Sunday, September 11, 2011


New thread.


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Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Thank you, Steve.

God bless American.

Hoda said...

God Bless America.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Good morning everyone.

magpie said...

Thank you Steve...
God Bless You and your Family, and all your Staff at NCTC

God Bless America,
God Bless Us, Every One...
Each and Every Moment....

xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Haven't much time...need to get dressed and out the door.

Every-one's safety is on my mind, this morning. All we can do is PRAY that this day is a good and peaceful one~


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning America - the land that I love. May Peace reign over us.

Thanks Steve for this new thread and
Hello fellow Momsters/Dadsters.

BBL - need to catch up with all of you

hedgie said...

Good morning, Thelma, JudyE (now at work), DanaMo and Shirley (now hunting for corn and a pot!). And Margy also now at work. Judie, Hoda, Wanda and Jo also have joined us since I got lost on old thread.
A somber morning for sure, but praise God that we are blessed to all be here, sharing it together.

hedgie said...

DanaMo, will read your friend's blog before this day is out. Thank you for sharing her with us.

hedgie said...

Oh, my....Paul Simon doing "SOund of Silence" at the NY memorial.....what a perfect song when written and again now for this commemoration. It sure had a lot of meaning to us a teens/young adults, and now as we are at this stage of our lives. Tears.....

hedgie said...

Wonder where Art Garfunkle is?

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning of this day of Remembrance and Reflection.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone on this Day of Sad Remembrance.
God Bless America and all her folks!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I posted more nature pics on my FB may be grossed out by some of the "characters" I have photographed! LOL!

Lynne2 said...

There are few flags flying around these parts. This annoys me. Ours actually flies all the time, always has, long before 9/11. Up in Manchester where I work, flags all over the place...they even put flags all along the sides of Main Street!

hedgie said...

Okay, Lynne...I'll go take a peek....?????hoping I don't see anything to scare me too bad. SO, YOUR CAMERA IS WORKING AGAIN???? !!!!

My flag also flies all the time, and has for a very , very long time.

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning to All and to our Lurkers ( :

Yes this is a Day of Rememberance and with some of the pictures on tv today there will be tears.



wvgal_dana said...

This is my grandmother Annie. My mother's Mother. My daughter middle name is after her
Ann. She worked until passed 80 yrs. old at the packing shed in Winchester, Va. She wasn't going to
quit but they said they needed to hire some younger people. Would she please consider retiring. I have to smile because she said, "Well I am still a workable person but if the young need jobs. I will retire." So she did. I loved going to stay with her in the summers. Always went to Church!!! Oh I have her middle name as my middle name Victoria.

hedgie said...

Lynne-ie....after checking captions, I did NOT enlarge some of the pics!!!! Others are good!

hedgie said...

DanaWV...tried to enlarge your Grandma's pic, and it's not there! Now showing a B&W of a young gal. ???

Happy Grandparent's Day!!

wvgal_dana said...

This is my father's mother. Grandma Purdy. After she moved to Huntington, Pa. I would go for 2 weeks sometimes longer in the summer to stay. I loved her and Granddaddy Pop Purdy. I don't have any pictures of either of my grandfathers. My sister has them and won't make me a copy. What's New?? She always took me to Church too. There is a town near them called Tyrone it had a Paper Mill so it had a bad smell. I was little and told Pop, "Tyrone PU is what I called it when he said we were taking a drive there. He would just chuckle and laugh." That is where as a teenager I had my first hoggie lol

All are gone and Ed is getting to know them.

A day of good and sad Rememberance.

Hoda said...

It is very powerful and very much full of dignity and love the reading of the names...
This is the stuff the Americans are made of...

We Will Never Forget.

stronghunter said...

Back from errands. Taking a short break.

God bless America.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Grandmother Purdy wore a size 3 shoe in childrens.

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynn, I was guessing perhaps Lynne had some pics of SBs or even worse, our 8 legged enemy!!!
So far only a couple SBs here, but kitties have been catching crickets inside!F tried to get one away w/tissue from little Scooter, but she didn't want to give it up!

hedgie said...

It was our 8-legged enemy, Loretta!
UGH! She even id'd the KIND they are!!
Liesl has been playig with crickets outside....she's killing our good luck.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn did you eat at Outback yesterday? When I was by there people were standing and sitting outside.

What movie did you and Christie see?

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch and to read

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO thanks for bring the blog that you follow to our attention I added to my follows also and will read it in its entirety one day
I still find myself in tears with all the going on the past couple of days the remembering of it Just can't stop the tear and don't know why OK back to reading the comments from this AM

wvgal_dana said...

Last night I was going to watch a show regular on tv. In its place was a show about 9/12. Yes the day after. It is two different teams or origanizations. That started with New Yorkers wanting to "give back". So where they found a certain type of disaster. They would go there and do the work for free. For instance where the torando took the Chapel at the Boy Scout camp. The boys were inside and the chimney came down and killed 4 boys. They went there and built a new chapel and trails. The boys that lived through it helped. By this time though people from other states were included. Cause from where the New Yorkers went. The people from that place followed them to the next place. The New York firefighters told some of their stories. They are still affected but this "This they say is the only way they can still get through it - pay forward".

They Helped Us In New York Now We Help Them

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

My delete
It started in 2003 the suggestion of a 5 year old boy. The New York Says Thank You Foundation.

A man came from Mexico he and his wife. He was crippled and wanted to help. He was happy to do sewing on the flag. LOOK AT THE FLAG!!

movin said...







C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Good day Jim ( :

Nice to see you and of course "Thank You for you part in the Service to our Country".
Semper Fi

wvgal_dana said...

A few moments ago I had a hummingbird fly up to my window. Looking in like to say "Thank You".
They are really hitting the Rose of Sharon 2 bushes. It makes me happy to feed the natural food. I am sure they are getting the red hibiscus plant too.

NatureNut said...

We had an exhilerating time at Park yesterday. Among other things, another gal & I got to shovel rocks and mud off of road to boat ramp. Rain washed them all across road. The water was now below the ramp and piers, so coworker tried to scrape about 1" of mud & yuck off decks. Almost impossible--really need a fire hose!We got to take pics of bank behind the Big White House that washed away.Any of those that came to field trip at Park in Apr.,'09, will remember that this area is where we ate lunch on picnic tables.
Bud, Doris, sent pics of us working to our boss w/her cell phone! We told him we want pay for getting our shoes & clothes cleaned!!!LOL

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Hi Jim--yes, Semper Fi to you!
And Bless all whov have & are serving.

Hi Dana, since all the rain, I hadn't seen any hummers at feeder at home, but saw some at Park feeder yesterday! So glad some are still around and traveling thru.

wvgal_dana said...

This is another time New Yorkers and others from other states went to were a tornado was.

It starts out sad but watch the faces of the New York Firefighters!!


wvgal_dana said...


NatureNut said...

I don't like to harp on fire subject, but think this new news is a tribute to Most Americans;
Sherry & Jim may be allowed to go to property soon. They "registered" yesterday for an appt. Last night at dinner Biker Club held for Jim's B'Day (at end of Aug.), they met a Sheriff who's been guarding area. He said there have been 15 break-ins. Jim told of their garage still standing & safe has GUNS inside. So this guy said he would try to get them in ASAP. They haven't been able to talk to him today---on call, but left him a message. How evil to take from those who have lost almost everything! So, I guess they will have to move Everything from garage. They do have friends w/storage room on farms & one guy owns garage. They are Blessed to be OK, have insurance & have such wonderful friends. ^j^

hedgie said...

I, too, saw a hummer this morning. I imagine that they are starting their southern trek.

DANAWV---I will repeat again....we saw The Hope and we ate at Outback.

Hi, Jim! Still cool and rainy in SoCal? How did your sister do in the power outage this past week?
Hope it wasn't too hot at that time.

Loretta, what a mess you were in....are you saying that the yard where the picnic tables were all eroded away?? How close to the farmhouse? ANY yard left?? Oh, my...

wvgal_dana said...

I hope you all don't mind the links I am putting on here. It Shows HOPE in time of disasters.


Lynne2 said...

Lynn, you saw the HELP! LOL! Oh dear, you just "pulled a Lynne"!

I still have hummers, at least 3. Could be 20, but 3 seen at once so I know there are at least 3 different ones. Today, I have seen only 2, and there is no dive bombing today, so far anyway. Thinking these are not the residents anymore but migrants.

Lynne2 said...

Saw my last one last year on Sept 29. Remember? Of course not....anyway, I was clearing out some weeds from under the cardinal vine and I stood up and there she was, just a foot or so in front of my face, hovered for about 5 seconds looking at me, and off she went. I like to think she was saying Thank you, see you next year!

Lynne2 said...

The truth is probably more like "get the heck away from the dang flowers lady, I have to eat."

Lolly said...

Hello! Have been catching up on the blog. DanaMo...I started reading your friends blog. That is a "must read" for all. She is a talented writer as well as an artist.

My head still hurts and if I am not sneezing I am coughing and my nose is burning and running like a faucet. Have I painted a pretty picture? NOT!

Lynne2 said...

well now Lolly, I have you pictured as the Poster Child for NyQuil! Sorry you aren't feeling better yet :(

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne, I look and feel too lousy to be a poster child!! Jack is feeling better so there is hope!

My eyes are bothering me, too. They are tearing up and running as bad as my nose. Think I will go lie down and take a nap.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly sorry you are feeling so badly. I had put you already in prayer for healing. Glad Jack is getting better.

My next door neighbor want to talk to me yesterday. She stayed a distance away. Said she was feeling badly, sneezing, upset stomach and diarrhea. She works in a school with Physically Challenged Children. Yep she had got her flu shot.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, Kathryn sympathizes. She feel pretty awful, too. And when she came home from the store the drinks fell out of the back of the SUV. A bottle of beer exploded and she got beer splashed into her eye.

We are waiting for Rus and Susan to arrive.

stronghunter said...

feels pretty awful . . .

hedgie said...

Loretta, makes you wonder if security is so tight that the owners can't get in, how do these scumbag looters get in? Makes me so very angry. Surely hope that Jimmie has all is guns registered, so that if they did get stolen, the police will be able to get them back to him if recovered.

hedgie said...

And, Lowreeda, you can talk about it all you want. It is not is sharing and venting, and we are here for you!

DanaMo said...

We sang "Let there be peace on Earth" at Mass this morning. Perfect song for the day.

My flag flies all the time as well. We even have a nice spot light for it for night. It always upsets me when I don't see others flying their flags.

Lynne2 said...

thunderstorms starting to pop fact, I just heard thunder.

hedgie said...

Lolly, so sorry you are feeling so puny. Sleep is the best healer.

I know you all don't believe me, but you CANNOT get flu from the vaccine. It is a DEAD virus....

Shirley, a beer eyewash....hmmmmm. Kat may have hit on something there! LOL. Sorry she's not up to par, either.

Agree that DanaMo's friend's journal is amazing. Will have to keep going back to it....can't take it all in at once.

Chicken cacciatore is simmering here. Starting to smell SO good.

Lynne2 said...

Doesn't it just make you NUTS Lynn, when people think they have gotten sick from the flu vaccination??? UGH!!!!! If I had a dollar for every time I had this argument with someone in my adult life, I could buy a week's worth of gourmet groceries by now!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Shirley...sure glad no glass got into Kathryn's eye!

Lynne2 said...

Just got the news that the Steelers are taking a beating from the Ravens. I'm not watching, just couldn't get into the spirit on this particular day.

Lynne2 said...

very nasty storm cell south of us has just spawned a severe Tstorm warning. Poof Steve, he's going to be really upset if he can't finish cutting the grass after he gets home from work today.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I would be rich if I had a $ for everytime I have told people that fact!!!

Cloudy here, but nothing happening weatherwise---hope it doesn't! Hope you don't get clobbered again, Lynne...and that Steve gets his mowing done.

Lynne2 said...

that particular cell looks to be staying south of me. But there are others forming west of here.....UGH!!!

Lynne2 said...

well's raining here.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Lolly, sorry you are still not feeling well and hope you improve quickly.

Loretta, it is truly sad about the looters. I do hope the Sheriff can get Jim's guns secured.

Shirley, sorry also that Kathryn is not feeling well AND that she endured a beer eye wash. Not fun at all. What's Hunter up to?

Hi Jim. Semper Fi

No hummers here. Did have a Monarch visiting the Lantana but the milkweed is looking poorly -- no eggs that I can find.

Judie said...

Traffic is a mess around these parts today.

Had lunch with a retired CSI and my Interpol friend. Lots of memories and laughs.

Now to put my feet up after such an exhausting day. Maybe watch some Skins.


Hoda said...

DANAMO Thank you for Life in the Shadows.
God Bless her and hers.

Lynne2 said...

Glad I went upstairs to close the windows...I was able to send 53 stinkbugs to meet their maker, in their "special" swimming pool!

Lynne2 said...

Friends in Interpol....I'm SO afraid of you Judie.

Loretta, I sure hope no one has broken into the garage. I'm sure there is only so much manpower for securing these areas and thieves are just sneaky and evil. And VENT HARP EXPRESS CRY with us!!!

hedgie said...

After all of the sad commemoration viewing today, I am ready for some football. SKINS coming up shortly....and the Ravens ARE beating up the Steelers! 32-7 with 4 mins. left in the game.

Lynne2 said...

Speaking of pools....Steve has been working with Ken at a swim club. Milford Mill Swim Club to be exact, not far from here. It was built by Ken's parents in the 50s and was THE place in these parts for generations of families! 18 acres, a huge quarry, huge outdoor pool, baby pool and baby quarry, picnic areas, dance hall, concession, catering, on premise caretaker house.....the works! They sold it 12 years ago, and personally financed the new owners. But they defaulted, and as of last week, it's back to being owned by Ken and family. And it's a shameful, horrible, disgusting, dirty, overgrown mess. I didn't hang out there too much as our apt. complex we lived in when I was a teen had an awesome pool and facilities. But I have been there, and I even took my Red Cross Jr. Lifesaving course there!

SO, now in addition to the rental farm still being worked on, Kyle and Jamie's farm being worked on, another rental getting ready to be vacated and in need of repairs, there is now the monumental task of restoring the swim club.

Lynne2 said...

Steve will have plenty of work if he doesn't get a full time real job!

The bad news is...our spare room and bathroom HERE are never going to get done. I'm pretty disappointed because I really wanted it to be done so my MIL and FIL could stay with us for the winter if the house isn't sold by then. My MIL really doesn't want to go to FLA for 3 months. Here, the are closer to their Doctors, to us and to her BFF Kathy (all of whom are just DYING at this very moment to call me about the pathetic performance by the Steelers!)

Lynne2 said...

my, I do ramble on, don't I!

Lynn, who are the Skins playing today?

Oh yeah, THANKS HODA for the great news on the game....I'm not watching. Couldn't quite get into the spirit of it on this particular day. Just as well. I suffer terribly from "Sporting Event Induced Torretts Syndrome" and have been know to say things that would make a sailor blush....

Kay said...

Back after lunch at Julie's and then I sat in the shade while the three of them put the finishing touches on closing down the pool for the season. An interesting process and done with great organization and precision. Just as the job was complete huge black clouds appeared overhead, lightning, thunder and a hard pepper rain. More expected by 10 tonight. GRRRRR.

LORETTA, you can't tell us enough about events unfolding. Hoping the kids find everything in tact once they get in. Thankful for the wonderful network of friends around them !

LYNNE, impressed by your ability to count those SB's. Ewwweee.

I find myself unable to watch, read and listen to every word of 9/11 memories. Getting some, of course, and like everyone over the age of 10 that day, I have vivid memories of my own. Guess it's kind of like those who can't watch our nest still next season---too hard on the emotions.

SHIRLEY, too bad about Kathryn's surprise eye wash ! Gives a whole new meaning to, "here's mud in your eye" !

Lynne2 said...

Storming to beat the band now....

Kay, I started counting last year. There were so many of them that I had to KNOW how many! So much for my theory that the rain washed them all away....

Hoda said...

LYNNE so funny to think I gave news of the game, I read it that the Steelers are ahead of the who said that?

Hoda said...

Of course that would be LYNN!!!LOL!!! Did you all notice how she mentioned, quietly mind you, that her team will be playing soon...In a sense it is very appropriate to be having football games today, what is more American???

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, a loss is far less annoying (to me anyway) if the game itself is a good one. Clearly this was NOT!

Hoda said...

LYNNE I can see it clearly!!!! INDEED!!! LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Giants, Lynne!

Hoda said...

I love how you all get so excited about your does my heart good.

LYNNE so glad Steve has a lot of work coming his way. Blessings to you two.

Lynne2 said...

It is American Hoda! and a good way to take the events of this day in history off of one's mind for a time.

OOOOOO it was so creepy just now....for about 30 seconds, the sun came out just as bright as could be, and then it got really dark again. Reminded me of that scene in the Perfect Storm when that happened, and Capt. Tyne said "she's not going to let us out"

I have to say it again, if you've seen that movie, and haven't read the book, do so. It's excellent!

Lynne2 said...

Hello, my name is Lynne, and my favorite color is CLEAR.

Hoda said...

Lynn Them are fighting words???Giants LYNNE???? Remember you two to stay nice...pretty soon Lolly will pipe in I am sure!!!LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

This is what I say when I make a goof up. It's far funnier if you can see me say it!

hedgie said...

HODA---I didn't say the Steelers were winning!!! Don't know where you got that idea!!! I always pull for the Ravens against anyone else but the SKINS!

hedgie said...

Wow---you oughta see the sied of the flag on the football field at FedEx field!!!!

hedgie said...

Took up nearly the whole field!!!

hedgie said...

Sorry to say that felon Vick and his Eagles won their game... :(

hedgie said...

Hoda, Lolly's team plays tonight.

NFL Commissioner is at our game!

hedgie said...

DUH---that was supposed to be SIZE of the flag....fat fingers!

hedgie said...

My man Colin Powell is on the sideline as honorary team captain--how cool is that??!!! Wish HE would run for president. BTW---some hints over the last few days indicating that Rudy Giuliani MAY announce his bid very soon.

hedgie said...

Hoda, the Giants HAVE been one of our most difficult opponents.....we just gotta win this one!

Lynne2 said...

Really Lynn? Giuliani? I hadn't heard but WOW!

Judie said...


Lynne2 said...

GIANTS!!!!! Just because Lynn roots for the Ravens against MY team. HA!

Hoda said...

My Bad , LYNN.

So The Skins and the Giants are playing tonight and LYNNE 2 will cause trouble by cheering for the Giants...Bad move LYNNE, some STRONG LOBBY HERE FOR THE SKINS...Judie and LYNN both going for their team...I am staying close by, this should be entertaining...LOL

NatureNut said...

TY, Kay for permission to tell!!!!
F just talked to Sherry. They met up w/their Deputy friend of last night, went to their area & State Police are not letting Anyone in,however crooks are getting, aren't they??!!Police said they chased a van w/crooks and they were shot at!!!!!(I know, incorrectly ended a sentance w/a preposition-O Well) Even more reason to get Jim's guns, I think. Deputy said he would keep trying. Bless his heart. F suggested they try a higher authority.

NatureNut said...

While F was talking to Daughter, I saw a wondrous commercial in the Redskin game. The Budweiser Clydesdales were pulling their wagon onto a grassy field w/NY skyline in view. All the horses bent their left front legs as if going to kneel!!!!I am still getting chills.

hedgie said...

Loretta, that commercial has only been broadcast once before in all these years (I think Superbowl in Jan. '02)......been making the rounds on Facebook. A perfect day for them to replay it! Best commercial ever made!

hedgie said...

Tied game....7-7.

NatureNut said...

Game Tied!!!!

hedgie said...

Did anyone hear about the man who was a high school football star (kicker) who ended up foregoing college for the Army during Nam? He is now in college, and he got the kicker's spot on their football team!!! 62 y.o. Amazing, isn't it??!!!

DanaMo said...

Working on lesson plans. The way I wrap up most Sunday afternoons!

Lolly said...

Jack is switching between football and the Rangers, when he is not napping. Too funny!

Giants and NOT for either. Jack said he might pull for the Skins since the Giants are supposed to be better. BUT, will be happy when whoever looses. lol

Hoda...COWBOY fans here! Our game is this evening.

LORETTA....we do like hearing about Sherry and the fire. Keep on telling us everything. Certainly do wish they could get to see the house. That will be terrifically emotional time for them. Scum bags breaking in and stealing......geesh!!

Lynne2 said...

you won't believe this. To ad insult to injury, I just took some trash out, and the RAVEN is out there making his funny raven sounds! Can't see him though...think he was up in a tree across the street!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly! Who are the Cowboys playing tonight? My name is Lynn, and I am a latent Cowboy Fan!

NatureNut said...

Lynne, did he fly over from Balmer??

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

HA HA Loretta!

Sure wish he'd come and land in the yard so I could get a picture of him.

Lynne2 said...

10 more stinkbugs dead....

Lynn, that IS amazing about the 62yr old! Good for him!

Lolly said...

Cowboys vs the NY Jets this evening!

hedgie said...

THEY just scored again... :(

Costume Lady said...

HODA, the Jets are an easy prey! So, if the Cowboys win, it's no big deal!;)
Sorry, Lolly, you know we love you, just not the Cowboys:)

Lynne2 said...

on FB, on this day in 2009, my status was...

WOW, tomorrow will be the first time in my whole life that I will attend a wedding and NOT be eligible to catch the bouquet!

JudyEddy said...

WVGAL DANA so sweet you have polite hummers I think sometimes they are just curious they use to do it to my mom and dad window also but the bird feeder was about 2 feet from it.

LORETTA do not apologize we enjoy hearing and we love it that you keep us informed of the kids They are still in my prayers They had a couple of young men on our news from there last nite and they were talking about them getting to go in and I thought of you and your daughter and SIL

LYNN also has some hummers buzzing by on their way south HOW come they don't come to my area I know they are up norther Fl DARN IT and I do have plenty of tubular flowers if they do show up

LOLLY have you ever tried EMERGEN-C , it is sold in the Vitamin counter I really love it It makes you feel better when you have a cold I think Vit Bs and C
I try to take Zicam when I first get the onset of a cold If you take it right away and take it often it helps it taste nasty I liked it when they had the nasal spray but that got recalled I have tried Airborne but did nothing for me.
I just got home a few min ago just started reading Need to step away and give neck a break before I do any more reading LM BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

I feel for you LOLLY so sorry you are ill and feeling poorly thats why I take the Energen-C ok now later gator

Costume Lady said...

Hummers are still dining here, but the males have been gone for appx. 2 weeks. Nearly every year, Spet. 20 is the day of the last spotting of the hummers. A few years ago, we had them coming to the feeders into the first week of October. Love those little beauties:)
Lynne, they come to our window and look in, as if to say, "Thank You and I'll see you in the Spring". Then, in the Spring, they come to the window and hover for a long while, as if to say, "I'm BAAACK!"
They do the same thing at GG's and other Momsters. I'd love to read EXPERTS take on that subject!

wvgal_dana said...

Well back inside after working out there. I saw hummers just loving the Rose of Sharon. When I set on the steps to rest. I looked towards the back yard. There was butterflies flying around and landing on the butterfly bush I planted this year. So Mother nature is caring for God's critters.

After washing my hair, showing and fixing my hair I'm pooped.

I have to think of something to eat.

Oh Loretta it drives me crazy they won't let Jimmy in there. Why can't that policeman take Jimmy in his car or let Jimmy follow him to get his guns.

hedgie said...

And SO DID WE!!!! 14-14! Almost halftime.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

God bless America, today and always! Watched a lot of the remembrance ceremonies on TV. The memorial site is beautiful!

Jim, amen to your post earlier. Thank you to all those who tried to rescue folks on 9/11/01, and God bless those who were lost.
Thank you to all those in the armed forces that help to keep us safe, and thank you to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Semper fi!

We're back from taking Emma to the dog park. We were actually surprised that it was open today!
She had a good time. Made friends with a pit bull pup about 5 months old, named Nala. Saw a bunch of her other pals there, too.

Sorry to hear that some of us are still feeling puny! Prayers for a speedy healing continue.

Shirley, sorry that Kathryn got beer splashed in her eye. Hope it feels better.

Gotta run--having a late lunch today. Will BBL. Praying that all of us have a peaceful and thoughtful day.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE is wished I could remember the girl that set beside me on the plane going to Colorado. She was taking something. I ask her if she was sick. She said, "No but I fly a lot and I take this because it helps me from getting sick. Being around so many different people always." Can't think of name of it. It seems like a hard piece of something or something you chew.

Kay said...

LORETTA, such disasters bring out the best in most people, but there is always that faction of the worst who enter the scene. Disgusting !

DANAMO, how many years have you taught K ? I would naively assume the same lesson plans could be used year after year with just a bit of current events tweeking. Should not come as a surprise to me for my prof kids are constantly changing and revising. The mark of a good teacher, I'm sure !

LOL, LYNNE, surely you are not a LYNN wannabe ! You are each unique and special and we like you both just the way you are !

LOLLY, I've gotten away from football, but my old Cowboys fan days creeps back in when I hear you talk about them ! Kind of nice the season is upon us right when you're feelin' low and can use the diversion ! I'm going to watch tonights game with you, if I find it is carried in this market !☺

LYNN, how bout that kicker ? Never count a Senior Citizen out---we rock !!!!

Judie said...

Um, I like all the pro football teams -- as long as they are not playing the Skins.

hedgie said...

Dinner time....MY cacciatore is to die for!! I should teach that stupid restaurant how it's done!

Kay said...

Time to throw some dinner together, then TV, then zzzzz's !
Will be remembering our prayer list and saying thanks for all blessings.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥ ! ! ! ! ! ! !

DanaMo said...

Kay-I thought I was going to be able to use the same plans this year after 5 years in kindergarten, but I type out the whole day with times and subjects and since specials change each year I feel that I have to tweak and reprint. Our principal comes around and checks our plans and makes sure they are complete with alpha numeric codes for standards. It's kind of a pain. Alot of it is cut and paste, but it is still necessary in order for it to look orderly and prepared.

hedgie said...

TD SKINS---off an interception!!! WhooHoo!!!

hedgie said...


stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

If it makes Lolly feel ANY better, Aikman is calling our game....

hedgie said...

HODA---Aikmen used to be Cowboy's quarterback.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading. Home to you after 10

We will never forget!

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! Rangers won! Joseph is at the game. They were giving away caps, sure hope he got one! He went with his best bud, Matthew, and his family.

Right on, Kay! There are some nasty folks on here that are against the COWBOYS, no matter what. Miss our Norma!!!!! Norma, where are you when I need you!! Yes, Aikman...he was supposed to have married Laurel. lol Just could never get him to meet her. lol

JudyEddy said...

OK my fellow eagle peeps I need your valued opinion FLU SHOT I am 62 and not for sure if I should get one OPIONION please they are doing at our store all month

JudyEddy said...

oops opinions misspelled in the CAPS

JudyEddy said...

just a sec ago the wind had blown the branch all the way back to where the whole nest was exposed

JudyEddy said...

LM engaging again I came back I read and I am done and there the whole nest is exposed again I sure wish a eagle would be in it

stronghunter said...

I plan to get a flu shot, Judy. I noticed that they were giving them today at Walmart up here.

Lynne2 said...

I would get one JudyE. Very safe, and the flu is SO NASTY! I've gotten one every year.

hedgie said...

Bad storm almost here----had to hustle to get trash out! Made it before more than a few drops fell, but thunder is awful....may have to shut down.....

Lynne2 said...

Looks like Kay is getting some more nasty storms.

wvgal_dana said...

Sky is turning very dark. Probably already raining at Hedgie's.

You got rain yet Lynn?

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, I see that line of storms coming....hope it doesn't knock your power out!

LOLLY!!! Don't forget I'm your Cowboy Fan! As long as it doesn't interfere with the Steelers, of course!

wvgal_dana said...

Alan Moore is the kicker for Faulkner University. He'll in February turns 62. oldest man to play NAIA college football when he takes the field for the Montgomery school as a place-kicker.

Lolly said...

Oh, I remember, Lynne!!!!☺ I knew you were not all bad. lol

Yes, Judy, get that flu shot!!!! You deal with the public....get it fast. We were going to get ours this week, but now have to wait until we are over the colds that have a hold of us.

T-Bird said...

It looks like it's going to rain here in Bluefield.

hedgie said...

JudyE---the older we get the more deadly the flu can be. GET THE SHOT!

wvgal_dana said...

Wind is getting up. Still dark. I thinnk I hear thunder. I'm baking my din din so I need to open door and check.

wvgal_dana said...

Lightening shutting down

T-Bird said...

Oh, poor Giants.

Hoda said...

I go for a nap and what happens??/Almost a fight and the COWBOYS are not even playing yet!!! Tonight LOLLY says and they play the NY Jets... now that sounds like an eastern team to me LOLLY so what do you think our eastern FIENDS will do...OH YES the fiends DID show up during my nap!!! One can not rest for too long these days...LOL!!!

Oh and our diplomatic peacemaker likes all the football teams unless they are playing the SKINS!!! OH MY indeed...

So I am now having a cup of tea and will stay awake for a while...

Too bad about the looters getting in and the owners not being able to access theri belongings...this is a tense situation.

I do not take the flu shot JUDYE...and I do fine. I took the swine flu vaccine when it was required, it was required in Canada, and for the rest of the winter I was sick.

The Skins are ahead and LYNNE is being tricky wanting us to believe she is LYNN when addressing LOLLY on a football question!!! No wonder the RAVEN(S) are hanging around her place!!!

Hoda said...

WHAT ????LYNNE a COWBOY'S fan???Oh I get it unless they are playing the Steelers...Sounds like JUDIE to me!!!

JUDYE If LYNN says take the flu shot I trust her opinion on medical things.

Lynne2 said...

wow, have y'all seen the weather forecast for later in the week? BREAK OUT THE SWEATERS!!! WOO HOO!

Hoda said...

..that did not sound right I trust LYNN'S opinion on all things medical...the way I wrote it in my last post it sounded as if I trusted her opiion only on medical things and that is not the case at all...

Lynne2 said...

I agree with Lynn, JudyE, since you work with the public your chances of exposure are greater. They are very safe, although I think....Lynn? if you are allergic to eggs you shouldn't get one.

T-Bird said...

Redskins winning 28-14. Yea!!!

hedgie said...

Lost internet. Had to reboot the modem! Heck of a downpour!

28-14, 5 mins. left in game! GO SKINS.

Lynne2 said...

going to hit the shower and then dinner. want to watch the CBS special at 8pm

magpie said...

Big Storm....Hard Rain...
Hey..did the Redskins Cheerleaders forget to finish dressing ??
Those outfits would make great bathing suits !

Good Evening Eagle Pals...xo ♥

T-Bird said...

Later Lynne2. I might check out that special too.

Lolly said... had me smiling! Feel too puny to lol. ☺

Jack is in the kitchen preparing dinner....waffles, sausage and eggs. Bless him!

magpie said...

I got one, a flu shot... the other day, first time ever..

I'm 60 - had no side effects all
that's my humble magpie's 2-cents worth

T-Bird said...

Hedgie & Judie-it feels really good doesn't it?!! : ) (Redskins)

magpie said...

nice helmet blue and uniform red and white with the Giants...

T-Bird said...

I'm dressed Magpie. : )

magpie said...

Sweeeet, T-Bird...☺

T-Bird said...

It's good to see the Hogs are alive and well. : ))

T-Bird said...

I love Hightower.

JudyEddy said...

for those of you on facebook here is a page to LIKE
For the Love of the Bald Eagle Symbol of American Freedom and Strenght

JudyEddy said...

That is where my avatar came from

hedgie said...

Rigth, Lynne.....egg allergy is a contraindication to taking the flu shot. Okay to get it even with a cold as long as you have not had a fever for at least 24 hrs.

hedgie said...

Remember the old song "Momma don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys?" I would also add, Momma, don't let your daughters marry COWBOYS!

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the heads up Hoda. : )

hedgie said...

Yep, Thelma!!! And glad that COOLEY was able to get some time on the field!!
♫ ♪ Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory! Braves on the warpath...FIGHT for ol' DC!!!! ♪ ♫

hedgie said...

Thelma, I just KNOW that was tongue-in-cheek humor when you said poor Giants!!!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Washington!

hedgie said...

Lolly, I had waffles and sausage for breakfast! Really wanted blueberry pancakes, but wasn't going to open a half-gallon of milk for 1/2 cup!!

Margy, glad you are home---ahead of the storm, I hope!!

hedgie said...

Gee----did not realize that Paula
's trip was a 4 hr. one.... afraid she WILL run into the storm if it goes east.

T-Bird said...

Lolly, hope you are feeling better. It's weird not to here from you about the game.

hedgie said...

Nice FB page, JudyE! Thanks,,,,I LIKED it!

Hmmm...San Fran might just have a good team again...been quite a while if I remember correctly.

T-Bird said...

I hope you all have a good evening.

JudyEddy said...

colors gone on the nest and cam looks crapy

JudyEddy said...

cam look normal now I was panicking for a second

JudyEddy said...

I have my lovely juror duty and found out its Civil Court Its the building I got divorced in I dislike going downtown St Pete would rather done Clearwater court Me just venting out loud LOL

Judie said...

Judy, in my OPI ONION, I vote get the flu shot.

magpie said...

Raining horses and ponies here
I went out to Swinging Bridge.. after swinging by here to see the flag spread across the playing field for the Redskins game...
storm moved on me just as I was leaving

going to try to watch the CBS special at 8, Lynne...thanks for the reminder...

Upstairs neighbor has a massive water leak coming through ceiling in her kitchen and living room...
"someone" is supposed to be "right over" ... time will tell

It's NOT OK....

xo bbl

JudyEddy said...

Odd with the computer doing schedule etc at work I had to call a 1 800 number being I will not be at work there is a button to push for juror duty and they give you a control # to keep for future reference odd I say Like the stupid summons isn't good enough I am so glad I remember to call being I never call out I forgot about the stupid process even if you are going to be late they want you to call to me I could be at work in the time it would take me to call the number and go through the process I live only less than 2miles to work Still venting LOL This is a way for them to track people the call out a lot and they can be written up for it WHICH I DON"T THINK THEY DO I know of quite a few people that are habitually late and absent lots

JudyEddy said...

Thank you one and all for giving me you valued opinion I will get it Tue if I return to work

magpie said...

guess the water flow is either from leaks in the roof...or a failing a/c system in the attic over that upstairs apt

Happy the Redskins are going to have their first win ☺
but it would be nice if NEW YORK could also win....
especially... today

hedgie said...

Talking about the flu vacc---remember, the intranasal FluZone is only for healthy people 10 – 49 years old. It IS a live virus, so COULD possibly cause you to get a mild case of flu.

magpie said...

at the creek...found a big full-size adult walking stick aka "country cane..." .. just the right size for James's Dad...could be a Christmas present

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the reminder also I just turned on that station

JudyEddy said...

I was watching Funniest Home Video

magpie said...

huge thousand-legger above the bathtub on the ceiling


JudyEddy said...

Today we didn't have any rain but all the yards still looks soaked and the water is draining in to the curbs Yesterdays FOUR INCHES was enough for a while

hedgie said...

LOL...talking about Lynn wannabe....I always wanted to be a Lynne...never liked that mine did not have the E!

San Fran's been 8 yrs. since they had a winning season.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN thanks for that info I will write down what you said that way I can ask her if it is that one

JudyEddy said...

What is a huge thousand-legger

Lolly said...

Just had to change my avatar!!!

About time for THE GAME!


Really not feeling too much better. Maybe sneezing less. Took more advil just before dinner. Going to mop a floor or two before dinner. Jack vacuumed today.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy, you had me going for a minute...I was thinking why does Big James like walking sticks and where are you going to keep it til Christmas??? THEN I GOT it!!!

Oh, dear...poor neighbor---hope the water isn't damaging her possessions.....guess it would be better if it was the AC---easier to fix than the roof, unless it's just a flashing problem.

JudyEddy said...

Got bug spray KILL IT what ever it is LOL I knocked down a couple of nest on my back porch yesterday ODD one was in a wire Christmas tree I put out there I bought a bunch of wasp and hornet spray for only ONE DOLLAR at work in the Garden Center I checked the markup on it and we make 47 cents for every can we sell I was amazed one a buck I got a bunch for Angie also

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...