Thursday, May 17, 2007


Late new thread. Been in meetings all day.


Bob Quinn said...

I can't possibly be first can I. I haven't been keeping up to date. Has there been any sight of the wayward BW osprey male?


paula eagleholic said...


Robyn said...

BW Osprey nest is empty

Robyn said...

well except for 3 eggs, mom must be off finding food

Mema Jo said...

How about that Eagle Alert

Hello Paula and Bob

Robyn said...

Hi Jo

Mema Jo said...

Hello Robyn

Osprey on nest - Robyn do you think it is the same one???? or was there a switch????

Robyn said...

I opened it to an empty nest so I was not sure who was there :(

Bob Quinn said...

Hi Paula, Jo and Robynann. I'll have to look for that dead-beat dad this weekend and set him straight. I hope he didn't run off with that hussy.

Robyn said...

Who is that in our nest.

Sure wish my ex would have taken off with a hussy, took me 5 years to get rid of him lol.

I can't see if the osprey is a female or not.

I feel like an expert in my environmental science class with all this bird knowledge I am gaining, it sure comes in handy with our discussions.

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if Liberty is looking at those beautiful Baltimore Orioles we saw beneath the nest?

Bob Are you almost out of the cube? BW osprey - I hope he isn't off playing around... Lisa doesn't think female can do it alone...& that would be sad.

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

I just knew that when my camera refreshed he would be a goner!

Robyn - You may wish to copy & paste from the previous thread your last comment! About the Kitten!

Mema Jo said...

The BW eagle nest - looks as though the one eaglet is branching or not in the nest - the other is on the edge & I think that is his tail in the pic - looks like he may take off also.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time! BBL

Hi Norma!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN for the new thread!!---HELLO BOB QUINN--PAULA--ROBYNANN--& JO----Welcome you all---been on here most of the day----Nothing much has happened!!!---LOVE YOUR PICS BOB---I haven't seen the 'WANDERING OSPREY'----Certainly hope he comes home soon!!!----EAGLES don't act like that----Do you believe he may have been hurt?

normabyrd said...

JO----NBC-25--Hagerstown is going to be in MIDDLETOWN tonight at 6:00 p.m----Isn't that your town??.

Robyn said...

Hi Norma, yes the eagles are stll dancing in my head :). Trying to stay ahead of my studies this semester since I get 2 weeks off end of June. Hope all is well with you.

They need to outlaw any kind of traps that injure or kill animals, this is as much their earth as it is ours!!!

Hope everyone has had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful day. Silly me decided to transplant 2 black cherry trees and now I need to make sure it gets plenty of water.

And last but not least, my daughter decided to surprise me with a new fluffy kitten she brought home from school. She as a weekend to prove she can take care of all 3 litterbox

ok, there we go

Costume Lady said...

Hi Robyann--
I'm anxious to see your photos from our "Eagle Outing". Your lens must have been 3 ft. long. Should be some great viewing.

Bob Quinn said...

Still in my cube. Your government money hard at work. At least for the BW female osprey there is a source of food just a few feet away form the base of her platform.

Costume Lady said...

My husband's best friend is an ex-state police officer and 4 of his good buddies are sheriff's deputies. Between friends in Martinsburg and Winchester, in Law Enforcement, we should be able to get away with anything!! Ha Ha.

Robyn said...

LOL Wanda 3 ft. I bought that lens in NYC back in 90 before I went to Martinique. It's funny how a 75-300mm lens is MUCH smaller these days.

Jill said...

Good Lord What is Norma stealing now that she needs so much law enforcement help. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Did you live in Martinique?
I told my husband I would like to get a telescopic lens for our (his) digital camera, but he said none availabe for it. Jill's photo of Liberty was beautiful. I took photograph in High School and was the photographer for the school paper, but that was a hundred years ago and we still used those black covers over our heads and the camera. Ha Ha. I am not very well versed on these new gadgets.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Hi Jill--
Do you really think Normabyrd PAID for that cane? We are gonna have to cover her behind!! Oh my, she is so cute.

Robyn said...

NOOOO Wanda just NYC and Maryland. I wouldn't mind spending a few months in the Bahamas though.

I would like to get a nice fancy digital but I love my old fashioned 35mm.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from Dinner... Norma Maybe I can catch what Chn25 was doing in Middletown when this evening's news comes on.
BTW I didn't have a chance to count the umbrellas at the door when we left - Norma & Mits had their eyes on them... You think Norma went home with just the cane??? Anyone have connections with the Park Police? Oh my! I just remembered that my son-in-law is employed by the Dept of Natural Resources BUT that is in MD..LOL

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Oh Brother - The head came up &

it is an OSPREY. From the first view

I thought it was an Eweeeeeie!

(turkey vulture)

Costume Lady said...

My brother lives in Maryland. I will ask him if he knows anyone in Law Enforcment that will vouch for us if we are ever in Maryland with Norma. We have to take care of her.

Costume Lady said...

Osprey gone--is that 3 or 4 eggs?

Costume Lady said...

Osprey is back--A ok now.

normabyrd said...

YOU KIDS ARE FULL OF IT!!!!----ho!---I would never ever steal anything LORD----I need the law enforcement for my driving habits!!!----MITS is the one who was eyeing the umbrellas!!!----Told her this a.m.----my daughter said to remind her they have CAMERAS all over at NCTC---ho!!---

normabyrd said...

JO---I saw the early news on NBC25-----They broadcast from MIDDLETOWN & tell all the good things about your town---Looks like a lovely place to live!!---Lots of history with the town too!!

Mema Jo said...

OK I sent about 4 pics of the osprey to Lisa - I really don't think it was a switch at the nest. I think it is still our diligent female! You know, she just might be strong enough to get those 3 eggs hatched & fledged!

Mema Jo said...

Bob said that the osprey's feeding ground is just under the nest BUT
maybe we could get Bob to set up a huge tub of water filled with fresh fish right at that nest - just in case!

Mema Jo said...

Norma I hope they repeat the broadcast later this evening - I'll be watching for it. Thanks!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to place some of today's pics in Momsters'. I'll holler when I am finished...

Jill said...

I know the head of security at NCTC. So we are safe there. All of Martinsburg PD. Most of Shepherdstown and a few connections with Winchester and Hagerstown. OH and just in case I know one of the troopers from Pburg/Moorefield/Romney and he owes me big time. So Norma should be safe just about everywhere.

Which deputies do you know Wanda? They have so many new ones I lost track, course most of the new ones went to school with my oldest.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

I know Dick Steerman. My oldest will be 21 in Sept. So yes several of the new ones are about his age. Trent Heckman and Chris Rouse are 1 year older than him. There is another one that he went to school with but can't think of his name right now. But in any case I think we have the panhandle/tri state covered just in case Norma needs us.

Oh and I have a bondsman on standby just in case. When my oldest left for school I gave him a bondsmans card and said dont call me.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we should surely be covered anywhere we go now. That is good to know. Hear that NORMA? (I hope everyone knows we are just kidding. Norma is too sweet for anyone to think otherwise.)

Mema Jo said...

Update on BW Osprey from Lisa
Our ranger reports that they have not seen a mate near the osprey nest in the last few days.

Jill said...

Poor momma Osprey.

Mema Jo said...

Album ready with today's pics

Yahoo Momster Photo Album

paula eagleholic said...

I can cover Norms in MD - I know some sheriffs and have a friend who is friends with a bunch of state cops - We got you covered Norma!!

Sorry I yelled eagle alert earlier and abandoned everyone. Had to go pick up a friend who was in an accident - he's fine, but car was all crunched up. Saw the eagle as I was closing down all my windows - I 'll have to go see if anyone got any decent pics!

Going to try to work on some more vacation pics tonight while I am trying to watch Grey's that is running into my ER show!!

movin said...

Good evening, everybody...

How's it been going? Anything else terrible befall the BW Osprey while I was at work?

I gather from Lisa's note they aren't believing that was the male yesterday morning.

???Just wait and see, I guess???

Have a good night.


paula eagleholic said...

Jim, I think that is all we can do at this point.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Link to pics for the day is above your comment. BTW - your trip pics are awesome! You are going to have memories for a life time with that trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you so much for doing the pictures, Jo, and to everyone who took them!

Yes, it was a week I will never forget. A couple of years ago I got the opportunity to go to the Virgin Islands for a weeek. I hadn't taken a vacation in quite some time, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I vowed that from then on, if I was going to take a vacation, I wanted a real one with wonderful memories!!

Now don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with staying home or doing day trips for vacation, or a beach house (I loved my parents beach house) but every now and again, you need a vacation that gets you somewhere you have never been.

Mema Jo said...

Time to say
Good Night
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep

Good Friday Morning Suzanne

Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world! We finally made it to Friday! Weeks are getting very long, I'm really getting tired of these 12 hour days! Almost fell asleep coming down here this morning. Was really sucking down that go juice!
Nice out, bit nippy, stars out, didn't see a moon. 49° at my house, 56° here. Hope it warms up, but think we're supposed to get more rain, not sure. Wasn't paying attention to the weather last night.
Oh, speaking of last night..I have my first hummer!!! But I have NO CLUE what kind it is. He appeared to be black, or a very dark color, and had a yellow ring around his neck. Then when we went to another portal, he raised his head and he has a very bright red patch on his throat. Closest I could get in my book was a ruby throated hummingbird, but they don't have a yellow ring around their neck. Anybody know what it is? Megan, you may know, you know hummers. Or anybody, help identifying this little hummer. He was adorable to watch though.
Oh, another thing, Preakness is tomorrow...number 2 in the triple crown. Hope Street Sense can do it again. We'll see. I'll be watching!
Ok, nuff of that. Our nest has a perfect pic, but is MT. One eaglet sleeping in nest, other must be on a branch. Osprey mom on eggs. See where Lisa said the ranger has not seen a mate near the nest in the last several days. Sure hope he's alright, and can make it home! Still dark, so can't see PA or out west, but the owls are just standing around waiting for something to eat, I think.
Gonna be on other computer a lot today, so won't be blogging as much as normal. Want to try and look this hummer up too, on the Internet.
All have a great eagle day. Give something at someone you don't know today.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Today is Endangered Species Day!

Suzanne said...

SOMEBODY IS IN THE NEST. Haven't been watching, so no idea how long they have been there.

Suzanne said...

Both are there! Facing 1 o'clock, one on perch it looks like, one in nest. Still too dark.

Suzanne said...

They are both standing looking around. Belle just moved up by the tree, Lib is still in the back looking at what was the egg cup. Now Lib has moved up next to Belle. That's what he did yesterday before he took off.

Suzanne said...

Didn't take off. Looks like nestorations going on.

Suzanne said...

Both taking a close up look at the nest bed. Uh oh, Think Belle just left.

Suzanne said...

Belle tree.

Suzanne said...

Ahh, looking at each other.

BW eaglets are in and out of the nest, but every once in a while you see this big wing just over the nest. Not the eaglet, just the wing.

Suzanne said...

Op, Belle did it again. She either left, or she's way up by the tree. I'm thinking tree, causee Liberty is still looking in that direction.

Suzanne said...

Well, guess Belle did leave. Liberty is still standing in nest looking around.

Suzanne said...

Lib is still there, standing in center of nest just looking around. Maybe Belle went to get breakfast.

Suzanne said...

He's still there, just standing and looking around.

BW eaglets are definately practicing wing flaps this morning.

Suzanne said...

Belle returned. Cam had lines, so had to refresh, and there she was!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Belle left again, Lib moving branches on his perch.

Suzanne said...

Now he's at the very top of the perch, trying to get another branch up there, I think.

Suzanne said...

He's still there, top of his perch. I have to leave for a sec.

Suzanne said...

MT nest, didn't see them leave. Darn!

Suzanne said...

Falcons are all huddled together in the corner, the egg that won't break is still there. BW nest is alternating between MT, wings, and eaglets in and out. Osprey must have turned her eggs, she's turned around, back to cam. think the owlets may have gotten a food delivery, one appears to be eating.

Suzanne said...

Raining in BW, osprey nest keeps getting raindrops on it.
Pics from this morning's visit have been sent. See we have a green carpet in center of our nest now. BW chicks still on and off the branches. Falconette picked up a wing leftover a little while ago and had it hanging in his mouth. Too cute. Owls just standing around, and still dark out west.

Mauley said...

Morning Suzanne and thanks for pic and updates. Hello Eagleland, and all of you have a blessed day. donna

Suzanne said...

Mom osprey took off at 0748. Guess she was waiting for the rain to stop, she was shielding the eggs. Lisa said one of the eaglets may have fledged!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley. How you feeling, still doing better?

Suzanne said...

Mom just returned, but can't tell if she has a fish or not. Hope so!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. What a nice way to start the day. Lib and Belle and a long visit and nestorations. I like green carpet.

Hope everyone has a great day. Off to get my haircut and then gonna work in the yard today. Very cool about 70 maybe and sunny. I am going outside to enjoy!

Suzanne said...

Have a good day, Glo. Supposed to rain here, and it is raining in BW. Not sure what time it's supposed to start, but it's getting dark outside. Have a good weekend.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, Mauley, Glo and all you sleepyheads.

Thanks Suzanne for the bird reports, I wont be on much today... between appointments, transferring my daughtr to public school in the fall and housework. I hope to read all about the birds through your eyes and words today.

Have a wonderful day.


normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES!!---SUZANNE---GLO--ROBYN & MAULEY--Rainy cool day here in WV---temp. 47°---PRAY the WHALE & her CALF get back to the ocean!!!---Rescuers are playing the sounds of hump-back whales, under water, to get the whales to follow them---to the ocean---MAYBE JIM or HEIDI can update us!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Suzanne and all eagle watchers: I made it to Winchester, Va last night about seven fifteen. Pouring at the Outer Banks when I left and beautiful blue skies greeted me to Winchester.

carolinabeachmom said...

Got to read your eagle visit this morning, Suzanne. Thanks for keeping your eyes to the sky. MT nest when I got on; hope they come back during the day for more nestorations.

carolinabeachmom said...

going over to see the latst pics of our couple. BB

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all! Looks like we might have a fledge at BW - how cool! I saw only the one in the nest last night too!

paula eagleholic said...

BW eagle nest looks MT right now....

normabyrd said...

CA BARN OWLS----Still 4 present & squawking!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Food morning Paula and normabyrd, Paula, you said that both BW eagles have now fledged?

paula eagleholic said...

Suz, try this site for bird identification

Cornell Ornithology lab

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Candy, they believe one has, as only one was in the nest last night at 11pm. I can't see any in the nest right now, and Suz has seen an MT nest this morning, too.

Lisa is going to try to get confirmation on it. They saw one flying there yesterday.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh oy am I out of touch. I meant to ask Paula if she has her trip pics posted yet?

normabyrd said...

GLO---How will we recognize you after you get your hair cut??----You must wear a RED ROSE so we can recognize you!!!---ho!!---Hope you can enjoy your day off!!!!--Go next door with dogs for treats--ho!---My first memories of you!!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Ask PAULA to see her son's wedding pics too---They are GREAT!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Normabyrd, I hope she gets a better cut than I did. After a perm and a cut, I came out looking like a dog. :(

normabyrd said...

KENT EAGLETS snoozing away----MOM or DAD on tree!!---I say this every time---but they do remind me of OUR NEST!!!---A favorite!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

OBG Normabyrd, I forgot. Paula was a real busy lady there for awhile. I'll have to get some tips from her when it is time for my son to get married.

normabyrd said...

CANDY----PRAY TELL----WHAT KIND OF A DOG???----That would probably be an improvement for me---KIDDIN'--NOT!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, I guess it is time to go on to Lancaster to the Sight and Sound Theater. You all have a good time watching all the birds out there. I skipped school today for the trip and does it feel good. We will be back in Winchester sometime tomorrow, and maybe I can get on again then. You all have a very nice day.

carolinabeachmom said...

Normabird, more like a rain drenched shaggy dog. :( I usually have my hair in short curls and cut short. I went to a new hairdresser and whalla! Yuk, a 63 year old dog.

Mema Jo said...

Good Mid Morning Once again I have missed all you early birds. Thanks for the am pics, Suzanne, and for the commentary. Really, really count on it each morning! Love It.
Just heard from MITS & she safely arrived in OC!
Taking my b-day daughter, Jennifer, out to lunch! BBL


carolinabeachmom said...

See you all later. Keep your eyes on all the birds!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!----HAPPY---HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER!!----ENJOY THE DAY!!----JO!---Will MITS be on her computer today?---

paula eagleholic said...

Mom Osprey is back on the eggs.

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo - you must have seen the BW eagles just right - the nest is MT again!!

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday Jennifer

paula eagleholic said...

One VA eaglet eating, others are hoping for a bite.

floralgirl said...

Whoa! I disapear for a few days and what is going on in here? Lots of talk about tattoos, police contacts, judges, securtiy guards... Whatever it was, I didn't do it, I've been in the garden all week. Who had the tattoo?? Norma?? I hope it's an eagle. I'm not even asking where it is.LOL. Hope the BW osprey dad comes back soon, gonna be rough on mom. Peonies are sarting, just picked 103. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Off to pull plants to sell at mkt. tomorrow, and make bouquets. Still have a grosbeak feeding here, and the indigo bunting keeps me company in the yard all day. He is beautiful. Have a great Friday!!

normabyrd said...

PA FALCONS----These chicks are nothing but "fuzz balls" with eyes-----huddled in a corner of the small pen---I think they have one stuck in the back---WON'T let him out!!!---Just my thinking---ho!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, everyone. Been on the other computer all day, but have been watching cams when I can. Just haven't been blogging or lurking.
Missed a lot, I see. First off, Happy Birthday, Jennifer.
Did see Mrs Osprey go for a bite, or a break, and she was off the eggs from 0946 to 1005, but maybe that won't hurt them. Dad still has not made an appearance, least that I saw. Did see both BW eaglets in and out of nest this morning. One time looked like the one that fledged came back to give the other one directions on how to flap those wings! Too cute. Falcons ate a little while ago, and the Kent babies had breakfast by Dad. I see Spirit around a lot more than Star. He was with them this morning, then got breakfast and fed them, now he's on the tree watching them. One looks like it's holding the other, cutie pies!

Candy, safe trip! Jo, have a great lunch, and you're welcome for the pics and commentary. Got to talk to somebody, and I figure someone will read it later.
Paula, tried that link for ID of the hummer, but you have to know what kind of bird it is to look it up. I'll check later, won't have time to look it up today. But thanks. Glad Mits got to OC safely. Hope she has warm weather, there! Still chilly here!
One Kent eagle is exploring! Other one is asleep.
All have a great rest of the day.

normabyrd said...

FLORAL GIRL---We missed you!!!---I DON'T HAVE THE TATTOO!!---(coward)---ho!---It was such FUN!!---Meeting everyone---I had never seen MITS---after all this time!!---She tried to lead all of us astray!!---BUT WE DIDN'T ALLOW HER TO DO THAT!!!---(we did take notes--ho!)---It is raining here & 64°---This should make your FLOWERS grow!!!---STAY COOL!!!

floralgirl said...

Oh Norma, hardest thing for me Monday was staying away from NCTC.But I have not left the house, or should I say garden, this week at all except late Weds. night for an emergency grocery run. The emergency was we were out of food. I just have so many plants to get into the ground, planted hundreds this week. Last night hubby brought home and cooked lobster tails. We were celebrating our 2oth anniversary, no time to go out to eat, but where else can I go that they won't look at me funny if there's still dirt under my nails? Luckily there's no dress code here, and I didn't have to cook, so that's even better.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----ENJOY the weekend!!!---REMEMBER next weekend---You have a HOLIDAY!!!

normabyrd said...

CONGRATULATIONS MEGAN!!!!!---What a GREAT husband too!!!----The meal sounds wonderful!!!----My favorite foods---lobster tail & asparagus!!!----When does your daughter get out of school?---Maybe she can help!!!---

normabyrd said...

NYC RED-TAIL HAWK CHICKS!!!---They are so very tall---& when they spread their wings---WHOA!!--ALMOST as large as the parent!!!---That is a well kept nest too!!

Suzanne said...

Mom osprey just left again, this refresh. Hope she gets a big fish right away.

Suzanne said...

Back, but don't see a fish.

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Yup, Norma, week after next we get a day off! I'm sooooo glad! Saturday seems like a great sleeping day, which I'm gonna take advantage of! Except when the Preakness is on, I'll be awake to watch that. Let's hope Street Sense can do it!
All have a great weekend. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...