Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday January 10

Coming in a bit late today, so I checked the cam.

Looks like the high winds last night messed up our microwave link. Hang in there while they fix it.

more later.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

Anonymous said...

Glo said she saw snow on the cam last night...I checked it too, but missed the snow!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning friends... Well i took that United States test and it told me the bus was coming to pick me up... The short bus i I did make 38 of 48 states... No word on if Dawn is coming home today yet...brb

Anonymous said...

Morning, Suz, Megan, Dana, Mits (if not at the zoo already) and anyone else out there lurking :)

Put a new video on

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you had gone to Bluefield's Jeffersoncam, you definitely would have seen some snow blowing!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Steve, I hope the live cam reset is next on your list :):)

Anonymous said...

I forgot to check that out Sharon - I did think about it...then got CRS!

Anonymous said...

Mom in Fl still in egg sitting position

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo. Hey Nilla, I'll save you a seat on the short bus!!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant Hi Paula. Losing my mind this morning.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. Went back to bed after I posted this a.m., knew even if eagles were there we would not see them. Shift at zoo is from 1 til 4, then I will just hang out there, we have a mandatory meeting at 6:30p.m., going to be a long day. Thanks for the cam fix, Steven and NCTC.

NillaWafer said...

Hugs Thelma Only a few more minutes and Buta Buat will be on cam unless like yesterday its alittle later and they show Yang Yang

NillaWafer said...

Ohhh Thelma to day is the big day for you at the zoo... I had plans of surprising you but with Dawn in hospitol now i cant.. sniff but i am sure you will do great!!!!!! Tell them you want to learn to run the cameras Thelma.... wink

MITS said...

Louise, I hope Dawn comes home today, so they took it by lapro???? BTW, the short bus is picking me up, I was doing great, just not fast enough.

NillaWafer said...

Buta Buta is nursing in the hall way

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll save you a seat also then.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Thelma Lapro but she did have alot of gall stones and it was very bad ... R u xcited abut today?

NillaWafer said...

well i guess most of us are DeeeeTaDeezzzz as they say now

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All
Mostly MT nest this am hour for me
Had to get through all my emails
Not to worry everyone, I will be driving the short

Panda cam-Buta Buta up - Also there is a Video of the yellow towel playtime It's too short, but you'll love it. DC Cams have TianTian on one & Mei & Tai on the other.
Snow flurries all over the place

MITS said...

Nilla, I would be more excited, if, I felt more up to par, but the cold air will wake me up. BEEP-BEEP, here comes the bus.....

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Norma - You might not be on the short yellow back to school bus! I forgot what you told me about your 3rd grade US States test.
I only remember about the red squares test.... lol

Anonymous said...

Norma Mei and Tai are wrestling & ButaButa and LunLun are napping. Atlanta panda site has video of ButaButa playing yesterday with a yellow towel.

Anonymous said...

Off to eat a late breakfast.

NillaWafer said...

Did everyone see the video of Buta Buta play with that yellow rag yesterday??? I watched her doing it and she was so funny kind of hopping to catch it when they moved it...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am watching Buta Buta. I haven't gotten to see her active yet. Everytime I get on, she is sleeping. I also haven't gotten to watch the video yet. I am at Donna and Thelma's and their computer won't play the video. I will check it out when I get back to my computer.

NillaWafer said...

I need to go down and read blogs before sending ya'll are always on top of things... Look at that adorable lil baby laying there asleep... ((((((( Sharon)))))) and hugs 2 all hope everyone is on the mend.... Oh i ddint take the red test Hmmmm question are we brown baggin it on the short bus for lunch??lol

NillaWafer said...

Jo can i beep the horn HUH HUH can i can i??????????????

MITS said...

Maybe the bus will stop by Mickey D's for lunch....I want french fries.........

MITS said...

The cam is up at Kent and there is snow in the nest.

MITS said...

Everytime I look in on Buta, she is asleep, but did see the towel video and that was funny.

MITS said...

Balawat the sloth bear cub turned 1 year old yesterday. Weighs 185.

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i checked that file is to big of Maggie to put on here sorry so i could not any ways... Thought i should let ya'll know thet PATCHES IS DOING SO MUCH BETTER AND EVEN EATING NOW...Thank God they decided to not put her to sleep...

MITS said...

Good for Patches....I knew the pic of Maggie would be too large.

NillaWafer said...

LOL i can say Thelma baby B didnt get his good looks from his mom or dad... They sure have big claws will you be up there today with them or the RED PANDA'S who are so cute also...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma ok for the bank..wink Shaorn wait til you see her walking she trys so hard alot of spunk that Gal Buta Buta of Ours

Anonymous said...

So where does the short bus take ya? And the long one???

MITS said...

I will be up and down the Asia trail....but I'm also shadowing a volunteer and she may just want to stay around the giant pandas.

Anonymous said...

Mits - I can resize your Maggie pic and send it back to you, if you want.

Anonymous said...

Riding the bus....

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

MITS said...

BEEP-BEEP, PAULA, you have mail.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks for doing that Paula i can do it but to tell ya the truth my mind is just floating some wheres out there and havin hard time rememberin diddly squat about anything... question again Do we have a potty on the bus??? I gotta pee...

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at BW eagle nest

NillaWafer said...

Suz was a test Jo sent where you have atime limit go drag each state into its proper place.. well to say the least i dont think anyone did it so when you dont they put up a sign sending you on the short bus,,, Oh and this test is for 3rd

Anonymous said...

Sorry left so fast around 9am needed to call dr. well that's another subject.
Hi Sharon you do have to see Buta Buta. I did see them playing with her at the fence area. It was funny how she would jump at the yellow rag/towel. Even roll over on her back playing. Walking when they moved it.
Right now Lun Lun came and picked up her sleeping cub. Then it was like to twins only one smaller they both were scratching with their hind leg. Now Buta is trying to get to her.

Anonymous said...

No mail yet, Mits.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla Hi Paula

So glad Dawn was able to have the so called easier surgery.

Mits you bundle up. Don't want you sick again.

BW eagle in nest they are beautiful love the cam shot close up great if they have eaglets.

MITS said...

Got to to you all later.

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta loves it near that fence it helps her get where she wants to go lol smart gal

Anonymous said...

Eagles have been in & out of eagle nest at BW

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry Suzanne, should've explained my 3rd gr. comment better, guess that's why I'm riding in the back of the short bus. Had to run to Food Lion, daughter has been feeling so bad, really tired, I believe she is not getting enough iron in her diet, had to get some foods to try and remedy that.

Anonymous said...

Sharon if your still on tell Thelma hi and I hope she is coming along.

Buta Buta Sharon is wrestling with her Mom playing with her Moms paw. Whenever Lun Lun wants to hold her Buta Buta just fights to get free lol.....a female vision of Tia. lmbo at her

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta doesnt want to nurse. lol Lun Lun has close her up with her own head against the wall and her feet too. Ok Buta Buta just settled down and is nursing. Guess she gave up the fight. lol
Mom is the rule Lun Lun says..hee hee for now.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne before you leave today and I miss you saying so. See you tomorrow Lord will'n and the creeks don't rise. wink

Anonymous said...

Well home from staff meeting..left early..I am sick today actually, it might be my turn. Don't want to spread the germs around so i won't get on the bus today just save me a seat for tomorrow . no point in me even trying to take that test. I vote for Mc D's fries too.

Off tobed for a while...maybe later. I did video small clip of snow last night it was so pretty

Anonymous said...

Ugh! is right, Suzanne, at least it's only a consultation today. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I had emailed Lynda White, FL Audubon concerning what we saw on the 8th and thought there was a good chance there had been a hatching....Her Reply:
Hi, Jo,
Yesterday was the earliest day that a hatch could have occurred, and I
haven't seen definite signs that we have an eaglet.
If someone could only look into the nest...

Anonymous said...

I just sent Suzanne the Geography test and the Numbered Squares. I think maybe she may not need a bus ride...working for the government and all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the crud found you! Hope you feel better soon!

Mauley said...

I am so hurt that no one saved me a seat on the short bus. Also, my husband needs a back seat on the short bus. Thanks Jo. May I sit with Mits and Glo. Someone said that they would bring snacks. donna

CamsGrammy said...

Hi everyone Live cam is up

Anonymous said...

I'll bring the chocolate covered pretzels....

Thanks, camsgrammy!

Anonymous said...

Mom in FL still hanging in there!

NillaWafer said...

Mauley of anyone i thought you make us proud and pass the test Hi camsgrammy... let me check out live cam brb

NillaWafer said...

Oh Paula i thought sure awhile ago something was happening in the Fla nest

Anonymous said...

back hi Cramsgranny, Paula, Nilla, Megan earlier with Suzanne, hi Carol, Mits I'm saying a prayer for going out 1st day after being so sick. Glo sorry you might have been found by the "sickness going around". You tc prayers for you too. Hi mauley also. And Mema Jo I havent' taken the map test yet I no I will fail it....can I use an atlas???? hee hee no I won't would drive me crazy to do something like that.

By the way Suzanne I don't think works now for the government..but having been in the army she might just pass that test.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Tai is setting there and his daddy is on the other side and Mei is there and you can hear TAI CRYING FOR HIS DAD...AT THE SCREENED WINDOW

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

MAYBE THATS Tian crying?????? looked like TAI WENT UP A TREE???

NillaWafer said...

Tian is in the 1st small yard and Mei nTai are in the middle yard... Tian is really agitated seems like

Anonymous said...

All's quiet on the nestern front... :)

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert!!!1 One in the nest

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm tired I think it was 2 hrs maybe less of straight playing. Failed more times that I pass the map test because when I finally passed it I didn't go back and try again lol wore me out. I was determined to get it. Dang thing too fast...I still riding on the bus with you all...probably couldn't pass it again lmbo

Anonymous said...

Left a couple min ago...

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert, again - 1 in the nest

Anonymous said...

My live feed just went down...still 1 in the nest

Anonymous said...

2 in the nest

Anonymous said...

both gone now...TTUL...heading home

NillaWafer said...

I cant believe it Mei is letting Tai nurse but she must be runnin dry cause he is goin from nipple to

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone - somewhat caught up... Glad Dawn's surgery went well, hope she's at home resting by now and comfortable. Glo I hope you're not coming down with anything nasty. Iris, glad you're getting over your ills. Mits how was the day at the zoo? Dana, what did doc say? I read that you're on prednisone - that stuff is amazing, but be sure to take it all, if you stop in the middle things usually get worse than they were when you started them... Jo - Christmas in January sounds like a wonderful idea.

It is finally starting to feel like November outside... so NOT used to it, though - makes it feel more like antarctica - brrrrr

belle_wv said...

Oh man how'd I wind up bein one zero zero? Wax donation to the first taker :) Or I could make some candles...not going to put it on my legs - I still chuckle when I think of that

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - the milk bar going dry - that would be a good thing - means maybe she's ready to start thinkin about having another little one this summer.... March is just around the corner..

NillaWafer said...

There she lays not even moving he is really being rough and suckin hard...

NillaWafer said...

Hey Belle hiya... Yup Dawn is home i am at her house looking at her she is in pain and man she can be areal B when she doesnt feel good... now Tai wants to play

belle_wv said...

Well if there's ever a time a person should be allowed to be crabby , then for a couple days after surgery ought to be IT :)

belle_wv said...

I'm trying to get my coursework done - but just canNOT get motivated - Because of 'technicalities' and 'state regulations' (that don't seem to apply for all students, mind you) I have to do the same exact course I did last semester (and got an A in), except this time I pay twice as much for it and have to go to another type of disability and different age level... working with the kids will be fun, but all the paperwork and time it is taking away from the teaching I get paid so 'well' to do is aggravating... oh well - you don't need two b''''y wimmin around, so I'll just suck it up and get it over with...

Anonymous said...

got up to feed my dogs and fix something to eat, crackes so far and debating if I want a hot drink or a cold drink. I missed watching the eagles today, and haven't updated any of what I already have captured, ah but tomorrow is another day. Gonna lie back down again once I get my critters cared for. Blog at ya tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Needed an eagle fix so I watched Paula's Comings and Goings video I love to watch them taking off and landing so I enjoyed it lots. Thanks Paula Time to be calling it a day now though.

belle_wv said...

Hope you feel better after a good night's rest Glo!

Got my first week's assignment done - so I'll call it a night... sweet dreams and a healthy, happy tomorrow for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I love watching the takeoffs and landings too. Glad you enjoyed it. Off to walk the dogs, they are driving me crazy! BBL

Anonymous said...

Hope ya feel better tomorrow, Glo.

Glad you got something done, Belle. Always helps to get that first one out of the way!

Glad to hear your daughter is home. Best place to be!

It is finally starting to feel like January! 23° out when I was walking the dogs, but no wind!

Iris, you have mail!

Anonymous said...

Calling it a night - just read comments that I missed while company was here. I am off to bed & will blog at you tomorrow.

Good Night All
Pleasant Dreams & Peaceful Sleep
Prayers for all

Good Morning Suzanne

Jim, I hope you're feeling better

MITS said...

Hello!!!! Got home a little past calls than checked e-mails....should start packing for my FLA trip tomorrow, but maybe, I'll just get up early...quiet day at the zoo, but Nilla, when you were watching Tai nursing, I was right there next to the window watching him, less than 2 ft away...he is a cutie...lot of interaction between all 3 pandas today. Got to go rest, talk to you all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good night, all!

Pleasant eagle dreams!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice day Mits! How cool was that to be so close!

movin said...

Hi, All...

I was trying to get here to tell you there was a lot of activity at the Afrocam site, but I couldn't get to the blog by normal channels, and now I think it has quieted down over there...there's a lot more grass and browse now that the rains have come.

I'm glad to hear most, who have been ill, are making a too, I think, although with the weather changes here, my sinuses are kicking back.

Have a good rest of the week...have fun.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING, SUZ Eagle in BW nest. Suz, just sent you an e-mail I received from Loraine out in KENT, they were apparently having a snowstorm last night and the white was making everything bright. Eagle all gone at BW eagle nest.

MITS said...

What in the world is with those nasty lines again?????

MITS said...

Beautiful sunrise up in Maine.

MITS said...

Slow day at the zoo, but the weather was not too bad, I was prepared, clothes-wise.

MITS said...

Well, where I was watching him any visitor can be up that close, it was just I was the only one there, since it was after hours, and it was kinda neat, just to be with the two of them. Good question, no real answer, as with everything with pandas, this is a first for the National Zoo, and even though San Diego has gotten cubs past this point, each time it was different. Here at the zoo, they are letting Mei and Tai just coast along for now, and from the looks of things he was getting his fill, he nursed for about 16 minutes, which from what I read is normal for now. He is in the process now of being trained for certain medical procedures, and the keepers say he is brilliant, of course we already knew that:):):).

MITS said...

Man you can really hear those eagles up in Maine this a.m.

MITS said...

Wow, I did not know that, but every species is different.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morningggggggg Ohhh Thelmaaaa i wish i could have been ther e with you yesterdayyyyyyy... any ways need to scoot and get the store open and to the bank... BBL from work... Morning Suzzzz

Anonymous said...

Morning Suzanne, Mits, and Nilla. Cold one, 18° here. Glad it went well at the zoo yesterday, Mits. The time I went to Blackwater, Suzanne, we saw an eagle attempt to grab a duck from the water. They eat a lot of ducks there, cause there are so many available.

MITS said...

Hey, Megan, how is it going? It's 23° here, but this afternoon, I'm on the big bird flying to Ft. Lauderdale to visit my good friend. I missed the trip last week to Arizona, because of being sick, but took my last antibiotic this a.m. Hoping the sun will bake the germs out of me.

MITS said...

Suzanne, feeling better than last week, still need to get over the tired all the time feeling.

MITS said...

Look at the sun on those 2 beautiful eagles at BW.

MITS said...

Well just one now.

Anonymous said...

Wow alot of friends in already this morning. Hi everyone see Mits is taking a trip. Hope the warmth down in Florida helps to warm those bones. ((hugs))

Hi Suzanne see you been cathing the BW both places. Hi Megan, Nilla going in to work for daughter. Hope she is feeling better today.

16 degrees here

Anonymous said...

Tai just finished a little bit ago his bamboo breakfast and now he is up the willow tree...

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana! Mits, I hope you have a great trip to Ft Lauderdale! How long will you be there? Suzanne, I don't see any new emails, checking my inbox.

MITS said...

Only til Tuesday night, Megan, have to be back by next Wednesday zoo day. Then I'm hoping things will calm down, and I can get my house back together and get down to the ocean, have not been there since October.

MITS said...

Oh, things are looking up the cam is green with lines:).

Anonymous said...

I have decided our cam needs has the virus going around and needs antibiotics to straighten it out.

Anonymous said...

Mits how long you going to be in Florida?

MITS said...

DANA did you hear those eagles up in Maine this a.m., they were singing up a storm....?

Anonymous said...

Oh, the ocean... sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

eagle beautifully flew into maine with food awesome

Anonymous said...

Yep, got it Suzanne, thsnks. Do you work for the gov.? maybe my email is on a list of known liberals. HA HA

MITS said...

I'm assuming that the green screen means they are working on it???

Anonymous said...

Just flew out of maine what wing span oh my

Anonymous said...

Mits although I have to keep hitting the button because only 2 mintes for Maine. It is always good just listening to them as I awtch the other eagle sights. Love them calling....oh the sound.

Anonymous said...

It is funny though Mits when the Maine screen turns green for awhile the nest is upside down lol

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i am going to miss you .. can you get online down there at her house?.. Dawn is not feeling so good in alot of pain, but on good drugs... Morning Dana ,Megan,

Anonymous said...

Hey there Nilla!! Hope things get better for Dawn soon, at least she has some meds to help with the pain, I'm sure she is feeling rough.

NillaWafer said...

Not opening a can of worms here but did ya watch the prez last night??? Now thats one man who the term " DeeeeeTaaaaaDeeee really refers to!!! Off soap box now

Anonymous said...

Hi Nilla Dawns pain as of course since you had the old surgery way. Will end and that will be a past experience for her. So yep for now she has the meds.

Hope store goes well for you today. You feeling ok? Been doing alot of running and not alot of resting gal.

Anonymous said...

I'll climb on the soap box with ya, Nilla. We can keep it under the seat on the short bus. All I will say is last nights speech made me mad and disheartened. DE De De!( Have you been watching Comedy central?)

NillaWafer said...

was it last night or night before i have lost track of time ths week... Deeee Taaaaa Deeeeeeeee

NillaWafer said...

The blogger engineer is on the loose he got me so be careful

NillaWafer said...

Tai is in the willow tree takin a nap.. dont know if thats Mei or Tian eating bamboo.. Oh Thelma i bet you were in heaven watching Tai nurse that close to him.. Dontcha worry me and Jo are coming down together and hopefully see him that close... Hope you have a great time in Fla with your friend enjoy get lots of sun and bring me back Luv Ya

MITS said...

That will be a great cam, because we see them going up that branch all the time.

NillaWafer said...

Yes there was alot of interaction between the pandas yesterday.. Do you know if that was Tai crying for his daddy or Mei wanting Tian?? I think it was Tai he was up at the screen there at the door.. Never heard them be that vocal.. and Tian was very agitated seemed

Anonymous said...

I'm riding on the short bus with all of me a seat..I want to be near the gabbers so we can talk and laugh lol need smiles and laughter for health hee hee

Anonymous said...

Almost time for Buta Buta to come on ..

Anonymous said...

Almost time for Buta Buta to come on ..

Anonymous said...

I only said that once grrr

Anonymous said...

Love it when I sign in and it's a full house!
Good Morning I see Kent is upgrading and that's going to be great.Just wish our green lines would go away!
Yep! Tai up in the tree.
Mits Bring some sunshine back or soak it all up while you're there.

MITS said...

It was actually Mei Xiang doing most of the vocalizing. Tai gave his Dad a peek then was on his way.

Anonymous said...

I have appointment today - so need to get ready to go.

Anonymous said...

That sounds good Mema Jo warmth...but need cold to freeze all these virus's out. Kill insects that will come to soon. Then Mits brings back nice warmth.

Anonymous said...

1 eagle in osprey BW

Anonymous said...

Jim was talking about his sinus problem living in California. I thought California was ok for people with asthma or sinus. Is it only certain parts of California that is not good for people with sinus's??? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is on

Anonymous said...

one in BW osprey one in eagle nest BW

Anonymous said...

BW osprey eagle gone

Anonymous said...

eagle gone at BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

lol Tai is up in that willow tree rubbing himself against the tree

Anonymous said...

Peeking before leaving
Look at the snow in Kent Views are now as pretty as Maine.

Anonymous said...

Great minds.........

Anonymous said...

eagle back in BW eagle nest

Anonymous said...

BW EAGLE NEST - 1 returned
That's what I needed - an eagle fix before leaving....

Anonymous said...

Great minds.........

I am out the door..

Anonymous said...

that's funny Jo cause after Ed gets his butt up and eats breakfast we'll be out the door. lol great minds around alot

Anonymous said...

I know Suzanne both cam 1 showing the long branch and also still cam 2 are picture postcards to be sent ut..really pretty.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne she has been in the BW E nest along time

Anonymous said...

Suzanne did I tell you Lisa said I might have caught them mating on 1/9??

MITS said...

Loraine said they were having a snow storm last night and boy, that is just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Still wondering though they are a young got fingers crossed cause it sure would be great pic for us with that angel for the egg/eggs.

Anonymous said...

hee hee I'm not a peeking-tom well peeking-gal lol. I was taking pics to send and their was one where he had ahold of her feathers on the back of her neck. Of course with the still and the time I didn't see the it was private moment for them lmbo

Anonymous said...

Oh my I see they put some fresh green pine in the nest closest to the time and date on BW eagle cam. Make the nest smell nice a ladies touch so to speak.

MITS said...

Yes, what a nice touch of white pine in BW's nest....

Anonymous said...

Suzanne you have mail

Anonymous said...

Mits you are going to someplace warm leaving today right? My daughter is leaving someplace warm to go to someplace cold today. lol

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, heading to Florida today, will be back next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Had a couple of important things to take care of on the computer this morning that didn't get done yesterday so wanted to stop in and say HI. Gonna pull up a couple of cams now and lie back down on the couch. feeling some better today but still not too great. Gonna spend it pretty much down but hopefully watching some eagle cams today for a while.

Will check back in later, Wishing you all a Great day and Good eagle viewing too.

Anonymous said...

Glo sure hope you soon get to feeling better. Remember as I was told; if you don't get to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

I know Nilla is watching the cams. She is just probably to busy at store to chat in here. Hi Nilla lurker (((hugs)))

MITS said...

Feel better,GLO,. Thank you, NORMA.

NillaWafer said...

Hi everyone No Dana i am not lurking the engineer got me again and i could not get in said down for maintence.. so i was cleaning the bathroom here and sweeping the floors... Keeping busy.. Buta Buta is really tired lil girl looks like this morning i sure wish the cam was up 24/7 we miss alot of her learning ...

NillaWafer said...

I aint NO LURKER thats for sure

MITS said...

Just missed the take-off at BW/osprey.

Anonymous said...

BW eagle nest

NillaWafer said...

i didnt know the names of the eagles out at Kent was Star and Patriot.. was reading what the people were saying about the nest who live there...

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Now sweetpea you know I didn't mean a lurker like one that never comes in and talks...I just mean't I thought I said "looking at cams" instead of talking. DARN that blogger cop glad you got back in Nilla ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

oh sorry Hi Norma did you get any flurries up your way?

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Well not only the blogger engineer got me but electric went out here at store and i have had 1 H of a time gettting these 2 comps to work, could not even get on internet , but finally fix it... I know Dana you didnt mean that silly.. We love lurkers here just wish they would say hello and join in.. heck we might let them drive the school

belle_wv said...

Hi all!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...