Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday January 5

Another wet day thread. They forecast in excess of 70 degrees tomorrow!?


Anonymous said...

Thank you Sandra for coming over and telling us new thread is up.
Steve thanks for the thread.

Oh my "our little prince" is getting too high in that tree. The limbs are bending and swaying with him. Oh I feel I can't watch but I must praying he doesn't fall from a crack limb. He has been doing this a while now moving all around up there. Now he has come down a good ways. He has himself straddle so he can sit. Be still my heart. That boy.... Norma if you get him make his trees stronger or shorter lol

Anonymous said...

Oh hi good morning Norma I was typing the comment I posted and you came in. lol Really Norma he had my heart a mess. Thanks again Sandra wherever you went too.

Anonymous said...

Morning all!

Thanks for the thread, Steve. Unbelievable temps for sure!

Anonymous said...

Norma that little bogger sitting up there now. Doesn't look like he put anyone through a heart attack. He looks so innocent. Oh no up he is climbing again higher.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you camera people in DC

Anonymous said...

No problem sweetie Norma..glad your here and back..might have needed two people to wet noodle me this morning for the new thread. lol

Of course as you see Tai now you wouldn't know he put me through a "stree test" just a while ago. lmbo at him now but not then too high up in tree had entire willow tree swaying. That tard!!
Now back to the tree and log where Nilla and Mits stood in the video rubbing his head.

Anonymous said...

There has been nothing in our eagle nest all morning. Live feeds been down all morning too.

He sure is a character Norma.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve! Good morning everyone! yes, it is TOO WARM! I know it feels good, but this weather is not a good thing. Too bad the powers that be don't seem to care about energy conservation or global warming...OOPS..not supposed to discuss that here. Sorry. Getting down off my soap box, heading to town.. Have a great day evreyone.

Anonymous said...

Post from Suzanne copied over becuase I was glad to see someone Suzanne Does get up with the birds and did . see an eagle in our nest today!!!

No Suzanne it in't raining here but quite foggy. Rain tonight and maybe light snow tomorrow so colder stuff is coming.

Eagle in the osprey nest.


Both early birds this am.

Friday, January 05, 2007 4:00:10 AM

Anonymous said...

Our warm weather this winter is the result of El Nino

Anonymous said...

Well I have Our bLOG, Our still cam and Florida's live cam up on my desktop. I hope they get our live up and running today or we will have a weekend without our live again. I so love to watch ours. Still is clear and nice though.

ALSO chat screen is floating on my desktop incase anyone wants to stop in and say Hi...I will see you for a while anyway this morning. I don't have to be on the chat for others to stop by and use it though.....It works nice for those quick Hi's but no time to read the BLOG yet kinds of moments, or conversations that don't involve a refresh. You get there from the bottom of the . For the Love of Eagles BLOG off of my name here Probably in the long run help the dial up folks not have to deal with such long BLOG threads as some of the chatter stuff will be in the chat area, instead of on the bLOG. Its a Freebie as I really don't know how much interest there will be in having a chat space just yet. Had some fun with stuff in there last night though.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Norma and everyone else in here LOL. I like FL better than ME cam as at least you can keep it running. sure wish that nest wasn't so deep though, and actually not sure how effective the "poop shoot " stuff is gonna work for the little ones with all that wall...but they are safely tucked in for a week or two I guess. MTBR on thhat one.

Anonymous said...

LOL Norma . Sounds like a plan for sure

Anonymous said...

Spring trip For those who didn't read it a couple of days ago, Vicky and I are planning our Spring Trip around the weekend of March 11. We will be headed to Shepherdstown probably on that Fri or most likely Sat. For myself, this will be a 1 time trip for sure, just awfully far for me to go, but I do want a chance to meet as many of you as I can when I get there. I hope if one day is better than the other you will let us know, so we can plan accordingly. I am 4 hours further away than Vicky is, but when I get to her house I will then have a Chauffer LOL.

Anonymous said...

Fl Is expecting first egg to hatch on or about Jan 9, maybe its a wiggling or something.

Anonymous said...

LOL Norma don't need any red carpets, but I know it would be a memory of a lifetime to get to meet as many of you as I possibly can. So Norma I would so love it if you would mark that date down and come to the nest area too!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL Suzanne from what I have read, we are gonna need a U haul just for the was alone LOL

MITS said...


MITS said...

Good news my Maggie is supposed to go home from hospital today. YES, PAULA, THIS WEATHER IS THE RESULT OF "EL NINO", NOT GLOBAL WARMING.

MITS said...

I believe this giraffe might be pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Mits. I am so happy to hear the news for Maggie

Anonymous said...

Oh good morning Mits this site needed some good new. So happy our littlest eagle is coming home. SMILES !

As far as Kent they say they hear them so maybe they have another nest somewhere and that is where they are since that storm. Just food for thought.

I've been watching Florida. She was acting strangely this morning. Up alot..I began wondering was she feeling a hatching starting. Been watching her cause they say they will call to their mate to come see the new eaglet. So far I don't think that has happened.

Anonymous said...

GLO are you sure about the trip as early as March 11th. Last year 1st egg laid Feb. 9th, 2nd Feb 11th and 3rd Feb 16th. Hatching was 1st egg hatched March 11th, 2nd egg hatched March 22nd, and 3rd egg hatched after that. I know the 1st date is right. So if you come March 11th you said you wanted to be able to see eaglets on branches that will be way too early.

Anonymous said...

1st egg hatched last year on March 18

Anonymous said...

Unless Liberty and Belle would drastically change their schedule, there probably won't be any chicks to see on March 11

Anonymous said...

Our live feed is still down...any news on that, Steve? Or should I switch to FL for the day, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Yep Paula I boob boobed I didn't look at my arrow on March 11th pointing to March 18th that is when my nephew sons (who is in Navy) his child (boy) was born March 18th and I did the "what happened on the day you was born with the pic of the eagles and a stuffed baby eagle. Sorry for the boob boob and thanks for the help Paula.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see some real live eaglets again! Love those fuzzy heads! C'mon Florida Ms. T

Anonymous said...

We'll know how many when their little heads finally pop up!

Anonymous said...

He is cracking me up again, Mei and Tai are inside. Mei is eating and Tai is trying to stand on his head with his belly facing Mom. lmbo

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW at least looks a little bit drier!

Anonymous said...

Where's Buta Buta?? No cam on her not in nest bed? Anyone see her go?

Anonymous said...

LOL Dana Actually i want to be able to see eagles and activity at the nest. I am sure we will be incubating if not hatching by then....I just know these 2 will be raising a family again this year, in spite of their behavior towards each other lately , LOL ...Yep I think March 11 is our chosen weekend. But i will run that new info past Vicky No matter what we won't be getting any close ups of the little ones, and it will be June before they am sure we won't wait til then. Guess I need to be encouraging a little more "ROMANCE" in that nest!!!! I'll send wax for candles, you guys shimmey up the tree in your spare time LOL. Yep very responsible Adult eagles there, i am sure they will only behave safely around candles in the tree. Ok No Candles then, how about a little Eagle Music to pipe in over the radio, just put something by the base of the tree around sunset for the next several evenings.

Anonymous said...

Iris You probably went back to bed and won't see this, but I am sorry you are next with this virus stuff whatever it is. Prayers for you too.

Anonymous said...

Full House - Great to see all of you here this warm rainy morning
Mits - so thankful that Maggie is coming home and that you are feeling somewhat better
Oh man, where did Buta Buta go? Anyone see her leave?
I've been on all cams - hope FL gets an update by Lynda as to what is going on - As for Poop Shoots all I can say is FL may just have a messy nest
Lonely Louie at BW this morning

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear Iris you said husband had it now you got it. I am feeling for you believe me. All's I know is until you either get to the point of sweating it out alot or making in my case sweat it out by lots of cloths. Only then do you seem to start getting better. Prayers for you my dear.

No their probably won't be any eaglets possibly even hatched when you come on March 11th weekend if the eagles perform as they did last year. Hatching as Paula help correct me was March 18th for the first egg Glo.

I am sure we can't encourage or rush Liberty and Belle. They have their own time zone for doing the do. lol

Anonymous said...

Ah cam caught up with Buta Buta I think they take her to that area then put the cam on her.

Anonymous said...

There she is - at the end of the room Have no clue if she walked or if LunLun took her.

Anonymous said...

Wow lots of us besides Belle dealing with newborns in March. My daughter was born on March 6.

Anonymous said...

Wow lots of us besides Belle dealing with newborns in March. My daughter was born on March 6.

Anonymous said...

hee hee Mema Jo maybe Florida has a new invention in their nest. A floor that raises up like an elevator when the eaglets have to do a "poop shoot" lmbo

Anonymous said...

I Only posted that once LOL

MITS said...

Iris, I love you picture.

Anonymous said...

Irs your in my prayes dear get better soon I hope.

Mits so glad to see you here with me. I'm still sweating. No drafts for me I told hubby.

Boy Mits has Tai been himself today. Wow that boy good wear out two mothers lol

Anonymous said...

Oh just looked at my calendar Sunday Jan. 7th 8 pm on Animal Planet watch Tai.

Anonymous said...

Yep we certainly do have access to all the dates for egg laying hatching and fledging for last season right at our fingertips. I will be checking with . Vicky to see if she prefers a different time. But for now our thought is March 11. No one has really said they could or couldn't be around that weekend. But a couple of said they would mark it on the Calendar. I think the people presence is just as important to me, as I know we will see liberty and Belle at that tree more and more now over the next several months. MTBR

Anonymous said...

Check out Florida

Anonymous said...

I got 5 cams up here and Buta Buta is starting to move alittle.

Anonymous said...

2 steps and plopped cutest princess

MITS said...


MITS said...

Norma, classes are all over, real thing starts next Wednesday, God willing.

Anonymous said...

Mits I sure hope you will be feeling even better by then. Don't want you to have a re-laps. Want you to stay well so you can see Maggie.

Tai is up a tree again

Eagle in Florida is turn eggs quite often. Seen her earlier this morning pull more feathers out of her brood patch on her belly. First time getting to actually see that.

Buta Buta is moving closer to Lun Lun

Anonymous said...

Florida has been squawking about something twice now third time. Maybe she just wants food. Don't know???

Anonymous said...

Little Princess going to chew on that bamboo

Anonymous said...

She is thinking that this sure isn't as good as Mommie's milk lol

Anonymous said...

Panda Cam camer almost made me lose it!


Norma, I hope everyone is seeing what we are!

Anonymous said...

Too cute, I have filmed a lot of this bamboo teether for those who aren't here to watch it

Anonymous said...

Thank you Glo
Playing with the leaf now.

Anonymous said...

There is a new update on the Panda Cam but apparently they haven't seen everything we have seen! Buta Buta can get that back half out of the nest bed. I am glad Glo will have another video for us because Buta Buta has been a joy to watch. Right now I think she is all tuckered out!

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely prescious several minutes of viewing.

Anonymous said...

Now isn't that the cutest pic of our little princess laying on her back after trying to walk, play and eat bamboo.

Anonymous said...

Bless her heart I think she's zonkered again LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok Going to work on the Buta Buta Movie. if our eagles should show up while I'm doing this, could someone please catch a couple of pictures for me. This will take a good hour to get together...Lots of film and eventual upload time. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I am getting information from Sharon concerning her Sister funeral arrangements. I will be sending out an email shortly so we are all informed. An arrangement will be sent in the name of Eaglet Momsters. MTBR

Anonymous said...

Is our cam down? Can't even get the page to come up

Anonymous said...

STEVENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN our live feed hasn't been up all day. Now are still is " down " we need your helppppppppppppppppppppp please !!!

MITS said...

Well, finally, could not get on anything related to NCTC

Anonymous said...

Is anyone on chat?

Anonymous said...

30 sec cam is back up

Anonymous said...

Mits, Glad to hear Maggie is on her way home.

Nests are MT

Anonymous said...

Yes Norma I think they did a switch..I might have caught one leaving and other one coming on film MTBR

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks... Only stopping in a minute, sisters just called and we are going out for dinner.. Paula coming over to Dick & Janes Resturant food. Thelma such good news that MAGGIE IS COMING HOME TODAY... well need to scoot n get ready... Hugs 2 All

Anonymous said...

Nilla have a nice dinner.

So happy for Mits that Maggie is coming home.

Anonymous said...

OK Bamboo Teether part 1 is loaded. You can see it on For the Love of eagles bLOG with my name. Part two is still in process but should be there as well in the next half to one hour LOL.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well I would say chances of seeing any live feed before Monday now are pretty much zilch but
. I would love to be proved wrong here

We might see them on the still cam soon though its about that time!

Anonymous said...

Guess I will head up to ME then wish that feed were more than 2 min. LOL

Steve Chase said...

Here's the scoop.

The live feed is distributed by a vendor in Wheeling. We send the video signal via the internet to them, from our communications room. As we all know, occasionally, the link "locks up" and the feed goes down. Right now, it must be reset manually by one of our IT folks (we basically have two folks who deal with this, but they also deal with our entire network (many servers) and over 200 users and their own IT problems.)

So, whenever we notice that the link has locked up, we call to one of our IT folks and they reset the link, and we have live feed again. Unfortunately, the feed tends to lock up every 12-18 hours. We are trying to develop an automated fix that would reset the link automatically every few hours to ensure that it stays up. That automated process has to be programmed though, and that is taking research time for us to to figure it out.

I called down a few minutes ago to get it reset and had to go to the Division Chief as nobody else is here. She is attempting to do the reset.

As always, hang in there. We will get this fixed, but the cam is an extra that we all do out of love for the project, and our other tasks often get in the way :>)

Steve Chase said...

Live feed back up!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Steve, I am so glad you proved Glo wrong & I just know Glo will be very happy about it! Thank's for all the info and especially for all your concern with this project.

MITS said...

Well it is 4:30p.m., time for a visit from L&B...

Anonymous said...

Just watched the video on Buta Buta. Loved it! She is on the move again and we only have 16 minutes of show time left...........

Anonymous said...

LOL .. Steve I am thrilled and yes it was a direct challenge to call me on that. Thank You thank You thank Yo. I am coming to meet you LOl Yep I really am...but might change the aforementioned date after Vicky and I talk some more aobut timing

Anonymous said...

2 eagles in the nest

Anonymous said...

Still is nothing more beautiful to me than to watch these 2 birds

Anonymous said...

Thanks, NCTC for getting the live feed up in time to see Liberty & Belle!

Anonymous said...

Well the call reset and timing were all supurb. We all know you are doing this as an extra, and we do very very much appreciate every single minute. Most of the time it doesn't take more than a few seconds for one of us to notice when the cams are on LOL. Made my day!!! and actually it has been a good day on other cams BUT this is THE cam as far as I am concerned!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you think they will return?

Buta Buta was just about out of the nest bed and the cam went down! She really did give us a good show earlier.

Come on L&B - please return before the fog rolls in!

Anonymous said...

Amazing how quickly they take's like "Ok, I'm leaving NOW!"

Anonymous said...

Almost looks like they were chasing something!

Anonymous said...

Ok Now that Our 2 have faithfully checked in LOL...Buta Buta part 2 is also loaded onto the For the love of eagles BLOG. Hope those of you who missed it will go see some awfully prescious moments, and those who saw it will most likely enjoy seeing it again.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Ok Now that Our 2 have faithfully checked in LOL...Buta Buta part 2 is also loaded onto the For the love of eagles BLOG. Hope those of you who missed it will go see some awfully prescious moments, and those who saw it will most likely enjoy seeing it again.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

which ever one it is has come to do some serious re arranging

Anonymous said...

I see one is back!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits

Still arranging twigs... They really do have the 12:00 built up high.

Oh No Looking at that twig that neither can get moved (it's attached to the tree you know)

Anonymous said...

Paula Part 3 of your video may be starting. lol

Anonymous said...

Maybe they need George or a Beaver to stop by.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they need George or a Beaver to stop by.

Anonymous said...

I swear I am only posting once Geeesh LOL

Anonymous said...

They like it for beak cleaning, then other times they want it outta there!

Anonymous said...

At least Elia is posting right along with me today

Anonymous said...

L & B Both in nest. Look at the one climb up at 12:00. Can you imagine Spunky having that high of a perch.

I'm King Bird of the Nest Sticks

Anonymous said...

LOng return visit!

Anonymous said...

Hi carol Glad you could stop in...were you watching the live feed there for a while just so wonderful to watch these 2. Last year the eggs appeared in Feb.

Anonymous said...

Feb 9, 11, and 15..

Anonymous said...

and we have seen lots more of the . Blogger COP than COP... ulation

Sorry couldn't resist.

MITS said...

EEEEEWWWW, Glo, could not resist could you????

Anonymous said...

LOL No , Dr Mits just kinda typed itself right int here....but of course if you have anything to ad, what with bamboons and pregnant giraffs etc...feel free. carol will be so glad she asked...she is getting all kinds of information (((((hugs))))))

MITS said...

Liberty and Belle need to get on littler friendlier terms before we can even think of eggs.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep and I think they are both thinking the other one needs to get rid of that stick But don't let it hit me on the way out!!!!

MITS said...

LOL!!!! We do have our own unique way with the English language, don't we:)::):)?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

man you all must have a "Life" on Friday night LOL.

MITS said...

Or we are all passed out, or trying to recover from recent illnesses. I have actually tried to be up most of the day and I'm exhausted. Maggie is home safe and sound with her Mommy and Daddy, and, they are thankful for all the concern and prayers. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Anonymous said...

Good Night Mits I am glad you had a better day. I am also so very glad to hear Maggie is home.

Anonymous said...

Maybe everyone is over at the Chat Room! lol

Update - Sharon
I have just placed a message on the Momster site and you should have received the information concerning the arrangements for Sharon's sister, Donna's funeral. Your prayers for Sharon and her family are greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

LOL well actually it looks like someone is in there and has been for over an hour and a half...they must have fallen asleep. I'll try a wake up call LOL

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo Where did you go?

Anonymous said...

come back in and help me out here !

Anonymous said...

GLO Whatever you did kicked me out of the room. I am headed back in to say goodnight to Tiger Lily & you.
I had to cold boot!

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything LOL really

Anonymous said...

Good night all. Will BLOG at you tomorrow . Prayers for all who need them for sure.

Anonymous said...

NILLA Are you home yet?

Anonymous said...

Time to sign out.......

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all those in need

NillaWafer said...

Here i am finally home and its almost 4:30am No i was not out partyin... We did get over to Dave&Janes for dinner.. had steamed shrimp and crab legs broasted chicken salad and a fantasic bowl of cream of crab soup... AYCE Was great... stopped by parents n daughter took carrie n the kids home with her and i had my sister Linda with me to stay the night.. Well driving home got apohne call Dawn (daughter) was ill .. so stopped at 7-11 down the road from heer house and got a frantic phone call saying she needed me right now chest pains and could not breath... Good Lord we pulled in the development and there set an ambulance i was franticccc... Got her to hospitol here in Martinsburg and she was admitted.. Heart stress test early tomarrow and other test... Please pray its not her heart if so she will go to Winchester like i did for heart catherization... But then again they said maybe gall bladder so just waiting. I cant not beleive this 2007 start... My daughter is 37 yr old. Sister is asleep on the couch and i am just to stressed right now to sleep.. So glad you got to see L&B today for a short while... Will go look at Glos new video's of Buta Buta... My head is just reeling with thoughts and worry right now.. Please pray for Dawn Marie Marquez my oldest daughter... Going to try and get few hours sleep now... Hugs 2 all, Nilla

movin said...


The wind is blowing hard from the desert (Santa Ana winds), it's cold and penetrating, and I'm up in the middle of the night...about to be the first to wish you all a glorious first Saturday of the New Year!

I just read Nilla's entry, and I am praying for the best for her daughter, I'm praying for her to walk out the door of the hospital in the morning with no lasting illness.

Nilla's mentioning seafood reminded me that my brother-in-law several years ago received a gift of a box of lobster tails from a fisherman friend; and he proceeded to enjoy 4-5 of the delicious tails for dinner that night....

You guessed it, he was up in the middle of the night with terrible pains, and my sister rushed him to the emergency ward, where they spent most of the remainder of the night.

It turned out to be a gall bladder attack from trying to process too many tails in too short a time. They gave him some stuff to ease the gastric stress and pain, the episode passed, he kept his gall bladder, and lived happily ever after as long as he didn't eat too many lobster tails.

Let's hope that there was a similar cause for Nilla's daughter's attack, and she will be found to be well this morning.

Best, most exciting things and activities to you for the weekend...


Anonymous said...

EAGLE ALERT Two in nest now one

Anonymous said...

two in BW

Anonymous said...

Our nest Mt

One at BW

Anonymous said...

2 at BW

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Dana Hoping to make this a healthier day for all. I am off to coffee and dog treats, then to the bank and grocery store. Maybe a swing by the eagles trip, time will tell. This is the last of my 4 days off. Has been good and flown by as always.

Anonymous said...

1 eagle BW

our nest MT

Florida is down

Hi Jim

Anonymous said...

Nilla I've read the comments you have my PRAYERS for Dawn...

Anonymous said...

Morning Eagle Friends....

Didn't make it back on here last night...darn cold got the best of me....will have to go back and catch up....

OUr nest MT, live feed down, Eagle in FL, 1 Eagle at BW osprey

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula you have the cold too?

Anonymous said...

Yea, Dana, Keeping my kleenex handy!

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Eagle nest, Osprey nest MT, our nest MT

Anonymous said...

Both nests at BW MT

Anonymous said...

LOL, blog is MT too

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else realized that we could be looking at eggs in our nest in 5-6 weeks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just spoke with my girlfriend (retired nurse) on phone. She wants me to go back and have dr. take an xray she thinks I might have walking pneumonia. She had seen me on 12/29 and hearing me now and knowing I was on a different antibotic earlier Dec. So I will take her advice and call dr. Mon. set up appt. grrrrrr

Well no one around me is catching what I have. So that is a BLESSING...hogging it all to myself. yuck

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...