Thursday, May 10, 2007


New thread. getting warm and muggy.


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Steve--Come on over all.

Costume Lady said...

Our nest is empty--cam is clear for now. Another beautiful sunrise at Kent; breakfast time for babies.
AMP Hawk babies have been alone for a long time, Mom and Dad must be having a hard time finding viddles.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Can you have someone reset the cam? Looks horrible!
Thanks for the heads up, CostumeLady.

Jim, they were there twice that I saw, but very early, and very briefly! I sent you pics of this morning's first visit, it was at 4:43 this morning! I've never seen them there that early without either eggs or babies! Then 1 was in the nestat 6:45, but I only saw him for 1 refresh, he was sitting on the perch then gone. So I think that was Lib, Belle takes off from the launch pad.

Now can't see much of anything. One refresh pic is beautiful, next 2, it's so bad you can't see.

Costume Lady said...

I guess I spoke too soon about our camera--it is not too bad if you refresh it.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Time for some AC!

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam looks like it did at the end of last season....

paula eagleholic said...

Nice clear pic of the 2 osprey eggs at BW Lisa put up.

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!--HI SUZANNE--CANDY--COSTUME LADY---MOVIN'JIM--& PAULA----Another GLORIOUS DAY IN WV----Temp. 71° already!!!Checked out those OWLETS---Still 4---Saw another "MOUSE EATING"!!--Keep those MOOUUSSEES coming---& the LIL' ONE will be safe!!!---The KY OSPREY now has 2 eggs hatched!!

Suzanne said...

the whole BW eagle family is on the cam!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, I count them first thing too. Geesh, half afraid to open that site for fear the little one won't be there. But they ate good this morning! You're right, keep those mouses coming!

movin said...

The cam is like perfect now, but last peek it was atrocious! Maybe something is shorting out in the thing.

I think I may be shorting out as up kind of early, then sat here like a zombie for close to an hour before making my coffee! Now I'm sitting here like a zombie again without drinking it!!

The Maine eagle female spent last night roosted on camera ... did I tell you?


phyrfly said...

Good Morning All...The weather is sure getting nice. Almost a little too warm.

The Hawks are eating now, gosh are they getting so big!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE 75° here already.

movin said...

Kent is feeding the very fast growing chicks...


Suzanne said...

PA falcon mom has her wings out keeping the babies and one egg in the shade. Too cute. Spirit is giving the babies a snack. they are adorable, and growing so fast!!

normabyrd said...

HI PHYRFLY!---I AGREE---the NYC Red-Tail Hawk Chicks grow overnight!!--Their MOM has such beautiful coloring---(may be seeing male) They have the brightest colors!!!
HI MITS-!--How was the "Little Prince" yesterday???---Hope JILL has a pic---

Suzanne said...

I wonder if that 5th egg will hatch in PA? Mom can't get too close to it anymore, and the chicks are laying next to it or on it, but I'm not sure their bodies are warm enough yet to warm the egg. What do you think, can they regulate their body temps now?

Suzanne said...

KENT CAM 3. Close up of Spirit!

normabyrd said...

HEY JIM!!----Listen to "GRANNY NORMA"---You have SPRING FEVER!!!----You need to find a SPRING TONIC!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I was going to ask you the same question----I thought she appeared to be ignoring it yesterday---& Yeah---The "wee" ones seem to huddle around it!!

Suzanne said...

Spirit is giving us all quite a close up of the mark on his head. He's turned right, left, and faced the cam!

Suzanne said...

Yeah, Norma, don't think she can get too close to it with all the fuzzballs in the way! She doesn't seem concerned, does she?

normabyrd said...

Wouldn't it be COOL to live close to BW---They have so many "HAPPENINGS" there---CELEBRATING MIGATORY DAY---Sat.---Then you can join the bird walk!!-----YOU ARE THE GREATEST LISA!!!

normabyrd said...

OHIO FALCON NEST down to 3 eggs---1 egg appeared to be infertile--I think this is SCOUT'S first clutch---ORVILLE noticed the egg was sunk in----He ate most of it----If others not hatched by Fri.---Webmaster DANIELS may remove them & see if they will start over & lay more eggs---

Suzanne said...

Feeding time in circle city!

Suzanne said...

Parent in eagle nest with food. Osprey was up off eggs, but back down immediately. Saw 2. Falcon back, she was off for a sec, could see the babies and egg. Spirit watching his kids, barn owls sleeping, BW eating, kids helping themselves, WA osprey on eggs, and I guess feeding time is over already in Indpls? Looks like chick still looking for more.

normabyrd said...

KENT PICS----AWESOME!---Two little chicks looking up at DAD/MOM admiring them!!!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, Star just arrived in Kent, and Spirit is giving her what for. He's just a'squaking!

Suzanne said...

Aren't they adorable, Norma? I love watching these guys!!

Suzanne said...

Well, Star is now in tree, Spirit stayed with babies and is now feeding them.

Suzanne said...

Star took off...

Suzanne said...

Osprey eggs visible, still 2.

Suzanne said...

Spirit is now in the tree, chicks are alone.

normabyrd said...

Think today is going to be a "WARM" one----Temp. up to 82° & it's only 10:55 a.m.----

Suzanne said...

wow, already, Norma? Any signs of much needed rain?

Suzanne said...

Star is back in the tree, Spirit is with the babies.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---50% chance of rain this afternoon & 30% chance tomorrow!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning Everyone
Just checking in & keeping in touch

Owls, Hawks, Falcons, Osprey, Eagels & Eaglets Anyone see the LOON yet?

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma, that's what we have, but I keep hoping we'll get something. Didn't get a drop yesterday!

HI MEMA JO! How ya doing at the shore??? Yes, all these critters to watch is nothing but fun!

MITS said...

Not seen any loonies yet, Jo.

normabyrd said...

HI MEMA JO!!---Hope you are ENJOYING the beach!!----I just checked that site----saw a LOON--sorry---didn't pay a lot of attention to it----Looked for info regarding their EAGLES!!---Have really been enjoying the Red-Tail Hawks & their chicks----Those birds have beautiful coloring!!!--Also FUN to watch those "huge" chicks stretch their wings!!!---ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY!

MITS said...

Egg in full view at PA

Mema Jo said...

I haven't checked out all the cams -
It takes an hour on dial up to do what it usually takes 20 mins to do up home on DSL.
Nothing new to report - foggy at night here - not much sunshine today.
Glad I can connect to the blog-
Time for me to sign off -

Take care & keep bloggin'

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, looks like PA falcon egg is being pushed out of the way...
Mom is feeding chicks, and egg has somehow gotten off by itself.

MITS said...

think that egg is a goner..

Suzanne said...

I agree, Mits. She's been ignoring it all morning, and the chicks have been over and by it, but now it's being pushed out of the way. Good shot of it now. Poor thing...

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great day. Eyes tot he sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

PA FALCON MOM---Do you all think that the egg is infertile?---She has been ignoring the egg for a couple of days now!!!---That happened in the OHIO site yesterday----ORVILLE (Dad) ate most of the egg---

normabyrd said...

CHECK JRB FALCON nest now---MOM is there & the chicks you see up close are getting their feathers on their wings----Their eyes are changing also!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE-----SAFE JOURNEY---Hope you need your UMBRELLA!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Just met your IN FALCONS---Watched the banding video!!!---GOOD SITE----I think 5/24 is PA'S banding day!!!----AREN'T THEY THE MESSY ONES!--ho! ho!---Give PA a couple of days & their box w/look just like this one!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, Norma you were talking about a Loon. I have never seen one only on TV. Where do I see one? This sight is like haveing bird feeders all over the world. Its wonderful. I sat on the front pourch swing last night and watched owls. I was in heaven.

normabyrd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

HI HEIDIGIRL----Just finished dressing & hunting for some lunch!!
To get to the LOON CAM---Use the ME CAM---They lost their chicks to the WEATHER too!---Then just keep looking for the LOON CAM---Not much going on---PICS OF LOONS are there & interesting reading regarding the LOON---(I think it's a work in progress)----But that's where the LOON CAM is located---

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Norma

normabyrd said...

ALL 3 OF THE KY OSPREY EGGS have hatched!----Site is located below the CA BARN OWLETS---

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle in our nest

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolinabeachmom said...

Norma did you see our eagle in the nest?

normabyrd said...

CANDY---I see an EAGLE in the nest now!!---

MITS said...

I see it:).

carolinabeachmom said...

I just happened to look in on the nest before going home for the night and there was an eagle. Can't tell who. It is sitting at twelve o'clock and looking out over the nest.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---It's GREAT to see our CAM up & and an EAGLE too!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon Norma and Mits. I thought that I was seeing things. I haven't seen a bird in our nest in awhile. Can either of you get pics for Suzanne? I can't as I am at school.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is GREAT Norma to see a bird there. I was getting worried that we were seeing less and less of them.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like our cam is going to behave for this viewing. I guess I spoke too soon.

normabyrd said...

HEY DANA!----Have you recovered from your big BIRTHDAY "BASH"?---Certainly hope you are feeling better!!----Thinking of you-----

carolinabeachmom said...

I just wish they would both come back and stay in the nest all night, but I guess it is past time for anything more to take place until they start the nesting process in the winter months.

normabyrd said...

JUST CHECKED----BELLE/LIB IS STILL THERE!!!!----Some times it takes so little to make one feel GOOD!!

MITS said...

looks like skinny Lib.

MITS said...

Cam gives me a royal headache.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle is still sitting there all alone at twelve o'clock. Oh where or where is your mate?

carolinabeachmom said...

Mits, don't you think that they are just letting the cam go until next year?

MITS said...

Cam was supposed to be much better this year, than last, and JMHO, it has been much worse. No sense doing anything to it now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Guess I had better get on home. Maybe Lib/Belle will still be on the nest when I get there; if I can get the computer that is. Keep us informed Norma and Mits.

Jill said...

Weagle alert

MITS said...

Eagle has been there over an hour.

MITS said...

Eagle still there???? Its been over 2 hours.

MITS said...

Eagle finally left after a 2 hour visit

Jill said...

Eagle just left. Shew. Long visit. Looks like they brought in some greenery for decoration

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Evening Just want you are to know that we are still down at the house. We are coming home tomorrow after (weather permitting) we stop by Blackwater Refuge. Really want to see new visitors' center & go into their shop.
The accident on the bay bridge around 4 today has claimed 3 lives - I am very thankful I am still on the shore.

Mema Jo said...

I'll try to get on again later just to check things out! Glad eagles were around today.. wish the cam would stay clear..

MITS said...

That is one horrific accident, been watching it on TV.

MITS said...

Storm up in PA, Mom is trying to protect the chicks.

MITS said...

Just looked at radar for that area, that is one big storm headed their way.

Jill said...

Eagle Alert. Steve I don't think they want you messin with the camera just yet. They have spent a lot of time there ever since you said you were making plans to fix the camera

sandyshaw said...

Hi. Am I halucinatng, or are they both there?

Jill said...

I had a bad pic at the last update but it looked like both could have been there. But one was right in that spot where the limb is really light so it was hard to tell.

Jill said...

Just one now.

Jill said...

Looks like Lib

normabyrd said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES----I see an EAGLE in our nest!!!---Has she been their all afternoon?---She was there when I took a lunch/nap break----BEAUTIFUL SIGHT!

Jill said...

From what I can tell somebody was at the nest for about 2 hours. Then it was empty for awhile. Both might have been there for a few minutes just now.

Jill said...

Looks like they left around 5:40 and came back around 7:45. Or at least that is when we saw them.

Jill said...

All Gone.

Jill said...

Either they rearranged the greenery from earlier or brought in more. Not sure.

normabyrd said...

MITS---Checked PA LADY----Looks like a box of "cotton balls" in the corner of the box---But the EGG is still there---(like the proverible ELEPHANT in the room)----

normabyrd said...

JILL---I think it is LIB too!--Of course BELLE could be there & I couldn't see her---My pic is half white!!!---HI SANDYSHAW----How is the family doing health wise----Is TOM up & walking----Have had you folks in my thoughts---Looking forward to seeing you & JILL Monday---(if I don't get lost) ho!-

normabyrd said...

I AGREE with SUZANNE----The KENT site is a favorite of mine too!!!----There is a parent with the two little ones each time I check them-----The little chicks sit up so straight at times----Reminds me of little soldiers!!!

Jill said...

Norma, the last one to leave was Lib. Both were there and Belle left. I didn't know you were coming Monday. Are you coming from Romney? If so, I can meet you in Martinsburg and you can ride down with me. I live about 1/2 mile from 81 near Sheetz. Just let me know.

Jill said...

Okay what happened to the site. I just refreshed and got service unavailable.

movin said...

Good evening, everyone.

That talk about the falcon eggs reminded me of the Puget Sound eagle...did that last egg ever hatch?

Has anyone seen a third egg at the BW Osprey nest? I can see the front of the female right now, and it "looks like" two bulges in the feathers, which would signify two eggs still.

I'm glad Liberty-Belle were in the nest today, and I hope you were able to get some pics through the interference on the cam.

Kent eagle is feeding chicks...take a look.


movin said...

Jill, did you get the cam to's pretty good here sometimes and terrible in between.

The 'good' picture at night is not the greatest, as you probably know.


MITS said...

Jim, egg never hatched at Puget, still only 2 eggs at BW.

movin said...

Thanks, Mits, for the info.

I just got a pic of the Osprey turning the eggs...kind of hard to see, but I believe I see two in the cup still.


Mema Jo said...

Just peeking in to read what is going on & to say Good Night
Jim Guess what I found? A Cold Stone Creamery Have not gone in - maybe I will on a future trip. Hoping that the accident on the bridge gets cleared (not yet opened) so we don't have to find an alternate route home & not be able to stop in Cambridge. We'll see..
Take care everyone

MITS said...

Jo, Bridge has 1 lane open westbound, in about 30 mins another will open and then the 3rd will open after that, so by the time you come up to it tomorrow it should be fine. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

MITS said...

I was just reading about the 400 acre wildfire on Santa Catalina Island...sending you the story, Paula

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mits. We just heard that on the news so
Here I come

I catch you all tomorrow after getting home to my trusted speedy pc.
Good Night Everyone
Peace Be With You & Yours

Suz - it is Friday!

movin said...


I still haven't found a Cold Stone place, Mema Jo. But it's getting hot enough and muggy enough that I am ready to start looking harder.

I did try a new restaurant called "Chipotle Mexican Grill" (Chee-Pote-lay) ... just started seeing them here, don't know if they are back East or not. The food is first class, they give you a lot of food for a very reasonable price, and the interior decor is very 50's Mod...Eames style furnishings, etc. I definitely recommend them to anyone who likes Mexican food.

I still love "El Pollo Loco's" chicken too though.

Have a safe trip, Mema Jo. Hurry back to your speedy Internet connection and your own computer...we'll all be glad to have you back.


Suzanne said...

Good FRIDAY morning, eagle world. We finally made it! Word for today is MUGGGG-EEEEE. Man is it humid outside. But we finally got some rain. The thunder woke me up last night, and usually I don't ever hear thunder. But we had quite a storm. Sure glad, we need it! 64° at my house, 68° here, but like I said, muggy, sure don't need a jacket.
Haven't read the blogs, but did glance at the last few. Jo, did I see right... you're coming home via BW? That will be so cool. Beautiful place! Stop by and say hi to the eagles and ospreys for us!
Both Majestic and Justice are in the nest sleeping, no branching tonight. Osprey turning eggs, still see 2...and the sod ball. Couldn't see it at first, now I know why. She just laid down on the eggs, and the sod ball is half under her chest. Ok, guess everybody needs a security blanket of some sort. Our nest looks like it's been unplugged...nothing but black with white lines on left 3/4 and a while bar(?, lack of a better term), on the right with few black lines. So no idea what's going on there. Hate to say it, but I only saw 3 owlets this morning. Man, those guys are vicious! Don't think I like the owls as much as I used to. Of course, still dark in WA.

OH! Was going to go to bed early last night, but as I was getting ready to close my kitchen blinds, I saw a bird I had never seen before. Knew it was a woodpecker, but had no idea what kind. Beautiful orange/red head from beak to back of neck, beautiful tan tummy and chest, wings were black and white. Bigger than the Downy woodpeckers. He snuck in from other side of fence and ate my "woodpecker" seed, in a suet holder. Watched him as long as he was there, then went to look him up. He is a Red-bellied Woodpecker. Pic is exactly the same as what I saw, but no idea where the name came from. His belley is totally tan, his red is on top of head, but that's what he is. I never even heard of them before, much less see one! Absolutely beautiful! Other birds didn't seem to bother him, he ate his fill. Gonna watch tonight and this weekend, maybe I'll see him again. Female is same coloration, just no red on head. Ha, ok, no red head...
(Ok, at this hour you look for humor whereever you can find it!)
Our cam is mostly just black now, except for the white on the right. Sigh....
All have a great eagle day. WE MADE IT TO FRIDAY!!!!!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Phew, I am glad to report that we still have 4 barnowls in the nest box. You never know with these guys! Sure glad they're all there and on the cam!!!

Suzanne said...

Well, Belle is in nest, you can almost see her by the tree.

Suzanne said...

Eagle on perch. Sometimes you can see through the psycho lines and just plain bad cam pic!

Suzanne said...

Cam is hosed, won't refresh with even a tiny bit of pic that you can see.
Both Justice and Majesty are in nest. Osprey on eggs. PA falcon on chicks. Can't tell if she still has the egg there or not. Clearly see 4 owlets, just standing around in their corner. Still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

From what I can tell, looks like the PA falcon has pushed the last egg out of the way, and over by the wall. Not daylight enough to tell if it's the egg, or part of a shell, but I'm thinking it's the egg. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

Suzanne said...

Well now I don't know. She finally got up, and it looks like the egg may still be under her with the chicks. So maybe that's the part of the shell that has been there since one of them broke out. Time will tell, I'm sure.

Suzanne said...

Hark, there is a tail on the perch. That's about all you can see on the cam...

Suzanne said...

Alright! Mom left, chicks are there and one of them has his little feet around the egg. So guess that's a partial shell by the wall. Mom hasn't given up yet, I guess.

Suzanne said...

Ahhh, the chicks are sleeping hugging around the egg. Don't know if it'll make it or not, but not for lack of the chicks trying!

Suzanne said...

Mom's back, but it was nice of her go get up and answer my question about the egg...

Suzanne said...

She's gone again, and 2 chicks are squaking at each other, and a 3rd chick is between them. Sibling rivarly with a referee. And they're what, a week old? Too funny. (Well, oldest is a week old.)

Suzanne said...

OMG, osprey is up and I swear there are 3 eggs. Will send pic to Lisa, but sure looks like 3 to me.

Suzanne said...

Osprey back on eggs. our cam has a cool pic!!! Foggy, but looks neat. Almost clear.

Suzanne said...

BW eaglets are just jumping all over the nest. Osprey on eggs, but facing this way for a change. PA chicks are sound asleep, so cute with their little eyes closed. They're touching the egg. Barn owls are just standing and sitting around, and of course still dark in WA.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday to you Suzanne and all others out there the rest of the day. Never did get home in time to see how long our nest had an eagle in it. I heard it was about 2 hours and then a comeback in the pm.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just wish they would fix our cam. Can we hope.

Oh Jo and Jim, we got a Stone Cold place down here at the beach last year. Haven't tried it yet, but everyone says how good it is. They must be popping up everywhere.

carolinabeachmom said...

Memajo, you have a safe trip back from the beach today. We will all be keeping you in our hearts and prayers. The drivers now drive like mad people. I hate to go out in the summer when all the people come to the beach.

carolinabeachmom said...

Kids coming down the hall aleread, so have to go. You all have a very nice day except those of you who need rain; hope those of you that need rain. get it for your plants. BBL :)

Suzanne said...

Jo, if you get on, you HAVE to go to this site! You will love it!
All on one line of course. Pics of the osprey nestlings at Pelican Island! Excellent photography, includes 2 very distinct poop shoots.

Suzanne said...

OMG, you're not gonna believe this! I was looking at the pics, and the very last pic of 10 May, is a red-bellied woodpecker! Never heard of them before yesterday, now 2 days in a row! How cool is that!! He's on the bottom of the osprey nest in Pelican Island.

Suzanne said...

Candy, I miss you every morning! I will have to write myself a note for Monday that you will be here, and for me not to just post without refreshing and seeing if anyone else is actually out there! Have a great day. We got some serious rain last night...FINALLY.

All 4 eagles were in the BW nest! Got a family pic for Lisa. Family breakfast.
Osprey still on eggs, hasn't moved much, just head looking around. PA chicks and egg are alone, 4 owlets standing around, and still dark out west.

Suzanne said...

Dang, forgot. MemaJo, you have a very safe trip back home today. Watch out for all those nut drivers, Fridays are the worst! You be very careful.

Suzanne said...

BTW, that is a female red-bellied woodpecker. the male has the red from his nose to the back of his neck. Females only from back of head to back of neck.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz--
I was just reading about your Red Bellied Woodpecker and that reminded me of our "Yellow Bellied Sapsucker". He does not have a yellow belly--maybe TAN.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, PA falcon chicks are sleeping, and the egg has been pushed away, like they did yesterday. Poor thing.
Our cam is a mess. Osprey on eggs. Dawn in Kent, someone is standing by the chicks, but too dark to see much. WA osprey on eggs. PA falcon has returned, all chicks definately paying attention. Guess she brought breakfast, can't tell from the cam view now.

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady. I looked the Red-bellied Woodpecker up on the Internet, and they do have a faint red belly, but they said the belly is seldom seen in the field. Saw a pic of one at a suet feeder, and you could see his belly..way down, but their chest is a real pretty tan. I've seen Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, they're pretty. Don't have any at my feeders, though.

Suzanne said...

Got a reply from Lisa. She has my pic up with a note saying we're waiting for a better view, but does look like 3 eggs. So your mission, should you decide to accept it, is watch the osprey cam for a good view of the 3rd egg!!! Take a pic and email to Lisa immediately.

This blog will not self-destruct...

Suzanne said...

Oh my, looks like Star on the Kent babies! And that WA osprey nest sure has a beautiful view!

Suzanne said...

Just had a switch in Kent. Spirit is now with the chicks, Star left. Think he's trying to feed them, but they're sleeping.

Costume Lady said...

We really appreciate your humor this early in the morning. My coffee is gone. Time for juice.

Suzanne said...

Enjoy the juice, CostumeLady. Sometimes ya just gotta make your own humor. Specially at that hour! I'm still working on my coffee, but almost gone.

Suzanne said...

OFF THE EGGS, but now looks like 2. Oh, I'm so confused...

Suzanne said...

Sent Lisa another pic of the eggs. It either looks like 2 eggs again, or all 3 of them lined up in a row. It's overcast there, hard to see.
PA falcon breakfast all gone.
Kent eaglet breakfast still going on.

Suzanne said...

Kent breakfast all gone. Love the way the eagles got fish to size for the chicks! Little chicks, little fish.
Spirit on babies...

Mauley said...

Good Morning Mema, Mits, Suzanne,
Jim, BeachMom, costumelady, and any lurkers, Had my coffee read the blogs from yesterday, and I sure do miss Mema Jo, Did I miss a post yesterday from Sharon? Thinking about you and are you getting ready for Andrew's graduation? I sure do enjoy Glo's Love of Eagles and check it out every day. The Feed "Bits" is a blessing. You dear friends have a great and blessed day. I am going back to bed for a few hours just because I can. BB Much Later. donna

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley! Hope you're feeling better! Tomorrow, I will go back to bed because I can. Well, maybe I can't right away, but I will later.
Kent chicks all alone. They are so cute!
Mom owl has returned, guess it's time to tuck the kids in for their night.
See the osprey eggs, but now I swear it's only 2.
Parent has returned to Kent, and feeding them again.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone - Don't think I qualify as an early bird as it is after 9:00 Almost ready to lock down the house & head out. Hubby is a very defensive driver - thanks for all your thoughts & prayers concerning our travels. Will get online when I get to my valley - I am planning on Blackwater...I'm excited! Maybe they'll have an egg count by the
time I arrive.
Make it a good day for yourself & others that you meet!

movin said...

Steve has supplied a NEW THREAD. Come over and join the conversation....hahaha.


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...