Friday, May 03, 2013


New thread.  TGIF.


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Janet said...

I claim the feather!!!! and I will go to get the others! THANKS STEVE!

Lolly said...

Missed it by one or it would have been three in a row! LOL

Lolly said...

That could be by one post or 1 minute!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Have a great weekend.

Going back to read up!

Lolly said...

Have read back. Not many comments to read. House is clean, groceries bought, meals ready for tonight and tomorrow. Confirmation from Ashley that they will see us tomorrow. That is if Michael is back from Houston. (He flies to New York on Sunday.) I am now ready for Sharon and Dan.

Concerning Michael....he does well but would not like the hours he puts in!!! He is a jet setter for sure and very glad we will see them tomorrow. Laurel and family are not coming due to ball games, choir field trip, and chaperoning the prom. Busy busy busy!

Janet said...

Sorry Lolly, i will share with you if you like.... :D

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE, and congrats on your feather, JANET!

LOLLY, glad you got all your work done. That Michael sure does work a lot! Glad you'll get to see him and Zackarooski!

Lolly said...

Just saw this on fb. Wahoo! I am ready!!

Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam

The 2013 Live Loon Cam is coming soon! We hope you've all enjoyed a great year. We are looking forward to another wonderful season of loon watching and anticipate our camera going live in a few days

Janet said...

good afternoon all...

TBIRD: you are indeed lucky to get real mail, not junk nor bills! I love to send cards and such, but few people seem to do the same any more. Makes me kind of sad....

JUDYE: sis, at least now you KNOW what the problem was with the paperwork! thankgoodness, so it will be handled, just take a little longer.... breathe!

and btw, I think of Mom SOOOOO often when watching Olivia skate and wonder what she would think. :) she did love her ice skating, didn't she...wonder if she whispered in Olivia's ear and told her to love ice skating as well? nice thought, isn't it?

No rain so far.....mostly cloudy and very warm here today. Had a great day at work. Been getting my ducks in a row for tomorrow.....I have the ceremony all printed up and in a binder with page protectors on it.....they are saying there MAY be a break in the rain tomorrow p.m. I hope so for their sake...

Well need to scat....have to pick the kid up in a bit. Will check in later!


Lolly said...

That's okay, Janet. It was your turn. I really should not hog the feathers, but three in a row would have been fun. lol

Yes, Lori, proud of my Michael. He is a very successful attorney, but like I said, I would not want his hours. Yep, get some Zacharooski time tomorrow. I am loving that!! Sharon and Dan will be happy to see Michael and family.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends!

Thanks Steve for a weekend thread and thanks Janet for the call over.

Lolly, speaking of successful attorneys ... Kevin met with his attorney today, now that he has all of his tickets/citations and the guy told Kevin his fee to defend him - it was a lot more than I was hoping it would cost!! Let's just say I wish my son was an attorney rather than a musician who gives piano and voice lessons!! But, if you don't know how to repair your car, then you have to pay someone who does, and you pay them whatever they say. If you don't know your way around in a courtroom ... So, it is what it is!

Very chilly and breezy here this afternoon - and the yellow pine pollen is on EVERYTHING! But it's the weekend! YAY!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Have been thinking about Andy this afternoon. Hoping she is away from the fires.

I see lots of wingersizing going on on our nest.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I always enjoy the Loon Cam.

stronghunter said...

Just called Dominos. Easy dinner tonight.

JudyEddy said...

at Angies and find a fresh thread will check box to get messagein email

JudyEddy said...

need to check box none there at first till I log in I guess

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - congrats Janet on the feather - Better timing next time Lolly!
I am headed in to watch Jeopardy.
I have my potting soil and need to get my flower pots ready for planting. Hoping to get to Market this Sunday.


Lori O. said...

Getting ready to take the Rescue's Bulldog Kissing Booth to Reston tomorrow for a fundraiser. The weather looks great for it.

HODA, did you get all your cards done?

LOLLY, have a great weekend with the family.

PAULA, will be looking for your bird reports.

JO, this is a perfect weekend for potting plants. Have fun at the market! Tell Megan hello.

JUDYE, when is your vacation over?

JANET, best wishes for your first wedding! You'll do great!

Mema Jo said...

Reported on the forum by Deb:
The youngest chick just fed itself some fish then cleaned his beak it was so cute...and a poop shoot too.

Judie said...

All tasks accomplished today and see that everyone has had a reasonably good day.

Going to put my feets up, glance through the newspaper, glance at some t.v., and then to sleep.

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Rest well. Judie.

glo said...

Lori awww I love your plans for tomorrow. I am glad the weather looks good. Magpie Thanks for helping to look for poems. MeMa Jo did send a really nice one today but needs a little tweaking to fit the therapy dog idea. I have written to the author to ask her or give me permission to tweak it just a little. Time will tell. So yes I am still looking. HAGD everyone.

JudyEddy said...

wow only 20 comments since the new thread
LORI I go back to work Sun bummer and I only put 172 miles on my truck since I filled it up when my vaca started saved money I guess

I have a video of Hedgie self feeding the other day also

Had a great time of course and will be going to the Pier tomorrow with them for some sort of dog thing not for sure
Oh and Angie informs me that next year if and when I pick up Jordyn I will have to do homework with her I said not fair LOL may have to change my days off to Fri and Sat that way no homework for me LOL

JudyEddy said...

got some good picture of the resident hawk at Largo park today

CarolAnne said...

Evening everyone,
Hope you are having tolerable weather. Have been blessed with only rain (no crazy spring snow), but enough is enough.
Rain or no rain, off to grandson's 5th bd party tomorrow. I swear, grandkids grow as fast as those little eagles.
Posted a few "things to keep me busy" projects on blog.
Make it a great weekend if at all possible, Prayers for all needs!

stronghunter said...

Prayer Request--

The husband of one of my bridge friends had emergency surgery today. His name is Joe. He has been in poor health for awhile. His wife, Pat, has played bridge with us for many years and has been in declining health herself the past few years. She is very much dependent on him.

Thanks for kind thoughts and prayers for these two special people.

JudyEddy said...

CA loved the door what a great idea that was and when you can't find a rock you make one you cleaver girl I saw that idea on FB also to make stepping stones for out side I wonder about bugs etc will they hold up in the weather OK off to watch TOUCHed

stronghunter said...

Good to see you tonight, CA.

magpie said...

Very good to see you, CarolAnne...
and I will check your pictures here "toute suite"
(don't check my spelling on that but it means "very soon"☺ )

Yes, prayers for Joe AND Pat,...and thanks for bringing this to us and sharing...

magpie said...

OH man, what an avatar CarolAnne has, I love that,
and love those colors together
Red and White ☺

magpie said...

I think I hear the remnants of
love and laughter wafting over this way from GG's -
not very far from here at all, as the bird flies

magpie said...

Oh neat pictures on CarolAnne's blog....
I'll say original, creative
and clever!

magpie said...

I think the Sandperson has
some serious competition from
Natural Weariness tonight...
but sure appreciate that Judie
sends him on his way, "just in case."

magpie said...

Shirley and JudyE....
four of the five eggs at Dutch
Stork nest have hatched...not sure if the 5th one will hatch or not...
never see food coming in to the nest, but those storklets seem to be thriving...
trying to remember if these birds
eat a lot of regurgitated food from the parents....but don't know for sure...yet!

magpie said...

Also pleased that the Minnesota Loon cam will be UP soon,
Thanks Lolly, and
Enjoy YOUR busy busy week-end.
Richard Scarry would be pleased
with many amongst us...

magpie said...

Oh Boy!
Looks like the Osprey nest at Washington State cam has its first egg !
Here is a link for that nest:
Washington State Osprey Nest Cam
and now waiting on Blackwater...

Hoda said...

Glad to hear MARGy did get in touch with WANDA and all is well except for the computer.

Way to go OLIVIA. Hug her for me JANET...A BRAVO HUG!

JUDYE glad you caught the error. Yes it can happen to the best of us. I am sure you will get your return soon.

Safe Journey PAULA.

MARGY remember the cheque you sent me? Well I can use it with the Grans to Grans upcoming event to fund raise for Orphaned Children in Africa. They wanted me to ask you first before I cashed it and gave them the money. They are very very grateful. Appologized that our little group can not issue tax is this alright with you...It will benefit the Garden Fest on the 11th of May and Kazuri Jewellery Sale on the 25th...I will send you an email...too

magpie said...

Thinking of Paula's trek to Paradise and the Tubby Detail...hope it all works out great...nothing quite like a
good Bathtub!

Hoda said...

Well you spelt it correctly MARGY the bilingual resident on the blog! Way to go! Toute de suite! Bravo Madame, c'est magnifique!

All the conversation on the hand written notes. It took me almost two hours to deliver them as they were very happy to receive them and they did not seem to be used to people delivering hand written thank you notes. I enjoyed myself very much. On my way back the folks from a store called Gaia Rising called me back into the store and gave me a gift!!!They were so touched that I spent the two hours and so they gaveme a Tibetan Singing Bowl!!! It sounds awesome and has a terrific pitch. I said thank you and we were all smiling even their customers.

AWSOME to see C/A on here I will go to her blog moi aussi toute suite!

Prayers for JOE SHIRLEY. Healing and comfort for him and his family.

magpie said...

on your next to last night of
mini-make believe retirement:
I think it is great that you will have an opportunity to help Jordyn
with her homework....I have done that many times with James (though hardly at all this year)
and we found many ways to try to make it fun! And you, like I, will learn many new things also.
♥ ☺ Grandma Power !

Lynne2 said...

The LOONIES are coming the LOONIES are coming!

Judy, glad you have figured out the tax refund problem!

Glad you will get some family time...with the ZACKAROOSKI, especially!

Jo, please deliver a Momster hug from us for Megan!

Hope the Kissing Booth raises lots of money for the rescue Lori!

Best wishes on the Wedding Janet!

Prayers for your bridge friend and her husband Shirley.

magpie said...

You are definitely One of a Kind,
The BEST Kind....
Love your fellowship reports

The world needs more Hodas, oui??

magpie said...

Gotcha ya' Hoda on your prior post regarding the that spelling also !
Yes, of course, absolutely....
I totally support your causes...
and those of your associates

By the way: we have a Deputy here locally who is Canadian!
Will have to talk to him more
about where he is from, but we love his accent !

Lynne2 said...

Going for a bird walk with my Bird Nerd coworker Sharon tomorrow early AM! Then dogs for a walk, then over to work yard to do just a little garden stuff. Sunday, the local park and nature center is having Spring Fest and we'll be going there...I think all of Manchester will be there!

magpie said...

Sounds very wildlifing good,
Any change in the upstairs situation?

magpie said...

One adult stork at Netherlands is grooming the other adult, roosting stork

Lolly said...

Dinner and visiting are over. Sharon and Dan have retreated to their RV. They have had a very busy week with their RV Group Rally and they are tired. Tomorrow we have a busy day planned. Going to be fun!!

So fantastic to see CarolAnne on here and to see some of her creativity. I am impressed! Beautiful door she did!!

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy....the world would do well to have more Hoda's. For sure!

Sharon and Dan visited the TCU bookstore this week. They brought me a guard frog for the garden. lol Margy...for you I will put a picture on of my guard frog. lol

magpie said...

Even with that bright Sunshiney ☼
Avatar of Lolly's
I am calling it A Night!

Enjoy your Family Time, Lolly!

Prayers for Wellness amongst us in ALL our Eagle Corners
and for our friends and families and pets as well

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

"Thanks in Advance" Lolly
sounds GREAT !

okay 'night-night, All. xoxo

Hoda said...

All of what you said LYNNE the 9:43 post. I second all that...

Thank you MARGY for approving the use of your cheque.

BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH LOLLY and MARGY!!! I laugh as it might be a very funny confused world sometimes then!!! LOL!!!

Pictures with ZACHAROOSKI please LOLLY.

JUDYE enjoy GRANDMA and JORDYN study time...

Lolly said...

I supposed Margy has already vamoosed.

Margy, when you return

Garden Guard Frog

Mema Jo said...

Time to get ready to say good night.

CarolAnne your projects are fantastic.
Love your creative handiwork

Have a great busy weekend, Lynne. Weather should be decent.

Hoda, your delivery of notes paid off
I am familiar with the Tibetan Singing Bowl as I had bought one for Aaron.

Hoping all of you had a good evening
I am anxious for a report from Wanda (I'll probably see it over on FB and will bring it right over to the blog)

Everyone sleep soundly - Good Night

Lolly said...

Well, that is a puny little picture. Took it with my phone, emailed it to myself, and then saved it. Guess that is what you get!

Lolly said...

Will get a picture tomorrow of my Zacharooski and me.

Lynne2 said...

MARGY....Megan posted a picture....JAMES ROCKETS ARE BLOOMING!

JudyEddy said...

sad news a bald eagle named WINDEX was found dead so sad

Windex the bald eagle found dead near Sitka,Alaska so sad

JudyEddy said...

Hey LOLLY If you make the picture public and post the link she will see it as it is on FB big I have all my nature pics as public but family not public You can change that under the right side of the picture where the people are says friends

JudyEddy said...

OH MARGY you ought to do facebook you would see all the beautiful pictures peeps put on there OH today a black and white warbler being its a group don't know if you can see the picture but this is the link let me know if you can see the pretty bird I post on there often

Hope the bird shows up for you MARGY black and white warbler

JudyEddy said...

I have to be a good girl and get my buy in bed early and not stay up till midnight or later usually don't take any pills on the days I don't work so took some tonight to make myself go to bed early and not sleep late in the am Wish me luck with that LOL I love sleeping in

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Hey make sure you listen to the AUDIO on WINDEX the eagle

Hoda said...

That is a very generous gift to give to AARON JO. I hope he rings it in your honour and cherish where it came from...Blessed Be.

stronghunter said...

Margy, thanks so much for your kind note to Hunter. He ran off with it and hasn't told me of the contents, so I will have to investigate.

stronghunter said...

Two eaglets are snuggled together in the center of the nest at the Sycamore Palace.

And with that, it's time for me to snuggle into my own nest.


Lolly said...

And...time for me to do that, too!

Night all!


Hoda said...

Dragon Boat workshops tomorrow and we will be on the water for training...
I also volunteer with the MLA'S office for the upcoming elections. Just ten more days to go!!! Looking forward to it...
Will check in late afternoon my time...five my time which is eight your time.

I ♥ US



paula eagleholic said...

Late late evening all

Everyone here and finally settling down for sleep

Kids can't wait to go fishing

Will keeep my eyes to the skies

SED love and hugs for all

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Hellooo Week-end ☺
Mine starts Sunday

Mom and the Kids hanging out
at the nest
waiting on breakfast

Best Wishes for a Wonderful Day....

Hope the weather "Plays Nice" for Janet's wedding ceremony today....

and that everything else on everyone's dance cards is pleasant
and enjoyable

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Whoosh goes Belle

Lolly! Cool the Garden Guard ...Frog...
Thanks! Have Fun today and Sunday!

Lynne2: I expect to find some
James Rockets (aka Dame's Rockets)
in James's neighborhood Sunday,
and hope to find some Wild Red Columbine blooming in some of my
favorite spots around here this week-end

Work time looms...must do the

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

oh PS Shirley
If you don't "see" what I sent Hunter I'll tell you about it later on
okay 'bye

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Margy and all my eagle friends! Gray and chilly here this morning. The sun is supposed to come out today but I'm guessing we'll stay indoors for tennis.

Headed to the native plant sale nearby today after tennis to pick up my rain barrel - waited too long to buy one last spring and the Center for Inland Bays ran out. While I'm there, will walk down to the beach to see if there are any more osprey pairs nesting - only 1 pair the last time we were there but there are 3 platforms.

This afternoon I'll be getting all of my annuals in their pots for the summer. Jo, I'll be thinking of you doing the same!

Lynne, enjoy your birding - Manchester Fair sounds like a fun day for everyone!

Lolly, enjoy your Zach day!

CarolAnne, great to see you on the blog yesterday - LOVED your latest projects!!

Thelma, hope the hand is less painful and healing.

Judy, sorry your vacation is over so soon! Hope your first day back to work goes smoothly. You'll LOVE doing homework with Jordyn - you'll love anything you do with Jordyn!

Make it a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!!!

Well, my plans to go to the Pet Fieta with the bulldog rescue fell through...I'm staying home babysitting Dalai, as they decided not to take her for fear she would get grumpy at so many other dogs there. It's more a dog event than people event. So here I am...with Dal.

CAROLANNE, so nice to hear from you and see your beautiful hand work! Great projects. I'll bet they did keep you busy!

PAULA, glad you arrived safely. Good luck with the tub.

HODA, have fun on the water today. Sounds like such a good time.

SHIRLEY, prayers for your friends Joe and Pat.

LOLLY, have a great time today with your Zacharooski! Will look forward to seeing the picture. :)

MARGY, today is your FRIDAY!

LYNNE2, enjoy your bird walk this morning. Hope you see lots!

Hope everyone has a great day today. Sending love and light and healing prayers for all in need.

CarolAnne said...

Paula, that sounds more like an early early morning. Hope fishing goes well. Ice still on the lake here at the cottage.

CarolAnne said...

Magpie, how cool that you & others can go flower hunting. Other than garden tulips & crocuses we're a ways away from wild blooms.

magpie said...

Good Morning our Wisconsin Sunshine
CarolAnne ☼
AND all our bright and Sunny folks here ☺

I'll you about what I find, and try to get some new pictures up also...

must go now!
xoxox (( All Day Hugs, Pals ))
♥ ☺

CarolAnne said...

Sandi, I'm betting tennis is fun indoors or out. Could go to nurseries here & buy plants but not sure its safe to plant yet. Crazy weather - last year we were planting in March. Patience Patience - all in due time!

CarolAnne said...

Lori, I'd dogsit Dalai if I were closer. Bet Dalai is happy to have alone time with you. It will still be a great day.

CarolAnne said...

Hoda - another Dragon slaying, opps, boating season begins. Love the look of those boats.

Shirley - prayers always ongoing, your friends included.

Lolly - great day to your & your Zacharooski.

CarolAnne said...

At the cottage where sun is just breaking thru yesterdays leftover rain clouds. Closer to grandson's BD party from here (45 min). It's 2 1/2 hours from home. Only one deer to feeder overnight. Think the momma-to-bes are tucked away deep in the woods.
Have a great day everyone!!

Sandi said...

Shep arrived with a fish, followed by Belle. I think Shep has takedn off (at least I can't see him) and Belle is feeding the kids.

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - my "rocks" were made from basic salt/flour/water recipe.
1 cup salt
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup luke warm water
Mix, knead, shape into "rocks" or whatever
Air dry or oven dry 1 hour/350°
Drying time will depend on thickness of object.
Store leftover in sealed container.
To quicken drying time I flattened dough into a circle,draped it over an orange, trimmed the edges to be even, removed the dough carefully from the orange and placed it over a ball of crumpled foil on a cookie sheet. I solid ball of dough would take a long time to dry completely. Bake, cool, paint. ModPodge Outdoor would seal them enough to set outside.

Sandi said...

Good morning CarolAnne - good to see you on the blog again today! Enjoy that birthday party!

The sun has come out here but only 51 degrees. Still hoping we stay indoors for tennis.

Speaking of tennis, I'm still in my jammies - time to get moving! Later all!

CarolAnne said...

As Sandi noted, breakfast was served at the nest, and Mom & kids are partaking without any squabbles.

CarolAnne said...

A bit of greenery rearranging.

Now the family is all together in the nest.

CarolAnne said...

After a brief family reunion, kids now home alone. One resting comfortably, while a bit of poking around by the other. An occasional wing stretch. Breezy.

Janet said...

good morning to all!

Saturday dawns cold (45) and rainy. i have the wedding couple talked into an indoor wedding if this weather persists as the weather people are saying that it indeed will. the cumberland river is already over its banks....not a good sign.

we are up high on a hill, but many many people are not. nashville is nothing but hills.....and with the highs are lows, and lots of water around. concerned for those in the lower areas......

was thrilled to see CAROLANN on here! loved your projects!!! the etching is beautiful!!!! and your "rocks" are so cute!!! makes me want to get productive and creative again....

i may have to do some of that sort of thing over this long, rainy weekend!!!

ice skating this morning; last synchro class. not sure where we are going with that, if they will continue the class and if olivia likes it enough to continue that particular class.

i was able to get outside a bit last night. i finally planted the easter lillies i bought from publix when they were on sale for $2 each....and i planted my gerber daisy and put out some seeds. it is chilly today, but i figure the cooler temps and rain will help to settle things in . 80 is predicted for next week.

tom has been building a privacy fence on the front side of the back yard. we have so many rocks and are a hill that buying the panels would have actually been MORE work. he had a friend with a backhoe dig out the ground to place the posts and yesterday tom finally got the pickets up. he now has to build the gate.....but not this weekend!

this weekend starts the REN FEST here in nashville. would like to go, BUT not in this weather! it is all outside! but it does run for the entire month of may.....

well enough jabber....hope everyone has a good day....light, love, hugs and smiles to all

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Love your projects, CA. So creative. I really like what you did with the steps.

Need to get busy and run some errands this morning. Kathryn and Hunter will be going to baseball practice and checking out the Civil War Reenactment activities going on today. I think I might check out the mall. Haven't been there for awhile.

CarolAnne said...

have a great day at the mall. Fun place to wander.

Never imagined how hard doing the front of the steps would be. Difficult to get in front of your work. Have to sort of "lay up the steps" to get at a workable level. But I do like it alot now that its done. Thanks

Judie said...

Good morning!

Shirley, sending positive thoughts for Ed and Pat. Hoping for recovery.

Lori, hope the rescue project is a huge success today. Just enjoy some quiet time with Delai.

Jo, did you plant your flowers or are you going to plant them? Need to do that here but need some fresh soil first - waiting.

Wishing Janet a spectacular wedding day success, inside or out.

Hi CarolAnne. Nice to see you here.

Margy is going to have a beauteous day to share with James the Wise tomorrow and Paula to get a new tubby. Hope Lolly has perfect weather for her Zack time.

Hoda, happy dragon boat workshop. What does one do at a dragon boat workshop? Repairs/upkeep?

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Lolly said...

Time for a quick Good Morning! Need to eat a bite and then we are off!!!

C/A can not express enough how thrilling it is to see you on here!!

Yes, this has been a crazy spring. We saw 48 this morn. Up to 55 now. 30 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year. I can see us going into June with not turning on the AC.

Ok, I really gotta run!! Have a great day and I will see you tonight!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Spring has sprung. My yard is lush green but like a foot long out back and its only been 6 days since it was mowed. Trees are budding. Oh did i mention it was 38 yesterday and snowing an hour west of me. Its all so crazy. Anyway HAGD all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! Everyone has great plans for the day and the weather is accommodating. I am headed to family dr as my left eye is having some discomfort. I just want verification that it isn't pink eye. MTBR

Wanda has on FB 11 pictures of their get together last evening. The highlight of them is of Jayden and GG.


magpie said...

Good Morning from work to many more Morning Eagle Pals...

Happy 5th Birthday Party fun for CarolAnne's grandson

magpie said...

0h, dear Jo...hope also that it is NOT Pink Eye, that can be
very uncomfortable

and I hope you get to Market Sunday morning...I won't make it there myself

I just had my official first cutting of Italian Romaine Lettuce that I got at Megan's
plant stand TWO weeks ago...
and delicious it is !

Judie said...

Quick comment: amazing camera work at Cornell RTH nest. Dad is perched on a rail and really posing pretty.

Judie said...

Jo, hope the eye problem is just a bit of allergy. So glad you could get to the doctor on a Sat.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all waiting for Angie to call I think I will call her

JO good luck with the dr

CA good to see you back where you belong

SIS so good to have another plan indoors in case of rain

saw the pic on FB love the taking GG to bed so cute

JudyEddy said...

HEADIN OUT with family to the Purina Dog Challenge sound fun

Mema Jo said...

WEll it is a sty in the eye and warm compresses about 4 times a day should help! Just a relief knowing that is what it is.

Enjoy your day Judy.
Margy - Home grown lettuce is the best!
I'll try my best to get the photos from Wanda's FB for you in an email.

Judi - The RTH is beautiful!

Janet said...

well, almost noon here in a rainy nashville. not heavy rain, but definately steady cold rain today. bleech!

JO: hopefully the doc appt gives you a clean bill of health!

JUDYE: enjoy the day!!!

think i'll whip up a pot of spaghetti for case i run late...

house is clean. livvy is feeling puny and is still asleep....laundry is mostly done.... egad!

later ya' to the kitchen...

Mema Jo said...

Happy 60th birthday to our photographer friend, Bob Quinn

Had email with Bob and that is when he told me: Yep. Big one for me. Turn 60 tomorrow.

Time marches on but Bob still looks 39 ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the birthday
reminder about our Bob Quinn....

Happiest of Birthday Wishes to you, Bob.....
Hand the camera to someone to take pictures of you !

magpie said...

I don't have sound but I do have sight, looked like a pretty big shake and rattle at the Sycamore

magpie said...

JO sorry about the stye
but glad you got the appointment
and treatment...
relax and heal and rest those
not to worry regarding FC pics..
It's the price I pay by NOT having FB and everyone is most
generous sharing when they can..

Mema Jo said...

Message from Wanda on FB to me

Hi Jo...
I put Family Friday pictures on my JUST FOR FUN blog...I still can't get on the blog, so I don't know for sure if they are on there. I promised Margy to put some of last night's pics showing Jayden's BUZZ cut that his Daddy gave hime...curls all gone:( So, would you please mention this on the blog for those who are not on facebook? ~~

Trying now to find Wanda's last comment so I can open her blog

Mema Jo said...

oh yah Margy I found the blog

Go to the date of Fri April 26th and
find Wanda's comment and open her blog

You are going to love Jayden and GG

Judie said...

Jo, happy you know the problem with your eye. As Margy says, rest your eyes and don't worry about pictures, etc. Also, thank you for alerting us to Mr. Q's birthday.

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB QUINN♪♫ Wishing you a very special day, indeed.

Headed outside to maybe get some flowers into planters for the patio. Garden has to wait for Darth to till and add compost, etc.


magpie said...

I am on my way there now, Jo

Thank You and Thanks to Wanda....
We talked of that Buzz I cannot wait to see it !

bbsl xoxox

magpie said...

Oh Jo,
Wanda...This was the Ticket
for Joy, thanks for leading the way over there, Jo....
and to Wanda for the extra effort to put them there for us to see
and enjoy !! ♥☺♥☺

magpie said...

Workday is almost over....
going to say "See Ya' Later"
and Happy Afternoon and
Evening Wishes...
xoxox ♥

Mema Jo said...

I was a day ahead wishing Bob HAPPY BIRTHDAY... and Judie you followed me.

That's ok we'll do it again tomorrow!
Double wishes are the best!

Mema Jo said...

5:36pm Both adults in the nest & I think it is Dad that has the fish. Our eaglets are still lying down! Lazily they raise their heads for a bite.......... ♥

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Sorry, my delete. Typo made it look as if I already drank my pain relief.

Got some flowers planted. Hope to finish that task tomorrow and then on to weeding the front beds.

Jo, thanks so much for the location of Wanda's pictures. Absolutely positively adorable. Mind's eye sees them just holding hands and chillin' together.

Okay, headed back downstairs to the kitchen. Easy tonight -- tilapia, asparagus, and a glass of arthritis pain relief.

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends! Busy busy day!!

After tennis, I picked up the rain barrel - will eventually be painting it off-white and a friend is going to paint flowers on it. Then I planted 15 pots and 7 window boxes with annuals - several different varieties of begonias, geraniums, coleus, new guinea impatiens, gazanias, and salvia.

Not sure if the gazanias will get enough sun but they are so cute! I had to give up on regular impatiens, which I normally plant a lot of, since we have lots of trees. There is a new disease - downy mildew - that only affects regular impatiens -it killed all of the plants at the nursery where I buy my flowers. Asked Megan on FB and she said she stopped carrying regular impatiens 2 years ago b/c of the same mildew. So I'm doing lots of experimenting with new things this year.

Need to focus on dinner. I think some Advil is in order - my back is killing me! Later!

Mema Jo said...

6:40pm Oldest eaglet (we call Hedgie and I do believe she is a female) is practicing up at 12:00 nest position her wingercises. I can see her talons and wing as she stretches and flaps

Mema Jo said...

I'm hesitant to start planting as everyone seems to have back aches when doing so. I have Michael putting new soil in the planters and tomorrow I'll get some grandsons to help plant!

Sandi said...

Jo, one of these days, Denny WILL get a potting bench built for me so I can stop with the sitting on the ground and then getting back up and bending over so much!! I don't have grandchildren to help - even if I did, I really like the planting part, despite the sore back! =)

Janet said...

big cheesey grin i did it! i officiated a wedding!!! :) :) :)

now i am home, in my flannel jammies (btw i was wearing LONG JOHNS at the wedding! as it was COLD).....had some spaghetti and now some adult warm up and relax. a night of pre recorded tv ahead....thursday night shows and my favorite: person of interest. i like mr. reese!

JO: sorry about the stye. those ARE indeed painful. what did the doc do for this? and i'm with everyone else, rest rest rest!

MAGPIE: i haven't planted much, my tomatos are still inside. maybe this week as 80's are forecast.....this spring the weather has been wacky and i'm not much in the spirit to plant......i did get a few plants / seeds in yesterday, but not much. normally by now the hummingbird feeders are out and all my pots have flowers...not this year...

alas and alak, such is life!

later ya'll

CarolAnne said...

YEAH Janet - Congrats on a job well done.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

One adult in the nest with two flopped eaglets. The remains of a fish is lying there.

Glad you have solved your eye problem, Jo.

You all are making me feel guilty with all of your gardening stories. I have purchased some potted plants to hang on the porch and place on the steps, but haven't put anything in the ground yet. I do have some lettuce seeds to plant in my garden.

Will spoke of renting a tiller. I would love to have one.

Also need to do some maintenance work on the fence.

Did make it to the mall. Got my do done, had a nice lunch, and bought shoes, towels, and baseball stuff.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Bob Quinn!!!

stronghunter said...

Time to walk Luna. BBL.

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good evening fellow eagle lovers

Had a nice day at the Purina dog challenge nice day it threatened with sprinkles but that is all there was a threat which was nice because people started leaving at the first sign of a drop but we didn't just didn't seem like it was going to down pour I guess you get to know the weather after a while

went buy both eagle towers on the way home and no one was home out flying I guess

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading some video of todays dog jumps record was 20 feet

JudyEddy said...

SILLY question If someone gave me a pellet from the eagle nest area What is it POO or upchuck LOL I took a pic has feathers and bones and flugg in it

JudyEddy said...

that sounded like a sneeze from Belle yes it was two times now

JudyEddy said...

funny she sneezed I hope not getting a cold poor thing LOL

JudyEddy said...

snack time Belle is feeding nestovers to one one is watching intensely

JudyEddy said...

JO so happy it was just a sty You would never believe my mom would do for it when we got them I think Janet may remember LOL

JudyEddy said...

congratulation on you first wedding and doing good Angie said she was so nervous at her first but thought about it they aren't there to look at her they are there for the wedding LOL Angie says its not about ME LOL

I think she has done 3 now

and we were sweating in the sun when you were freezing its 74 now

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie is eating some snack Belle flew the coupe and someone is still hungry and boy are we a noisy eater for such a little thing

Lynne2 said...

It's a regurgitation of the undigestible parts of what a raptor eats, Judy. UPCHUCK! Pretty cool to break apart and see what's in them, especially an owl's pellet as they tend to eat many thing whole.

Evening all!

Lynne2 said...

My husband and my coworker and I had a great morning birdwalk. Saw Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, Barn Swallows, Mallards, Broadwing Hawk, Red Shouldered Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Downey, RedBellied, Pileated Woodpeckers, Song Sparrows, Gray Crested Flycatcher...I know I am forgetting some. What a beautiful day! Then went to another coworkers house to watch for more birds. She has one of my bluebird houses and sure enough, she has a nest and 5 eggs!

JudyEddy said...

got lots of different bones also There was a guy up there and he saw it and pointed it out to me I guess the eagle clean house also because there were bunch of bones all over the area under the cell phone tower The maid must have been in I guess I will poke around the pellet

Lynne2 said...

oh...Chipping Sparrows, Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, White Breasted Nuthatch.

We were hoping to see warblers, Rose Breasted Grossbeaks and Tanagers, but migration has been delayed in these parts by weather patterns.

Lynne2 said...

Then we went over to work to plant some bulbs and re-pot some ferns. Took the dogs with us so they could run around in the fenced in yard.

Lynne2 said...

Now I'm off to take a nice hot shower. I'm beginning to regret my decision to stay off of the NSAID drugs. Somehow the Tylenol just doesn't help the same and I am having lots of joint pain resulting in my not being able to be nearly as productive or active as I was. GGRRRRRR!

NatureNut said...

Dear Friends, It's hard to get on the 'puter as the one at Park was so BAD either it or we should have jumped in the River!!!!!!
Seems an IT lady came down to install a new printer Friday PM. The entire 'puter was changed to Win7 for the printer. She wiped out everything, maybe got in a few programs for the lady working on Friday, but the rest of us are dust. I had to call the Helpline (no one there weekends, but they do monitor messages) just to get in and blank desktop, NO IE icon or much of anthing else, Word Docs. to print forms gone. Would not recognize my name or Password. We had to give out a couple free passes. We finally got it partially working & found out cash register wouldn't do anything! A print out of a large receipt came from the new PRINTER!!!!!! If I were a drinking person, I'd sure have one now!!!
Thank you for listening!

BTW, think I did a good thing this PM.I played Park Ranger. Parked across the road in a driveway near the creek "valley' of the eagle's nest. There was a car parked in the shoulder further down the road next to the creek.HUMMMM?! There had been a couple hiking up the road, so thought it might be their's.Stayed on road peeking thru leaves at nest and heard a noise. Stayed around and a man climbed up to the road from the shrubbery right next to creek with a HUGE camera.Big NO NO.(he must have hiked to right under the nest) I asked if he got permission to go in that area as it's an exclusion area until July due to eagle's nest. He knew eagles were there and didn't see any sign!!!!DUH! (There was a sign up a couple years ago)I said they must have forgotten to put it up ☺ and any disturbance could cause the nest to be abandoned and that would be the end.
Now I'll have to report all this on TU & see if anything happens. (our boss hates signs)
I'm gonna eat & try to forget today's puter trouble~~~~maybe check out some pictures later!

Judie said...

Oh Lowreeda, so really sorry about the computer problems and with an "entitled" intruder. Really hope you can rest and relax tonight and tomorrow.

Lynne2, you need to share your day with Lowreeda as you had a real "mark it on the calendar" day. How lovely for you.

Congratulations Janet on a successful "first wedding."

Not to worry Shirley. You'll catch up with us faster than you think. A tiller is a great help in prepping the ground and incorporating good stuff such as compost. Will need to put you and Sandi in a race to the garden finish line.

Judie said...

My eyes are getting heavy and the Sandperson is huffing and stumping around mumbling about needing to get the road. So, Sandperson will be leaving soon. Will make a special visit to "brownie" town to check on Hoda.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Bet I missed a bunch of you'uns...
so sorry.
Spent a long time out Swinging Bridge Way...
But first
Yay on You, Janet...sounds like things went notwithstanding, let's hear it for
Long Johns...I just recently quit wearing my cuddle duds Johns...very smooth and warm

magpie said...

And Yay for Lynne2 and her wildlifing pals...what a booty you saw, and heard, no doubt!

Shirley...not to worry about gardening, plenty of time,
a roto-tiller is boss, wish I had one too, but then again, I don't have much room here to use it
But I like to dream
Too early for tomatoes "anyhow"
by the way, as the ground really needs to be fully warm...I wait until after Mother's Day myself.
Then I buy someone else's plants ☺
Usually at Shepherdstown Farmer's Market...with Megan's Lettuce and some bacon, I should be good to go on the BLTs come, well, not soon enough!
Good Evening Eagle Pals.... !

magpie said...

I do like all the gardening reports, though! Lots of whirling dervishes here....especially when the sons and grandsons can help ☺

magpie said...

I DO see that RumpelRumsey's Bob's Birthday is Sunday....always good to get a head start on these
Big Decade Birthdays, dontcha think?
We can load up tomorrow too
for Bob !
How nice to have a birthday on what it is probably a work day OFF... ☺

magpie said...

I saw many beautiful wildflowers today including right on target, the wild red columbines....
and some beauteous James Rockets..the real name for them is Dame's Rockets, but James thinks it is James Rockets, so well it is!
Got some pretty fair pictures, but am too tired to load them up tonight, maybe on Sunday.
Also May Apples are in bloom, AND, saw some purple trillium, lots of St. John's Wort and some Virginia Bluebells

magpie said...

And Wild Geraniums on the downslope of Parks Gap Mountain, absolutely NO place to pull over and take pictures :(

magpie said...

I see TWO Osprey eggs at Washington State cam...

Loretta! Computer Chaos!! Was someone fixing something that was not "broke"??
We have had unbearable problems at work with "updates" that have made many things wonky.....thoroughly frustrating.
Good on you for playing Park Ranger !!! Violaters not Welcome!
Some people, just have no common sense of decency....

magpie said...

Bird report on my end not nearly so impressive as Lynne2's!
but I am pretty sure I saw a pair of yellow-billed cuckoos...also for sure a Brown Thrasher, Eastern Meadowlarks, and HEARD knatcathers, nuthatches, and Red Shouldered Hawks.
Swinging Bridge has taken a real hit over the winter....lots of trees down...I came away somewhat discouraged and it seems there is no action in the
R-S hawk's nest....Yet...and it is surely time for babies there....

and I could not find any Jacks in the Pulpits...the area for them has been bombarded with creek debris and fallen trees and limbs...

JudyEddy said...

OH LORETTA so sorry you had a bad day and hope all puter issues are fixed and should the lady that installed the printer shouldn't she fix it and did you get a id on the trespasser in the woods??

LYNNE2 make sure you post your bird sighting on the FB page of the backyard bird count I love that page see soo many birds I have never seen before

MARGY I can just picture you at SB found memories of that place for me so happy I got to see it with you as my guide

magpie said...

Thanks JudyE, I have fond memories of that visit together with you also,
coupled with the trip to NCTC and the Sycamore Palace views ☺

stronghunter said...

Love your flower tours, Margy.

JudyEddy said...

Hey maybe the RH moved to another tree like the one at the Largo Park did silly bird right in the middle of the park instead on the outside of it LOL

magpie said...

I was very surprised there were no fishermen there one at all in fact, just the way I like it!

I am slam wore out for now and
apologize for running up the posts...
I am needing a shower due to
bug repellent stuff all over me,
so Sayonara for now..
Before the Sandperson arrives
I need to get cleaned up !

magpie said... very large tree right next to the R-S Hawk's nest fell over the summer...maybe they did not like the loss of privacy...hard to tell

Thanks, Shirley...there is so much to see, and wonderfully, lots and lots of YELLOW flowers out ☺

ttfn xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Good evening, all.
JO so glad you do not have pink eye.

C/A I loved loved loved seeing the red avatar with the white girl and umbrella. Even before I read as I was scrolling up I knew you were here...Blessings to you dear friend and how wonderful you were here.

JUDIE a Dragon Boat Clinic teaches us to be fierce to breathe ane when to puff! How to make our energy count in the paddle and how to keep focus as we work as a team. The hardest thing is the timing to get every one doing excatly the same thing at the same time otherwise the boat rocks...that is NOT good. We want a smooth boat.

I did well till I saw an eagle on the beach and then it flew up a tree and it seemed to be watching us and then it went to a tree on Donna's beach, where we keep the boat. It looked like a sub adult eagle to me...

I now have a bike and went for a long ride, an hour is long for me now, and it is pretty wonderful to be on the bike. I did not know I was going to buy a bike but I bought a bike!!! I will go for a daily ride before it gets hot with the sun is my thinking...I will keep yoga and walking as activities balance is challenged but will improve with practice.

Hoda said...

Herb garden planting is what I need to do tomorrow I think and am looking forward to it...

I volunteer at the MLA'S office and then will go to Georama where they have awesome herbs.

JudyEddy said...

OH NO HODA IS planting the HERB (wink) (wink) well if she wants to keep in supply of brownies I guess home grown would be best LOL

HODA where do you get your energy NOW bike riding HODA the Dragon Queen Bike Riding Yoga Herb master I bow down to you You need to bottle it and sell it your energy

JudyEddy said...

how are your bulbs did they ever flower ??

JudyEddy said...

or your sprouts I should say

Lynne2 said...

Ranger Loweeda, good for you for pointing out to that guy what I'm sure he already knew! Guess he thought no one would yank him up on it. HA HA!!

Margy, what a nice walk but sure sorry for all the storm damage at the beloved Swinging Bridge.

Lynne2 said...


Hoda Hoda will be planting HERBS. I don't know what to say except.....BRING ON THE BROWNIE MIX!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Loretta, what a mess. I hope the computer issues get straightened out quickly. And that you are able to keep human intruders away from the eagle nest.

Lynne2 said...

Judy, Hoda's bulbs were Grape Hyacinths.

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE Grape Hyacinths like LYNNE says.

If BC elects a new governement Tuesday the 14th of May two issues are on the agenda...the environment, which is why I am voting for them and working to get them elected and legalization of marijuana. I have no feelings about this one way or another. Medical marijuana has helped many. Hemp is a good plant and durable. As to the use of marijuana I would rather see the Province tax it and keep the underground economy from making all this revenue. As to usage I do not think I will change my stance. I do not touch the stuff...I might make some brownies and send them south of the border though!!!LOL!!! Come to think of I would rather not see Uncle Sam's Hospitality and I think Her Majesty might object if I did so...hence do not hold your breath I would rather not see her get upset!!!The Tower and All...Off with her head she might say and I am rather attached to said head!!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Very tired this evening - read back and I am happy to hear of all your adventures.

Happy to see the sandman already !

Good Night to all
Sleep well and have SED

I love us!

magpie said...

Sending Positive Thoughts Everyone's Way....
with special thoughts of Megan, and that she can be feeling good for Sunday Market...
and also that Jo, can go if that is still part of her plan...
Just don't like it when my pals
are battling ailments of ANY Kind.

Hoda, You have a good focus !
Best Wishes on your endeavours...
(like that spelling ? ☺ )

Lynne2 said...

Face plant is imminent. Thinking that getting out of bed in the AM is going to be rough. GGGRRRRR!

Good night, prayers for all!

magpie said...

I need to rephrase something...
good that our Pals Battle the Ailments! Just wish the ailments were not there to be Battled !!

Better rub along and make ready for a proper welcome for The Sandperson...

Prayers for Wellness and Sweeeet Sleep for all
also hoping that Paula gets to try out a new tubby this week-end!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

PS: Lynne2: Hope your and Sandi's backs and any aches and pains will be well-soothed PRONTO!

Good Night, now...xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeeeeeeeee! What a day! We had fun! And here are the pictures of
Zacharooski Yes, I know they are side ways. Do not know what I did! Or why they are turned. Just turn your head or your screen. lol

Once again, but even more so, Grandmommy was THE ONE for Zacharooski. He was my boy today for sure. I got so much loving and you just know I was eating it up.

We started the day doing some shopping at a store Sharon wanted to go to. Then we met Michael and family at Angelo's Barbeque. We were there a couple of hours just visiting. Then we went to a Civil War Museum. It is a great collection, one of the best in the country. Thought of Steve, Lynne.

Came home and had dinner. Had a great time.

magpie said...

OH I am really glad I did not REALLY sign off...
Love the pictures, and your entire report, Lolly....
Thank You !!!
My posting time on the blog spot is one hour off....curious...

Now, I am really signing off...

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter came home from the Civil War Reenactment and baseball practice with lots of sun exposure and having walked miles and miles.

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Margy. Zach is just so precious. He is doing so well. Looks like we are planning a trip with him. In two weeks we are going to pick up Zach for a weekend trip with us taking the trailer. We are taking him to east Texas for a steam engine train ride. We have done it with both the other boys. Zach is so very attached to his home and his routine. This will be a first. It will exhaust us but it will be so great!!!

Hoda said...

Nice Spelling MARGY. Big smile!

Hoda said...

LYNNE and SANDI I hope back problems are improved for tomorrow...Sleep well you two and I am glad you had such a terrific day LYNNE...

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs. Hope tomorrow is a good day for everyone. Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts for my friends Joe and Pat. I haven't heard any more news today. Hoping that is a good sign.

Rest well, everyone.

Lolly said...

Finally got the pictures straight. Who can ever understand computers?

Heading to the shower. Tomorrow is going to be another great day. Heading to Denton to be with Laurel and family. Jack has a repair job to a kitchen drawer and I am going to work in the yard with Laurel. Taking steaks to be grilled.

Loved reading about Lynne's day! Interesting about the bird migration being delayed. Seeing pictures of birds on South Padre Island that are migrating but stopping there to rest. Unusual!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

For the next two days we get 81/82 temperatures!!! YAY!!!

Hoda said...


I think I will sleep well tonight.


Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

And happy 60th birthday to our Bob Quinn!!

Stiff back this morning from all that planting, but worth it to have my flowers done for the spring & summer. Now to just sit back and water them and watch them grow!

We have 3 robins nesting in the yard - one in a bush next to the trash can, one on the top of one of the pilings, and one on the top of the electric box. One started a nest on the blade of the ceiling fan on the front porch but we said NO to that one!!

Janet, congrats on the wedding - hope it is a long and happy marriage!

Lynne, loved hearing your bird count from yesterday!

Cleaning the upstairs and getting to the grocery store are on my agenda for today. Make it a great day everyone!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I don't wanna go to work

Can I call in sick LOL

JudyEddy said...

the nest is full of itchy twitchy eaglets this morning
They have been preening for a while now maybe expecting company getting all gussied up LOL

grannyblt said...

Good Morning Eagle friends. To be a sunny warm enough day here in NW PA.
Glad that everyone seems to be doing all right despite computer-truck-son problems this past week. The aches and pain of gardening and having fun don't count.
Went for a walk in the woods yesterday at Presque Isle State Park, that is on Lake Erie yesterday, hoping to catch some warblers, but mostly saw towhees and thrushes. My birds of the day were 3 orioles in my backyard feeding at the quince bush.
Next week, my birding friend and I are going to NW Ohio to Magee Marsh where the area holds The Biggest Week in American Birding. The area is just teeming with migrant birds, especially
warblers. It will be teeming with people too.

CarolAnne said...

Good Sunday morning all.


Ton of projects (all little ones) to get to today before hitting the road. Weather is going to cooperate. Yeah!

Be gone aches & pains.

Take care all, enjoy your day.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Both adults in the nest just now and both heads in the sunshine. Neither appeared to have a dark spot.

Has anyone noticed that Shep's dark spot has disappeared? Maybe just the light.

Off to get some coffee then back outside.


Judie said...

♪♫Happy Birthday Mr.Q♪♫

grannyblt said...

And a Happy birthday to Bob Quinn

Janet said...

Quick good morning, slept LATE. that's two weekends in a row....not sure what is going on with me....sleeping nearly 12 hours! :/ feel like i missed half the day!

on the other hand, it is cloudy and cold, not a lot to miss...
i suppose.

grocery shopping in a bit.

SIS: YES i REMEMBER MOM"S stye "treatment" YIKES!!!! i thought about it....

I wasn't nervous about doing the ceremony, it was signing and making sure all the documentation was correct, signed, i's dotted, t's crossed that got me....and because it was not only an official wedding, it was a handfasting ceremony as well so i had four ribbons to wind thru their hands in a figure 8 fashion and then tie at the end.... i practiced that one the night before.

anyway, off to get the groceries again...will check in later. (((Hugs)))) light, love and smiles to all.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
Off to Market

glo said...

Good morning all. Happy Birthday Bob Looks like some folks need to rest their backs. Well maybe some marijuana for that pain. OK never mind whole new soapbox here as I know the women who use that rather than feed their kids. Yes in the right places you can trade your food stamps for a fix. Like everything else I guess when prescribed and used appropriately it has its place. I just don't think our society as a whole cares whether they have a prescription if it makes them feel good. Oh I bet you are glad i stopped by LOL. OK off for tea and brownies. :-) HAGD all.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another very cool morning, but this next week it will be warming up. They are also teasing us with another possibility of rain. It will go away as all the other chances have. Sigh....

Going to eat a bite and then head off to church. After that we are heading to Denton. Yea!

Was still in bed this morning when Zach called me. He gets up very early while his parents are still in bed. He goes to his play room but sneaks down the back staircase to use the phone. LOL

Big wing flap in the nest. They are growing way too fast!

Lolly said...

Have fun at market, Jo, and give a hug to our Megan!!

Have a great day my friends! And, watch out for the big split that is a comin!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, one of the peaglets is going after some nestovers! He/she is feeding himself!

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks for all the birthday greetings all!


Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon and it is a beautiful one. I gave Megan big big hugs from all of you. She is feeling better and her array of plants was magnificent. I brought home 4 beauties and they are potted. Megan said to go 2 stands up and look at the hanging baskets. Took me awhile to decide which one but I got the prettiest one! I also bought some homemade baby swiss cheese - delicious.
We ate at my favorite - Mellow Moods. Jenny, Mike, Aaron and Val and me. Upon finishing lunch right there on main street the May Day parade cam by. It was fun - not very long - but one section were the dogs and their owners. All varieties from hounds to poodles. One reminded me of Dex due to being pushed in the baby stroller.
Yes, a beautiful day and hope to do it again soon.
Feet up! BBL

JudyEddy said...

Hello HONEY's I'm home How was you all day

JudyEddy said...

everyone must be having gorgeous weather like we are and are out enjoying it Right now we are 75° it was a little chilly this am but is soo soo pretty now

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 411   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...