Yes, it is going to be a good day, in the 40's with lots of sun!
The band had to be in front of Macy's at 3 AM this morning for a 10 minute camera run through. Then they all went back to the buses to get some more sleep.
We were at that parade 21 years ago, when Kevin was 10...Went to Tavern on the Green for Turkey dinner, and, the next night went to dinner at Windows on the World at the top of the Twin Towers.
you can watch the parade on too. we were right in the medium stip right across from the Marriott at Times Square...from the looks of the cams, guess they don't let you stand there anymore
Checking out some cams - ours is still down - puppy cam isn't up yet - Pook has new article but cam isn't on
I am up & going to get ready to meet some of the family for breakfast.
Late my time last night Lolly had a visit from a skunk and he got Bosco.. I told her No Apple Pie Smell Is Going To Overcome That Ordor. I hope it won't linger too long.
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving my eagle friends!!!
All is quiet here today, really different from any other Thanksgiving I have ever had. No smells from the kitchen or nothing. BUT, we will have all of that on Sunday when we can all be together. Sher is coming home sometime today, stayed at Thelma's last night. Andrew went to his girlfriend's parents for Thanksgiving, Mattie is at her mom's, so it is just me and Tom. He is asleep and I have been working since 5:45 a.m.
We are probably gonna go out somewhere to a buffet today to eat (another thing I have never done before).
Thankful for so many things, I can't even begin to count them all. God really is so good to us, better than we deserve sometimes!!
I see that alot of you have finally gotten up this Thanksgiving Day! AND Steve and the NCTC crew gave us a wonderful new thread. We are really thankful for you people.
Turkeys are brave in coming out today at the Pa cam.
Good to hear you Sharon and also Sissy. Maybe things will start to look up for your families now. We are all thankful for that.
Eagle still at BWO with the call of the eagle in the background in Maine. Luney is being a wiggle bug with Mom. and turkeys in Pa. go on eating to get fatter. :)
I have to pull myself away from the puter to get ready to go to son's MIL for the feast. Yep, NORMA, that is where the feast will be. Haven't heard a word from him yet, but I know that they had to have Thanksgiving dinner at her father's and new wife's house last night. At least it is a nice sunny day here too. Headed for the TV and the parade. Later gators! All have a wonderful day.
MITS Norma asked yesterday and I never got back on to tell her. As usual, (at least we are being included) the feast will be at his MIL's house. Don't know anymore. We are taking local sweet potatos, butternut squash and wine. Our turkey that was thawing in the frig will be cooked tomorrow or Saturday for here, I guess. Haven't been able to contact the mother, so still have to call there and see when we are expected. :) I am glad that we have been asked up (about a half hour drive from here, but I, right now, wish that we weren't going. There has just been no communication.
That is what I am doing Helen. I don't want to make any waves and have Josh uncomfortable. This is the first year. My new word for the day is whatever. :) And not to the parade.
Kevin and Annies' 1st Turkey day, they had at their home....with everyone..had only been married a month, but it also was the 1st T-Day without hubby's Mom, who passed away 3 weeks before the all works out, but sometimes you do have to speak up.
Oh geez, I meant DEB. I got so excited over seeing it so fast! What else is new? They really strutted their stuff in their light blue uniforms. Said it was their second year.
Oh Helen, speak of the devil, :) we just got a call from the MIL to tell us to come up around 3pm. So I guess we'll cook our potatoes and squash here and take them up along with the cheese and crackers,wine, stuffed celery and cole slaw. Happy, happy. happpy Thanksgiving!:) Back to the parade.
They still haven't been on here. I finally checked the newspaper and they won't be on here until 10 AM. I did see a glimpse of them on CBS, so back to waiting. This is their 3rd time to the parade, second time as the lead band.
♥ Good Happy Thanksgiving Morning to all my ♀ and ♂ Eagle Buds ♥
Weather is perfect here in West Virginia...DEB - sorry I was snoozin' for the parade and now have to hustle to get to work. I'll catch it later on the live stream..
GLO - Bless you for your special service to those in need...♥
The Sea Eagles must have been at Finneys for at least two hours...I saw them starting around 5:15 and I see MITS still saw them after 7 am. They were really putting on a beautiful display...
I am thankful for your all's presence in my life, in addition to many other Blessings i my life....♥
Margy, when I worked in a hospital many years ago, before I was married, worked Thanksgiving and Christmas, and really liked being around the people who could not be home for the holidays.:)
Candy ; Special moment last night at McDonald's Restaurant in Morgan County. One young man, Patrick, in Air Force fatigues, and his military friend, Matt, waiting in line. Matt, in short, sandles, and with a suntan. I commented: Wow, you're in short! He said, we are from North Carolina, headed to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving with family. They figured they had about two hours left on their journey...They seemed happy, and Grandson and I thanked them for their service to our country. I told them we rally around and try to wear RED on was so special to see them...and to know their families awaited them.
I hope the day holds special wonderful surprises for all...and that all is well.
Well, they did good, too bad it was so short on TV, but there will be lots of video when they get home. They had to get up at 11 pm last night to load all the buses etc. I forget where they go for Thanksgiving dinner. Yesterday they ate at an Applebees and took up the second and third floors, it must be a huge restaurant. They go all the way to New York and pick a restaurant they can eat in here--there probably aren't many big enough to have the entire band eat at once.
got my appetizer done....starting on the green beans now...Campbell soup has all these wonderful holiday shaped turkey to put the green beans in, and the recipe is right on the bottom.
Turkey is in the oven. Time to go work on the yeast rolls.
Bosco slept in the garage last night. He does NOT smell this morning, so he is actually in the house. Do not have a dog brush, so he looks a little forlorn. Called the neighbors to thank them for the special skunk wash, they answered "Skunk Central". Bless them!
In case you get some extra reading time between turkey basting (remember?), they have posted both the Catalina Report and the N. Islands Report for this week.
Check how much the Hummingbird chicks have grown. :~)
We thanked the staff and volunteers at the nursing home today for working today. Some kids were in there serving tea and ice water at dinner...their parents work there.
It is the Caltrans eagle cam. These are the eagles that insisted on using their nest, even after CA workers put one of those orange cones in the nest to deter them. There is a lot of construction going on near the nest, and thought the construction would disturb them. So the workers removed the cone.
They raised 2 chicks this year. Online paper viewers named one of their chicks this year....Conehead!
Also, Dr Sharpe and Jim Spickler helped them with their camera!
Just checking in before I head in for a shower to get all squeaky clean. Paula, glad your day with your mother and son went well. It meant a lot to her to have you two there with her to share in the day.
My stuff celery is nothing but cream chese, sometimes nuts, mixed with a little mayonnaise. I am not a fancy fixer.
Glad you are back in Bluefield, SHARON and even stopped at Sissy's. Now all you need is a good night's sleep and to rest easy for a few weeks. Remember, NO WAL MART!!!!!!!!!
Dinner went well at Josh's MIL's. Everyone ended up smiling and smiling and smiling. Too much food tho. There were only Josh, Amanda, her mother, my husgand and myself. You would have thought the whole neighborhood was invited.
Amanda and her mother are headed to shop in Chesapeake tomorrow for Black Friday, soooooooo Josh suggested that he and I also go looking around down here, That is what we usually did before he got married and he golfs with his father on Saturday. I am hoping to be able to find something for him for Christmas.
PAULA you have had quite a week of it. I don't know how you managed. My heart went out to you and as I said before, I am so glad your lunch worked out so good and you were with your Mom. Hopefully she will be home soon.
It looks like the puppies are all snuggled up for the night. Guess I'll do the same and get comfortable. Again, thanks to all you wonderful people for being there for each other all the time. You are a wonderful and special group of people; the best!
Hey Candy, that sounds good. We used to make a sandwich called a Party Sandwich, cream cheese and green olives on bread. Sounds like a nice day tomorrow with Josh.
Puppies are up and awake and getting some playtime/loving. Wish the sound was working!
I hope everyone is done with dinner and visits and is propped up and taking it easy. That is what we were doing when we spotted a skunk and possum. Couldn't very easily get a photo of them through the window (got flash back), so, I opened the door and went outside, very carefully and snapped a few photos. LOLLY, you will appreciate this...check out my Wanda's Wishes".
Watching the puppies - human mom & dad have visited with them. No Sound :A few people have been asking. We've left the audio off today so that we could talk freely and have our pups experience new sounds. =)
Hi all! Everyone around here have full tummies and the guys have been watching football all day. Go Cowboys! Laurel and I headed to the movies late this afternoon. We went to see Twilight. We have read all the books and enjoyed the movie.
Wanda!!!! It's an invasion!!!! The skunks are taking over! ☺ Great pictures. Our neighbor said the skunk turns on their back light every night. (motion) He is heading out of the shrubs to our yard for water.
Bosco got another bath today. He is inside, he has a peculiar smell if you get really close to him.
We will never forget the Thanksgiving that Bosco got it.
You guys are going to have to help me solve a mystery. At the wedding, Michael, my son told me that for my Christmas present I am going to have to go away for a few days. Then today over the phone (he is in Florida) he told me he is taking me somewhere the weekend before Christmas. Just Michael and I are going somewhere. My guess is New York City. He told me, "Mom, we've never done this before, just you and me. This will be your Christmas and birthday present combined. You can get your baking done before hand." Isn't that sweet!!!!
Well,Gobble, Gobble We did & haven;t had our pumpkin chiffon pie yet. In fact, Fubby went to bed! Glad to see Sharon got home, Paula had a good day w/Mom & family, & Lolly's dog got to join the party!!
Paula, I loved olives so much as a kid, my Mom invented olive sandwiches for me to take to school.One side of bread had cream cheese covered w/sliced olives & other side just light spread of oleo. Yum Yum ☺ ☺ ☺
Well I can't imagine where he is taking you! NY with the Rockerfeller center would be one guess. Does it sound like you would come that distance? I'm sure he asked Jack's permission! Get on him!
Sounds like some Happy Times today, and maybe, some tough times too....It goes with the territory, being human, and having a heart, and feeling things...but it's a wonderful day to share with others when it's possible...and dream of the good and better times to come.... ☺
So Good to "See" Everyone.
I love celery stuffed with cream cheese and olive...was one of my sister's Fav-oh-rights! ♥ and I like it on sandwiches too, Paula...
Packed my overnight cooking projects, took them to the office, heated up in an oven which ought to go in the trash! Dressing got overheated and was more like croutons, I just barely managed to salvage probably the best gravy I have ever made....but it turned okay... BUT No Dessert! And I haven't had any YET! That's on my list for Friday....
Wanda...your photos bring tears to my eyes...such a loving and warm family...Great Photo of you and Gene...♥ ♥ And GeeGee looks wonderful...well, like I said Greeaaaattt Photos. !
Some of you might remember Rockin Circle R....from last Spring...we talked on the phone for about an hour before I jumped on here. She is in Kentucky with husgand, oh, I mean Husband, three little girls, two puppies and one cat.! She remembers all of you with fondness...told her to jump back on here when the Eggs land in the nest....! ♥
Just made a small turkey sandwich made with a yeast roll. Yummy!
Jo...I turn 65 Jan. 9. Boy, have I been getting the insurance mail.
Wanda, Michael is very special. He always puts a lot of thought in giving presents. Has since he was little. However, he does leave his shopping to the last minute. I do not get much time with him as he is always so busy. He is an attorney and works very long hours. He makes lots of trips to NYC, that is why I am guessing it is there. I've been to the state, but never to the city.
Looks like it has been a good day for all on the blog. I am home from work and just happen to have a piece of pumpkin pie waiting for me in my fridge. So I shall stretch out now and watch the parade I taped and enjoy some pumpkin pie. Oh yes I have the cool whip too :).
Margy, you'r home. Was hoping you would stop by GeeGees and have some pumpking pie with us. GeeGee made 5 of them. Yes, Loretta, I love leftovers. I always make huge amounts of turky dressing and turkey. UMM good sandwiches.
Lolly, you're pre Xmas adventure sounds intriguing!! What a wonderful son. Most guys don't usually think up these things!
Margy, I remember Circle R name. She sure hasn't been on for awhile. Glad you got to eat some dinner, even if improvised!If I could send you dessert by carrier pigeon or eagle, I would! LOL Maybe by news time, I'll have room for pie. Got Cool Whip too.
I'm sorry, I should not be whining about no Pie! I made the decision to trade some hours for a good there were a couple of invites to meals that I declined...I am so grateful that I have food to eat and a roof over my head and great friendships. ( and, thanks for the offers Lolly and Nature Nut...! )(I'll dream about pie! )
On that positive note, I say Good Night to All, Rest well.
Hi everyone. I am glad everyone had such wonderful days.
It has been a sad day here with the passing of a dear man, the father of one of my best friends. He is in a better place and will no longer suffer from Alzheimer's, but it is
Thoughts of sorrow for your friend whose father died, Deb. I know your presence in their life will bring great comfort at this difficult time. We're with you in spirit...Prayers for the bereaved.
T-Bird, oh T-Bird Are you around? I miss your very early morning posts, and when you say , "Time to go make some dough." - Always makes me think first of rolls and biscuits! Hope you are doing well, Florence Nightingale...xoxo ♥ ♥
MITS Thank you for sending me the puppy cam link again...Wow, did I get to see some rasslin' last night, and then the guy showed up with some loving, and all those stuffies...!
Daylight is slowly approaching the Maine nest... Finney's is beautiful, clear and sunny, but I have not seen the Eagles there, yet...nest looks like it has a big black hole in the Center...
It's funny to just get on here and jabber away all by myself...☺
Good morning Margy!! Thank you so much for the card. You are so thoughtful. I want to be like you when I grow up!
So you aren't out there shopping with the crazies either this morning, huh? I was going to but I really didn't see anything in the sale papers that I had to have.
Hi Eagle Eye Sissy! Sorry I missed seeing your post! Well, believe it or not, I did go to one store at 4 am - got a set of pots and pans for myself! Ha Ha! Then I did get a few Christmas gifts, but was outta there in one hour and now back home....and you can see what I am doing now!
I'm glad you liked the seemed just right for you and Mattie! I have a lot of fun with cards..... ☺ ☺
I figured if I get more pots and pans maybe I will do more cooking! I eat an awful lot of sandwiches...(which I love but I think I could do better, and it is Soup Season ! xoxox I am so glad to "See" you! !
Good day after Thanksgiving Margy and Sissy. Just finished reading last night's blog to see all the chatter about each person's day. It sounds as if everyone was well fed, but Margy didn't get any pie. :( You saved a few pounds; think of it that way.:)
You betcha Candy! - Hey did you see my story about Matt and Patrick from North Carolina traveling to Pittsburgh with a stopover in Berkeley Springs? If not I will repeat it. It was magical, they had the most beautiful smiles. ☺ ☺ ☺
I did wear RED while out on my shopping I am back in my pajamas for awhile.
Yes MARGY I did see about the two from N. Carolina. Wonderful story and your recognizing and thanking them was sooooo sweet. I bet their families were glad to see them when they got to their destination and were thankful that they were safe for the time being. We owe so much to the young people ,and old people too, that are serving our country and keeping us safe.
Ditto that, Candy. Patrick had some bandaging on one of his hands, my grandson asked him what happened, the two kind of chuckled and he said he had a "little accident..." wonder what it was! I have not seen that kind of wonder and anticipation in people's faces in quite some time. It was truly a blessing that our paths crossed. ♥ ♥ ♥ One of my Thanksgiving gifts.... ☺
Can't wait to see where Lolly's son is going to take her. NYC would be a beautiful place this time of the year with all the decorations. It is like a fairy tale to walk about in.
I hear eagle sounds coming from the Maine cam, but no Loon yet. I am still trying to figure out how to turn up the sound on my moniter. Had it figured out once, but these senior moments keep getting in the way. :)
Candy, the volume at Maine seems impossibly low compared to some of the other sites with sound.
How about, go to bottom left "Start" - then Settings, then Control Panel and look for Audio something or other...should give you some options...I think you can turn up the volume that way...then everything else will be deafening! I think I am the only one that has heard the loon. Maybe I am just Looney ! xoxox ♥
Thanks Margy. It is just the mother as they are divorced. They went the night before Thanksgiving to the fathers house and his wife and kids.
DIL and mother are headed to shop in Virginia today, sooooooooo Josh told me that we could have the day after Thanksgiving together like always. That brightened up my night a little. We usually hit some of the stores here where I can get him to pick out some things for Christmas and then visit the Christmas Shoppe. The Christmas Shoppe transports you into back to younger days with all the decorations and such. We have been going there at Thanksgiving since he was about4. We would get to pic 1 new ornament for the tree each year. It was like tradition. I get to see him for today and he is going golfing with his father tomorrow.
Do you email Suz or call her? I really miss talking to her. She is such a nice person.
Thanksgiving is supposed to be the most traveled holiday of the year. I can remember going back to NY quite a few years back for Thanksgiving. We were told to use the Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway....much faster. Ha! Comng back it was stop and go (mostly stop) for alot of the way through New Jersey. Never again. Come to find out, the Giants were playing a football game in Philly with the Eagles and that didn't help traffic any. It was a horrible trip back.
Happy Thanksgiving Morning to
Everyone in Eagle Land
Thanks Steve
Enjoy your day!
Good morning, Jo, and everyone else. Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am ready for the Macy's Day Parade featuring the Sioux Falls Lincoln Marching Band!
Me too Deb! Love marching bands & Macy's parade usually has very good coverage.
It is a beautiful sunny day here
How about out there?
Thanks, Jo and Steve....Happy Thanksgiving again to everyone....
Steve, love the turkey evolution:)
Yes, it is going to be a good day, in the 40's with lots of sun!
The band had to be in front of Macy's at 3 AM this morning for a 10 minute camera run through. Then they all went back to the buses to get some more sleep.
We were at that parade 21 years ago, when Kevin was 10...Went to Tavern on the Green for Turkey dinner, and, the next night went to dinner at Windows on the World at the top of the Twin Towers.
you can watch the parade on too. we were right in the medium stip right across from the Marriott at Times Square...from the looks of the cams, guess they don't let you stand there anymore
Checking out some cams - ours is still down - puppy cam isn't up yet - Pook has new article but cam isn't on
I am up & going to get ready to meet some of the family for breakfast.
Late my time last night Lolly had a visit from a skunk and he got Bosco..
I told her No Apple Pie Smell Is Going To Overcome That Ordor. I hope it won't linger too long.
Happy Thanksgiving to Steve, his family and the people at NCTC especially the guards who let us in.
Getting ready for Church.
Luney doing a.m. exercises
poor Lolly...all that hard work and "eau de skunk" lingers in the air:(
lol Megan's Music
I will survive - turkey style
Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
Ooohh, skunk scent - the gift that keeps giving.
Megan, loved the video. I am with her - I Will Survive!
Blessed Thanksgiving to you, Sharon!
((hugs)) loL
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving my eagle friends!!!
All is quiet here today, really different from any other Thanksgiving I have ever had. No smells from the kitchen or nothing. BUT, we will have all of that on Sunday when we can all be together. Sher is coming home sometime today, stayed at Thelma's last night. Andrew went to his girlfriend's parents for Thanksgiving, Mattie is at her mom's, so it is just me and Tom. He is asleep and I have been working since 5:45 a.m.
We are probably gonna go out somewhere to a buffet today to eat (another thing I have never done before).
Thankful for so many things, I can't even begin to count them all. God really is so good to us, better than we deserve sometimes!!
Morning Miss, Sharon:)
Good morning my Sis!!!
We have an eagle at BWO!
Change is sometimes good, will have a nice day, I'm sure.
I see that alot of you have finally gotten up this Thanksgiving Day! AND Steve and the NCTC crew gave us a wonderful new thread. We are really thankful for you people.
Turkeys are brave in coming out today at the Pa cam.
Good to hear you Sharon and also Sissy. Maybe things will start to look up for your families now. We are all thankful for that.
feeding time in Atlanta.
WANDA, you did the right thing by having coffee with your hubby. That was a special way to start the day.
MITS and CEIL, glad to see you up and about and getting ready to celebrate together with families.
DANA I have the parade on right now from NYC and will be watching for your band to march through.
JO Gobble, gobble to you, too!
You have a wonderful day with your family; starting with breakfast.
Matter of fact you all have a wonderful day today with family and friends. And yes, I am another to be thanksful to have you all as my caring friends.
Eagle still at BWO with the call of the eagle in the background in Maine. Luney is being a wiggle bug with Mom. and turkeys in Pa. go on eating to get fatter. :)
2 eagles now at BWO...where are you having Thanksgiving, Candy? Is you son in town?
I have to pull myself away from the puter to get ready to go to son's MIL for the feast. Yep, NORMA, that is where the feast will be. Haven't heard a word from him yet, but I know that they had to have Thanksgiving dinner at her father's and new wife's house last night. At least it is a nice sunny day here too. Headed for the TV and the parade. Later gators! All have a wonderful day.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eagleland!!
Have a Great Day!!
sounds good, Candy.
back to one eagle at BWO
beautiful sunset going on
MITS Norma asked yesterday and I never got back on to tell her. As usual, (at least we are being included) the feast will be at his MIL's house. Don't know anymore. We are taking local sweet potatos, butternut squash and wine. Our turkey that was thawing in the frig will be cooked tomorrow or Saturday for here, I guess. Haven't been able to contact the mother, so still have to call there and see when we are expected. :) I am glad that we have been asked up (about a half hour drive from here, but I, right now, wish that we weren't going. There has just been no communication.
EAGLE ALERT in Maine nest!
Eagle has something for breakfast.
2 eagles BWO
Lun Lun really has her hands full with Luney this am.
That is normal Candy, just go with the flow...
sun setting behind pyramids now
That is what I am doing Helen. I don't want to make any waves and have Josh uncomfortable. This is the first year. My new word for the day is whatever. :) And not to the parade.
Getting ready to head to Bluefield soon. Cold here this morning but probably colder in Bluefield. See you all in a little while.
Kevin and Annies' 1st Turkey day, they had at their home....with everyone..had only been married a month, but it also was the 1st T-Day without hubby's Mom, who passed away 3 weeks before the all works out, but sometimes you do have to speak up.
just don't drink today::::)))))
have a nice trip:)
BOOYAH, DEB.....your band sounded great!!!!!!!
Yea South Dakota Band being the first band in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. They just went by. Hope DANA saw it.
its DEB'S band! She is from SD
Oh geez, I meant DEB. I got so excited over seeing it so fast! What else is new? They really strutted their stuff in their light blue uniforms. Said it was their second year.
and at that point in the parade, they have already marched for about an hour...takes that long to get from the start at Central Park...
Oh Helen, speak of the devil, :) we just got a call from the MIL to tell us to come up around 3pm. So I guess we'll cook our potatoes and squash here and take them up along with the cheese and crackers,wine, stuffed celery and cole slaw. Happy, happy. happpy Thanksgiving!:) Back to the parade.
geez, Candy, you are taking alot...:)
They still haven't been on here. I finally checked the newspaper and they won't be on here until 10 AM. I did see a glimpse of them on CBS, so back to waiting. This is their 3rd time to the parade, second time as the lead band.
Pook updated her post this morning with a great picture of Primo:
Primo and the aspen tree
that's right you are an hour behind the est coast....well, they were good, Deb:)
Deb, maybe you can get some moose to scare the cats....that is some branch Primo has in his antlers
watching parade on earthcam...Kermit just went by...
♥ Good Happy Thanksgiving Morning to all my ♀ and ♂ Eagle Buds ♥
Weather is perfect here in West Virginia...DEB - sorry I was snoozin' for the parade and now have to hustle to get to work. I'll catch it later on the live stream..
GLO - Bless you for your special service to those in need...♥
The Sea Eagles must have been at Finneys for at least two hours...I saw them starting around 5:15 and I see MITS still saw them after 7 am. They were really putting on a beautiful display...
I am thankful for your all's presence in my life, in addition to many other Blessings i my life....♥
Margy, when I worked in a hospital many years ago, before I was married, worked Thanksgiving and Christmas, and really liked being around the people who could not be home for the holidays.:)
eagles finally left BWO.
Candy ; Special moment last night at McDonald's Restaurant in Morgan County. One young man, Patrick, in Air Force fatigues, and his military friend, Matt, waiting in line. Matt, in short, sandles, and with a suntan. I commented: Wow, you're in short! He said, we are from North Carolina, headed to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving with family. They figured they had about two hours left on their journey...They seemed happy, and Grandson and I thanked them for their service to our country. I told them we rally around and try to wear RED on was so special to see them...and to know their families awaited them.
I hope the day holds special wonderful surprises for all...and that all is well.
God Bless Us Every One
"See" you all later...xoxo ♥
Well, they did good, too bad it was so short on TV, but there will be lots of video when they get home. They had to get up at 11 pm last night to load all the buses etc. I forget where they go for Thanksgiving dinner. Yesterday they ate at an Applebees and took up the second and third floors, it must be a huge restaurant. They go all the way to New York and pick a restaurant they can eat in here--there probably aren't many big enough to have the entire band eat at once.
...and, the Turkeys are partying at PIX PA...
Yes, MITS It is special to work on holidays...
Candy, my last post was full of typoes...hope it makes sense! typing too fast !!
nice story, Margy;)
Wow, kids at work are eating soup and stuff like that, I am taking my stuff in there! Yippee ! ☺ I hope someone can scare up some dessert !
got my appetizer done....starting on the green beans now...Campbell soup has all these wonderful holiday shaped turkey to put the green beans in, and the recipe is right on the bottom.
ewwiiee BWO
Them puppies look like they are trying to kill each other.
Well Grand Canyon cam did not work in tiny url...oh well off to see puppies
It was a nice story, Margy.
Here you go, Helen.
Grand Canyon
thanks, Deb, don't know what is wrong with this screwy puter sometimes, or it just might be its owner;).
I don't have sound on puppies....and their cam is shaking....
squirrels at RDHC
I don't have sound either.
Turkey is in the oven. Time to go work on the yeast rolls.
Bosco slept in the garage last night. He does NOT smell this morning, so he is actually in the house. Do not have a dog brush, so he looks a little forlorn. Called the neighbors to thank them for the special skunk wash, they answered "Skunk Central". Bless them!
Hope all of you enjoy your thanksgiving dinner!
That is great, Lolly, that Bosco no longer smells like a skunk! It is a good thing to have neighbors ready for any emergency!!
all the puppies are napping except one, she just settled down now, too.
good, you can smell the dinner...:)
In case you get some extra reading time between turkey basting (remember?), they have posted both the Catalina Report and the N. Islands Report for this week.
Check how much the Hummingbird chicks have grown. :~)
There's a turkey of another flavor in the BWO nest.
The puppies got a stuffed turkey to play with.
It is snowing in Utah for the moosies.
Evening, all!
Had a great lunch with my Mom, brother and son Micheal...
Hope everyone is having a nice day!
We thanked the staff and volunteers at the nursing home today for working today. Some kids were in there serving tea and ice water at dinner...their parents work there.
Sorry I missed your Band, Deb.
Candy - what do you put in your stuffed celery??
Good evening everyone. I am home but internet and email are down. I am at Sissy's now and heading home. Will check in tomorrow.
Hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Glad you arrived safely, Sharon. Sleep good.
Here's a new eagle cam!
It is the Caltrans eagle cam. These are the eagles that insisted on using their nest, even after CA workers put one of those orange cones in the nest to deter them. There is a lot of construction going on near the nest, and thought the construction would disturb them. So the workers removed the cone.
They raised 2 chicks this year. Online paper viewers named one of their chicks this year....Conehead!
Also, Dr Sharpe and Jim Spickler helped them with their camera!
Caltrans Eagle Cam
Oh, you may need to update your Quicktime player to view the cam.
Got it Paula thank you...looks good.
So glad you had a nice Thaksgiving with your Mom, brother and son Michael.
That's suppose to be nice Thanksgiving
Just checking in before I head in for a shower to get all squeaky clean. Paula, glad your day with your mother and son went well. It meant a lot to her to have you two there with her to share in the day.
My stuff celery is nothing but cream chese, sometimes nuts, mixed with a little mayonnaise. I am not a fancy fixer.
Glad you are back in Bluefield, SHARON and even stopped at Sissy's. Now all you need is a good night's sleep and to rest easy for a few weeks. Remember, NO WAL MART!!!!!!!!!
Sounds good to me, Candy! Love cream cheese.
Dinner went well at Josh's MIL's. Everyone ended up smiling and smiling and smiling. Too much food tho. There were only Josh, Amanda, her mother, my husgand and myself. You would have thought the whole neighborhood was invited.
Amanda and her mother are headed to shop in Chesapeake tomorrow for Black Friday, soooooooo Josh suggested that he and I also go looking around down here, That is what we usually did before he got married and he golfs with his father on Saturday. I am hoping to be able to find something for him for Christmas.
PAULA you have had quite a week of it. I don't know how you managed. My heart went out to you and as I said before, I am so glad your lunch worked out so good and you were with your Mom.
Hopefully she will be home soon.
Oh PAULA I forgot to say I put green olives in my stuffed celery also.
It looks like the puppies are all snuggled up for the night. Guess I'll do the same and get comfortable. Again, thanks to all you wonderful people for being there for each other all the time. You are a wonderful and special group of people; the best!
Good night all, sleep tight and haave wonderful, peaceful dreams. Prayers said for all.
Hey Candy, that sounds good. We used to make a sandwich called a Party Sandwich, cream cheese and green olives on bread. Sounds like a nice day tomorrow with Josh.
Puppies are up and awake and getting some playtime/loving. Wish the sound was working!
I hope everyone is done with dinner and visits and is propped up and taking it easy. That is what we were doing when we spotted a skunk and possum. Couldn't very easily get a photo of them through the window (got flash back), so, I opened the door and went outside, very carefully and snapped a few photos.
LOLLY, you will appreciate this...check out my Wanda's Wishes".
Nice critters, Wanda. Like the possom and skunk too! :):)
We are home and the day was very very enjoyable. We have lots of blessings to be thankful for. I am stuffed!
Glad to hear that everyone here on the
blog also had a very good day - skunks and all!!
Watching the puppies - human mom & dad have visited with them.
No Sound :A few people have been asking. We've left the audio off today so that we could talk freely and have our pups experience new sounds. =)
Hi all! Everyone around here have full tummies and the guys have been watching football all day. Go Cowboys! Laurel and I headed to the movies late this afternoon. We went to see Twilight. We have read all the books and enjoyed the movie.
Hi Lolly Glad you had a good day!
Wanda has her pic for you on her blog
Wanda!!!! It's an invasion!!!! The skunks are taking over! ☺ Great pictures. Our neighbor said the skunk turns on their back light every night. (motion) He is heading out of the shrubs to our yard for water.
Bosco got another bath today. He is inside, he has a peculiar smell if you get really close to him.
We will never forget the Thanksgiving that Bosco got it.
Hi Jo! Hope you have had a great day!
You guys are going to have to help me solve a mystery. At the wedding, Michael, my son told me that for my Christmas present I am going to have to go away for a few days. Then today over the phone (he is in Florida) he told me he is taking me somewhere the weekend before Christmas. Just Michael and I are going somewhere. My guess is New York City. He told me, "Mom, we've never done this before, just you and me. This will be your Christmas and birthday present combined. You can get your baking done before hand." Isn't that sweet!!!!
Well,Gobble, Gobble
We did & haven;t had our pumpkin chiffon pie yet. In fact, Fubby went to bed!
Glad to see Sharon got home, Paula had a good day w/Mom & family, & Lolly's dog got to join the party!!
Paula, I loved olives so much as a kid, my Mom invented olive sandwiches for me to take to school.One side of bread had cream cheese covered w/sliced olives & other side just light spread of oleo. Yum Yum ☺ ☺ ☺
Hi Loretta! Gobble, Gobble, to you too!
Well I can't imagine where he is taking you! NY with the Rockerfeller center would be one guess. Does it sound like you would come that distance? I'm sure he asked Jack's permission! Get on him!
How close to Christmas is your b-day?
Sounds like some Happy Times today, and maybe, some tough times too....It goes with the territory, being human, and having a heart, and feeling things...but it's a wonderful day to share with others when it's possible...and dream of the good and better times to come.... ☺
So Good to "See" Everyone.
I love celery stuffed with cream cheese and olive...was one of my sister's Fav-oh-rights! ♥
and I like it on sandwiches too, Paula...
Oh Loretta - don't go to bed without eating the pumpkin pie! Bad luck to do that! lol
Love your pictures, Wanda! And the handsome people too!!! ☺ ♥
Gonna make another batch of gravy for tomorrow's leftovers. Won't it be great to NOT cook tomorrow!!
Hi Margy! Are you full of turkey?
Packed my overnight cooking projects, took them to the office, heated up in an oven which ought to go in the trash! Dressing got overheated and was more like croutons, I just barely managed to salvage probably the best gravy I have ever made....but it turned okay... BUT No Dessert! And I haven't had any YET! That's on my list for Friday....
xox ♥ ☺
That is the only disadvantage of not having family in - No leftovers.
Jenny said she would bring me some!
I love turkey & dressing leftovers!
I do have a pumpkin pie...since I brought the pies to the dinner at my son's. Oh Yes I have the Cool Whip too
When is you b-day Lolly?
..and there Loretta sits with some pumpkin chiffon pie ! Ooooohhh Aaaaah !
I ate well, Mema...thanks!
Did you have web-cam visits today ??
and I know Friday is Black Friday, but remember, it is really RED FRIDAY Now, more than ever!
Wanda...your photos bring tears to my eyes...such a loving and warm family...Great Photo of you and Gene...♥ ♥ And GeeGee looks wonderful...well, like I said Greeaaaattt Photos. !
Some of you might remember Rockin Circle R....from last Spring...we talked on the phone for about an hour before I jumped on here. She is in Kentucky with husgand, oh, I mean Husband, three little girls, two puppies and one cat.! She remembers all of you with fondness...told her to jump back on here when the Eggs land in the nest....! ♥
She was a big fan of the Hooties! She was born and raised in Colorado...
Lolly, I love a mystery! What a wonderful son you have. Sounds like a fun guy.
Jo, how's the eyes coming? Haven't heard anything for a while
Phone call from Germany this morning.
Next Eye appointment for another treatment is Dec 3. I'll let you know afterwards.
I just added
Caltran Eagles to my favorites, Paula..can't wait til daylight.
Wonder if you'uns's bellies ache from too much food? Or too much laughter....probably, a good combination of both ! ☺
I'm bushed! Sooooooooo
Good Night All My Friends
Peace & Joy to you and yours
and in everyone's heart...
(((hugs))) ♥
Just made a small turkey sandwich made with a yeast roll. Yummy!
Jo...I turn 65 Jan. 9. Boy, have I been getting the insurance mail.
Wanda, Michael is very special. He always puts a lot of thought in giving presents. Has since he was little. However, he does leave his shopping to the last minute. I do not get much time with him as he is always so busy. He is an attorney and works very long hours. He makes lots of trips to NYC, that is why I am guessing it is there. I've been to the state, but never to the city.
Looks like it has been a good day for all on the blog. I am home from work and just happen to have a piece of pumpkin pie waiting for me in my fridge. So I shall stretch out now and watch the parade I taped and enjoy some pumpkin pie. Oh yes I have the cool whip too :).
Well, I am thinking of apple pie and ice cream.
Lolly, what a nice present from your son. I vote for NYC, great place to visit during the holidays. Maybe you will get to see the Rockettes!
Margy, you'r home. Was hoping you would stop by GeeGees and have some pumpking pie with us. GeeGee made 5 of them.
Yes, Loretta, I love leftovers. I always make huge amounts of turky dressing and turkey. UMM good sandwiches.
Personally I would settle for one piece of each kind of pie you guys are talking about !!!
This going to be interesting. He will have to tell me, so I will know what to pack. Not knowing is killing me!!!!
Lolly, you're pre Xmas adventure sounds intriguing!! What a wonderful son. Most guys don't usually think up these things!
Margy, I remember Circle R name. She sure hasn't been on for awhile.
Glad you got to eat some dinner, even if improvised!If I could send you dessert by carrier pigeon or eagle, I would! LOL
Maybe by news time, I'll have room for pie. Got Cool Whip too.
I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. That means it's time for bed.
Well, it comes!!! Think of warm (heated in the microwave) apple pie, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with swirls of caramel. Yum!
Nite Wanda! Sweet dreams!
I'm sorry, I should not be whining about no Pie! I made the decision to trade some hours for a good there were a couple of invites to meals that I declined...I am so grateful that I have food to eat and a roof over my head and great friendships.
( and, thanks for the offers Lolly and Nature Nut...! )(I'll dream about pie! )
On that positive note, I say Good Night to All, Rest well.
Peace, Love, and Prayers ♥
Well, Wanda, if you read in your sleep you will see that I thank you for thinking of me too! Five Pies, what a spitfire that GeeGee is ! xoxoxox
Hi everyone. I am glad everyone had such wonderful days.
It has been a sad day here with the passing of a dear man, the father of one of my best friends. He is in a better place and will no longer suffer from Alzheimer's, but it is
Oops, didn't finish the sentence. It is still hard on the family, in a way like losing him twice.
oh, Deb, so sorry to hear about your friends father
***Of tHE BIRD MOST***
***IN THE U.S. oF A.***
I hope you all had a great day, as I did.
Nice Message, Jim -
Glad you enjoyed yourself...
Great thoughts regarding our Eagle..
xo ♥ (bet you're snoozin' now...)
Now, why did I think Eagle ?
Guess that's the bird that comes to mind whn I hear "most admired..." duh, guess you meant Turkey !
Thoughts of sorrow for your friend whose father died, Deb. I know your presence in their life will bring great comfort at this difficult time. We're with you in spirit...Prayers for the bereaved.
T-Bird, oh T-Bird
Are you around? I miss your very early morning posts, and when you say , "Time to go make some dough." -
Always makes me think first of rolls and biscuits!
Hope you are doing well, Florence Nightingale...xoxo ♥ ♥
Best wishes to all today,
hope the day brings joy and peace, and that you can throw on a little Red for the Military.
xo ♥ ☺
MITS Thank you for sending me the puppy cam link again...Wow, did I get to see some rasslin' last night, and then the guy showed up with some loving, and all those stuffies...!
♥ ♥ ♥
Pile of deer at RHDC and bird sounds at Maine.
Dana, you are usually one of the first ones are you?
Daylight is slowly approaching the Maine nest...
Finney's is beautiful, clear and sunny, but I have not seen the Eagles there, yet...nest looks like it has a big black hole in the Center...
It's funny to just get on here and jabber away all by myself...☺
Oh, the Eagle at Maine is vocalizing, sounds almost mournful....needs some company....
Good morning Margy!! Thank you so much for the card. You are so thoughtful. I want to be like you when I grow up!
So you aren't out there shopping with the crazies either this morning, huh? I was going to but I really didn't see anything in the sale papers that I had to have.
Maine nest looks like an Ansel Adams "live" photograph . Heard both eagles a few mins ago, now, is quiet...
Hi Eagle Eye Sissy! Sorry I missed seeing your post! Well, believe it or not, I did go to one store at 4 am - got a set of pots and pans for myself! Ha Ha! Then I did get a few Christmas gifts, but was outta there in one hour and now back home....and you can see what I am doing now!
I'm glad you liked the seemed just right for you and Mattie! I have a lot of fun with cards..... ☺ ☺
...When I grow up I want to be like you! ♥ ♥ ♥
I figured if I get more pots and pans maybe I will do more cooking! I eat an awful lot of sandwiches...(which I love but I think I could do better, and it is Soup Season ! xoxox I am so glad to "See" you! !
Ha Ha Ha, it looks like someone gave the Snowman a White Eye!
Good day after Thanksgiving Margy and Sissy. Just finished reading last night's blog to see all the chatter about each person's day. It sounds as if everyone was well fed, but Margy didn't get any pie. :( You saved a few pounds; think of it that way.:)
Took a trip over to Wanda's Wishes to vied the possum and skunk. I can't believe that she actually went outside to get the pic. She is braver than I.
Hey MARGY, it sounds as if Gee Gee may have some leftover pie you could eat; 5 pies. It is amazing what she still does at her age.
You betcha Candy! - Hey did you see my story about Matt and Patrick from North Carolina traveling to Pittsburgh with a stopover in Berkeley Springs? If not I will repeat it. It was magical, they had the most beautiful smiles. ☺ ☺ ☺
I did wear RED while out on my shopping I am back in my pajamas for awhile.
5 deer at Pix Pa - I think all does ! Wowie Zowie !
Okay , Loon singing at Maine, I sure hope someone hears it !
Yes MARGY I did see about the two from N. Carolina. Wonderful story and your recognizing and thanking them was sooooo sweet. I bet their families were glad to see them when they got to their destination and were thankful that they were safe for the time being. We owe so much to the young people ,and old people too, that are serving our country and keeping us safe.
Ditto that, Candy. Patrick had some bandaging on one of his hands, my grandson asked him what happened, the two kind of chuckled and he said he had a "little accident..." wonder what it was! I have not seen that kind of wonder and anticipation in people's faces in quite some time. It was truly a blessing that our paths crossed.
♥ ♥ ♥ One of my Thanksgiving gifts.... ☺
Can't wait to see where Lolly's son is going to take her. NYC would be a beautiful place this time of the year with all the decorations. It is like a fairy tale to walk about in.
And, I am sooooo glad that you had a nice time with your daughter-in-law's parents. Whew, huh?
I hear eagle sounds coming from the Maine cam, but no Loon yet. I am still trying to figure out how to turn up the sound on my moniter. Had it figured out once, but these senior moments keep getting in the way. :)
The White Gull Pics made it onto the BWO page....that funny old bird looks like it is blowing a bubble gum bubble !
Candy, the volume at Maine seems impossibly low compared to some of the other sites with sound.
How about, go to bottom left "Start" -
then Settings, then Control Panel and look for Audio something or other...should give you some options...I think you can turn up the volume that way...then everything else will be deafening! I think I am the only one that has heard the loon. Maybe I am just Looney ! xoxox ♥
Thanks Margy. It is just the mother as they are divorced. They went the night before Thanksgiving to the fathers house and his wife and kids.
DIL and mother are headed to shop in Virginia today, sooooooooo Josh told me that we could have the day after Thanksgiving together like always. That brightened up my night a little. We usually hit some of the stores here where I can get him to pick out some things for Christmas and then visit the Christmas Shoppe. The Christmas Shoppe transports you into back to younger days with all the decorations and such. We have been going there at Thanksgiving since he was about4. We would get to pic 1 new ornament for the tree each year. It was like tradition. I get to see him for today and he is going golfing with his father tomorrow.
BWO has an eagle in it with a fish for breakfast!
Do you email Suz or call her? I really miss talking to her. She is such a nice person.
Thanksgiving is supposed to be the most traveled holiday of the year. I can remember going back to NY quite a few years back for Thanksgiving. We were told to use the Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway....much faster. Ha! Comng back it was stop and go (mostly stop) for alot of the way through New Jersey. Never again. Come to find out, the Giants were playing a football game in Philly with the Eagles and that didn't help traffic any. It was a horrible trip back.
Eagle Action at BWO -
Boy, that eagle sure made mincemeat out of whatever he brought to the nest. It is gone already. He didn't waste any time.
Little Luney is still snoozing and looks so comfortable. He would look better on a nice cushy pillow tho. :)
Margy, I think I just heard your Loon in Maine. It gave one call.
Great Candy !
You have email...
My computer is going into protest, time to eat some cookies and shut 'er down. Be Back in a few xoxo
Okay Gang, we have a new thread...head on over...
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