Thursday, February 19, 2009


After the cold front thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon & thank you for the new thread
I just returned home and will go spread the word for all to come on over..

The wind is getting forceful......

Mits said...

thank you Jo and was lunch, Jo?

deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the heads up, Jo. I see Lolly found out where the OK nest is, I hope they go check it out.

I am off to get my magazine, how exciting. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Anxious for your return Deb
I am hoping that you will be satisfied with the publication!

Lunch was YUMMY! Chinese out on RT 26
Great Wall - Near Paula's work.
Had nice portioned lunch specials & a good price. Tea was so good!

I wish Sharon didn't need to travel tonight - by the time they release her it could be bedtime! That Sissy is just a true blue sister!

Mits said...

was trying to talk her into spending the night at motel, even Thelma's' is about an hour away I think....guess theses people don't realize how far away she lives.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Thank you Mema Jo for the call over.

Maybe Sharon can make it to Thelma's and stay there the night.

Lolly said...

Yes! I am so excited to hear back from OK. They even gave me directions. I think it will be a while yet before we can get away, but not long. Maybe in a few weeks. Want good weather and OK can have some bad weather. The nest is probably 4 or 5 hours north of us. I am so anxious to have a road trip.

Lolly said...

Got my hair trimmed. Now I am all spiffed up to clean house! Glory! Time to get with it so I can get outside for a little while.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting discharged right now. Will let you know when we get home!

floralgirl said...

BOTH our nest

floralgirl said...

Switch and an egg roll...

glo said...

Well glad to read Sharon is on her way home fairly early in the day. Has been very hectic here for me and now on my way to hospital to visit my neighbor who has received 7 units of blood in the last 2 days. argh!!!..yes htis is one of the neighbors I always go to see in am for coffee and dog treats.

Any more word on Gee Gee or Norma?

No time at all to nestwatch yet. I will go into withdrawal soon.

Mits said...

BRS update...

Where is BigRigSteve?

68 Viewers is all the Truckcam can handle at the same time.
I have been informed by BRT Viewers that this website was shown on MSNBC! As a result, we have maxed out the Truckcam all day!
Please keep trying or visit the rest of our trucking aventures!
Welcome, and thanks for checking us out!

Mema Jo said...

Safe journey home Sharon & I hope Tom and Mattie & Andrew have a late dinner waiting for the 2 Beautiful Bluefield Babes!

Took a panda rest - didn't actually nap -

NORMA is getting better - battling with the coughing! I did call her - she has her computer up and will try her best to come on and say HELLO Ho!

Mits said...

V.A.C.® Therapy is the controlled application of sub-atmospheric pressure to a wound using a therapy unit to intermittently or continuously convey negative pressure to a specialized wound dressing to help promote wound healing. The wound dressing is a resilient, open-cell foam surface dressing (such as GranuFoam® and V.A.C.® WhiteFoam) that assists tissue granulation and is sealed with an adhesive drape that contains the subatmospheric pressure at the wound site. Special T.R.A.C.® technology* enhances patient safety by regulating pressure at the wound site. Additionally, the V.A.C.® Therapy System helps direct drainage to a specially designed canister that reduces the risk of exposure to exudate fluids and infectious materials. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO PUT SHARON ON WHEN SHE GETS HOME, IT IS SUPPOSED TO HEAL WOUNDS FASTER:)

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like it will work...
Hope they give her capable help to make it work..

Mits said...

YEAH that is the hope:)

Mits said...

this weird, wonder how the accident happened.....
Crash breaks woman's record-length fingernails
She loses 28 feet worth when she's ejected from SUV in accident

Tom Smart / AP
Lee Redmond shows off her fingernails, which were about 30 inches long in August 2006. She suffered serious injuries in a traffic accident on Tuesday — and broke off those nails.

updated 9:53 p.m. ET Feb. 12, 2009
SALT LAKE CITY - A Salt Lake City woman who was in the Guinness Book of World Records for her long fingernails has had them broken off in a traffic accident.

Lee Redmond sustained serious but non-life threatening injuries in the Tuesday accident.

Redmond was the current Guinness record holder, with nails that hadn't been cut since 1979. Her nails measured a total of more than 28 feet long in 2008, with the longest nail on her right thumb at 2 feet, 11 inches, according to the Guinness Web site.

Salt Lake County Sheriff's Lt. Don Hutson says she was ejected from an SUV in the crash and taken to the hospital in serious condition, the Deseret News reported Thursday on its Web site.

Redmond has been featured on TV in episodes of "Guinness Book of World Records" and "Ripley's Believe It or Not."

Mema Jo said...

I haven't had a glimpse of the LW eagle couple for quite some time now!

Incidentally - I use just the one link for the Hancock Wildlife Hornby eagles
I can change views from this one link
It may be the one you all are using but
I did have 2 separate links - bookmark
this one and it gets you both views:

Hornby 1 & 2 views

Mema Jo said...

With those size nails - I guess she didn't let very much get near to her!!

That is gross!

I wonder what the length of her toe nails were? Would need to wear toeless
shoes! I guess Flip Flops! lol

Mema Jo said...

One of the hornsby eagles is on the wide view - didn't see him at first!

Mits said...

lol...for sure Jo, guess she could not click her seat belt.

Mema Jo said...

I can't imagine anything you could do with nails that length! Guess you could reach with ease across the table into the fruit bowl and pierce a grape! lol

Mits said...

roflmbo......Jo, probably a good back scratcher

Mema Jo said...

Mits sent me the Found Animals Link

Mother Cat & Kittens

Joden96 said...

I checked on the eagle-cam earlier this morning...... still nothing new.

Mits said...

thanks, Jo, they are too cute:)

Mema Jo said...

MT nest at Libby Dam MT
Still 1 egg in Ft St Vrain CO nest

Red Tail Hawk on his fire escape

Mema Jo said...

This is the one with the 'white spot' on the head. I think it was mentioned before. I have never seen both hawks
there at the same time.

magpie said...

I just saw a roll and a wiggle but did anyone see eggs? OUR Nest ?

Oh excuse me: HELLO !

I got a lot of blog reading to do...
might not ever make it back...☺

Mema Jo said...

Margy Sharon headed home with health care at home - Talked to Norma - she is getting much better - waiting to hear from Wanda

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jodene and welcome!
Tell me what you mean about "Nothing New"
We can probably update info for you or answer any questions.

Mits said...

FED EX was at Ceil's house with new computer from her son, she was not home:(

magpie said...

Thanks, Mema....I just did like Glo does and read THIS new thread backwards....both of those items you just mentioned are important to know, now! Thanks! ♥

Mema Jo said...

lol Yes, Margy We have learned that when coming onto the blog you must read from the "Bottom Up" to know what is going on!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Did they just leave it on the porch?

Mits said...

no, she has to sign for it, a neighbor said she would sign, but guy would not let her, hopefully it will come again tomorrow, she says FED EX usually delivers in her neighborhood around 6 to 7 at night, not today

Mits said...

no porch in the city...that thing would have been gone in 2 minutes

magpie said...

Norfolk parent is really eye-balling the sky!

Now she is UP

magpie said...

She (or he) looks very skittish, and I am getting seasick :(

magpie said...

Changing of the guard at Norfolk, Pop just left, Mom has arrived.
A short switchover.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Belle fits right into that egg well

NBG eagle nesting quietly now it seems

Mema Jo said...

Having trouble opening the OK cam

magpie said...

I figured I would miss something while reading the posts...that being, an egg roll our nest. Sigh.

Mits Thanks for the skywatch report for me....uh, afraid I might miss some of the action...kind of cold to be out, but I might at least see what's left of the Moon in the morning, and maybe Saturn...On Feb 22, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars will join a teeny tiny Crescent Moon in the Eastern Horizon before sunrise...☺

Mema Jo said...

Success! OK cams have opened
Don't know how long it will take
Lolly & Jack to get out there but sure
hope they take their walking sticks and fix that Cam2 position!!!! Now that is the PLAN!

magpie said...

Regarding earlier posts about the death of Preston Gooden, our former Berkeley County Sheriff, former State Police trooper, and was the current County Assessor in Berkeley County, a hard-working and conscientious individual. Call for his emergency came in just before I left work this morning.
Prayers for the family, his wife and several children and grandchildren from a previous marriage (he was a widower when he married the second time.)
Heaven is a busy place.

magpie said...

Computer needs a nap and so do I, see you all later on.
Prayers for a safe homebound journey for Sharon and Sissy...and I fear I am going to miss T-Bird, so Hello in Advance, Thelma.
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

3 eggs all alone at Caltran
THEN beautiful FLY IN
Rolling Eggs

magpie said...

Heave Ho with the fluff at OUR nest, think the bird is making a fort!

Mema Jo said...


Warmed up Chili and Corn bread

wvgal_dana said...

Dinner cooking

Woke to red tail as Jo said on fire escape. RT flew off.

Mits said...


Currently At 5:42PM[ More ] 30°F
Winds: WNW
at 18mph
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 40%
Dew Point: 9° F Pressure: 29.70 in
Visibility: 10 Miles Real feel temp is COLD.

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone! Stopped in to say Hello. Been very busy here & at work, dentist appts, etc. & still not done! Daughter left message that her plane landed, but she will go to hotel in Gaithersburg & when business is done in Balto. tomorrow, Fubby will go pick her up for the weekend.So DC, watch out--Field Trip will probably be on the schedule Sat.
Good wishes to all--understand from just today's that Sharon had to have more treatment for her cellulitis & Norma is under the weather. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I have finished Dinner - yummy

Now I will read 'bottom up' to see if
Deb has returned......
Wanda has reported in on GeeGee.......
How far down the road the Bluefield Gals
have traveled........


Mema Jo said...

No news is Good News so they say!!

Going to check out some cams then head in
for 6:30 news.......


Mits said...

Deb is working on the scanner:)

floralgirl said...

27° now, and 30 mph winds, and I gotta go out to a meeting... brr.... hope the Bluefield gals get home soon ♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Button up Megan & don't blow away
It is really really cold outside - the wind chill factor did it!

Thanks Mits for the info on Deb!
I sure hope she is pleased with the article and hopefully more articles to be published!

deb said...

I am scanned in and it is being checked out. I still haven't read all of the article. I read parts of it to Janie over the phone and we had to laugh about a few things.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds as though there is a 'glow' in your voice - like everything is ok!

Hopefully, Deb, there will be sequels to the article!

Mema Jo said...

OK I am off to read your article
Pictures look like quite a variety


deb said...

Yes, it is pretty good. At first Janie wasn't sure she liked what I was reading, but I reminded her it was a story, not a scientific journal. That helped. Katie is new at writing, I think her dad would have done a better job, but it is okay.

She called Janie a red-head, she isn't. We laughed about that. Said she was antsy, she is! I laughed about that one.

Costume Lady said...

Just returned from visit with GeeGee. She is feeling better not as weak as she has been and is more alert. But, she was confused as to what day it was and was dressed and had her lipstick on, ready to go eat crab legs. I had bought her a new sweater and told her she should wear it on Friday when we go to dinner, so, she did remember the sweater...just had the days confused. I am thinking Home Health Care for her. If her doctor suggests it to her, she might accept it, but would refuse it if I suggested it. We shall see. Lots of prayers on my part for guidance.

deb said...

I see you found it. Helen was seeing if it worked for me, but it must have. My screen is huge, so I didn't know if everyone else would be able to read it.

Mits said...

it was fantastic, Deb, great pictures....I left double clicked and it came right up to a readable screen....Congrats to you!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Great comments in that article by Deb Palmer and her photos too! WHoo HOo!!!
I'm on the last page....

Large print when you double click
Then at end of page use the BACK ARROW and scroll to the next page -

Costume Lady said...

So proud of you, Deb. GOOD JOB!!

Costume Lady said...

Just clicked on article and large print came up...easy reading:)

Mits said...

did you take the cover shot, Deb?

Mits said...

yes it is totally easy to read:)

deb said...

No, that was the editor, he had the cover and 4 of the pictures, the rest were mine.

Mits said...

well yours were better:):):)!

Mema Jo said...

The way the article is written, Deb should increase the locals' knowledge of the osprey and at the same time create an interest in the project. Maybe next article could be centered more on the osprey's habits.

Mits said...

your family is going to be soooo excited, this will perk your uncle up, how is he doing..BTW

deb said...

E-mailing it isn't working, we are trying a PDF file now.

deb said...

I think the cover is okay, I like the face detail Katie didn't like it at all and Mary liked it. One of those subjective things, I guess.

deb said...

Dad had a BUSY day yesterday. He had PT and OT therapy for 2 ½ hours in the morning. After that, he had “kitchen therapy” where he made taco salad for lunch along with four other patients. After that, they practiced transferring him into Shawn’s car. It’s a tight squeeze, but it’s lower to the ground than both the truck and the Pilot. It looked like hard work as his right leg still doesn’t have any movement, but Mom and Dad worked well as a team to make it happen. The antibiotic for his UTI wasn’t doing the trick so they put an I.V. back in so they could give him a stronger antibiotic. His shoulders are still tight, and his right hip has been bothering him so they did a hip x-ray yesterday afternoon. Dad is scheduled to have a home assessment tomorrow. We are hoping that he will have a home visit this weekend, and there are humors that he may be discharged in three weeks or so. He reads cards and emails daily which has been the best therapy. Both Mom and Dad have been blessed by many wonderful friends. Blessings to you all-Sheri

deb said...

That is today's update. They aren't doing daily updates anymore. My aunt spend almost all day at the hospital, so she is tired, but doing ok. It will be good when he gets to go home, no more hour long drive each way. He will get therapy at home.

deb said...

Two of my cousins from Colo. Springs are there for the home walk through. They will be able to do any necessary door widening and ramp building.

magpie said...

That is an encouraging report....sure differs from the original doctor's prediction that your uncle might never have the use of his legs again...
Little by little, day by day....

Sounds like he has a Terrific Family ♥

magpie said...

Good to hear there is some improvement with GeeGee...Bless her sweet's hoping that each day to come is better than the one that precedes it...
Crab Legs just might do the trick!
You are such a strong and tender force in her life, trust always that this is precious to her...♥

magpie said...

Whenever you return, that avatar is magnificent....I am guessing, some kind of Snapdragon ??

Mits said...

He has really come along way in a short time, Deb, that is wonderful news

deb said...

I think so, too, Helen. It is nice that he gets to go home for a home visit. I think it will help his spirits some more.

Thank you all for your comments on the article, it is nice to hear!

Mits said...

thanks for sharing your talents with us Deb:)

Costume Lady said...

Just remember, Deb, when you get RICH AND FAMOUS...who your friends are:):)

magpie said...

** Wowie Zowie **
That was a fun trip, to the magazine article! Great story, so informative, and the pictures fit the article very well...of course, yours are the best !
Nice Going, Deb !
Four Stars, and then some ! xo ☺

Mits said...

yes we will hop into the eagle express and visit you in Beverly Hills

magpie said...

And, Janie is soooo beautiful, her beauty matches her passion for the Osprey...

deb said...

Right, Wanda!! Mary told me I was famous now. I told her my 15 minutes of fame would be over quickly!

Just about time for Survivor!

magpie said...

Caltrans Eagle is up, three pretty eggs...☺

Mema Jo said...

GeeGee - Wanda when you don't have daily commitments it is so easy to not remember the day of the week. I look at our daily calendar here every evening and again in the morning so we don't miss doing something that is planned. I think Gee Gee was telling you that she was hungry for crab legs - Friday or Not!
You are being an exceptional daughter !
You will be rewarded I pray by your own daughters thoughtfulness to you just as you are being thoughtful to your mom!

magpie said...

sorry, eagle WAS up, by the time I could post, not up anymore.

Mema Jo said...

Windy out there this evening!
But our 3 eagle eggs are being kept very warm!
Hard to believe that this time next week the BlackWater eaglets could be here!

Mema Jo said...

I'll be watching 'BONE' at 8:00

Wanda - I keep thinking it is FRIDAY !!
Please come take care of me...

magpie said...

Looks like a Peregrine Falcon has been visiting the nest at the Black Dog Plant, Minnesota, can view off the Xcel Energy Site. I checked daily pix for 3 pm also the narrative talks of it.

magpie said...

Belle just moved and did an Eagle Wiggle, think I missed an egg roll...

magpie said...

Hope your neighbor lady is doing better....someday you will have to tell us more about the coffee and dog treats routine...☺

and Loretta: sounds like you have a busy and fun week-end coming up with your daughter, which I hope means: Pictures for all of us ! Hope the dental things work out okay and will be over, Pronto! ☺

magpie said...

Belle's feathers sure are getting tousled by the wind

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Magpie got wax.

Well, I am home. Been here for about 45 minutes. I changed my packing and now getting ready to go to bed. I am so tired and it is so good to be home. My four 4-legged children are happy I am home too!

Mits said...

I bet they are, Sharon...get some rest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And thanks so much for my cards. They were great!!

Mema Jo said...

Didn't know if you were there long enough for the hospital to deliver any that we sent through them.

Peaceful rest - May the Eagle Spirits surround you and keep you safe.
loLoe ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Great, Sharon, you are back in Your Roost !
Sleep Sweetly...with the sound of puppy snoring all about....☺ xox ♥

glo said...

Good night everyone. AOYP at home tonight Sharon.

magpie said...

A Big Round of Applause for Sissy ! The ultimate chauffeur ! xoxo ♥ ♥

magpie said...

..though she might be tied with T-Bird for that ! ☺ Love to all of you...

magpie said...

* Good Night Glo... *

Mema Jo said...

I am looking at the daily pics towards the end of today at Ft St Vrain and I may be seeing 2 eggs.......
I'll send some pics around
What I like about some other forums is that pics can be displayed in with your text........

Anyone else on ?- look at daily pic of 2/19/09 around 18:00 o'clock

deb said...

That sure looks like two eggs to me, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Great Deb! I needed that second set of eyes! I am trying to send email with that one pic - Hotmail is not doing too well.

Really does look like the second one.
Guess I'll do a check on Maine Forum.

deb said...

Nothing on Maine Forum, Jo, I already checked!

Mema Jo said...

So I just made a comment on Maine
I forget how to do the pic.... can you
post the pic... I think that photobucket gets the pic and then it's transferred.

floralgirl said...

MARGY they are sweet peas...

magpie said...

Oh, Sweet Peas! They are so pretty, Megan - the colors, exquisite...
good thing I am not a gardener by trade, wouldn't be able to sell any flowers too well ☺

Mits said...

good eyes, Jo:)

magpie said...

Jo, I have not been able to get the Colo Eagle nest up live all day...
But I'll look at Maine, love looking for new eggs! Reminds me of Easter!

Like Sharon's new avatar! Very, beachy!

Looking forward to hearing how Hedgie's sojourn went today...hope it took her mind off all the sad things she mentioned earlier in the day...

magpie said...

Well, I don't think I need to go to Maine, think Middletown took care of it! But I'll go anyway...

deb said...

Jo, I put the picture on for you. It is way bigger than everyone else's. I am not sure what I did wrong.

floralgirl said...

OK, just finished looking at the article, Deb. Very nice:)

Sweeet peas have the most wonderful fragrance....

magpie said...

And the petals are like velvet, Megan...☺

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Deb for posting the pic over there! Great Team Work, Fellow Momster

magpie said...

Did you put Jo's pic on Maine. Deb? I cannot find it, yet....

floralgirl said...

It's there, under the Ft st Vrain thread.

deb said...

Mouse delivery at the GH Owl cam.

magpie said...

Well, thank you there Megan.... I just learned something very new about that site, once I realized all the different nests that can be checked! Duh...double Duh...

Nice work, ladies....☺

magpie said...

Looked just in time to see the tail end of the Owl, then out onto the perch, and now, all gone.

Raccon was just feasting at the you know what site at Pix Pa - might still be there...

floralgirl said...

No problemo, it's a great site:)
Boy, it is cold outside, but starry, and I could really see Orion and the big dipper...

Mits said...

belle's feathers are blowing in the wind.

magpie said...

And I think I have ISS to check for in the morning....☺ at 5:06 - I'll be up and that might jump-start my morning before work.
Still need to look for that comet, though I need to find its new location.

magpie said...

Wish we could take a little hoodie down to Belle for the night, or, better yet, wish Liberty would just cuddle up to her for the night...

magpie said...

I think I am cooking something, guess I better go check.

Mema Jo said...

I bet Belle wishes that Liberty would
fly in and cover her with some of that

magpie said...

Has anyone seen any food or eating in our nest recently?

Mema Jo said...

Well we sure don't have very many
DULL DAYS on here, now do we?

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Busy day here...meeting went good, had to stop by Mom's and get some paperwork...went to grocery store, talked on phone a lot this evening...don't think I'll get to see my to go look at some paperwork!

Glad Sharon is home, and Norma is improving. Hope Glo and Margy's neighbors get better as well.

Love the flowers Megan...

Jo where is that restaurant?

I hate this wind too. Couldn't walk the dogs tonight, not like I would have had time to...anyhoo...

Try to BBL.

@#$*^ blogger is really messing with me tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Great Wall - right on the lower part of the Giant shopping center across from
WalMart..... I'll pick you one day at work and we'll go there for lunch.

Mema Jo said...

For some reason - I (like Gee Gee) keep thinking it is Friday! And I don't even eat crab legs! lol

I am so thankful that Sharon is home and sound asleep in her own bed and will have medical help in her own home by tomorrow. Last night in the ER hallway I never dreamed it would end so well!!

magpie said...

Hi Paula... - busy busy day for you, and that crazy blogger cop has the Nerve to mess with you!
I know that your work is to perfection...

Jo: set some RED out for tomorrow, then you will Know it is Friday ! ☺ I will do the same, I have been all mixed up on my days all week!

Time for me to check out! Morning comes awfully early.

Good Night Everyone,
God Bless Us, Every One
and as others say: Grateful Prayers of Thanks

xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Valmont Owl video

I hope this opens for you
It was when Papa Valmont brought Mama Valmont a tasty morsel!

Mema Jo said...

It took awhile but it did open for me...

Good Idea Margy! It's on the dresser
top now! RED FRIDAY

deb said...

I got it opened. That is the same thing I saw earlier. I can't believe they eat that whole mouse at one time.

paula eagleholic said...

What the heck is Carter doing on Dialysis? I'm talking about the show ER.

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't realize that restaurant was there, Jo...I'll have to check it out.

Mema Jo said...

It seemed like a very small mouse!
You know - like one bite full
Deb I knew you mentioned it and I had missed it - wanted to see them & found the video. Mama Valmont looks 3 x's as large as Papa Valmont! Someone may try
to remove the 2 dead eggs... Lots of luck! I wouldn't go near the nest box!

hedgie said...

Good late evening folks. Caught up on blog.....sounds like some good news all around...thank goodness!
Deb, article is really good....great pics!!!! Congrats, celeb!

hedgie said...

Long day out....and cold is just plain bitter! Good dinner with my girls at Kazu...a Japanese restaurant in Shepherdstown...pleasant and tasty!
Got my laptop, too! Now have to go get a wireless router and see if I can figure it all out!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Hedgie - Hope you had a fantastic
day! Really cold out - did you need to build up your fire when you got home?

Mits said...

I thought it was chemo, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to call it a day

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
and praying for restful sleep and peaceful dreams.

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Wind chill advisories for tonight....5°...brrrrr.
So thankful that Sharon is home, safe and sound. That new treatment sounds encouraging. Miracles of modern medicine!
Heading for tub....will check back before heading for bed.

Mits said...

Good Night Everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Thursday is a good night for TV, now that Capt. Gene allows me to watch Grey's and Private Practice (just kidding). I talked him into watching and I think he has gotten interested in it too:)

Congrats to JO, our EGG SPOTTER!
Eyes are doing just fine, Jo:)

Margy, there is a piece of RED clothing lying in the middle of the road, near your apt. Did you loose it? Tee Hee

Lynn, day out with the girls sounded like fun. Good for you!

SHARON and well and long:)


paula eagleholic said...

Oh yea, could have been chemo.

Gotta check out our famous photographer!! Deb!

Lolly said...

Deb, enjoyed the article. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sharon, glad you are home and hope you are presently sleeping soundly.

I'll tell you what I'll do Jo. When one of you in WV takes care of Spidey and his web....then Jack and I will fix the camera at OK. Deal?

paula eagleholic said...

I checked out Deb's pics, but am too tired to read the article tonight. I couldn't see the third pic, just a blank box...don't know if it disappeared for anyone else or not.

Lolly - ROFL

paula eagleholic said...

G'nite folks.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Nite all! Yawning and can't stop! Time for a warm shower and bed.
Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

No problem viewing all of Deb's pics here, Paula.
Good night all. Hope everyone is tucked in snug as a bug in a rug. Prayers and blessings.

movin said...

**GooD NIGHT**




magpie said...

Good Morning, and here's hoping most of you "bugs" are still Snug in your Rugs....
Belle seems to be, she has the Guinea Pig posture this morning...haven't seen her stir but I could have missed it.

Good Happy Friday to all, and throw a little RED on for the Military ♥

See you much much much later.
xo ☺

movin said...






Costume Lady said...

It's Friday! Time to rise and shine and don't miss a minute of
this glorious day!

Costume Lady said...

Now that I have sent out a GET OUT OF BED ALERT..I'm going for coffee.
All's well in our nest...a lot of fluff tucking-in.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagleland

Just finished looking at Deb's article. Such a wonderful piece! Contragulations Deb.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning to all my friends of fine feathers and fur. It is really good to be home this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just watched a video about how they will apply the wound VAC to my belly and it doesn't look too bad. UPS is supposed to deliver it to me this morning and I guess home health will be contacting me today. The gift that keeps giving! :)

Mits said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE..have a good one:)

Mits said...

Partly sunny. Isolated flurries this morning. Brisk with highs in the mid 30s. West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows around 18. West winds 10 to 15 mph.
Mostly sunny in the morning...then becoming mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Saturday Night
Cloudy. A chance of rain and snow showers in the evening...then a chance of snow showers after midnight. Lows in the mid 20s. South winds around 10 mph...becoming west after midnight. Chance of precipitation 40 percent.

Mits said...

Finally have BRS back online:)

deb said...


3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED