Monday, May 19, 2014


New week thread.


Mema Jo said...

This is my lucky day

Feather please ♥




Mema Jo said...

I have NO idea to whom I was talking about the new thread. Myself I guess

I really didn't mean to announce it over here

Thank you Steve and wishing you a good work week! We are hoping that
the Black Box comes soon for the still cam. The live feed is great.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new week thread.

Jo, congrats on yet another feather. Beach life sounds nice.

Shirley, sorry Hunter's team lost. When are you planning to be on the road?

Ah, chasing furry miscreants who have absconded with human food. Seriously laughed. Been there so many times.

Laundry day here. Chilly with bright sunshine and a bright blue sky.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

magpie said...

Knock, Knock, Knock...using
Judie's door-knocker of old here

Hello Eagle Pals !

And Best Wishes to all for
whatever is on your dance cards today, this week...

Special thoughts to all with doctor appointments...and ongoing treatments....Prayers as well, for sure !

Shirley: Thinking of you as you prepare for your journey....

Thanks, Steve, for the New Thread !

Thanks, Jo....for the call over...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon all my eagle budlets. Been a busy few days for me. I see one eaglet in the nest and I trust the other is still there too.

Andrew graduated Magna Cum Laude on Saturday. Absolutely awesome day. I could really feel his Pappy, Granny and DoaDoa's presence there. I know they are proud as we are.

Awesome convention at Cedar Lakes in Ripley. This was our largest convention ever with over 3550 years of clean time there. We had to leave early yesterday because Sis picked up some kind of stomach bug and was miserable. I am praying she didn't share the love. :)


stronghunter said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve.

Kathryn, Hunter, and I will be flying to Denver on Wednesday.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I've been thinking about you Shirley. How are you? (((((HUGS)))))

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I'll be thinking of you and wish you a safe journey - I am very thankful you will be there ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I sure enjoyed all the pictures of Andrew's graduation -
Praying that Mattie follows in his footsteps. A very proud day for you and many others.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading out
Will check in when I return

Keep your eyes on the birds - no still cam as of now

Judie said...

Have a super duper eye check today, Jo. Waiting to hear.

Sharon, congratulations to Andrew. Quite an accomplishment. Yes, hoping Mattie will follow his example.

Okay, Shirley. Thanks.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and I see wingersizing big time

JudyEddy said...

check out anniversary for rubiks cube

JudyEddy said...

forgot to check box Duh o

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I don't see the FB comments any more right below the live cam. They do have links for twitter and FB however.

I see an eaglet eating at the launch pad. Second one is getting some pieces too.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, hoping the still cam is up soon as well.

paula eagleholic said...

Eating is over, both eaglets hanging on the right side of the nest.

Hoda said...

Congratulations SHAR.
Blessed Be ANDREW.

Can someone please recommend a good and efficient carpenter?
I am in dire need of an arc!!!

Judie said...

Hoda, call Noah 911

Hoda said...

...but of course JUDIE!
( said in the finest French Accent)
Tout de suite!

My only question is: Do long distance charges apply?

You are awesome JUDIE.

Sandi said...

Hi all - didn't check in from home this morning, figuring I would do it from school. Mistake - got to school and got too busy to even think about posting.

Beautiful day here - not too hot, not too cold, just right as Goldilocks would say!

Fifteen more student days - yay!

Thanks Steve for the new week thread.

Property owners association paperwork beckons - later!!

Lisa said...

My first time here in a very long time. How many eggs were laid this year, and how many hatched?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lisa, 3 eggs were laid and 2 hatched. Prez and Capt are their names. :)

JudyEddy said...

LISA we had THREE hatch but one didn't make it went to the other side of the nest in the NHZ?NEZ and never came back

JudyEddy said...

and welcome back on the Eagle Cam page on facebook - there is lots of discussion of the missing third eaglet There are pic that people posted with hope of the third there but with our imagination just seemed there but wasn't

JudyEddy said...

the Eagle Cam page is where they call Shep Ben It was the old ODC chat page

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh yeah, I guess that was a mental block for me. Three hatched and 2 survived.

JudyEddy said...

some times I wonder if the ones we have in the nest are the 1st and 3rd in hatch because of the big difference in size if they were just 3 days apart I don't think there would be such a big difference in the time that went through the difference in colors Capt was lighter so much longer that Pres JMHO Anyone else have a clue???

JudyEddy said...

I see white of a adult in the NEZ

JudyEddy said...

and it looked like a poof out the back door from what I saw and now camera shake

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Hope everyone is well, haven't read back...oh my, this beautiful weather and long daylight has me all cattywampus!

magpie said...

Mega Congratulations to Andrew,
SHAR, and to his Awesome Mother as well ! Bravo-Bravo!
And, wonderful, about the
Convention in Ripley...
One Day at A Time, can add up to a Lot of Hours ! xoxox

magpie said...

Glad to read that you, Kat, and
Hunter will be traveling together
to Denver....

Lynne2: Good to SEE You....
As Always !

And to everything else, Same Message !

xo ttfn xo

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. The kids are chilling in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Well, goodness, we thought we would have a quiet evening tomorrow so that we could finish getting everything together for tomorrow morning's flight.

Nope. Kathryn has to work late and Hunter's baseball coach requested that we bring him to practice tomorrow evening. So much for the quiet evening.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I mean Wednesday morning's flight.

Mema Jo said...


Excuse my caps - I did get an eye injection this afternoon for the fluid in my eye which causes the swelling and blurring of my vision in the left eye where the cataract was removed. When I came home with dilated eyes I just put my feet up. Everything is ok and there isn't any pain with the injection.
Just need some prayers that this is the answer to getting my good vision back.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, if I don't "see" you again, you and your family have a safe journey. Will be lifting you up on this solemn occasion.

NCSuzan said...

JO, hope this brings your vision to 20/20.

Mema Jo said...

Judy IMHO I think Prez was #1 hatch and that Capt was #3 hatch. #1 female much larger then #3 male.

My screen is too bright - need to go rest my eyes and not strain them.

Perhaps I'll BBL but just in case
Goodnight to all and God Bless ♥

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night and settle in. I will see you tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

Judie said...

Madame Hoda, there are no charges for Noah 911 calls. However, I fear the evil Jufie may be manning the line. lol Stay warm and dry.

Sandi, hope the paperwork is not too time-consuming.

Jo, rest those eyes, please and thank you. Glad you got a good report. Ms. Loon is lovely. Has one babe.

Wonder how Larry's doing? Maybe Paula will check in later.

Margy, how are ya? Ms. Kestrel has five babies to tend to. So cute.

Hatch #2 did not survive.

Judie said...

Ready to visit the pillows. Going tomorrow morning for another visit to Westminster at Lakeridge. Presentation on downsizing.

Sandperson is almost packed and ready to depart. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Hoda you can also try

Lolly said...

Watched TV tonight with my back on ice. Over did today but it was so much fun working outside. Love this weather....if it would only rain!!

Heading for the pillows.

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see 2 eaglets in the middle of the nest - one asleep, one awake. Saw the cam shake a minute ago so an adult either landed or took off. And Judy, we have sound!

Hoda, hope you get the ark built or the rain stops.

Jo, hope the eye continues to heal and your vision improves.

Prayers continue for Larry - coming down the home stretch and then the feeling better can start to kick in.

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Oh I slept before I said good night.
So I will say good morning.
Had a good sleep.
14 school days and counting SANDI.
I know with kids not in total my mind just said.

Janet said...

good morning. a tired morning. thankfully I was charged up and ready for yesterday because it hit me full force with stress in the evening.

all is well and handled, now. went to bed late. tired this morning.

we have this week and four days next week and school is out. I will be very thankful. so much stress. too much stress. bah humbug.

going to grand daughter's talent show tonight. that will be fun.

hope you all have agreat day! off I go! (((hugs)))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Both eaglets are snuggled in the middle of the nest toward the launch had side by side Love seeing them so close instead of opposite sides of the nest

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this Terrific Tuesday. Most of my favorite shows on TV have had their finale - don't know yet what there will be to watch.

My eye this morning is better then last evening. Sure hope this works.

Right now one of the eaglets is at 3:00 position. Sure has large talons! I too like it when they are side by side and in full view.

Judie - sounds like some good information will come out of your meeting. Sounds like you are favoring Westminster.

Shirley - sounds like you all best be packed before this evening's events start. Safe journey whether you are packed or not!
Kathryn said she had to take her growing boy for some appropriate clothing. That is an never ending story..

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I hope you rested well and that
your back feels better. Too much yard work - didn't Jack make you that Planting Stool yet?

Where is Kay? I probably missed her
plans - can anyone fill me in?

Paula - I hope as Larry's treatments finish that it won't take long for him to start to feel better. It sure has been a long haul for both of you!

Mema Jo said...

Both eaglets hanging on the edge at 3 and 5 position. That is probably in a few weeks going to be the launch pad.

Hoda said...

Good morning all...
Beautiful here, low fog in the morning seems to have burned off and now it is clear and blue skies... Noah at 911 is not needed today...

I have yoga twice, and lunch and a meeting today.
Tomorrow I will volunteer with little elementary kids to paint fish on drains to teach the importance of being environmentally friendly with what we pour down the drain...
I also have yoga and meetings and then Dragon Boating for a new technique of paddling.
Doug and Gala, my friends for whom I am house sitting have made it to Turkey and it has been an arduous trip. They still have to make it to Istanbul and they tandem is rattling and so today is a day of rest and bicycle shop fix it day...I will be very glad when they return.
Have a fantastic day all...

Hoda said...

JO KAY said she is doing dog sitting duties and she sounded happy with them but also very energy consuming and keeps her busy.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hoda - Glad to hear Kay is busy with Penny and Malcom.......

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch of course
I see one eaglet I thing PreZ at 5 head hidden behind tree branch

JudyEddy said...

only 6 comments since I left this am for work SO I am caught up

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and see MT nest so to speak with new greenery in it and no comments to read since lunch Has everyone gotten abducted by aliens LOL

Hoda said...

I am here JUDYE!
Alien Space Ship made a fly past and decided I can stay on this planet a bit longer.
All is good
Am grateful for my day so far.
I love watching the nest and simply observing a healthy family life
Hard to imagine only a few weeks before they start branching.
Very pretty with the greenery.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Jo, happy the eye is improved.

Hoda, I will request the Queen not speak to you unless you slow down. Even she is exhausted by your activities.

Lolly, hope your back is better.

Anyone heard from Paula about how Larry is?

Shirley, safe travels.

Janet, enjoy the gd talent show.

Judie said...

Too much to share on here but I have made my choice. Winchester at Lake Ridge next to the Occoquan River.

Did you all know there are companies that actually take care helping with downsizing decisions, packing, coordinating movers, disposal of "stuff" and unpacking, etc. Blew me away. Really learned some amazing information.

Next step: threaten to move alone if Darth keeps dragging is feetsies. lol

Off to the scullery. BBL

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha ha JUDIE.
Her Majesty will not listen to you.
She has always recommended that the Loyal Subjects to The United Kingdom, stay active and involved with community. True since she was Princess Elizabeth and true now. The Queen Mother was doing volunteer work at 101 of age.
Our present Monarch, God Save The Queen and Long May She Reign, is speaking of making another trip to Canada. Prince Charles and his wife,The Duchess of Cornwall, are presently here.he said not to rule out a future trip by Her Majesty and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. She is 88 and he is 92!
I am but a mere youngster at 65!
Just following her example.

Today was LARRY'S last day of radiation.
No word from PAULA yet. Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

JUDIE so very happy you made a decision.
Bravo. Pleased for you and Blessings for your next step.
There are always companies for all sorts of things willing to take your money I am sure!!!

Hoda said...

That should read The United Kingdom and The Commonwealth.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video from DEB S of today feeding on the launch pad We hardly see the adults

There is a eaglet that has come out of hiding at 3 now

JudyEddy said...

Just got done watching what I missed on the 2014 Billboard Awards Did anyone see it ? Michael Jackson singing his new songs that he did before he died In hologram

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say howdy and wish everyone a good evening.

Shirley, hope you and your family have safe travels. You have been constantly on my mind! That was a beautiful obituary for your brother Jim!

Judie, glad you've made a choice--Winchester at Lake Ridge sounds like it must be beautiful! Downsizing is something I really need to get serious about, before we have to make a decision about possibly moving to Texas to be near the kids. That may not happen for a year or two. I hate to make that big a decision before some time has passed after Ken's "layoff." He's still stressed about it, and we're having to meet with the attorney regarding his case. Seems like every moment is busy doing something lately! Oh--I've gotten more work from the doctor that needs to be transcribed, too.
(But that's a GOOD thing!)

Today is such a gorgeous Spring day, I can hardly stand it!! It's absolutely beautiful outside! Even our resident House Finch is singing his little heart out right now. (There's a nest under the eaves on our front porch again this year.)

Well, I'd better get back to work.
Has anyone heard from Paula? Didn't she say that today was Larry's last day of chemo? Hope he's feeling tolerably well. Prayers!

I'll try to get back here later tonight to see if Paula's been here. Have been thinking of and praying for both of them a lot lately!

I ♥ us!!!

Judie said...

Okay Hoda. Now all has come clear. You are trying to be the Canadian version of Her Royal Majesty. Too cool!

Now, keep in mind, I have made MY decision of choice. Darth may still present an obstacle. He favors Solomon's Island.

Been a fun but tiring day. Headed for the pillows soon.

Sandperson's alarm just rang. He'll be packing up and heading out.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!


He's been feeling ok this week..a tad better than over the weekend.Seems to have a little more energy. Let the recovery begin:-) DR said it will be at least 2 weeks before he will have noticeable improvement. Till then , baby steps.

He is heading to his beach house tomorrow . He is excited.


paula eagleholic said...

Jo hope the eye continues to improve.

Shirley and travels.

Judie ..on the river sounds nice :-)

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. I have a terrible cold, of all things. Bought some Robitussin.

Hope that Larry enjoys his time at the beach house, Paula.

Glad you have made a decision, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Drained my car battery playing audio books while Hunter practiced baseball this afternoon. Fortunately, I had my jumper cables and plenty of macho men who were happy to come to the rescue.

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic news about your decision Judie. Happy that you found out so much information at the meeting.
Get a big box and put Darth in it and when he gets there you can let him out. I'm hoping he is as anxious
as you are to head next to the Occoquan River.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, so thankful for Larry's treatments to be over so he can get
back to the "living". Enjoy the holiday weekend with your family.
Are either of your boys coming down or just your brother.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I am sorry to hear you have a cold... hope it doesn't make you
feel too badly. If you can, let us know when you touch down in CO

Mema Jo said...

I wish Wanda's 'puter was working so
she could let all of you know that she is once again a Great Grandma.
Jayden has his new brother Jaxson.

Good night to all
God Bless us all

I love us........... ♥

Hoda said...


Great news on the arrival of Jaxson.
Congratulations and Blessed Be WANDA.

Janet said...

good evening to all. good grief! what a busy day!!!!

we enjoyed Amelia's talent show....and all the children tried very hard. I enjoyed playing with Lorelei and visiting with jack as well. Lorelei is finally loving on me a bit and when she hugs she quite literally pats you on the back. so cute!

home again. got the house straightened up a little and now, about ready to hit the hay and dent the pillows!

I think I am finally going to get a massage tomorrow. I've been trying to get one every other week to help work some of the pain out of my hands and shoulders..well I got bumped last time ( a regular client needed the spot), then I caught bronchitis, then while on antibiotics, no I have one scheduled for tomorrow, fingers crossed.

hope everyone sleeps well. PAULA: so glad the last of the chemo is done. keeping you close in heart and thought1

light love and smiles to all SED

Hoda said...

Well I went to yoga and had a severe allergic reaction to the perfume of a woman from the city...she was wearing way too much of it and I am not sure what it was made of! I had to leave. I used my inhalers and it was all I could do to get out for air. I felt badly for my teacher as she was very concerned. But I could not stay any longer. It started with headache, fever, nasal passages blocked and I was headed to the throat. I clued in used the inhaler and got out of there. Not often do we get people with perfume around oh my what will happen when I go to Vancouver at the end of June? I am well now.

Goodnight and God Bless Us All.

Going to his house does not sound like taking small steps PAULA!!!
Blessed Be.

Lolly said...

Good evening!

Paula, hurrah for Larry! I think he will start feeling better muy pronto. Not getting the chemo will surely be a big boost mentally!!!

Judie, so very excited for you and this new move. Wishing you the best, just give Darth a kick once in a while to keep him motivated. LOL

Did not do much today. I watered plants and that was all. On muscle relaxers and they seem to be helping.

Bad news....Laurel plays kick ball on a church team. Looks like she fractured her arm this evening. She kicked the ball, it went to 3rd, ball was thrown to 1st and right in front of Laurel the lady squatted with the ball. Laurel plowed into her, landing on her face and arm. Joey had to take her to emergency care. Laurel says there was no way she could avoid her.

I feel so bad for her. Two more weeks of school and then she is supposed to go to Colorado and be the cook for the kids going. Prayers for her to mend quickly please. Right now she is in pain and is fretting over the cost. Hope it does not affect her back!

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you about something I saw at Lowes in the garden center. On a tray that holds plants there was a sign. CAUTION, MOCKINGBIRD NESTING. LOL Sure enough, did not see a bird but did see the nest. Thrilled that they are protecting the bird.

Lolly said...

Hoda, so sorry about the perfume incident. I wear perfume but try to keep it light. My sister is allergic to perfume, so when I am with her I wear none.

Lolly said...

Very exciting about the arrival of Jaxson. Have to say he is a beautiful baby. Wishing the family much happiness.

Time to head to the shower and then hit the pillows.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

So sorry LAUREL fractured her arm! Oh no!
Yes prayers she heals soon.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Wednesday!

Hoda, good thing you realized what was happening quickly and used your inhaler! Wow!

Shirley, safe travels during this very sad time for your family.

Judie, I did a Google search to find the website for Westminster at Lake Ridge - what a beautiful location! Would you opt for a cottage? Good luck with the FINAL decision.

Paula, I'm so glad Larry's treatments are finally finished and he can start recovering from them - prayers that his body heals quickly and he can start doing things he loves to do.

More state testing for me today. Oh, the English teacher on my team has interviewed for a job in another school district - I hope they LOVED her and make her an offer she can't refuse!

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

PAULA so happy that the worst is over

HODA so sorry about the strong perfume incident I don't wear any at work out of respect to others as I work with the public and I know that here in Fl lots of people are on oxygen and just makes since not to wear it at work

JUDIE congrats on the choice Just got to twist his arm some more

LOLLY so happy back is somewhat better and sad about the injury

Hoping KAY is doing ok with her doggie sittin

So happy for WANDA with the new arrival

JudyEddy said...

Both eaglets are in the cup area snuggled together

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥





Judie said...

Good morning.

Have read back.

Not to be outdid by Jo, I am off to get MY "do" did. BBL

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...