Thursday, September 01, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Have a wonderful Day!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve and for the call over I thank Paula........

I love stories about Myrtle the turtle

Looks like the rain is coming over the mountain into my valley! Megan said it was also raining at her place, Lynn. Getting darker skies now

I have been watching cardinals at the feeder this morning... So many different stages they are: baby wanting to be fed by the adult, Juvie with feathers starting to turn red and of course the adults. I need to read about the coloring of their feathers and find out how long it takes.

Mema Jo said...

I just watched a video on FB of
Bill & Emmy - Sandra put it on and
it has Bill and his bride starring in
the production. Bill is in Thailand and
that is where he met Emmy. She is very
beautiful as Bill is very handsome.
Wishing them love and happiness in their

Mema Jo said...

Sorry - for the newbies -
Bill Hanna is Sandra and Tom's son.
Sandra is one of our Founding Momsters

Hoda said...


Thanks Paula for the call over.

Thanks Jo for the newbie explanation Bill Emmy and Sandra

Goodmorning/ Good afternoon everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Founding Momsters! I love the sound of that. I am in that group, right? :)

hedgie said...

Jo, where did Bill and Emmy have their wedding, do you know? Lovely couple, for sure! Do they live stateside?

JudyEddy said...

Hell Eagle buds just got back from seeing Winter the Dolphin of course it was Jordyn choice of where to go She is down for a nap and Oh I want to take one too I just might we will see I am downloading pictures I took right now

THANKS FOR THE FRESH THREAD wow been getting one daily we are spoiled rotten LOL

movin said...


A GooD ThursdaY
MorN tO yOu aLL.


Still warm and humid here in So Cal, but it's a beautiful morning out there.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Laundry about done, house vacuumed, floors mopped, kitchen scrubbed...Jack gets to come home to a really clean house. Still have 1 1/2 hours til my hair appointment. Guess I will clean our bathroom really well.

LOL Jack says his laundry is hazardous....should be buried but can not dig deep enough. Gotta tell you about going to potty on a float trip. You wade into the river waist deep and smile! Float master (or whatever he is) said when they get back to civilization in Vegas to not wander into the fountains for a smile break. Too funny!

JudyEddy said...

I hear rain at the nest

Lolly said...

Hi Jim! Is it as hot out there as here in Texas? We see a break coming Sunday and early next week. Wahooooooooo!

Lolly said...

Careful there, Judy! You left off an "o" and said a bad word. lol

Lolly said...

Just turned on the cam. Have forgotten what it is like to hear water fall from the sky. It that what you call "rain". Not familiar with it.

Judie said...

Good afternoon!

Thank you Steve and Paula.


If I can turn Aug. 31st into Sept. 1st., I can move Red anywhere I want him. So there!

Had a good class and am now about to head home.

Lori, give Bobby and Alvin hugs from the momsters. May they find a loving home together. Wouldn't that be lovely? Also, nice to know the parking guys will still have work.

Margy, have fun with James the Wise this afternoon.

Very sad about K14. Always hate when these things happen.

Wanda, hope the food delivery is full of lots of good items and that the computer seems to be healthy again.

Lynn, what fun with Myrtle. Good you had some tomato for her.

Shirley, good idea to take Hunter with you to the grocery. Veggies and dip should be acceptable to him and his lunch mates.

Congratulations to the newlyweds.

Hi Sharon and Judy.

So happy Megan is having raindrops at her place.

Okay, need to get going. BBL

Kay said...

SHIRLEY and LINDA, having a SIL who is deathly allergic to nuts, I can assure you it is a serious matter. I have seen Hugh in great distress as he came off an airplane where peanut packets were served. We rushed him to the hotel for a complete change of clothes and a shower--fortunately avoiding hospitalization. Another time he apparently came in contact with some kind of nut transfer on a scoop at the ice cream shop and did wind up in the hospital for that one. He now has to warn airlines of his allergy and they'll gladly agree to hand out pretzels on his flight. Surely you've smelled the peanut "dust" as everyone begins to open the packets. Kids can transfer such things so easlily--if Hunter has a left over smear of peanut butter on his hand and happens to touch that poor kid, it can be disasterous. There are now thousands of documented cases of such extreme allergies. I shudder to think of how many people were lost before this malady was well understood.

I hear your point LYNN, but there are far too many people with such allergies to be ignored or home schooled. Then what, home officed ? Home bound for life ? Pet peeve of mine are the bakeries who think every item need nuts in or on the product. There should be the choice.

movin said...

No, Lolly, it looks like Dallas is running about 20° warmer than we are, but the humidity is way lower too.

It'll probably sweat up your clean T-Shirt either way.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Still reading and wanted to chime in about the Peanut allergy I think the child should also me home schooled not far to the rest of the world back to reading and I am uploading video on face book of todays venture to se Winter

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA wanted to say I loved your spidey story last nite I too have one that lives on my carport and is attached to the hibiscus bush

JudyEddy said...

and this morning I had another darn spidey hang down from my desk that is two I killed in two days Whats up I sprayed this am hope it will take care of them

Kay said...

Awww. Poor LORI ! Glad you can keep little Miss Kitty a while longer. You are doing a wonderful thing with rescue work, but it does have heart tugging moments, I'm sure !

Another big Awwww for Bill and Emmy ! We all love a good love story !!!

MARGY, have fun with the Kidster this afternoon !

LOLLY, LOL Jack's incoming laundry ! They should have had the Bellagio concierge take care of that detail, but men don't really think that way !

It's a beautiful first day of Sept. here in ☼hi☼. Hope it is for each of you, too !


Lolly said...

Michael sent a picture to Ashley yesterday. Jack does not even know about it. lol I have posted the picture on my family pics blog. Really funny. Guess Jack was just waiting for Michael to finish his work which he was doing down by the pool.

hedgie said...

Hi, Shar, Jim, Lolly, Judy, Judie!
Hope those who are hot cool down.....and aince it has cooled here...64° with the rain...hope it warms up a bit!

Lolly....and the powers that be worry about the cow farms fouling the waterways! Hmmmm!!!!

Cucumber/onion salad made.

Rain seems to have stopped.

Lolly said...

Judy, the child deserves the chance to go to school. There are many reasons why he might not be able to be home schooled and they miss so much of social development being home schooled. The other children having to give up peanut related food items is small compared to what he would be giving up being home schooled.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN loved the Myrtle story

MARGY did they get the RR guy?

OH so soory about droping my O OH NO spell check didn't know I was using the other word or maybe its WANDA bug eating my O

Lolly said...

Off to get my do done. Yea! It has been 6 weeks. Waaaay too long!


JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I'm not the only one who thought that about home schooling someone earlier on the blog said the same thing I just repeated it Sorry didn't want to step on any toes JMHO

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the rain has stopped at the nest LOLLY he looks totally relaxed in the picture

hedgie said...

Kay, you have valid points. But the fact remains that ANYTHING CAN BE an allergen to SOMEONE. And ANYONE can become ALLERGIC to ANYTHING at ANYTIME. There is no way to predict it. So there is no way to protect everyone from everything. Anyone who has been diagnosed as allergic to something should be carrying an EpiPen at all times. (And NEVER store it in a vehicle!!) And those who have been diagnosed should take the allergy shots. And how do they work? By gradually increasing exposure to the offending agent so that the body builds it's own antihistamines against it.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my dental cleaning
and don't need to return until March 1>

I am gong to put my feet up for awhile.


JudyEddy said...

I'll be off for the rest of the day its Jordyn time see ya tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

I think I figured it out after you make a comment on a picture that requires you to log in to google and unchecked the box that is when you have to resign in to make another comment that just happened to me may have to do with that

NatureNut said...

Happy September Everyone!!!!
Been busy w/email and some phone calls to find out WHO has power in Park & Planning. Friday is "send in your Chelsea time sheet" day!Those hours go to our main Div. Office, not Park, usually by fax!
Called our Div. office & our Chief answered! He got a call from a Park electrician that PEPCO was at Chelsea now!!!If there's a problem on Fri., I can always try faxing at the big Watkins Regional Park (almost next door). I'm sure they have power.Can also drive to main office, but probably wouldn't get gas $$$!
We're almost out of the woods. Don't know how Linda & Dennis stayed sane so many days! ☺
I think I've been losing it! When spidies seem interesting, you probably need to get a life! Glad you enjoyed that JudyE! Was something new, I've never seen before! I deleted it to spare any yuckiness. I don't like them either!

stronghunter said...

Peanut allergy--I am happy to find other things for Hunter to take to school so that this child can attend. When I mentioned it, I learned that my next-door neighbor's child is also allergic to peanuts and walnuts. Her mother had to take an EpiPen to the school.

I had an allergy to Brazil nuts when I was a child. That seems like an easy thing to avoid, but they sneak up in the strangest places. I still avoid them, just in case. Caused my tongue and throat to swell.

NatureNut said...

Lori, you are a saint to be so involved w/the kitties. Best, best wishes for the two fosters.
I would want to keep them all! ☺

Lynn, glad you saw Myrtle.How neat.
We have not seen 2 of our regular 3squirrel visitors since Irene.One is Shorty. I'm trying not to worry.
Wonder if Jo or anyone else has seen their regulars.

stronghunter said...

Oil change taken care of. Almost time to meet the bus.

stronghunter said...

Rascally squirrels have ripped apart my finch feeder socks. I found one replacement sock and rehung the feeder on the front porch. Needed a ladder to get it hung. I hope the finches can find it.

stronghunter said...

So glad you have had a Myrtle visit, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Stink bug on my windshield as I drove to get the oil change. I guess it is somewhere on Route 1 now.

Judie said...

Congratulations, Jo. Happy smiling!

Hi Lowreeda. Hope you don't have to go an extra mile to get work hours submitted. So inconvenient.

Our regular squirrel customers, cardinals, finches all seem to have survived. Reminds me, I need to put seeds out when I go downstairs. Water, also.

SB count here: 1

stronghunter said...

Supervising Hunter's homework session now. Glad I can still do decimals.

I told him that he would leave me behind when he gets to calculus.

stronghunter said...

Finch feeder has already been found and chewed by a squirrel. I do not know what to do now. It was fine until I put a few of the thistle seeds out for the finches because I felt sorry for them during the hurricane and a squirrel found those seeds and decided he liked them.

I might be able to find my old bracket and put it where the squirrel can't get to it, but I will need to buy a new feeder or a replacement sock now.

Lolly said...

lol When it comes to math homework that is when Jack has to take over. ☺ Michael and his friends would gather here for Jack's help with Trig. I think it was trig. Jack would be on trips and would have to help Laurel over the phone. Too funny!

My do is done! I leave in 45 minutes to go get Jack. Wish it was not this time of day as there is going to be heavy traffic. Yuck!

DanaMo said...

Good afternoon everyone! Great day in kindergarten. Everything went well and the children did an awesome job!

DanaMo said...

Adam and Annemarie were working on home work too! Algebra for Annemarie and Physics for Adam! I teach kindergarten, they left me in the dust a long time ago!

stronghunter said...

I did take trig, but the truth is that Hunter will have left me behind long before he gets to calculus. It has been too many years, and trig was far from my best subject.

paula eagleholic said...

I hated math. Algebra was terrible then...still terrible now!

Heading home to mow, catch ya latero!

DanaMo said...

Well I was never a great student, but math was my worst subject by far!

Linda said...

I LOVE MATH!! You can always get an exact answer!!! It just makes sense to me!!

It works so well with me, since I am one of those people that does NOT like gray areas!!

Lynne2 said...

yes, I usually got an exact answer in math. Usually WRONG!!!

Hi from work!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy FIrst Day of Meteorological Autumn! The 3 hottest months of summer are behind us. Look closely and see the leaves fading in color, as are the spots on the baby deer. Birds are now flocking together again, the lightning bugs are gone, the days are geting shorter and's a beautiful time of year!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, glad you saw Myrtle!

Loretta, so sorry you haven't seen Shorty....hope he's OK and just roaming around lookin' for love and acorns to store!

Back to work, see you later gators!

Hoda said...

NX Information from Wildlife Centre of Virginia:

"Where is she now?
August 31: The Wildlife Center staff received data from NX’s transmitter today. We are still learning this new system and will be experimenting with different ways to display maps and data on her whereabouts.

We do know that since her release, NX has spent most of her time in a wooded area next to the James River, and she roosted in a tree overnight. She spent a short amount of time on the ground this morning, but otherwise has been perching in trees ranging in height from 10 to 28 meters. At 8:22 a.m. she took a quick flight across a field, clocking in at 60 miles per hour at an altitude of 68 meters. All in all, by examining the data, we think that NX is exploring the area around Berkeley Plantation.

The next “data dump” from the transmitter should occur on Friday — if she is within cell coverage at the appointed hour. Please check back here for further updates."

paula eagleholic said...

yeea, LINDa, I do accounting now....go figure!

paula eagleholic said...

Just checking the cam whilst I get some water!

paula eagleholic said...

7.41, we still have color

Hoda said...

The blog is slow this afternoon. I have been watching the cam and no eagles as of yet. A mild breez.

Mema Jo said...

Night light is around 8:00 plus a few minutes I think!

We had a pizza for dinner - Nothing planned for this evening..Hubby going to get a movie - I have the Redskins
and Tampa Bay on for now.......

paula eagleholic said...

big klunk!

hedgie said...

Sorry I disappeared. Got busy with assorted little chores, Liesl, phone calls, dinner.....and now the GAME is ON! Final pre-season...Tampa Bay here in DC. GO SKINS! Sorry, JudyE...:(

Hoda said...

A HUGE camera shake and a thud.

paula eagleholic said... thyself!!

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty please????????

Hoda said...

Cool commanding voice PAULA, " eagel show THYSELF!!!" LOL

hedgie said...

Lolly, I'm with you! The math homework was always the Mr's duty! He was a real good that he wasn't even required to attend class for trig and calc---just show up for exams! He missed a perfect SAT score by one point because he misplaced a decimal pt. in an answer!

hedgie said...

Can imagine how bad the traffic would be to and from the airport that time of day for Lolly! Good time to eat close to it and let the traffic thin out before heading home!

paula eagleholic said...

They're not coming down cause I'm sitting here taping...ok going to put the mower away....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Bill Hanna lives in Thailand and
I think the wedding was there.

Mema Jo said...

Belle, at least tell Truder to come
down to the nest ..... please

Hoda said...

PAULA and JO you ae wonderful, I wished they would come down to the nest. The colour is already changing and I think the wind is picking up a bit more.

Hoda said...

Night light on, no eagles tonight, but we did hear one, the klunk, so we know they are close.

Hoda said...

Oh they are torments!!! The camera shakes again and there is a scratching sound!!!

Hoda said...

...and AGAIn another shake!!!

hedgie said...

So no visit again...:(

Hoda, great report on NX...she's feeling her way! How amazing they can ecen tell how high the trees are!

I know JudyE was having dinner at Angie's this evening. She signed off as if for the night. Maybe she's staying there to watch the game. But I BET she won't be able to stay away from us all evening!!!

hedgie said...

LOL---I took Algebra 3 times before I passed it! The sad part is that I enjoy math....just wasn't good at all of the abstract parts!!

hedgie said...

Finally saw some video of my Ocracoke did not fare too badly. Damage looks minimal except that the highway is covered with sand in a LOT of sections of the 12 mile length. Airport runway is clear---but maybe they got that plowed open immediately in case of emergency. They are running off generator power...will not let residents back on until full power is restored. The cute short lighthouse looks fine.

Hoda said...

I agree LYNN no visit agian tonight...JUDYE did sound as if she was signing off earlier.
I hope you all enjoy the game and keep us updated on this the last pre-season game from what I have read on the blog.May there be cause for many good cheers. I will get ready to go paddling and will see you all later...

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo! Too bad that Sandra and Tom couldn't attend.

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't been feeling too well all day. Don't know what it is with stomach.

I did force myself to go to Sears in Halfway (Hagerstown, Md) take back what was suppose to be 14 kt. gold ear rings that the post were not.

In doing this I found a ladies pocket book with money coming out the top. Took it right away too jewerly counter it was closest. Then I went to an aisle and prayed "Dear God please let that lady remember she left her pocketbook at Sears. So I even cried...due to I know what it is like losing something material.

As I was walking towards to door to see if I had parked at that door. See I was upset..I seen a lady come in looking around..I said "Honey are you ok?" She said, "No I lost my pocketbook". I said, "Putting arms around her it is ok it has been found"!!! She said who - how??? I said I found it come this way. She got it back had her cell phone everything in it....I told her I had been praying God would help you to come back to SEARS!!!! She said, " there are not that many honest people I am thankful. She wanted to know my name so she could tell God. I said just tell God the lady that was in Sears and looking for shoes at the time.....HE'LL KNOW ME ( :

It was met to be because I was going to turn around and go home. I had left my cell phone at home and due to Mom. I said know I must go to Sears!!


Hope everyone had a good day.

May he comfort those of the Shammon family that lost their Mother and Grandmother to color caner Sunday.

May he help anyone that has a need and help HIS creatures great and small.

hedgie said...

7-0 SKINS!

hedgie said...

14-0 SKINS!

hedgie said...


Kay said...

Enjoy the game girls ! Meantime....

LOLLY, "They are so cute when they're sleeping !" The other chairs are supposed to be filled with a bevy of beauties ! The brochures lie !

JO, LOL, I sped read your 3:03 post and thought you said you were going to put your teeth up for a while ! Glad you got a good report on em' !

LYNNE, like you I get an exact answer in math, too---exactly wrong much of the time ! My sister was an accountant--she got all the math genes !

HODA, great report on NX ! She's off to a great start !

Speaking of getting off to a good start, so glad you saw Myrtle today LYNN ! Happy September, Myrtle !

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, sounds like you have a new good friend, hope you exchanged numbers !

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I don't know that they 'didn't'
attend - they very well may have gone.

Skins are doing good....

Dana - You are such living proof that He has us where we are suppose to be at
all times.. ((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Kay, I brought my teeth home with me!
That is , after they cleaned them! lol

Hoda said...

Well for the second time this week practice was cancelled due to strong winds and only twelve paddlers...we needed 16 to safley go out. Practice is cancelled Saturday morning as too many peoople are out of town for the long it will be a week without paddling, boohoo!!!

OK the Game is on and the Washington Redskins seem to be ahead, way ahead, the Steallers have not scored any points yet...So now I will watch for your comments....

Kay said...

It's early, but it seems like I need to put my own feet up--the whole bod, in fact ! Tomorrow !

Praying for all in need and saying thanks for all blessings.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

hedgie said...

Half-time, 17-3.

hedgie said...

Way to go, DanaWV! Good deed, indeed!

Hoda, what a shame that your paddling week has been a bust. But maybe your body needs this break.
Did not know that Canada also celebrates Labor Day when we do!

Kay, you have had a long day....hope you get a good rest!

hedgie said...

Liesl just had her last outing...and killed a cricket....bad luck?? Now she is nosing around the play pen. That's usually the sign that she want her pre-bedtime cuddle. Smart pup to let me know when she's ready to wind down!

Mema Jo said...

Well Hoda if I could possibly help you
out I certainly would - I don't paddle
too well anymore. lol
That has to be disappointing to get there and then have to come back home.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - The Washington Redskins are playing against the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers. I don't want you to
think we are playing the Steelers.

Hoda said...

OOOOPS Tampa Bay Bucaneers, they sound like pirats...Sorry my mistake JO!!!
As to Paddling when ever I feel tired I remind myself of the 86 year old woman on the team that has a lot of energy and is a good paddler. Whoever sits in the seat with her has to give the instructions with a louder voice because she does not hear too well, but she is a mean paddler...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, sorry the paddling is a bust for the week! I know how much you enjoy it!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - do you have a long weekend
Sat - Mon ?

What kind of food is at Chubby's?
I sometimes pass it going up 15N

Judie said...

Good evening to everyone.

The Skins are doing their thing so far and it's lookin good.

Hoda, sorry you've had a non-paddling week. Next week will make up for it.

Finished dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, promptly fell asleep. Guess the first week of school caught up with me. Do feel tired. Just woke up to see the score.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness and for Andy who will be checking in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Go Skins!

stronghunter said...


Getting pretty sleepy here. I don't know if I am going to make it until the end of the game.

Hoda said...

I look forward to going out and even when we do not go out we tend to visit and laugh and IT IS ALL GOOD. Thanks LYNN JO and PAULA.

hedgie said...

20-6......Liesl was a weasel. A real squirm worm. Don't think she wanted to settle....think she wanted to play! SO we did.....she is still up, playing with a toy now.

stronghunter said...

I will see you all tomorrow. I am falling to sleep.

Yay, Skins!

Mema Jo said...

Good night Judie and Shirley

hedgie said...

BUCS score....20-13.

Hoda said...

I found an article with ten wonderful Restorative Yoga Postures and I put it on my blog.

Hoda said...

20-6 and within seconds they become 20-13!!! Score goes with leaps and bounds.20-13 is uncomfortably close therefore!!!How many points to a touch down?

Lynne2 said...

Hello and Goodnight everyone! I'll try to pop in from work tomorrow! Prayers for all of you, and thank you for YOUR prayers....they are working!

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I love the show thyself!!
to cute
Hey atleast we know they are there on the cam or above it Like last nite watching the OK nest and the eagle stayed there at dark I love how that cam has a long distance view of it besides the close up So we just got to keep telling ourselves that they are in the tree and just don't want to hang in the nest right now!

HODA thanks for the report on NX I hadn't check facebook page yet when I got home

LYNN your right I'm hear and popping in to say goodnight



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

Goodnight JUDIE and SHIRLEY and LYNNE 2...

Linda said...

Got tied up catching up on paperwork and then talked to Lil for a while tonight. She is doing as well as can be expected, but a little better each day. That is all we can hope for.

She is thinking of taking a road trip up to see her brother in Savannah and then up to WV to see her Mom for a week or so. I think it will do her good to get out of the house. She really could use to be around her family. They weren't able to come down for the funeral, so she has not seen them since Billy's death.

Saw the ISS this evening. Our skies were clear and we watched it for about 4 minutes as it traveled across the sky. So neat! MARGY - Did you see it with James tonight??

WV Dana - You were definitely doing God's work today. How awesome that must have been knowing His Spirit led you to where you were today! Praying for you and your friends and family at this sad time. Keep your spirits up!

Good night to those who have already turned in......and I am the next one. I'm pretty tired!

Wishing everyone restful sleep and sweet dreams!

May God Bless us all the the critters we so dearly love.... xoxo ♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Chubby's is southern style BBQ

NatureNut said...

Hoda, a touchdown gives 6 points, but they get to do a kick. If made, they get one more---so 7 points total.

I'm going to scream at Blogger. I've been working forever on posting pics. I see there is a new design that allows more than 5 and adds them in proper order.Yippee. BUT, they were much smaller than my last set. Went into Edit which didn't give a clue & then put extra spaces between everything. Edited spaces 2 more times--Nothing. I can leave it sloppy or delete the whole thing and start over! Not tonight!
Gonna see rest of game....duh

PA Nana said...

Good evening!

Steelers vs. Panthers - 23 - 17.
Last pre-season game and looking good. Go Steelers!

Lynn, I think the 'Bucs' are the Pirates, also from Pittsburgh.

Lori, I wish I lived close enough to adopt one of your kittens.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula for the Chubby's info.

Hoda - they all look like very very
comfy yoga positions!

Points - If a goal is Kicked through the goal posts it is 3 points.

JudyEddy said...

check out the new update from Santa Cruz IslandSanta Cruz Update a wild not tag eagle was sited check out the pictures some awesome ones Ok powering down now

hedgie said...

23-13.....and now Bucs are ready to score...unless we can hold that line!

PA Nana said...

Ohhh, Lynn, you're talking Tampa Bay. Mea culpa

hedgie said...

They had to settle for a field goal...23-16

Mema Jo said...

Push them back
Push them back
Way Back
Way Back.........

PA Nana said...

Sorry Lynn, my head was in Pittsburgh.

Think I better sign off for the night and just watch the game.

Prayers for all needs and wants.
God bless everyone. Rest well!

hedgie said...

Bucs just scored....UGH! 24-23, Bucs. Double UGH....we've blown it again.

Hoda said...

LYNN OH NO not again

Hoda said...

JO I remember that cheer from Casady School days!!! That would be 1966-1967!!!With arm motions infront of the chest!!!WAAAAAAAYYYYY BACK!!!

Mema Jo said...

We just may have blown this one just like the Ravens last time. Can't keep
playing ball like this......



29-24 SKINS

hedgie said...

Hoda....TouchDown is 6 points.
1 point for a kick through the goal posts after the TD (PAT=point after TD); or 2 pts. if run it across the line; field goal is 3 points--kick through the goal post.

HURRAY---TD!!!!!! Missed the 2 pt. attempt---they intercepted. 29-24. THeir player hurt. Now defense just has to hold them for 1 min. 7 secs. WHEW!! D-E-F-E-N-S-E!!!

hedgie said... was blown dead before he picked it off....confusing! So we kick-off and then have to HOLD THEM!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie, Judy, Linda, Shirley.....

Diann....didn't know that the Bucs were the Pirates at one time. So did Pitt have 2 teams at one time?

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN LORETTA JO for the explanantions on scores.An exciting game!!!

hedgie said...

WON!!!!!! 29-24!!!! SKINS pre-season 3-1!!

NatureNut said...


hedgie said... I can settle to get bath so can paint my nails...early AM w/ alarm! Retiree breakfast.
So good night, sweeet friends. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed out right behind Lynn
Hoda, I don't know if you'll have some
late night visitors or not but I am
really grateful for your keeping guard
at our door and we Easterners head in for our pillows.

Good night to all
God Bless you and Keep you
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Helloooo! I have a jubby again! Really did not have much of a traffic problem going or coming. I was there a little over a half hour before I saw him. He has been talking and talking. Then he down loaded pictures and I got a slide show! I'll pick out a few good ones to post soon.

He brought me a giftie! A bottle of great perfume!!

Lolly said...

I am so happy to have him home!

Lolly said...

Closing down for the night!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening,Everyone! Took a while to catch up here!

Loretta, praying for Shorty, and hoping you will see him soon...Oooh, ladies, let's not talk math! Do you remember having to pray me through my fairly recent Algebra class?! I'm just too right-brained, I guess. Let's just say Math is my worst subject, and leave it at that.

DanaMO, glad your class had such a good day!

Hoda, amazing how they're tracking NX, isn't it?! Wow! 60 mph! She's a little speed demon!

WV Dana, hope & pray that your stomach feels better--pronto! LOVE your story about Sears! I LOVE it when God does something like that!
Prayers for the Shammon family. So sorry to hear of their loss.

Hoda, sorry you missed out on practice again today!

Lynn, glad you got to see Myrtle! Emma showed me a spider on the wall that she couldn't reach, by barking and pointing, so I could smush it. That's my little protector! She's death to crickets, too... WOW! 29-24! YAY!!!

Lolly, glad Jack's home, and traffic wasn't too bad. Prayers of thanks, and prayers for RAIN--soon!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Think I'll call it a night, too. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all our favorite critters.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

God Bless our DanaWV, surely an Angel in the Right Place, at the Right Time ♥ (( Hugs ♥ ))

and, I hope you feel better....right away if not sooner

magpie said...

Try to do a lot of it my head, like what percentage of the work day is completed...was more challenging when we were on 12-hour shifts

I liked Algebra I and II, and Plain and Solid Geometry...but Trigonometry was no fun and I was terrible at it, and that is as far as my Math career went

magpie said...

Biology and other -ology classes were always fun, but I actually flunked biology my freshman year at college

magpie said...

Too late to let Linda know, but
and shortly before that, observed the beautiful waxing crescent moon, it had a lavender hue to it

I helped James with his Spelling words tonight....was a bit of a struggle but we prevailed

Hello Eagle Pals !
Kinda late checking in

magpie said...

sorry your beloved Dragon Boat paddling endeavors have been short-staffed and postponed....I love the recount of the 86 year old paddler...warms the heart !

Costume Lady said...

Looks like everyone has gone to bed. I'm on my way, soon as I finish my comments.

We were so lucky to have the rain stop just before we had to get our order from the Food Bank truck.
Another wonderful load of goodies. Mostly steaks and sirloin roasts.
Many desserts: cakes, donuts, cheese cakes (strawberry), cup cakes, etc.

I feel a face plant coming on!


magpie said...

Welcome home to Lolly's Jack

I knew there would be a good bit of Football talk tonight....
Sept 11 is a Big Football day...

not too much brain power left this time of night...

hoping that the little kitten tykes Bobby and LeRoy are settling into their new home/s

and that Kate had a good day....

Congrats Jo on a good dental visit....

magpie said...

'Night Wanda....
I am getting things ready for the Clothes Closet...will ring you up and make transfer arrangements
Food Bank Delivery sounds Sumptious !

magpie said...

the RR property scoundrel, was interviewed by deputies and the case turned over to the CSX investigator

magpie said...

did read through all the posts, but brain is short on composing skills right now

Saw an 8-point buck at least tonight with about 7 or 8 does and fawns...awesome ! This was in Morgan County

Just to say: Prayers for any of us and our families struggling with this 'n that...
and Happy to see the Good News...prayers of Gratitude for that

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

magpie said...


Hoda said...

OK time for me to sign off...Goodnight and sweet dreams...

I do hope this morning The Sycamour Palace Café reports a sighting...we were so close last evening with the camera shaking more than once and also klunking noises...Come on Belle and Truder we want a visit...

God Bless one and all.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Best Eagle Family!

Lots going on in the animal world here.

Bobby and LeRoy are at the adoption center and settled in. They're in a big pen, with hammocks and toys and they're together. Not sure if Andie is enjoying her nighttime crate all to herself but she seems happy and having her in a smaller area for a bit makes it easier to handle her. I'll have to find them on Pet finder and put up the link so everyone can spread the word!

Happy to report that the Black Vulture chick FLEDGED yesterday. We saw him on a couple of big flights and he came back to the barn roof in the evening where Kate tossed him some smelly meat!

In the human world, Kate has received word that her nuclear stress test and echo cardiogram were both normal. Now, back to the Cardiologist on Wednesday, and the Pulmonologist on Tuesday. A crazy week here.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, we have some unexpected rain here right now, so here's hoping you get your rain sooner and more than expected!Thanks for your menu requests! :)

REDSKINS WON - we didn't get to enjoy too many celebrtions last season so this is great!

So, who all is leaving town today?

Kate's nephew is coming over to help hang curtain rods (I've only had them a year)! Excited about that.

Lori O. said...

HODA, what will you do without Dragon Boat Paddling? Will you double up on yoga or take another class? I know you like to be busy and learning. Sure can't wait until we get to meet you! Oh, thanks for the NX update! So funny seeing hawks in that pen now.

WANDA, I didn't see your good night post so I assume you were just too busy/tired from your volunteer chores. Glad you got some rest and bless you!

LORETTA, do you have power back at the farm building yet? That sounds like the coolest place!!!

LYNN, our best to Myrtle! Isn't is great having such wonderful visitors?

KAY, interesting story about how severe allergies can be. A hug for Hugh. How's the new computer. Did you try tabbed browsing? ♥♥

Moving on to get ready for work. Rain has stopped for now.

Hoda said...

Goodmorning LORI...good news about Kate, Bobbie and Leroy and also the black vulture.

LYNNE 2 and LINDA I searched on the net in regards to the sale of Darvocet in Canada. It was banned in Canada following the FDA recall in December 2010.
DARVOCET Banned in Canada

Hoda said...

LORI they tell me paddling could go till Canadian Thanksgiving, which is around Colombus day in the USA. I am sure I will get involved in something else. More volunteer work picks up in the winter months...Already in September the Friends of the Library resume our meetings, and the Grans to Grans also have an active campaign for this coming season. We raise funds to fight AIDS in Africa. The Learning in Retirement group is also starting up and also The Canadian Federation of University Women. So already in the month of September I have to be careful to not over load and work on easing myself into these commitments.

Hoda said...

"We often belittle, call childish, this need to be wonderstruck . . .
but we set right off again in search of the wonderful."
| —Georges Bataille, Lascaux

I woke up to do some reading and this is the quote I like the best so far...I hear its truth...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning HODA if you're still awake. Lovely quote. What's the book?

Lori O. said...

Guess I'll open up the Sycamore Palace Cyber Cafe a little early this morning in case KAY, DIANN, HODA, THELMA, LOLLY and other sometimes early birds want to join in the wait for a Belle and Truder visit.

The coffee is on in the kitchen and be sure to grab yourself some of the delicious Danish Pastries on the counter! I know plenty of dogs that would come for that, but not sure about eagles! :)

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Need lots of coffee this morning. Slept like a rock!

DanaMo said...

oh Aric is having a hard time. He says it's been a rough week. He has so much work to do. The reality of college is hitting him, but he feels like a loser because no one else seems to be working! Geez...Certainly not a loser. And to top it off, it's a 3 day weekend and alot of kids are going home. Makes me want to sit here and have a good cry!

Lori O. said...

Oh, DANAMO, cry if you need to. We are here. Or I am and maybe JUDYE will be here soon.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

I just might do that, Lori! It's so hard because all that I can offer him is "words of wisdom" and encouragement. Too far to do anything else.

Lori O. said...

Helllllloooooo JUDYE. So glad you could check in this morning. Isn't this your day off?

DanaMo said...

I thought I heard it too! Now I know I wasn't hearing things! Thanks for posting it JudyE I wasn't sure!

DanaMo said...

And BTW good morning JudyE!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I turned on the cam but didn't pick up the eagle chirping They had stopped darn it

JudyEddy said...

I ask Jordyn last nite when I left were we going tomorrow and Monkeys is what she said They don't open till 10 is to only draw back so we will come home and play after I pick her up and then leave to see them

Lori O. said...

Well, we're happy you are here, even if it was just because you were using the potty! ♥

JudyEddy said...

eagle chirping and i hpe i can pick it up on cam

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

yep it picked it upone the cam LITE ON COME ON DOWN EAGLE

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO I need to ask you a question when a child state something like the other day to you that my daddy yells at my mommy do you say anything back? just curious

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE CHIRP Ok I just posted the chirp a few second on the blog

JudyEddy said...

Ok that was chirping with keys clicking also LOL Next time no typing during chirping episode LOL

JudyEddy said...

I'm going to jump in the shower I hope they show up for someone but I doubt it

DanaMo said...

@Judy- I responded that we all get upset with each other sometimes and we just need to remember to be kind and use nice words.

It's hard to know what to say...sometimes I just ignore. My aide and I just look at each other in amazement.

JudyEddy said...

I guess you rally have to be careful Don't want to go home and say something that you said HUH I was telling my daughter and she laughed KID say the DARNEST thing

JudyEddy said...

I also posted the chirp on Facebook Spepherdstown Eagle cam fan page

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

JudyEddy said...

I heard the strangest thing on the new yesterday A new way of disposing of human remains The liquefy them and sort of flush down in the sewer system It is done over seas I want to see if I can find more info and post here Didn't catch the where was a quick thing on news says may cause issues with ecosystem also ODD HUH

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Morning GLori:
actually Wanda
posted a good night at 12:38 am but it was in the middle of all my chattering comments..easy to miss!

stronghunter said...

Already had a bowl of Crispex and am drinking my coffee now.

magpie said...

Maybe you can investigate web-camming or Skype with Aric?

Prayers and good wishes that all will be okay with him

(( Hugs for you both ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING Margy WE didn't see a eagle this am we HEARD one twice I did a quick video of it an d put on blog next time I do audio I have to remember no typing You can also hear my email chime LOL

magpie said...

Left little time this morning, was up late, and got up late....

SPLIT is less than 10 posts away....

Best Wishes for a Good Day, to Everyone...including all our Students and Teachers

and Happy and Safe Trails for all our Holiday Travelers

RED FRIDAY It is....
God Bless Our Military

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Skype is Free just google it I have several peeps that also use it Chelsea who hunny in over seas

magpie said...

Yes Judy -
happy that you at least HEARD an Eagle or two...
will check out your video later

Have fun with Jordyn and the Monkeys today !!


JudyEddy said...

Casey is all over the news down here again with her up coming deposition and her having to serve probation

JudyEddy said...

OHHHH cam has lines the live on and its not even windy

JudyEddy said...

Alaska just had a earthquake

DanaMo said...

@JudyE-disposing human remains that way just sounds gross!

JudyEddy said...

Tropical storm Lee is going to New Orleans from what it looks like now sorry Lolly

JudyEddy said...

ten to fifteen inches

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...