more scar. He said this one was on the way to becoming a melanoma so it was a good catch on his part. It looked just like a small mole, but he biopsied it b/c it was a darker brown than my other moles.

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Judy for the call over.

Finished reading The Girl on the Train - entertaining but I was slightly disappointed with the ending. Will be starting And the Mountains Echoed by the same author who wrote The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns - I loved both of those books.

Lolly, so sorry to hear about more rain just when you were starting to get the yard shaped up.

OK, so I will be on oral antibiotics for the next 7-10 days and then for another 7-10 days when I get these stitches out and the next set done. Any suggestions for keeping the meds from wiping out all of the good bacteria in my body and causing other problems?

Off to enjoy this beautiful day. Later!

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon! Checking in from work!

Getting cloudy, the first rains of Bill will be here by evening. Bad news for donkeys as they will have to stay inside because of their poor little footsies.

stronghunter said...

Don't know much about antibiotics, Sandi, but I think there are probiotics available. Maybe a pharmacist could give you a good answer.

I have had one of those moles removed, too, Sandi. It was very small as well. my dermatologist wants me to use sunscreen every day.

Lynne2 said...


stronghunter said...

Poor donkeys, Lynne2, but they are very fortunate to have you.

stronghunter said...

Need to get decent for my shopping trip.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet resting by the stump.

Lynne2, the rain tonight is not from Bill...should be here later over the weekend or beginning of the week

Sandi...yogurt and probiotics? Glad he caught everything early.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news on Ozzie...hope he and Harriet find each other soon.

Nice here today, too. Hoping to get the lawn mowed tonight.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Other eaglet is up on the stump...just showed some wing :)

paula eagleholic said...

Whitey is plotzed in the nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet still on the stump

paula eagleholic said...

Turtle shell still in the nest at the 3 spot....ducky visible near the center of the nest...looking pretty bad!

paula eagleholic said...

Both in the nest...nope, darkie went to the stump, whitey still laying in the nest.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh mid-week thread and to JudyE for the call over.

Sandi, glad you got the mole removed. Try yogurt. Was recommended to me by MD when I took antibiotics.

One eaglet in the nest. Perhaps all the debris is to make sure any potential "buyers" see that the nest is not for sale.

Good news for Ozzie. Hoping the donkeys will heal and thrive.

Shirley, hope new batteries will solve the problem. Grateful there was no real cause for alarm.

Lolly, maybe all the rain will solve the armadillo problem.


stronghunter said...

Batteries have been purchased. Might leave the actual replacement task to Hunter and Kathryn. I think they will be motivated. Sleep was definitely interrupted last night. Oh, I hope they solve the problem.

Back many years ago, we had a smoke alarm that woke us in the night. My husband climbed on a chair, took the cover off and a spider jumped into his face. Was a bit of a commotion at that point. You just never know what might be going on.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed The Kite Runner, Sandi. In fact, it was on the curriculum for my 12 Honors English class. The movie is also good.

stronghunter said...

Got to see the video of Ozzie's release. Beautiful.

stronghunter said...

Made my first Goodwill delivery awhile ago. Closet cleaning continues.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't see our eaglet at the moment...must be over at the launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like some pop up showers in the area but they look light.

paula eagleholic said...

Wingtip on the stump

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for the fresh new thread - sorry I wasn't here to greet you

Finished off a CT this afternoon - no feed back for a few days.

Ozzie's chat is down until reports come in.

Dinner time now........... BBL

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet landed

JudyEddy said...

Google is cool today not animated bummer

JudyEddy said...

I wish I wish I had a better camera my 24zoom is ok but if I decided to reschedule my mamo tomorrow I just may go down to see Ozzie but with my camera the pictures will be caw caw because the distance from the fence to the tree is far
I even googeled rent a camera none in the area unless I want a movie production LOL

JudyEddy said...

eaglet back in the nest now chilling

JudyEddy said...

Posted at SWFL Chat - 6:48pm: 10 minutes ago it started to rain and Wskrsnwings saw one eagle fly into the pasture and then flew to west pasture. She found the eagle in the west pasture and she said it looks like Harriet.

JudyEddy said...

eaglet back to stump

JudyEddy said...

chat was paused but if they get any info they will reopen it

JudyEddy said...

Wskrsnwings, Dadsjazz and 'Tom' are still at the nest area. It has stopped raining. If they see any eagles they will let us know and we will post here. The chat is paused at this time.

Jun 17 2015, 7:25 PM
Essec09: Information 'second hand', Harriet was at the "Yonder Pond" with FV before she flew into the west pasture. FV is still at the pond perched on a short snag on the left side of the pond.

grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle buds.

No real rain for 24 hours,,but cloudy all day. Cooler, which is nice.

Sandi, I have enjoyed Khaled Hosseini books as well. And the "Mountain Echoed "is waiting for me too. If you haven't read " Cutting for Stone", by Abraham Verghese, I highly recommend. "The Girl on the Train" also awaits me. I was a voracious reader back when I didn't really have the time, but computers now suck that away. I haven't read anything since" So Much Blood"

JudyEddy said...

From wskrsnwings: 7:42pm Harriet to the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Jun 17 2015, 7:47 PM
Essec09: Harriet to the attic and then the upper attic. No vocals. 7:46pm. (wskrsnwings)

from chat

JudyEddy said...

a good set of books to read are from Lisa Jackson -Cold Blood- The Night Before and The Morning After I have read really good

JudyEddy said...

she has many books in series

JudyEddy said...

Jun 17 2015, 8:12 PM
Essec09: From wskrsnwings: 8:05 FV arrives to nest, lands right next to her. She vocalizes. He is looking around and goes to a higher branch

JudyEddy said...

forgot to mention Hot Blood by her also that series I read when I was in Ky with my mom Haven't read much lately

JudyEddy said...

One of our kids is in the middle of the nest plotzed haven't seen a wing tip in a bit so dunno

JudyEddy said...

juvie is no longer in nest while I wasn't looking

grannyblt said...

Re/antibiotics and their possible side effects . I got some cottage cheese that containers probiotics, in case you don't like yogurt.

Lolly said...

About to stick my nose in a book for the rest of the evening. Thought I would bring you up on the events of the day.

Half inch of rain yesterday and another 3 1/2 today. Back yard is once again Muckville! Just before leaving for getting my do done Jack called me outside. We had a Redbud fall over in the saturated ground, it split and the majority went over. We have a big mess to clean up! Thankfully it was a Redbud and not a larger Oak or Pecan. Also, it is in the front yard, in front of our rail fence and therefore no major damage, just the loss of a tree. Need a bear as the uprooted tree left a great bear den. Lol

Did get my do done, ran errands, and had a great dinner. Now going to stick my nose in a book and not think of that tree!

Sun did come out this afternoon!

Nite all! See you in mañana! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - we are and have been having some shower activity - off and on throughout the evening.

I am closing down for the evening and will wish you all a good night's sleep
with SED ♥

Judie said...

Good evening.

Rained here tonight. Shirley must have sent them north from her place. Cooler air is nice.

Eyes are tired. Headed for the pillows but want to remind Jo my thoughts are with her.

Sandperson just slammed the front door after gathering up a raincoat.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

a quick and very tired good evening. busy day. work. packing. kids came over. lots of noise and activity. I will try to check in over the next few days via phone from Bristol Motor Speedway.

Lots of love, hugs and good vibes for all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT but dry, though one must be in the tree near the cam b/c it shakes occasionally and I can hear noise. Not dry here - looks like a gray day on tap for Bethany Beach. Kevin is at Firefly Music Festival in Dover - hope the rain doesn't affect the music there. He's in an RV not a tent so he's dry.

Lynne1, I have read Cutting for Stone - liked it a lot, but found myself skipping over the very technical doctor descriptions. Thanks for the cottage cheese with probiotics idea - will pick some up when I pick up my prescription this morning. Yogurt I always have.

Jo, prayers for you for good news about your CT scan. Hope you're feeling back to normal.

Today is nail day - should be fun driving in Ocean City with all of the tourists on the road looking for something to do besides going to the beach.

The dogs didn't wake up this morning until I did - I think they're getting the hang of summer vacation. :)

Have agreat day!

Sandi said...

Had to change my avatar to Freyja enjoying her chocolate cake on her birthday.

One of the juvies is making noise at the nest - maybe ordering breakfast?


Sandi said...

One juvie in the nest picking at the turtle shell.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds juvie was just bouncing around in the nest I do hear lots of commotion on the camera I see tips on stump so I bet the other is on the cam housing

STILL camera is Kaput

JudyEddy said...

If anyone want to know

so far no sighting of Ozzie this am only FV and Harriett

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ It's Thursday already - last week on Friday I thought it was
Thursday --- Don't worry I caught up!

I am sending email to NCTC - IT about the still cam being down. OD cam is up running well and nest looks dry although we had rain last evening. Wingtips are visible at the
stump at 9 position.

Today is a free day for me - Children are coming over Sunday and bringing hubby his
Father's Day dinner. All but one of the kids and family will be here.

Oldest daughter just called and was excited that a little chipmunk was out on her deck and yesterday one of the daughters posted picture of 2 little groundhogs by her shed. And of course Jenny has had a doe with her twin fawns in her area. Love it that the family is aware of the wildlife around even in developed areas.

Judie hope your new 'do' didn't get wet yesterday - I'm going to get a haircut on Sat. I'll keep most of it just in case chemo starts up again! I am feeling well today - thanks you all for remembering me in your thoughts and prayers.

Ozzie and Harriet and the FV - nothing going on. Their chat is paused until reports come in from the ground crew at the nest. I sure don't want to hear of an all out battle between Oz and FV. I don't know what is in an eagle's mind with situations of this nature.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, glad you're feeling pretty good today. I am not in any way surprised that The Family Lennox enjoy wildlife - chip(monks) off the original Sycamore.

Trying to decide to go out foraging or stay home. Weather person says the outside feels like a sauna. Otherwise, not much on the agenda.

Hmmmm, Freyja is clearly enjoying her chocolate birthday cake. Is Father's Day a good excuse? Must ponder that.

Okay, wishing everyone a wonderful day. Stay as cool as possible.

Mema Jo said...

Received reply from NCTC - IT

Hi jo I will get this up at lunchtime

All is good hope the same for you

Not sure about Eagles flying

Mema Jo said...

Here is the link to CHAT for Ozzie

Chat is paused until ground crew reports a sighting or something happening.

Mema Jo said...

White Tail is in the nest - just lying low!

Mema Jo said...

Newsletter that you all may receive online from Loch of Lowes, Jonathan Pinnick

The osprey chicks are thriving and growing every day! You'll be glad to know that we plan to ring all of our chicks and use our two satellite tags to track two of them. We usually try to do this when the chicks are five weeks old and so the right time is fast approaching. If all goes well, this will give us a greater insight into the migratory patterns of ospreys. Make sure to keep an eye on the blog, so we can update you with everything that is going on!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Bright sunshine here! Let the drying up begin! It will take a couple of weeks.

One eaglet in the nest, calling out!

Not much on the agenda today.

Tomorrow Jack and I are going out to eat, celebrating our 50th! Nonna Tatta's is not open on Saturday, our anniversary. Saturday we are going to cook a special dinner for ourselves. Sunday, family will be here to celebrate our anniversary and Father's Day. We were married at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon, Father's Day. Jack will cook ribs!

Lolly said...

Latest on my high schooler, Joseph! He is going to the HS to lift weights everyday. Plans to start going to open gym to play basketball. Met the HS soccer coach and friends were telling the coach what a great keeper Joseph is. Joseph told the coach he was going to play basketball. The two sports overlap but the coach told him they could work it out. football, But BB and soccer. Also, band and jazz band. Going to be a busy boy!

Jacob has Chess camp next week but week after that he is coming here for a week. Yea! Camp Hawkwood is in August and it will just be Jacob again. Joseph will be busy with band. My boys are growing up!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, good idea to hang on to those lovely curls! You do know prayers for you are offered up multiple times a day across Momsterland! Thanks for the good links, bird info and cam follow ups! I rely heavily on your reportage!

SANDI, Freyja is off to a great start---chocolate cake will delight her so many times over the coming years! What a doll! Glad the dogs have caught on to the new schedule.

JUDIE, sauna conditions here, too. Stay in if you can and leave the foraging for another day. Some of these recent days have been two shower days---I don't care what the experts say about our over bathing. I've had to hang "dirty clothes" up to dry before adding them to the basket. Oh-oh, I forgot...I promised not to complain about hot weather after going through the hard, frozen winter of 2014-2015. Sooorrrryyyy!

LOLLY, congrats to you and JACK---what with the big trip and all the doings this weekend I'd say your anniversary is being well noted and celebrated! 50 years is a real accomplishment!!!

Big storms rolling back in again today---Penny and I must get out and take advantage of today's short span of sunshine.

Prayers for our dear Belle, Shep and eaglets as they do their thing and so often are off camera now. Also for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters in need!


JudyEddy said...

3315,00. 66% now

Waiting for Angie to go to lunch. Went to mamo appt and now here

Mema Jo said...

Jun 18 2015, 1:07 PM
Essec09: Ground update starting at 10:51am: Harriet is at "Yonder pond" - vocalized a little. No one else in sight though (TripleJ/Jeff/StacyB); 11:19am Harriet is soaring way up in the clouds in the area now between the church and the shopping center then left the area (Stacy/Jeff). Wskrsnwings checked "Bob's" place. No eagles seen on poles (GregH).

JudyEddy said...

I can't get on the Jun album I keep getting message from google warning me of Phishing attack ahead Can some else check and let me know I am heading out now be back after dark unless I can get hooked up in Ft Meyers with wifi

Mema Jo said...

We are getting a heavy afternoon thunder storm here in my valley.
Nest just got 2 eaglets plopping in it! Now there is only one as I was typing and didn't see one leave. Our sky has just opened up!!! Buckets upon buckets coming
down. Looks like a white-out~


WOW white tail was in the nest and now the other flew in
Beaking & pecking away at each other - doesn't look like rain is at the nest yet
The storm is right overhead

Mema Jo said...

Sun is shinning now - no rainbow - White tail down in the nest and our other eaglet just flew up on the stump.
Now they are both down in nest
Guess they would like the Nest-Side food drop off - In fact it looks like I missed
a food drop off because one sure looks as though he is eating.

Well - I am out of here for a Pre Father's Day dinner with our daughter and a grandson


Mema Jo said...

Still cam is still down
There may be a more serious problem

Do me a favor and check it out every now and then - THX

Mema Jo said...

JUDYE - June Yahoo Momsters' Album is really messed up.
I got into the album but pics are all scrambled and some missing

Give it a day

JudyEddy said...

Hello fromft Meyer . Only Harriett so far and only two others here came to MCd to hook up WiFi heading back looks like rain storm coming also

Judie said...

Two eaglets in the nest. Pecking and competing. Looks to be sunshine.

Heavy heavy storms here. Temporary break so need to go next door to care for the stupid lizard.

Don't follow Ozzie and Harriet but I hope they both soar and thrive.

Congratulations Lolly and Jack. Have a lovely anniversary weekend.

Jo, have a wonderful pre-father's day dinner. Also, need to check on the ospreys. They are just huge and so happy about the banding.

Mema Jo said...

We have returned home from dinner - Very good meal (Crabcake for me) and was
enjoyable visiting with daughter and our soon-to-be 21 yr old grandson. He will be
a senior this upcoming year at the UMD. He says it is scary due to having to know what
you're going to do after Senior Year with your life.
I'm certain he will find his calling ♥

Checking out Thursday TV shows & hoping Lizzy the Lizard is nice to Judie


Judie said...

Back home.

Stupid lizard. Made three attempts to escape. Upon capture she glared at me. Stupid lizard.

Jo, glad you had a nice dinner - especially the crab cake. Tell grandson he is among thousands with the same scaries. I always suggested following the path that will make them feel good about themselves at the end of the day -- that may not always be wealth but it will be a life lived with integrity.

OMG - Harriet was at McDonald's to use the WiFi? Impressive.

Okay, finally headed to finish today's paper and watch some tv.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Storming again. More maybe in the wee wee hours.

GUESS WHAT??? We had a dog come in today who is a HERMAPHRODITE!! I have NEVER seen this before but WOW!!! I have pictures, of course, but I will spare you...not that it's gross or anything, but VERY weird.

I LOVE MY JOB! (today, anyway!)

Lynne2 said...

My goodness Judie, what kind of lizard are you caring for?

Lynne2 said...

Anyone watch Astronauts Wives Club?

stronghunter said...

I watched it, Lynne2. Interesting. I wonder how much of that stuff really happened.

Today was very busy, and I am tired. Just want to make sure to say good night while I can.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. I will see you tommorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - new one on me HERMAPHRODITE dog. I had to look it up.... would be weird I guess

Shirley have a sound sleep
Judie I hope the Lizard got enough to eat...


Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends. 5:51 wake-up call from the dogs this morning ... grrrr!

Judie, getting my nails done every 2 weeks is my big splurge on myself - have been getting them done for probably 20 years. Will continue to do so even on my "little salary" next school year. I'm not a shopaholic, I pack my lunch every day, but my nail appointments are my thing. And I MUST have a design on my ring fingers.

Tennis at 8am, then I need to get the upstairs cleaned. Shirley, it's not too bad playing at 8am b/c I'm finished by 10am before it gets too hot. Still, I'm sweaty at the end of 2 hours but it's great exercise - at least I think so.

Have a great day all.

Sandi said...

Nest looks and sounds MT so far.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Nice fish drop in nest as I opened camera I see fish and eaglet

Judie said...

Good morning.

Nest is MT. Maybe we will be lucky enough to see one of the brief returns before the kids leave the final time.

Congratulations to Decorah - three successful fledges.

The loon family is doing well. Mom, Dad, and chick fine. The second egg was found to be infertile.

Ospreys are basking and preening in the Scottish sunshine this morning.

Sandi, you deserve your splurge indulgence. Hope they look beauteous.

Lynne2, how interesting. Would think the dog would be just fine. Yes? Ah, the lizard. Well, it is about 8" long and has a raised ridge along its back. I say the care is tedious because it does nothing - doesn't bark, meow, play fetch - nothing. Meanwhile, it has to have a bath at a specific water temperature, it has to have specific humidity, it has to have worms, calcium, and sometimes a pablum mixture. Tedious. Stupid lizard!

Getting a couple of chores done early before real heat arrives. Going to try a recipe for yellow squash gazpacho. Might be a good alternative until "real" tomatoes arrive.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

just got snip with eaglet and fish heading out for the day getting Jordyn in a bit

JudyEddy said...

I was sucessful in putting pic in album last night after I got home I wasn't tired so I went in and what ever was wrong is gone

JudyEddy said...

Eagle sirens going off eaglet landed and went to try to steal the fish that the other has There ares some bloody scraps

JudyEddy said...

he did manage to steal something must have pulled it both have something now

Mema Jo said...

Good RED Friday morning to all ♥
Thanks Judy for pics - Yahoo doesn't always welcome us - enjoy your day with Jordyn.

Both are in the nest and the White Tail has food but not sharing yet - I have just signed on so perhaps they did share.

Just resent email to NCTC IT about the Still Cam not being reset - I will let you know
the reply -- I do hope it is fixable.

I need to catch up on a few cams - Judie I must find out about the 3 Decorah's taking first flight. And must check to see if Ozzie is still a "No Show" - I really don't want to see or hear about an Eagle Fight.

Tomorrow is Hair Do Day for me. I am so not use to having the weight on my head of so much hair -

Headed over to FB and the different cams............. BBL

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Buds!!!

I'll be picking Seth up at 1 today. We'll enjoy the afternoon together and Julie will pick us up and take us to dinner when that time of day rolls round. She has Friday afternoon meetings at the college and Hugh is in WI helping his sis deal with his mother's estate/belongings.

Thanks for all the updates on our birds and other fine feathered friends!

SANDI, you deserve such pleasures as purty nails! And, JO, you deserve a bit of a trim since those curly locks are weighing heavily now! We all need our beauty treatments!

Prayers for all in need!


Lynne2 said...

Hello from work!

So, the dog...isn't spayed and is in heat. Graphic info to follow: The penis is inside of the vulva and pointing outward. She/He came into heat and was having difficulty urinating. That is due to extra parts and extra swelling from being in heat. One of the strangest things I've seen....

Lolly said...

Good morning? My first thought....can he/she get itself pregnant?😜😱

Have already been out helping Jack. He started yesterday cutting up the fallen tree. We have no lawn mower as it is in for repair, therefore no trailer to haul. Could not use them anyway as the ground is too mucky. So, I helped haul branches from the front to the back. Hard sweaty work! Anyway, we finished up today. Well, finished what we are going to do so far. He still needs to cut down the part of the tree still standing. Also, needs to dig and cut roots. We have a big mound where the roots pulled up. What a mess....what a shame!

Now going to stay in for the rest of the day. So, hot and humid!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 I know it is an odd dog but I sure hope something can be done to help with all the discomfort`1 Sad.....

GD is up at the camp to pick up my 2 ggd......... Youngest one lost a tooth while there
lol I don't think there are any Tooth Fairies at outdoor camp! I am anxious to get
some pictures of them and hear all those camp stories for this past week.

Very humid out there - I'm not going anywhere. Still cam still not up - hope it isn't something serious - I'm think IT is busy elsewhere.

I am having a late lunch...... BBL

Lynne2 said...

HA HA LOLLY!!! NO, there isn't really any way of knowing for sure, either, what parts are "functional".

Best thing would be to spay the dog so that she'd be more comfortable but these folks have NEVER had a dog spayed or neutered. GRRRRRRRRR

Going to rain again!

So sad about the redbud Lolly.

Camp stories will be great entertainment Jo!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Haven't been here for a while, and need to read back a bit. Did read part of this thread. Lynne2, gosh! I've never heard of a hermaphrodite dog before!
I know it must happen, but certainly not very often. Is the poor thing able to pee at all? I hope something can be done to help it!

Lolly, sorry about the continuing muddy situation, and about the loss of the redbud.

Jo, prayers continue for you as always. Hope you keep improving, and feel better and better.

Will be very interested to hear what happens now that Ozzie has been released.

Well, need to go get some late lunch. Will be back later tonight. Have a super
Red Friday, everyone! I ♥ us!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. When I first checked cam a little while ago, one chick was in the middle of the nest & then took a short flight over 12 o'clock. Could see some leaves moving. Now I just saw some dark feathers on the left branch and more chirping. Can just see a speck of black on the left. What an exciting summer vacation they are having now!!!!
Got a chance (no rain) Tuesday to crawl through the jungle at Park to check eagle nest. MT
Minor nature news at home is that a couple weeks ago I saw Mom Downy Woodpecker feeding Baby Girl while they were both on the suet! Early sighting for me. And Mr. House wren went in and out of birdhouse at least 50 times yesterday. Could not really see what he was removing----maybe ants or something. He left the old furniture alone!
Baby Osprey on Park cam is getting huge each week. TU I saw it flap wings a little. Greg, our chief naturalist, said they can get mature enough to fledge in 5 weeks!
Lynne 2, sure hope vet makes a good fix on poor doggy. Very unusual.
I can still hear Chirpy!
Gotta eat something~~~~ Prayers for health and good wishes to all

Judie said...

Hi Loretta, terrific about the woodpecker. We have several but have only seen adults drilling into less than healthy trees. We have something in a hanging basket but not sure if it is a sparrow or wren. I can say for sure it is not an osprey.

Hi Andy. Hi to Emma.

Hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.

Headed for the pillows. Sandperson is about to depart.

Restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you here Andy and Loretta.

I am trying to get ready for bed before I get sprinkled with Sleepy Dust..

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

68° at the nest Still cam is still kaput

MT nest from what I can see

Had a nice evening and day Jordyn camp had a thing at the pool, hot dogs etc and swim 630. to 830 was nice and didn't get home till almost 10

Hope everyone has a good day today

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

When I first opened the live cam, the nest was MT. Now I see 1 eel and 1 juvie pecking at it so there must have been a food drop.

Gray morning here to be followed by a gray day and lots of rain coming overnight tonight.

Sandi said...

The juvie seemed to be having a hard time tearing into that eel. A parent just arrived - Shep I think - with a nice-sized fish, so there's plenty of food to be had. Juvie is now working on the fish.

Sandi said...

And now we have a parent feeding the kid - yay! It's been a while since I've seen that happening.

Sandi said...

Both kids in the nest now and another fish was dropped off for the one who hasn't had breakfast. This time the parent left in a hurry. One juvie is chowing down while the other stands at the edge of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - Hi There Sandy & Judy

Watching the chowing down in the nest. One juvie has gone up to the stump while the other is still picking at something. Sandi thanks for the info about the food drop
as I tuned in late.

What symbol or pic is on your ring finger nails this week? It is also gray out here.
Haircut later this morning. Nothing else planned.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Eaglet attempting to conquer whatever "it" is --looked like an eel. Also looks overcast at the nest.

Overcast here. Plan to stay in today.

Sandi, tennis this morning? Yes, what is the design?

Jo, enjoy getting out and getting that "do" did. Glad you decided to keep the curls.

JudeE, glad you had a fun day with Jordyn.

Okay, off for a few more sips of coffee.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday.

Judie said...

Happy 50th Anniversary to Lolly and Jack. Wishing them a spectacular weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Happy 50th Anniversary to Lolly and Jack
Wishing you many many more years of love and happiness

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Good to know Belle n' Shep are still tending to their young. Hmmm, I would have a hard time "getting into" eel, too!

Congratulations LOLLY n' JACK! They say the 1st 50 years are the hardest so from here on in it's a breeze. Glad the kids are all due in for a grand anniversary/Father's Day celebration!

Dinner out with Julie and Seth was wonderful---we were able to eat in an outdoor patio thanks to a nice drop in temp. We beat the rain which started about 11pm and is still falling.

Seth will be here for our Sat/Sun routine and then we all go to a matinee theater performance of "The Nerd" at Otterbein U. That should be hilarious!

Happiness is reading about our eagles, JO's "do", JUDY's good time with Jordyn, JUDIE's coffee sips as the morning crew checked in.

Looking forward to more posts as our Momster's check in, one by one. May you all have a wonderful Father's Day weekend!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Thanks for the good wishes. So, it was out to mow the lawn this morning. Lol. How is that for celebrating your 50th. We are going to try to make pasta this afternoon and cooking a special dinner this evening. We will be doing this together...our thing! Italy was our celebration and last night. Tonight will be interesting. Lol. Michael and Zach are supposed to stop by today. They are sleeping in an air conditioned "tent" tonight at Fossil Rim Wildlife Park. Hope animals come up close! Then they will be back here tomorrow afternoon as will Laurel and family.

Sort of cloudy today which helped with the yard work. Had trouble mowing as the grass was so thick and tall. Also a lot of it could not be mowed. Jack used a weed eater on it. Flooding is continuing at lakes as all the rain drains into the lakes. Pictures in the paper of backyards with lawn furniture in the lake. Now why did the people not put up their lawn furniture? They knew the lake was rising! Duh!

My cousins wife, Flo, was put on hospice this morning. She put up a great fight but is at peace. Prayers for her and family please.

Ok, time to attempt pasta! Here hee!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Flo and her hubby and family. May she not have pain and be at peace with her life ♥

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

A prayer for Flo and all her family and friends.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly and Jack, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! May you continue to reap the rewards of a devoted relationship for many long years to come.

NCSuzan said...

Thoughts for Flo and her family.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

wing tip at stump I did get a snip this am of adult in nest as I was walking out dorr just put on FB

JudyEddy said...

Happy Anniversary LOLLY and JACK may you have 50 more

Sending healing thought and prayers to FLO and her family .

83° at the nest

me 91° heat 101°

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

The kids aren't in the nest but someone is making lots of noises

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet came in and is eating Adult still in nest

JudyEddy said...

Real nice size fish being held on tight with talons and being ate by one

JudyEddy said...

adult leaves the one eaglet is making a big commotion and mantelling like someone is there not no one in nest

JudyEddy said...

there is still a half a fish left going to to stump

JudyEddy said...

adult in and juvie also looks like another fish I wonder if this is the same one I see on tip on stump

JudyEddy said...

adult did a circle trying to get fish and succeeds AWW feeding the big one they look the same size adult and juvie wow

JudyEddy said...

Juvie rushes adult and adult poofs out back door Now juvie is just looking while standing on the fish and I hear talon on cam houseing

JudyEddy said...

juvie back to stump and I see no remains of fish

JudyEddy said...

looks like the nest is in for storms windy

JudyEddy said...

one smart eaglet laying lo was wingersizing but decided to sit down

JudyEddy said...

up to the stump now and I can see the wings flapping up there

stronghunter said...

I see the wings, too Judy. Awfully windy and stormy for the eaglet to be up there.

stronghunter said...

Looks almost like night at the nest. Dark.

Oh, now a little color.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Flo, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Hoping to hear from Susan. She was out in West Virginia somewhere today. They were planning on kayaking. My storm alarm is screaming downstairs. Tornado warning nearby. Oh, they said Chancellor. That is where I live. Need to take precautions.

stronghunter said...

Dog and cat in basement. I am watching TV weather. Will saw funnel clouds. He is at his apartment with Stephanie's daughters.

Eerie quiet here.

Storm system moving east towards King George.

Lynne2 said...

Gonna be a bumpy night....

Stay safe Shirley! Hope Will got a picture of the funnel clouds!


Gotta shut down, stay safe everyone....

stronghunter said...

Starting to rain now. Heading to basement.

stronghunter said...

Will did post a picture, Lynne2.

Trained weather spotters did report a funnel cloud in the area. I am in the basement with the cat and dog. Dog is fussing about being down here. Cat is in a dog kennel. He is quietly staring at me.

stronghunter said...

I saw one adult and one eaglet at the nest. It looked much calmer there, but now I am not getting the cam.

Mema Jo said...

8pm all our warnings here in Frederick County MD were lifted. Mainly lightning and torrents of rain - could hardly see across the street.
Thankful Shirley that you are staying safe. I have granddaughter in Fairfax and
also one in Midlothian.
It is still so humid out there even though the rain has stopped (for now)

I'll try to check back later IF NOT GOODNIGHT TO ALL ♥

Judie said...

Hi all.

Horrendous storm here. Lots of thunder, lightening, and very very high winds. Finally quiet. Power has been restored.

So happy to see posts from Shirley, Jo, and Lynne2 so I know they are okay. Hoping all their family members are also.

Shutting down for the evening. Prayers that all the momsters and dadsters are okay and safe.

Safe and restful sleep for all.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley? Are you ok?

The storm here has passed. Lightning, strong winds and rain but all is quiet now.

Lynne2, hope you are ok too and that the storm is soon gone for everyone. It is that time of year when these strong storms pop up. Keep your eye to the sky!

JudyEddy said...

Juvie Eagle getting a massage

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Very quiet here now. Kathryn came home and we watched TV for awhile.

Looks like things are okay for everyone else, too.

I am hoping for a peaceful night. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Lolly and Jack.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Nest looks MT at this time

JudyEddy said...

Happy Fathers Day to all our DADSTERS

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Lots of lightning and thunder during the night that woke all of us up. Fortunately the dogs slept in this morning as a result.

The nest looks sunny but MT.

Lolly, I wished you a happy anniversary on FB but will say it again here - I hope you and Jack have many more years of making and eating pasta together!

I hope everyone enjoys their Fathers Day - Denny won't see either of his boys today. Kevin is still at the Firefly Music Festival and Brian and Lynnis aren't driving from WV. Brian took his Spanish exam on Friday and should get his scores tomorrow. If his score is high enough, he should find out his date to go to Mexico very shortly.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Bright sunshine here and at the nest. One eaglet pecking around.

Happy Father's Day to all the dadsters.

Hope everyone survived the fierce storms last night with little or no damage. Glad Shirley and Sandi have checked in.

May go out later. Good day as stores are usually not busy - people celebrating at home.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and a very special Father's Day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all ♥ All my outside plants are still drenched but looking upward to the sunshine. So far this summer, mother nature (bless her heart) has taken care of the watering - just a bit too much at times.

Happy Father's Day to all dadsters and especially good ol' Shep
The children are coming around 5pm today and will celebrate their dad.

Thankful that all of our group in Bill's way last night made it safely through all the torrents of rain. Very humid this morning!

Sandi said...

Well, the sun has made its way out here in Bethany but boy, is it ever muggy out there. Super bad hair day!

1 juvie in the nest.

Happy 1st day of summer - longest daylight day of the year!

Mema Jo said...

Our White Tail is down in the nest at the 3:00 position - That is the old launch pad area
Sorry still cam wasn't reset but happy OD Live Feed is available to check on the kids

Mema Jo said...

One of our eaglets is up on the stump
He is wingersizing
You can just see his shadow


Mema Jo said...

Our live feed isn't staying up very long

Windy at the nest

JudyEddy said...

1203 on lunch I guess the still is really really broke huh


NatureNut said...

Looks like one big chick laying at about 5 o'clock. Lots of shadows.
Will it ever stop raining every evening! We got drenched last night. I've had to remove mulch from some of my flower pots. They were staying so wet, leaves were falling off!
Have a wonderful day! ☺ ♥

NatureNut said...

Dear Judie, just saw your comment about bird nesting in basket. Could be anybody, but Carolina Wrens are famous for using other people's stuff for nests. We had some at Park years ago that nested in outside maintenance area in a cloth bag hanging from an upright. Bag was probably for throwing out grass seed. The other family was in a little alcove next to top of the soda machine!!

Mia Culpa, a late HAPPY 50th TO JACK AND LOLLY!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and both kids are in the nest

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to all our Dadsters!

Been really taking it easy here. Has been HOT and humid, and the air quality is unhealthful, due to recent fires. (None anywhere near this roost, but guess the wind has carried ash in this direction.)

We did go to lunch with Sis-in-law yesterday. We went to the Lazy Dog Cafe. They allow people to bring their dogs with them, although Emma stayed home, and Charlee girl, the bulldog, stayed home too. Sis-in-law had to work yesterday--lots to do to prepare for working from home doing cold calling. We did see a Goldendoodle, 2 really cute Shih Tzus, a mini doxie, and a really spectacular
Blue Shepherd! (He was only 18 months old, but already 100 pounds, with 6 months of growing still to be done!) His owner has his white littermate at home, who's even bigger. The guy lives on a few acres out in Yorba Linda, and says they have absolutely NO problem with coyotes--the critters think the 2 shepherds are wolves, apparently! It was really nice eating on the cafe patio, but got really HOT later in the day. I think it's somewhat cooler today. We went to breakfast at IHOP today--boy, were they busy!!

Want to take Ken out to dinner tonight, if he can decide where he wants to go.

Our oldest granddaughter, Jay Joree, has been at the Dallas Tattoo Expo this weekend. She won first place for 'Most Unique', and a first place for 'Texas Theme' for the second year in a row!! We are SO proud of her! She has really found her niche in life, and is so incredibly talented.

Well, better get going. Need to vacuum up some dog hair--Emma is shedding like crazy it's been so hot. Will brush her when I'm finished. And I thought the Siberian Husky we used to have could shed!

Oh--before I forget, Happy Anniversary to Lolly & Jack! Glad you're still celebrating! Party on!

Have a good day, everyone. I ♥ us!! (Ken & Emma say howdy!)

JudyEddy said...

and the cam goes off right away PIA

JudyEddy said...

I do think we have one female and one male one on left is smaller than the one on right

JudyEddy said...

trying to steal from the other going on other side so funny to watch them fight and the steal was sucessful

JudyEddy said...

I noticed the nest looks cleaner Housekeeping had to have stopped in Unless the kids tidyed up some I see ducky at the launch pad and both eaglets are still in the nest one on launch pad hiding and other top of nest 12 NHZ

JudyEddy said...

I figured it out the kids are hanging in the nest waiting for DAD to come home LOL The one has been laying down for a while now and other on stump

JudyEddy said...

The one eaglet that was on the stump flew down and then flew out the back door to the left So I think our nest is MT or could be hidden at launch pad but I don't think so

JudyEddy said...

I do hear eagle peeping

Lolly said...

Hi all! Happy Father's Day to all Dadsters!

It has been a busy day. Started to leave a post earlier but then the kids arrived. Lost the post. Lol

Joey did not come. Laurel's car broke down at church and Joey had to spend the day replacing the alternator. Not fun!

We all had a great time. Joseph is now taller than Uncle Michael. A major event!

We had more rain today. Not a whole lot but did not want any!!!

I am going to be ready for bed early! What a weekend! Night all! SED!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Hope all the Dadsters had a terrific day.

Loretta, I think it is a Carolina Wren. The "nest" is a ceramic jug with holes punched in it to hang on nails. Filled with twigs.

Andy, hope Kubby chose a great place for dinner. Woof to Emma. Congratulations to Jay Joree. Dogs sound beauteous.

Judie said...

Sandperson departed about an hour ago. Asked to borrow a battery operated hand-held mini fan. Hope no one finds a melted sandperson in the morning.

Headed to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

nest is MT at present time

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks and sounds MT.

Hope everyone had a good Father's Day and 1st day of summer. Denny and I went out on the boat for the evening, stopped at a restaurant for a burger and some music, then video chatted with Brian and Freyja.

We got an estimate on Saturday to replace 1 of our heat pumps - 14 1/2 years old and just not doing the job anymore. Will be getting a 2nd estimate today and then making a decision who will do the work. Would like to have the new unit installed before family arrives.

Tennis this morning from 8-10, then I think I'll head to Rehoboth. Need some new bed pillows and maybe a new bathing suit.

One juvie just made a noisy landing. Now up to the stump. Must be ordering breakfast.

Have agreat day.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Nest is MT and quiet. Breakfast must be over.

Good luck getting the best price and best installation on the heat pump Sandi. When is family arriving? Everyone? Enjoy the tennis.

My agenda today is lunch with my Interpol friend.

Sun is shining brightly. Sky is very blue. Humidity has disguised itself as invisible but I know it's there.

Jo, stay in if you can. Hope the family gathering was fun and yummy.

Wishing everyone a marvelous Monday.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sitting at the car repair shop. Came in for an oil change and to see why check engine light is on. Well, all together, they say I need almost $900.00 in repairs. They will do about $500.00 today and postpone the rest. I do recall postponing repairs last time I was here. Car has almost 150,000 miles, so it's not surprising.

Hunter is with me. He was supposed to go to football camp, but is annoyed with his mother and wouldn't go, so he is spending the morning with me.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. The sun is finally shining at my abode. It will take a while for the ground to dry out, however.

No eaglet sighting for me today. Maybe our guys have fully fledged?

Shirley, thinking of you . Don't know which is worse, spending big bucks on your well used car, or sitting with a perhaps sullen teenager.

Hope all have wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sad to see an empty nest. Can not tell if they are nearby or not.

Slept in today and really slow moving. Weekend was too busy! Lol

Not sure either on what is on the agenda. Jack has an emergency dental appointment. Probably means a tooth extraction and an implant. However he fears an infection.

Also know weave a short trip sometime this week. Flo will be leaving us anytime. So,a trip to College Station for a service could be anytime this week. So very sad!

Joseph left his shoes here so that involves a trip, too. Rain yesterday is keeping me out of the yard, so guess drawer cleaning might happen today.

Have a great week!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
It is really a hot one out there and yes, I plan to stay inside today
Whitetail had been spotted around 11:30am in the nest looking for scraps of food but then back up on the stump.

Everyone stay as cool as possible! ♥

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

It's an indoor A/C full blast day here, too. Beats ice n' snow when I have to go outside, by a long shot!

Sounds like those with fathers to honor did so in fine style and great fun was had by all.

My weekend included, dinner out with family, Seth with me from Sat. dinner through Sun. lunch, the zany play, The Nerd, at Otterbein U., a Sweet Adaline concert in the park....the only missing ingredient was Hugh. He was feted earlier in the week by Julie and Seth as he had to be in WI to help dispose of the last of his late mother's belongings. A sad, but necessary mission.

Ouch, SHIRLEY! Cars are such necessary evils! Isn't it funny how teens can cut off their noses to spite their faces---Hunter is really hurting his mom by not going to practice!!! Ah, well, the hope is that one day he'll have his own teen to enjoy to the fullest!☺

JUDIE, I hope you enjoyed the luncheon with your Interpol friend!

LOLLY, oops, too bad about Jack's tooth! Prayers for a smooth, pain free transition for Flo.

I can't get the cam to come up---"not available at this time"????

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Our Still Cam is up/running. I just checked it expecting it still to be down.

Live Feed on Outdoor is also up/running....

Now all we need are some eagles in the nest........... lol

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work I was going to say the same thing JO Still is back
was shocked when I woke the puter up

I see wing tips on stump now

JudyEddy said...

call me nuts but the still isn't matching the live feed with stick placement and shadows HMMM ODD notice in the still the sticks near the stump is not there in the live and in the still ducky is in a pointed a different way as the live I don't think we are in Kansas with the still LOL

anyone else let me know JUVIE is donw in the live but not in the still

JudyEddy said...

nope eagle still in live but not is STILL so its is still broke

JudyEddy said...

eaglet back to stump and nest is MT again That looks like a rib bone in the nest toward the stump

JudyEddy said...

Eaglet chirping

Mema Jo said...

I agree that the still cam isn't updating
Can't do anything about it until sometime tomorrow

Glad the live feed is current.

JudyEddy said...

eaglet off stump and on launch pad

JudyEddy said...

back to stump YO YO YO

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Nest was MT moments ago.

Friend is fine. Won't bore you with Interpol stuff. She's threatening to update her resume again. lol

Nice news is her daughter is expecting a first grandboy so that is nice. Daughter was with us for lunch.

Heat/humidity is oppressive. I am not a fan of summer and less so as each year passes. Much prefer the coolness of Fall.

Lynne, I seem to recall that you are in the PA area. Hope you are not near the area where the two escapees may have been sighted.

Shirley, do hope the car will be repaired and well repaired for the money. So sorry for that problem and, as Lynne said, with a sullen teen to boot. ):

Kay, glad you had a terrific weekend. Bow wows for Penny.

Thanks for the cam report, JudyE.

Off to put my feet up before heading next door to take care of the stupid lizard.


Lolly said...

Just want you to know that it pays to clean drawers and cabinets! I found ny "I came for the Eagles....." brass plaque! It has been missing, but knew it had to be here! I have two drawers that are always dumping items into the cabinet below! And, that is where I found it! Wahoo!

JudyEddy said...

lots of noise in the attic

JudyEddy said...

big cam shake

JudyEddy said...

Great new of the find LOLLY

Interesting article on Ozzie and CROW

I got 2 1/2 inches of rain this am

Lynne2 said...

OMG.....I don't know WHY I stay in the veterinary business. Today was HORRIBLE.

Eyes to the skies tonight after dark...big solar storms might mean Auroras may be visible! the Thundershirt today! Looks like we'll be in for some boom booms tomorrow afternoon so I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Our Governer Hogan announced today that he has B Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage 4 or very advanced stage 3. But this is apparently curable and I pray for him!

Lynne2 said...

Judie, I don't think that the law thinks that those 2 murders are in that area near the PA/NY anymore but rather they are back nearer to the escape area. They could be down in the barn for all I know! Makes me nervous....wish I had a shotgun.

SO...while I was typing this the boss just called and it looks like we are sold to the vet. The closing will be on the 30th and she said as far as she is concerned, until the papers are signed, nothing is set in stone. But, he is coming here Thursday morning to address the staff.

I need ice cream.....

JudyEddy said...

I hope all works out for you LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 also hope the Tshirt works and so sorry about your Governor

Patti Carl sister started her chemo treatments today

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...