Sunday, June 10, 2012


Second day of the weekend thread.


JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread,I'll go call the others over.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

I have never gotten an eagle feather...JudyE what are we going to do??? We both posted same time???

I called the others over.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Hoping charlie and kay are feeling better today

Carolyn could really use a break from all this

wvgal_dana said...

Please pray for my 1st husband Melvin he has Leukemia. Also for his wife Phyllis we don't know how long he has.

Has to sale his bass boat. He paid $26,000.00 for it asking $17,000.00 but I think he is going to have to go lower due to the economy. He just wants it out of sight out of mind. He loved his fishing. Somebody is going to get a "BUY" in best condition and way worth the moneuy.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Caroly and Charlie. Lord please help Charlie get BETTER PLEASE...

Prayers for Kay and all others whether animal or human.

Need to leave for church later hope all have a good day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having grits and scrambled eggs and listening to Hunter blow things up on his X-Box.

Thinking of Charlie and Kay this beauteous morning.

I think it was Wanda who said she had to water ght garden. Same here. The plants looked a bit dry.

Met Kathryn's new friend Bill last night. He seems nice.

stronghunter said...

MT nest now.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley...good news for Kathryn...happy to hear that

paula eagleholic said...

Did not do much yesterday..then slept 10 hrs last night...think I was just plain tired

Going to go for a walk on the beach, then clean the floors while its just me and the dog here

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Jo, thank you for being so good about posting updates on Kay. Hope there is good news of her today. So happy Alexis is a dancing fool and the recital was terrific.

Lynne2, sorry your weekend was sort of spoiled but you had time with Steve, lovely weather, BBs and their babes.

Shar, don't use FB. Know everyone looked stunning on a perfect day. Congratulations.

Carolyn, hopefully only today to get through until Charlie's surgery. I am so sorry you have so much to challenge you.

Margy, last two Kestrel babes looking to leave the nest box.

CarolAnne, congratulations to your grandson. Tai Kwon Do will teach him more than Tai Kwon Do.

Shirley, so nice Kathryn has a new friend. You have a nice day, please.

Never seen a squirrel eat Lantana leaves, Loretta. Do have a chipmunk that likes begonia flowers.

Paula, safe trip home.

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all!

WVGAL: sending light and love to your 1st spouse. good of you to think of him / his new wife as such....not many do this.... speaks very highly of your character.

Sending light and love to all in need....and we all need light and love in my opinion.

Yesterday was really nice. Had 6 plus me at Reiki share. I always enjoy.....but you know its funny. I had one who commented that I was angry on a FB post....and she was surprised. Said you are always calm and happy and this and that. I had to reassure her I too am just a person who has emotions, and challenges in life. I try very hard to walk my Reiki ideals (in case you don't know: JUST FOR TODAY: I will let go of anger, I will not worry, I will be kind to my neighbors, I will do my work to the best of my ability and I will be thankful for my many blessings). But I certainly am human and am subject to fault as anyone. Maybe even more, lol , but I do try very hard to live my ideals.

So funny as she is in her 60's....and one would think that she would know this.

Light rain this morning. Was going to go on the boat today, but not on a rainy day. I have plenty to do getting ready for vacation. THAT is never a problem.

Enjoyed the races last night. Was good to see Sterling Marlin running and doing well!

Will check in in a bit. Steve thanks for the new thread!

Have a super day! Light, love and beauty to each of you!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I managed to go to a wedding "well atleast in my heart" before I went to coffee and dog treats :-). Beautiful wedding and photos indeed. Prayers for both Kay and Charlie. I talked with Becky over half an hour yesterday. She is up and down and feels good for a bit then tuckered out and hurting so pain pill and nap time. it was so good to chat a while though. HAGD everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday I hope all of you have a great day.
I'll be sending email to Julie very soon and will let you know as soon as I get a response about our Kay.
Good report for Becky - Glo those calls are great when so many miles separate you.
Shirley I am very happy that Kathryn is not alone anymore. I wish her well and also to make all the right decisions for her happiness.
Megan has beautiful flowers this morning at market ♥
Praying for Carolyn and for Charlie to find an answer to his ailment.

Mema Jo said...

I could just keep looking at the wedding
pictures - they are really spectacular.
Having known Sharon for 6 years I have heard about Andrew's high school and college years and all his accomplishments-even when he would monopolize his mom's computer! Good memories for the Bluefield Gang!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, it was great looking at the wedding pictures. Sharon did great, she picked the right dress. It looked fantastic on her.

Time for me to eat breakfast and to finish getting ready for church.

I see an empty nest, but heard someone near the cam.


Lolly said...

There will be prayers in church for Kay, Charlie, and Delphia.

Lolly said...

Eaglet in the nest with Belle.

Lolly said...

Looks like a leeeetle fisy to dine on.

Lolly said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. I will get some pics posted on my blog and maybe through the eaglet momster mail for everyone to see. It was such a wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Sharon, it was a beautiful wedding, done with class!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

I'm far from being caught up on the blog, but I am running about an hour ahead on my website work, so I'm jumpin' in here!

Just came in from outside and it's really going to be humid today, compared to what we've been having. I actually got to pick up a pair of pruners and trimmed the shrubs next to the deck so I can see out into the garden a lot better. It's my little oasis of sanity out there!

Gosh, I miss you all!!!

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL
iN EaglE LanD.


C(°?°)3 Jim

Lynne2 said...

Good almost afternoon!

Lori, glad you got shrubery clearance on you DeckOasis! Any sign of the vultures? I thought the TV cam egg was pipped yesterday but I was wrong....expecting them to hatch late nest week. Can't wait!

Lynne2 said...

and yes, wow it's humid...return of the "Maryzon" for a couple of days, more rain chances mid week. And boy WANDA, you aren't kidding about how dry it is! My little plants are thirsty too!

stronghunter said...


There were two in the nest. Juvie and adult. Now just a shadow of one of the juvies. And, poof, easy take-off.

Time for me to get into my day clothes and go out. Need to do some shopping.

Lynne2 said...

Glo, glad Becky's recovery seems to be going pretty well...all sounds fairly normal for a major recovery.

Sorry about your Ex, Dana. Very kind of you to be supportive of him and his wife.

No word yet from Julie about Kay? Hope all is well....

SOOOOO....SHIRLEY. Is this new friend of Kathryn' this a "special" friend potential?? ;)

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I do not know. I would like to see her keep her options open for awhile. I think she feels the same way right now.

Linda said...

LORI - Have dearly missed you here and was sooooo happy to see you post, even if only for a minute.

Praying that website work gets assigned to someone else pronto.

It would be nice of them to rotate it among ALL the employees, don't you think??

Love you!! ♥

Lori O. said...

Linda - what a great idea, to share all the work that only some people are doing! It's nice to be on the blog! :)
Thanks for the greeting, Lynne, too!

I'm actually in the winding down phase and have most of my weekend work done. YAY!!!!

I'm hoping Kay is doing great. I'm waiting on an email or call from her daughter, Julie, but I imagine everyone is calling her wanting to know how Kay is. I will let you know if I hear anything.

OH! Congrats JudyE on your feather today.

THANK YOU, STEVE for the fresh thread.

Mema Jo said...

Chillin' inside my home!
No email from Julie

Jewels said...

Good beautiful afternoon! So wish I could spend my day outside. Was invited for a girls pool part with drinks. Ugh.... Since I have to work, I can't go enjoy myself. That is party. Won't let me edit my mistakes.dang phone. Charlie is up siting in chair. Thinks seem better with him. Waiting to see dr tomorrow for the gb. So.... That is all know. Prayers to Kay and everyone else. Hope everyone enjoys this gorgeous day.

JudyEddy said...

LORI Web site What kind? and we do miss your post daily Miss our morning crew

Watering plants here in Fl we don't need to I had 5" this week alone and the poor panhandle is in a state of Er

JudyEddy said...

WVDANA I will give you the feather since I have already claimed a couple

NatureNut said...

Happy, but hot, Sunday to Everyone!
Thx for New Thread. I didn't get on here 'til late last night. Put Park Eagle pics on blog.
Im was in and out yesterday playing w/plants. These are in piots. I watered only some of them as today is Miracle Gro day! A few were really wilted this AM, so they got emergency water now! We need rain, too, Lolly.
Hoping and praying Kay and Charlie will improve today.♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the 'Charlie' update
Jewels - you sound in better spirits today and I am thankful for that! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Apparetnly today was banding day for the PH nest and guess what the 8week left the nest before they banded him DEGealge1 has a youtube video on it Ph nest fleged on banding day

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what they will do now with the PH nest can't band her now??? I wonder if this is the first time this has happened?? I wonder what was going on in the minds of the climber when they saw her fly away??? They were there when she poofed because you can see movement in the corner on bottom of screen and wiping of the cam lens

Linda said...

♥♥♥ NEWS ON KAY ♥♥♥

I couldn't wait any longer and took the liberty to try and call Kay in the hospital!!!

Jo, Lori, Margy - Please don't be mad at me for overstepping my chain of command!!

She sounded a little tired but super fantastic!!! It was such a thrill to talk to her.

Kay had a rough night last night as they did not wake her for her pain meds and instead waited until she awoke. She was past due and in a lot of pain and it has taken her until just recently to catch up with the pain.

They took the drain out of her 6" incision yesterday, which made things a bit more comfortable.

They get her up every now and then and she can sit up in the chair to eat her meals.

She says she is about a day behind schedule in her recovery because the surgery was more involved than they anticipated and because the pain management got behind schedule as well. Either way, she is doing better now.

Seth is coming over this afternoon to watch a program with her and when Julie picks him up this evening she will visit as well.

Today was the first day Kay even felt good enough to take phone calls from her other children, so Praise God that today is a turn around day for her.

She believes they won't move her to a Rehabilitation facility until Tuesday as they will have to get approvals and paperwork done.

Kay said she is hoping to go to the Forum at Knightsbridge, but it is not a definite yet until things are approved. Say a little prayer that she gets to go to that one!

I asked if I could call her tomorrow afternoon to see where she will be going and she said I could, so I will wait till later in the day and call. Then I will confirm which place she will be going to unless Julie informs us sooner, okay?

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Kay to continue improving and soon to be back with us.

Lynne2 said...

oh Thanks Linda! I'm glad you called....So glad she is feeling better!

Lolly said...

Yea, Linda, for talking with Kay. Bless her and prayers for a speedy recovery. She has been in pain way too long!

Have just finished watering pots, so that job is over for the next couple days. I do need to get to the grosssssery store. Have a luncheon tomorrow and need to prepare a dish, retired teachers meet once a month.

Linda said...

Of course, KAY said to send her love ♥♥♥ and she misses us ♥♥♥ and hopes to feel well enough to post soon!!

Carolyn - Kay said she will keep you and Charlie in her prayers.

Glo - Kay sends prayers to you and BECKY.

Delphi - Kay is praying for good results for you this coming week!

Mema Jo said...

From Julie - Hi Jo--She is doing much better! My son, Seth, is over at the hospital now. They are watching gymnastics or something! She has gotten up, she is eating and sitting in a chair for meals and is just generally much better. I think she will be able to move to a rehab center by Tuesday. Thanks ! I will let her know that you wrote! Julie

Lolly said...

Belle landed in the nest with a nice fish, followed shortly by an eaglet, who quickly mantled the fish. Belle poofed! Nice landing by eaglet.

Lolly said...

Heading outside! Two eaglets in the nest right now!!

Hoda said...

A very good day and I am glad we heard from KAY. LINDA thanks for phoning and JO thanks for bringing forth JULIE'S message.

Good afternoon/ Good evening every one.

I had a terrific day on the water and learnt a lot. We did a few race starts and I amanaged very well. I enjoyed the instruction and I enjoyed working with 23 other people to move the boat forward. The coach was a man from Penticton and he knows his stuff...jokes a lot and sometimes over steps what is cute in male female relation jokes but on the whole it went very well...

I saw an eagle twice and an ospray with lots of geese and ducks and smaller birds to boot.

It did not rain, but threatened to rain all day while we were out. Only when we came in to see the videos and hear the critic did the sun make an attempt at coming out...not for long though...snow on the lower elevations on the mountains and it was cold enough to have three layers of clothing and feel comfortable paddling.

Lots of energy used up and it was wonderful to know that when we work together the boat moves ahead at a very nice clip actually...we were timed and he was impressed with our performance...
I think our coaches work us pretty hard during the season and it shows.

Mema Jo said...

You can view Little Loony in the nest with the adult

Minnesota Eagle cam - storm is a brewing and Harmon is in the nest rockin' & rollin'

Hoda said...

Shep brought in a small amount of food Juvie claimed it and now each has something to eat...they are on either end of the nes...Missy had the fish and Bro claimed the new delivery...all is well at the nest...Shep did not stay long he poofed pretty quick...

stronghunter said...

Sounds great, Hoda. I think I burn calories just reading your posts.

Linda, thanks for posting the news about Kay. Prayers for her continued recovery.

I am being barked at because it is way past doggy dinnertime. Kathryn just brought them back--she took them for grooming and I don't know what else.

She has gone back out to pick Hunter up from the pool.

stronghunter said...

Glad the eaglets both have food now.

Hoda said...

Another food delivery...poof Shep

Hoda said...

I am very pleased SHIRLEY to read about KATHRYN and meeting someone she likes enough for you to meet...also wise to take it easy and see where it will all lead...almost too soon, yet she seems very mature and very aware and I think she will make the right decision. Having a friend is a very good thing in itself...

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Come home to see two eagles in the nest and had a nice phone call on my machine from WVDANA with a detail description of what she saw when she was at the nest at 520 she saw both eagles in the top of the treee SWEET ♥

So good to hear Kay is doing better and Charlies is getting better also

JudyEddy said...

WVDANA THANKS for the call on the juvies I am so jealous you know right LOL So glad you got to see them in the tree Wish you could have seen them fly DID YOU GET ANY PICTURES?????? Once again thanks for going and reporting to me on the phone Off course I was at work I work 10-7 tomorrow PIA

JudyEddy said...

OK I need to ask a silly question some of you may know What is the age that you get medical when you retire Just wanted to know how much longer I would have to work at WMT before I retired and I was told that you don't get any insurance if you retire early like at 62 yrs old I was born in 1949 and I know the laws changed so if anyone know thanks in advance
I can always go part time at work to keep my insurance and may do that route if and when my parents house sales and if we get any $$$ out of it the way my sister is going we may have to pay for someone to buy it I am just being sarcastic right now about it

DANAMO I hope all is ok with you havn't heard from you on the blog in a while I just saw one short post yesterday and two the day before that Winding down from school I guess HUH

JudyEddy said...

The eaglet looks sooooo pretty in the sun light now almost has a reddish hue to the feather on the back

JudyEddy said...

Every time I look at them I am amazed still to this day how small they look in the nest and I know how big they are now in person When I go to Boyd Hill Park and see the juvie in the cage that is the reality check on the size of them

stronghunter said...

Judy, the best thing to do is to call the Social Security Administration and ask them your questions. You can find the phone numbers online. I think you can retire at 65 and get what you want, but you would do best to talk to them.

JudyEddy said...

One one eagle is in the nest now the other hopped to the 9 a little bit a go the other is at 5 can't tell right now I think its Missy with the marks on the wings but them I noticed earlier they both had lots of white on their wings

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Welcome Hoda - I love hearing about your day's events. Glad you enjoyed it all.

magpie said...

those big beautiful brown birds remind me of Wild Turkeys at times

Hello Eagle Pals...


magpie said...

So good to read of the updates regarding Kay...both from Linda and from Jo's post from Julie...

Thank You !!

Also hoping that Carolyn's Charlie is getting better by the minute

magpie said...

I've asked a few Momsters from time to time to adopt me...
and I am thinking of asking YOU to do the same, what a great report on your day...

Energy to the Max !

Judie said...

Jo and Linda, thank you both for the updates on Kay. Continuing to send positive energy for rapid recovery.

JudyE, age 65 for Medicare coverage.

JudyEddy said...

HI SHIRLEY, MARGIE, HODA and JO and anyone else that shows up
Thanks SHIRLEY being I work during the day its hard to call ( I tried once and was put on infamous hold) will have to call on Thur or Fri the days I don't work

magpie said...

I wish Jewels and the kids could have gone to that swimming party today as it is surely very HOW out, and has been since sunrise !

JudyEddy said...

HI JUDIE I just got SERVICE NOT Available with the last post oddd haven't see that in a while

magpie said...

I am about to bark at myself because it way past dinnertime for ME...

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JUDIE also

magpie said...

I could fix up one very small fried green tomato for dinner...

Judie said...

Hoda, what a terrific experience with the dragon boat. Congratulations on a super session.

JudyE, Shirley's suggestion is spot on. Call Social Security for assistance.

Good news that Charlie was able to sit in a chair today. I do hope tomorrow will bring healing for him.

JudyEddy said...

YUK that means another 3 years at WMT but maybe part time won't be so bad We will see Cross that bridge when I come to it

magpie said...

OH I got that silly notice too and I just back arrowed out of it and Voila!
I emerged on the page.
Refreshing the page did not do anything but repeat the message

Hi JudyE and all above this post..
going to wander over to the last 200 comments from "Wednesday"

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE I will be right over I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE fried GT

magpie said...

Charlie and Kay could be sitting up in their chairs side by side if we could arrange it...

magpie said...

Well when I get more green tomatoes Judy I'll make a more serious offer, as long as YOU do the cooking... ☺

magpie said...

Nice...Belle has flown in

JudyEddy said...

Parent in the nest

magpie said...

saw your comment about the kestrels...there is maybe one or possibly two in the box now

my goodness eagle peeping I love that sound

JudyEddy said...

I didn't see who is was from the backside off course I should have know it was her Shep doesn't stay long anymore

JudyEddy said...

she is having one on one time with the eaglet

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. I just wanted to tell you that I am uploading pics now to my blog under Andrew and Kelsey's wedding. Sis took the pics because I didn't even have a camera in my hand most of the time.

Hoda said...

MARGY I would be honoured to adopt know about the night skies. I uploaded two apps on my phone to tell me about the night skies and the moon. I am learning a lot from them and all is good.

When I first came to the cam a little while ago Belle and Juvie had locked talons...there was fishe brought in and the juvie had it and their talons were locked. Belle waited a while, Juvie gave up the fish Belle went to it and is now eating and feeding her/him.

magpie said...

Wow, just read about CarolAnne's grandchildren's peformances, and also about Jo's great granddaughter the dancing gal...

Bravo, Clap Clap Clap !!

Hoda said...

SHAR the pictures are GREAT and thank you for bringing them over to your blog too.

magpie said...

sorry the fishing trip was sort of a bust, but it sounds like there were some bright spots

And also read Sharon's report of yesterday...going to go peek at pictures NOW ☺

Hoda said...

YES MARGY C/A had some wonderful pictures on her blog...I much enjoy reading JO'S reports on Grand Children and GG children too.

magpie said...

sometimes James says: Just enjoy it Grammy don't worry about the camera...

good that Sis came through for you !!

Love the avatar, you and Andrew BOTH look spectacular !!

magpie said...

Thanks Hodas,
you always say encouraging things to all of us ♥


magpie said...

on second thought I'll view those pictures in a little while or it might have to wait til Monday....
also for CarolAnne's and Loretta's..
time to put 18 gallons of water on the little garden plants outside


Sandi said...

Hi all! Happy to hear that Kay is starting to feel better as is Glo's Becky!

Sharon, have looked at your pics and Bev's on FB - what a joyous day yesterday was! You looked divine!!

Busy weekend working on the bathroom, dealing with issues with Mom's condo, and playing and then watching tennis today. Two of the 3 young ladies who are staying at the house played matches today in order to qualify to play in the main draw. One lost her match, so the tournament is over for her. The other won her first match, but it took 4 hours!! Then she played again this afternoon and won in straight sets. She will play again tomorrow and, if she wins, she will be in the "main draw." The 3rd young lady is already in the main draw and will be arriving tomorrow.

Need to take a shower; probably won't make it back to the blog tonight. Two more days and then I'll have more free time!

JudyEddy said...

SHARON loved all the pic I saw on FB and the blog I have a silly question What format are you using????????????????????????????????????? your pic are different than any other blog when you go on it first there is a orange gear thing that goes away and I like the way the pic are and on the top you can choose different things magazine,flip card, classic and other choices I like it

JudyEddy said...

One to the 9er branch and not MT NEST

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The rehearsal and dinner was absolutely wonderful.

Really busy yesterday morning getting prepared. We decorated and ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. I had the honor of pinning the boutonnières on all the fellers. Of course the photographer was right there taking pics of it all!

We had to be ready for family pictures by noon and boy was that a process. Anyway, it was wedding time. We all lined up to be escorted in. A groomsman named Tyler was my escort. We got right at the bottom of the steps to go in for the ceremony. Tyler steps to the side and Andrew steps in beside me. I cried like a baby. It was the absolute most precious moment of the day or at least one of them. We walked up and I lit the memory candle for Mommy, Daddy and Donna.

Everyone got seated, the bridal party came in. Then came time for the bride to come in. Now, Andrew had already seen her before the ceremony so this wasn't his first sight. She came walking in and he busted out crying. It was absolutely beautiful.

The music: We came in to Ave Maria being played on flute and piano. The groomsmen came in to Trace Anderson singing What a Wonderful World. Can't remember what the bridesmaid came in to and of course Kelsey to Here Comes The Bride. Chelsea Price and Trace sang a song called "The Prayer". It was beautiful. Andrew and Kelsey read their vows to each other. Kelsey's Aunt Linda read a poem titled "The One". They poured Unity Sand and then they each handed Alice and I a white rose. Then they were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crisco! Absolutely perfect wedding.

The rest of the picture-taking took a very long time and we were all getting tired. We couldn't enter the reception area because we had to wait to be introduced in. So we finally entered. Andrew and Kelsey's first dance was to "Hold On", a song by Michael Buble but sang by Trace Anderson.

I had lots of fun and even danced some. It was great. Andrew and I danced to Simple Man, which is a Lynyrd Skynyrd song but Shinedown does a beautiful acoustic version so that is what we danced to.

Andrew surprised Sissy by dancing with her to "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts.

They are now on Royal Caribbean Allure of The Seas, heading to Nassau Bahamas, St. Thomas, St. Maarten. They will call us on Wednesday, no service until then.

JudyEddy said...

one back in the nest dunno who

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh, I forgot. I caught the bouquet with my face! LOL! Then the feller who caught the garter had to put it on my leg. I told him not to go above my knee. He goes to school with Andrew. It was really quite funny.

JudyEddy said...

now I just got the oddest mssge Blogger Broken OOPS and a broken blogger symbol in the middle a new one for me

magpie said...

Absolutely beautiful and descriptive narrative...I will read that more than once, believe me

Congratulations to Every Single One

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

here is the logo broken

magpie said...

And especially to the Two Newly Married Ones !!

magpie said...

Are you folks busy enough ??
☺ I know you and Dennis are the perfect hosts !
Sounds very exciting...

Playing beat the clock here and the clock is winning !

Time for me to run along...

"See You" and all the great pictures on Monday

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us....
and (( Hugs ♥ )) for all

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xox o

Hoda said...

A perfect day full of BLESSED MEMORIES SHAR!!! I am so very pleased it turned out so very well...BLESSINGS TO YOU AND TO YOUR FAMILY.

Lynne2 said...

Great description of the wedding Sharon! Been lookin at the pictures on FB.

MARGY...starting late tomorrow night and most all day and evening Tuesday it's going to rain! Don't stress about watering too much!

Hoda said...

Juvie has a poop shoot and hops up to nine branch...

Hoda said...

So funny!!! They went to band the eight week old juvie eagle in Pelican Harbour today. It watched them come up to the nest and fledged before they got there!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I posted the video on earlier of the flege and they took a pic with the ahrd hat in the nest tha was cute

Hoda said...

I saw your comments on the video JUDYE on youtube...sorry I missed it here...

Juvie in the nest...that is not the norm for the past few nights...Plotzed from one to eleven

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound.

Eaglet in the nest! Yay!

Gotta get caught up!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh My, not good news on the PH eaglet fledging! Limuw almost did that back in 2007! Some fiesty birds in that nest!

paula eagleholic said...

I see the PH chick is in the nest

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA she had a successful pledge perfect take off and she came back...

Hoda said...

Welcome home PAULA and I am glad you made a safe trip home.

NatureNut said...

Hello again. Had trouble trying to get on cams and here,too. Thik I'll redo my link up in the Favorites bar. Works good from Desktop icon! DUH!?

Sharon, Fantastic report and wonderful pictures!!Everyone was lovely and handsome!☺

Thanks Jo and Linda for the Kay reports. Too bad they didn't keep up on her pain meds :>( Maybe she should have had one of those pushbutton distributors.
Good to hear Charlie's a little better. Prayers for Becky and Delphia.
Hoda, sounds like a wonderful day today and TY for email on yesterday's event! ☺
WV Dana, thx for calling in your play by play on our eagles. I wasn't home, but Fubby told me about it. That's exactly what he need~~~~reports from the source! ☺
Margy, If I had a fried green tomato, there would only be 2 others to get orange!!Largest is bigger than ping-pong ball, approaching baseball. I bought one of those containers at Wallymart that has a small cage and 2 plants in it. They are Early Girls but didn't look too happy. Don't have new flowers yet.Got some replacement petunias today and everyone got their MiracleGro watering this PM.
Had a hot dog around 3 PM (lunch?)
I really only want a popsicle for din din! Maybe I'll get fixings for gazpacho tomorrow. Yum

Lolly said...

SHARON, thanks for the description of the wedding. Good on Andrew for escorting you, and a surprise at that! Michael wanted to escort me too, at his wedding. I loved it, such a special feeling.

Laurel and Jack practiced at home dancing before her wedding. Laurel wanted him to hear the song before the wedding. They danced to Butterfly Kisses. Jack sat down in his chair and boo hooed. So glad he heard the song before the wedding. LOL

Jewels said...

Good evening! Here at work, I have Police tonight. They are keeping me busy! 2hrs and 15 min to go. Anxious to get home. My daughter has a friend over that had to move to southern WV and she will be staying with us this week. Exited to see her. She too calls me mommy! And they are having dinner ready for me when I get home tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, the PH chick was placed back in the nest after banding.

WE Nest - K24 has a fish hook in one of his talons/toes. Going to peruse the forum and see if they are going to attempt to remove it.

paula eagleholic said...

Here is Dr Sharpe's answer on June 7 about the fish hook.

I'll be back on Catalina next Wednesday. We will evaluate again then, but it is not just a matter of walking up to the nest as it was at banding. All three birds would most likely jump with potential injuries to all of them. We also need to get permission from the Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. I'm sure eagles get hooks in their feet a lot (I know one of the Seal Rocks adults has been caught and released with a hook in its foot) and they have evolved to deal with Fish spines in their feet, which can also have barbs like a fish hook.

Most people's concern is that the fish hook won't biodegrade and is much stronger than fish spines.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, the wedding sounds like is was just oh so lovely. Have to go over to FB and check out the pics. Honeymoon sounds pretty good too!

Glad Kay is feeling better too! Can't believe they messed up her pain meds! Geesh!

Lori, glad to see you pop on, if only for a few minutes. I agree, share the weekend work! No fair you have to do it all. Hope they are giving you some extra $$$

Linda said...

SHARON - Beautiful pictures and beautiful description of the day!! What a touching moment for Andrew to meet you at the bottom of the steps!! On his special wedding day, he wanted to be sure he took the time to do some extra specail things to make this day so very precious for you, too. You did well with him, Sharon!!

I teared up reading your story of the day!!

Sandi - With company and tennis matches, I have no idea how you stole a moment away to catch up a little here and post!! Hope you enjoy the week and it doesn't wear you out too much!

Hoda - Another great day for you today!! Kudos to you! What a busy weekend you have had. You are one active lady!

Shirley - Belated congrats to young Hunter in his graduation! Nice to hear Kathryn has someone interested in spending time with her. Taking it slow is good, and it's nice to have a "friend." You have a busy household!!

CarolAnne - Loved the pictures of the grandkids in their accomplishments. Your grandson looked quite proud and your granddaughter is just adorable!! So special that you could take the time to be there for those special occasions!

Carolyn - Thinking of you, keeping you in prayer and hoping you get some answers tomorrow. Praying Charlie can get this surgery done and behind him and get well once and for all!!

Mema Jo said...

I had a busy evening - sorry I missed a lot.
Sharon - Perfecto ! A perfect memory to last a life time! Love ya! ♥

stronghunter said...

When Do I Apply for Social Security Benefits?

Found this on the Social Security website.

Judy, if you can't reach them on the phone, the next option is to go to their office and talk to them.

I applied for Social Security online, and a very nice man called me not too long afterwards. He answered lots of questions for me, and I found out that many of the things people were trying to tell me were wrong. That is why I said that it is important to talk to them.

I was past 65 at the time and was happy to learn that I could work full time and collect Social Security while I was working since I was over 65. I was able to save quite a bit of the extra money that way. It boosted my salary quite a bit.

People kept trying to tell me that I could not work and collect Social Security, but they were wrong.

stronghunter said...

Or maybe I should say Social Security boosted my income, not my salary.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night and head upstairs.

I really feel like I accomplished something today. I got the everyday, stay-at-home clothes I was looking for.

Still need a swimsuit. It is time for a new one when the elastic has given up on the old one. I said this before we went to VA Beach, but I did not get a suit then. Maybe they will be on sale soon. The prices I saw today were not what I wanted to see.

stronghunter said...

I did sleep in this morning, but I got up soon after George jumped into my bed. He is not supposed to be upstairs in Lucky's territory, but there he was.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations on a beautiful wedding, Sharon. Happy memories!!

Mema Jo said...

Good night everyone -
Prayers for Kay to continued improvement
Prayers for Charlie to get answers/action! Carolyn enjoy your evening with your girls.
Delphia soon you should be hearing about your test - stay strong!
Becky - praying still that you will heal quickly especially with your little
helper there with you!
Prayers for all our wants and needs!

Loving thoughts of Lynn ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA...

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good nite!! Have a butternut squash ready to cook tomorrow for the luncheon. Decided to cook something I really want to have some of!!LOL

Nite all! SED!!!!♥

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Goodnight from my house to yours...loving thoughts and prayer headed your way♥

GG is feeling a little better after her fall yesterday~

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Workin' and lurking, here.

Lori O. said...

SHARON, the pictures of the wedding are lovely. I LOVE the cake, too!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori! I see an MT nest but can hear someone in the attic.

Two days of meetings to talk about next school year - exactly what I want to do - NOT!! Oh well, I can do this.

Sandi said...

Good morning Thelma, you must have been typing at the same time as me!

Lori O. said...

Great morning to you, SANDI and THELMA!

YOU can do it, SANDI!

Lori O. said...

Where is DanaMo this morning?

T-Bird said...

Have you all seen the butterfly this morning.
The landing and take offs look so good now. At least this morning. : )

T-Bird said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

First day of summer vacation here. Hunter is finished with school for the year.

I see MT nest.

Lori O. said...

Happy first day of vacation, HUNTER! What are your plans, SHIRLEY?

stronghunter said...

Need to get some housecleaning done around here, and Hunter has a list of chores from his mom.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sharon, your narrative of the wedding events was wonderful. Almost feel as if I had been there. Thank you so very much for putting pictures on your blog. Just lovely all of you. All the best for Andrew and Kelsey.

Shirley, enjoy your first day of "vacation." Hope you and Hunter have some fun and chores get done. Good shopping news.

Will look forward to another update on Kay and Charlie.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone. Just popped in to let you all know I'm doing okay. Keeping my mind occupied so I don't think about the test results.

Unfortunately, my old dog Pepper is not doing well, and today I will be taking her in for a blood test to see if her kidneys and liver are still functioning acceptably well, and possibly IV fluids.

For the last four days, she hasn't been drinking at all, only getting Pedialyte 3 ml 2xday and water by syringe, and won't eat her food at all, just people food tidbits. She also lay in the doghouse outside the other day, and she doesn't normally do that.

Today may be the day I have to say goodbye to my sweet Granny Dog, who was my emotional recovery after I had been treated for cancer when I was 25. She is 6 weeks shy of 14 years old.

Please send Pepper some of your good thoughts that she may bounce back or pass peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge, whether that is today or not.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD M☼rning Eagle Buds
Hello to LORI long time not seeing your post in the morning
Hello JUDIE, SHIRLEY, THELMA, SANDI and SHARON and WANDA early this amthat have check in this am and any lurkers out there

JudyEddy said...

MT NEST to look at and noise in the attic to listen tooooo

JudyEddy said...

HI DELPHIA that came in when I was saying morning Sending good thoughts your way for great test results This blog will see you through it

JudyEddy said...

She is on Sun blog I will remind her to come on over I didn't see her comment here but in my eamil

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bird Girl said...

Sunday is the most recent thread I see on the blog homepage, not sure where you're screen takes you?

Bird Girl said...

Your* screen *needs caffeine*

There are only 154 comments on the Sunday thread, according to what I see.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I think today would be Charlie's gall bladder surgery unless I am missing some info. Prayers for all in need/

JudyEddy said...

YOU FOUND us Delphia

LORI DANAMO has only check in three times in the past 3 days she has a picture on FB been busy at school final days , MOrning Program this morning is a picture of

Bird Girl said...

I was here all along, Judy :) Blogger does get weird sometimes!

JudyEddy said...

I hope its ok that I bought over your comment wasn't forsure if you were coming back today and wanted all to know you posted DELPHIA

OK its time for me to finish getting ready for work 10-7 today I don't like that time to work Sucks getting home and try to wind down to get to bed at nights but atleast I have a job I keep saying over and over and over

Bird Girl said...

No worries, Judy, it's there anyway.

I'm lurking until it's time to call the vet to see if they can get her in this am.

JudyEddy said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...