Wednesday, March 24, 2010


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Palmer does NOT like this arrangement

Mits said...

sure someone is close by.

Lynne2 said...

adult back

Mits said...

eagle back

Lynne2 said...

fluff tuck and snuggled in again

Mits said...

Robert Culp, the versatile actor who teamed with Bill Cosby in the
groundbreaking comedy-adventure TV series "I Spy," has died. He was 79.
I always liked him...

Lolly said...

Hi all! Got a lot accomplished today. Hurrah! Bright sunshine right now and I have NOT gone out. Grrrr! BUT, in the news, thunder storms will be here shortly with hail. NO No NO!!!

Lolly said...

Palmer looks so little in that egg cup.

Lynne2 said...

hard landing up top, the camera rocked a bit!

Lolly said...

Lynne, sorry you are having a problem with Daisy. Things are sounding good for the stray. Can not help but wonder about her history.

T-Bird said...

I sure am Hedgie, you?

paula eagleholic said...

I was wondering if there was a switch! Lib munching on nestover, now Palmer is peeping and awake...sort of!

Belle just came back!

Lynne2 said...

nice duet by our adults in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle talk!

Lib off the back to the right.

Lolly said...

Switch at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

time to cover up chickie!

paula eagleholic said...

Hail Yuck

Belle grabbed a nestover, now back on chickie

hedgie said...

Doing okay, T-bird! Happy with my DSL and all of the cam cruising I can do!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Great view of Palmer!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at him, standing tall :)

Mits said...

from BWO........

While we're happy that our two newly arrived ospreys enjoy each other's company, we're still waiting for them to start bringing in sticks so they'll eventually have a place to lay their eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Eating time for Belle and Palmer...

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think that nestover is a feather plucking...

paula eagleholic said...

She dragged it closer to Palmer

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding Palmer now

Lolly said...

It is getting darker and not from the time of day. The line of thunder storms is getting closer. Hear thunder in the distance.

Oh, listen to Palmer. He is a vocal one!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Long tough pieces coming off, almost like jerky!

Lolly said...

She is still stuffing it down her self. Must be terribly good. yuk

paula eagleholic said...

I think that's another bird chirping at the nest, Lolly.

Lolly said...

You think? Thought I was hearing Palmer.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi ALL Eagle Friends.

Been out most of day.

Glad to see the nest.

Need to read comments.

Lolly said...

Quarter size hail heading my way. Lovely, just lovely! Went out and picked more daffys. Might as well, rain will just push them down and hail tear them to pieces.

Lynne2 said...

you under the severe storm watch Lolly

Lolly said...

Yep, severe weather headed this way. Very dark outside. Expect wind and rain very shortly.

Lynne2 said...

well stay safe Lolly!

Lolly said...

It is presently the lull before the storm, no bird sounds, no wind. Really eeriy! Oh, and thunder in the distance.

Lolly said...

I just do NOT want hail. I will cry! ☺ Thanks, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

I'm not sure exactly where you are but it looks like there are some very heavy storms imbedded in the line....I know that quiet calm before the storm.

stronghunter said...


Lolly, I just checked Google Earth, and it shows a big storm just west of you. Stay safe.

Lolly said...

Maybe I should go fix myself something to eat. Would hate to loose electricity and not have a hot meal.

I remember one time when we did loose electricity and I had a cold supper. Jack was not home. In fact, he was in Spain. I later calculated the time change and figured while I was in the dark, eating a cold supper, he was at a reception at a multie starred general, on his grand estate, being served elegant food and wine.

Life is not just!

Lolly said...

Hair dresser just called. I HAD and appointment tomorrow. Her mother is at home, under hospice care, and it does not look good. Barbara needs to work, but the nurse told her to be home with her mother. Prayers please for Barbara and her mother.

Lolly said...

Uh Oh! Wind is picking up!

Lolly said...

Pouring rain, thunder right on top of us. No hail!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers Lolly for your hairdresser and her mother.

Hedgie did you see in Tuesday's paper the woman that was cruel to the dog?
She was going to have to do all kinds of community work. Then she decided not to take the plea agreement. The felony animal cruelty charge was then dismissed in order for the case to be returned to bound over status for possible indictment by a grand jury. Now they have determined that she could not be charged un the state's felony animal cruelty statue because the alleged acts committed agsinst the dog in question did not meet the definition of intentional torture and mutilation as defined in the state criminal code." This woman strayed with no water or food. Found in an attic. The dogs was extremely skinny with ribs showing and had an open wound all the way around it snout and under it lower jaw. The dog appeared to be having trouble standing records showed. Witnesses tol police that she duct taped around the dog's snout to keep it from barking. The also had a witness to her beating the dog. The the dog was tied in the basement for 3 weeks with no food or water. A veterinary determined the dog was suffering from starvation an found that something had been tied around its muzzle, It was left in place long enough to cut thought the skin.
ONE GOOD THING THE DOG NOW HAS A NEW HOME!! grrr that woman should be punished for what she did!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Now that's just not right, they outta be able to charge her with something...

paula eagleholic said...

How's the eye feeling, Dana?

wvgal_dana said...

I can't believe the system !

Hope Mema Jo's breathing test comes out great.

wvgal_dana said...

I'd like to read the state's felony animal cruelty statue because the alleged acts committed against the dog in question did not meet the definition of intentional torture and mutilation as defined in the state criminal code."

wvgal_dana said...


8-12-5 General powers of every municipality and the governing body thereof.
In addition to the powers and authority granted by (i) the constitution of this state, (ii) other provisions of this chapter, (iii) other general law, and (iv) any charter, and to the extent not inconsistent or in conflict with any of the foregoing except special legislative charters, every municipality and the governing body thereof shall have plenary power and authority therein by ordinance or resolution, as the case may require, and by appropriate action based thereon:

(26) To regulate or prohibit the keeping of animals or fowls and to provide for impounding, sale or destruction of animals or fowls kept contrary to law or found running at large;

(27) To arrest, convict and punish any person for cruelly, unnecessarily or needlessly beating, torturing, mutilating, killing or overloading or overdriving, or willfully depriving of necessary sustenance, any domestic animal;

Lynne2 said...

Hard to believe that doesn't qualify Dana. People are so sick

OK where is Jo?

paula eagleholic said...

She's around, got an email from her

Mits said...

she's on FB...

Mits said...

National Zoo Celebrates Clouded Leopards' 1st Birthday
Updated: Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010, 5:25 PM EDT

WASHINGTON - Happy Birthday to “Zoo!” On March 24, 2010, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s rare male clouded leopards Ta Moon and Sa Ming turned 1 year old.

Ta Moon (“mischievous child”) and Sa Ming (“brave warrior”) celebrated the one-year anniversary of their birth at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va. with feline “birthday cake” – two layers of ice with bamboo leaves frozen inside and diet meat “frosting!"

Ta Moon and Sa Ming were the first of three litters born to 3-and-a-half-year-old Jao Chu and Hannibal. On Valentine’s Day, Jao Chu gave birth to two more cubs.

The National Zoo holds the largest population of captive clouded leopards in North America – a Southeast Asian species deemed “vulnerable to extinction” by scientists because of deforestation and poaching. More than 76 clouded leopards have been born at the SCBI campus since 1978.


Lynne2 said...

aaawwwww, Happy Birthday little/big leopards!

Lolly, have you weathered the storm OK?

paula eagleholic said...

I have been trying to watch Caltrans...nothing yet...they can zoom!

Judie said...

How's Jo? How did the test go?

Lolly, hope the storm has passed by without too much damage to the flowers.

Happy birthday to the spotted leopards. Thanks for the update, Mits.

Lynne, sure wish Daisy would settle in -- hoping for the best.

Finally saw bobble head Palmer getting some food and stretching to see the nest world.

Tired so turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, hope school went well. Please set our alarm when you come in and then get some rest.

Goodnight, everyone.

Lolly said...

It is still raining but the worst has passed. Last thing we need is rain, but thankfully there was no hail and the wind was not too bad.

Lolly said...

Been talking on the phone to Jack. They got a flight in today before it clouded up. Will have a flight tomorrow, but do not have the next flights scheduled. Do not know if he will be home for the weekend or not.

Lolly said...

lol Just heard Annie behind the sofa. She does not like thunder.

Lynne2 said...

Poor Annie! My cocker was terrified of storms.

In discussing her problem with the vet and trainer, it looks like Daisy will likely have to go on a medication for a few months...and then be weaned off after her training. I don't take any of this lightly. I can't because she's going to be dangerous, even if unintentionally, if we can't get her behavior under control.

Heading to the shower and bed, prayers for all and have a good night!

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry about this turn with Daisy. What med are they using? Diagnosis is???? Poor confused dog.

Lolly, glad you didn't get hammered.

Anne Marie posted nice pics of Grand Canyon on FB! She got home last night.

hedgie said...

Mits, the cloudeds don't have to go back to Asia, do they???

Mema Jo said...

I breathed it real good! lol
I am so sorry I haven't been here sooner....After my appointment we picked up Alexis for the evening. After she went home I did watch one TV show I missed my panda nap today.

OK - Pulmonary DR looked at CT and said your lungs have improved... I did a cartwheel in the office!!
I know I'll never be 100% ok but Dr was very pleased. Pulmonary testing went well... I huffed and puffed and inhaled and blew it out! Wow.. gave the old lungs a work out.
Keeping me on 5mg and next appointment after a SED blood test (No CT) is at the end of July..
Now if I could just do more exercise and lose this weight!
Special Note Each evening as I am retiring I always ask the Big Guy to watch over and protect all my friends... and I have a feeling most of you do the same ... Thank you with all the love in my heart for your prayers...

stronghunter said...

Glad to hear you are better, Jo. And, Lolly, so glad you weathered the
storm safely.

I am going to call it quits for the night. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Shirley! You are almost at Friday!

Lynne2 said...

JO!!! WOW, it really has been a good news day all around!! I'm so happy for you! And glad you finally checked in!

LOVE Anne Marie's pictures on FB!

Lynn, at this point there is no reason to think there is anything wrong other than....The Honeymoon is over. It can take 8-12 weeks for a dog to feel completely comfortable in a new environment and show "true colors". That time is here! Also, she is just extremely "reactive to stimulant". So the medication she'll go on will likely be Prozac or Clomacalm which will help her calm down and focus, and it will be short term while she is in the training stage. She is not showing signs of actual aggression, but she is out of control. We'll get her fixed up!

hedgie said...

Jo, I won't repeat myself here----check your mail!!! Whoo Hoo!!

Lynne, so it's really just more of a hyper personality than it is schizophrenic, huh??

ceil said...

Jo so glad to hear that you are doing better

ceil said...

Good night all. Pleasant dreams

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie and Shirley. Sweet sleep!

Mema Jo said...

Yepper Ceil - I am doing so well that you really should get the gang together and come up for lunch!

hedgie said...

Dana, I don't understand AT ALL how the prosecuting attorney can say that that woman didn't commit felony offenses against that dog. It's absurd. Wonder when she's up for re-election?? I was really surprised that the poor dog wasn't euthanized.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone~~Hope your night lights are on. I see Nestville's is & there are moths or flies zipping around. Can they see that? Probably not, but they can smell nestovers! ☺ Got a look at cam at work & we thought we saw a poor squirrel.
Belle seemed to be crouched over the bowl, not asleep yet.
Lolly, glad you didn't get pelted & congrats to Jo on great test.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, that's about it Lynn. I'm thinking maybe Clomicalm for her, valium for me.....LOL!

NatureNut said...

Wow, that waqs a strange noise from nest! Belle's eyes are shining.

Read Dana's account~~~too disgusting to even think about. People like that should go to jail & NOT get any bread or water!

NatureNut said...

Lynne, maybe you could share Rx. LOL Sure hope it works--seems like a great dog.

NatureNut said...

OMG, just flipped up cam on Firefox. It's been running for 44 whole minutes! Be still my heart!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, popping back in to say that they just talked about your squall line on our weather.

hedgie said...

Night, sweet Ceil!

Lynne2 said...

we did this last year...

Earth Hour

Our little buddy Bill was here and we turned off the TV and lights and played cards by camp lantern!
This year, we'll probably already be asleep cause we're getting up at 4:30 and hitting the river by 5:30 for opening day of trout season!

Lynne2 said...

She is a good dog Loretta....we do love her! Just don't like her sometimes!

hedgie said...

Hi, Loretta! Hope you've had a good day.
I'm calling it quits for mine. Y-a-w-n. Saying my prayers for one and all, two-legged and 4-legged. See you in the morning. Peace.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Lynne, I hear ya on that comment! Hope the meds help.

No Hail for Lolly, Yay!

Good breaths for Jo, Yay!

Banana bread in the oven is almost ready, Yay!

NatureNut said...

Wow, Paula. I can smell it from here! LOL Thx again for suggesting Firefox. I didn't think my 'puter was dead already!!

Gonna have to get coffee to go w/it.
Hi Lynn & Good Night to all hitting the hay.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Did ya'll just hear that on the cam?

paula eagleholic said...

Some sort of owl, I think.

You're welcome Loretta, glad it's working for ya!

Mema Jo said...

I am slam worn out - (lol is that how I say it)

Heading back the hallway

Good Night all and Prayers for all

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

movin said...


"Alright, it's time,

Say, 'good night', Gracie."




Lolly said...

Have been messing with pictures tonight. Added one picture to my Eagles and Pandas Blog. This is the picture of me that Jack posed and took. He thought he was soooo funny! He said to post it for you and to tell you this is what happens when you watch too many eagle cams.

Also added pictures to Hawkwood Gardens. Did not post pictures of the muck, just the flowers. ☺

PA Nana said...

I'm late as usual, but goodnight to all. Prayers for all needs/wants.

Someday I'll get back to an awake during the day and sleep at night sdhedule. Daughter says I'm like a cat. I'm definitely more awake at night time, but I'm alone with my cats. The rest of the household is sleeping.

Will catch up with you tomorrow - I hope.
God bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been reading to catch up on the blog.

Jo, S-O-O-O-O glad your breathing test turned out so very well! And your lungs have improved, too! Thank GOD for sure!!!! Boy, it sure IS a good news day here!

Guess what--MORE good news! I got 100% on last week's test in Laboratory Medicine!--AND an A on tonight's test, too! Thank you, LORD JESUS!!!! And thank all of you here for your prayers for me, too! TOLD you they work!

Lynne, hope all works out with Daisy!
The vet's tests will be good to see--maybe there's a physical problem that's causing the hyper behavior.
Daisy and your whole family are in my prayers, for sure! BTW, SO glad the rescue people will be picking up the cocker! I've been looking at a picture of a puppy at our local pound. She's a 7-month-old chihuahua mix, and they named her 'Lefty', because she's apparently missing her left ear! Might call the pound and see what her story is. She's really cute even without one ear! Wish I could get Hubby interested!

PA Nana said...

Lolly, loved the pictures of your daffs. I'll have to look in a mirror to see if I've changed into an eagle head. ☺☺☺☺

Ms Bookworm said...

OK--here you go. Here's a picture of 'Lefty'. I HATE visiting the pound, but just might, so I can find out her story. She's only 7 months old, so wonder if she was born that way. Hmmmm... Sure is a cutie! And I'm a fellow 'lefty', too. Tears me up to think no one else might want her because she's missing an ear! Yikes!

Well, would you folks give me your input--what do you think? Meanwhile, I'll be praying for some guidance from above.

Right now, I'm pretty burned out from school, so think I'll go veg in front of the TV for a bit, then call it quits for the night. The night light is on, the porch light is motion activated (it'll see ya coming!), and the eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep tight, friends, and have sweet eagle dreams about little Palmer. I'll talk to you either later tonight if I'm still up, or in the morning.
G'night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

Lolly said...

Andy, Lefty is really cute and just a baby. I really think you should try hard to get her.

Have been much longer do you have in school?

Costume Lady said...

Had a looong day today, which included another great afternoon with GG. She had just thrown away a Mrs. Callenders Pot Pie, which she mistakenly cooked for 60 mins. instead of 6. Bless her heart! She has never gotten used to this new microwave. It has bells and whistles, along with umpteen different selections to choose from. Her old microwave was so very simplistic...just push minutes and start. Can't give those new-fangled appliances to the elderly.
I just happened to have brought her some chinese noodle soup and two chicken legs...then, she didn't want to eat...would rather talk. I finally fixed a bowl of the soup when Gene got there, for him and her, then she ate:)


Costume Lady said...

Andrea...go with your heart on the LEFTY issue:)
Prayers to help you make the right decision.

Nite to you and Lolly♥♥

Lolly said...

Nite all! Have finally started to feel sleepy. I have a tendency to stay up late when Jack is not here.

Wanda, the plant by the pond is a type of sedum. That is all I know. It has done wonderfully around the pond, Have it in the yard and I got it from a good friend years and years ago. My yellow columbine should open in the next day or two.

Sweet dreams for all!

Ms Bookworm said...


Back to check on the nest, and all seems peaceful.

Hi, Lolly--I think I have one more year to go in school, but not sure how many credits they will let me transfer from city college long ago.
Need to call them tomorrow anyway, regarding my student loan. Will try to find out more and let you know.
Many thanks to you and Wanda for the input about Lefty. Will be praying for an answer. Better try to go and get some sleep now. 'See' you tomorrow!

floralgirl said...

Breakfast time for Palmer.

floralgirl said...

Adult just flew in with a stick.

floralgirl said...

and there's a switch.

magpie said...

And here is another folks are getting up and I am going to bed.
Saw a nice little crunchy feeding just awhile back, before all the daylight hit the nest

Best wishes for a good day, see you after a pile of Z's

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Two osprey at BWO...

good to hear of the good things on here since last night...

xo 'G-night

Mauley said...

Good Morning dear ones, Isn't it wonderful to see Palmer having breakfast. Have a blessed day all. mauley donna

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Quiet at the nest AND the blog this morning!

OK, now I am starting to worry about NORMA....where has she been and has anyone talked to her since last weekend??

hedgie said...

Good morning all. Hey, Mauley, good to see you.
A bit cloudy this AM. Nest looks quiet.
Beware....freeze warning for this area Fri. night----argh!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, I think Sharon or Sissy talked to her Sun. evening....and I know I did but can't remember whether it was Sun. or Mon.....Duh: CRS disease!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Hope all is well with everybody.

Carolina Girl Sandy said...

Well fiddle sticks! I popped in yesterday to say hello and many thanks fro the birthday wishes, but it seems the blogger cop sent me away.

Not much time today, but again, thanks. I do enjoy watching little Palmer when I can and frequestly read bits and pieces of the blog. I'll try to do better, but life is pretty crazy right now!

Have a great day!


Lynne2 said...

and there is Eggbert Palmer Bobblehead

OK Lynn....maybe she's having computer trouble or something.

Lynne2 said...

I have a situation at my bluebird house. There is a male house sparrow trying to take it. Lots of fighting going on.

I hear the phoebe at the nest this morning!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Its cloudy here so I guess I will work in the attic. I need to get some stuff out of this house. Its so hard to sort through what to keep, give away and maybe there some stuff there i should throw away. I don't know but think that is part of todays project.

floralgirl said...

Morning all:) phoebe is just singing it's heart out at the nest. Got one here, too, working on a nest and singing all day long, phoebe ♫, phoebe ♫♪...
got some sunshine between the clouds here for now.
Have a great day everybody!

Mits said...

Good morning everyone:)...Glo, "when in doubt throw it out".

Mits said...

Lynn, from your question last the cloudeds will not go back to Asia:)

Mits said...

Jo, glad the test were good.

Lynne2 said...

I hear a wren, I think I just heard a woodpecker!

Lynne2 said...

and a blue jay!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory for today: Mourning doves, starlings, red-bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, dark-eyed juncos, titmice, blue jays, cardinals, chipping sparrows, chickadees, goldfinches, white-throated sparrows, eastern bluebirds, grackles but no partridge in a pear tree - yet! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to EVERYONE is Eagleland this morning.

Jo "wonderful news about breathing test ( :

Megan and Lynn2 do either of you clean out your bluebird boxes from year to year?

Way to go on those test Andrea. I have "Lefty" in prayer. He/she has beautiful eyes and does need a good home. Congratulations on those test scores.

Mits said...

osprey at BWO, just brought a lousy stick...what a guy:)

Costume Lady said...

I got my WV mag from NORMA, which was mailed on the 22nd, so at least 3 days ago, she was OK. Probably having 'puter issues. Going to buy her a new one when I hit the jackpot!:)

Mits said...

this is the osprey nest, Suzanne and I have been watching for several years, it is in Annapolis, MD.....last year, their nest fell apart, but, thankfully they supplied a new one for them.....they arrived about a day later than BWO, but they are already building their nest......

Costume Lady said...

LYNNE...those sparrows usually win out on taking over the nest box, and if not, they will kill the bluebird or destroy the eggs, if necessary to take over the box:(
Not much you can do about it.

Gene put 'sizers' on the entrance hole to keep the sparrows out, but then the bluebirds never came back?? (This is at GGs)

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like the BWO osprey male is having too much fun, courting the female:) When she finally says NOOO! maybe then the sticks will come in abundance:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just tried to call Normabyrd but no answer. Does she go to the wellness center on Thursdays?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Some kind of siren going off at NCTC it sounds like.

Mits said...

yes, Tuesday and Thursday are wellness days, Wednesdays are bible study.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of abundance, Gene went some of the other churches here in Martinsburg that have a soup kitchen and passed out flyers so their guests would know that we are serving a meal on a day that none of the other churches are. Then he went to the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army where some of their workers offered to help us out! We are really looking forward to serving our first meal on April many people are willing to help that we no longer feel burdened.
I think the Lord knew what he was doing when he tapped me on the shoulder:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning - I know that Wacky Wednesday has passed!
I hear the sirens of Shepherdstown!
Trying to get through my emails and check out cams. Thankful our Live Feed is up/running. When I closed it down last night the timer was having the jumpies! Like it was on 20:00:04 and then all of a sudden it was on
52:01:00.... Back and forth it went!

Need to read and catch up - Hope a new thread is on its way to us!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Mits, I think he's got a couple of mud balls in there as well :)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda you and Gene are going to be so blessed with loving experiences during your adventure.

Mits said...

yes, but seems he is more interested in sex, than sticks;), but glad to see some coming in...had a great pic of the 1st stick being brought in that I sent to Lisa.

Mits said...

yeah, Good luck Wanda.

Mema Jo said...

Yepper Palmer! There is a real world out there waiting for you!

Oh you beautiful little eaglet! What big eyes you have!

Mits said...

today's weather for nest.....

Rest of Today
Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of showers this afternoon. Highs in the mid 60s. South winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.

Showers. Lows in the lower 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph... becoming west after midnight. Chance of rain near 100 percent.

hedgie said...

Wow, Mits, that is a cool nbnest cam site. LOVE the camera feature. Thanks for giving us that link!

Wanda, glad you got your mag!

Shar, thanks for trying Norma. Maybe re-try after lunchtime.

Weather report now saying possible s--w here tomorrow afternoon....say it ain't so!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I guess they were happy to see each's been months! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I probably sent Lisa that same pic, Mits.

hedgie said...

Woke up with my shoulder bursitis acting up really badly...don't know why...haven't done anything physical since cleaning late last week...guess I slept on it the wrong way. Ouch.

Mits said...

tomorrow night at the nest it is supposed to be in the lower 20's

hedgie said...

Finland (Nauvo) looks bleak in their late afternoon, but no snow in nest.

Mits said...

feeding BWE

Mema Jo said...

The new Annapolis platform looks a lot more stable then the old one! Thanks!

Andrea's school report last evening is
exceptional! You go Gal! Keep up the great grades!

Lolly said...

Good Morning and Bye! Have an appointment and leaving in a few minutes. Just wanted to say good morning!!!

.63 inch of rain, not much but you would think it was 10 times that amount by all the standing water.

Oh well....! It is what it is!

Have a great day! BBL

Mits said...

it sure does, Jo...I remember last year, when they had the pier in view, someone had a sign up that said..."osprey taste like chicken", probably not an osprey fan:(

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is getting fed !!

Mits said...

deers were just at the boar feeding ground, Linda is watching intently to the sky, sounds like ravens nearby.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Dad! What we going to do now

hedgie said...

Looks like brunch time for Palmer.

Mema Jo said...

Lib doing some nestorations
Little Palmer watching!

I sure wish we had a zoom feature.
Full screen is ok but ZOOM would be better....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I hope you work the pain out of that shoulder. Get the heating pad out.

Mits said...

update from Connecticut osprey nest......

Tuesday, March 23, 2010:
My colleagues at the Coastal Center in Milford spotted the male Osprey this morning. We hope/expect the female will appear shortly. Unfortunately our Osprey Cam is still broken. It will cost an estimated $6,000 to fix. Our Plan B is to mount a new camera on top of the Coastal Center, pointed right at the nest. We hope to start that work this week; it's not possible to say when the Osprey Cam will be up and running.

Meantime, I'll give you a "heads up" as things happen, and, if you visit the Coastal Center I'll post your Osprey photos

hedgie said...

Lily is sleeping soundly with her back to the sign of Hope---must be tucked in snug in front of mom.

Mits said...

hey Jo and Lynn....good pics you caught at the Discovery village osprey cam....:)

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Mits! I was just trying to figure out how Lynn got her name on there! Guess I found out! lol

hedgie said...

Agree, Jo. Full screen seems so much fuzzier than zoom was.

Mits said...

did you all know this cam is a BETA version says it at the top of the screen next to Outdoor Channel, and to me that has always meant a sort of a test thing, so guess it will have some bugs, when I have it up it still slows this old puter down, and I have too many other things I want to watch and do, so rarely put it up

Mits said...

BWE chicks, laying butt to butt:)

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Two to go!

Mits said...

pesky heron at the wild watch osprey cam.....

Mema Jo said...

I wonder what is going to become of that situation? I haven't seen any osprey out there yet.

hedgie said...

Funny noises in the den....sounds like someone blowing into the PVC pipe!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like it is about ready to fall apart........ What a racket!

hedgie said...

Jo and Mits, you both caught good shots on the Disc. cam!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy I will be happy when they get the new cam up at Milford. That is always a fun site to watch the Osprey. To see what they bring into their nest. BLue BLue Blue...tee hee

Remember that is where they brought in the plastic 6 ring thing that goes over the soda cans. Remember the one chick got its head through one of the holes. People let Milford Conn. know about it. Those NICE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR OSPREY. THEY SENT A GUY UP AND TOOK THAT RING OFF. IF THEY HAD JUST LET "as some say nature take its course". THE CHICK WOULD HAVE GROWN THE THE RING WOULD HAVE STRANGLED IT TO DEATH. Due to their love of their Osprey. The chick was able to grow and fledge.

Mema Jo said...

Most of the snow on the nest in CO at Fort St Vrain has gone. I know they are concerned about a hatch!

Mema Jo said...

Some errands today - not sure what time of day I will venture out - but
maybe soon!

Mema Jo said...

Morning Dana - Hope all is well.

Mema Jo said...

Keeping an eye out for a
New Fresh Thread.

glo said...

Mits I have been to the trash can twice and its trash day so soon I can't change my mind. That is a good thing :-)

hedgie said...

I don't know if I'm getting live cam or not at our nest....timer keeps switching times back and forth by multiple minute increments. Duh!

Mits said...

well Glo sounds like you are making good progress:)

Mits said...

can't get in to my emails.....

Maintenance Announcement

We are currently working to enhance the performance of Verizon Central. Thank you for your patience while we are making these updates.

We apologize for the inconvenience; Please check back later.

I have never gotten that message before...

Mits said...

its like, don't thank me for my patience...give me a refund....!

hedgie said...

Always wondered what Beta meant, Mits. Thanks for that info.

Dana, they were very proactive in Milford, for sure! Too bad Finland wasn't with Koo's situation.

Mits said...

update BWO....

Looks like the ospreys got the message. Suddenly we're seeing marsh sod and sticks being brought to the nest.

In years past, it hasn't taken the ospreys too long to fully fill the nest and get it ready for eggs, which should come in April.

hedgie said...

Well, Belle's head is moving so guess it IS live....

Mema Jo said...

Hurray for the BWO!

Mits said...

Lynn, when I first got Verizon, I had the chance to do a Beta version of their email it was great, but they turned it off after 5 months...kept writing to them about how great it was, but got the version I have now, its ok, but the BETA version was more user-friendly for an old goat like me

Mits said...

yes, so that JO, boy their chat room is fast and has alot of trolls and bots

Costume Lady said...

The two chicklets at BWE lie Butt to Butt often...maybe they should be named BEVIS and BUTTHEAD:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A beta version is the first version released outside the organization or community that develops the software, for the purpose of evaluation or real-world black/grey-box testing. The process of delivering a beta version to the users is called beta release. Beta level software is between 60% and 70% complete, generally includes all features, but may also include known issues and bugs of a less serious variety.

Mema Jo said...

Switch at our nest.

Costume Lady said...

I guess it is entirely possible. We have had some really big snows in March...a tarp would be appreciated in the Sycamore Palace for our Queen, King and Prince Palmer. Where is NU when we need him. LOL

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Sharon - hopefully the next 30% of an upgrade will include the Zoom... lol

Costume Lady said...

Remember BETA VCRs and tapes?

Mits said...

exactly what I read last night, Sharon.....roflmbo, Wanda...only good thing about a late snow storm is that they don't hang around long, but bad thing is the snow is much heavier and can do more damage to trees and power lines...we have had some dozies here in March

hedgie said...

That's the best way, Glo----no time for second thoughts or retrieval!

Mits, that is strange. i did not create a V. e-mail acct.

Mema Jo said...

Since this was the 4th egg it could be either Prince or Princess - Don't think we'll ever know for sure. Guess we best stick to Little Palmer ...

Costume Lady said...

Helen, I liked the Beta version, too. Some things about the newer version are good, but I still preferred the old Beta.

Mema Jo said...

They sure are airing out the egg cup today! Staying off of it for longer periods of time... Maybe Little Palmer is too bouncy for comfort!

paula eagleholic said...

I heard snow for beginning of next week :(

Good thing is that it shouldn't stick around long if it does...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - you get an email account w/ Verizon when you sign up for DSL

paula eagleholic said...

Techie should have set it up for you...

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer must be snoozing...

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm did Belle bring back a fish....see it at 6 in the nest, near the middle of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Thinking ahead - I am going to love it when Palmer hops up out of the egg cup!

Same feeling as when Buta Buta made it over the ledge out of the den.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...