Saturday, May 05, 2007


New thread. Happy weekend. Looks like rain here.


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glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Enjoy your weekend too.

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS GLO!---You are #1 today!!!-----DO YOU GET WAX WITH THAT??? ho! THANKS STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD!!---Appreciate you remembering us on a SATURDAY!!!!----Have you gotten to attend a "RAMP FEED" this spring---I am going to one tomorrow!----Time is running out!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Normabyrd---My husband planted Ramps in our garden about 4 years ago, but we have never eaten them. I fear they will taste as strong as they smell and that is not good!

normabyrd said...

COSTUME LADY---Oh---I think you will enjoy them when they start their branching---attempting to fledge, etc.-----They are just like college kids---They keep coming home for food---to sack out----only difference--THEY DON'T BRING LAUNDRY!!!!----They are such FUN to watch----

normabyrd said...

COSTUME LADY---I have never eaten them either---My brother & family LOVED them---They usually fry them with potatoes & some times eggs--They have a million different dishes----I bet they have RAMP FEEDS in your area---Tomorrow they are having one at FIRE CO. IN SPRINGFIELD---6 miles from Romney--

Robyn said...

Norma, Costume Lady my friedns pick/pull ramps it is far removed from NYC living. I heard they *are* good with potatoes and eggs but the smell is powerful. There is a spot in Hedgesville they go to every year.

normabyrd said...

VA EAGLETS are getting read to start branching---ho!---Hope they start on the limbs that we can see---------JRB FALCONS are huddled all alone---Haven't seen MOM for a couple of days----They need a "CLEANING LADY"----ho!

Costume Lady said...

Ladies--Have a nice day; I am going out to pick some Ramps. Will let you know how they taste. Will try to think of some way to prepare them maybe on the grill with other veggies...Later.

normabyrd said...

ROBYNANN---WOW!!--That ODOR stays with you for a LONNNNNG TIME!---Seriously---I have READ all the gourmet cooks in NYC are serving them & causing a shortage here----They are a SPRING TONIC!!!----I NEED a tonic BAD!---ho!----

MITS said...

Thanks, Steven for the Saturday thread...just goggle ramp recipes and I bet you will get a thousand recipes

normabyrd said...

STAR is actually SMILING at her new little chicks!!!---Bless their little "wobbly" heads---ADORABLE!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Just goggled WV Ramps---RAMP FESTIVALS--"They are a rite of spring in the mountains"----This is has always been a way to socalize, etc.-----Also referred to as an EASTER ONION!!!---HEY--I bet some of our eagles have tasted them----JUST KIDDIN'---ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

The OHIO FALCON was ready to hatch yesterday---But hasn't as far as I can tell----

MITS said...

Norma, 4 eggs still in view at Ohio.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Still see 2 more eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Norma Any plans of being in Shepherdstown on the Mother's day weekend?

phyrfly said...

Ramps are basically tastes like a cross between an onion and galic. I fry then in a cast iron pan on the grill outide becaue of the strong smell...but if they are cooked they don't tend to linger on YOU. If you eat them raw...that they tend to stay with you for a few days (kinda like garlic) LOL

normabyrd said...

HI PHYRFLY---I wasn't aware of that---will not eat the cooked RAMPS---Thanks!!----JO----I think LISA & I are going to meet in Winchester----Maybe after her school is out----Will be down---I notice last time---CLARIN (sp) SIGN is back up!!!!

phyrfly said...

normabyrd...Just in case you read that wrong...cooked ramps don't make YOU smell bad, but the raw one can make YOU smell for a few days

MITS said...

lol....I got your drift, Phyrfly, so it is better to cook, correct:)

MITS said...

Mom and eyas were just eating left-over egg shell at PA.

Mema Jo said...

Best to cook outside - right?

Norma you have mail.

Hello there Phyrfly! Checked out your site - I need another one.

Mits,Norma Click on Phyrfly name and go over to her personal blog "Things I See". I just love it & I know you two will also - you may have already been there.

normabyrd said...

PHYRFLY---I READ YOU CORRECTLY ----Just typing TOO FAST!---Sorry---JUST watched the OWLET swallow the mouse----WHOA!---Bet he could use an ALKA-SELTZER-----

movin said...


I'm up again and "refreshing." Never heard of "ramps" until you commenters told us..I could use a Spring tonic myself.

How far can they smell you coming once you are cured of the Winter blahhs??

Check out the BW Ospreys...they look like a new pair now they have the egg...much brighter and more motivated.

I was reading the Maine blog last night, and that pair are mating regularly, so it looks good for another attempt there.

Got to go study the racing touts for the Derby and send some pics from early today.

'More will be revealed.'


MITS said...

Thank you, Jo, I just went to her site, beautiful words.

MITS said...

Sun shining in on PA falcons, she looks like she is really trying to get those last 2 eggs to hatch.

phyrfly said...

Well to be honet I couldn't tell you, BUT every year in the spring you can smell when you enter the town of Richwood (and that is no joke). Of course after you eat, you won't smell garlic.

Costume Lady said...

Phyrfly---I just read your "Things I See". You have a Beautiful Mind.

normabyrd said...

I have visited FHYRFLY'S SITE a few times----She certainly has a way with words----She points out the beauty in the world---we sometime never seek or find----

phyrfly said...

Thank you Costume lady...nature is so beautiful, and I really do think that there are many things our busy minds miss because we forget to look. I am glad you liked it

phyrfly said...

And thank you normabyrd for your kind words :)

normabyrd said...

RICHWOOD is the home of the RAMPS!----FRHYFLY are you old enough to remember JIM COMSTOCK who published "The West Virginia Hillbilly"---published once a mo.--He put ramps in his ink one time & almost created a RIOT in the US MAIL DEPT.----He was a brilliant man & I miss his writing so very much!!

normabyrd said...

WOW JIM!---If we all have a "mess of ramps" tomorrow----You may be able to smell us tomorrow in the SANTA ANA winds----ho!

phyrfly said...

I remember that story. My in-laws loved telling it to me. I am a transplant...only been in WV 9 yrs, but I will never leave :))

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all. Just in for a quick rest....gotta mow the lawn grows as fast as the eaglets!

Going to my STBDIL Bachelorette party I'd better get the chores done today :)

Found my son and friend on the sofas this morning, they had a good time at the bachelor party last night.

Was supposed to go to NJ today to pick up the College Kid, but he's got a ride home. Woo hoo! Means I get my chores done today. College kid will be home Tuesday, just in time for the wedding next Saturday.

Nice day outside today, perfect for yard chores! Going to check out a few more cams, and finish the yard.

Happy Cinco de Mayo, Derby Day and Saturday!!

movin said...

Hahaha, Phyrfly, Norma....

The ramps smell that wonderfully aromatic, eh?? I'll be sniffing the winds in Santa Ana all next week now.

Any more action at our nest?


paula eagleholic said...

OMG I can't believe how big the VA eaglets are. They are beautful. All 3 in view.

Mema Jo said...

Placed Jim's am pictures in Momsters' album

Momster Album

Mema Jo said...

Going out for awhile... BBL

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Is there still only 1 chick at PS?

Mema Jo said...

Sneaked back in to answer you, Paula.
As far as we know
Cam has been frozen since yesterday around noon hour

Mema Jo said...

Bye now.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Jo, Must've have forgotten that in my late night reading!

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

Perching at noon, facing out of nest

paula eagleholic said...

Cam a little fuzzy

MITS said...

Cam is really acting up.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still there, surveying kingdom :)

glo said...

Thanks Costume Lady and normabyrd for giving us the Heads Up on FHYRFLY'S SITE

I just went there to visit. I agree gonna be another fun place to drop by. She writes beautifully.

paula eagleholic said...

Still there, same spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Snoozin at VA

Mama osprey at BW looks happy

MITS said...

Paula, I got a very nice sweatshirt from IWS this week and I became a member and sent them a donation.

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglets looking for nestovers

MITS said...

Feeding time at KENT

MITS said...

Belle must be jumping up and down on the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Preening now

Mema Jo said...

Certainly is doing a lot of Preening!

Mema Jo said...

I never realized that their white tail feathers were that length...

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful Mits! It's definitely a good cause!

paula eagleholic said...

They sold over $800 worth of sweatshirts after the LA Times article came out.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, those feathers go way up their back

paula eagleholic said...

More preening.

paula eagleholic said...

BW eaglets just chillin

Mema Jo said...

Belle is starting to make me itch with all her preening.. Think it's tic season yet? lol

paula eagleholic said...

Hate to go, but doggies bugging me to go out - gotta finish mowing too. TTUL.

MITS said...

My bad, thought that was skinny Lib.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

WELCOME BACK PAULA!---We have missed you----but envied you too!! ho! ho!---Now--is the wedding next weekend?---WOW!---That will be a GREAT TIME!----

Mema Jo said...

Getting pic but won't be able to place in album until this evening when I return from mass...

Mema Jo said...

Belle has been there for an hour.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone yes been lurking some

Paula you have mail Also hope you have a blast tonight.

Mema Jo hawk sites are great ty

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana! Belle is still at nest. Cam is acting up but when I refresh it usually clears up.

I need to get ready for church...

movin said...

Belle's been there a while and looks like she's content there.

What do you think of this scenario? It's due to rain this evening...maybe she is going to tent the egg cup area to keep it ready...we don't know that they haven't mated off-camera. They could be getting ready.

I calculated earlier that it would be about 119 days from egg laying to fledging...that would put it into early September for fledging. They would still have 2-3 months before serious winter weather set in...might be doable.


movin said...

They are feeding furry thing to the chicks in Kent right now.


wvgal_dana said...

Anybody know how to make the color lighter on the real player?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everybody. Good to see Belle perching on the ever-growing nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, you can change the settings by going to tools, then video controls. You can change the settings there.

MITS said...

Cam is going bonkers.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon nice of you to help me out. Found it and picture looks much better. ty again

movin said...

Besides protecting the nest from rain, she could actually be preparing to lay egg(s).

She has that "far away look" they often get before starting to lay.

It's definitely something out of the ordinary...wait and see.


movin said...

Hahaha, the camera cleared up and she is gone.


MITS said...

Jim, if you read Lisa's update from yestersdays eagle blog, you will see why eagles do the hatching early, so the juvies have time to learn all there is to know before they are setting out on their own.I don't think it would bode to well for the chicks if they were born in September. It is too bad NCTC did not band the eagles from last year, the 1st year of an eagles life is the most dangerous from what I have been reading.

MITS said...

Feeding time up in PA. Still 2 unhatched eggs.

MITS said...

Both eagles at KENT

movin said...

Check out Kent.

MITS said...

Watching Hancock/Sydney nest, Mom is on the branch calling out and eaglet is in nest looking around.

paula eagleholic said...

BW osprey was up a little while ago, still saw one egg

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go shower - I'm not driving!! Woo hoo! Night all!

MITS said...

Have fun, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

I bet she will have FUN!
Back from Mass - see the icky cam!
Will put the pics of the long visit that Belle made to the nest this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Photos in the album

Mema Jo said...

I'll return around 10...
see ya then...

movin said...

Action at Kent...

Mema Jo said...

10:01 I am back to see if there is anyone here this evening. Just missed Jim.

Kent: aren't the patterns of the eagles' feathers beautiful?

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though the Kent nest will have shade now that the leaves are coming out. Very cozy looking nest.
Puget Sound cam is still frozen.
Our cam is ok now - so tomorrow am it should still be clear!

MITS said...

Sometimes they get so close to the cam, you feel like reaching out and touching their feathers.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though the oldest BW eaglet is going to start sleeping in the perched position! Oh My - seems so long ago that BigBoy did that...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! Did you finish your shopping? Christine just sent me online pics of the Zoo. Said she just had not downloaded her camera.
I have pics & pics & pics.......
I'll send you one or two of the Little Prince.

MITS said...

I would love to see the little bugger. Finally have my new coffee pot, those coffee in the bags, like tea bags, just don't do it for me.

Mema Jo said...

Is Jill coming this week to the zoo?
Hope you get to meet her.

movin said...

Speaking of BW eaglets,
The perching one just flapped his wings (in his sleep?), and the younger one rolled over so that it looks like he might fall out of the nest.


Mema Jo said...

Kent eagle calling out to somebody!

movin said...

There's some action on the Channel Island sites...WE, everybody's in front of the camera, but the lights have not been turned on.


Mema Jo said...

BW: looks like just one in the nest now...what do you think?

Mema Jo said...

I am surprised how WE controls those chicks whereabouts. When first delivered there, I thought for sure Harry would go over the edge.

Mema Jo said...

Both adults at Kent for the feeding

Mema Jo said...

Glad to see that Santa Cruz cam is operating

Mema Jo said...

BW: Now I can see the one eaglet's feet on the right side of the nest!
They are both there..

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, Jill is supposed to be there next Wednesday.

Mema Jo said...

I hope you have a good weather day on Wed. I did email Kent's Garry & Loraine to see if they could contact someone about the Puget Sound cam still being frozen.

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day........

Good Night Everyone

Peace Be With You & Yours

MITS said...

It is supposed to be in the 80's on Wed....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

movin said...

Good night, everyone. Happy weekend.


Jill said...

I am still planning to be there. Mits will you still be with the sloth bear? How do I find you? They have changed the train schedules and fares so I think we are goint Shady Grove and take the Metro in.

floralgirl said...

Good Sunday moring. At 5:39 am there is eagle sitting in the WV nest this morning. Of course the cam is going haywire now, but I see an eagle in the nest cup area. Just hanging out I guess, so late for an egg now. I got a pic before the cam went crazy, pic is awful now. Oh well, gotta get ready to go to mkt. Have a good day everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to all of you---It is a beautiful morning and we have an Eagle on our nest.

Costume Lady said...

I sure do hope you bet on "Street Sense". I just read that he won the Kentucky Derby! We could all come to Shepherdstown and help you celebrate....

Sandy said...

I didn't bet, but we watched and cheered and screamed for the horse and jumped up and down when he won. My niece in KY sobbed she was so overcome. Just think, my little niece exercises the Kentucky Derby winner. WOW!!

morning all

Costume Lady said...

Sandy--Sorry we can't come to Shepherdstown and help you celebrate your "winnings", but I am happy for your niece. WOW; that was the BIG one!!

Time to get ready for church.
A blessed day to you all.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!---WOW! WOW! WOW! SANDY----When I see you next week---I want an AUTOGRAPH of the AUNT of STREET SENSE'S EXERCISER------CONGRATULATIONS!---I was so excited for you all!!!----HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!

normabyrd said...

BARN OWLS "say" still have 4---A "fuzzy" chick is blocking the view----The VA EAGLETS are sleeping & "blowing in the wind"---BEAUTIFUL----NE NEST--"blue"!!!

MITS said...

GOOD SUNDAY MORNING EVERYONE Sandy congrats to your niece, that is wonderful, it was such an exciting race. Loved that the jockey was so excited.

normabyrd said...

PA FALCONS---AT least FOUR---Maybe 5?---Very windy---hard to see them in the shadows---PRETTY MOM---is very proud---

normabyrd said...

BW OSPREY MOM staying one the windy nest---Temp. 53°----The EAGLETS are "sacked out" as usual---Won't be long though---We will have to hunt for them---to SEE them!!!

normabyrd said...

OH YEAH MITS!!!---I loved the JOCKEY too!----He did everything except "STAND ON HIS HEAD"---Bet he is still GOING STRONG!!!

normabyrd said...

OHIO'S FALCON SCOUT---is still on her nest---Last update---Fri.--The lady who writes the updates DOES NOT have a computer at home---HEY SUZANNE---YOU HAVE STARTED A TREND!!! ho!---Believe it's time to hatch there!!!

MITS said...

They have shut down the Springfest in Ocean City, Maryland today and cancelled the Annual Bay Bridge walk due to very high winds coming into the area. Wind gust at OC today are going to be in the range of 55 plus mph. Blackwater Refuge is about an hour and a half away from the coast, but they are still expecting windy weather there today also, so going to be a rough day for chicks and osprey.

Mema Jo said...

Well I sure hope the BW eaglet that wants to branch doesn't fledge instead. Up & Away!!
Good Windy Morning Everyone!
I am laughing at Norma's comment about Suzanne setting a Trend! lol
Sandra - the Derby race is what you call an adrenaline surge! I am so happy you had a connection there & I am sure your house on the corner was rocking & shaking!

Mema Jo said...

Windy conditions at the VA nest I have been watching for awhile & 2 of the 3 got side by side and are hunkered down..I can not find the 3rd... The tree/camera (don't know which) is swaying really badly in the wind. I am just not so sure that she is in the nest... MTBR

Mema Jo said...

Well I watched long enough to be certain that ALL THREE ARE THERE IN THE NEST. With all the swaying and the clump of black feathers huddled together, I just saw the 3rd Beak open! Now off to another cam.

Mema Jo said...

It is time to get out in some sunshine even though the wind is briskly blowing. I'll return....

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Jo, Mitts Sandy, Costume Lady and Norma Bird and all of our other eagle watching buddies.
Sandy, how exciting it must have been for you and your family. How lucky is your niece......Wow! He will be competing in the nest races, too, no? Wow again!

Just got back from church and breakfast and see that our cam in messing up again.

Windy, did anyone say windy? I thought we were going to get blown over going to church this morning. I guess the weatherman had figured the storm to go out to see, and instead, it is coming in close to shore. We have high winds. soundside and beach flooding predicted down here.down here. Another nasty day to be out and about.

normabyrd said...


Robyn said...

Good morning or rather afternoon all. seems like cool front blew through the area last night, sun is shining strong but a slight chill today, especilly blowing in the windows.

I normally check the VA babes nest first but got into the habit of catching up before I look at any cam now, thank you all for keeping me updated when I can't be here.

Va juvies are hunkered down I see, hope they practice caution today with those wing stretches and hops in the nest

carolinabeachmom said...

The Norfolk chicks are hunkered down too.

normabyrd said...

NY RED-TAIL HAWK----Can see the top of a "BOBBLE HEAD"---Not much else----

carolinabeachmom said...

It doesn't look like our cam is long for this world in the wind.

carolinabeachmom said...

I never saw anything in that nest yet, Normabyrd. You must have to watch for awhile. I went to the KGW red tailed hawk site and the babies are all sleeping.

normabyrd said...

MIT RED TAIL HAWK CHICKS---BORIS & NATASH are "CUTIES"---Preening like crazy---Must have lice?--You think----

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh I do think I see a grey body now; must be themother, or is that one of her big chicks. The more I look at it, it looks like 2 chicks?

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolinabeachmom said...

OMG they are big hawks in NY

carolinabeachmom said...

One seems to be trying out his/her wings. I never saw the tiny chicks. It is hard to believe they are soooo big.

normabyrd said...

CAROLINA---I do keep watching---You can barely see the top of a head----But will usually see a head pop up after a while!!!!---Is your KGW Hawk site the same site as I referred to as MIT?----They are ADORABLE little chicks---

Robyn said...

Looks like it is windy all over, if that is Star in the Kent nest she is all windblown.

I feel better knowing others are worried each time you see two in the Va nest. I worried my poor mom the other day when i asked if she saw two or three in the nest. One keeps disappearing. Thank goodness for unlimited long distance!

carolinabeachmom said...

The NY red tailed ones that I just saw after watching a few minutes. That is the one I could never see anything in until I just watched for awhile. The KGW red tailed hawks are on a building in Portland Oregon and I got to them through
There are at least three chicks in that nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mama is sitting with her chicks now as they sleep in Portland

normabyrd said...


carolinabeachmom said...

It gives you a downward look into their nest; a better view than the NY one/

carolinabeachmom said...

Normabyrd, I couldn't get over how big they were when they finally stood up. The ones in Portland are littler. Yes they do look just like eaglets.

I saw the baby owl chick eat the mouse whole last night and almost died laughing. I still don't know how he finally got that whole thing down his throat and still breathed at the same time. lol

Robyn said...

Carolina, have you red all the posts about the number 4 owlet? They are hysterical because he is one festy little one, they post on how number 4 broke all nest protocol and so on...

normabyrd said...

THANKS CAROLINA!---Will check those hawks out---They are huge!

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the info robynann. I'll go and check it out.

normabyrd said...

HI ROBYNANN---CAROLINA I watched the OWLET eat the WHOLE mouse at one time on video---POOR SOUL!--Bet he needed alka-seltzer!!---I was stunned when I found out those owlets eat their dead siblings!!
ROBYANN is that the same bunch of owlets??

normabyrd said...

OUR CAM IS BACK---Still MT Nest---

carolinabeachmom said...

From going back and reading their blog, I think that it was # 4 that I saw grab the mouse and keep it away from the others and finally work it down his throat. It was really hysterical. From what they said on the blog, he hadn't gotten anything to eat in awhile, soooooo he took care of it himself. lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Between our cam being black, fuzzy or many colors, I guess our season is over. From what I read, the couple were in the nest yesterday afternoon for quite awhile. I haven't seen them yet today. Thought I might catch them on the afternoon run. :(

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess I'll get something warm on and go out and do some flower planting while I can. First it looks like rain here and then the sun comes out. The wind is awful here. Maybe if I get off the Liberty and Belle will come to the nest and you can enjoy. I'll have to catch up on the albums later if they do. BBL

MITS said...

Hello and Goodbye:):) Off to see our Maggie....TTYL!!!!

Robyn said...

Yes norma they are the same owlets, I saw one of the dead chicks get eaten, it was sad but it is survival.

Carolina #4 gets his share of food, I usually see him eating at least once a night. They are good to each other, sometimes you can catch the older one feeding the little ones, before it gets inhaled lol.

Watching #4 battle swallowing prey bigger them him is the funniest, he trips all over the place but eats it whole.

Mema Jo said...



Sunday afternoon visit

Mema Jo said...

Our cam is not cooperating!

Mema Jo said...

Our Liberty is still in middle of the nest

Mema Jo said...

I say our Liberty BUT

can't be certain as still just

sitting in the middle not moving

around much.

Mema Jo said...

15 min visit so far to our nest

Mema Jo said...

If your on the blog
Go to the Kent cam.
Interesting! Adult hopping from one side of nest to other..

Watching our cam & can't get full
pic of what is going on at Kent.

movin said...


I think Liberty's just kind of hanging and snoozin while he waits for Belle to show.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim
I don't think he has any plans for the day

I'm snapping some pictures, but he's not being very photogenic as far as different poses.

movin said...

Looks like the hopping and calling at Kent was in prelude to a change of the guard...

They're both in the frame now.


Mema Jo said...

Looks like Feeding time in VA nest

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the update on Kent
Sounds like a good reason

Puget Sound cam still frozen
Emailed them but no response yet

Mema Jo said...

MT nest

The adult eagles at WE & TH nests seem to be shading their young with open wings. Temps must be high today.

Mema Jo said...

Afternoon visit pics being placed in album
I suggest you watch them as a slideshow as I don't think I can come up with captions for all of them Enjoy

movin said...

I don't understand the camera...looks like a total wipe- out, but one refresh and it looks perfect again!?

I missed the Derby yesterday, but I was just watching some videos... that was a classic example of perfectly executed strategy, luck, power and speed coming through to the win. Outstanding!

...of course I had to watch some Derby's back to Secretariat and Citation too. And the duel between Sunday Silence and Easy Goer back in '89. Great stuff.

I see Liberty has flown off now.


movin said...

Yes, Mema Jo, the temp in Santa Ana is in the low 80's today, so I assume it's somewhere near that on the Islands too.


Mema Jo said...

Hopefully this will get you to the album

Momster Album Week May 6

Mema Jo said...

Derby news Jim, Sandra, who lives in Shepherdstown, has a niece who exercises Street Sense. There home was very joyous from what Sandra said when her niece called after the race. Sandra wrote Just think, my little niece exercises the Kentucky Derby winner. WOW!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW Both Kent adults are away from the nest (probably not that far away)
BUT little chicks look very lonely there all by themselves! I guess I am glad that George isn't around to harass them.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Both adults have returned and are in the nest with the chicks at
Kent! They are BIG birds. Love the Kent cams

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to plan dinner..
It's been a fulfilling afternoon since I have seen our Eagle.
I will return later......

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I finally get back on and everyone is getting supper. I got pics of the eagle in our nest too, but couldn't get on the blog to let anyone know. Glad you caught it Jo. For some reason, I couldn't get back into the blog. I'm in now, so I am leaving it open. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

I wish we had California weather here today. We have horrible winds and prospect of flooding, sound side and ocean. Sun is out then in; more in than out and it is chilllllly.

movin said...

I think they're all spending Sunday afternoon with the family at home in Kent.


movin said...

Look at the West End group...all gawking over the side at the ocean, I guess.


movin said...

Mema Jo, you're clickable link worked...only took me to the sign in page though. I'll try it again after I sign in.


movin said...

Yep, the link to me right to today's photos, once I had signed in.

I think you got it down, Mema Jo.


movin said...

Well, I'm out of here for a while. Have a pleasant evening,


carolinabeachmom said...

Checking in and checking out. It looks like Norfolk chicks are up and ready for dinner. I wonder where the provider is? They are really rocking in their nest. Hopefully it is just the camera doing all the swinging.

carolinabeachmom said...

The chicks at West End are really growing fast. I still can't believe that they haven't fallen out of the nest yet. Parent is back with chick at Two Harbors. Their nest is the messiest of the bunch. Everything is all over. Santa Cruz parent and chick are up and around, and the owls, weeelllll, they are just one big, happy family until the nest field mouse shows up. :) Have to run. Our young Polish guest has arrived and it is time for dinner. Maybe BBL If not, you all have a wonderful birdwatching evening.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned for a little bit...
Our nest at sundown is quite beautiful even though it is empty.
Eaglet Momster group has another new member - well she isn't New to us bloggers - Wanda - CostumeLady from Martinsburg. WELCOME

I am wondering if Anne-HeidiGirl has survived the weekend and was able to keep up with her 6 yr old bike riding grandson? Bet she had a real good time with him. I am sure he will remember the weekend for a long time coming.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra I know your sister is visiting thru next week - Is she the mother of your niece that exercises our Derby winner?

MITS said...

Good Evening all, your right Jo, the nest does look pretty, been waiting for them to stop in and visit.

Bob Quinn said...

Hey all!

Did you see Lisa's new blog? She speculated the first egg could possible have belonged to the intruder which would explain why they didn't incubate it.

I was at the refuge briefly both Friday and Saturday. I hadn't checked online so I didn't know about the egg. I didn't see any activity around the cam platform either day. I didn't even see the osprey on the nest probably because it was hunkered down. On the other platform that's near the drive the male was on the nest and the female nearby on the ground probably finishing a meal. I've seen her eat at that location before. He flew off and she quickly arrived to take over. Lots of egrets too:


Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits Hi Bob --
Can't hook up to the BW site right now.. I will go on over to your photos Bob.
Hope you had a happy afternoon visit with Maggie! I got my shorts lol

Here is Bob's Photo Link:

Bob's Weekend Visit to the Refuge

Mema Jo said...

Bob Beautiful photos. The ones of the egret are outstanding! Love the red headed woodpecker. Of course the soaring eagle is a favorite!
NOW What bird is in the last 2 photos?

Mema Jo said...

I'll return around 10 to check things out.
Eagle Spirits are around our MT Nest

sunny said...

Hi Gang! Looks like I got here just in time to see Bob's pictures. Thanks Bob! What is the red-headed bird? I hope to get down to BW soon to take some pictures of my own, although they certainly won't measure up to yours!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...