Thursday, January 13, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Costume Lady said...

I have done everything that I can to view Jordan Lake. I get the website and it tells me I need to update Quicktime, which I did (at nauseum, took forever)Still no video. So perplexing to me why some can get that without a problem, and others cannot!

Lolly said...

Wanda, when we first learned about Jordan lake, I could get it. Then the other day...,.nothing. Tried today, got that blue Q but did nothing and eventually got the picture.

Thanks for the call over! And, thanks Steve for the new thread!

Costume Lady said...

Have we started a pool, as to when we think OUR first egg will be layed? Seems to me, it will be later than last year.
I have been seeing "Official Reports" that last year's egg was laid in February, but according to our observations, it was laid on the 30th or 31st, when the shooting started and Belle was interrupted in the middle of laying her egg. Correct me if I am wrong...I often am;)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over Wanda and Steve thank you for the new thread.

wvgal_dana said...

I brought this over from what Paula wrote in order to try to get Jordan Lake Eagle Cam:

OK, try this for quicktime. Open the quicktime player from your programs file or desktop shortcut

then go to file, open url and copy and paste this in there to get the Jordan lake nest


Thursday, January 13, 2011 12:18:00 PM

wvgal_dana said...

It says on my comcast news:

Giffords' 'Major Leap Forward'Gabrielle Giffords opened both eyes and can move her arms and legs, her doctors said Thursday.

Lolly said...

Wanda, have not heard mention of a pook guess when the first egg will be laid.

I get the years mixed up in my head concerning the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Oh, well...a POOK as to when the first egg will be laid. LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

They said It's too early to tell the extent of damage Giffords suffered, but experts say it's rare for people with gunshot wounds to the head to regain all of their abilities. Damage to the left side of the brain can result in memory loss, difficult reading and hand-eye coordination problems. Giffords' doctors have not been able to determine how well she can speak since she still has a breathing tube.

Lynne2 said...

Typos make for such good fun while we are waiting!

Lynne2 said...

She recognized people too...good sign!

wvgal_dana said...

Are you all sure you mean "pook" and not poll??

Lynne2 said...

Still waiting to hear from the vet about Brother's test results. Only some of them are back. UGH. Hope the rest get back SOON.

Speaking of the Freakshow...he wanted out last night (I should mention that despite his very problematic diarrhea, he is acting normal otherwise) so I let him out around, uh, maybe 11? About an hour later I woke up to meowing. And footsteps on the roof! That goof was running around on the ROOF over the house!!!

Costume Lady said...

DANA AND PAULA are usually good sources for the timing of egg laying and hatching...what do you have for us, ladies?

Lynne2 said...

I think it would be a POOL, Dana. Like a football pool.

Anyway, MEOW tap tap MEOW, back and forth. THEN, I hear, to my horror, SCRATCH SLIIIIIIIDE!! He got back from the house roof on to the laundry room very steep roof and SLID on the snow back to the porch roof, and then wanted in the bedroom window!

Upon investigation this morning...easy due to snow and foot prints, it seems he jumped from the ground to the top of an old air conditioner built into the porch wall. From there, he jumped to the little tiny overhang roof over the porch door, then up on the porch roof, and up the laundry room roof and onto the main roof. He is NUTS!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, we have RACOONS running all over our roof, sounds like two human beings...they are so big. I would assum they are the ones that we see on the Trail Cam Video.

Costume Lady said...

Really like your TERRIBLE TOWEL, Lynne. If I can't cheer for the Redskins, then the Steelers will do! (I grew up near Pittsburgh)

Lynne2 said...

They probably are the same ones Wanda! That's too funny! And GO STEELERS! Where abouts did you grow up?

Lynne2 said...

always wished I could put a cam on Brother so we could track his escapades!

Lynne2 said...

YIKES, didn't realized the time...gotta run to the store.

magpie said...


BWE - seems to have an egg !!

magpie said...

Is it possible ???

magpie said...


Nice pics Jo and Dana in the E-M Momsters email....


I sent a pic to Lisa of BWE

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Wanda for the very inviting call over

Steve, Thanks for the new fresh thread

magpie said...

You can see that egg here

Egg at Blackwater

Mema Jo said...

We need to keep our prayers for Giffords recovery... so far she is doing miraculously well. I am so happy for her and her family!

Mema Jo said...

Margy that is a beautiful pic
I hope Lisa gets you email very soon
She will be dancing!

magpie said...

Thanks JO
I had to pick myself up off the floor !!

I liked your H-P pictures.
First ones to make the album!
True Mema Jo Style !

Mema Jo said...

We should be expecting an egg also at the Botanical Gardens in VA

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Home from the school house. Done until next Tuesday. Ankle hurts so will be heading to bed soon.

Cannot get Lake Jordan, either. Nothing seems to work.

Have to wonder what adventures are churning in the heads of felines that investigate roofs, etc. Lynne2, sure hope the tests for both provide answers that have solutions.

Quiet at the bear den. MT nest ours.

Motor activities being described are generally produced by structures in the right hemisphere. Language comprehension seems optimistic. Still waiting for language production. Language comprehension and production - lest hemisphere.

Okay, going to rest and watch some news. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for checking in to say Hello, Judie. You are doing well!

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

OH I missed it but check out the pic link on BWO of the pair mating. Yeeeow !

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, thanks for the heads up on BWE. How super duper is THAT?!
Lisa will be elated!

magpie said...

Hi Judie - -
always good to see you check in....hope you will have some comfort tonight

guess we will see those eagles at BWE all the time now !

magpie said...

oh my the eagles are busy there now ! BWE

Mema Jo said...

Both the Lord and the Lady Blackwater are in the nest with their newest egg

BEagle said...

It is an exciting day. Hi Eagle Fans!
AN EGG on the BWE nest. Thanks for catching that and getting a picture!
Way to go!

The NC nest has mama there AND a very big wushi.

BEagle said...

Does anyone know when the NC eagle laid her eggs?

This morning I could swear there was a piece of shell outside the egg cup. I may be very wrong but it did look like it.

Lolly said...


BEagle said...

NC is moving off the egg cup to roll the egg(s). I wish she would back up a little so I can see what's happining.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, that is a great picture. Wonder if anyone knows when it was layed?

BEagle said...

And this is not all.

I saw, on the still cam this afternoon, Belle and Lib and HP. Oooh.

Lolly said...

wahoo i just saw hp! and I got a pic!

BEagle said...

I am busy talking and Belle and Lib showed up.

Mema Jo said...

I see our Royal Couple

I am heading to the dinner table..

Keep a good watch on them

Lolly said...

Both have poofed now. But, I got a pic!

Costume Lady said...

That was a quick visit!

Lolly said...

Beagle...NC has one hatched and we see a crack in the second one,

Lolly said...

It was a quickie! Slam, bam, thank you, Mam!

BEagle said...

Did you post the pic Lolly. I was busy trying to see if that gray patch under the NC eagle is a chick.

Costume Lady said...

Supper here, too, Jo...
Good TV night:)

BEagle said...

Oh Oh Oh. NC does have a chickie. Wow Wow Wow.

BEagle said...

And another on the way!!

BEagle said...

Two eagles at NC. I would like to see a switch.

BEagle said...

I see it! A little eagle! Itty Bitty!

BEagle said...

NC cam is about to poof.

Lolly said...

Added my picture to the album!

Lolly said...

So glad you saw the new babe, BEagle. Isn't he cute? I am always so delighted with those great big eyes!

Yes, just added a pic to our album. HP in the afternoon.

magpie said...

Wanda -
I don't know I check the nest often and there it was....would guess mid-afternoon to right before I took the picture.

Nice visit at our nest, I got a pic too, will try to put in album
did y'all notice how the "night light" flashed right after
the H-P ? LOL

Lolly said...

So, how does the egg coming on 1/13 at BW compare with previous years? Just wondering!

Lolly said...

Felt your excitment with your post, Margie!

BEagle said...

Such a sweet little babe!

The Hornby has an adult on close up eating. Gone now.

hedgie said...

Still trying to catch up. So much to do.

Paula, I did what you said with quicktime and the url and it showed "connecting" and then said "disconnected". I am SO frustrated. Disappointed, too. Makes absolutely NO SENSE that I was able to view it ONE time on each computer and then nada.

Dana, this wasn't an open meeting. Dr. Bridges wanted to meet with Donna, Ginnie, Laurie, Cheryl and me. The crux is that Sen. Unger wants us to give him all the desired items concerning regulating the animal industry so that he can draft a bill to put before the Senate. So we have our work cut out for us. He wants it within the next 2 weeks.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, that is an awesome pic. I think BWE is earlier than last year!

paula eagleholic said...

And more HP for us ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Our eagle pair was seen mating on the Osprey Cam platform. It's getting very close to the time when this activity won't be about bonding but will be about producing eggs.

Ha Ha, sooner than you thought, Lisa

Lynne2 said...

Jan 20 was first egg last year...just checked the archives! So a week earlier!

paula eagleholic said...

Last year at BWE

1st egg
Laid: January 20
Possible Hatch: February 24 or 25

2nd egg:
Laid: January 23
Possible Hatch: February 27 or 28

paula eagleholic said...

Last year for NCTC

2010- 4 eggs laid - Feb 2, 6, 9, 13. Only the last egg hatched on March 21. The first 2 disappeared during a snowstorm on Feb 7, and the 3rd one was laid during a snowstorm on Feb 9, and disappeared around Feb 23.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, you are thinking of 2009 dates....

6th Yr 2009- 3 Eggs Laid Jan 31, Feb 2 & Feb 6 - 1 Eaglet hatched & fledged.

Mema Jo said...

BWE is early
2010 was Jan 20 4:00 pm
& 23 was 3:42 pm

Get it in the album Lolly......

magpie said...

great pic Lolly in the album, I added mine slightly different by a few seconds but mine is teeny tiny

Thanks for all those egg laying updates Paula and also Lynne

and to everyne else for the NC updates, I can manage to see that nest sometimes....lots of pixillation think I need to an upgrade to Quiktime

Lolly said...

I did, Jo. It is there.

I was thinking the gun shots were not last year but was not positive. Last year was the s..w!

Interesting that BW is a week earlier.

NCSuzan said...

Good evening! What an exciting eagle day!

for those of you who are having trouble with the NC are not alone. I have similar issues with Caltran and Oregon. Aftertrying everything I was about to give up when out of frustration I hit the "HOME" button on the NC cam page. I got the cam!! I was very excited and did not want to lose it but needed to know if this worked everytime. So far this evening I still get the cam even though there is no picture, the cam comes right up. Do not know if it will work tomorrow but wanted to pass along some hope.

Lolly said...

Going to be leaving soon. Dinner tonight at an Italian restaurant with a lot of my friends from church. Going to have installation of officers for this nest year. I have said yes to being secretary. Oh, I really dislike that job. I am so poor at taking notes. Oh, well.....!

hedgie said...

BEagle.....NC has a hatch!!! They laid eggs in early Dec.

LOL, Lisa posted today that the BWE HP would soon lead to an egg----she had no idea HOW soon!!!!

So wish I could see NC.... :(

Judie, good that you have 4 days now to recuperate. It has been a big week for you!
Right you are about the brain. The voice of reality here says to be cautiously optimistic. It is, sadly, unrealistic that she will ever fully recover. Only time and the grace of God will tell.

Lynne2 said...

Look at the time, and look at our cam!

Lynne2 said...

have we a light or just moonlight and snow reflection making it look so bright at this time?

magpie said...

Thanks Suzan...
this ol' bag of bones computer has its limitations but I have been able to see that nest sometimes....will keep working on refining

disapearing for awhile things piled up while I was nest-watching

Hope everyone has a good evening
that cats and dogs and PEOPLE are
Bet Lisa at Blackwater is getting piles of pictures

magpie said...

We gain 38 mins of daylight in January, most of it the evenings...

ttfn xo

paula eagleholic said...


It did not look like that last night!

NCSuzan said...

OK, just tried it again and it didn't work. There is so little information on the site about the eagles it is a little disappointing but the baby is so cute.

Lynne2 said...

dare we hope....NIGHT LIGHT???

Mema Jo said...

Still or Live, Lynne

Lynne2 said...


Now, my weather map is showing clouds over S'town, and the moon is only half full.....

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, what an honor to have been asked to help write the structure for that bill. Know you will do the best that can be done.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe except the moon is very bright

wvgal_dana said...

Judie you need to rest that foot some...been on it too much!!!!

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn will be praying for you all due to short time line.

Great for BWE yes Lisa will be happy.

I tried Norfolk earlier and didn't have a cam. Does it have a cam now???

Eggs/hatchings/eaglets we are on the start of going cam crazy lol

hedgie said...

Glo, sorry you are going to cut your trip short. :(

Suzan, I tried the home thing and it still just gives me the stupid Q now with the never ending connecting blue line running underneath.

hedgie said...

Gotta get some chow.......hungry!!!

Lynne2 said...

I guess it is just the moon light and the snow. Wouldn't look so clear if there was no snow to contrast the dark. Oh well....

paula eagleholic said...

At 8pm last night, our cam was completely black! I checked it just to see.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - on the live feed I just can't be sure - very well could be a light.

The still cam - i don't know.

Let's see how long it is like that!

Lynne2 said...

it almost seems brighter now! Which could mean the clouds moved away....

Mema Jo said...

Wow Hedgie .... It is great that the Sen. wants 1st hand information and input - You will be a good source along with the others! I'd say it was a privilege - proud of you.

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats, Lynn, I know you will give me some good input.

Mema Jo said...

Our live feed - nothing is moving....
but it is light. The same as our still cam being light - but if the snow weren't there it would be all dark

Mema Jo said...

The TV shows I usually watch are still reruns...........
Next week they start new........

Mema Jo said...

I guess I could organize all my tax papers.. Joy!

Lolly said...

Leaving now. Is our cam live? Do we have a night light? Oh, what a mystery? Be back in a couple of hours.

Mema Jo said...

From FB: Friends of Blackwater NWR

We have the first egg of our 2011 Blackwater Eagle Cam season!! The eagle parents caught us off guard, as this is the earliest we've had an egg on the cam since it went online. We would expect to see another egg in 2-3 days.

paula eagleholic said...

I can see movement on the live feed...

paula eagleholic said...


Our eagle pair was seen mating on the Osprey Cam platform Thursday. And this obviously wasn't the first time, since we now have an egg on the Eagle Cam!

hedgie said...

Lisa posted egg alert news with a pic---but it wasn't Margy's pic. Guess others saw it, too.

glo said...

I think we have a night light :-)

Mema Jo said...

lol Lisa's comment is: I saw mom on the nest, but I thought it was way too early. But there it is!

magpie said...

Great updates re: Blackwater and Lisa has posted an awesome picture on the BWE wite

Hoping to hear from I hope-Habby- Loretta after her outing to the dentist with Fubby

and Ditto! Lynn...You are the go-to person on your project...

BEagle said...

It looks like the night vision has improved on the nctc cam.

magpie said...

sent you an email....
was wondering about some homeopathic or holistic/natural methods for helping Dex out with fleas and his itching....
Hope there is more comfort today and everyday henceforth

(( hugs ♥ )) to you both

Mema Jo said...

BEagle we don't know if it is a nite light or the Moon!

BEagle said...

I will take your word for it but we had moonlight a while back and it wasn't as visible as now.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Paula for the dates and YEARS of the first egg in our nest.
"Somewhere in Time"...I lost a year...I am pretty sure, now, that that happens with age. I hope that I begin to remember the happy things and FORGET the sad things:)

magpie said...

headed back to bed for a little snoozing before work

wonder why the live feed "clicks" so often ??
I know Megan hears the same thing not sure about anyone else

Hope everyone has a warm, copmfortable and enjoyable evening


Costume Lady said...

I just looked out my window and it is very dark and no moonlight here in Nestville. Nite light may be solar powered but not very bright because we haven't had much sun? Could the frigid temps have anything to do with it's not working properly? What, What, What?...someone, please tell us!

Thought I saw ISS...Margy??

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I didn't keep papers on each Eagle and Osprey Nest; ie laying of egg/s, hatching, and fledging last year. I know I did that all other years but with Ed being so sick I did not last yr. Sorry I depend on looking at Judie's list:

2010 Eaglet Information Table by JudyB

Costume Lady said...

Margy, maybe you and Megan have Tinnitus;)

wvgal_dana said...

Well need to bundle up and head outside to put the trash out.

Then I'm curling up in front of tv.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Dana, I knew in years past you were on top of all those different dates. Certainly understandable that you didn't keep up last year♥

magpie said...

ISS would have been pretty early tonight...around 5:20 pm
I forgot all about it!

C5 just flew over though, now that is a bright object!

I have moon and Jupiter here...
pretty high in the sky
Moon pretty much straight up !

Costume Lady said...

JO...reruns tonight? Oh no, Mr. Bill.

Lynn, we all know you will give good guidance and suggestions to Mr. Unger. Way to go, Girl!

Costume Lady said...

I'm sure you are right, Margy. C-5 was taking it's usual path right across our house. ISS has never flown in that direction.

magpie said...

funny thing Wanda...I do not hear that clicking sound every time I bring up live feed, but when I have it, it continues the whole time I have the site up....
it is like when the chat comments used to go up on NBG, Megan thought the same about it also

ok outta here
have a date with a pillow! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


BEagle said...

I think you made a good point about the night vision...CLady.

If it's solar powered then it probably wouldn't be as bright right now. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Memories 2006-2007

Thanks Glo!

Lynne2 said...

I have gimped my way to the computer....PAIN OH THE PAIN!! Coming down stairs, at bottom of stairs, tennis ball. Didn't see it, stepped right on it. I struggled not to fall, but given the back, hip and knee wrenching I got, it might have been easier. Please pass the Percocet and ice cream.

I will now go take a hot shower and then lay on my cold pack for a while. Thank GOD I haven't broken anything!

If I don't get back, good night and prayers for all! And congrats on your very important duty, Lynn! I agree...they sure picked the right person for the job!

Lynne2 said...

I see a shadow of a branch across the nest now...I guess it really IS just the moonlight....

Lynne2 said...

yep, the shadows of the pine trees below nest are shifted now too. Oh was nice to dream!

glo said...

Thanks MeMa Jo for posting that link. Those memories become more cherished each and every year. I loved watching it again myself.

BEagle said...


I love that video MemaJo. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

BEagle said...

Lynne2....I am very glad you are OK.

Hedgie. Looks like you will be busy "billing!" What an honor.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, now that I am home, and have a better pic of the nest...I can hear a clicking I wonder if the cam is stuck.

Mema Jo said...

CCB Eagle Nest Blog - Botanical Gardens
Pics for this year

Judie said...

Started to try to catch up. Excited about the eaglet and a second egg. Also very, very excited about the HP between Belle and Lib.

Will try to finish tomorrow. Am really worn out tonight.

Turning my light off. Night light is on for others. Pleasant dreams.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Judie:)

paula eagleholic said...

I see Margy mentioned the clicking, and Megan has heard it too. This is the first time I have noticed it.

Costume Lady said...

You could very well be right, Paula. Cam has never stay lit this late before...tried to see if anything was blowing there, but noting is blowing here in Nestville, either.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't hear anything, either.

Nite Judie, sleep well.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Thanks for the link to the video, Jo.

Susan has a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. She had a fever today.

I came home so sleepy today that I was not sure I was going to make it, then had to go pick up Hunter. I am about to go to bed.

Collected many research papers, and one of the girls asked me if I would have them graded by tomorrow.

Heading upstairs. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I see that something happened to Lynne. Hope you are okay.

Lynne2 said...

I'm BAAAAACK. I'm fine, but sore. And clearly I'm not graceful! It's all Daisy's fault. She brought me the ball to throw, which I did, towards that general area. Then she decided not to go after it. I forgot all about it.

Shirley, so sorry to hear Susan has a fever now. Not good. Prayers for her. Hugs for you. Sucks having a sick child so far from home.

hedgie said...

Oh, please, gang----it's not just me working on this project!! Many of us are. But will be spending time over the next few days doing some research to see what others states have on their books!

Lynne, SO sorry yoou had to do a balancing act----but glad you stayed on your feet!!! No more Momster falls allowed!

Shirley, glad Suzi is getting to the doctor tomorrow----not good that she's got a fever...:(

Very strange about the cam.....still is the same kind of shading....really do not think it is a light. Think it must have frozen around 5:15 or so.

NatureNut said...

Hi to all. Been trying to catch up on posts. Still haven't read most of this evenings yet, but how EGGciting for BW. Thx, Margy, for the alert & pic. Sent it on to Mnt. Leader at Park--we were talking about BW Tuesday.I updated Quicktime,too & finally installed IE8 the other night. It was dark, but I did get a dark square on the NC site, but never again---just the dotted line under the Q~~Frustrating--will try hitting Home there next.
Lynne2, LUV your terrible towel. I have one ,too! If I get to see their game, it will be hung under the TV!!!!!
I missed the whole day---but dentist is Blessed!He reattached tooth with new pin & cement.That tooth had had a root canal.Only pain was when drilling hole for pin & he took old pin out that had broken off, too.He doesn't know how long it will last & I got the crown in April, so there was NO CHARGE!!!!!!Back home, ate a big lunch, had Giant Panda nap til 7:30PM & now is throbbing!I didn't expect that, since thought tooth was dead. Nibbled some mashed potatoes so I could take a leftover pain (habby) pill!(bother your stomach if it's MT)Feel FINE now!

Lolly said...

So, you think the cam is stuck and it is not the night light? Oh, dern, I want it to be a night light!!

I am home and had a great time with friends tonight. It was a great turnout for such a cold night and we had fun...always do!

Lolly said...

Lynne, Lynne, Lynne! No falls are allowed! No almost falls are allowed!

NatureNut said...

Have read some more---I hear sa few clicks on Live cam. It's as if Still is taking indiviual pics every 10 secs or so. Whatever. Can see snow & twigs in nest.Maybe there is a low night light.

Lynne2., Stop that, no more falls allowed, you poor thing. Sure hope you feel better soon. Guess warm soaking & Tylenol might help.

Lolly said...

Loweeda, how are you? How was your trip to the d......t?

hedgie said...

Loretta, glad the fix was easy------sorry there is pain...:(
You better keep your terrible towel to wipe your tears!!!

Lolly said...

Ok, see where you had already told us about your day. So sorry it is throbbing now.

PA Nana said...

Good evening. It's been a while and I can't help wondering why the cam is so illuminated.

Live cam was up most of the day and after supper it should have been dark, but it wasn't. Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't look like infared it's more like a flood light. Surely, that can't be?????

My avatar is back to my favorite team for this weekend's match. Lynne needed support and hope she doesn't have to use that terrible towel for any bump or bruise. Be careful girl; the team needs you!

So much has happended since I've been on that I'll never catch up, but did notice that Judie is "walking" and back to school. Way to go! Thanks to Darth for being your support.

Off to check email, etc. If not back later have a good restful night.

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann!

I am tired. Mai is asleep. Funny incident a little while ago. She had been out, but I really didn't pay attention so didn't know what she did. Put her in crate while I took my bath---had fed her last meal of the day. Let her out again after my bath. THOUGHT she did her poopie. We had been playing, and I came to kitchen for tea. Heard her barking. Looked and she was laying in front of sunroom door and kept on barking. I walked out there (no light) and found her "guarding" something. Yep---a pile of poop! Hard to keep from laughing when I scolded her. Guess she was proud of doing it at the door??? Or she was blaming IT instead of herself for being bad???

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - that is a funny!

magpie said...

Glad you got a late-night chuckle Lynn...
sweet Mai...

Hi Diann, and more evening Eagle folks...

glad to hear Loretta seems to be okay for now, was better earlier, and might be super Friday

I went ahead and sent a picture to Steve via email of this afternoon's H-P, not sure if anyone else had yet or not.
Hope I don't get charged with internet porn ☺

Lynne - sorry to hear of the trip and fall, hope you will be okay

Just a reminder, Tomorrow,
Red Friday

getting dressed just that way now for my midnight shift...

so Good Night...Sleep Sweetly, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Saying my goodnights now. Time for news and then tucking myself into my fleece-y bed!
See you in the morning.....wouldn't it be nice if WE get an egg tomorrow??!!
Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get ready for the pillows. Sometimes the days of doing nothing are more tiring then when you are busy. Stay warm everyone.
Check out those cams in the morning's light!

Good Night and pleasant dreams
Healing prayers for all
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

**** Margy - I had sent him the first HP I took and it was right before this new thread. I was hoping he would use it. Maybe you'll have better luck.

PA Nana said...

Have a good night Margie!

Lynn, that's funny. Poor Mai. She tried to tell you.

When will these stinkbugs die?! We find one or more every day. I'd think with all the cold drafts in this old house, they'd be looking for a warmer abode.

Wish I could say hurry up spring, but after spring comes the hot summer and I dislike that even more.

Jim is going to VA for Max's b-day party and then ocean fishing with Mike. SIL & Mike will drive up tomorrow to pick Jim up and take him down to Chesapeake. I'll watch the party on Skype while I watch the game on Saturday. Go Steelers!

Must catch the weather and late news then some zzzzzzzss.

God bless!

movin said...

Here tonight to say,
Good Night.

But I noticed on the way to the blog that the BWE female is spending the night on the nest already.

Also, both of our cams look visible and non-glaring in the night now. They look to me like it was normal light at dusk. Very effective; now let's hope the Spideys keep out of the way.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Jim, BW is in the nest because there is an egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Have been talking on the phone with Jane, Jack's sister in Atlanta. They are just so tired of their snow and ice.

Lolly said...

Nite Paula, hugs right back atcha!

movin said...

tHANKS, Lolly. After your comment, I looked back in the blog and found that the egg was seen on the nest before dark.

I was trying to remember if the BWE pair spends a trial night on the nest (like Belle usually does), but I don't recall that they do.

The incubation season is officially under way at BWE.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

It surprised us all, Jim. The egg arrived a week earlier than eggs in previous years.

Are you watching NC? They have an eaglet hatched and the second egg has a crack.

NatureNut said...

It's late---did a lot of emails---like to my uncle--I had sent his Xmas card to his daughter's in MA where I thought he would be on Dec.8. It just came back!!!!!He's back at his place in VT and they wouldn't fwd. it!!!DUH!
Anyway, I'm still up, but most are hitting the hay, so
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Night Loweeda!

I am right behind you!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Nite Lowredda and Lolly...


Lynne2 said...

wee hours wandering...uh, should I say GIMPING. OOOWWWWWWWWW!

Much darker at the nest now. Guess that confirms the moon theory. I haven't heard any "clicking" sounds like others have.

Tylenol and back to bed. Took some Aleve earlier.

Lolly, my step sister in law is going crazy with the weather (she's near Atlanta) too.

LOL Lynn! I guess Mai is still a bit you to have full control...funny she was barking about it. Guess she figured she better tell you before you found it on your own!

Glad tooth is fixed Lorretta! Hope it's not painful for too long.

Dian, the Stinkbugs are NEVER going away, it seems. Still getting about 10 a day here.

Going back to bed. See y'all in the daylight hours!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, hope everyone has a good day. Snow flurries in some places. Very cold and clear here.

floralgirl said...

Both eagles in nest. Flew in a few minutes ago

floralgirl said...

One flew out 2 minutes ago and there goes the other.

floralgirl said...

Both back. Moving sticks around, think they brought a new one in.

wvgal_dana said...

One back

floralgirl said...

One back with another stick- both in nest

wvgal_dana said...

bolth moving same stick

wvgal_dana said...

Looked like Belle left

wvgal_dana said...

Flew back in

wvgal_dana said...

One flew out

Maybe Megan is putting her pics in album.

Other one flew out empty nest

Costume Lady said...

This visit was comical. Belle was pecking poor Lib, every time he moved. Then he got a long stick and tried to place on one end of the nest, then Belle took it and placed it on the other end. After that, another stick was the center of attention...Belle was dragging it to the side of the nest and Lib got the other end and dragged it to the other side.... back and forth they went. Don't know where it ended up:) They were working furiously for awhile as though they were trying to get done in a hurry. No HP.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

stronghunter said...

Missed the visit. Am now watching students work on their exams. My good class, so all is well.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I can't keep the cam running but I am doing a backup of my computer so that may have something to do with it.

magpie said...

Both birds our nest

Lynne2 said...

both in nest, one with a meal!

Lolly said...

I am watching 2 eagles!

Lynne2 said...

one poof, one eating still there. I think this is the first food brought to nest this season.

Lolly said...

Make that one!

Good morning!

Lynne2 said...

second one back nestorating vigorously, now starting at eating one, wondering why it's doing all the work!

Lynne2 said...

poofed again

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Good morning lib and Belle. Grocery shopping this morning. Enjoy your day.

Lynne2 said...

breakfast is a squirrel

glo said...

Looks like someone is eating something at the nest :-)

Lolly said...

So, you think it was the moonlight and not a night light lighting up the nest?

I want to think it was a nightlight.

Lolly said...

Look at those beautiful feathers!

Lolly said...

Two again!

hedgie said...

Good morning, my fine, fowl friends.
SO glad to see that all is well with the cam....moon must have been right over top of it!!!
See that we have a nest visit in the works now. BOTH!

Lynne2 said...

yeah, I think so Lolly. I don't think the cam was stuck either because there were shadows of branches that moved across the nest as well. And it was pretty dark in my wee hours look...if it had been a light, it would have been as bright as it was earlier on in the evening.


Lynne2 said...

oooo WAX for me again!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...