Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Afternoon 1/12/07

First chance we've had to check the blog today. Busy busy day.

Friday thread.


NillaWafer said...

Thanksssss Stevennnnnnnnnn going for the rest of the gang... brb

NillaWafer said...

Ok the camera is clearing up in Florida i think it was just a rain storm... Hope engineer didnt get everyone .. Hey Steven Dana said Liberty & Belle mated 3 times this morning...

Anonymous said...

Thanl you Steven for the New Thread and both cams working for our eagles. They have been mating alot.

Hope Glo and Mema Jo come over here.

Nest at Florida looks better Glo..not hazy nor foggy.

Anonymous said...

Copied over LOL

Bet you think I'm great in a crisis don't you Mema Jo LOL.

Actually I am...its just when I am not there and can't gather the facts that it drives me crazy LOL.

OK deep breathing, and waiting and watching...

Here Daddy Eagle come to Mama NOW!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007 10:34:46 AM

Anonymous said...

Here I am! Thanks Steve.
Funny things is that I was making a plea for a new thread & when I posted I saw Nilla's heads-up!
I had to say
Oh, Shoot! Bite my tongue about the request I just made! Steve is always a step ahead - we just can't see him coming! Thanks, Steve!

Come on GLO The FL cam is clear

Anonymous said...

yep I have it opened. have already watched her yell for him some more!!!

Anonymous said...

You beat me over GLO only because you type faster lol

Anonymous said...

Glo now you have to settle down dear...don't get your blood pressure up it will make your cold worse. It is ok TO WORRRRRYYY CAUSE I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT FOR DAYS sorry lost control...regaining control over my emotions now. Daddy will come as we have seen "mother nature" knows more than we do..
Also if Mommie needed him I think when he brought food in she would have killed him lol (((hugs dana)))

Anonymous said...

Bad news on my email
Undeliverable - seems that I have a hard time with these people in FL. I hope that Iris see this! lol

Strange that just the other day an email from me to Lynda went right through....... But the cam is clear & just maybe there will be an update on the home page soon.......

Anonymous said...

They are paning very close to nest agin trying to see through the twigs is my guess

NillaWafer said...

She is back up and calling.. Just a short tip if you click on the atand alone on the page and open it and click on the - at the top right hand corner it will go into your bottom task bar... then click the double up n down arrows for the smaller screen to stay there and its always up no moving around...

Anonymous said...

What are we seeing in the FL nest

Anonymous said...

beautiufl close ups of mom, now panning away Good I wanted to see if anyone is coming too!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my how are we to know if 1 hatched isnt like she is going to pick it up and lick it like Lun Lun

Anonymous said...

Well Linda or someone IS manning "womaning the cam trying to see in that's for sure.

There she goes again with that strong vocalizing

Anonymous said...

Now you just know - there is a Chick in that nest! I'd bet my last dollar on it.

Anonymous said...

Yes absolutely there is an egg hatched or hathing...has been like this "intensity " for almost 2 hours now. I tell you it IS time for the other to be showing up!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK I need to fix some lunch. Is someone gonna be here for sure in case Dad shows up?

Anonymous said...

Norma - I had to stop and think about which Holiday you were referring. We have Holidays everyday. lol

NillaWafer said...

Do you see her throwing her head back like that.. i saw and heard a video of an eagle doing that and its loud and sounds like amoose really strange sound out of eagle...

NillaWafer said...

Buta Buta is up strollin around

Anonymous said...

precisely the behavior I have been talking about

For an awfully long time now How far away can he actually be!!!!

OK well I am going ot go fix me some lunch . BBL

NillaWafer said...

she flew off at 2:05

NillaWafer said...

back n the nest standing looking around...

NillaWafer said...

is Buta learning to set on her romp??? she is trying

Anonymous said...

I which they would pull the cam back just a little from the nest. He might come in and be on the edge of the nest and we wouldn't be able to see.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Iris i love the stand alone cam just bring it up when something exciting is happening...

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA i think Buta is practicing her panda rolls so adorableeeeeeeeeee

NillaWafer said...

Lookkkkkkk she is really got the hang of Scratching down pat.... you watching DANA?

Anonymous said...

You need to think positive - Momma eagle could be saying Don't come home unless you have a big fish!

Anonymous said...

NILLA Did you watch those 2 new videos on the Panda site????

Anonymous said...

Remember Tai's love of padlocks?

Anonymous said...

Live feed is down.....

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert MAINE nest

Anonymous said...

Yep Nilla Buta Buta is copying her Mom lol...

About Flordia eagle cam. The whole site aubordon is down. L. White is out of town today. I have contacted her by another email address and hopefully will hear back by tomorrow. As far as the cam it is in the tree and they said the tree does sway alot. That's all I know about that.

Anonymous said...

I think Buta Buta sometimes sucks on her paw or toe. lmbo

Anonymous said...

2 eagles in MAINE nest

NillaWafer said...

Iris once you get what looks like a control lil box in the task bar at the right in the far corner those 2 little arrows 1 goes up 1 goes down...

NillaWafer said...

i seen that Norma thats where Mits and i sat watching Tian Tain that day

Anonymous said...

Thanks Norma for Maine alert

NillaWafer said...

i have never seen Tai climb up where he is maybe trying to

Anonymous said...

Norma You have mail

Anonymous said...

Question Nilla if you have the Florida us in Real player...what do you have our eagle nest live up in???

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Beautiful beautiful
egg laying eagle couple!


Anonymous said...

Well they just mated again ( :

Anonymous said...

Live Feed back up

Anonymous said...

I wish GLO knew it was time to return!

Anonymous said...

Man its gonna be quads. dana I need the picture PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Well, Hi There Glo

Anonymous said...

There is Mr King of The Sticks again.

NillaWafer said...

Iris the old saying is "Dont Fix It If Its Not Broke" as long as your seeing them let it be...

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep I checked still there they were hit live and up it came LOL Cool

NillaWafer said...

@%^%$^&^%#&^@#$$#%@$% i cant get the live cam up here at work... Aginnnnnnnnnn they mated wow .. Told ya ol Liberty is a real stud muffin!!!! Ohhhhhh look where Tai is setting wowwwwwwwwwww giving thos epeople a show right there at the window

Anonymous said...

Rain at the zoo - see some unbrellas
and drops on the cam.

NillaWafer said...

Look at that big Boo Boo ... we have got to get back down there to see him Jo and see Thelma when she gets back..

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert -
both have returned

NillaWafer said...

he sure is a pro now at eating bamboo and the outside stuff now... what a intelligent boy he is they say..

Anonymous said...

Nilla I agree What a little show man he is.

Anonymous said...

Those 3 little ones watching Tai surely will never forget seeing the panda at the Zoo.

Anonymous said...

OK Nilla - I guess you want a panda coat and matching panda purse now that you've seen it ........... lol

Anonymous said...

LOL he sure is eating up the attention as well as the bamboo lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No Momma No Little Buta wanted to keep going but in comes Mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like ButaButa has a black bin (tub) like Tai used to play with.

Anonymous said...

Tai is playing follow the leader Mommie in the lead lol

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo that tub has a hole in the side I guess for Buta Buta to crawl in and out.

Boy is she ever pulling on the milk bar.

Anonymous said...

Tai is running so hard after Mei he is tripping and rolling.

Anonymous said...

Dana, I think Tai is wanting to play.
I love the way he just lunges at Mei.

Anonymous said...

Boy Mei is getting fed up she just shoved him and rolled him back from her.

Anonymous said...

Mei is trying to push Tai away from her with her head. Never saw so may tumble saults from one little guy.

Anonymous said...

omg get this kid away from me lmbo sorry Mei

She is moving and he alot of times has front paws on her back and his teeth in her and as she runs he is on his hind legs moving with her.

Anonymous said...

Tai's 98 lbs is getting to be a bit much for Mei.

Anonymous said...

I never knew that pandas could run that fast.

Anonymous said...

LunLun is playing with the black bin

Eagle still sitting pretty in her FL nest - Head up looking all around.

Anonymous said...

FL NEST You know, Iris said it was hot down there - may be the reason for her mouth to be open so much.
Up standing on edge of nest - looking down in nest - (counting chicks I bet) looking up to the sky....back down in nest but standing - I think she just laid down... her head is visible - turning from side to side. Will check on her later........Have to go find ButaButa..

Anonymous said...

Iris, I think the updates said that about 1 or 2 months ago that Tai starting actually stripping the stalks and eating them. I'd have to read some of the Zoo updates to be sure since our Panda Mom Mits isn't here!

Anonymous said...

November 16 : Pandas and Bamboo
Tai Shan has started to eat bamboo culm over the past month. This is the very hard stalk of the bamboo that should be inedible to all life forms. Pandas find this part of the plant highly palatable, intermittently throughout the year, for unknown reasons. It could be that it actually tastes different! At other times, they eat the ever-so-slightly more digestible leaves.

Anonymous said...

Well we have an MT Nest
ButaButa has been put back to sleep
Tai & Mei are eating dinner
SuLin is following her mother, Bai around just like Tai.
All nest MT

Time for a break! BBL

Anonymous said...

live cam is a strugglin

Anonymous said...

Yes Iris there was either an exchange, or she got up and left for just a short minute or so, about 10 mins ago. Glad to NOT see that intense vocalizing any longer. Maybe she was just announcing to everyone...Hey world they're a hatchin LOL.

Anonymous said...

and the live cam, well its got all kinds of interesting colors etc. not much else now though.

Anonymous said...

man I hate to see those psychedelic colors creeping down the still cam now :(

Anonymous said...

Panda Cam GA has a very long update for today, Friday. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yes Iris it happened twice within about half hour time. Along with the loud vocalizing again actually. No way to tell really if there was an exchange.

Anonymous said...

well the live cam appears to be up but I do find it strange that it is much lighter outside after 6 pm East than it is at 5pm in Central State so...although the picture is clear I highly doubt it is current.

Anonymous said...

No, cam is definitely not current, it is dark here. Mine has lines across the top, too. Hope we are not going to be stuck with a non-working cam all wknd. It's a long wknd too, Monday is a holiday.

Anonymous said...

Glo you have mail

Anonymous said...

Yes floral and I did mean the still cam. Yep long weekend. it has been a great week though and we have got lots of neat film captures and photos from the cam when it did work well for us. Timing is everything LOL.

belle_wv said...

Phew - lots of action to catch up on today - thanks for emailing pictures of Liberty taking liberty with Belle today - 4 times - ghesh, they want to be sure they get it right, I guess... practice makes perfect...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anybody hoooooooooommmmeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Helloooooo Vicky!!!

Anonymous said...

HI FLoralgirl!!

Anonymous said...

Is everyone else out of the house?

Anonymous said...

It is raining here, lots, suppose to start freezing and get nasty for the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Supposed to rain here this weekend, I think... warm, though, 48° right now.

Anonymous said...

Hey vicky & floral

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula!

belle_wv said...

hi paula floral and vicky!

belle_wv said...

hey paula - I keep forgetting to ask/check - are there any of todd's calendar's left?

Anonymous said...

Hello Belle!

Anonymous said...

I might have one Belle, I'll have to check

belle_wv said...

if not - no worries - just thought I'd help clean up any left overs and get some for my brother in law and sister in law and such... I know there was expense in making them and pretty soon they will become fairly unmarketable despite the gorgeous pics

Anonymous said...

I do have one left

belle_wv said...

hmmm cleaning up leftovers - does tha make me an EEEWWWIIEEE sanitation engineer?

belle_wv said...

kewlies :)

How's everyone's day been? sounds like there was a lot of excitement of one form or another in the bird world today

Anonymous said...

Ugh! They have been hanging all around our neighbohood the past week, happens every jan - Feb. for the past few years. Yesterday I counted 72 soaring above the yard. Told the dog not to stand in one place too long.

belle_wv said...

ROFLMBO Floral!!!! I wonder why they gather there - lookin for fish that don't survive cold snaps or something? or just on their migratory path?

belle_wv said...

I am still laughin and laughin about you tellin the dog not to stay in one spot too long - ROFL

Anonymous said...

Don't know, Belle, guess we are part of their winter roosting area.

Anonymous said...

Lots of lovin' going on today!

Anonymous said...

You can really see Liberty's wingspan when he is on top of Belle....look at it in the pics and videos...pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

LMAO about the dog too!

belle_wv said...

did anyone confirm if there was a hatch in the FL nest today?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone has heard anything...

belle_wv said...

I didn't see any post from Nilla about how Dawn was doing. Didn't see Sharon on either - I hope she isn't having any problem with that abcess - with all the stress, I worry....

How're you guys doing?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all my eagle buddies. I am staying home tonight for the first time since losing my sister. Good to be back in my room, in my bed with all my dogs and Mattie with me! I have to say again how much I appreciate the love, support and prayers I have received from you all. One year ago I had not one clue any of you even existed and now I feel so blessed with some of the closest friends I have ever had!

belle_wv said...

I'm doing a little fishin' floral - hoping to catch a stringfish or at least a couple of red snappers :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I saw your post after I posted. Funny how things work out, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon, bet it does feel good to be home again. Glad you are doing a little better.

belle_wv said...

Hi Sharon :) I'm glad you're able to settle in at home - nothing feels better than your own bed after being away from it for days...

how're you doing? The meds got the infection going away?

belle_wv said...

stepping away from the computer for a little while - I'll check back in before beddy bye time - sweet dreams to any who head off to slumber land before I return {{{{hugs}}}}}

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I won't know if it is getting rid of the abscess for a couple more weeks when I go back to Charlottesville. I go Monday to the surgeon here to have a colonoscopy scheduled. I still have quite a bit of pain and don't have much energy most of the time. Of course, I also haven't been resting much either. I am starting back to work on Monday, only 4 hours a day. Hopefully I will be able to. Hard to live without money! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are still in so much pain. Just take it slow, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Sharon there are some very cute short videos of Buta Buta on their site that you and Mattie would love if you haven't already seen them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady. Good to see you on here. Take it easy. Enjoy getting some good rest in your own bed.

Anonymous said...

I've been over playing games -
Hi Megan - tell your dog to walk zig-zag in the yard. lol

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo and Glo!

Anonymous said...

Megan - tell Beth I said Hi whenever you hear from her. I guess you really got your garden spruced up during the warm spell.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! You all are really special to me!

Anonymous said...

Good night Sharon.Will do, Jo, she is in New Zealand right now. Hubby and I did some major garden cleaning last week.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading that the missing boy was found in MO & that another boy that had been missing for 4 years was also found at same apartment. Man charged with one count of kidnapping at this time.

Anonymous said...

Well, can't keep eyes open any longer, spent all day cleaning house from top to bottom. Blog at you all tomorrow. Wonder if we will have a working cam in WV....

Anonymous said...

New Zealand - that's far away! From pictures I have seen - it is very beautiful sights over there.

My daughter was planning a trip for her family to the Grand Canyon - Now that her father showed her pics of the skywalk..... of course she wants to do it. Asked if we could go - I am not sure I could take the stroll on the skywalk with the glass floor.

Anonymous said...

Good night, Megan.

Time for me to sign off for the day..

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all

belle_wv said...

Good night to all and good morning to all - try to have a day of rest Sharon...

Anonymous said...

Good morning eagle buddies.

Well I've been up for quite awhile now. Seen sunrise everywhere.

Sent around pics of BW eagles mating at BW osprey nest for you.

Our eagle cam is too light so I'm sure its is down.
No live feed either when ever I've checked. grrrrrr

Florida eagle still riding her nest.

Tai and Mei were inside. Tai did eat alot of bamboo then played in black tub. They both are outside now.

Maine is pretty as usual and the eagles called are heard.

Anonymous said...

I do believe after watching the female eagle in the nest in Florida. That there is at least one eaglet....saw her removing from where stuff would be under her. Materials which I believe is probably where the eaglet used the "potty". Only my thoughts...

Anonymous said...

817am EST and the play and climbing over Mei begins...Let the oplymics begin says Tai

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Dana!

Anonymous said...

Morning Sharon I've been watching cams sorry. How are things going? How is Thelma?

Anonymous said...

female in florida flew off 8:41amEST

Anonymous said...

eagle back in florida 8:43amEST dont know if female or male now

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just talked to Mits in beautiful sunny Ft. Lauderdale. She said to tell everybody hello! She is soaking up the sun this morning!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...