Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday 16 Jan

New thread.

We are continuing to troubleshoot our technical problem,s. Looks like it's the battery (we've ordered another one) or the voltage regulator (may need a new one. Stay tuned.

Saw one of the eagles perched down at our boat ramp Friday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve. Went to old thread to let others know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve, hoping all the kinks are worked out soon. This blog is a pain in the #*# today, hope this new thread will help...

NillaWafer said...

Howdy GloBug,,, Its snowing here alittle.. Thanks for the kind words about Patches, yes dad even built a casket for her to be buried in... Well must get ready for work soon... Thanks for the chat Dana Hugsss.. BBL from work PS did Steven give us an extra thread to use also? lol

NillaWafer said...

Hi Megan read about your trouble with van.. I am tellin ya when it rains it pours as they say.. sure has for my family lately... Hugsss to alll BBL

Anonymous said...

You are right Nilla, keep telling myself it will get better, hope your health issues will work out ok for you. Hope your daughter is feeling better. Sorry about Patches, so hard to lose a pet.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Steve, can't believe we've used up one battery already :)

Sounds like you better get a super-sized one.

Thanks for the update and the new thread.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Patches.

Anonymous said...

Article on Skagit River Bald eagle count...this is in Washington State.


Anonymous said...

Took a break to play a game

Yep we do have to remember troubles comes along with life. Never have to look for a problem they just come. Ain't that just a peach.

Sorry Nilla about Patches. Surely you all know you did the very BEST for Patches.

Thanks Steven for the New Thread. Sorry for NCTC troubles about the batteries..I know you all there keep saying to yourselves."We'll have this thing fixed before they lay eggs. Up still and live feed both running good. All's you all can do is work on it and try. ty all

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new thread - I was hoping there would be one when I returned from Dr. Sorry Steve that you had to stutter to get that thread up & running. Don't feel badly - we do it all the time.

Looks as though Atlanta has started giving ButaButa some educational toys. Soon she will graduate to a 'crate with honey'.

Nilla - Sorry about Patches. Hubby & I have been giving antibiotic to Scar for an infection in his foot - & that is a chore! Takes both of us!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or do FL eagles seem quiet today?

Anonymous said...

Tarzan Tai is hanging out in the tree

ButaButa - Whoa! She made it! Up over the door block & then Boom! down onto the floor. Now she seems to want to go right back where she was...

Anonymous said...

I was just looking at FL - it seems very calm - The eagle & the nest.

Anonymous said...

Just saw an uneventful switch in FL

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Jo i was watching Buta Buta she made it out to the door way of the day room i believe actually over 2 door ways to get thtere and was heading over into the room when Lun Lun carried her back to the last room and she is nursing right now.. She sure is adventurous lil beauty...Well time to head to work got caught up in watching Buta... Hugs 2 all

Anonymous said...

OK so its no longer February on the For the love of eagles Blog, but I really sort of wish it were.
Off to work, speaking of which eagle also just took off from FL nest.

Anonymous said...

Female eagle back in Florida nest.

Anonymous said...

Just flew out of nest somewhere no one in nes 4:50pmEST

Anonymous said...

4:56pmEST eagle just flew back into Florida nest

Anonymous said...

We know we haven't gotten much when we have written to Florida. Again I have tried by asking since you can't see down into the nest. If they can pull the camera back some so we can see the nest. That way we can see if the other eagle is showing up on the edge of the nest. Just thought no harm in asking Ms. White. So we will see...

NillaWafer said...

Man they are not a minute over 5pm shutting Buta Buta's cam off... Geeeshhh must be on a timer... She is really getting those lil feet going and moving all over now days... As the cam went off she was asleep..

Anonymous said...

Eagle just flew out of Florida 5:08pmEST

NillaWafer said...

She just flew off the nest in Fla

NillaWafer said...

and back just to stretch her wings..lol

Anonymous said...

5:08pmEST A eagle just flew back into Florida nest.

Anonymous said...

both eagles in BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

I bet that Liberty & Belle are at their nest!

Anonymous said...

Lisa at BW put some new shots & Info on the Eagle Cam nest update.

Anonymous said...

Sad news now on the Tesoro site :(:(

1/16/07 The eagles began incubating December 7th, which meant an anticipated hatch date around January 9th. Unfortunately, the eggs have not hatched, meaning they were probably infertile. It is early in the season, so it is possible they may reclutch and try again.

Anonymous said...

Ours took 36-38 days last year. If they started on Dec 7, that would make today day 40 for the first egg. If they started on Dec 8 or 9, which is what they first said on their site, that would make today day 38 or 39 for a first egg. It could be less days for a later egg.

They said that theirs usually takes around 32 days....I guess the overall warmer temps or maybe the fact that these are "southern" bald eagles has something to do with the shorter incubation period.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess the puzzle has been solved. Paula, you may wish to place info on Momsters to be sure everyone knows. That is Sad!

Anonymous said...

Well that sounds like no "Hidden" and no "Peek-a-poo"...nature is one thing we have to endure.

Good Luck eagles for later in Florida.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Just talked to Mits. She is at the Ft. Lauderdale airport fixing to come home! YEAH!

Maybe NCTC needs to invest in supercharged, extra long-lasting, Energizer bunny battery!

I am feeling some better today. Really looking forward to the prep tomorrow for Thursday's colonoscopy! HA! :(:(:(

Hope everybody is well this evening! Be back around 9!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! Mits is coming home!

Anonymous said...

Sharon I do recall that prep...I know you'll be glad when that's over. I was.

Anonymous said...

This is a long poster hanging at Mit's house


NillaWafer said...

Blowing up balloons for Thelma's arrival home also... huffin n a puffinnnnn... Welcome home Thelma life has not been the same since you left us... Hugsss your partner Louise

NillaWafer said...

Good God when it rains it pours for my family .. just got a phone call my sister also had to put her dog down she had been sick with a tumor but started internal bleeding today...Vick took her to vets.. i know they are really upset at home as these were pets for years... sad

NillaWafer said...

Rest In Peace Patches & Annie 1-15-2007 & 1-16-2007 We love & Miss You

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, my thoughts are with your sister. How devastating to lose 2 in 2 days. I so love my babies and have lost a few too. It hurts really bad when that happens.

Finally back at home with my computer. Internet is working fine now. Comcast came through for me this time!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I so enjoyed watching Buta Buta today. She is such a little princess!

Anonymous said...

Now That is what I call a

Good Picture

Anonymous said...

When I was watching Buta Buta and LunLun today - there was some 'fight play'. I actually saw her bite at her
mom's ear.

As for Tai today... He was riding piggy back on his mom and she was going at a pretty good speed. Of course he tumbled off!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I saw on Comcast's "The Fan" today that there is a panda in China that they are having to put on a diet because he is to heavy to be amorous! They are going to just feed him bamboo leaves and not the chutes! Poor feller can't have the best of both worlds I guess! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mema Jo. That picture was taking at the last ballgame I was able to attend this year the weekend before I got sick. I was feeling pretty good there, but boy did things change fast!

Anonymous said...

I wonder just how much he weighs and how old he is. I guess Tai is 89 lbs. but he exercises his weight off. He does love his bamboo - stalks and leaves.

It's funny when you see him slouched over a tree branch sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, there's some video of ButaButa's debut on that ajc.com site you may want to see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Well, it has been a long day & now it is time to sign out.

Good Night Sharon & All
Pleasant Dreams and Peaceful Sleep
My prayers are with all of you

Good Wednesday Morning Suzanne

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

YEAH! 1/2 a can of wax. It has been a long time!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Mema Jo. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I was waiting to say good night until you got it!

Congrats Sharon

Our Eagle Eyed Wax Queen

Good Night - Get some rest

NillaWafer said...

Hey u 2 big ol hugs to ya both... Sharon you are having your test tomarrow Oh i remember that test well...I know your loving the getting ready part your drinking...lol nasty nasty stuff... Thank God i dont need that for my ultra sound tomarrow but do need to shave the legs ...lol might have aproblem moving doppler thru braided leg hairs j/k (shame on me) Thought Thelma would make her presence knowen if she got home, but maybe she is to tired, hope to c her tomarrow.. I need to go in to work at 11am Dawn goes back to get her stitches out and checked at 11:30 and i go to hospitol at 1:15 for my test... Here to praying both Sharon and i come out with great results and nothing wrong serious.. Going to play a game check back later 2 c if Thelma stopped in... I dont like not having a trash can here neither!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Suzanne. Oh, I don't envy you- 4 am? What time did you leave your house? I could barely drag my butt out of bed this morning at 6. 16° here, cold and windy. Guess winter is back for a while.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you will sleep this weekend!! I am about the same as yesterday, my life is a mess!! Went to the mailbox and got a letter from our Drs. office telling us in 2 weeks they will no longer accept our insurance, have had the same Dr. since I was 19, don't want to find a new one. Probably drop coverage for me(too expensive) and just keep hubby and daughter covered, so I will become a statistic politicians love to talk about, but do very little to fix: the uninsured.

Anonymous said...

When it rains it pours... there must be a flash flood outsides my door right now then...LOL .Our DRs. office says they are unable to negotiate a new contract with BCBS, so they will no longer be able to accept their insurance. Gotta get off of here, before my bad mood spreads to others, gotta go to the library, need to get a book on applying for grants, need to apply for one for my business, if I can figure out how to do it.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Off to coffee and dog treats. It is a balmy 0 here this morning but at least I don't have to shovel snow first. since neither of the cams I enjoy are gonna be watched today, I have lots of projects to do, so will be back in later this pm or evening. Wishing you a good day. Sharon Buta Buta will be here for you. Reard yourself for 5 mins after every 4 oz or something. Might help...HUGS.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Suzanne. Today is the worst part and tomorrow is the colonoscopy. UUGGGHHH! I just had my light breakfast, 2 boiled eggs. It is all clear liquids from here but thank God that tea is included in clear liquids. Can't drink coffee because I can't have milk or nondairy creamer. I am going to attempt to work again today so I will be checking in!

I would love to see what Liberty and Belle are up to these days!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't know about the sitting for a long time at the computer. I was up and down yesterday and didn't get much done. Hard to keep my mind focused on what I am supposed to be doing!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Everyone... Well seems like this whole group of friends needs a great big ol hug with all the trails of life we are going thru once again (((((((((( Group Hugs)))))))))))Hey Megan whats that mans name who has the commericals about all the things the government has to give ya.. check him out.. Isnt it Matt Lesky or something like that.. I am at work Dawn went to doctors for her check up and stitches out..I have 30 sec delay cam up and there is a eagle in our nest right now looks like eating??? Yup just refreshed its eating.. Thanks Steven for the cam fix!!! Has Thelma checked in this morning?? I think she goes to the zoo today also... BRB

Anonymous said...

Hi and Hugs to all,
Back from church and can't get the live cam to come up. Anyone else with that problem?

The refreshing cam is there and there seems to be a lot of traffic in and out of the nest 2:30 to 3:15p.m. Sure wish I could see it live.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...