Monday, January 08, 2007

Frisky Monday Update

Lots going on in the nest today with our eagle pair, looks likely that they definitely intend to use the nest again this year. ;>)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve.. Must be quite a wild windy ride for them in the nest today!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve and I think you're right about the use of the nest. I think we have a winning couple

Anonymous said...

Yes they are definitely putting the nest to Good use toady. i wish the wind would die down though.

Anonymous said...

Yes they are definitely putting the nest to Good use toady. i wish the wind would die down though.

Anonymous said...

Great stuttering entry LOL Thanks for new thread Steve

Anonymous said...

Copied over from old thread

OK so just how wondy is it there. I am getting nervous for them watching this nest...I think they want to fly off but its too strong to do it safely etc...

Anonymous said...

Glo, It's pretty windy here today....and looks like Steve was peeking :)

Anonymous said...

yep sounds like he definitely was!

Anonymous said...

It is soooo windy here, I think if I went outside with a kite I could fly right by the nest.

Anonymous said...

My weatherbug says gusts to 40 mph

Anonymous said...

That says it all, Megan, as to how windy it is. Maybe 35mph or more at times.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I beleive that, it's so warm out there again today, but the wind is brutal.

Anonymous said...

Can you reset the live feed one more time please?????

Anonymous said...

I wished to copy Sharon's comments onto this new thread since some of the bloggers won't see it over there......

eagle-eyed sharon said...

Hello all my eagle buddies. I just wanted to let everybody know that the service went really well. I am just having a really hard time today, worse day yet but I know it will get easier with time. Thanks to everybody for their love, thoughts and prayers. It means so much to me. The flowers from the eaglet momsters was the most beautiful there. It is a huge basket with all different plants in it and beautiful yellow roses (Donna's favorite). I am so grateful to you all!!! I love you all so much.

What a blessing to see Liberty and Belle on the video feed! God is good!

Monday, January 08, 2007 11:31:03 AM

Anonymous said...

I think L&B are enjoying it in the nest right now...beaks to the wind...riding it out....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jo ,I hadn't seen that, tough day for her. Hope it makes the day a little more bearable to know so many people are thinking of you, Sharon.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, thanks for posting that again....

Anonymous said...

I will post on EagletMomsters site but right now they tell me I am Bouncing with my email address..........

Anonymous said...

What are you bouncing??

NillaWafer said...

Howdy, Take my word for it here it is very very windy near the nest in MARTINSBURG.. Off to hospitol now C U later.. Nilla

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting live feed back up...haven't been able to get into blogger to say thanks, NCTC

Anonymous said...

Well I think Steve Needs to have priority access to some gizmo that resets the Live Feed, and he needs to have remote access available in his pocket when he is NOT at work. JMHO LOL

Thanks for resetting Live Feed Steve

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert

MITS said...


Steve Chase said...

We have identified the solution for feed resets and are purchasing the software.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Thank you Steve & Staff

You need any money? lol

Anonymous said...

Hey Mits -

Do you mean Steve & Staff or the Eagles?


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Ok Luvulation at the Nest is now on For the Love of Eagles BLOG on my name.. decided to not wait for Feed Blitz tonight for this one to get out to the Momsters and our Bloggers

Anonymous said...

Cause all they did was fool around today!! "Frisky Monday"

Can Ya'll find the software to get rid of the blogger engineer problems too :>)

Anonymous said...

Yup, they did it ;>)

Great capture, Glo.

Anonymous said...

I will post some stills on Momsters here in just a bit.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo and Mits OK now you 2 best be behavin yourselves......
Speaking of which Dr Mits Can we get a verification did they do it

Anonymous said...

When the egg appears - then you shall know the truth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Glo has the proof, LOL

Anonymous said...

Speaking of eggs and action I did get some great footage of the Florida Eagles today too...I think their nest has been active as well.

I will be posting them on the For the Love of Eagles BLOG also in a little while. I cleaned up anything NOT Eagle related from that BLOG today as that is where I will post other Eagles and Cam related pictures videos etc.

My NCTC Eagles of Shepherdstown BLOG will Now be ONLY Liberty and Belle.,

There is FeedBlitz available on the For the Love of Eagles BLOG if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yes paula I think so too, and Belle if I remember correctly knows or will atleast determine if it is a girl or a do I know more about Eagles this year than I did last, and it has all been Great Fun!

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert

Anonymous said...

2 there now

MITS said...

I can't believe I missed "FRISKY MONDAY"....but remember how fast after the hanky panky, an egg appeared down in FLA.....

NillaWafer said...

Evening Folks.. At daughter house cleaning... Was at hospitol earlier and she had an awful painful attack. doctor was on his way in nurses told me...BRB

NillaWafer said...

Yeeehaw ridummm eaglesssssssss ....great hanky panky video.. that Liberty is a real stud

Anonymous said...

LOL Nilla Well I would say they are definitely a very young healthy pair with lots of successful Eagle Seasons ahead.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

mattie is here with me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Actually, that was Mattie who typed there. She left me though! :(

NillaWafer said...

Mattie you give Sharon a great big ol hug from all us Blog family ya hear,, and a big ol smooch from me

Anonymous said...

Hi ((((((Sharon)))) How ya doing. Go see the Hanky Panky video, it is a Spirit Lifter for sure!

NillaWafer said...

Awww Sharon so good to see you back on the blog i am in tears... but real emotional right now any ways... Have missed ya

Anonymous said...

OK Dr Mits has eft her diagnosis on the BLOG with todays "Frisky luvulations Video "..Thanks Dr Mits LOL.

Mema Jo I too really do think there is an eaglet in FL, both were there again tonight as sunset. They did pan way in this afternoon to the twigs like they were trying to see any kind of movement inbetween the sticks...LOL..I sure couldn't see anything...but I think there is movement...much different behavior from BOTH adults today.

NillaWafer said...

Well guess what told ya my daughter had the nuclear stress test this morning.. well THEY LOST THE RESULTS yeah can you beleive that BS So she had to go back down and have all those pictures taken again, but not the treadmill part... Now her surgery is tomarrow dont know what tiem yet but i am going to be working as my son inlaw will be out there and really have no one who can run the store and knows the computor reports n stuff... BRB

Anonymous said...

Nilla Pretty darn easy to lose reports in a hospital you know! That is the pits!

GloI checked out FL site remarks and
"Hatching is expected on or about January 9th." Well certainly looks like it may have been a day early.

Sharon Tell Mattie Hi! Hope you had a restful afternoon. It wasn't 12 hours worth, was it?

Anonymous said...

Hope to hear from Dana soon.

Anonymous said...

New pic on BW Eagle cam - Don't forget about the Osprey Cam's video Fall Migration.

NillaWafer said...

Jo these results were on a computor for Gods sake from the xrays of her heart... ok headin abck out to hospitol visiting from 8 - til 9:30pm wont stay that long but since i am not going out til later tomarrow checking in on her... May c u from home later .. Hugs, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

callin Dana worried about her

Anonymous said...

San Diego Zoo: Bai Yun & Su Lin are sitting out in the yard eating their bamboo.
One Polar Bear sleeping on the rock.
One Ape sleeping outside.
Elephant cam down.

NillaWafer said...

No answer left message told her to call me when she gets the message we all were worried about her...

Anonymous said...

Nilla Let us know if you reach Dana. Thanks.

NillaWafer said...

Jo read above Dawn is in ICU has nurse right outside her bed BUT ya know amothers love and worry.. need to check in on

Anonymous said...

Whoops Nilla! I was busy at the San Diego Zoo watching the polar bear & admit I didn't see your comment about contacting Dana..

Anonymous said...

Yes mema Jo I had read that this weekend about FL...That's why I was watching them so closely and wanted to get them up and still keep Our live feed out of nCTC too I am so glad I got both cams going good today!

MITS said...

How do you lose reports, that were done this a.m.? KUDOS TO LIBERTY....YOU DONE GOOD GUY You da man!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I need to go back and read how Paula told you to do that.Glo OK, I have the VCR tape in just the right size mailing envelope.I will go to PostOffice tomorrow early am.(11:00 is early am for me lol). The tape is set right where the Chn25 Hagerstown's last year had the interview about our Eagles with Steve Wunderley. There are 3 separate 1 hr each Animal Planet Panda shows following. The first one begins immediaetly when the Chn25 broadcast ends. (Ed forwarded the tape until he reached the Eagle broadcast which is about 12 min into the actual beginning of the tape)
Call upon receipt if any questions.

MITS said...

You are in for a treat, GLO.

Anonymous said...


Where is your girl?

She has been missing since 5:45pm Eagle time

Anonymous said...

Mits Brother in law called this evening from FL - he is a snowbird. He confirm the 80 degree past couple days.

**** I forgot my degree keys........

MITS said...

Tell him not to worry, Jo, when ever my friend and I fly into town, the temp drops significantly. Last year when we were there, theie highs were the lowest in years.

MITS said...

BCS Championship game, at the end of the National Anthem an eagle flew into the pretty.

Anonymous said...

Tell me my degrees keys, please.

I did mentioned to him that temps were going to drop on Thursday....

Anonymous said...

How did they get an eagle to fly in.?

Anonymous said...

Oh No Not again Another Amber alert Elia Style LOL

Anonymous said...

well too late in the day to cold boot now and signing in and out won't work either. Multi taskingnow, too much cam watching earlier today LOL

Anonymous said...

Going over to play some games...

Anonymous said...

Blogger is being a real booger today, Hard time pushing my way in here. So what are the degree keys again? I forgot too. Darn, I missed the eagle flying in. Did you see the bands before the show? They were great!

Anonymous said...

Degree is Alt key and 2,4,8 keys

Jo, If you don't understand how to get the right sites on Real player and WMP, let me know...

They said in FL that we will know when the eaglet(s) hatched when they begin feeding them!

MITS said...

OK...hold down alt while pushing 2 4 8 It is 39° here. The eagle was trained, he must have been somewhere at the top of stadium and flew down right at the end.

Anonymous said...

well if it didn't hatch it is defintely sqeaking and cracking because they are BOTH there and behavior is much different today

Anonymous said...

Thanks for 'degree' keys. I thought it was alt & shift at same time! I remembered the 248.
I'll be in touch Paula.
Megan, I brought home The Innocent Man.

If Mits doesn't return it is due to technical difficulties....

Anonymous said...

It is only a little after 9:00 -
What are we going to talk about for 2 hours?

Games on TV...

Anonymous said...

OK, what is The Innocent Man?

Anonymous said...

I thought you mentioned John Grisham's
newest novel the other night?????
Or was that you, Paula??

Anonymous said...

I think it was Paula or Norma?? Have CRS too, must be contagious.

Anonymous said...

Well, when I finish reading it and it turns out to be good, I'll let you borrow it!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan. Snack guessed it- chocolate chip cookies!

Anonymous said...

Jo, Nilla, Mits check email

Anonymous said...

Hey Dana, wondering where you were today. Did you go to the DR.?

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone - how was the day today? Did I miss anything? Dana did you go to Dr? Any word on Nilla's daughter?

Anonymous said...

HEy Belle, you should go to Glo's eagle site and watch the video she posted today. I can't watch it, but everyone says it is great. LOts of activity at the nest today. Nilla's daughter has surgery tomorrow morning, I believe. Dana was in here a few minutes ago, haven't heard from her all day. Sharon stopped by earlier too. Hate to blog and run, but..I am outta here, tired... Blog at ya later.

Anonymous said...

Yep I think you should go watch the videos I posted today LOL . Floral girl I did post 3 or 3 or 4 stills on the momster site under this weeks photos...go see them.

Anonymous said...

Dana had an exhausting day with Dr and emergency room where it turned out to be an all day affair. Her lungs are clear! But was issued some prescriptions. Here's her message:

Tell all I said hi! Too tired and legs are killing me. I am in prayer still for Nilla's daughter, Sharon, and others. Maybe I can talk or come on tomorrow

hugs in friendship ty for prayers

belle_wv said...

Wow!!! Great video - might have to change the rating for that one!

Anonymous said...

Wavelit Looks like the waterhole has overflowed. Must be the rainy season starting. They had closed Pete's Pond due to the rainy weather they have this time of year.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy folks.. So good to see you blog Dana hope that new meds help... Surgery is tomarrow at 2:30pm for Dawn they are going to try and take gall bladder laproscopically (SP) WHERE IS SHARON..LOL If they cant do she will have the old time surgery which is alot more incision and drain tubes... So pray pray pray... I really need to check mail also... As i said i am working tomarrow until 3:30 so will go out to hospitol after that... Huggles Belle, Megan everyone...BRB

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is what I thought at the water hole. Just read some of the forum remarks and the cam is having White Out.
Maine has Green Out
WV has Blue Out

Getting pretty colorful cams!

Anonymous said...

Just watched the fall Migration Video on Blackwater. It was great!!!! Thanks Mits for aiming us that way...and mema Jo for the reminder to stop by. beautiful!!!

NillaWafer said...

Thelma dont asked me how the H they can lose medical information of a test she had just gone thru BUT they did ... Very wore out friends going to take a long hot shower n go to bed... C U all tomarrow, Hugs, Nilla

belle_wv said...

Prayers are going steadily...

belle_wv said...

Sharon - you lurking for this wax? I'm counting to twenty before I post

belle_wv said...

ok I will donate it to whomever would like it

belle_wv said...

well morning comes far too early for my liking - but not as early as for poor Suzanne --

Sweet dreams and best wishes are heading out for everyone to have a great day tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Night everyone.

Anonymous said...

Was playing games and lost track of time. Time for me to sign out.

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams and peaceful sleep
Prayers being offer for All

Good Morning Suzanne

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. God has blessed me again this morning with getting to see Liberty and Belle live and in person! So beautiful!

I hope everybody has a wonderful day! Thanks to everybody keeping me and my family in your prayers. We definitely need it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got an email from Suzanne and the blogger cop got her. Not sure how long she will be blocked.

Belle and Liberty are both in hte nest moving sticks. So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone. Hope all will have a very good day today. (((((((Hugs and prayers)))))))

Anonymous said...

MT nest- they sure were busy this morning, though.Good morning, Sharon, glad you got to see them this morning, hope you have a good day. Morning Suzanne, sorry blog cop is hassling you- he was out yesterday too, such a pain. Tell me some of your daily clicks. Here is sometning to enter , you can enter every day until Feb. 16. has a contest giving away a "dreamhome", I know it's a long shot, but someone has to win. Anyway, it is a dream home, so I can dream can't I?

CamsGrammy said...

Good Morning everyone New thread is up.

CamsGrammy said...

Both eagles in the nest at BW

Anonymous said...

New thread is up

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...