Thursday, September 08, 2011


New thread.  Rain  continues...


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Hoda said...

THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD. I hope you and your family are safe and sound from floods.

stronghunter said...

Hunter went to school rather damp this morning. It seems that he left his zippered jacket in Anthony's front yard. I mentioned that this could be a problem, but he said that he'd put it under Anthony's mom's car to keep it dry.

Long story, but thank goodness someone at Anthony's took Hunter's jacket inside and gave it to him eventually.

Hunter had refused my offer of a different jacket. I tried.

Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:57:00 PM

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Hello Again and thank you for the call over. Steve, thanks for giving us a
new thread and hope your not outside

Hoda I think that Tori is 16. She has
respiratory problems.

Rain has stopped - but don't know for
how long.

Shirley - I think one of my ggs will
be a thinker like Hunter. He turns 7 next month but he is so full of questions. I call him my little freebird.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Hope you have your paddles out!

Shirley, that sounds like typical kid! I'm sorry to say that had in depth conversation w/daughter last night & she has the same sentiments. I know she was venting, but right now she would really like to have everything back almost exactly the same.I think what has really brought this on is that insurance companhy wants itemized Excel list of all contents of house.So you can't try and put it out of your mind.
After Bastrop community meeting yesterday, Sher & Jim went to lunch at little Mexican restaurant. Only one other couple was dining. When she wet to counter to pay her ticket, the other man was ther and said I'm paying for both!I asked if she knew him, & she said no, but he must have overhearsd them talking!
How nice--southern hospitality.
I was surprised to get email from Outdoor Channel w/ pics & story about fire at Bastrop State Park.

Costume Lady said...

Still sprinkling rain here in Nestville...73°, not getting much warmer. It is sooo dreary, makes me want to go back to bed...ha,ha. I haven't taken a nap in a long time, but my time is coming:)

SHIRLEY, you have heard of the TERRIBLE TWOS? Well, I think Hunter is going through the TERRIBLE TWELVES (almost 12).
I get the biggest kick out of his actions and stories. He's a fine boy and he will be ok, in time. He is just spreading his wings a little bit:)
Jayden is going through the terrible twos now (he is 22mos.)He got upset with his mommy about something and went into his room and closed the door. Rachael peeked in on him and he just sat and played. It will get worse before it gets better:)

LYNN, loved the puppy with the ice cube. GG had a kitty right after my dad died, and he loved to play with ice cubes. When he would hear Gene getting ice from the fridge, he would sit and wait for a cube to fall or for Gene to give him one:)

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, did they know about Sherri & Jim? Will we get to see the pictures? Where are they staying?

wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon been busy doing some laundry and did some things outside before rain started.

Immatiate prayers for Tori and Robyn ^j^

Good new Hoda on the continment
of the Kelowna fire. YEAH FIREFIGHTERS!!

Oh Lynn-Hedgie I agree I am rooting
(the America rooting not the Austraila rooting) for him. A Frank Santinta guy ( :
I think he could put on good
entertainment in Las Vegas.

Shirley he will grown and mature. It is all just part of (boys) process.

wvgal_dana said...

There are good people in this world. So nice of him to pay for their lunch.

Hoda said...

Thanks JO. I know TORI has respiratory problems but was not sure of her age. Bless her heart she has gone through a lot...PRAYERS.

Lolly said...

Ready to head out now. Just catching up on the last posts. Know I will have tons to catch up on when we return.

I have to write down all my appointments, Wanda. Getting confused on GG's is very understandable!!!! You are a fantastic daughter!!

Saw that Lynn had posted on the old thread and she is not here yet. Think she is lost!!!!

Bye, once again! See you tomorrow!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon eagle budlets. I am back home for a couple of days. Heading back to the lake on Saturday morning for the 5th Annual Crisco Family Gathering Away From a Funeral home. Get to see Andrew that day too! Cannot wait.

Also, I saw what I think was an eagle flying yesterday and now I have the fever. I need to go bird watching. I know for sure I saw osprey!

stronghunter said...

Having raised four, I know that Hunter's antics are just part of his growing pains. It is also true that every child is different. Rus, who nearly drove me nuts, was amused and somewhat surprised at some of the things Hunter does.

wvgal_dana said...

When I came back home from Baltimore to live. I was at People's Drug Store. At the counter and I ask them for a Soda. She brought me soda water. lol I relearn't real quick back to my Pop.

stronghunter said...

Loretta, your story about the other man at the Mexican restaurant brought tears to my eyes. It is so nice to know that there are good people out there willing to step in and do a kindness--not that I have ever it, but it is nice to see an example.

God bless the victims and those who step in to help.

wvgal_dana said...

Daddy always had large boxes don't remember where he brought them at. Of Moon Pies for the Boy Scouts when they went to camp.

stronghunter said...

When Kathryn was a little kid, she had a toy phone. One day when she had issues with me, she picked up the phone and called the department store to order a new mommy. I don't think she remembers this, but I remember it vividly.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynne so sorry you got this mess with the rain and the boiler room. Of course Landlord didn't seem to think nothing would be harmed. If the water is getting too high and the furnance is there call him and talk to him about it.

stronghunter said...

Moon Pie Recipe

I looked up Moon Pies and found this. Thought it was interesting.

stronghunter said...

Need to make a quick store run. BBL.

stronghunter said...

I meant to say not that I had ever doubted it . . . about the kind people in the world.

wvgal_dana said...

Walmart had the book The Help for $11.20.

Hoda said...

I'll tslk to you sll when I come back...headed to yoga,and errands.
Have a great day everyone.

Hoda said...

that would be talk not tslk!!!LOL

Have a great trip LOLLY and JACK

JudyEddy said...

WARNING LYNN2 you suggested that I post some picture of my great finds over the years Ok we can all blame you for my madness LOL just kidding Didn't go anywhere today Went to the park and it is flooded at the one she wanted to go to Davis Field Park should have went to Largo not for sure if it would have been flooded also so we just came home I stared the MAD BLOG of pictures last nite
Makes sure you go to the bathroom before you decide to go look at the pictures I posted also make sure you have all important things taken care of for a while Go walk the dog Make sure you also get a drink, and a smoke if you got them because you may be busy for a






Ok I have given you amply warning so be prepared for a lots of pictures from since I found out Angie was goning to be a mommy

I did buy lots of new stuff I need to see if I can get the picture from Angie I had lots of stuff in the spare room for her I went to Kmart Target, and the malls and bought so many things for her before she was born All this was bought after she was born and second hand store I really hadn't shopped at one till then when I found out all the good deals I could get We have about 15 different ones in the area OK are you ready to take the plunge LOL

Thing I have gotten Jordyn cheap at Second Hand Stores over the years The first picture is of the stuff I got the other day Play shoes for her to play in the house with she loves playing dress up and these are a lot safer that the cheap plastic shoes that you can buy Trust me we bought some and they cracked Not SAFE all the stuffed animal on the back of couch that is were she keeps them lOL Ok now I need to go get off the computer she should be waking up shortly

Will be at Angie tonight so I will try to check in If not everyone stay safe


JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

DamaMo I think you having the kids research that day is wonderful. Keeping that day of events is part of America's History. They were too young then but now at the age to know and learn about it. Prayers for all your buttons your making lady.

Lynne2 said...

Hidey ho! Checking in from work....glad to see Linda contacted Lynn and that all is well!

Will look forward to seeing the pictures JudyE!

Lynne2 said...

back to work.....

wvgal_dana said...

Margy thanks for the neat information. Birthday of Jesus Mother Mary. It makes me think of the statue that has always been in my Mothers yard. It was even more beautiful when I was a kid. Maybe I'll post a picture of it on a blog I make. I'll think about that.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO Mr Bob Margy says someone won my Mother's money!!!!!!!! Now how could that take that away from a little lady working on age 86???????????

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Lolly and Jacks grandson Jacob Happy 7th!!

JudyEddy said...

Still waiting for Jordyn to wake up she fell out I think 1 or a little after

Love the ice cube and puppie story LYNN

SHIRLEY Cute store ordering a new mommy

Did you all see the interview on the
news of the children that were in the
class when Bush got the message on 9-11
They said that they noticed the look on his
face had changed and when he left some
just thought he went to use the bathroon

JudyEddy said...

Just saw DANAMO post on old thread I hope she sees the message I put up also LYNN a bit ago was on Wed thread HOPE YOU ALL MAKE it

Lori O. said...


So happy to hear that Linda is okay.

JUDIE be very safe driving. It's a big hydroplane waiting to happen. Craziness on 270 on my way home. Driving slow like I do in the snow, but it's pouring buckets!

LOLLY, sure wish you could have some of this water. Next is Hurricane NATE.

LORETTA, prayers for Sherry. Nice you go to spend some time talking with her. Can she ask the insurance company for lists that others have done of things in their house - that would spur her memory. Here's a link to a list I just found from State Farm - this is terrific!

Insurance List of items for LORETTA's Sherry

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say I didn't post any picture of the cloths and shoes I got that would be endless

I just keep thinking how much money I saved them I remember raising my two we lived from pay check to paycheck and it was hard and this should help some I think

DanaMo said...

Aric was featured in the Catholic Review.aric

DanaMo said...

okay, it didn't work and I don't know what I did wrong, but I was able to put it directly onto my DanaMo's pictures blog.

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Ah, JUDYE, you are adorable how much you love that lucky little girl!

SHIRLEY, so so funny about Kathryn calling on play phone to order a new Mommy. Sounds like one of those little blurbs in Reader's Digest. Too cute!

JUDIE, thanks for reminding me to say prayers for DIANN's brother Charlie.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne Happy Birthday #3 to Daisy ( :

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. Try to stay dry, please.

Home. Put my fee up for a few.

So glad Linda responded to Lynn's text. Was beginning to be concerned.

Shirley, you truly have your hands full. Hunter is pistol. Do check your basement. Our sump pump is working but the drain outside the basement door had become clogged = rising water. Darth to the rescue.

Loretta, what a nice gesture the stranger made. Kindness does still exist in times of trouble.

Judy really is a bargain shopper. Amazing.

Hi DanaMo. Stay dry.

DanaMo said...

»The Catholic Review Online Catholic newspaper, Archdiocese of Baltimore, world and national Archdiocese news, CNS

JudyEddy said...

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
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Those are suppose to be fireworks OK use your imagination Cool article with him in it His 15 sec of fame Make sure you frame it ☺

Judie said...

Shirley telling kid stories reminded me when I was about 7, I was annoyed with my parents (don't remember why) and announced I was going to run away from home. My father got a long walking stick and tied a large handkerchief to one end. Told me to put my favorite things into the handkerchief to take with me. I did. Then I took off walking down the street and hid in a dirt fort we kids played in. Finally returned home when I needed a bathroom.

Okay, bye.

wvgal_dana said...

I really needed that chuckle for the day Hedgie-Lynn ( : lol Thank you for finding it and posting it.

Lori O. said...

Judie, glad you're home safe.

Judie said...

Looks as if Ms. Pot Owl has three eggs. She left and gave me a good view. Now she's back.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon. We've been blessed with a reprieve - Not raining.

If anyone wants to see the devastation in south central PA, look under . That's our local tv station in Lancaster. Some terrible pix. There are 170 road closings and sad to say, 6 deaths related to the storm.

Prayers for Tori, Robyn and those affected by this flooding.

Glad we know Linda is safe. Was worried since this storm was heading north.

Happy birthday to Jacob and anyone else celebrating today.

Lori O. said...

Hi Diann!
Glad you're okay, too. You PA girls had us worried.

PA Nana said...

Hmmm... I posted WGAL.COM as the website and it didn't post. Sorry, trying again.

hedgie said...

Boy, you all really lost me!!

Linda answered my text---all is well.

DanaMo's link on old thread didn't work...will read here to see if she reposted.

hedgie said...

Wow...for some reason a lot of your posts didn't show up on my old htread...argh! Blogger cop is NOT on the ball. Reading them first now.

Poor moose---saw that on FB yesterday. Those darn apples will do it everytime. I've seen looped dear here before when Bill would bring in a load of "groundies"--I finally said no more because fermenting apples also attract bees and wasps in hordes!

hedgie said...

Happy birthday to Daisy dog!

Diann...did your sister get in safely? And is Charlie out of surgery?

hedgie said...

Hoda, Tori is 17. She has interstitial lung disease.

hedgie said...

Judie......what causes threat to your basement? Are you near a stream? Or does your yard pond?
What did Darth have to do to prevent the flooding?

DanaMo said...

I did repost. It's the Catholic Review link...Didn't know that Aric's thoughts of World Youth Day were going to be in the Review. I'm so proud. My mom wants me to send it to everyone! Proud grandma! She wants to make sure everyone we know sees it! :)

hedgie said...

Jo, which ggs? One of Melissa's? :)

Hunter is lucky that the neighbor "rescued: the jacket!! If he's worn a wet jacket, he probably would have ended up sick!

hedgie said...

It's been raining quite steadily since about 1 here....back to a very wet kennel!

wvgal_dana said...

If this works video os Susquehanna river flooding

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, what a kind gesture from the other diner for the kids. Making that list will certainly be a huge task....hoping they had video or pics in a different location or on her puter.

hedgie said...

Loretta, how would OC know to send you Bastrop stuff? That is scary......WHO is monitoring us???

Sharon, glad you are getting a GOOD gathering together of your family!!! Bet you all will have loads of fun!

Yes, Lolly....I was totally lost!

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Shirley, that is one of those priceless stories to cherish! I bet Kat was a a real cutie!!!

JudyEddy said...

I ran away because I wouldn't let them pull my tooth that was just hanging there of course I didn't get far Jordyn is up and letting me do some puter she is busy playing with her doll

wvgal_dana said...

same video but on the right say's flooding in Marietta with a white truck click on that video


hedgie said...

lori, that's a great inventory list. Wonder why SF doesn't send that out to HO's periodically with renewal? Think I will print that out and fill it in! Better to do it now while brain isn't rattled.

Kay said...

Finally made it here after a day of mundane errands. I tend to stack em' up and then spend one day wearing myself out. Gray and rainy here, too. Yep, another GRAINY day !

LYNNE, good to hear there was no crisis overnight ! Do you have well water there ?

LYNN, praying these treatments will hit the mark for Tori. Poor kid ! Pup n' ice cube, sooooo cute !

HODA, no more "drunker than a skunk", now it's "drunker than a moose" LOL

hedgie said...

Great article, DanaMo....left a comment on your blog! Know you are very proud of Aric!

Judie said...

No, about 1/2 mile from Accotink stream bed. Just too much water. A drain at the bottom of the outside stairs to the basement got covered by leaves, etc. that washed down. Clogged the drain openings. Hence, water collected.

Still raining.

Soon to the kitchen. BBL

hedgie said...

Okay, Judie...see now what the problem is with your basement. Christie and Shannon have the same issue.....but it IS much better now that they have the deck over top of the entryway!

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie.....I pulled the same thing, but didn't get as far as you. I came downstairs with a cardboard box containing treasures and announced I was running away. I was either 5 or 6. Daddy laid my teddy bear in the top of the box and said goodbye. When I turned and started to walk toward the door, he spanked my butt and told me that they loved me too much to let me go.

hedgie said...

Diann...glad all is okay with you! Those pics are bad, many from so many places show such a mess...and there will be so much damage when water recedes.

Thanks for video, too, DanaWV. :(

Suz is fine......nothing severe in Mont Alto area.

hedgie said...

We've sure seen the Potomac like the Susquehanna on numerous occasions....but the one that sticks in my mind the worst was a winter flood in either a Jan. or Feb.

stronghunter said...

Okay, today Hunter came home and announced that he had forgotten to pack his math book, so he could not do his homework. Funny how he remembered that he had forgotten the moment he walked in the door. Then, he called his mom to find out if he could play X-Box.

Mom is pretty smart--she is my daughter, after all. No X-Box. I took him back to the school and we got the book. He worked efficiently and did very well, so now he is playing X_Box. That means that I get to watch my television programs.

I got to meet the teacher. Nice lady.

hedgie said...

Wow, JudyE----I think you are an out of control Grannie!!!! LOL!!

stronghunter said...

I have a picture of Rus running away with a suitcase full of pajamas. I guess he planned to sleep a lot. He got to the end of the driveway.

hedgie said...

Several tornado warnings out in southern MD. Yikes. Strange when there hasn't been any sun....

Kay said...

LORI, great State Farm list. I'm adapting for my little place and will put it on file at Julie's. Will suggest she do one and keep on file here. We aren't likely to lose our homes at the same time.

DANAMO, you and your Mom are rightfully proud of Aric ! Love the J.O.Y. concept !

WANDA, Jayden's taking off for his room---a self imposed time out---is wise beyond his year and 10 months ! Hope he continues that good habit.

LORETTA, thanks for sharing the heartening story of "the man who bought lunch". Horrendous events so often bring out the best in people and restore our faith in mankind !

SHIRLEY, those moon pies look right good ! Don't know how I missed that vital part of my education. Mother was a Sooner and Daddy was a Texan. I'm sure they knew what Moon Pies were !

Hoda said...

JUDYE WOW WOW WOW...I got as far as the Doll House and thought to my self way too much!!! You did get some great bargains and that is one lucky grand daughter you have go there...Bless you both...

DANAMO GREAT ARTICLE BY ARIC.He spoke well of his experiences and I appreciated his ability to give meaning to the events. THANK YOU FOR POSTING IT...I saw it on your blog and on this blog too Well done you...

movin said...


GooD very LaTe Thurs.
morN oR veRy eArlY
Fri MorN tO yOu aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

I'm back! Still at work. Lots of "no shows" this evening. Just reading back.....

Linda said...

Well Hello from a Flooded Susquehanna County in PA!!

You are ALL so kind to worry about me and I apologize for not checking in to at least let you know we are dry and well!

We can't go anywhere because at the bottom of the hill the road is washed out and flooded. It is really horrible around here with this flooding. So much water.

The schools and stores and most everything is CLOSED today and tomorrow as they wait for the waters to recede.

Hoping none of you had flooding from these rains and creeks and rivers overflowing.

I can't stay and chat because of family problems........again. I may be working the next 2-3 days re-entering 2010 transactions lost when my Mom's computer crashed. She is too sick to do it now and they haven't filed their taxes yet. Her husband is an insurance agent and needs this done. Ugh....

I'll try to be better about checking in when things get crazy, even if it is only a short post. I am so sorry to worry my dear Eagle Family, that cares like none other!! xoxo ♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

Hey Linda! Glad to see you! Sorry about MORE probs.....stay safe up there!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Linda! Glad to see you! Sorry about MORE probs.....stay safe up there!

Lynne2 said...

Kay, we ARE on a well. Guess 19.5 inches of rain in just a few days was too much and the sediment is all stirred up. YUK.

BAck to work

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A followup from Kris in Australia, the guy I requested prayer for the other day.

From Twitter:
From Kris:
@yoursoulsister Results back. Better than expected. Long road ahead though. Nothing worth having comes easy.

To Kris:
@KrisPA Beautiful news. Brought tears to my eyes. I have lots praying on your behalf. God is good all the time.

From Kris:
@yoursoulsister Thank you. Tell them it is appreciated, not to stop. Not trying to be dramatic but my life depends on it.

Linda said...

Dennis has been under the weather this week, too, which has put a bit more work on me. He is always so wonderful about doing so much.

He had some gum and bone surgery - maybe a crown lengthening procedure so they will be able to make a crown after a root canal he had last week. His face swelled up and he has been in a lot of pain. They gave him some Vicodin, which he finally agreed to take, which has helped, but today he threw up. Poor thing!

Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.

I still can't get over these pictures of flooding. I've seen it in other states before, but to see it where you know it is and watch the gushing water all day long is just heart breaking for all those people and businesses. Bridges washed out, streets buckled and washed away, cars totally taken away by the rushing water, flooded buildings to the tops of the doors, and more. Prayers that there is no loss of life from this horrible flooding.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for you Linda and Dennis. So glad ( : you checked in here.
Darn so much flooding!!!!

Sharon yes continued prayers for Kris.

Hoda said...

Thanks for checking in here LINDA. It means a lot. Sorry about the family problems and I hope DENNIS is pain free soon.

hedgie said...

There's Linda! Sorry that you are having to deal with more family trouble and that Dennis is so miserable. Did he take the Vicodin on an empty stomach? Does it to me everytime if I do. Hope he gets some relief quickly. Can only imagine the pain he is in. :(
Just so thankful that your home and property are safe from the ravaging waters.

Dinner is done...still need to load the dishwasher. My favorite appliance!

Tori did not get her treatment today. It was postponed til tomorrow. Poor kid. Poor Robyn.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you were lucky that the school was still open when you got there!!! Hunter was probably quite unhappy! Kids!

hedgie said...

So O is going to cut payroll taxes in half....hmmmm. Watch the IRS find some way to collect it back next spring.

hedgie said...

Sharon, glad that Kris is hopeful...prayers continue.

We learned last evening that a Senior boy at Jess's high school has been diagnosed with Stage 4 naso-pharyngeal in the world does a teen end up with something so catastropic? So if you would add him to your prayer list, I would appreciate it.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie is Tori and Robyn staying down in Washington. So they will be there for her treatment tomorrow??

wvgal_dana said...

I guess if Tori is still admitted Robyn will stay there.

magpie said...

Oh sorry to hear that about the senior in Jess's school with the cancer....
will add him to my prayers
Prayer Jar is about overflowing these days

Good Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

what I like about this blog, among many other things....are the reminders that come from other's posts on things that I have forgotten

...for example, like Judie, as Lynn said, reminding us of Prayers asked for and needed for Diann's brother Charlie...yet another hip surgery
and Sister and husband traveling in.
Hoping and praying for the best all the way around

Sharon: thanks for the post about Kris...and of course, continued prayers..and Wahoo, Crisco Reunion coming up, complete with Andrew ♥

and surely have Robyn and Tori in my prayers as well

wvgal_dana said...

I know Margy I was just thinking that this morning. That my list keeeps getting longer and more and more pages.

Adding the young boy in Jess's terrible.

magpie said...

oh Yay - Man Power...
Darth to the Rescue !
(with the almost-flooded basement)

magpie said...

checked out Back Creek - it is up, but not too bad....
DNR Swinging Bridge...ticketed two of three teenagers there fishing without a license...third one was okay...he had his.
said he felt bad because he brought the other two with him.
Oh well...

magpie said...

I'm enjoying the running away stories...
Rus with a suitcase full of Pajamas
and Kathryn calling the department store for a new Mommy
... Too Funny!

magpie said...

Happy Birthday #3 to Daisy Mae Soper, Lynn, and to your co-worker JOY
hope there WAS some cake at the office ☺

milk with pop tarts, sounds just right

magpie said...

took the plunge and got my first ever flu shot today
haven't had the flu since 1975...
why tempt fate ?

magpie said...

and that bout with the flu, came at an awful time:
an interview at a local elementary school for a teaching job...
I bombed the interview :(

DanaMo Magnificent Article, thanks for Sharing ☺ ♥
Aric, is very eloquent

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, glad you checked in and are safe...hope Dennis feels better soon.

Lynn, if you signed up at Outdoor Channel for their emails, that's how Loretta got the one on Bastrop...I got it as well.

Had to run Nick up for some shots...didn't realize he needed a booster, so have to restart Lyme and Lepto...he has gained 6 lbs! Up to 70 lbs now. He wants back out in the rain....oh well, that's what towels are for..

magpie said...

You'll like this:
friend tells me he saw an ADULT Bald Eagle, chasing pigeons that were flying around a barn
West of my house on Dry Run Rd....
I looked....on the way to Swinging Bridge, did not see it...yet...

Local gals: not sure if the Grant Farm, or the one nearer to Butler's Fruit Stand...will try to find out

magpie said...

Wow - 70 lbs...that is one healthy and growing Pup, Paula !
Hope the shots went well
I didn't even FEEL the flu shot needle going in
nurse used a 25-gauge needle (very small)
not bad....

magpie said...

enjoyed the ice cub video, Hedie, Thanks!

sent the link to a dog-lovin' co-worker

magpie said...

ice CUBE that is

sure sorry for the re-loading project on the computer......
and the flooded roads, and Dennis's feeling crummy...
but sure happy that you two are safe.
We'll be here when you get done all your work (( Hugs ♥ ))

wvgal_dana said...

Margy where did you get your flu shot at?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, the puppy ice video was really cute!

magpie said...

you can see I can't type..
"Hedie" - that would be Hedgie, and I also think...Lori reminded us of prayers for Diann's bro Charlie
Thanks Lori!
One more day...and your outta here for awhile
hope you find that perfect hotel along the way for you and the dogs
Baby going to miss you !

paula eagleholic said...

Think I'm missing some Happy Birthday wishes!

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

magpie said...

we got the shots through our workplace, Dana

magpie said...

September IS a busy birthday month! or "Birfday" as little kids would say...

Found this morning I have practically NO BLUE things to wear - not counting blue jeans and bibs...

have much more RED and YELLOW

magpie said...

Dana - did you buy "The Help" at Walmart?

magpie said...

Lovely and heartwarming story Loretta
about the kind gentleman buying Sherry's and Jimmy's dinner...

now that IS the Human Spirit at its best

magpie said...

Love the HunterSpeak, Shirley
keep it comin'

I'm wondering if the Eagle I mentioned earlier got a pigeon to eat...water pretty muddy for fishing ! Really wondering where its home-base of operations is...
the kids at the creek said they were catching catfish and trout...
didn't know both would be in there...

battening down the hatches early tonight, really, just want to read....

and Pray, for all the needs we bring here to each other

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Tomorrow, is RED FRIDAY -
if you have some red things to wear...shirt, scarf, something or other....
to honor the Military...

NFL Season kicks off at Green Bay tonight
then the rest of the season roars in on Sunday

okay - 'bye xo

Hoda said...

Are you all getting "credible terrorist threat? " News here is full of it and nothign specific comes through...God Save us all...

Of to paddling and maybe the seniors will be less frisky this evening!!! LOL!!!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh how does a teen get something like that? What kind of cancer is naso-pharyngeal cancer?

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Margy I did. Started reading, I'm a slow reader.

hedgie said...

Throat, DanaMo. Just a terrible place to get it......

Yes, Tori and Robyn are at Children's.

Margy, the farms aren't too far arc int he flight path would cover both places! How cool!!!!

So I have a new long as it doesn't equate to Hedi Lamarr!!!

Hoda, it is supposedly a credible threatr, but not verified yet. NY and DC targets for Sunday....all hands on deck in the intelligence world to learn more. It is from Pakistan.....that's about it for now....MTBR I'm sure.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I am headed for the recliner.

Prayers are in the air and safe travels are also listed for everyone.

Lori enjoy your vacation.

hedgie said...

Margy, Caro went in and got her flu shot, too. Just remember--you can't get the flu from the vaccine!!! Caro also picked up 5 more hours of OT---tomorrow 7AM-noon, so you'll have her for part of your shift again!

hedgie said...

Oh, she maybe got Sunday noon-5 when she was in there, and then the rest from a phone call after she got home. Oops.

hedgie said...

Had a nice little snooze. Forgot to change the channel so I heard a few snatches of O's address....
Lynne, tell Steve to go to an old school tomorrow and tell them he's there to put in new windows. Pres says the job is there right now!

Judie said...

Hi all.

Really exhausted. The night light is on for all those who come in or arise in the dark or those sneaking in the door from the West coast.

Yes, Obama has been briefed about what is being reported as a credible threat -- NYC and D.C.

Will try to catch up tomorrow. Restful sleep for all.

hedgie said...

It is pouring here again. :( Hope it isn't heading to where it shouldn't go!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Lynne, 19.5"

Checked radar, more rain headed up from the south.

hedgie said...

Paula, Nick is still a growing boy!!!!

stronghunter said...

Watching the news about the terror threat here, too.

stronghunter said...

Very noisy thunderstorm here now.

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs now. Stay safe, everyone. Good night.

Lynne2 said...

oh my!

Massive power outage"

hedgie said...

Wow, that's a big area and a lot of customers affected!

NatureNut said...

Good evening all you wet people!!!
I can't believe this rain keeps restarting!Upper Marlboro, our county seat is flooded (always--big creek, West. Br. that goes to Pax near Park),so co. offices were closed.
I go to both pffices tomorrow. After Largo office (which may be flooded getting there)we have engagement Party at Park for couple who met working there! Boy is now a Park Ranger & lovely smart gal is working for DNR and our Park.
So I will be chopping calamato olives for Greek pasta salad, & will not be able to type!! ☺
Best wishes and prayers for NO flooding & for health of Kris & all others who are ailing. And yes, do Not take Vicodin (habby pills) on an MT stomach.
Thanks all for concern, prayers for Sherry & Jim.I have passed that along. Am collecting from Old Old 'puter any TX pics I can find & put together for discs for them.
If I don't get back for nighty-nite, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>) ((((HUGS)))

Lynne2 said...

well, my husband just informed me that the CHECK ENGINE light is on again in the Mazda. I am livid, and I really just cannot take any more. Wish we had not bought the car there. They have done nothing but bulls*** us all along. Now I'm going to have to take the dang thing back down there AGAIN but can't do so til Monday. But they are going to get an earful from me tomorrow on the phone...

Kay said...

Checking back in for updating on prayer requests. A never ending string, isn't it ?

I fell asleep about 20 minutes into the Presidential Address. Will have to catch up with later news tomorrow after the opposition has time to tear into it so I get his view and everyone elses, too. Bleak times we're living in.

LORI, if we don't cross paths here tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and all the fun you'll be having at the beach ! Take the sun screen !!!

God bless you all and God bless America ! Will have a red shirt on for the troops tomorrow, MARGY, thanks for the reminder.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

hedgie said...

Rain stopped again here. LEt Liesl out and heard a tree go down. Doubt that it was on me, as I don't have any dead ones standing. So was on good neighbors. Hope it didn't land in his pretty yard!

hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in. Good sleeping night again. Currently 67°.

hedgie said...

Lots of road closures in Judie's county....two have died in flood waters, one a child...SIL Shannon working, but it was in his old station's territory, not his current one.

Hoda said...

The MOON the Gorgeous Glorious MOON. 3/4 Full and framed by clear skies and the mountains, a slight tinge of yellow and a very calm lake...I could have stayed out there forever I thought!!! I saw a BALD EAGLE, an OSPREY and A flock of GEESE and DUCKS...We paddled hard but the seniors who joined our team tonight were more mellow than the Tuesday group.I survived and I learnt and I feel elated to be alive and healthy and aware of the MANY BLESSINGS in my life. THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU MOTHER MARY too since it is her birthday today.
I have not read back yet so I will post this, go make a cup of tea and come back to read the blog...

Lynne2 said...

I saw a Barred Owl, sitting right on the dinky side road in front of me on the way home tonight! There was no "kill" in the road, so no idea why it was sitting there. It flew off, just beautiful!

Hoda said...

The power of Prayer: A light hearted view...

The Pilot and the Priest

A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, 'Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven ? '

The guy replies, 'I'm Jack, retired airline pilot from Houston .'

Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.

Next, it's the priest's turn. He stands erect and booms out, 'I am Father Bob, pastor of Saint Mary's for the last 43 years.'

Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.

'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?

'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.'

Well My American Dad alwayds told me DLTBGYD...I used to get cards from him from all over the place saying these letters DLTBGYD. So tonight this is my response to the Credible Threat. A bit mor specific and thanks for the information on the blog.

The Joke and DAD's saying of DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN, is my response to the threat. I will Pray, I will trust In God and I will hold my head up high as I support and love my AMERICAN FRIENDS. You all DLTBGYD.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Started catching up here much earlier, and finally made it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jesus' Mother, Mary!

Prayers for all those threatened by fires and flooding!
Prayers that all of Judie & Darth's big trees survive!
Prayers continue for Tori & Robyn!
Prayers, too, for Linda & Dennis!
Sharon, praying even harder for Kris in Australia. (Fantastic news!)
Linda, prayers for Dennis to feel better, fast!
Lynn, prayers indeed for the boy at Jess's high school with throat cancer!
Oh, NO, Lynne2! Prayers for the car, for sure! Hope it's just a crossed wire or something in the dash, and an EASY, CHEAP fix!

Well, Kubby decided to stay home from work today and give his heel a real rest. It was somewhat better tonight, but still hurts a LOT when the meds start to wear off. Will keep in touch with the Dr., and keep all of you posted.

It was STINKING HOT again here today, and really HUMID, too. It's still 90 degrees in the kitchen--WOOF, as Emma would say! Supposed to be 78 tomorrow. Sure hope so! Oh--SORRY!
Thanks for letting me vent. :o]

Was extremely busy doing transcription today--got an e-mail from the Doctor's office manager. She can't find her copies of the work they sent me last week (guess she forgot to xerox the reports), so she needed it finished pronto, and e-mailed back. Got it all done before mid-morning!

Margy, please say a prayer for my laptop dinosaur! It's been kinda iffy today; getting a "Error 815--Broadband connection" message, and my internet is dicey, at best. Had this trouble before, so EARLY tomorrow morning will call Microsoft C/S back, and give them my previous Service Request case number. Hope it doesn't take hours on the phone like it did last time.

Well, think I am going to call it a night and shut this baby down so it can try to cool off. Might be part of the problem, too. Do have a couple more bills to pay online first, though. While all this is going on, rest assured that I will be praying for all the prayer requests.
Have already said prayers for everyone and every creature tonight.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o] Emma says goodnight (Woof!), too, and Kubby says "ZZZzzzzzzZZZ!"

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot!! LORI, have a WONDERFUL vacation! Don't get sunburned, and just enjoy it to the MAX!!!

Hoda said...

OH LYNNE 2 that is beautiful a barred owl in full view as you were coming home... I love it when this happens and the unexpected presents itself with grace...I am glad you saw it.

hedgie said...

So many bird sighting, Hoda! And Lynne, too. Lucky gals! Always happy to hear that you have seen an eagle, Hoda.....isn't it a thrill?

I love your Dad's attitude....and it is a very good way to look at the entire situation. Thanks for that one and for your love and support of the USA!

hedgie said...

Andy, I juist don't know how you survive without are a much stronger woman than I!!!
So glad that you aren't affected by the massive power outage....but sounds like your puter may be suffering from heat exhaustion....hope it behaves tomorrow!
Sorry Ken is still in pain. Don''t forget to ice it!!
Glad the transcription is going well for you! Hope the guy has PAID you by now!!!!
Get a good night's sleep!

Hoda said...

ALWAYS LYNN, For I have learnt a lot from your resilience and your strength and your faith and trust and in getting it right and not being afraid to keep trying till you all get it right...The IDEALS are a torch to the world in the darkness.What I was given from the USA is a treasure that has changed my I sing PRAISES and I know GRATITUDE.

hedgie said...

Lynne---maybe the check engine light is an idiot light!!

Linda said...

Still working on the books that my Mom lost......and I think I did this in the first place on one of my trips to FL! Grrrr

I think I going to tell my step-dad to let me do this so I don't end up doing it twice.

This has happened more than once and every year I have to fix her mistakes.

I'll be fading soon! Got 6 months done so far........

hedgie said...

Hoda, you need to become an American citizen!!! You are a wonderful advocate and we would be proud to claim you!!

Lynne2 said...

Hilarious Hoda! And excellent!

Going to head to bed...prayers for Judies trees to stay up, for Lynn's noise to result in, well, that's not a nice thought for a prayer. Sorry Lord and thanks for not letting the tree fall on LYNN's house! Prayers for safe and fun travels for Lori, for Loretta's daughter and family, Diann's brother, for letting Hoda see and eagle, for Andy's dinosaur, for rain for Texas, for Linda's Dennis to feel better, and for Jess's classmate, so young to have such a horrible disease. Prayers for all of you!

and on your birthday...Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners....

Good night everyone!

Lynne2 said...

oh, and for Kubbys ankle!

Daisy says thankswoof emma ruff!

Hoda said...

Good night LYNNE 2.

What a sweet thing to say LYNN. Thank you. it is too late for me to become a real citizen as my working career was in Canada and my Teacher's Pension and my Canada Pension Plans are here. To become a citizen and not contribute to the country would be wrong..."Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" From President Kennedy's Innaugeral Address in January 1960.I feel I am an Honourary American Citizen.Thanks LYNN.

paula eagleholic said...

¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤\
\ 9/11 AMERICA \
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤*
/ \ NEVER FORGET!!! .....keep the flag going

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, thanks for posting that the moon is still out there, LOL...sounds like a glorious night on the lake!

Hoda said...

¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤\
\ 9/11 AMERICA \
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤*
/ \ NEVER FORGET!!! .....keep the flag going

...and I will never forget.

Hoda said...

You would have loved it PAULA, the moon.

Mema Jo said...

Back for good nights!

Sad news is that son's while shepherd, Mecca passed on this evening and so
unexpected! Had to have been some sort of seizure or an actual heart attack.
There is another shepherd and she is
going to be very lonely. Susie is taking
off tomorrow. Mecca loved her Mema - I will miss her and her kisses.

Hoda said...

Sorry JO.

hedgie said...

Shannon has spent the last five hours evacuating a section of Fairfax Co. south of Alexandria. He is soaking wet....their rescue truck was stranded in high water....finally got it out but it won't start. On way back to station now to change clothes and then go back out to get the gear out of the rescue to transfer to another truck.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Hoda, you certainly are an honorary American Citizen...yes, we would be happy to claim you, as Lynn said! We love Canada, too! Our wonderful northern neighbor!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie I value Shannon and his crew for
their dedication. So many heroes out there doing their jobs.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Jo, so sorry about Mecca. Please sendy my sympathies to Susie.

Mema Jo said...

This rainy weather really can dampen
ones spirits at times. Thankful for
this blog!

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for so many this evening
Praying that Tori's day tomorrow will go
well for her and for Robyn
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

I sure will, Paula. Give Nick a hug!

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry about Mecca. That's so sad. Prayer's for all the family. I know how sad they are....annd you, too. :(

paula eagleholic said...

I will, Jo!

hedgie said...

What is up with the tie colors tonight???? O was wearing lilac, Biden lavendar, Boehner pink. Many in the gallery had yellow. Newscaster had salmon, Letterman has purple!! Must be the new colors of fall????? Strange!

Hoda said...

LYNN...and what SHANNON is doing is exactly the resilience and the strength that shines from the USA to the world. BLESSINGS to him and to all who are out there serving.

Hoda said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Just dropping back in here for a few minutes. Wasn't sure whether you all had heard about the massive power outage here in South Orange County all the way down through San Diego County into Mexico! Thank GOD we have not been affected by it. Don't think Jim is either, but if his family lives in South Orange County or San Diego County, they probably are. My Sis-in-law was caught in the traffic mess. The freeways are bumper-to-bumper gridlock, and surface streets are chaotic because traffic signals are not working properly. Businesses had to close at dusk. No fans, no A/C for sure down that way~! Please say some prayers for those folks, because they are predicting it to last until some time tomorrow.

Oh, Mema Jo!!! I'm heartbroken to hear of the sudden, unexpected loss of your Grandpuppy, Mecca! How old was she? Prayers of solace for you, and for your son's whole family, including the other shepherd. I cannot even imagine how upset everyone must be! (OMG, if anything ever happens to Emma, I will have to move into a nice padded cell!) (((HUGS)))!!!!

hedgie said...

Linda, if you got six months worth done, that's quite an accomplishment!!Hope the rest will go fast and smooth for you.

Well, think I will get my bath---need to soak my back. Vacuuming always makes it hurt. Don't know why they don't make things long enough so that people can stand up straight to work. It's called ERGONOMICS---these companies know all about that for their employees (thanks OSHA!), so why not for the customers/consumers??!!
Love all of you dear, sweet friends. Prayers for everyone on our list, plus anyone else in need.

hedgie said...

P.S. Andy, yes...Jim's sister is in San Diego area. :(
Thanks Jo and Hoda for honoring my SIL with your kind words of appreciation. I'm very proud of him!

hedgie said...

1 hr. ago FB post from Robyn:

OK, T starts her first round of chemo in 20 minutes, please keep her in your thoughts, well wishes, prayers etc

hedgie said...

One more.....Bears are safe for another day. :)

Linda said...

Well,I am done for tonight. Got 8 months done......4 more to go in the morning along with a number of questions about some transactions.

I do hope to read back and catch up on what is happening with my dear friends here, but until then, please know I hold this very special group in my everyday prayers. Sometimes more specific, but always everyone here! ♥

May you all have restful and peaceful sleep this night!

May God Bless us all and the critters we so dearly love ... xoxo ♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Last call for me.

My brother-in-law, Charlie, had his surgery yesterday. Sister, Judy, called last night to give me the update. He was in cardiac care due to his loss of blood, low pressure, etc. He was doing good when she left the hospital. She had a hard time getting home due to flooding but made it home okay.

My sister,Eileen, and her husband are flying into Baltimore tonight. I forgot to ask what time but they're driving to dad's house in Marietta. Called her hubby today to give him the flooding update but he thinks they will make it. I sure hope so. It's too late to call dad, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Marietta is under a curfew from 9 PM to 7 AM which will make it difficult for her to get into town, but we'll see. Dad was a long time fire police/fire fighter and may have some pull unless the PA National Guard stop them.

It's been so stressful all week that I've been able to relax some watching football.

Shirley, you really should write that book. With your teaching stories and Hunterisms, you'd have a great book.

Hoda, I agree. We'll gladly call you one of us.

Lori, have a great vacation and hope you see the sun. If you see any of the live street bands look for my drummer son-in-law, Bob. They usually play jazz/blues. There's a great organ player with them too.

Lynne2, glad you and Steve are okay and hope that "new" car soon stops giving you grief.

Andy, hope Ken's foot heals quickly. Foot pain makes moving in life miserable.

Judie, glad Darth was able to keep you from floating away.

Loretta, sorry about your daughter's loss. Prayers for them and others in need in Texas.

DanaMo, what a proud mom you must be and what a great memory for Aric.

Dana WV, let me know what you think of the book. All the talk about the movie makes me want to order the book too.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, friends. Be safe! God bless our military and emergency workers!

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Hoda said...


Thank you DIANN.

PA Nana said...

I'm so glad you allow me to vent and exhale. I'd be lost without all of you. I spend so much time alone and get lonely.. Please know that I love each and every one of you.

With medication I'm getting sleepy so I'll wish all a good night's rest.

May tomorrow bring us smiles..

Goodnnight and God bless all my friends, animals, birds,

Hoda said...

DIANN on the blog we all speak from our hearts and it is OK to vent when there is a need. We have got each others backs, like my students used to say.

Goodnight to all who have gone to sleep already and sweet dreams and God Bless. I hope I can stay up to see LORI and wish her well as she starts her last day of work and before she heads out for holidays...Virginia Beach is beautiful. I hope she found an overnight hotel that will also take the dogs...

Hoda said...

I was just readig and came across this MAORI PROVERB:
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
It gives me food for thought.

Hoda said...

I just read where LINDA says she finished eight months of the paper work that her MOM lost...You are AMAZING LINDA.I thought you were going to call it quits after the six months announcement, and then this eight months...WOW!!!She is VERY LUCKY you are her daughter...

Hoda said...

LORI I am still logged on, I will go run my bath and do some writing but will check in hoping to see you on the blog soon...

Costume Lady said...

I pulled this off of Facebook:

Donny Adams
Standing on the front pettin' the cat, caught something out of the corner of eye, there's a bear standing up with his paws on the side of "Blue" looking into the drivers side window.(about 30 feet away)


Hoda said...

What an experience WANDA...that would be one close bear!!!LOL!!!I wonder why it was standing on its hind feet? Reaching for fruit perhaps? Not attack mode it does not sound like.

Lori O. said...

WHAT a busy eagle family this is!

Hoda, it became so stressful trying to find a place to take the dogs and we were running out of time so we will be leaving early Saturday morning. I hadn't planned on taking the dogs when I decided it would be fun to go to NBG or somewhere Friday. So, tomorrow is just as good. I'm happy.

LYNNE you wrote a great prayer list last night and I think you got everyone. Amazing!

Hoda said...

LORI that means you will have time to pack after work and get organized and not rush from work to leave...I was going to ask you if you were already packed. I wish yoiu a GREAT trip and if you can check in evry once in a while. Are you going to take your lap top? Do you have one of those phones where you can send messages to the blog?

Lori O. said...

Praying for a way LOLLY can get some of this rain! These remnants of Lee have been nothing short of amazing with all the rain we've had. So glad everyone has made it through safely and WITH POWER! Just one more day, today, and I think we're done. Praying your trees hold up, JUDIE.

Prayers for SHARON's friend Kris. That was nice to see his comment. Tell him he can count on the Momsters!

Hope Andy's Kubby gets some relief from his heel pain soon. Definitely, food with Vicodin!

LINDA, is was sooo great to hear from you. I hope Mom's hubby isn't taking advantage of you. Congrats on doing it anyway and you're almost done!

KAY, are you lovin' your new computer? Sometimes it takes a while to get used to something new, but I'm so happy for you to have it and no more morning problems! It'll be nice when we get the cams back!

Lori O. said...

HODA, I will take my i-pad like I did when my Mom was in the hospital. Love that thing! It's so nice to have you up you honorary American! And, you saw an eagle tonight. WOW! Isn't that just such a high?

Lori O. said...

I'm afraid I can't finish all my acknowledgments and prayers, but know I love every single one of you and will be thinking of you and praying for the health and safety of all Momsters, their famlies and Tori.

{{{{{BIG GROUP HUG}}}}}

Lori O. said...

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

Eagle love flying high!

Hoda said...

Say HI to DANAMO, JUDYE, KAY, MARGY and anyone else that might join the morning Coffe group.

I will sign off and say Goodnight/Good morning and GOD BLESS US EVERYONE.We Will keep the FAITH and the TRUST

DanaMo said...

Wow so much to catch up on. Linda, you are amazing! WOW what a huge task.

Hoda, Hope you enjoyed that bath, I love the 4 B's-Bath, Book, Beer-then Bed! LOL!

Annemarie is puppy sitting this weekend for 2 babies that are only asbout a month old. They are so cute, but so scared. They shake and shiver, I've never seen puppies who are so scared. Hopefully they will grow out of it with lots of love, not sure why they are that way, but the little boy actually growls when you get too close if he is trying to hide.

Shirley-Your Hunter is too much! Kids are so funny. I already have some telling tall tales about school to their parents. I had a little boy who completely detailed a frog dissection that we did (NOT!) in the classroom.Mom was pretty impressed until he said the frog was invisible. Geez I better watch that one!

My prayers are with all my eagle friends and their loved ones who are dealing with the wrath of Mother Nature this fall. Oh My goodness. So sorry! WJLA is giving rain totals right now, most are over 9 inches of rain. The good news is it doesn't look like any more rain is on the horizon. Lots of schools closed.

Those dang insurance companies...they collect from us for years and then they want itemized excel spreadsheets. That just sucks (excuse the expression but none other says it quite as well).

Not sure if I am alone here this morning. Need to get more coffee.
Thanks for all the praise for Aric's write up. I am one proud momma!

Lori O. said...

Hi DanaMo! You're not alone.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 634   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...