Tuesday, December 17, 2013


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Happy Tuesday!

Thanks for getting the still cam up, Steve and crew at NCTC!!

Woot! I'll take the feather!

paula eagleholic said...

And, Goodorming to all!

paula eagleholic said...

I do believe that is a flip flopped view of our nest from previous years.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks you for the nice new thread, STEVE---just before we due for the split---great timing !

Glad you have a new feather, PAULA and thanks for calling us over !

SANDI, thinking of your dear son as he wings his way home !

JANET, hope Chris's transition from hospital to home is a smooth one. Prayers continue !

MARGY, have to wonder if the juvie you saw is one of our own. Neat or as JUDY would say, "cool beans".

Have to back to the last thread for more reading.....

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

My delete---don't know what I do to create double posts.

LYNNE, cool avatar---"Rockin' Round the Clock" !!! Hope you're all better after that warm shower and a good nights sleep !

HODA, Nelson should name you Volunteer of the Year ! You are amazing !

Have a good day all !

Love and Prayers for all in need.


paula eagleholic said...

Sun is shining on the nest. The cut off stump is now at the 5 spot...you can see the shadow of it across the nest...

Hoda said...

Goodmorning to you all.
Thank you Steve and Paula
Enjoy the day.

What is the secret of non stick cooking with stainless steel fry pan? Anyone know?

Lolly said...

Goodorming! Went to bed without saying good night. Please accept my apologies for lack of manners. ☺

Another beautiful day shaping up here and back out to work on leaves. I think we better get out and move or we will stiffen up. lol
And, the bad weather they predicted for us this coming weekend...they now say just cold and rain, no ice. I will go with that.
Need to call up the cam as I have not opened it this morn.

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA I think you are right.

Glad BRIAN is winging his way home.

KAY so many people volunteer in Nelson.
No big deal.
It benefits the individual and the community

Lolly said...

Can not figure out how to have two windows share the screen side by side on this new laptop. Gotta figure that one out! Grrr!

Lolly said...

Goodorming, Soda!

Lolly said...

Hoda, have enjoyed the fb page People of Nelson. Some very interesting people have been pictured and quoted! When are they going to take a picture of you?☺

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Congrats Paula on your feather!
Do you ever find feathers on the ground at your Paradise location?

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread and for everyone at NCTC that has our cam up working. We are hoping to see the eagles soon.

Mema Jo said...


I am watching on You Tube live the ribbon cutting of the Black Bear Complex at the Wildlife Center of VA.. Lots of speeches - I am hoping to see all the bears come out...

Mema Jo said...

Need to read other morning comments

Safe journey Brian!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - thanks for your input about the light on the nest. I just didn't think we had a infrared light
last year. I really hope that is what it is.

Mema Jo said...

Hard to imagine that next Tues will be Christmas eve. Time just passes us by... ♥

Lolly said...

Yes, we had a great light on the nest last year.

Finally have the split screen. I am habby, but now time to get busy. Have a great day!

Oh, and sooo habby for you that Brian is headed home. Safe travels!

Mema Jo said...

Judy - thanks so much for adding a pic in the Momster's album ♥

Kay said...

Yes, JUDY, we love your additions to the album !

HODA, many people volunteer here, too, but few of us could keep up with the numbers of things you are involved with. I repeat, you are amazing !

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I have found some feathers at Paradise for sure...no clue if any are eagle feathers.

I do have some osprey feathers. They are easy to ID.

Lynne2 said...

checking in forome work

Lynne2 said...

looks like no one has been in the nest :(

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Not one eagle has visited our nest yet
Melt snow ♥

BW Osprey platform has an eagle who is enjoying some chow

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch at MC Ds
and find a fresh thread

JudyEddy said...

i SEE mt nest

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school! Two days down and 3 to go. Kids have been OK so far this week.

Gosh, it's so wonderful to be able to split the screen again between the nest cam and the blog!! Even though it's just the still cam, I'll take it!! Steve's post on FB last week said he often sees our eagles at dusk so maybe, just maybe ...

stronghunter said...


Enjoying some recliner time. Tired this afternoon.

Going to check out the still cam.

Mema Jo said...

I am thinking dusk also Sandi
I have been checking throughout today
but nothing yet
I have seen an eagle on the BW osprey platform

Lolly said...

Yesterday I thought I might live and I did. Not so today. I think I am a goner! Been nice knowing you! LOL Tomorrow no yard work but still so much more to do. We have completed the back yard but still have both the sides and the front. It is 70!!

Waiting for my turn in the shower. Tomorrow we are going to Denton in the afternoon. This time we are going for band concert. Joseph's basketball team won their game last night. We will start attending basketball games after Christmas. Chose to go to the band concert this week.

Hoda said...

Soda Hoda Here!!!
LOLLY Ryan is a friend of mine. He is the chap who runs Humans of Nelson. Whenever I see him coming towards me with a camera I hug him and say "gotta run"!!!
He laughs.

Good day here. Yoga in the evening and then Rumi Poetry presentation. Looking forward to both.

I am learning about Stainless Steel Frying pan and eggs.
I gave away my no stick pan to the recycling centre for its health hazards. I just made a very successful Omlette. With broccoli, ginger turmeric, onion and garlic. Nothing stuck and it was delicious.
Failed miserably with scrambled eggs the past few days.
Heating the pan just right is the trick. Also as the French say," mise en place" is essential. That is have every thing in place, diced,sautéed, and ready to go even with the eggs already scrambled before heating the pan and putting the butter.

Let us know when BRIAN lands SANDI.

Prayers on going for all on our lists.
Love and Light to all.

Lolly said...

Come on, Soda! Let him take your pictures and you can give him a memorable quote!!! You will be famous!

Sandi said...

Just read on the Wallop's island FB page that the launch originally scheduled for tomorrow, which was then postponed til Thursday, has now been postponed til after the first of the year.

Time to fix food for pets and people - later!

Sandi said...

OMG, just got an email from Lynnis that Brian's plane is due to land at Dulles at 6:30 THIS evening!! Can you say WOOHOO!!!! :-D

Hoda said...


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

That is less then an hour from now ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Empty nest--the snow looks undisturbed.

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

40 minutes and counting!!!
Want to hear you stepping all the way up to Canada!
B R I A N!!!
Welcome Home!
A Patriot Son Coming Home!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work for just a quickie
heading over to watch Jordyn


Enjoy him as long as you can we know you will

So good to see that Hoda has now cloned herself to divide the stuff she does SODA welcome don't let JUFIE know LOL

Sandi said...

Lynnis sent me the link to his actual flight info. Flight was just delayed by 18 minutes - landing time is now 6:43pm. Thanks all for the woohoos!! I ♥ U all! Will let you know when I get word from Brian or Lynnis that he's at the airport - sure wish I could be there when they see one another for the first time in 3 months!

Janet said...

Good evening my dear friends.

So many glad tidings tonight: brian will be landing soon, everyone is looking forward to next week….new thread, thanks steve!) still cam….but since HODA (the amazing) doesn’t drink soda, could we call her NON Soda Hoda????

I don’t drink it either. I used to. I drink coffee, tea, and water. Sometimes juice, but not too often.

The sun is setting on a beautiful day here in Nashville and my heart is aching. Chris got an updated diagnosis today. She did not get to go home today . The oncologist will be in to see her tomorrow. Her official confirmed diagnosis is NON hodgkins lymphoma.

What I have learned is that non hodgkins is different from Hodgkins lymphoma because
1. It effects different lymphocytes (B or T cells)
2. It is less predictable in its patterning
3. it is more common
4. if it is indolent, it may not need treatment, however, since she’s been having fevers, pain, and tumors, as well as visual confirmation that it is spreading, I think non treatment is not an option. Not a doctor, but common sense prevails here.
5. There is a 50 to 60 % survival rate as opposed to 80% for Hodgkins lymphoma.
SOOOOOOOO, at least now she knows what she is dealing with. I advised Nancy for them to brainstorm and come up with questions, and write them down tonight so they can ask the oncologist tomorrow. I am sure this person will already address most likely all the questions ahead of their inquiries, but just the same…

I am off of work tomorrow. I have gifts to wrap and things to bake. I am truly just going thru the motions right now. Before this last week, I was flying high on holiday spirit. Now, I just am.

It kind of has taken the wind out of my sails, but, light and love will persevere no matter the outcome. I hope, I pray, I envision the best with thankfulness and gratitude that at least in this day and time there is hope. There is always hope.

Light and love to each of you my friends. I wish you a pleasant evening. Namaste.

Hoda said...

6:55 then!!!
I am all ready!
Let us join in a circle for Happy Dance just as BRIAN touches down.
Yes SANDI all hands on deck waiting for your post

Hoda said...

Send Chris Reiki.
Fill yourself and what needs to unfold will unfold.
REIKI is the best you can offer them right now.

Hoda said...

33 minutes from now!!!

Mema Jo said...

Dec 17 2013 - NCTC Eagles - 501 pm - Adult Visits Just Before Dark
Some clips of the MT nest today ... then just before dark we can see a partial view of an adult standing up near 6 oclock...wonderful to see some activity in...


Sandi said...

I am able to follow Brian's flight via the link that Lynnis sent. Brian is currently at the MD/PA border, about 70 miles from Dulles International!!

Sandi said...

Jo, thanks for posting the link to the video! How great was that, to see even part of an eagle in the nest! What a sight!!

Kay said...

WOOOOOHOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!

Ten minutes to touch down !!!!!!

Yeah Brian !!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

JUDY E: The Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Fans - did you set that one up?
It's just that the beginning pics are stationary and the newer items
such as just now the youtube from Deb that I posted, it just goes over into the comments to the right. Do they ever get displayed on the left.

Kay said...

Another WOOOOOHOOOO for the sight of an eagle in our nest !!!!!! We'll take partial, just nice to know they're in the vicinity !!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - don't you love butterflies in the tummy
I am so excited for you

Hoda said...




And it is a touchdown!

Please confirm SANDI!


Kay said...

It's a kick to be able to track flights the way we can these days ! Lynn always loved doing that and asked for details when any of us were to be airborne so she could follow along ! So many things remind me of her and how much she is missed. Like the way she decorated her home to the hilt for the holidays and shared the pics with us !

Sandi said...

Brian has landed!! :)

Hoda said...


Blessed Be.
Welcome Home BRIAN.

Sandi said...

We are dancin' here in Bethany Beach!! I feel like you all were right there with me as Brian arrived home - thanks so much for sharing this with me!! ♥

Hoda said...

She is greatly missed.
Yet the blessing is we shared some time with her.

Hoda said...

Dancing in Canada too SANDI.
Have a terrific Christmas.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news Sandi !Welcome home Brian .

Jo I set up the FB page. I will try to look at it later tonight .

Laundry and cooking tonight Whooping..making a dish and dessert for our admin area office Christmas party tomorrow at work.
Daggone don't know where that whooping word came from lol. cannot get it out

Scanned my tv again..got more tv channels ..finally got an nbc station.

Kay said...

Hip, hip hooray ! Brian is in arms of his beloved by now ! So happy we were in on the landing, SANDI ! Now when will you see him ?

Lolly said...


Happy for you, Sandi!

Habby Dance in Texas!!

Lolly said...

Was just getting up to go fix dinner when the jubby offered to cook. I am no dummy! I had my choice between breakfast or Sloppy Joes. Chose Jack's Sloppy Joes. He makes up his own recipe. Delicious!!

Kay said...

LOLLY, I'd have chosen breakfast ! In fact, that's what I just had--a couple of fried eggs, 2 Morningstar spicy sausage patties, oatmeal toast and iced tea. Yep, ice tea ! I make it year round just like anyone who grew up in Arizona does !

Kay said...

It's so nice to have a reason to celebrate this evening as we all vicariously welcome Brian back to the US of A ! Have been remembering the good times with Stan and what a joyous occasion it was when we were married 28 years ago today. Wish we'd had more than 22 years of wedded bliss, but it was not to be.

Tomorrow I will dine with Julie's family and we'll decorate their tree. It's been wonderful creating traditions with them over the last 6 years !

Kay said...

Penny is motioning that it's time for her to get a little treat and head for the crate. She loves her bed and will be there for the next 12 hours---what a life !

Love and prayers for all !!!


Janet said...

Dearest Non Soda Hoda,
I have been sending Reiki daily....many times a day since last Tuesday to Chris...always that which is for the highest and greatest good.... blessed be.

YEAH for Sandi! Hurray for Brian!
love love love.

Mema Jo said...

Off for Terrific Tues TV Shows ♥

If I don't return at 11:00 please know that I am safe and sound and
probably ready for bed

Love you all dearly ♥

Prayers for sun to melt the snow in the nest..... ♥

JudyEddy said...

PAULA is the administrator on that page JO the fan page
and YES sometimes things that I post show up on the main page if you go down you will see some of the stuff that I use the @in front of Shepherdstown fan page and it post it there but it takes months I think you can see my post if you go down the page

I am at Angie Jordyn is out like a light as always she is sound asleep in just minutes I wish I could do that I guess when you are young no real worries to keep you up LOL

JudyEddy said...

as JO says terrific Tues just hit pause in order to chime in I bet SANDI is in seventh heaven

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...


People, in the youtube video, there is an eagle. That stump on the left....look at it in the light at about the 12 second mark but make that time line go away so you can see the top of the stump. It surely looks like a bald eagle head facing us, beak, eyes, bald head and dark body. Pretty cool!

stronghunter said...

Need to head upstairs. I have accomplished a few things today, and it made me tired.

Rest well, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I did come back - Didn't want to watch Person of Interest tonight.

Lynne - Yes indeed that stump looks like an eagle looking right at you.
When I first got the still cam opened I thought it was an eagle right there in front of me on the left side. I didn't think anyone else would notice - Great minds - what say you

Paula that is a great infrared night light on on nest. Really bright.

Mema Jo said...

Now to get things ready for my regular check up with family physician. I had the blood work done last Friday - I just want to jot down any questions I need to ask.

Goodnight to all ♥
I'm waiting for my MEGA # to come up tonight! I wish....♥

magpie said...


Welcome Home Brian !!

Kay...thinking of you on this Special Special day...(( HUGS ))

Good Night, Eagle Pals....
Prayers for Wellness, Always... for all amongst us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Have developed a cough...not good as head is hurting too. Hope I get sleep and the cough is gone tomorrow!!!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Happy Anniversary KAY. ((((( Hugs )))))

LOLLY sorry to hear you are not well.
I hope you heal soon.

Good night All
God Bless Us All

Welcome Home BRIAN.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

A lot of celebrating on the blog last night.

SANDI, so glad Brian is back in the USA, safely!

SODA HODA, that was too funny! Are you going to keep the name, SODA, HODA? :)

LOLLY hope you are feeling better today and your cough is gone.

KAY, congrats on your anniversary yesterday - wish Stan could have been here to share it with you. (((BIG HUGS))))

SO glad we have the still cam up! YAY!

It's been a uber busy week so far and it continues through Friday. They gave us a 5 hour project to do over break, of course that means it'll take 9 hours - they always do. Plus I've got about a 40 page report to write over break and study for a final. Today I have a presentation on Vitamin E and my 3 day Diet Diary project is due, plus a Nutrition test. August won't be here fast enough. :)

Love you all so much.

Just wanted to check in and let you know my head is still above water.


Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori and all my eagle friends.

Lori, glad you're still treading water - hang in there.

Janet, prayers continue for Chris as she and her doctors decide on their next steps in her treatment plan.

Have a great hump day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

In the same position as last night at 6

JudyEddy said...

only see the back and one talon

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Well we now know that they visit at sun down and sun rise like before But I sure wish we could see that edge of the nest at 5-7

Janet said...

morning all....,make it a great day. light and love.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter's school is on a 2-hour delay this morning. Icy roads.

Our nest still looks plenty snowy.

Yes, Judy, I wish we could see the whole nest. The view this year is going to be quite different.

Not much of a break with all of that work, Lori. Do take time to enjoy yourself and your family.

Hope you are feeling better today, Lolly.

Hope the doctor's visit goes well for you, Jo.

stronghunter said...

I'll be seeing the foot doctor today for my poor toe.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Prayers for Chris and her family continue.

Lolly, prayers that you will be feeling 100%, pronto!

Margy, I am SO envious that you got to see a juvie eagle AND a
Tundra Swan! Have been hearing and seeing many Canada Geese flying over here. Love their sound, too.

Jo, thanks for the prayers for our friend, Jim. They are much appreciated!

I need to get myself in gear here.
The tree guys are due back again today. Wow, were they busy yesterday! Their truck with the chipper had mechanical problems, so they had to put all the tree branches in another big truck, and take them away. They actually worked until about 1/2 hour after dark last night! Cleaned up really well. Still a lot to do, though. Hope they're able to finish it all--rain predicted for Thursday here! The weather is doing flip-flops again.

Need to sign off for now and go check out today's weather prediction on the TV. Oh--what a blessing the HD TV is! Blows my mind at how far TV has come since 1949, when my family got our first TV! Had a 12" screen, and of course a black-and-white picture, and what a marvel it was back then! Can remember watching Kukla, Fran and Ollie, and Howdy
Doody. Took me a while to figure out that the people in the TV couldn't hear what I was saying to them!LOL ...Well, I was only 3-1/2 years old!

Have a great day, everyone, and I'll try to get some more pictures of the tree trimming here that I can share. I ♥ us!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here--

Forgot to say,


So happy to hear that you're safely back here!

God is good!

Kay said...

Goodorming Eagle Buds !!!

LORI, sorry they even lay it on thick during the holidays, but it will be worth it in the end, so hang in there. I'd be interested in learning what you've learned about Vitamin E, but I know you're too busy for that right now ! Hope you'll be able to work in some good family time over Christmas at least !

ANDY, that tree trimming sounds like an "almost Christmas present". It always feels good to get such things done around a home. Glad your enjoying TV as never before ! Cute story about little 3 year old you getting used to those people talking on that little screen ! I was 17 when my family got their first set. There were others who had them earlier and often had a roomful of teens eagerly watching. We were even fascinated by test pattern screens in the early years !

JUDY, thanks for the nest report--sundown and sunset it is--hope I can join in soon.

SHIRLEY, hope the doc has a good remedy for your poor toe today !

JO, we want to hear a very good report after your visit with the doctor today, too !

LOLLY, hoping to hear you're doing much better today ! If not, perhaps you should also go to the doctor---don't want to be ailing for Christmas !

I'm heading for the Candles to light another for Chris and Janet. May just light another for the health and welfare of all !

Will head for Julie's and our little tree trimming party at 11:30.

Love and prayers,


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - the sun is shinning ♥ The forecast for here this weekend are temps up in the high 60's... pneumonia weather I call it. Lolly don't put up with that cough - see a dr. Don't want you, Jack or Laurel's sons catching something from you!

Well, Mega came and Mega went - not enough numbers on any one line to make me rich! I haven't heard yet if there was a winner or hopefully 'winners'. That jackpot was too much for anyone person - needed to be shared.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - I hope you can schedule at least 1 glorious day not to crack a book or write a page - maybe even to come into MD.

Judy thanks for the pics in Momster's album. I'm having a time getting use to Yahoo's format. I'm glad you can work it right. So
sunrise and sunset - I, like you, really wish we could see the entire nest. Hopefully when the snow has melted our Royal Couple will venture into the middle of the nest.. I think we are spoiled by the NE FL cam's function.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I hope your poor toe isn't painful and that the podiatrist can get you fixed - have you been missing
your bowling because of it?

The pic of Hunter and his beagle on FB - That child looks like a true handsome teen from what I remember seeing him years ago.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I hope you and Denny get to visit with Brian very soon! Just to know that he is in the states gives me goosebumps. I remember how it feels when a loved one arrives home
from another country since I had 2 military grandsons.

Mema Jo said...

This Friday - I hope I hope - I will get to go to Jenny's for a visit with 7 of my great-grandkids and 3 of my grandchildren. I am BLESSED

Mema Jo said...

Kay I am so happy that you have your family near to you as I think yesterday without having your dear husband on your special day must have been very hard. Praying that the memories linger on in your heart

Mema Jo said...

Janet - I am still praying for Chris and her family and friends.
Olivia did exceptionally well on her skating presentations. Very proud momma you are, I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - with all your company having gone home - I bet you have an MT Nest feeling.

Hope your trees, Andy get the final touch up today.

I have used up all my time/space on our blog.
Going to check out any lotto winners...

BBL this afternoon after dr visit

grannyblt said...

Thanks to Steve and the whole crew for getting the camera operational.. Can't wait to see a visit.

Mema Jo said...

2 winning tickets in the lotto...
one in San Jose CA and the other in Buckhead GA.. That ticket was purchased on Lenox Road - Guess that is as close to me that it gets.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And now we know the rest of the story:

The cam is mounted in a similar location as last year, but it is tilted up a bit because so much of the action was cut off last year at 12 o'clock. We wanted to put it higher on the limb to get the whole picture, but the tree is diseased and continues to seriously deteriorate--we were unable to change location.


Lolly said...

Goodorming!!! Thanks for the kind thoughts. Coughed all night, still coughing and head hurts. Also, having to clear my throat often, so I know it is drainage. Allergies or bug? Who knows!

Have sent an email to Laurel bowing out on tonight and she sent a sweet reply. I want to cry! I love taking a meal up there and picking Jacob up at school. Dern dern dern!!!!!

Joey has to take Jacob to his basketball practice, so Laurel will be alone at Joseph's band concert. dern dern dern!!!!

So, today I am staying inside. Jack is going to work in the yard by himself. I have plenty to do, so no problem.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Sharon. We seriously need to prepare ourselves for the time our eagles do not return to this nest.

Hoda said...

Good morning

Healing thoughts LOLLY sorry you will miss out on LAUREL and Grand Kids time.

Thank you SHAR

Headed to optometrist for my six months check up.
Yoga first though.

Mild here and sunny. 34 all day! Yay!

stronghunter said...

Sorry you are ill, Lolly. Take good care of yourself.

My toe has now been x-rayed again and attended to. The doctor said that he thinks he got another very small piece of glass out. All is well.

Almost collided with an 18-wheeler on the way there. I was making a right turn on green. The trucker was making a left turn on red. He was much bigger! Just thankful my brakes work well. I really stomped on them.

Hoda said...

That is scary SHIRLEY!!!
Another piece of glass from your toe after so long!!!!
Dangerous actually!!!
Then you right turn on green and an 18 wheeler left turn on red!!! O M G!!! My heart skipped a few beats!!!
NOT GOOD!!! What was the trucker thinking???
Glad you are safe.

stronghunter said...

Do not know what the trucker was thinking. Just as glad I did not meet him.

JudyEddy said...

Hello for MC D on lunch the store provided lunch today fro CDROMA a Italian place the back room smells so good and you can smell it also on the floor I brought mine to McD to eat pretty good stuff

JudyEddy said...

SHARON thanks for bringing over STEVE comment I do worry about the tree being its so diseased and as we all know that is one heavy nest I wonder have they had a tree doctor in to look at it How far its down in the tree???

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so happy you didn't get a chance to meet the driver and so happy you are ok

paula eagleholic said...

Honestly, that is not the same view as last year....shadows are all wrong. Look at the sycamore pic on the front of the blog...the stump is only a single trunk, not a double trunk.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from dr app't - same meds to continue - may be a little low in iron.... Other then that all my blood work readings were good. A lot of my aches and pains are just AGE

SURE WISH THE SNOW IN NEST WOULD MELT FASTER! Maybe today at dusk I will see them... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Almost time to be checking cam for an eagle drop by! 5:15 or so was yesterday.......

Kay said...

Paula, I agree with you. Using our clock face orientation, last year they poofed off at 5 and 12 or 1. The way this looks they'll be poofing off from 3 and 8 or 9. Hanging in a while in hopes of seeing a sunset visit ! Today the nest has an odd Picasso-esque look to it--with a very clownish face.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Home from school and from my initial trip to the periodontist. Today's visit was just to talk about the torture I will have to go through and what it will cost - oh, goody! The "real deal" starts in February.

Jo, we won't see Brian and Lynnis til next Tuesday, but I sure did sleep better last night not having to worry about errant US drone strikes and crazy Yemeni jihadists driving trucks full of explosives into buildings!

Lolly, hope you feel better soon! Sorry you're missing the concert, or was it the basketball game?

Lori, I'm so sorry that you are being worked so hard over your Christmas break - BOO!! Don't they know that mental health is important to nursing students???

The kids were OK today - so far, the week has been pretty calm. I know that I've just cursed myself and all hell will break loose tomorrow!!

No eagle in the nest so far, but I will sit and watch for a few minutes before I have to start dinner. Paula, I can't even orient myself to how the view is different this year, I just know it's different.


Kay said...

JO, iron you can take care of ! I've been on it for a couple of years. The news out indicates that we don't need vitamin tablets, but there are definitely some things we just can't eat enough of. I'm staying on my vitamins !

Kay said...

Paula, I agree with you. Using our clock face orientation, last year they poofed off at 5 and 12 or 1. The way this looks they'll be poofing off from 3 and 8 or 9. Hanging in a while in hopes of seeing a sunset visit ! Today the nest has an odd Picasso-esque look to it--with a very clownish face.

Sandi said...

I see talons and part of an eagle body at the bottom of the nest!!!

Mema Jo said...

I think there is an

Eagle alert

Mema Jo said...

does anyone else think so

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sandi

Sandi said...

I think I'm seeing a white head, yes?????

Sandi said...


Kay said...

I don't see it SANDI--it's like we're looking at two different nests !!!???

paula eagleholic said...

Shoot missed the eagle!

Sandi, just turn the view 180°...or look at it upside down...that was our view last year.

Mema Jo said...


Kay said...

Guess I just didn't look fast enough ! As LOLLY would say, dern, dern, dern. Come back Belle or Shep !!!!

Sandi said...

There was definitely part of an eagle to the left of the trunk at the bottom of the nest view. And I did see it's white head - couldn't tell if there was a spot. When the cam refreshed, it was gone! But still, it means the eagles are visiting the nest daily, so that's good.

Paula, I did what you said and turned my laptop upside down. I agree, that was last year's view! Question is, will this positioning be better or worse than last year?? I guess we'll find out!

Sandi said...

Paula, if what you're saying is correct, then this view has cut off even more of the part of the nest we couldn't see last year, right?? Again, I guess we just wait and see.

OK, time to fix some dinner. Later!!

Mema Jo said...

Debi on Eagle Cam got the pic
I put it on my FB page also

stronghunter said...

I see I missed the eagle visit. Loved seeing the picture on Jo's FB page. Thanks, Jo.

Geesh. Frustrated about my toe. The doctor put wart remover on the callous that formed there. Said to call if I have problems. My toe is most unhappy. Burning and hurting.

Called, but, of course, I had to leave a message on the "nurse line." No return call yet. Took it upon myself to remove the bandage doctor put there, hoping that would get rid of some of the stuff he put there.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and so sorry you are still ill LOLLY
SANDI is still floating and her and PAULA suggest we turn our puters and laptop upside down to see the same nest we did last year LOL
66° out now so nice out Silly Floridaidiots when I was leaving work people had coats and hats on SILLY SILLY not cold out NICE to me anyway

JudyEddy said...

tonight suppose to get 48° again and then a warming spell coming again 83 for Wed and Thr and then another little cold front

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals.
I saw part of an eagle in the nest this morning, the back half towards the tail.
I tried to post from work, but nada.
I was trying to figure out the shadow configuration, but couldn't really figure it out being stuck inside the office today.

If the Royal Pair picks another tree and builds another nest, I sure hope it will be on NCTC campus

Sorry about the coughing and unable to visit the Denton Gang, Lolly, get thee well, Christmas is soon and I have Faith you will be
All Well...

Shirley, so sorry about the soreness....having a wart or anything burned off is a little
painful allrighty

magpie said...

So I guess we all just have to adjust with what we have...whatever precious views we can manage to have

Nature is nature, that is one Big Tree with lots of wear and tear

You are so right, Empty Nest here for sure, family left at 6:15 last night and arrived in South Florida by 1 pm....

I am playing a Josh Groban Christmas CD...it's beautiful but seems to want to draw out some tears....

xoxox (( Hugs, Friends ))

magpie said...

So maybe I can start at least preparing to get some Christmas cards ready to mail....if I don't get some things in the mail by Thursday, they will likely be late, but what else is new ???? LOL

magpie said...

Might as well throw this out:
There was another murder in the neighborhood - Monday night -
gunfire this time.
I talked with the City Police this morning....they assured me, as I thought anyway....that none of the rest of us are endangered.....

I have always felt safe here, and all in all it is a great location....someday I'd like to move, but that someday is a long ways off, or a lucky Powerball winning ticket away

xo I am fine, not to worry...

magpie said...

Double E-S that is Sharon:
Thanks for posting what Steve has written about the tree...
I get it...

That big boom of a construction
thingy, is bigger than anything they have had to work with thus far...I do believe....

I don't know of that handsome hunk NU was part of the operations this year :)
But I can always imagine about it

gotta run along

See You Fine Folks, later on


magpie said...

Michael Buble'.....
Christmas Show tonight on NBC television
10 p.m.

I want to say, that Lynn-Hedgie was most fond of this man and his songs.....
I am going to try to plant myself in front of my little feeble old television at that hour
Join Me if you can.....

magpie said...

ISS has a big serious project ahead...to try to replace one of two ammonia pumps...starting in the next few days, and also some work on Christmas Day....
Let's keep all those folks in our prayers

JudyEddy said...

Here is DEBs video of tonights visit LOOK in the lower corner of the nest you can see just part of the eagle

Tonight visit

Mema Jo said...

Margy - NU was definitely the Tree Climber - Steve has a video and called it "NO in Action"
Of course it is on FB = so sorry you can't view it. NU was being lowered by the crane to the tree in the bucket. He looked like he was on the Zip Line.

magpie said...

Fabulous, Jo....
I'm fine with my imagination this time around

magpie said...

If you can, folks, if you have a good sky view tonight,
check out the almost Full Cold Moon,
in the East, North
East..and magnificent Jupiter not too far away from it...You will KNOW if you see them....and they will oootch closer to each other as the evening progresses

JudyEddy said...

for all you nonfacebookers here is the short video from Steve I just put on youtube for you all

Nu hanging on the the end of a crane for us to view the eagle Thanks Steve and NU for all you do for us eaglecoholic

magpie said...

Thanks JudyE...breathtaking,
risky to be sure, but looks like some good safeguards in place....

okay, I step away from the machine now for awhile....

Andrea: Andy, Ms. Bookworm:
Sounds like you are really enjoying your new television viewing...
good show !

ttfn xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Be dern if I am going to turn myself upside down in order to make out this nest cam view! You all are just going to have to straighten me out!

Steve's video was titled
NU in Action

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I am hoping that your toe
soon is back to normal... Have you been able to bowl????????

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo no need to turn anything upside down!Was just easier to explain it that way.

I'll take any View we can get .
Sorry about the burning toe Shirley .

MArgy I watched that full moon set this morning..it was pretty . Hope you feel better soon Lolly .

Hoda said...

Well we are to be upside down! I can do that shoulder stand is my favourite pose!
No problems.

Don't much care about news of a second murder in MARGY'S neighbourhood!
Not good! Stay safe.

Thank you for eagle reports and pictures.

LOLLY hope you are better.

JO happy to read your medical report.
Blessed Be.
My optometrist says I am good to go for another six months. Macular Degeneration holding not getting worst. Signs of cataract but again not getting worst and I am a long way away from cataract surgery. They can do it in Nelson so I will not have to travel.
I am pleased.

Yes KAY regarding debates about the effectiveness of vitamins. Eating well should be enough! Yet the food is no longer healthy and most people have no clue as to what is healthy to eat. In Canada minerals are still recommended. Omega 3's also. D3 and iron on the list.
Our blood pressure guidelines for anyone over 60 is between 150 or 160 over 90.
Younger people are still 140/90.

It is so funny, the one thing I am truly noticing that is different since I turned 65 is I do not eat as much. My portions are half of what they used to be!!! Anyone else notice that??? I told my doctor and she is not concerned. Neither am I really just strange.

Had a pretty good day and got a lot accomplished.
I am encountering many ver gentle men! While crossing icy intersections several times someone is there to lend a hand if I needed it. They part with a good day.
Today I was walking up hill and realized I was walking faster than is comfortable for me so stopped and had a sigh. A man asked if I was alright and if I needed any help. I thought it was sweet. No thank you I am fine. We smiled and I noticed he watched me as he got to his car till I got to mine!
Town was active I was half way up the hill.

I feel blessed.

JudyEddy said...

So the stump is at the bottom so now when they jump up to it we will get a good beak view for sure

Here is a pic that I put together to show the difference I just flipped todays picture

JudyEddy said...

you can see the eagle now on top of the cam which is the bottom LOL

So hoping the live cam is up soon anyone hear anyting yet

JudyEddy said...

I just lost the still cam was a black screen with a tiny pic in middle I refreshed it and now I have a message across white screen The requested service is temporarily unavailable It is either overloaded or under maintenance
Please try later anyone else loose it

stronghunter said...

I still have it, Judy.

paula eagleholic said...

Judy..great comparison pics. I will go try the cam

paula eagleholic said...

I have the still cam on just fine

JudyEddy said...

oops forgot to say I got it back but it took about 25 F5 before it came back
I panicked LOL

magpie said...

I am Michael Buble' Television-side

Thinking of Lynn... xo

magpie said...

You ARE blessed, Hoda....
and so are we, to have you with us !!

okay...Michael Buble time for me.
Lovin' Us, and especially Lynn

magpie said...

I'm safe, Hoda...
I'm in the city...
fire police and ambulance,
quick as a bunny !

magpie said...

Moon and Jupiter oootching closer together, they are

and Venus, the planet of Love, in
the evening Southwest Sky soon as the Sun goes down

Megan reports Tundra
Swans still flying South over her place :)
Headed your way, Paula :)

Hoda said...

Good MARGY. Regards the speed of a bunny.
Cheers to all who serve.

Yes LYNN is very much missed and this time if year I looked forward to her pictures and decorations.
Any one hear how her dog is fairing? She put so much effort in training it. God Rest Her Soul.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to tell you a Jordyn story Carl told me happened to him The other day Angie dropped Jordyn off to a friends house for a tea party
Well when Carl picked her up at school he could hear her saying to friends don't forget to come to my tea party
Carl asked her when she got in the van What tea party and he tried to explain to her that you just can't all a sudden ask people without Mommy planning it and sending out invitations
Well when they got home she did her homework and as Carl was cooking She asked him how to spell a girls name he told her then she asked another name well when he went to the table she had a stack of cards out and had written their name on the cards Carl said are you making invites she said yes then once again her tried to explain LOL

She always says that to kids when we leave the park or somewhere she will say see you tomorrow and then I explain to her that she may not be going there either - so not to tell them that because she doesn't know mommys plans

JudyEddy said...

I did something today at work Don't know what to make my neck made at me LOL under my shoulder blade area really hurts even hurt to breath
Took some Advil and it subsided and now its back with vengeance LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Nice Christmas show....

Good Night, Eagle Pals

Prayers for
Wellness, Amongst Us all...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Good night all.
Healing thoughts and prayers to all.
God Bless Us All.

Lolly said...

Feeling like crud, have not read the blog. Just remembering my manners an saying goodnight!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Thursday!

Lolly, I hope that a good night's sleep will help you start to feel better today!

Prayers continue for all of the needs on our blog.

Upside down or right side up, I'm just happy to be able to get a glimpse of our eagles and to know they are still using the nest!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning my friends.

Sorry I didn’t check back in yesterday; I spent the day caring for my home and myself. I think it is what I needed to pull it back together. I had a full day off. Although I had to get up and get Olivia off to school; I would have preferred to sleep…I did get a lot done.
First off thank you for the continued candles and love for Chris. I spoke with her last night. Per the oncologist: at this point she is to heal from the surgery that she just endured. So for the next 3 to 4 weeks, just heal. Then, they will be doing PET scan and a bone marrow draw to determine how far the disease has spread. The doctor seems to think they caught the disease fairly early, and that that infection that caused her the severe stomach pain and sent her to urgent care and eventually thehospital, saved her life. Without that, they would likely have not caught the cancer til much later down the road. Everything for a reason……even this difficult news, cancer, for a reason….

Chris remains in good spirits…. She was happy to be home. She had eaten a piece of pizza and taken a 3 hour nap.

As for me…..since I had a day off I had plenty to do. I baked the following:
3 holiday cakes (Tom’s grandmothers family recipe, prune cake. A spice cake with prunes and it is good). 2 are gifts one is for us.
A double batch of white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies (some are gifts)
A double batch of no bake cookies (split with Ashley and Michael)
A single batch of peanut butter blossom cookies ( mostly gifts)
And ugly ducklings for me (marjool dates stuffed with almond paste and covered in dark chocolate!) (will last a long while)
I cooked a brisket for dinner.
I also cleaned my house as it was pretty dirty since I’ve been work work working … and I made a decision, which was easier after talking with Chris.
My favorite group, Tuatha Dea is performing in Knoxville this Saturday, which is Yule. They messaged me and invited me to come see them. I was wavering, was I in the mood?
SO the decision is, Friday night we will celebrate Yule here at the house….I have the smoked turkey thawing now….and then Saturday after work, Tomand I will head to Knoxville for an overnight trip. Getting away for a night might be good for both of us!

I need to get busy…..LORI: study, but take care too. Have NO SODA HODA send you some brownies and some of her special get well kill the germs potion!!!!
THANK YOU JO for the kind comments on Olivia. I am very proud of her, but am also glad for a couple weeks off from skating!

Sending healing for all: for germs to go away, for toes to heal, for spirits to life and love to prosper…. Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see the snow-covered nest in glorious sunshine this morning, but no eagles.

Getting ready to do some shopping.


Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning to all ♥
Sunshine on the nest is beautiful - hoping it will melt away today and tomorrow.... I guess nestorations need to be done.

Janet Prayers for healing will be continued for Chris.

Also prayers for Mattie who is having tests done this morning and that results will show the right way for helping her.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

A nice ☼y one in my neck of the woods with the temp heading for 48 !

Julie, Seth and I are heading to Red Lobster for lunch---mmmmm, my mouth is watering already ! Afterward we go a few doors down to Trader Joes. I need to find something simple--a jar of jam perhaps--for the three neighbors in this building. They all watch out for me and I feel so lucky to have them nearby !

MARGY, I'm glad you feel safe in your digs in spite of a couple of tragic incidents. Take care !!!!

JANET, a getaway with Tom is exactly what you need. Relax and enjoy ! And your Yule sounds wonderful good !

Praying for JANET's Chris, Mattie, Lolly, Shirley in addition to the ongoing prayer list ! Lit my candle this morning---the site says the candles last for 48 hours, but I think it's more like 24.

Time to get set to go....


Lolly said...

Goodorming! I might live. Not coughing as much but my head still hurts. Taking it easy. Might sleep the day away!

So, what is the conclusion about the nest? It is not upside down but just a little different tilt to the cam?

Mema Jo said...




sorry I hit the caps lock

Kay said...

Ha ! Now that's the right orientation, JO. I'm guessing a tech saw the error and flipped the screen. Yeah, now I feel like all is well there !

Waiting for Julie and Seth to arrive and of course I had to see if "my" eagles might be there. So happy to see the flip over and will try to come back for the sunset.

LOLLY, sleep it off ! That's exactly what your bod n' head needs right now.

Mema Jo said...

Steve's input is that "software issue... this is the best they could do with the mount though, so 12 o'clock view is not there...

Also Steve said that he is somewhat worried that a big wind could cause some real damage to the tree...

NatureNut said...

Happy day off, finally for me to pack, etc. But they would have to schedule a Park admin mtg. Friday AM when I was supposed to be off!!!

A golden eagle was spotted in Park area by Anne Arundel Co. Park just across the River! My Bluey instructions I got from Lynn years ago have disappeared, so I'll cut/paste story link. Sorry. There's also a pic of Ms. Painted Bunting who has been seen hanging out with a group of sparrows at Merkle!

From Greg Kearns, Park Naturalist II

Lolly said...

Saw a golden eagle once. Saw it in the Colorado Mts. and we were above it!! Amazing!

Well, what ever about the cam, do not like that the top part is really chopped off. Needs to be tilted up a bit. Ok, Wanda, get your climbing shoes on.

JudyEddy said...

OK AM I loosing it did they turn the cam areaound

Mema Jo said...

JUDY Read up to my comment from Steve

Mema Jo said...


Both Eagles

Whoo Hoo

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JO I did So they did flip it and we are not loosing it

Hoda said...

Off to a slightly busy Christmas oriented type of a day.
Looking forward to a Christmas Tea with friends.
There is yoga, twice and errands and providing for the less fortunate.
Wishing you all a glorious day. See you in the evening.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I still want to be just like you when I grow up!! :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I still want to be just like you when I grow up!! :-)

JudyEddy said...

Changed my avatar since the nest is now where it belongs
We had almost the same view as last year if you looked at the picture there was a little of the nest exposed at 12 more last year than this but almost the same I will take any view as the rest of you said also

Mema Jo said...

Keeping an eye out in case we get a fly in

JudyEddy said...

and it should be on top of the screen tonight LOL

JudyEddy said...

I just realized it yesterday that I put in for vacation Jan 4 week I have to take two weeks before May 18 so that is one month I picked not going any where just staycation which i think sometimes is the best just Chilllaxing for a week

JudyEddy said...

if you stare at the snowy nest the melted part looks like a lop sided HEART

JudyEddy said...

I really thin we are going to be stood up tongiht

JudyEddy said...

tonight not tongiht LOL

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 306   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...