Thursday, March 04, 2010


New thread.  Warmer weather headed our way.


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Lolly said...

Good morning! Another great day here. Three days in a row of sunshine. Paper this morning says spring is going to be very wet, lakes are full, expect flooding. Well, we will never flood BUT we can remain a blog. Woe is Hawkwood! However, today is sunshine and it is already 57. Have been working outside in only a t-shirt and sweats.

Yesterday while working was watching two red shouder hawks. They were soaring and calling, Need to go check the nest across the street.

Lolly said...

lol typo alert....meant bog not blog.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Have a lovely day whatever you need to go or wherever you need to go.

Lolly said...

Two little wrens on the rocking chair on the patio searching for the pecan shells. Jack has put them on the ground under the feeders.

wvgal_dana said...

I need some suggestions please: my gazelle freestyle exerciser I paid $199.99 for. Want to sell it and a lady is very interested. Doesn't want me to put in Community Yard Sale first weekend in June. I don't know how much to ask for it.
Suggestions on price please??????

Mema Jo said...

Morning Lolly and Judie
No plans today but if the winds die down I may go out and about - not t-shirt weather here yet - But keep those sunny days coming up this way from TX

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I guess it depends on how much and for how long it was used. If it is like brand new - don't drop the price to much lower then what you paid. Ask high and know how low you want to go...... However, to me it would beat putting it out in a yard sale just to have it taken from my home ahead of time. JMHO

normabyrd said...

Won't be here tomorrow!--working at the LIBRARY LEVY ELECTION tomorrow!---5:00 am---7:00pm----w/be a long day--

Mema Jo said...

Windy up at the nest - the sound chills me.
I got my live feed up without any problems.
I am anxious to see how long it will run before I need to turn it back on.

Headed in for my red shirt


Mema Jo said...

Well Norma - there will be lots of good books for you at that location!
I may have misunderstood the LIBRARY
as the name of the election....
Maybe you should take a good Magazine
with you and educate everyone about our eagles in WV. Pack some comfort food!

Lolly said...

Jo, our weather here eventually reaches you! I'll put out a fan and blow the warm air your way.

Have been surfing and checking fb. Off now to eat, walk, and head outdoors.

Have a great day!☺

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY!---Now I know why the sun is shining---even here in WV!----LOLLY is out & about! ho!

Mits said...

feeding again at BWE..

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!---It is a LIBRARY LEVY--but won't be working in Library---I am stationed in the DNR bldg--that's a cool place too---Get to read all their materials!!---ho!--all we will be doing is EATING!--That's cool too!!

normabyrd said...

WOW! What a day!--SUNSHINE & 45° temp----

Mits said...

now another fish has been dropped off to the nest at BWE

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Fish Feast at BWE!

Belle's tail feathers are getting ruffled by the wind.

My live feed doesn't ask me anymore about "Are you watching" Is that true with all of you now?

normabyrd said...

DANA!--Sorry---I think I forgot to tell you that I love your 'pink kitty'! ho!

Mits said...

the 2 sister lions are out at NZ

Mits said...

yes, Jo, if I have it on, it stays on without asking

wvgal_dana said...

Our eagle on the nest is having its feathers fluffed up by the wind. Oh sound of little bird.

Anyone else have a suggestion price for the gazelle freestyle exerciser??? ALL SUGGESTIONS WELCOME??
Thank you Mema Jo for your input. I have recorded your idea (: ty

Mits said...

the otters are out, Jo:)

wvgal_dana said...

The gazelle is about 10-12 yrs old but has nothing to do with how it works. In very great shape. No motors parts to oil or any type of upkeep to these machines.

hedgie said...

Had a nice breakfast, but low turn-out. Guess some aren't ready to get out and about on a chilly morn. some of our folks are in their 80's now.

Mits, stopped at grocery and got my rump roast. Butcher had to cut it--looks lovely. He said he tagged it as a bottom round, so it was cheaper. He must have been in a good mood! But good way to get himself fired, too!

kickngbird said...

Egg roll, settle in, wiggle, rearrange fluff. Saw the one egg.

hedgie said...

Dana, agree with Jo on the gazelle. If in excellent condition, start at $150, and don't go lower than maybe $110. Chances are you won't get much for it in a yard sale.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh you all don't know how great this is. I've gotten one curtain up. Hammer, nail and screwdriver for screws. Guess what -- I haven't fallen !!!!!! YEAH!!!
One more to go...fingers crossed.

Mema Jo said...

Hello kickngbird ! Windy up there at the nest!

Headed over to NZ links.....Thanks Mits

Mema Jo said...

Checked out penguins - All the ducks are lined up in a row along the edge and penguins just looking at them.....

Mema Jo said...

My Magazine has arrived in today's mail
Thank you so much!

Mema Jo said...

The little otters ran away when they heard me coming! lol

Check out those flamingos! They look like statues! Don't think they like the wind either.

wvgal_dana said...

Well that hanging of curtain went well.

Took gazelle outside on porch to dust off and set up to check out.
IT BITE ME!!!!ggggrrrrrr Must be like the animal gazelle I think spelt different. After they haven't been used in awhile. They want to be FED!!

Went looking for my duster that I took outside with me but didn't need to use. When it is windy out don't, I say again don't lay your duster on the railing :( now I have to go out and shovel snow to retrieve it. Too bad little man isn't a retriever.

hedgie said...

Glad you got your mag, Jo. Miss Norma gets ALL the credit. I only took orders and typed labels. She refused my money to share the costs---sent it back to me!
So thanks to our Normabyrd.

Mema Jo said...

Well then THANKS Momster Norma!
((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

That is funny Dana....

Mema Jo said...

BWE eaglets in full view
Also looks like some black feathers from a previous feast although this is
the first I have seen them.

Mema Jo said...

BWE feeding is so good - One bite here and then one bite there! Even Steven!

Wishing for a faster refresh on BWE but the refresh button (F5) does work
just as well.


Ragdoll said...

Hello Eagle Friends.
Still at work. Busy day, always is on Fridays. Students aren't in the mood.

Should get my computer back tonight. They called; said it is ready.

Going to see Children and Grandbabies tomorrow. 3 hour drive. Miss those babies.

Try to pop in tonight. If not, see you on Sunday.

Prayers for all and have FUN! FUN! FUN! It's WEEKEND TIME.

paula eagleholic said...

2 nice fish at BWE now...wonder if he has taken lessons from Lib?

Looks like some sort of blockade put up at CRC

paula eagleholic said...

CRC eaglet is snoozing in the sun...they have also centered the cam

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Fish for lunch at CRC

paula eagleholic said...

Not very much size difference at BWE, but you can still tell them apart

paula eagleholic said...

CRC chicklet doesn't seem hungry

Covering up at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

CRC chick wants to be fed in his little you remember our Hidey doing that?

Wonder if they will cut up any food for the eaglet when they take him away in 3 weeks...will only be 6 weeks old...I don't recall eaglets self feeding at that age....only 3 more weeks to view CRC eaglet.

Lynne2 said...

OK I am finally back from my 60 mile round trip of errands...whew!

Shirley, that story about Ingrid is hilarious!!!!

Be careful putting up the curtains Dana! About the Gazelle (and BTW, I have one and I LOVE it!) The very basic no frills model can be purchased new for about $100. So I'd check online and find your particular model (some have more extras) and kind of gage a price from there.

Oh, it's so beautiful ouside! I hate to do inside chores when the gardens are calling me out......tomorrow will be even nicer though!

paula eagleholic said...

CRC chick just did a poop shoot...can see his crop.
Egg roll our nest

hedgie said...

Did You Know.....that there are 5 different distinct species of flamingo??

Mits said...

I did not know that:)

Mits said...

from NZ...

March 5

Like all of Tai Shan’s fans, we're interested in learning how he adapts to his new habitat after quarantine. It looks like Tai Shan will make the move on March 9. For more information, see the website of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda.

Mits said...

you can just go to the NZ panda page for the update, some good pics of him.

Mits said...

Tai Shan

Mits said...

or just go to tiny url.

hedgie said...

No. 5 Villa looks very nice, Mits! Wonder how long before he's old enough for #1. Pics are great!

Mits said...

I don't know, but do know people who have been to this very reserve, they where supposed to go to the original WoLong, but it was destroyed in the 08 quake, and they said it was really nice, with lots of areas to climb and play, and very peaceful. He looks good:)

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin' time again at BWE...2 1/2 fish in the nest now :)

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, you can go forward and back from that pic Mits to see more. Gotta love the english on their site :)

paula eagleholic said...

But Hey, they speak better English than we do Chinese!!

Mits said...

roflmao, are good at ordering carry-out though.

Mits said...

oh cool, thanks Paula, did not see the addition pics....Nichole taught him all that stuff..he is one smart panda.

magpie said...

The Minnestota cam, I have it open, I see the owl perched there

Eggs have been removed from the Valmont Owl nest box....they had the live cam turned off during that time

Hello everyone ☺

magpie said...

I had read that in the Flamingos book I had a few weeks ago...
I do better on children's books on those kinds of things sometime ☺

magpie said...

sounds like Ragdoll has a fun week-end in store

Hope we see Wanda here soon! Maybe she will log on at GG's tonight and give us an update

magpie said...

it feels like Spring is in the air here today...

good thing I have a back up alarm clock, had it set for 4:15 - the other one was set for 4 o'clock
AM ! forgot to advance it 12 hours

magpie said...

an ISS flyover tonight, and one on the 7th, hereabaouts both a little low on the horizon...
might be a good view though

ISS for your area

punch in YOUR zip code

magpie said...

Great link for Tai Shan, Mits,
Thanks !

magpie said...

I think I saw Dana's dust rag flying around over here near Magpie's Roost

See you all in the morning...
Best wishes for a good evening


paula eagleholic said...

I like where they said Tai Shan was a gentlemen :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have a good night at work, Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

Well where o where did the bWE fish go?

Oh, that was weird, they are there...must be a bug in my puter!

PammySue said...

Is anyone else having trouble with the live camera feed?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

PammySue, the trouble with the live feed comes and goes for me. Sometimes I have to keep working with it until it finally comes up!

PammySue said...

Hey, Sharon. It's Pam from the NCTC Eagle Cam group on Facebook!
Since the trouble seemed to start all of a sudden for me, I wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing it too.

paula eagleholic said...

Sometimes it doesn't start up right away, but other than that, no issues here.

paula eagleholic said...

You have to keep clicking the play button to get it to start initially sometimes.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Gotcha, then disregard my answer cause I have already given it to you before! :) Glad you are on here! Welcome!!!!!

hedgie said...

LOL---a red-tailed hawk in Conn. is divebombing people. Cut one ladies' head and stole a boys hat!! Officials think it is trying to impress a mate!

hedgie said...

Satellite tracker is not showing day/date for some reason! If I remember correctly from when I looked yesterday, the page is currently starting with YESTERDAY info.

Looks like no new thread for the day----hope it doesn't mean for the whole weekend!

floralgirl said...

Just got my mail- thank you Norma!
Hello all:) What a beautiful March day it was here.
Looks like dinner is being eaten in the nest, didn't see it arrive, but it sounds crunchy. And off it goes.
Gotta run-have a good evening!

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I just finished off a Domino's pizza for our Friday dinner.
We don't wait for delivery because we just go out our street and within a very very short distance off to the right is Domino's.

Mema Jo said...

Night light and an egg roll at our nest

One egg visible.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in and trying, again, to catch up. Been taking it very easy today to calm the back and checked a lot of cams.

Was watching the Harrisburg Peregine falcons. There were 2 there for quite a while and one even visited the nest. Guess it won't be long ...

The BWE eaglets look like 2 dust bunnies with black eyes. I think I have some like that under the bed. ☺

Think I just saw a changing of the guards on our eagle cam. Don't see food lying around like I do on BWE. Guess our eagles are neatniks. ☺

Going to go check a few more cams.
L8R ...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Diann... Hope you have been feeling better today... Glad you are getting to watch the cams. I have been watching on our deck the squirrels begging for peanuts - almost coming right up to the door even though our 2 cats are sitting there looking at them with their tails wagging.
The Downy woodpeckers come constantly to the suet/seed block.
Cams and bird/squirrel watching can help the day go faster.

paula eagleholic said...

I got my WV magazine today!!!

Thank you sooooo much, Norma and Lynne!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Gang!
Am waiting for Hubby to get home from work, so thought I'd say Hello.
Am dead on my @$$ weary from Spring cleaning. It's a tough job, but gotta get it done. Put a pretty good dent in the list.

Got the biggest kick out of the Ingrid German Shepherd story! When my Mom was a kid, my grandparents raised German Shepherds--had a kennel full. They were all from Germany. Their favorite, Dolphie, literally ate ALL the leather upholstery out of their Model A Ford. He finished off a sofa, too.
Had a cast iron stomach, he did. LOL
:oD A gal I know who worked at the newspaper with me has a Border Terrier who snatches bras and runs through the house with them, and won't give them up until you pry her jaws open!
Well, Hubby's home, so gotta run--will BBL tonight. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Excellent view of the space station!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the alert Lynn
The voice and picture are very clear...

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I never thought in all my years that I would be hearing guys talk from outer space!

Mema Jo said...

Good Show!

Now I must go visit Jacquie Lawson and take care of some business (as Jim says).

Just put down a Stink Bug!
Sometimes even perfumed soap won't rid that smell when they get you on your hand! Urghhhhhhhhhh! When will they ever end?


Judie said...

Sure hope everyone had a nice day.

Turning my light off. The night light is on for others.

hedgie said...

Turning in early, Judie?? Is everything okay?? Hope you are feeling alright! And Darth, too!

hedgie said...

Jo---I am totally lost....where/how did you hear the astronauts???

stronghunter said...


Have crawled into bed with my laptop.

I called Kathryn a little while ago, and she said Luna is doing okay. Only problem, she won't pee with the collar on. Kathryn finally took it off, and Luna relieved herself. Poor doggy, but Kathryn said she immediately started pawing at her eye, so she had to put the thing back on. At least she is now walking with it on.

I had suggested one of the nicer ones they sell at the pet store, but when Kathryn priced them, they were $35, and she has already spent so much. Maybe I can go get one for her tomorrow. Of course, there is no way to know if it will make any difference. I remember George having to wear one of those things. He was pitiful.

Had a pretty good day at school. Actually got an apology from one of my students. He's a nice kid who'd gotten a bit cheeky recently.

Mom came to see me, and she wanted me to remind him that I would appreciate seeing the young man I'd known at the first of the year, so I did. It worked, at least for the moment! His mom is a teacher herself.

stronghunter said...

Norma . . . I think it was Norma. Are the orange beetles lady bugs?

Mema Jo said...

On my PC On the NASA station we use to see the lift offs and the landings.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - restful sleep and hope all is well!

Shirley - that is good news about Luna
Kathryn seems to be right on que with Luna. Well I bet you are a TGIF person!

stronghunter said...

Actually, a different kind of ladybug.

Ladybug Invasion

One of the funniest essays I ever got was written by one of my college students about a ladybug invasion.

stronghunter said...

I expect Judie is just very tired after a busy week. She had lots of papers to read, as I recall.

I've resorted to having a student scribe write things on the board in my Block 3 class so I don't have to turn my back on the rascals. Thank goodness, there are some sensible young ladies in the class. I think I just might give them some extra credit for their help.

stronghunter said...

Ladybugs aren't as bad as stinkbugs, but they do have an odor of their own.

stronghunter said...

Definitely TGIF, Jo. It was busy this past week, especially Thursday with the long day.

Mema Jo said...

Class scribes would really be helpful - do you have any guys that have good handwriting? Sometimes giving the class clown that duty helps him calm down and the class has more order!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, the student should now write one about the Stink Bug Invasion! lol

stronghunter said...

Sometimes, it might help to have the class clown do the writing. Sometimes not. It depends. I will run out of girls very fast. There are only 4 girls, not counting the one who has been cutting class ever since she got added to the class a few days ago.

stronghunter said...

That would be a good one, too, Jo. The student who wrote about the ladybugs did a lot of good research, but made it funny at the same time.

hedgie said...

AHA moment! Shirley solved the problem....LOLLY and JACK are to blame for the Lady Beetle invasion!! THey kill the aphids on PECAN trees!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, many advantages to letting the students work "for" you....but I am worried? Are you afraid to turn your back? If so, then perhaps it's time to ask for a male class monitor or officer to sit in the back of the room....

Poor Luna....each day will be a little better.

Mema Jo said...

I am online trying to subscribe to a magazine to be sent to someone else as a gift.It won't ask me about different billing or mailing address. Guess I'll do it with check and envelope in the mail.....

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the concern, Lynn, but I think I will call a few parents. These guys want to graduate, and I know several of them pretty well.

hedgie said...

Jo, gotcha on the website. I was outside watching it.

Mema Jo said...

Well Lynn, you saw what I heard! lol

Mema Jo said...

Need to check out FB for the day
I do have a video of Alexis reading her 2nd book from school.. I think the
pictures in the book help with some words. When she is here she does put the 'Reading with phonics' site on and whizzes right through it!

Need to see what Sharon is up to as her B-Day is tomorrow and she might be celebrating!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!Seems like I'm the night shift lately..
So fu8nny this AM I was thinking about our sapsucker pair. Never saw them after the Feb. snow. About 10 minutes later, Mr. S came to the suet & one was later pecking on the pine tree!!Must be esp. Shorty, the squirrel, came of course. I'm trying to outsmart him/her with the peanuts. When full, we takes them away to bury. I know that's a waste, because I'm sure they've run out of Post-Its!Now I start shelling them & that means nibble now.
Grandson & his business partner got here around 7PM. They did some stops to visit along the way & on Sat. will go to VA to pick up Opel car he is restoring & take it back to TN. All the preps & too short a visit!

Lolly said...

Hi Larada and who ever else is up! Jack and I worked in the yard today. We are slowly killing ourselves. We got a lot of leaves out of the south garden, Hopefully that will help with evaporation. Nothing like raking and hauling wet rotten leaves out of muck. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Tonight I overdosed on recorded TV. Have missed so many episodes of Greys and PP because of the Olympics and last night basketball. Now I am all caught up and erased a lot of programs. Yea!

I am off from the blog one evening and I get blamed for bugs?!!!

Lolly said...

We are up and out of here early in the morning. Going for the BIG basketball game and probably staying for the soccer game as well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I'm back after dinner and a bit of TV. Still pretty tired from housework (Spring cleaning) today, so think I'm gonna hit the hay.

My friend the Band-tailed pigeon was back again today. For the last couple of days, have been trying to figure out where the cat is that I've been hearing outside. Think it might be on our roof! Hope it's not a stray, and it finds its way back home. It's definitely in heat!

Looks like Judie went to bed early today--bet it's just plain old tiredness from a lot of hard work!
Sleep tight, Judie, and I hope you feel perkier tomorrow.

Am leaving the night light on, and the porch light will see you coming. The eye scanner is enabled.
Prayers being said for everyone. Wishing sweet dreams for all. Will talk to you tomorrow. Good night, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

NatureNut said...

Lolly, been hearing about your BOG! I know you have the little creek & was wondering if you could hook that up & make a natural pond or marsh?? Tee Hee. Know those are tons of work.
BTW Austin snowfall my daughter said was 1"-3". She never had any stay on grass, but it still beats ICE!

NatureNut said...

Night Andrea! Have a restful sleep ☺

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. See you tomorrow. Really need to do some spring cleaning myself.

hedgie said...

Jo, know Sharon is headed for Bluefield. Don't know if today or tomorrow...and don't know if Thelma is going, too, or not.

hedgie said...

Loretta, sorry the visit is too short....:( Would love to see pic of the Opel someday if he sends you one....high school BF was son of Buick zone mngr. in the 60's. He always had a new Opel, and we would take it to the track and he would race....I think the track was in Marlboro.

Lolly, guard against mold spores! Wear a mask when messing with those wet leaves, please!

Andy, your energy is amazing! Still too chilly here to get spring fever yet!

Good night to all turning in. Rest well.

Lolly said...

Have been over on fb. Saw where Wanda had posted. Was hoping she was back on here, but do not see her.

Wanda, you are missed.

Lynn, did not have a mask on. Usually when the leaves are dusty we wear masks. Did not think of mold spores. Jack has on a mask as he was burning the leaves.

Larada....I told Jack today we should have put the pond over there where we were working. Also suggested we make that area a bed with just mulch and bog plants. The grass is rotting. It is black and there is algae. Yuck!!!

One area is already just mulch with a flagstone path. The mulch and flagstones are under water. I told Jack to learn how to recognize the top of my head in case I start to sink in the muck. I do believe the drought is broken.

I do think though that our daffodils have never been prettier. They like the water!

I think I am headed to bed. Up early in the morning. Getting up early to head to Denton. See you all tomorrow afternoon. Have a great weekend.

Nite! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Headed down the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Getting sleepy again. Guess it's time to at least consider going to my chair for the night.

Hope everyone has a peaceful rest and a great day tomorrow.

Goodnight all

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Sharon!
Enjoy your day! Safe trip to WV Hope your special day holds the answer to all your dreams

hedgie said...

I'm warm and toasty after my bath, so think I will go snuggle into the flannel sheets anddrift off into dreamland. See you wonderful people tomorrow. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

Oops...after MN!!


Hope your weekend is lots of fun!

Lolly and Diann--enjoy your day with all of your respective grands!

hedgie said...

I would also like to whisper a sweet 30th birthday to Sissy and Toms' little Aaron. God bless you all.

magpie said...

H*a*p*p*y B*i*r*t*h*d*a*y
SHARON !! Hope this is your BEST BIRTHDAY EVER ! xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I can't tell if we have 264 comments or 330 :(

Eagle looks beautiful in our nest, of course!

Good Morning, and Good Night
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Best wishes for a good day, hope there is a lot of sunshine and good times today

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Oh, Excuse my manners...

Happy Birthday to Danelle Sergent, Sandy's nurse
Best wishes for a wonderful sunshiney day !

floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Had to redo my comment. I cannot have a typo on here, would never live it down! :)

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I am heading to Bluefield to spend it with Becky (my 13th birthday present) and the rest of the family. Love you all and see you when I get back tonight! :)

hedgie said...

Have a fun day, Sharon. Drive safely. Happy birthday to Becky, too! Please give Sissy an extra hug from me.

Happy birthday to Danelle---even tho' I have never met you!

hedgie said...

Margy, hope you get some good sleep.

Norma is already well into her l-o-n-g day at the voting poll....14 hrs. Whew!

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Sharon--have fun!! ( :

Happy Birthday Danelle (yes she did nurse Sandra Osburn
sweet lady of Shepherdstown)

Sleep well my friend Margy zzzzzzzzz's
Good Eagle MOrning Hedgie-Lynn, Margy, Sharon, Megan, and those
that will be coming in to the blog.

commentment by Norma and Hedgie-Lynn Thank you !

wvgal_dana said...

"commitment" it should have been aww I didn't use my spell check

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Happy Birthday Sharon!

Happy Birthday Danelle!

hedgie said...

Great mail in my box this AM....I had checked box when I got home yesterday and nothing was there.....but got my Wonderful West Virginia mag from Norma!! Thanks, gal! I should have gone back out and looked again yesterday! Now to read the articles about our nest/eagles!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Paula.

Paula or anyone can you tell me in order to delete cookies. I've gone into control panel and deleted that way. Yet when I open each Browser Page and click on tools and go to internet explorer it is full of cookies?

Lynne2 said...


Hi folks, just pooping LOL in to say I'm having MASSIVE computer trouble so we are going to Best Buy (thank GOD I have a warranty for everything) and I don't know how long they may have to keep it. SO I haven't been able to catch up...I hope all is well with everyone!

I'll be back when it's fixed!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 Happy to see you in here Good Eagle Morning to you. Sorry you too are having computer buy must get a lot of work on computers. Hope it get fixed fast and your back to say Hi ( :

wvgal_dana said...

BWE chicks got fed well this AM and there is a changing of the guard.

hedgie said...

I forgot that today is the Pipestem eagle count! Sissy, are you still going??????

wvgal_dana said...

I need to find me a pair of binoculars. Since the surgery on the eyes can't look through mind.
Need something that keeps out the sunlight.

BAD BAD BOGGLER COP making me sign in each comment (sticking tongue out at him)

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry about the puter problems. Have been hearing some NOT good stories about Best Buy....good luck! SIL and I MAY have figured out a solution to my Hughes problem...sometimes when I have been penalized, I KNOW I didn't use that much he thinks that the guy who installed my wireless may not have put password protection on it, and that someone nearby is hacking into my satellite......he is coming tomorrow, along with an IT tech friend to see what they can find!

wvgal_dana said...

As the World Turns---grrrr still trying things. Had live feed up since came on before commenting. Still turning turning turning...Can't watch it I'll get dizzy.....

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn-Hedgie good luck. I send a prayer up for that problem to get fixed!!!!!!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Geek Squak Gene, finally got my 'puter going yesterday. We have had it (a new one) for a few days but have had some health issues with GG and didn't have time to fool with installation of 'puter.

LOVE & (((HUGS)))

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FRIEND DANELLE, with thanks and gratitude for taking such excellent care of our sweet SANDRA:)

I have missed you all so a death in the family when I looked at my desk and no computer sitting there:(

Going in shortly to check on GG. Will be back this evening. Have a beautiful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Got up this morning and got my machines running--washer, dryer, dishwasher. Now I am relaxing for a moment. Pretty, sunny day here. I haven't ventured out, though. Snow is slowly disappearing. We have had at least a few piles of snow around here since the December storm. I have enjoyed hearing the news about all of the other nests and little baby birds. I don't always have time to look at everything, so I depend on you all.

stronghunter said...

Have a good day, Wanda.

Mits said...

Good Saturday a.m. everyone...Happy Birthday Sharon, Happy Birthday Danielle, Wanda good to have you back, hope GG feels better soon.

Mits said...

weather for nest...

Rest of Today
Sunny. Highs in the lower 50s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Clear. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Mits said...

ops, almost forgot, thanks Lynn and Norma, got the magazines yesterday.

hedgie said...

Wanda, we've missed you a lot, too. So sorry about GG.....what happened??

stronghunter said...

Hi Mits, good morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - I hope that's the issue...I have my wireless password protected.

Wanda - good to have you back, hope GG feels better soon.

Shirley - have a great day off! I know you've had a long week.

Going to venture out to wash the car, do some things in the yard, and get some paperwork done today...

Mits said...

hi ya, Shirley:)

Mits said...

chicks in view at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Shirley, Mits, and again to Lynn-Hedgie and Paula.

HAPPY HAPPY RETURNS TO US TO WANDA (: So glad you are back. Sorry to hear GG isn't feeling well. Will send a prayer to the Master.

Mits ---- amen to that 50 !!

Blogger cop making me sign in again..afer 2 comments this time.

Well fed chicks at BWE

Going to be outside some in this nice weather when it warms up. Got some work to do out there.

Shirley we still have snow laying in piles everywhere.

Mits said...

I have to sign in all the time too, Dana...getting tired of it

Dana Gray said...

Good moring all...Costume Lady, WVgal_dana Mits, hedgie, paula, stronghunter
Thanks you Lynn and thank you Norma, I received my magazine yesterday. I forgot it was coming, and when we got it and looked at the return address, Ed and I couldn't figure out what it was. We both enjoyed reading it.

I am in wbster County this is cold, and LOTS of snow still on the ground :(
I really Really want spring to be here now

Mits said...

Miss Goosie on snowman cam has her shamrock on:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - great to see a full house here this sunny am! Hope the temps keep rising!

Checked out some of the cams and everything looks good. Two more weeks plus a few days and we may have our little fuzzie!

Dana did you find your dust rag yet?

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sharon
loLove ((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hi Danelle - I see you opened your birthday ecard so I am glad you know we still think of you and especially of the reason you found us. Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Adults are not in sight right now at BWE. Two little chick sitting there side by side!

Mema Jo said...

I see 2 persons near the nest at CRC.
Little one is still flaked flat out

Mema Jo said...

Still soliciting names for the eaglet that was born on Lincoln's birthday.
Maybe should be called ABE

Dana Gray said...

Can you tell the sex of an eaglet Mema?

paula eagleholic said...

"Switch our nest....Lib out Belle in

Mema Jo said...

Dana2 - it is almost impossible to tell the sex of an eaglet - If you were banding them you would also take a blood sample and then know. By sight as they grow you can tell that the female will be larger than the male
But like naming an eaglet - generic names are the way to go.

Mema Jo said...

Adult returned to BWE

I can't get the MN Bound nest to open
I am really concerning about the owl with 2 eggs in the eagles' nest. I just wonder what is going to happen :<(

Dana Gray said...

Thanks for the info. One of my son's best friends name is Lincoln...and she's a girl... I think that is my vote

Mema Jo said...

It is either or .... right?

Mema Jo said...

Headed for Street Clothes!


paula eagleholic said...

Oh, forgot to mention that Sydney nest has first egg

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.


Wanda, hope GG feels better quickly.

Abe seems a good name.

Wishing a lovely day for everyone.

Dana Gray said...

Either or...correct

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Sharon and Danielle.

Best wishes to GG. I hope she feels better very soon!

stronghunter said...

Split will come soon.

grannyblt said...

Happy Birthday to Sharon and Danielle.

I haven't kept up with this blog too well since I got on Facebook, then my daughter talked me into getting an iPhone, so I've been playing with new toys. I do check the cams, but our live cam doesn't always open for me.
Snow finally beginning to melt. This will be the 3rd sunny day with above freezing temps. Can't wait for our chicks.

NatureNut said...


Happy Saturday to Everyone!
TY, Norma & Lynn. Just got my magazine & have got to open!
Our company left early & Grandson left his camera.Older kitty still seems creeped out. Maybe the other guy owns a dog!

NatureNut said...

Hope GG feels much better & welcome back, Wanda. ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is back with something...

NatureNut said...

Lib made a visit, did some singing & left. Don't know if he brought lunch or not.

kickngbird said...

But took off...

stronghunter said...

Ground below the nest looks pretty free of snow. I see a bit approximately above the 12:00 spot.

stronghunter said...

Must go get food. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

CRC eaglet is a little flatlet :)

hedgie said...

It's sure a lovely day...until I step outside and wind is still nasty!
Slowly but surely getting housekeeping chores done...yuck!

stronghunter said...

Lots of eagle talk at our nest.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! I was checking out my Live Feed.
It ran straight thru to 60:00
Then it started over 00:01

That is so cool!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Afternoon Dana2 ( :, Mema Jo, Grannyblt, Loretta
I might have missed saying Good Eagle Morning earlier to
you sorry gal. Included in Good Eagle Afternoon kickngbird,

Mema Jo said...

Egg roll - wiggle wiggle.
So happy to see the sun on the nest

stronghunter said...

I'm at 42:00 and counting.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm at nothing an no counting. I had live feed earlier am. Then had to reboot, a freeze on (lol). No get now but that's ok. I'm going outside to visit the nicer weather.

I have to get my yahoo mail open sometime. So many things to do.

LOVE THE MAGAZINE AGAIN THANKS NORMA AND LYNN-HEDGIE HUGS NOW HOW MUCH DO I OWE AND TO WHOM DO I OWE IT??????????????? tee hee on this the expensive is killing me lol

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it should continue to 60:00
I just didn't know what it did when it got there - surprised me when it just restarted and kept on going.....

Taking a break BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Get ready for the


hedgie said...

Dana, talk to Norma!! But don't call today! She's at the polls for a very long day.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...