Friday, May 11, 2007


Foggy morning here, and the cam is reflecting the lack of visibility and solar energy.

New thread.

Update: Saw the male in the nest yesterday and he was continuing to build up the sides of the nest. Suzanne has pics of a visit this AM, they seem to be showing up right at dawn each day.


movin said...

Good morning, All.

Thanks, Steve... Any sightings of the pair on campus?


Mema Jo said...

That was funny! I'm bringing my comment over from old thread - Thanks for the new one Steve

Is that the 3rd time you have been first on a new thread?

movin said...

Suzanne, I took a look at a couple of the cams you so beautifully describe this morning....

Indeed, it definitely looks as though the PA Peregrine is pushing the final egg completely out of the picture.

Also I sent you all a glimpse of the BW Osprey this morn...maaayybeee 3 eggs, but I don't quite see that third one in the later shot.

Have a great day and a great weekend...


Mema Jo said...

From Previous thread
Good Morning Everyone - Don't think I qualify as an early bird as it is after 9:00 Almost ready to lock down the house & head out. Hubby is a very defensive driver - thanks for all your thoughts & prayers concerning our travels. Will get online when I get to my valley - I am planning on Blackwater...I'm excited! Maybe they'll have an egg count by the
time I arrive.
Make it a good day for yourself & others that you meet!

movin said...

Does anyone know (like Paula) if any of our known bird cams (of course the birds too) are threatened by the fire on Catalina Island??


movin said...

Good morning, Mema Jo...

I was first twice in one week recently, and perhaps a time or two before that... It always surprises me more than anyone.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----CONGRATS JIM---You are #1 again---SUZANNE----I LOVE your commentary every a.m.----Helps me greet the day with a SMILE!!!---JO---SAFE JOURNEY HOME!!---MAULEY---Hope you are feeling better---SORRY---It's FRI.--Can't remember every on the other thread----Did enjoy the discussion about the woodpeckers, etc.---When we first built our house (cedar shake)---many moons ago---I knew those YELLOW BELLIED "KIDS" PERSONALLY---Every a.m. about 5:00 a.m.---We were greeted with their tap--tap---Wasn't funny then---ho!-----I have lots of woodpeckers in the woods---Last night I heard a WHIPPER-WILL---Always makes me think of when I was a kid at camp!!!---GLORIOUS DAY in WV---67° & I think it will be another warm one!!

Jill said...

My TH camera is stuck on yesterday. Don't know if that is because of the fire or not.

Steve Chase said...

The male was in the nest yesterday afternoon, have not seen them since.

normabyrd said...

SORRY----I told you allI am still having a CRAZY a.m.----My bird is whippoorwill!!!!!---NOT WHIPPER WILL!!

movin said...

Thanks, know what? I looked at the Two Harbors cam twice this morning and didn't realize it was frozen!!!

Now I see the West End camera is frozen from about the same time...must be fire related.


Jill said...

Just read the last of yesterdays thread. For those looking for a Cold Stone Creamery, there is one in Winchester and Hagerstown. If you need more let me know. Both SC cams are stuck at the same time yesterday.

sunny said...

Good Morning, everyone. I was just coming to ask about the SC fire. It looks pretty bad.

sunny said...

P.S. There's a Cold Stone Creamery in Frederick, too!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Thanks for the heads up, Jim. Way to go, getting to be a habit with you!

Jim, saw your pic, and I sent a couple to Lisa that looked like that too. She replied that the female is very good at hiding her eggs, and they had a heck of a time seeing the 2nd egg when it was laid. She's gonna keep the pic up for a while. Who knows, we may get a better look, but I've seen the eggs several times, and now it only looks like 2 to me too.
PA falconettes just had breakfast. Whatever it was had red feathers...cardinal, maybe. I forgot how hard these falcons are on the local bird population!
Star is on the babies in Kent, Spirit is out and about. That's a switch.
Steve, both Lib and Belle were in our nest this morning, though not at the same time, and you can almost see them through the cam challenge. I'll send pics out, but they're terrible! At least we know they were there!
Jo, have a blast at Blackwater! You will enjoy that. Take your camera, you might even be able to see the branching eaglets Liberty and Majesty. Wouldn't that be cool!!

Jill said...

If they are using any kind of satellite trans it might be blocked by the smoke.

Thanks Suzanne. Don't know much about Frederick.

movin said...

Nothing like that first long sip of Folgers Mountain grown with plenty of cream and sugar ........ aahhh.

Thanks for the firsthand look at our pair, Steve. They're still a mystery.. I don't think they're going to have a second clutch this year, but they keep doing the extra nesting stuff and making you wonder "if."


Suzanne said...

Sent pics around of the nest visit this morning, such as they are...

Robyn said...

Good morning everyone,

So much to read since I wasn't here all day yesterday.

Jo, safe trip to BW and home.

I'm going to read the threads from yesterday. Does anyone know about the fire on Catalina Island? Are the eagles safe?

Steve Chase said...

We think the probability of another clutch this season is extremely low and thus unlikely. It would have happened by now. Remember the odds of a second clutch are only 50/50 at best.

normabyrd said...

CHECKED IWS---Discussion group is giving out some info---Still dark----chicks still in nest---MOM flew away--but back with DAD---GLO IS POSTED----Asking for info----SEEMS PETER & STEFFI'S home is in line of fire as well as other bldgs---Don't know cause yet--- NEED TO SAY A PRAYER!!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE I sent Paula a report on the fire last night, but, I know she is probably getting ready for the rehearsal dinner and the big wedding day tomorrow... I'm going over to the discussion forum of their sites, probably info there.

floralgirl said...

OH, what a beautiful morning....almost an inch of rain last nite, guess my rain dance paid off. We need more, but every little bit helps. As far as the eagles, well, there's always next year:)

MITS said...

Hey, Megan, we did not get a smigen of rain, but I'm sure glad you got it.....

floralgirl said...

Don't have time to check on CA nest now, someone please keep us updated here. Read over 4000+ acres have burned. So sad. Gotta go get ready for Mother's Day weekend. Farm mkt. in Charlestown,WV tomorrow and SHepherdstown Sunday. Hope the sun comes out and our cam works again, I know we won't get eggs this year, but I still like seeing them in the nest.Have a great Friday, everybody!!

Suzanne said...

Osprey egg turning time, but who knows how many eggs????

MITS said...

Just went over to their forum, EAGLEDUO wants all talk of the fire on their chat page.

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks are alone, parent in tree. One is sitting up, too cute.

floralgirl said...

Hey Mits, we missed a lot of the severe storms, thank goodness, but caught a shower about 10 pm that was great. Hope we get more, AFTER the weekend. Mother's Day weekend is always good if it's nice aoutside. LATER

MITS said...

KTLA has video of the fire at Avalon, lots of help coming from the mainland....

movin said...

Thanks for the update Steve.

The radio is talking Catalina fire now, they are doing great things to fight it (using Marine hover craft to bring in equipment), but it is still out of control. Not threatening Avalon presently though.

Got to go to work.... TGIF.


normabyrd said...

Site suggested you use the above site---40,000 acres---Suggest we all pray----

Jill said...

Is the nest close to Avalon?

normabyrd said...

JILL---Check the LA TIMES site---All the info you want---Map shows where Avalon is, etc.----Yes it is near there----As JIM mentioned---all kinds of equipment brought in from the military---

CamsGrammy said...

Good morning everyone. Haven't been on here in a while. I have been at Cleveland Clinic with my mom. She had to have a stint put in. She is doing better just really sore. Getting ready to head to the airport our son is leaving today for Iraq again. Please keep him and all the other soldiers in your prayers. We are going to be taking our 2year old grandson camping for the weekend. I hope all you mothers have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for keeping such a wonderful account of all that is going on. I don't feel like I have missed a thing. May God bless each one of you in a specialy way today and every day.

Robyn said...

After reading the forums about Catalina Island they say the nests are out of harms way, it is the IWS office and home that is in Avalon

Not sure of the accuracy of the nest lets all hope they are truly out of harms way.

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

The Eagle Cam is now running through USC's Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, our collaborator on the Eagle Cam. The camera system is solar-powered, so the image may be poor during long periods of fog or clouds on the island.

Guess this explains why it isn't updating. Too much smoke.

Suzanne said...

Let's hope Dr Sharpe and Stephanie do not lose their homes! Let's hope the eagles and babies do not lose theirs too!
Dad brought something in in Kent, no idea what it is, but he's just now looking around. Chicks are laying there waiting.

Suzanne said...

Dang, had a switch at the osprey nest, but didn't get to see any eggs. Did anybody see them?

MITS said...

SC is still up and running, chick eating in nest, adult standing on branch above.

normabyrd said...

MITS---Just read on the chat page--EAGLE DUO---"says IWS in nest"---Is that to be taken literally?---When I first checked in I saw the SC nest---Thought could see a reflection of fire on greenery?

glo said...

Posted by Dr Sharpe on forum a few minutes ago

I gave a talk in La Canada yesterday afternoon, so I never even went back to the island because my house is in the part of town that was evacuated. There is still power in Avalon because we were able to call our answering machine. Steffani was in the field yesterday and got caught on the other side of the fire from town, so she is staying at Middle Ranch. All the nests and Pimu should be fine. I'll return to the island once they allow people back into their homes.

glo said...

Updating any Fire info
For The Love Of Eagles BLOG today on a regular basis as info is made known.

normabyrd said...

THANKS FOR THE UPDATE GLO!!!--I read your post this a.m. on IWS---Dr. Sharpe seems to answer most of the questions----Will keep everyone in my prayers that they get this fire out soon----Bless the fire fighters!!!!--KEEP US POSTED!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for that info, Glo. Hope they will both be alright!

normabyrd said...

MITS---You right!!---I see the "little wooly chicks" in nest & parent in tree----Fear sometimes makes you see things that aren't there----

normabyrd said...

HI CAMSGRAMMY---WILL certainly keep you & your family in my THOUGHTS----Hope MOM is much better & will send prayers with your young soldier!---GOD BLESS!---ENJOY--ENJOY your weekend w/your TWO YEAR OLD---They are delightful at that age---Never know what they will do or say next---ho! ho!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Beautiful day, outside! Hope I see my red-bellied woodpecker this afternoon or weekend, again! He was pretty!
Have to take Gypsy to the vet tomorrow, annual physical and shots. First of many Saturdays where I'll be heading to the vet with a kitty. I'm sure they will be thrilled...NOT!!!!!
All have a great weekend, and all you moms and grandmoms have a great Mother's Day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----"Not playing w/full deck"-----I counted the OWLETS before I signed on this a.m.----STILL 4--but they seem to keep the "wee" one in the corner---How does she breath??---Also the KY OSPREY has hatched 3!!

normabyrd said...

SAFE JOURNEY SUZANNE!!!!---MAY you have many--many BEAUTIFUL BIRDS in your neighborhood!!!

normabyrd said...

LUN LUN is certainly a ROLE MODEL for the "Little Princess" in ATLANTA---She has learned to SLEEP!!

normabyrd said...

JIM---Just saw a HOVER CRAFT in the news of CATALANA FIRE----WOW!--Aren't they HUGE!!!

MITS said...


MITS said... ALL ON ONE LINE, GIVES YOU LIVE PICS OF THE ISLAND....Jim didn't have time to put it in tiny url, still practicing that:).

floralgirl said...

Somebody send me the info for the tiny url trick please.

MITS said...

Jim and Jo have it, Megan. I have several different pages that Jim sent weeks ago, but I'm still working on understanding them. Jo will be back later today.

paula eagleholic said...

Just a quick stop in to say Hello and all is well. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for updates on Catalina. Prayers for everyone in need there and here.

MITS said...

You have a great weekend, Paula. congrats to your son and new D-I-l.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits. Dr Sharpe's new puppy and wife are ok, too. See you guys later!

MITS said...

Yes, Donna and Darwin (love the name) are A-OK!!

MITS said...

Catalina Island Webcam: Crescent Ave. West

MITS said...

That address already came with its own tiny url, that I just posted.

sunny said...

I don't see the falcon egg anymore. Did mama destroy it while I was out to lunch?

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

Letting residents return to Avalon later this P.M., and nest are safe.


Robyn said...

Hi everyone,

Such a beautiful day today and spent the early afternoon in Harper's Ferry with my daughters class on their field trip.

Passed NCTC on the way home only a 10 to 15 min drive from my home on the backroads.

Hppy to hear that the Catalina Eagles are safe as of now and hope they expel the fire real soon!

MITS said... a good site for some nice eagle pictures.

MITS said...

Don't forget, that postal rates for 1st class mail go up on May 14th to 41 cents. You can buy the forever stamps with no price and just use them when the next hike comes along. I remember Jo telling us about this several days ago.

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening everyone
I am home safe & sound(?) Got here around 4:00 - Traffic was not heavy at all. I did stop at Blackwater! As we pulled in the driveway to the Center there was a welcoming committee waiting to greet me -
3 very large Ewwwwwwwwwwwwies! They
flew off so fast didn't even let me take their picture! lol The displays are exceptional - didn't take many pics because Paula, Suzanne & Megan have pics of everything over on Momsters from their visits. he osprey nest is off in the distance but can be seen right out the main door of the center. Upstairs are the powerful scopes - Didn't see any soaring eagles or osprey. Saw the red winged blackbirds & the downey woodpeckers. Lot of land to the refuge! Very peaceful!

Jill said...

Glad you are home safe Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa confirms the 3 eggs for the osprey. The adult & 2 eaglets are at the nest eating. You sure can compare the size of the growing chicks with their dad.

The Cold Stone Creamery: I am aware of the local ones - it was just a conversation topic last year when the subject came up & we didn't know all the facts about it. My granddaughter, NY, enlightened us with the preparation & serving of it.

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Jill. It's only about a 3 hr drive for us. Getting anxious to meet all of you momsters on Monday.

MITS said...

We have one of those down the ocean, Jo. I make sure the car goes into hyper-speed going past it.Most times you can't even get in because of the long waits.

MITS said...

Both adults at KENT

MITS said...

N ice of Lisa to put up a news report from Reuters' about the fires out west

MITS said...

Hope the showers stay away for Paulas' sons wedding tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Our cam just cleared but no one is there. I really hope that the Catalina Island fire isn't too destructive. I don't think I could live anywhere under that kind of pressure - that & eathquakes.... Glad to know Dr Sharpe & family are safe.

Mema Jo said...

When I say Star - then I always want to call Spirit by the name of
Stripes! lol Anyway, looks as though Spirit is with his chicks.

Mema Jo said...

Our cam doesn't stay clear very long.

Going to take a 2 hr break... Need to unpack some things.

MITS said...

was hoping for a night time visit, but cam is really acting up.

Jill said...

Jo how fast do you drive by Dumsers?????????? LOL.

When do you go again? If it is over a weekend I really really need some Fishers Popcorn. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Down in my neck of the woods at the DE-MD line, the Fishers moved across the street & were not yet opened. I had my empty containers all ready!

Mema Jo said...

I bet Paula & family & friends of the wedding party are having a very good time. It is a very happy moment for her & her son of course.

MITS said...

think they are only open on weekends till Memorial weekend

Mema Jo said...

That's up on the boardwalk - right, Mits. The one down at Fenwick would only be open weekends also until after Memorial Day weekend. But they were still constructing this new site - so
I hope they hustle.

Mema Jo said...

Best news - at least this weekend - gas prices were at the 2.75 mark... Not bad considering 2.99 up here.

Mema Jo said...

Going to drink a cup of coffee -
Oh yes - BTW The location on this little make shift boardwalk at Fenwick DE where the Fishers left - IT IS NOW A DUNKIN DONUT SHOP....
My hubby is in 7th heaven - his Dunkin Donut coffee gets him going each morning & now he doesn't need to drive up coastal hgwy- just out the road!

MITS said...

I think the one on the boardwalk is open daily now since Springfest last weekend.

Jill said...

Jo where is your place? I thought it was farther down in OC. Did Fisher's go over to the corner where Candy Kitchen was or the Exxon. Many Many years ago, my dad could have bought the corner where it used to be for $500. But he didn't want to go into debt. He regretted that until he died. Course I never let him live it down either. LOL.

sunny said...

You mean there's a new Fisher's at Fenwick Island. I was so disappointed to see that it was a Dunkin Donuts when we were there in March. I don't like DD, but I LOVE Fisher's!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Jill - It is over on the Exxon corner which for the past years has also been a putt-putt course. We are back about 8 miles (Towards Roxanne) from the coastal hghy. Really is a wooded lot & no access to bay. This season I was astounded by the building out our way... I mean Big Time Building.
Developements - new paved roads... BIG BIG Prices... WOW

Mema Jo said...

Sunny It just moved across to the other corner... Dunkin looks out of place beside the Funnel Cakes! lol

Mema Jo said...

Feeding time at Puget Sound
That little one is a cutie!

Mema Jo said...

Panda cam 2: Tai is playing away on the table (bed) in the one room..
I hadn't seen him for awhile...

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a night!

Good Night Anyone
Peace be with you and yours

Jill said...


Which development? One of Swann's or Keenwick? Or one of the new ones. I grew up running up and down those roads. My grandmother's house is right on the corner in Roxana. My aunt lives in Magnolia Shores, behind Uncle Willies. And you are going to see a lot more building. Hickmans are selling off property bit by bit. Something in the will said they could only sell so much each year. Can you imagine how much change has taken place in the last 20 years. SHEW.

MITS said...


MITS said...


movin said...

Happy Friday, everyone.

I did another comment, but it got lost in cyberspace, and now everyone has signed out...

I wanted to give the info that Mits requested on short url's, etc.

I'll try to do it quickly now.
For just a shorter url go to
tiny url and follow the instructions (don't give them access to your clipboard). You will have a very much shorter url after the process.

For the clickable link I am sending you to an instruction site that 'Tom in Cali' (he's the one on the Maine blog, who gave me the info in the first place) set up for this purpose.

If you need more info, I can try e-mailing it to you.

Have a great weekend, Eagle Lovers.


movin said...

There are a couple of videos on the Maine site, which you might want to see.

Mom is in to some serious nest preparations in this's long, but you don't have to watch it all to get the idea. clickable link


MITS said...

Just been on the tiny url site, Jim and if I don't let it access my clipboared, it doesn't work. I was reading Tom's instructions, and ever since I switched to IE 7, I do not have a preview button on this blog.

movin said...

Here's a video from Maine taken this morning. It looks like Mom had to chase a female intruder out of the nest first thing in the morning... hope this copy-pastes alright:

Judy said...
May 11th an eagle had just laid down in the nest and another eagle chased it out around 5:40 a.m.

Judy’s video

6:07 AM


movin said...

Mits, I wish I could help, but I haven't experienced either of those problems...

I just denied access and clicked on "go" or whatever, and it worked.

As for IExplorer 7, I've had practically no problems with it, and the "Preview" button is present on the blogs.

The only thing I can suggest on the Explorer issue (assuming you can't get help from Microsoft) is to reinstall it. Sometimes things get balled up one time, but they get loaded over and fixed on the second try. Fortunately, it downloads fast with DSL or Cable...I used to have to download stuff like that overnight as I slept.

E-mail me if you can't get things working, but I'm afraid I can't guarantee anything.


Mauley said...

Good Morning Eagle Land, our cams still down. Hope everyone has a blessed day. BBL donna

Jill said...

Happy Mother's Day weekend. Enjoy.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to Everyone--
It is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown.
I saw my first "Grosbeak" this morning and now my Spring is complete.
HELLO JO---Welcome back. Enjoy your first day back.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Mits, Donna, Jill and Wanda Beutiful sunshine & slight breeze here in the valley.
Cam not cooperating but I bet our guys have already been there & are down by the river by now with their eyes on a big catch.
Thankful that the Catalina fire id contained.

Robyn said...

Good morning Jo, did you enjoy BW? Morning Mauley, Jill, Costume Lady, Mits

Haven't seen any cams as of yet, but heard the oddest thing not even 20 minutes ago. It sounded like an eagle but what would an eagle being doing here granted I am only a few miles from a water source with food for them in a few direcions.

Are there any other birds that sound similar to eagles?

I'll be out most of day opening pool and getting yard ready for summer mixers.

Looking forward to all your postings :)

Robyn said...

Costume Lady which kind of grosbeaks do we have here?

I use to see eastern blue birds that use to hang around my white ash tree but I only saw one last year and before that it was a few years since one last graced us with their company.

Costume Lady said...

We have the Rose Breasted Grosbeak that visits here every Spring, but it never stays long. I don't know where they go. Go to the web and type in "Rose Breasted Grosbeak" and click on #1--All About Birds. Interesting.

Robyn said...

Thank you Costume Lady, I'll check that out later. I hear the hawks above me and almost time to get ready to head out and get my yard work stared.

Have a wondrful day all :)

MITS said...

Saturday, May 12, 2007
The coming field season
Good morning. I wanted to let you know that I won’t be able to update the blog until Monday night because I will be in the field.

I have been carefully reading your observations and for a while I was sanguine that the birds would renest—copulating on the nest site, working on the nest. However, we are now well past the May 6th date of the latest recorded nesting of eagles in Maine and the amount of time that the birds are spending at the nest is decreasing. If there was a 1 in a 100 chance of them renesting three weeks ago, we are now in the 1 in 10,000. Nature is hard to predict.

I am still working on our next camera installation and I very much hope that we will get it up and running shortly. Putting together these cameras is a lot like piecing together links in a chain—if just one link is broken then you have no image. The good news is that the looncam is up and running and we will have the live video up shortly. And this year we have two cameras.

I also wanted to report that BRI received funding to initiate a broad based contaminant study on birds in Maine. We will be looking at 102 contaminants (flame retardants (PBDEs), industrial chemicals (PFCs), organic pesticides (OCs), PCBs, and mercury) in 18 species of birds in six locations. This study will help us track how these contaminants are moving through different habitats, locations, and trophic levels (the position an organism hold in the food chain). As far as I am aware this is a first of its type study. Among the species that we will be studying are eagles, peregrine falcon, sharp-shinned hawk, great-horned owl, common loon, and belted kingfisher. I will not have results until the fall, but as soon as I do I will let you know.

I am also gearing up for a number of studies that will take me out to remote Maine islands for a week at a time. I will do my best to update the blog when I come out of the field and will work with my colleagues to update the blog when I am away from a computer.

Have a great weekend.

Wing Goodale, BioDiversity Research Institute MESSAGE FROM WING UP IN MAINE RE: MAINE EAGLES NEST

MITS said...

So looks like no reclutch for this season, per Wings' latest report.

movin said...

GOOD MORNING (still in So Cal), Eagle Lovers...

Looks like everybody missed the morning visit today...probably good to take a break once in a while.

Look at the Kent nest...The female has fashioned a little playpen out of twigs and left the kids in the morning sun. She's perched and preening on camera #1's branch.


movin said...

Hi, Mits,
It certainly does not look as though the Maine pair OR our pair will produce a second set of eggs this year.

Guess there's no reason not to make camera improvements, etc., now ... the eagles can do what they're doing now later in preparation for next year.

The image I'm seeing on this cam isn't too good anyway.

How's the day going for you people?


MITS said...

Just passing by to say, HELLO. Hope the wedding day is going good for, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

I am just checking in for a minute - Paula has had a beautiful day for the wedding! BTW - Monday is to be clear & sunny for our Nest Visit! I had a son visit this morning - that's where I've been. Hubby brought flowers home & they're very pretty & colorful. I'll be going to mass this evening..
Have been surfing over the cams! Except ours - sad to say. I am going to go relax some more!!!
See ya later, Mits!

MITS said...

Ok, Jo, I'm going up to Baltimore for dinner out with family. Nephew flew in from California last night, and, he and his Dad are flying to Ireland tomorrow for 10 days.

glo said...

Just dropping in quickly to wish All of you who are Moms or have played the role of nurturing and caring for another life a Very Happy Mothers day I will be working tomorrow so wanted to get this on here tonight.

sandyshaw said...

Both were in our nest. Now one.

sandyshaw said...

Now none.

Jill said...

Kent chicks are feasting on male mallard duck. Must be Mother's day dinner. LOL

normabyrd said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES!---Just logged on & checked the KENT EAGLES---PARENT with "little ones"---Dinner of maybe breakfast in nest----DUCKS---One is a MALLARD DUCK!!!---

normabyrd said...


Jill said...

Keep the storm over there Norma. We had enough today. LOL

Mauley said...

Hello Dear Friend, Sure hope Paula had a wonderful day today. According to weather channel, it was supposed to be nice. Dear Care Givers and Moms have a wonderful Mother's Day. My aunt, we called her Sis, my mother's sister was just like a mother to me. In fact, I don't think anyone ever loved me more than Sis, and she didn't give birth to me. She was a Mother to me. My Mother always said you didn't have to give birth to be a mother, and she sure was right. God Bless You all tomorrow. love donna.

PS. I don't know what it is with us, but hubby cut his leg on his John Deere tractor and had to have stitches. Guess we are just getting old, but I am healing nicely.

MITS said...

Have a nice day tomorrow, Donna. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

movin said...


Mothers deserve the best ... enjoy it tomorrow.



floralgirl said...

Hey, where's the Mother's Day thread? oh well, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Robyn said...

Happy Mother's Day

Mauley said...

Jim, Floral Girl and Robinann, Good Morning to all of you. Thank you for Mother's Day greetings. Jim, thank you too. All you dear eagle friends, if you still have your Mother, give her a call or spend the day with her. I am sure missing mine today. God Bless all of you and Happy Mother's Day from Mauley. love donna

normabyrd said...


Robyn said...

Yesterday, I thought I heard what sounded like an eagle. Well it turns out it was a bluejay. He was on my deck rail making sounds that I personally never heard a bluejay make. It appeared to me he was danicing, it was so neat watching his display. A female did land a few feet away and then flew to the grass, he moved to where she was and danced a bit more then flew off.

When he or maybe another was in the tree he made the noise I would hear when I listned to the Maine eagles.

normabyrd said...

JILL---I didn't mean to leave so fast last night!----REALLY BIG STORM--LOUD THUNDER & LIGHTING & lots of great rain---Good sleepin' weather!!!

Robyn said...

New thread come one over

Jill said...

No problem Norma. You didn't keep the storm down there tho. We got nastly thunder and lightning about an hour later.

movin said...

There is a new thread for Sunday, Jill, and whoever else.

Come on over and enjoy a Happy Mothers Day.


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...