Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Fresh thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thank you STEVE for the auto fresh thread. I will call the others.

Lori O. said...

YEAH, almost forgot about the feather. My head dress is nearly naked!

Lori O. said...

Didn't get on early this morning as I had to go get my physical for nursing school. They sucked 4 tubes of blood out of me! Everything went well.

Having severe thunderstorms here today, but a lull at the moment.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve, for arranging for the new thread and thanks Lori for the call over. Just a quick check-in from school.

Lolly said...

Glad you got a feather, Lori! Just can not have a naked headdress.

You are really having to go through a lot for this nursing program. They will certainly know you are healthy and wise!! With a sparkling personality! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle budlets. My Tytun is at the vet getting neutered. They just said I could come and get him. :) Sure pray it calms his butt down.

Judie said...

Good early afternoon!

Thank you Steve and Lori.

Lori, glad you got the physical over and done AND a feather in your bonnet as well.

Need to catch up if I ever can.

See two beautiful close-to-juvie eaglets looking over the nest edge surveying their soon-to-be domain.

Yesterday was busy -- final activities for this semester. Hate to say this again but still wavering about Fall.

Met the new vascular doctor this morning. Had artery studies done from carotids to feet. Carotids are both clear. Other issues, blockages, etc. are not in need of additional intervention at this time. So, good news on that.

Meet the new cardiologist on Friday afternoon.

Had to fast so going to get a cup of coffee and look through the paper. Maybe catch up on current events and scandals happening just across the river.

Hope everyone is okay. BBL

Lynne2 said...

Sorry to say, Sharon, that neutering in NOT likely to calm Tytun down. Don't know how such a rumor ever started, but it's not true. SO, unless any of his behavior is sexually motivated, he's gonna be the dog!


Lynne2 said...


Flags flying at half staff today.

CarolAnne said...

Lori got a feather and continues to make progress towards nursing school.

Some pet neuturing gong on - hope all is well. Did you know they neutured one of the captive bears in Minnesotta? To help keep peace with Big Ted.

Judiie - hope you have more than coffee to break your fast.

Lunch time here. Then back to the weeds.

May everyone's day go well.

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - did not know that fact. Thanks for mentioning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2, you used to be my friend. :)
There was a neighborhood dog in heat that seemed to stir up all my dogs for a little while. Hairy dominates Tytun. Hairy gets neutered June 4. I am hoping it at least helps with those 2.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Sharon! It WILL help to some degree because males that are mature and not neutered are, well, obsessed with doing what nature intended, and humans will not allow in most cases. They are distracted. Imagine the frustration for them! They can smell a female in heat MILES away! So, about 6 weeks after neutering, any testosterone will be gone, as will any behavior relating to its affects on the dog. In young dogs neutered at the usual age of 6-8 months...well, people always ask if it will "calm them down" and I have to tell them no. At that immature age, it's all puppy craziness!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Thanks to STEVE and LORI for taking such good care of us !!!!

JUDIE, that's hip, hip hooray news on the vascular front ! Fingers crossed for good news from the cardiologist on Friday, too.

PAULA, my trip to CA is this Friday through Monday for a granddaughter's college graduation. Lauren is 6 months younger than Dana Kay who graduated from Michigan two weeks ago. Both beautiful young women, graduating with distinction and doing the family proud !

LYNNE2, you are sooo helpful to those of us who have pets ! Thank you !

Thinking of all of you with love and prayers ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Congrats JUDIE on the healthy report from the new doctor today. Hope all goes as well on Friday. Don't rush your decision. You'll know it's the right time when it comes.

KAY, are you getting your CA bags packed yet? Who will take care of Penny while you're away?

SHARON, hope you have calmer dogs after they get that T hormone out of their systems!

LYNNE2, thanks for setting us straight on the animal front!

Haven't seen HODA on here yet today.

LOLLY, were you gardening today? We had rain earlier but sunny and warm now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I have been MIA again, much to my dismay! Please forgive my absence!

Ken went back to work on the 6th, but had to come home early because his ankle/heel hurt him so bad! Got an appt. with the Dr., and they took x-rays and blood test, but never decided whether it was tendonitis or gout. He was in a lot of pain, with strict orders to stay off his feet. That sure kept me busy for a week! He ended up taking 2 weeks off work. He's absolutely fine now, thank God!

I've sort of caught up with the blog, and see that I've missed some birthdays and anniversaries.
Please forgive me! Belated heartfelt wishes to all!

Need to go get busy in the kitchen. Boiling red potatoes to have for dinner, along with cold salmon and creamed peas. Will try to get back here later tonight, but if I don't make it, I've got the porch light and both security systems on a timer. Prayers for everyone! I ♥ us!!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥

Hoda said...

I am here LORI...
Read this thread only.
Good yoga practice.
I am so proud of you for all the wonderful news of how well you are progressing for nursing school.

Sorry ANDY KEN is not well.

Keep hydrating C/A as you do your weeding.

All seems well at the nest. That is always good. I hope they are still here for when JO comes back...

DANA'S chicks hatched. Cute pictures on FB

paula eagleholic said...

See our juvies perched at about 11 and 1...just heard a sneeze!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, we have several more weeks before fledging! Jo will be back tomorrow!

Hoda said...

Good PAULA on Fledge. Good also on Centreville...Enjoy.
How was the last day at work?

LOLLY awesome about your trip with ZACHAROOSKI. Keep us posted.

Hoda said...

I am starved and of course LYNNE had to tell us it is National Chocolate Chip Day!!! Could you not have said that earlier or texted me? I do not have any at the flat!!! Might have to make another trip out!!!LOL!!!

Now SHAR be nice!!! LYNNE was only trying to make sure you are not surprised and ask for a refund from the vet!!! LOL!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yum...chocolate chip cookies.

"Official" last day was good. Will go back after Memorial Day for a day or two....waiting on the auditor to review what I sent him today.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work Hope everyone had a good day

I stopped by the tower and picked up a pellet and LYNNE2 there is a fish hook in it and I have small talons also I put in a zip bag for now There was sort of a worm in it

Lori O. said...

Paula, how did I miss that today was your last day at work? Are you off to the beach this weekend?

HODA, hope you find a CC cookie! Thanks for the kind words. You're a doll!

Hoda said...

What do you do with the pellets JUDYE? Sort of gross rather???

JudyEddy said...

I saw one eagle in the nest part of the tower came home to change its 82° out now but feels warmer and I wanted to get out of the dark blue shirt cooler that way Gonna head back to the nest in a bit

Hoda said...

I tried a mango and as much as I love mangos it is not quite a chocolate chip!!! So when I go out to the Yoga Fest meeting and during my "set aside getting lost time" I might just happen on a the co-op and they have yumm yumm yummers chocolate chip cookies, or maybe a brwownie? HMMMMMM?

I always set aside "getting lost time this way I have time for surprises. I like surprises...

JudyEddy said...

I hear flies buzzing

JudyEddy said...

I put the pictures on FB of the pellet with the fishing hook and talon nail in it It is marked public so all can see

this will take you to my home page MARGY and anyone else that doesn't have facebook BTW who else doesn't have it??

Pellet with fishing hook and nail from talon in it MTBRL after I diesect it maybe

Hoda said...

Well I like the Away ad a lot better than the Revolution ad!!!

MARGY is your TOM SWEETIE moving away from the Apt Building? Did I misread or misunderstand or am I simply confused?

JudyEddy said...

HODA LYNNE2 said they were interesting to take apart and I am so happy the fishing hook is no longer in the eagle So that means either he stole a fisherman fish or the fish got away and the eagle got it LOL

JudyEddy said...

Heat stopping wing flapping at 12 and they are point out so they could go over turn around and flap them wings PLEASE

Hoda said...

JUDIE and KAY do not have FB either JUDYE

Wingercising!!! WOW what a wing span.

JudyEddy said...

I think he heard me he turned around LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks HODA I didn't remember who did but they can see my page because the eagle and nature stuff is marked public but the family stuff isn't

JudyEddy said...

gonna try to call June wish me luck

JudyEddy said...

Well that was a bust no answer but I finally did leave the message I have been wanting to say
That I feel I have lost two best friends when Terry died not just one then I told her I loved her and said bye The past couple of times it just rang and rang but this time I got the answering machine and left the message Its been almost a year now on the 20the it will be one year

Lolly said...

Leave in a minute to go to a meeting at church.

Want to say that the doctor appointment went great. Blood work good, weight good, blood pressure good, but best of all....bone scan! Bone scan was great! Wahooooo! will love this! Told Dr. Carol about our trip this weekend. She knows all about Zacharooski. She said "Drink wine!" "Doctor says drink wine." roflmbo Must do as the doctor says!!!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY One of my MOM dr said a glass of wine daily is not bad its good for the heart Not kidding either

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, must follow Dr. orders!

Lori, I am going to MA with Michael and Laura to visit my aunt and cousins, then 1 day in Boston and 1 day on the Cape. Coming back Monday.

Hoda said...

Glad all the reports are good and that you are pleased with the bone scan LOLLY!!! Drink wine! Good advice...

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting pellet JudyE. I can't get to the public picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Just about all packed and ready to go !!

JudyEddy said...


"""Please join us at on Saturday 5/18 for the banding of the Two Harbors chick, This is always fun to watch as Dr. Sharpe and crew negotiate the tough terrain at Catalina Island to band a chick live and on camera (we hope - this cam is down now but should be up and running for banding). Love to share this event with all my eagle friends (though I probably can't be there granddaaughter's birthday) Come join the group if you can - you would be most welcome. Time is not certain yet - but I'd start watching 11ish on PDT (or just come join the party earlier!)


JudyEddy said...

link to the banding

JudyEddy said...

I sure wish I would be home I love watching

JudyEddy said...

PAULA did you say the link didn't take to my FB wall??

JudyEddy said...

OK I am heading out to see me some eagle since ours like to play hide and seek Hope the are up on the tower instead of down in it

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete I double post LOL

paula eagleholic said...

It Did JudyE, but you had to be signed in to see your pic.

Off to New Jersey! Have a great week/weekend.

I'll check in when I can!

SED, love and hugs to all♥

Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA. Enjoy your time with family and we will look forward to periodic posts we hope...Pictures at the Four Seas Ice cream place please...there is another bigger and more modern ice cream place that is also very good but its name escapes me...I went to the Four Seas...

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga Fest Meeting.

Lynne2 said...

there ARE hummingbirds here in the big city! I was planting some stuff out back and one came to the feeder! WOO HOO!

Judie said...

Well, why am I not surprised to see that Hoda is once again hinting about brownies? Have fun at the Yoga Fest.

Paula and Kay, safe travels and please enjoy the time you both will share with family.

Andy, sorry Kubby has been in pain again. Sure hope he will be okay now. Woof to Emma.

Congrats Lolly on your excellent health.

Congratulations also on the hatching of Dana's chicks. Fun.

Amazing to see the RTH babes. Their tail feathers have poppoed out and their almost grown up feathers are appearing. Can see the colors already. Those triplets are getting really big.

Last check, Hedgie and Shamrock were just chillin' and looking around.

Judie said...

Well, feeling tired after the 3 hours of tests this morning and eating myself stupid after fasting.

Sandperson says he will toss some sleepy dust into my eyes and then quietly be on his way to visit all of you.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Storms are brewing hereabouts....
ligtning and thunder....
sounds like rain at the nest...
which is completely black for me...but I have sound !

I also hear the nest, think the storm will get there too if it keeps developing.
Hello Everyone before a storm
kicks me off !

magpie said...

Thanks Judie...
glad this round of tests for today is over....know you have something
else coming up Thursday...hope that goes okay also !

Lolly said...

Home from church.

We are now in the weather warning yellow box for severe, but also have just had a tornado warning for the north west corner of our county. We are in the north east corner.

magpie said...

I mean FRIDAY for your next round
of meeting with a doctor,
I hope he is good-looking if
it is a guy

Lolly said...

Paula, have a fabulous trip!!

magpie said...

Ditto what Lolly just said,
Paula !!

Love you Bunches....
with nothing on the work agenda until Memorial Day....I think you will really enjoy your Freedom !
(( Hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

Bravo on YOUR good doctor reports, Lolly and a good bone scan report is always welcome...
mine improved very slightly
this time around, but I
am grateful for any improvement !!

magpie said...

I can't take a shower until this
weather system passes, so need to
go putz around doing some other things.
Got my recently acquired Megan Plans in the ground this evening,
including 12 Nicotiana plants
and one Pineapple Sage Plant...

tomatoes...go in the ground Saturday!
got the marigolds already in...
companion plants to tomatoes, now
all I need are some Ladybugs!!
They LOVE aphids.
Oh, tossed a very large SLUG across the yard this morning,
just to get his slimely self off
my front walkway !

magpie said...

sorry that Andrea's Ken had such
a bout with discomfort, sounds
like he is on the mend now...

magpie said...

Understand about those Lilies of the Valley....they are the most
beautifully fragrant plant, and
our dear Lynn ♥ had them on her yard.....
but I tried to help someone
dig some up they had
totally overtaken her garden area....
very very difficult to dig them up,
I could barely help...but brought
some back here to plant, and
they did not thrive...

magpie said...

Can anyone see anything at all
at the Royal Nest ?
just wondering, all is totally black on my screen

okay now, ttfn xoxoxox

Lolly said...

Thunder is continuous BUT we have not had a drop of rain!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Margy, mine improved by leaps and bound!!! Carol could not believe it! Basically, no more osteoporosis! Will continue with what I am doing.

JudyEddy said...

did your cam come back MARGY mine is fine now I wasn't home I was at the park Watching AI now which is DVRD

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY what did your dr have you do for the improvement

JudyEddy said...

PAULA have a good trip

JudyEddy said...

I got some pic of the moon before it got dark I put on FB I love it I can see some craters on the moon with my camera Now I want a better to see more craters LOL

Moon tonight and I reflection one pic to just go forward it this works

ok trying again I hope these come through I just did the page the picture was on instead of my wall

Lolly said...

Judy, have been taking calcium as well as once a week pill. I am walking and watching my diet.

JudyEddy said...

this is the story of the two eagle that were fighting and fell to the ground at the air port

two-bald-eagles-in-air-battle-crash-land-at-airport in Duluth

JudyEddy said...

Good work Lolly Pat yourself on your back Job well done now go have a glass of wine to celebrate LOL

magpie said...

I have the cams UP but things are all dark, well, it is night-time
so that's probably why

I appreciate all the links, but I
am short on time to open them up
right now..."something to look
forward to" when I can ☺

magpie said...

Me too Lolly, but I am supposed to take the daily Calcium pill twice
but don't always do that, but now
I am trying harder....
also Fosamax once a week,
and I eat tons of calcium foods,
and walk as often as I can...
It's good that you were able to
turn the corner on the Osteoporosis...

magpie said...

storm was a tease here at my place too...maybe later but I'm going to
grab that bath very soon !

hearing voices at the nest site...might be students leaving from a class or something ?
or on-campus students there for the week, just a guess

Lolly said...

Tornados all around, damage done west of us. Homes damaged. Jack is making a G&T to settle my nerves.

magpie said...

for Hoda
on your question about my neighbor
Tom Sweetie....he is looking for a house, then will move from the
apartment building...
unfortunately at least three of
the houses he has an interest in
were already under contract, and
one had serious foundation problems.

I like mangos too ! But they are
difficult to peel and cut!
That center pithiness is hard to cut around but pretty much worth the effort

Lolly said...

Dr. Carol was amazed and I was amazed that she was so amazed. lol

magpie said...

Time is running out on me fast...
and I got more stuff to do here
before bedtime.
Going to check on out,
wishing ALL a good night's rest

Prayers for Wellness, All Around!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

No TV program....nothing but weather reports.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I hope you aren't in harms way watching the weather now and SEVERE weather and tornado in TX Please stay safe if you are in the path

magpie said...

OH Lolly! sorry about the weather, I had seen earlier today
that your area including Dallas would be in the danger zone.....

and yes, doctors don't often see
the kind of improvement
you achieved ! Keep on doing what you are doing, gal!

'bye again

Lolly said...

Nite Margy!!! ((hugs))

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I see two black blobs in the nest its not all black for me both still and live I can see the eaglets

JudyEddy said...

Is that HOOTing at the nest

JudyEddy said...

SPIDEY is making it on the scene blowing in the wind

Lolly said...

Tornado warning in effect for another 30 min. We are the only county now under warning. Circulation south of us.

JudyEddy said...

Hooting and a hollering at the nest in the background

Nite Margy and stay safe LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

must be some kind of game or something going on at the campus?? all the noise of people

Lolly said...

A one mile wide tornado now confirmed. Yikes! Going south of us, I mean just south of us!!!

Lolly said...

Pouring rain now. CA wanted the rain, but not the rest. What to do? What to do? Bury the rain stick? Only kidding...treasure it!

Big wind now with rain, but no hail.

JudyEddy said...

They say lots of house leveled on the news here

JudyEddy said...

sounds like they are having a good time at the campus whatever is going on sound does carry

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing frogs also

Lynne2 said...

my gosh Lolly there are some VERY bad storms all around you

Hoda said...

I do not like the sound of a tornado anywhere in your county LOLLY.
Rain is good. Tornado go away. Hail Stay away!!!

Thank you MARGY keep us posted on Tom Sweetie.

Very good meeting for Kootenay Spirit Festival.
I like it that there were kids and adults there and a sense of community was built around it all. from 20 month old sweet little girl to a 65 year old secretary.

JUDIE I did not end up by finding my way to either a chocolate chip cookie or a brownie...blame it on LYNNE!!! She is the one who brought it to my attention that I needed chocolate today!!! LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

stay safe...

JudyEddy said...

spidey is dancing I got a screen grab from still

Lynne2 said...

I can't see anything but a glimpse of barely visible white at the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Going to bed. Double shift tomorrow. Good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Now tornado warning in Dallas. Ashley and Michael will get Zach and go to a closet.

Rain and wind has stopped here. Thunder is in the distance. Yes, have friends in Grandbury where the tornado hit. Homes leveled.

Lolly said...

Many homes damaged and many injuries.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY they are saying deaths on the news here so sad

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lolly said...

Two confirmed fatalities in Granbury. Hate to hear that!

PA Nana said...

CarolAnne, I understand why you might be against Lillies of the valley. I have both white and pink; the pink are better smelling.

When theLOV fill in they are like a ground cover and we don't have to mulch that area.

Paula & Kay, safe travels.

Lolly, be safe. Also glad to hear of the good health report. Still, don't fall.

Judie, glad your health report is good too. When the time is right the decision will come to you.

Enjoyed Max & mommy's visit for Mother's Day. Sometime Max says things that are surprising coming from a 5 yo.

I'm also fawning over the plant Jim got me. Megan helped me to identify it as a Canterbury bells. A stunning pink! Now to find a place to plant and hope it reseeds itself.

Goodnight to all and prayers for all needs.

Lolly said...

Wind is picking up and thunder returning, Still watching news and it is bad in Granbury. Can not see much in the dark. Fire fighters are now going door to door. Houses gone, lots of emergency lights flashing. Prayers are needed.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoowdy all!

Here at Michael's apt...great ride up.

Had a brownie w ice cream after I got here

Will watch a bit of tv and then hit the hay.

Will check in while on the road tomorrow.

SED, love and hugs to all :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly so sorry to hear about the tornado and lives lost

Lolly said...

Just chatted with Wanda on fb.

I am going to close down now. Still watching the news. 10 tornadoes reported. Now they say there is damage in Cleburne. That is really close to us!!

Night all! Prayers for those affected by the storm.


Hoda said...




Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!

Lolly, hope you and Jack and Laurel and Michael and their families are all safe this morning!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Thinking of Lolly and Jack and
all their family, and friends....
with the terrible tornado events...
so tragic

(( Hugs , Lolly ))

magpie said...

I just missed it on the live cam,
but saw on the still cam
that Shep had arrived
with something which has been
quickly claimed

magpie said...

and now Belle arrives....she seems to be checking out the "booty"

CarolAnne said...

Appears all is well at the nest.
Prayers for Lolly & family & all affected by the storms.
Paula has arrived safely & had a good treat.
PA NANA - thanks for understanding about the LOV. Great smell, but aggressive.
Lynne2 hope your double shift day goes fast.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sad news this morning from the Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Massachusettes (where follows great danes), Mary the Donkey passed away. Carlene got a call from the barn yesterday morning that she was ill. She would come to the back door for her treats. Such a sweet soul.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Thinking of LOLLY and her family hoping everyone is safe after the tornados.

SANDI, hope you have a good day with the class.

HODA, what's on your card today?

MARGY, this is your hump day! :)

Safe travels to KAY & PAULA.

Have a great day all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Today is my Friday as tomorrow I head to Ripley for our spring convention, "Lifeboat In A Sea Of Isolation". I am so ready for it! Lots and lots of hugging going on!!!!

I LOVE US!!!!!!!

CarolAnne said...

Have to investigate: We were at my in -laws last evening. They live on the family farm that has been in the family for several generations. Besides the farming land there is a large stream that meanders thru it all ending in a lake surrounded by woods. Anyhow. . . my father in law casually mentions he saw an eagle down by the lake!!! WOW - have to get back there and look for it.

CarolAnne said...

So many of our Monsters going to and fro. Prayers that they all have safe travels and enjoyable times.

Lori O. said...

Ah, SHARON, that is sad. Prayers for her caretakers.

Lori O. said...

CarolAnne, your family farm sounds gorgeous!!! I hope you find the eagle. Take a camera when you go searching.

CarolAnne said...

Hee hee hee
That should be Momsters - not a monster amongst us.

Lynne2 said...

At work, anxiously awaiting Lolly and hoping all is well.

magpie said...

Oh, I see beautiful wingersizing
and hopping around at the nest

Good Morning from work, Eagle Pals
xo ♥

magpie said...

Happy Trails...
convention sounds like one
of those where the room
vibrates with Positive Energy

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still cloudy and cool here. Sad about the tornadoes. I am sure you have heard on the news..,6 dead and 7 unaccounted for. Hoping that they show up in good shape. Two still in the hospital.

It all happened south and west of us. We really lucked out. We got .6 inch of rain. Some got much more as well as large hail. We lucked out for sure! Going to mow this morning but have branches to pick up first.

Granbury is 36 miles southwest from us.

Also, tornadoes did damage in Cleburne, 15 miles southwest. Storms were traveling east, so like I said, we lucked out as all was south of us.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Checking in quickly--dental appointment and another baseball game on the schedule for today.

Have been thinking about Lolly with all of the tornadoes in Texas. Yikes! And it sounds like today will not be too good, either.

Glad for the good health reports for Lolly and Judie.

stronghunter said...

Hope you find that eagle, CA.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to read about the loss of Mary the Donkey, Sharon.

Lolly said...


Burleson to Granbury

Lolly said...

We have the trailer in the driveway. Have a lot to do today. Mow, grossserie shop, and load up the trailer.

Lolly said...

Understand that the subdivision hit in Granbury was a low income area. Granbury is on a lake and there are many high income subdivisions on the lake. Have heard from one person I know there and they are fine.

stronghunter said...

Good to learn that your friend is safe, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Just watched a video....there were some large homes destroyed.

Hoping it warms up a bit before we mow. It is quite cool.

glo said...

Good morning all. Sometimes the Momsters have monster kinds of news. Sure glad to hear from Lolly. have a good time at your convention Sharon. I am up to no good today but I don't really plan to be bad either. :-) HAGD all.

JudyEddy said...


so happy to hear LOLLY was not affected by the bad weather and so sorry for the loss of life so bad to have it happen in the middle of the night must have been terrifying

Lynne2 said...

glad all is well for YOU Lolly, so sorry about the death and destruction so close by. You were very blessed!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

Been on the road..heading right now towards Hartford CT

Ultimate destination is South Deerfield MA

magpie said...

Sounds great, Paula...
hope the travelin' is smoooth and friendly ☺

magpie said...

oh dear
the peaglets seem to be
oootching nearer to the launch pad

magpie said...

I know they have to, I just
can't believe how fast this time
is going by with them

magpie said...

Continued thoughts about your weather there
and wish the best to you on
travel plans and preparations ☺

magpie said...

and anyone else watching the
Nebraska Kestrel cam....

looks like at least 3 of the eggs have hatched ☺☺☺

magpie said...

maybe even 4 of those eggs...
I was barely able to get a view Wed, and read:
Maximum number of viewers has been
guess many people were tuned in
and watching

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, Steve saw the news and called me here at work to see if I knew if you guys were OK!

Safe and fun travels Paula!

Lolly said...

That was very thoughtful of Steve, Lynne!

We have finished our yard work. We had a lot of branches and twigs to clean up from the wind. The yard looks great after a half inch of rain. Glad to have it just before a trip.

Now to clean up and buy grosseries and start loading the trailer.

stronghunter said...


I see our two eaglets--or at least their tail feathers.

PA Nana said...

So glad Lolly & Jack were spared and prayers for those affected by the terrible storm. Have a good time this weekend with Zack.

Happy trails to Paula.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Lolly, I'm so glad that you and Jack and your family and friends are OK after all those tornados!
I hate when they happen at night!
Our daughter Jen and her family had a tornado watch, the first of the season for them. They're OK too, thank God! They are near Aubrey, in Providence Village. Lolly, glad you got some rain!
Very upset about the loss of life and property the storms caused, though.

Shar, so sorry to hear about Mary the Donkey. ((HUGS))!

Wishing safe travels for all the happy wanderers among us!

Judie, glad the reports were good from the doctors. Oh--Lolly, that's great that your bone density is so improved! Wow!

Well, better get going. Ken will be home before long, and I'll need to get him to park himself somewhere, and STAY PUT! I sure don't want him doing too much, too soon! When he got home yesterday his left ankle (the troublesome one) was swollen. We iced and elevated it, and it improved drastically. I just think it should not be swelling up on him, though. Prayers, please!

Well, I'll try not to fall asleep after dinner, so I can get back here! Have a great evening, everyone.
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!
Emma says, "Woof!"

Lolly said...

Grosseries purchased, some loading done and now watching the news once again. Unbelievable damage!

One man was telling about the grapefruit hail falling. He said it imbedded itself a couple of inches into the ground. They also live on the lake and he said that as the stones hit the water it was something else. He watched the tornado develop. Amazing story. Still 6 deaths and 7 unaccounted for.

magpie said...

Crunch Munch, Cheep Cheep...I believe Mother Belle is tending to the nest, eating, and well, the chicks want some also
I didn't see the fly in or what might have come in with it...but I hear Eating !

Hello Eagle Pals xo ♥

magpie said...

She IS sharing

magpie said...

Once again, I am so very sorry about the tragedies in Texas, your area, Lolly.....

many "Habitat for Humanity" homes damaged or destroyed in these folks have already been through tough times
just getting to where they were...

I am very grateful that you and
Jack and the kids and grandchildren are OK !

magpie said...

75 degrees here and a beautiful
sunset sky

Judie said...

Lolly, so relieved that you and all the family are safe. Such a very sad situation for all those who were so tragically affected.

Andy, also happy to know that Jen and her family are okay, as well. Yes, just need to get through the cardiologist tomorrow. New one, of course. Truth is, I cannot tolerate the way medicine is "practices" these days -- quantity over quality and please DO NOT get to know your patient as a human being rather than numbers on a blood report.

Glad Ken is better. Hug for Emma.

Margy, last two times I checked on Ms. Kestrel (not today) there was no access -- just a blank. I'll check tomorrow. So, three borned and two to hatch.

Sharon, sorry about Mary but hope the convention is a really good experience.

Judie said...

See the babes were being fed by Belle. Also see wing-flapping and some hip-hopping. Soon, all too soon.

So, we have been removing wallpaper. Well, Darth has been removing wallpaper. I have collected paint color samples. I'm not going to say more for now. Blood pressure is already at stroke level.

Will visit tomorrow as I can. Headed to cardiologist first thing.

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

ah Judie, I'll venture a guess....your home is going on the market?

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Glad to see Lolly, friends and family in TX are OK.
Shar, so sorry about the donkey. They are so sweet.
I stopped after work last night and bought some flowers. Been out all day planting. Now I get to mini-shovel parts of the house. Found out today that Frank's TN Grandson and buddy are stopping by in the morning! They're on their way to Carlisle for the big car and parts sale. Keith is a 3rd generation car nut!
Well better do the other kind of shoveling, do the do, etc!
Lolly, if you're leaving in AM, Happy Trails!
Judie, Congrats on passing the vascular tests!!☺

PA Nana said...

Spilled a liquid in the frig and had to clean out the crisper drawer. . Such a klutch!

Anyway, hidden in the drawer was an envelope from Margy with Aster seeds. I had forgotten about them and Jim would not have noticed. Do men? Hope it's not too late to plant.

Andy, hope Ken is better and continues to improve.

Will say goodnight and prayers for all needs.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening and almost Good Night

I am skimming through today's comments and see that in the 4 days of my absence things have been happening. Tomorrow will be my reading day for the blog. I pray all is well.

Loretta Hot rod weekend down in OC this weekend. Thought about you and Frank - Saw some really great ones on the road as we were coming home today.

Mema Jo said...

Only 4 days and our juvies have grown a lot - won't be long folks.

We did have the heat on first few days down at the house - Then of course the day you plan to leave the heat of the day comes!

I will spend more time here tomorrow. God bless and keep you well my friends.

I love us and I missed you all. ♥

magpie said...

Welcome Home to you, Jo....
RED FRIDAY tomorrow, I know you will join me with your Red Duds ♥
God Bless Our Military

Hoping that all have sweet and very restful sleep...

PA NANA, I would get those Aster seeds into little pots until they sprout up about 4 inches...then put them into the ground, that's how it worked for me - the ones James gave me from a school project.

Prayers for Wellness All Around....
Good Night, Precious Pals

and God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I've gotten Ken and Emma tucked in for the night, cleaned up the kitchen, and now have made it back here. I guess the trick is to NOT sit down in front of the TV!

I think it's supposed to be cloudy and drizzly here tomorrow morning, and that sounds like heaven to me!
Lolly, I hope the weather there has settled down! There's already been way, way too much damage to both property and to people! I daresay I would take an earthquake over a tornado any day! (Lord, please don't subject me to too hard a test!)

Well, I have a few bill payments to schedule online, and a couple of other tasks to finish, so guess I'd better say goodnight. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Really missing Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Watched AI and Grey's tonight. Now watching the news with more on the tornados.

Today was a beautiful day. Started out cloudy but the sun came out this afternoon.

Just now heard some gun fire and not far away. Do not like that!!

Lolly said...

Hi Andy! Do hope your kubby heals fast! Not fun to be in pain and really bad when it affects your mobility.

Lolly said...

Oh, lovely, more gun fire. Jack has gone out. Do not need this.

Hoda said...

Welcome home JO. Glad you and PAULA made safe trips today.

LOLLY also glad you and your family and friends are well. Sorry for the damage and the death. The Habitat for Humanity folks know hard times yet again.

I think STEVE is ver sweet and kind to make sure LOLLY and JACK and family are OK...Way to go LYNNE.

Thinking of you JUDIE with the tests and the house projects...don't like the stroke levels readings so no stress please.

MARGY you are wonderful! All your posts.

LORI I had a day off. I needed to meditate and reflect. Stayed still for most of the day and went to Yoga in the evening...

C/A I hope you see the eagle.

Hoda said...

JACK should not be going out.
Call 911.
Oh dear God I do not need this stress and I want to know you are safe.
I do not like guns!!!

Lolly said...

It is quiet now. No sirens!

Lynne2 said...

now how in the hell am I supposed to go to bed with GUNFIRE at Lolly's????

Lynne2 said...

ah it's quiet now. GOOD! Must sleep. Only problem working a double today (and it's not a true double, but it's 11 hours...) is that it's hard to come home and relax fast.

Good night, prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Yawning here, but waiting to hear an all clear from Lolly regarding the gunfire.

Lolly said...

Hoda, we are fine! We do not like guns either. We are in the country though a residential area and frequently hear an occasional gunfire but this was pow pow pow pow! And close!

Lolly said...

I am sorry I upset you. It was just so surprising.

On the news now...the pets, victims of the storm. They have picked up over 100 dogs. Posting pictures on fb. Also, the news lady had a cat with her. They have named the cat Ocho, maybe because it has used up of its lives???? lol Because they had him on the news they have found a home for him if not claimed by the owners.

stronghunter said...

Has Jack returned, Lolly?

Lolly said...

Oh, yes! He only stepped out on the patio.

Has been quiet for a long time now.

Heading to the shower and to bed.

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Bless you and JACK LOLLY. Stay safe.



Hoda said...


Delphia, our Bird Girl, posted on Momster Mail.

She is having back suregery tomorrow.

Offering her prayers and surrounding her in the Light.

Details in Momster Mail.

Hoda said...

Make that surgery

Costume Lady said...

Hey, got on here through VERIZON. It allowed me to get on Mountaineer Food Bank site, but kept flipping off and on, but after nearly a half hour, I got an order placed. After that, I went to my Bank Site and was able to pay my bills without too much difficulty. Facebook is pretty good to me, but, freezes up 2 or 3 times while I am at that site.
I haven't been able to read my emails for 3 or 4 weeks now. Is anyone else having difficulty with COMCAST XFINITY EMAIL?
I see that Delphia is about to have back surgery today/tomorrow...prayers that this will help her to feel better!
I spoke with LOLLY on facebook and was glad to hear that the storms in that area missed her...grapefruit sized hail!! Just can't imagine that~
GG is felling well, but cannot walk very far. Going to try to coax her to take the extra effort to go see how her garden is growing, maybe tomorrow. Sometimes Denise and Karla can get her to do things that I cant:) She needs to move around as much as she can, it's good for her.

I think Jo must be at her beach house, so, would someone message me on Facebook if there is anything that you think I would like to know?
So glad I'm being successful with a message to you all tonight. I was beginning to feel like the long-lost red headed stepchild:)
Any plans for a get-together?

1:22pm...I'm outta here...
Love and prayers for you all~♥~

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Happy anniversary Megan and Russ!!

Sounds like Judie and Darth have made a house decision - happy for you, Judie, even though this will be stressful. I know you've been in your house a long time.

Sending prayers and positive energy to Delphia as she goes into surgery today.

Happy to hear that Lolly and Judie both got good health news from their docs!

Jo, glad you and Ed made it home safe and sound - it sure has heated up here fast! 80s yesterday and 70s today!

More state testing today for me. Make it a great day everyone!

magpie said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning, Eagle Pals....

Prayers for Delphia today on the back surgery, thank you, Hoda, for the alert on that.....

magpie said...

and Yay!
Happy Anniversary today, to
Megan and Russ today... ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

Good to "Hear From" Wanda...
I hope she discovers that
Jo and Ed are HOME now....
having had some time at the

magpie said...

Happy Travels to Sharon as she heads to Ripley WV this week-end...
and to
Lolly, Jack and Zacharooski
on their week-end adventure,

to Paula on her mini-vacation to

and Happy Day Wishes to Everyone...
whatever is on YOUR Dance Cards

work time looms...
ttfn xo "See Ya' from There"
perhaps ♥

magpie said...

the Eaglets are looking great,
cozied up together waiting on THEIR day to get started....

and the Baltimore Oriole and
Cardinal are a'chirping away there

CarolAnne said...

Morning everyone - its a brrrr one here today.
Happy to see our travelers are all doing well.
And Wanda popped in - that was a treat!!
Happy Anniversary to
Megan and Russ.
Extra prayers for Delphia, that surgery is a success & she becomes painfree soon.
Cottage camera shows we had a night time visitor (bear). Pics added.
For those working today - may it go quickly & be stress free.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see one eaglet, and one foot at the top of the nest. Wish we could see the whole nest.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Delphia, if you read this, I had the same surgery in 2007. Began at noon, home at 6:30pm, in the kitchen heating leftovers, two weeks or so of "rest", and not a problem since. You will be just fine.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MEGAN AND RUSS! Hope they can take a little time to enjoy the day.

Safe travels to Lolly and Sharon.

Hi Wanda, so glad you could stop by -- we've been leaving the door unlocked for you.

Happy to know Jo is home and the beach house is ready for summer parties.

Okay, need to clean up and then leave for the cardiologist. I do hope this one actually sees patients. Will report later.

Have a wonderful morning all.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

JUDIE, good luck at the doctors this morning. Please keep us posted.

Prayers for Delphia's surgery, today.

SHARON, I hope the convention is a great experience for you...I know how much you enjoy them and all the hugs!

Welcome Home, JO!!!

KAY, have a safe trip to CA! We'll miss you.

So happy Wanda could check in last night, or early this morning!!!

JUDYE, enjoy your day off.

Have a great day everyone!


magpie said...

I guess we now need to be
on the alert for
a SPLIT ??

Good Morning More Eagle Pals,
from the Dough Factory

xo ♥

Best wishes to Judie at the
cardiologist's office today...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, looks like we are very close to a split...buckle up for the ride!

Prayers for Delphia.

Great to see Wanda made it on last night.

See two eaglets at 3 and 4 facing out. Won't be long now. delivery and someone mantled the food. I can not tell then apart!!

Lolly said...

Today we finish loading up and we leave about two. Not looking forward to pulling the trailer in Dallas on a Friday afternoon.

Lolly said...

We will be taking the ipad but I do not see us getting on. We will be returning Sunday afternoon and do not head out again until Tuesday.

Annie is going to "camp" today and we will not pick her up until next Friday.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...