Wednesday, February 25, 2009


New thread. Will it warm up?


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floralgirl said...

OH yes it will:)-for a while anyway... The sun is shining....
Thanks for the new thread. All is quiet in the nest this morning.

Mits said...

that is the way I like it quiet:)

floralgirl said...

Yep, with the sun shining on the eagle's back...

Mits said...

wonder what is going on up in Maine?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Wow, just took a good look at Maine nest...don't know how I missed the eagles favorite branch in the back missing :(

floralgirl said...

Yeah, they had such a wet heavy snow, over 2' in some places in new england. Think they are hoping the branch is just weighed down with snow and not snapped.

Mits said...

I used to have white pines in my backyard, but winter and summer storms did them in, love hearing the wind blow thru the branches:)

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, just went to the forum...thanks, Megan.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll

paula eagleholic said...

K26 checking out the bowl again this morning at PH

wvgal_dana said...



paula eagleholic said...

Big black trash bag still in OK nest

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning again Eagleland from other thread to this new one.

hedgie said...

Morning, momsters and dadsters!
Okay...just talked to computer guy at daughter's bank...he's coming Sat. He said it's just a small configuration problem between router and computers, that I can't fix, but that he can. Think that means that I'm a dummy???? LOL...yeppers!!

hedgie said...

Anyone else a noise in Maine that sounds like an earth tamping machine??
Finney much less icy and snowy, but MT nest!

hedgie said...

Oops...that should read...HEAR an earth-tamping machine?

floralgirl said...

Small configuration issue huh? So you don't need a wireless adapter?

wvgal_dana said...

Hay Red....I'm just like a woman. Now I got QuickTime fixed with your help. I get to see Luney in the video's. NOW I want to know why they don't have sound to go along with the great video's. lol

Mits said...

trash bag at OK, funny....maybe for when the tornadoes come:)

Mits said...

Lynn, they are working on storm damage at Maine

Mits said...

nice calm day at NBG

deb said...

There it went right over the top of the eagle!

Mits said...

the crows are not happy in Maine.

Mits said...

the black bag, Deb???

magpie said...

Good Late Morning Eagle People.
Between cam-hopping I missed that big piece of lumber getting moved in our nest.
Finally have Colorado nest running, and the "Old Maine" nest, hearing all those crows.

magpie said...

Haven't seen Norma yet, guess this is Study Group Day,with it being Ash Wednesday, should be a busy one... but that you can still view the Bucket Truck at the BWO site page! ☺

magpie said...

Wow, black bag disappeared at OK !I missed that too !

paula eagleholic said...

Trash bag in OK nest is gone!

wvgal_dana said...

It is so so good to be back on and see cams. That Sinus cold kick butt.

wvgal_dana said...

Red Tail Port. in

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry gone

magpie said...

Two eggs alone at the Hummingbird nest

magpie said...

Two eagles at Oklahoma

wvgal_dana said...

Paula anything happening at Ph or WE?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning my eagle buddies!

magpie said...

sorry, now only one but saw those three big eggs....

magpie said...

egg roll and nestorations at Colo

Red said...

BRS is rolling again. Missed him leaving.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - No eggs at either PH or WE nest yet...

PH should be very soon!!

magpie said...

Hi Sharon
How are things going?

wvgal_dana said...

NORMA donkey's are out in back picture is hazy maybe wet there. I know afternoon is study...but this isn't afternoon yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are sucking right along Margy! :)

hedgie said...

No, Megan, PC still needs the adaptor, which I'll get tomorrow after lunch.
Hey, Shurnlea, how are you feeling?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Home health will be here later today.

By the way, Sissy was up all night with a stomach virus. She is feeling quite putrid today!

magpie said...

Megan and Mits
I was out this morning at 1 o'clock, and knew exactly where the comet should have been, found Saturn and Regulus, was supposed to be between the two of them, but with binoculars, and too much neighborhood light, it was a No View for me....well, maybe I saw something a little fuzzy, but can only guess it might have been the comet. :(

magpie said...

Good Show, Sharon
I read your updates from yesterday, sounds like healing is happenin' ! ☺

hedgie said...

Guess I should have called you Hoover, huh, Sharon? LOL!

magpie said...

Oooh, sorry to hear about Sissy. Bummer.

Dana hope you will knock your ailments out soon !

Mits said...

I bet it was the comet, Margy:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love my new name of Hoover. Pretty good!

Yeah, I believe the healing is coming right along.

Mits said...

poor Sissy:(

magpie said...

Hedgie: I have a wireless router and an adaptor which went bad over a year ago! So I have the yellow USB cord running between the router and the PC. Must get that fixed, "one of these days." :(

deb said...

I am so glad you are finally healing, Hoover! I hope Sissy feels better soon and you don't get it!

Kay/Jay is in the nest in Tulsa, not sure which one.

magpie said...

Looks windy in Oklahoma, like the way the birds tail feathers are blowing in the breeze, guess that's how the trash bag flew up and over!

Be back later, much to do. Got to check Kay/Jay first though ☺
xo Good Day Wishes to Everyone here.

magpie said...

That's awesome Deb !

magpie said...

Eagle at BWO !

magpie said...

Have a good day at the zoo today, Mits....don't stay out too late!
See you Thursday ☺

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I met her out here with Anzemet and Phenergan for her nausea. Hopefully one of them will help her. I did not get a hug though. She can keep that mess to herself.

magpie said...

Activity at OUR nest...egg roll

magpie said...

Still is ahead of the live again...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking yesterday - we have egg rolls and fortune cookies. You know there are 3 wonderful fortunes inside those eggshells!

deb said...

Since the forecast for tomorrow is supposed to be icky, I am out of here to enjoy the nice day. K/J left, both hawks in Portland.

deb said...

The window hawk just flew out.

deb said...

Very good thought, Sharon!

magpie said...

Deb !!

See you put some new photos up from yesterday...Wonderful views !

floralgirl said...

Yikes, poor Sissy...hope she feels better soon. Glad you are feeling better, Sharon:)
Just took a coffee cake out of the oven- now to keep from eating it before tomorrow....

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Hoover...sorry Sissy is ailing, but you must not catch it!! That's the last thing you need.
Get well soon, Bev!

Mits said...

got to get my ashes first, Margy:), this will be a long meeting tonight, I think:), will only be on cam from 4 til 6:15p.m., so I can walk up the hill to the meeting.

floralgirl said...

Fly in our nest!

magpie said...

Two eagles our nest

floralgirl said...

Eagle on eggs flew out-

Mits said...

PH sure looks ready to drop something, right Paula?

Mits said...

turning eggs.

Red said...

BRS just entered Indiana. Saw a sign that read "Thank you for visiting Ohio".

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew into Hornby nest.

floralgirl said...

Egg roll again.

paula eagleholic said...

PH - boy she sure did. K10 arrived and they are bringing more sticks! I think they need more fluff!

Egg roll our nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Up again our nest

Red said...

BRS is stopping at a rest area.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula said up again our nest...I looked at monitor. Drew head back like "hay with all these cams up what happened to our nest"???? AHHH FOUND IT !!

SISSY sure hope you feel better soon. Probably all that stress brought your system down and you caught it. STAY WELL FRIEND!!


Mema Jo said...

Finally home for a quick lunch & then off to the eye Dr.
At least tomorrow when I go out of the house it is for a pleasurable day!

Coffee Cake for tomorrow, Megan

wvgal_dana said...

They just moved in close on the RTH in Portland

wvgal_dana said...

She/he just flew into nest

wvgal_dana said...

Sure hope the 1st nest we started watching in Maine holds up. With all that snow and ice that has been hitting it.

wvgal_dana said...

Tee hee funny how she wiggled now into the greenery. lol

paula eagleholic said...

LOL I hear ya on that one, Dana.

2 Eewwiies at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, man, missing the coffee cake!

paula eagleholic said...

Eewwies at BWO are munching

Egg roll BWE

Costume Lady said...

I would imagine BRS is happy to be out of the state of Ohio. Speed limit for trucks (and RVs) is 55mph. Oh so agonizing when all other states are at least 65mph!

Going to dentist and GeeGee's. BBthis evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Eggs being rolled at our nest.

magpie said...

OUR bird on the move in nest, and three eggs visible at Colorado

floralgirl said...

Looks like it is snowing at the Hornby cam.

magpie said...

Was and were....

hedgie said...

Heading out to run some errands. BBL!

magpie said...

OUR nest and Colo that is.

magpie said...

Let me slide this one in:

Friday night, Feb 27 - Venus and the newborn moon should be very close, Southwest, soon as its dark enough to look...will try to post this again. Hope the skies are clear for it ☺

magpie said...

See ya' Hedgie ☺

I'm headed out for the great metropolis of Berkeley Springs for a grandson visit, see you all after dark and then some.
Good Afternoon to everyone (but still morning for the West Coasters)
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

See that snow, Megan, and two eagles to go with it ☺

magpie said...

Better them, than us!

Mits said...

HI forcast.....

Your Forecast for Hornby Island, Canada
Hi: 34 °FLo: 21 °F50% Chance of Frozen Mix, Cold
Hi: 34 °FLo: 21 °FPartly Cloudy, Cool

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone in Eagleland!!
Everyone is eggsitting. Guess Blackwater should be the first to hatch.
Saw on CBS news last evening about the demolition of the nest at airport 10 miles from Baltimore. Stated that the eagles were being "relocated"!!!! DUH!

Mits said...

yeah, how they going to catch them to relocate them...what a crock of info CBS put out. scanned the "washington joke" this a.m., didn't see anything more about it

Mits said...

afternoon visit by deer at snowman cam

Cierra said...

I love eaglecam!

Cierra said...

does anyone know how to get a picture

Cierra said...

how do u get a video

wvgal_dana said...

Not sure think cam 2 DC is Tai eating bamboo

deb said...

Welcome, Cierra. You click on "Live Video" on the on the Eagle Cam page.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Maine 1

paula eagleholic said...

It took off as I posted....but you can still hear them

I think that Y branch is broken...should have sprung back by now...snow pretty much gone from everywhere but the nest itself

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from the eye Dr
Retina looks well - I'll go back in 4 wks just to check it out. Looks as though treatment did the trick!

Need to check out emails & read a couple dozen comments. Hope I find that all is well!

Vision is a little blurry - won't be here too long.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, the home health nurse just left. She said from the looks of my Hoover, I probably will be healed within the next 2 weeks. She said she was amazed at the progress! YEAH!!

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo,

Very glad to hear your eye has recovered...just in time for the Spring nestcams. C(°ٿ°)D

Hi, Paula. Hi, Deb. Hi, Mits. Hi, Dana. Hi, Megan. Hi, Paula. Hi, Magpie. Hi, Sharon. Hi, NNut....

Yes, I probably am.... But you've known that for some time.


deb said...

That is great news, Hoover!

26 at PH.

movin said...

K26 is on her nest, lining the nest cup and fussing with the underlying materials...set down in the cup, and a huge gust of wind raised her tail feathers and almost flipped her over!



wvgal_dana said...

K26 PH sizing up nest cup and K10 flys in.

movin said...

K10 has joined her to help fix the nest ... in the high wind gusts.



floralgirl said...

OK, Hoover is working like magic... and Jim is Hi.. that's what I'm reading in these comments....
I think the branch is broken at Maine also, it hasn't budged.

wvgal_dana said...

lol JIM I thought she put in butt up in the air because K10 was coming in lol


Mema Jo and Sharon that sounds GOOD for both of you.

wvgal_dana said...

Kissy Kissy

movin said...

Well, I'd better do a little around here.

Talk to you later.



wvgal_dana said...

Still a lot of snow in that Maine nest and it's cold there. Branch could be broken or stuff on limb is frozen into the snow and ice holding it down. Time will tell for sure.

deb said...

I am watching K26, she may be laying an egg, she is sitting different, with here wings down.

Both eagles our nest.

deb said...

I am going to see what IWS forum says.

deb said...

They are on egg alert at IWS and are hoping this is it for PH nest.

deb said...

A little more action today at the Redoubt Volcano in Alaska:
Redoubt Volcano has not erupted. Volcanic tremor and occasional discrete earthquakes are continuing. A flurry of small earthquakes began just before 10 a.m.

The web cameras show clear views of the volcano. Between the 9:08 and 10:03 a.m. views of the volcano it appears that a small flowage event occurred, originating from a melt hole in the Drift Glacier at about 5,600 ft. above sea level. This event was probably recorded by several seismic stations beginning at about 9:29 a.m.

T-Bird said...

How has eagle world been today.

deb said...

Well, K26 is toying with us, I think! She got up, dug around in the egg cup a bit, turned around and a HUGE wiggle down into the nest. I don't think she would wiggle like that on an egg.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening T-bird. Blog has been slow this evening, not many on. Eagles have had uneventful lives this afternoon too! :)

Going to Sissy's to eat supper. BBIALW!

deb said...

Hi, Thelma, I am watching K26 at Pelican Harbor and watching the volcano in Alaska, they still think it will erupt, but no idea when.

T-Bird said...

Hi Eagle-Eye and Deb

wvgal_dana said...


Check your mail when you get a chance. It shows the Airport and the proximity of old tree Eagles were using. You will know WHY THEY DIDN'T WANT THE EGG IN THE OLD TREE

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Tbird!!

T-Bird said...

hello paula-how are you today?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Thelma and it a nice warm day at your place Thelma?

Deb can you put the link for the volcano please?

paula eagleholic said...

One legged eagle at BWO ;)

paula eagleholic said...

I'm good, Tbird

T-Bird said...

Hello Dana-yes it feels springy here in Bedford, how about in your neck of the woods?

deb said...

Redoubt Volcano

This is the information page, there are two webcams, also. If you look towards the top of the page, it will say webcams in blue.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So, what time should my jealousy start tomorrow??

deb said...

Ha, Sharon, mine has started already!!

T-Bird said...

You know about those "shoulds" Eagle-Eye. : )

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, yeah, T-Bird, forgot you were on here! :)

T-Bird said...

Well gang I'm signing off for now. I hope you all make a great evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like an egg at PH...but no one's been able to see it yet! Too much glare!!

Catch ya later

deb said...

So I guess she would wiggle that hard on an egg. I have been wondering if I was wrong about that statement as she sure seems to be incubating.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Thelma was working on dinner. It was a nice day I even got to walk out on the porch.

deb said...

I wonder how Red's class went and what he learned??

deb said...

Deer on Snowman cam, RTHA in Portland.

deb said...

Egg roll at PH.

deb said...

Red-tail brought in a good sized pine bough.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I think she did lay one. Cause it did later look like she rolled it.

Thanks for the link Deb.

deb said...

A lady that blogs on the Maine Forum is going to look for the Great-horned Owl in CSUB.

wvgal_dana said...

It is probably going to be morning before anyone can tell if there is an egg. With all the whitish area.

deb said...

one person at IWS is sure she saw the egg, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Decorah Iowa just left the nest. So she isn't ready to lay yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I'm SURE there is an egg Deb.

wvgal_dana said...

Egg roll our nest

Costume Lady said...

Have any of you ever seen a photo of a White Moose? Daughter sent photo and I put it on Wild and Wonderful. Don't know it it for real or not, but sure is a beautiful animal.

deb said...

Very pretty, Wanda, I googled it and there are White Moose. They are not Albino, just very light colored.

Lolly said...

Hi All! I am home. I got home around two or so and I have been sitting and sleeping ever since. I am plumb worn out! If I would just take care of the boys, however I try to do things for Laurel. Yesterday, Jack came up and we worked in the yard all day. Also, I tried to keep the house in ship shape condition and laundry caught up. Laurel gets home tomorrow, so I hope Joey and the boys do not destroy it between now and then. Not much hope though. After taking Joseph to the orthodontist this morning I went to his awards program. He made the honor roll and got a STAR award for citizenship/behavior. Thats MY BOY!!!

Lolly said...

Yeah, I am jealous too. Deb, Sharon, we will just have to console each other tomorrow.

JO....good report on your eyes!

SHARON......good report on your healing.

deb said...

I am glad you are home, Lolly. It sounds like you kept busy all week!

Lolly said...

Time to fix a bite to eat. I plan on sitting in this chair with my feet up and computer on my lap.


Lolly said...

Oh, yeah, you could say I was busy. Never sat down until late. And, they have a two story house so I was running up those stairs a million times a day!

Yesterday we raked leaves and cleaned flower beds. We were both ready to drop.

deb said...

I put up a short video of PH's egg on Nest Pictures. You see just a hint of an egg at the first of the clip as K26 is turning it.

hedgie said...

Stopping in for a quick visit.
Sissy must have gotten over her bug really quickly, thank goodness!!! And Sharon got brave to go for dinner...LOL....did she take the Lysol spray???
Neat white moose pic, Wanda!! Very pretty.
Good report, Jo!! Keep it up.
Eeewwwie drops human eyeball on CSI: NY tonight!!!

Mema Jo said...

9:00 is Criminal Minds, Hedgie!

Then I'll pack it up for tomorrow.
See you at the Orange lot around 10.
Bring the tea bags!!!

Your robin was spotted a short distance away in Hedgesville by GGKids!


Mema Jo said...

Love the White Moosies Wanda
Check out your email & let me know about
Jury Duty! Thanks!

See you in the Orange lot around 10:00
I'm bringing my tea cup and my coffee cup AND I HOPE THAT MEGAN'S COFFEE CAKE IS COMING TO THE EAGLE EXPRESS !

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I posted a couple of videos to youtube of the egg laying and first glimpse of the egg at PH...

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

So Jo, you are bringing the Mema Express

Hey - I cannot get Lake Washington can I give you an Eagle Alert...???

Hi everyone, going to check out Paula's Youtubes and Deb's PH pix
and see if Loretta has new things up!

BBL xo

magpie said...

Golly Neds: Jury Duty ! That would have been a miscarriage of justice for the Lunch Bunch !

magpie said...

Everyone else must be checking Deb's site, says My Request took too long ! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a link to one of 'em

K26 laying the first egg

paula eagleholic said...

K10 came by the PH nest...he knows now...

magpie said...

That's great, Paula

Will try Deb's again...

magpie said...

I think during all the backwards and forwards OUR bird changed positions.
Got into Deb's finally.
Nice work, ladies, and K26! ♥

magpie said...

Little tidbit of Childhood...
My grandson and his 3rd grade classmates were asked today in school, where of all places they would most like to be. His answer, and the only like it:

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Criminal Minds is not very good tonight. Strange storyline.

"Early to bed, early to rise.
Want to make sure we have rested,sharp eyes.
Lib and Belle await so we don't want to be late.
Friends to see, lunch to share, and hope for a chance to watch our sweet pair.
Missing those absent, but spirits around, we'll tell you all whatever is found!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Great poem! I really wish these eagle eyes was going to be there. I am eating my cucumber (have been eating these a lot lately for some reason). Going to find something to watch on TV and call it a day. Have fun tomorrow! Give each other hugs from me!!

deb said...

Very nice, Lynn! I will be absent in person, but there in spirit! I hope everyone has a wonderful time and that Belle and Lib put on a show for you all.

Mits said...

hello everyone....and goodnight:)

paula eagleholic said...

Hi and Bye, Mits.

Everyone Have fun tomorrow ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for posting the PH egg! Is Dr
Sharpe NOT going to be collecting eggs
for incubation this season??

hedgie said...

TY! Goodnight.
Sleep tight all. EVERYONE have a great day tomorrow. Peace and prayers.

magpie said...

Great Poem, Hedgie, you are a poet and we didn't know it !

Yes, all will be with us in spirit, though we surely wish all would be with us in Body !

We'll have our Eagle Eyes on...
xo Good Night to those heading to the Feather Pillows!

Costume Lady said...

I've been watching American Idol, and the contestents were't very good. One red-head was pretty good, and then the last singer, who was dressed in sorta Gothic garb, with black nail polish, was excellent. Winners (3) will be announced tomorrow night.
What did you think, Lynn? Paula?

paula eagleholic said...

I agree, Wanda.

Dr Sharpe is going to leave all the eggs in all the nests this year!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to surf thru the cams and then I'll call it a day.

magpie said...

Belle seems to be awake...

Mema Jo said...

Belle's blinking her eyes! She's excited for morning to come - she is anxious to see the Eagle Express again and all those lovely Momster/Dadster humans that stand along side the road looking up at her home!

deb said...

When I was out enjoying the weather before it changes, I came across a flock of robins and Cedar Waxwings. I put up two pictures on Deb's Pictures.

magpie said...

Nothing going on at Valmont, and Jo, let me know if you can get LW up....

paula eagleholic said...

Split Happens!

Red said...

Deb, my classes are on Tuesday and Thrusday. Yesterday we got into Paint Shop Pro and learned how to change colors on a photo. More tomorrow.

magpie said...

Go Split....
Paula, you have mail ☺

Red said...

And I got the wax again. lol

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED