Thursday, May 08, 2014


Fresh thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning
Steve Send HELP
Still cam and live feed are down.
Maybe Dawn can get the right IT person to look at it.

THANK YOU for the new fresh thread

I'll call the others over

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to take off and head West
Family is awaiting - I am anxious to
be around the 7 greats!

I'll return when I return lol

Good news Kay about the fire damage

Mema Jo said...

I did leavwe a message at NCTC about the cams


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Sorry I've been absent!

Larry is doing better! Seems like he shouldn't, but he feels better after his chemo treatments...they pump him full of fluids, pain killers, anti nausea meds and prednisone!

He has eaten much better in the last 2 days. (so he is not going to do the feeding tube) We have a great cafeteria here at work, so I brought home some roast turkey, gravy, peas and mashed taters. Funny, he couldn't taste the turkey or gravy, could taste the peas a little, and the mashed taters burned his throat..he couldn't eat those. Funny how his taste has been. Mostly, he can't taste at all, although he can smell it. I keep telling him he has to use his imagination.

Doctor gave him this Friday and Monday off from radiation, but added them to the end. His last day of treatment is Monday May 19. He has one more chemo treatment next week. So once he's done, he doesn't go back till August for a PET scan.

Thanks for all the prayers for us both.

JUdyE, when I brush Nick, I leave all the fur outside so the birds can use it in their nest :)

Have fun visiting the ole folks home, Judie!!

Have more to comment on...but must get back to work for now...

Mema Jo said...

Such good good news Paula
Prayer Power can make miracles
Hope the rest of the week goes well

Mema Jo said...

I received a return call from NCTC and Rob and another IT guy have been contacted and are looking into our Cam and the Live Feed - KEEP
CHECKING our cams - Hoping they will
be up/running for us soon

Lolly said...

Morning! Quick hello as I am off to a luncheon.

We had a shower this morn. That is all!!!! We are cursed! Heavy stuff was north of us.


Have a great day! Gotta run!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, thanks for the call over and the contact with NCTC.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Had issues getting on the the blog this am

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

and thanks JO for letting them know about the live and still cam

PAULA so good to hear about LARRY

Got the feed up on the TRIAL but so far no trial only the news from earlier BUMMER

JudyEddy said...

Just read on the side of the live feed cam on the trial will resume on Fri

On FB are pictures of White Rock There has been a crow drive bombing them for days as they always seem to do at that nest I noticed in the past Well guess what dad brought in to the nest for lunch CROW Bittersweet

JudyEddy said...

just watching the news the prosecution rested in the case so the defense get it tomorrow that is why the day off I guess to prepare

JudyEddy said...

headin out see ya later

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Very happy to read the treatment will soon come to an end and that LARRY is able to eat on his own PAULA. Blessed Be. What a journey you two have been on...young in your relationship and well connected and mature in your love for each other. God Bless you both and may he be over the worst of it. A weekend free of treatment will give him energy to go on.

All is well here and again a sunny morning. The weather is to turn for the weekend though.
We have a Garden Fest on Saturday and it is a street fest. I volunteered with two groups and it is supposed to RAIN!!! So rain gear is in order.

Kristin, my college room mate from the USA decided to accept one of the house sitting jobs that were offered me and where I said I can not do it as I needed time in my own little flat. She will be in Nelson for four months Starting the end of this month till the end of September.
It is a lovely home she will look after and I hope it is a positive experience for her. I will get her in touch with some of the groups that I volunteer with so she could meet people and be involved...A big step for her as she has never lived for so long out of the USA.
Actually visiting Canada has been her only experience out of the USA and always only for a week or so...So an opportunity to share in doing hikes together and maybe even some water sports and bicycling...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

My delete. It had me sign in and then posted twice.

Thank you for the new thread STEVE. Thank you for the Call over MEMA JO.
JUDYE answered your question as to comments showing from earlier on FB. Strange thing it is. My observation is when you comment on the album, not the individual picture all album comments show up. When you comment on the individual picture then it only shows up there. Maybe I should learn how to set up more albums so they do not all show under IOS

paula eagleholic said...

Cams still not working.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda it would be great to have an album in your FB Pictures of all those awesome sights from the plane.

Mema Jo said...

Home from visit and see that the cams
are still down.... Sorry to say!

Perhaps that 'clunk' up in the attic was the cam....

Long ride home even with a short distance - 1`st slow down was due to terrible car accident and the 2nd slow down was construction.

I am having a half cup coffee and then my feet are going up until dinner time.

Mema Jo said...

I will report that I had a fantastic time with the great and the grands.
All are well and each is an individual in his/her own way. That was 6 gs and only 1 gd.


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and Jo for the call over.

Jo has another feather (:

Neither cam working for me. Boo!

Back from Westminster at Lakeridge. Beautiful area south of us near the Occoquan River. Trees galore. Really like the first cottage we looked at (2 br/2bath/den. People had added a large screened porch. Cottages back up to woods. Lots of wildlife. Two ponds. Flexible options. Of the three communities we have seen, this would be my choice. Could be a year or two before what we would prefer becomes available.

Jo, hope you're having a wonderful time and thank you for the NCTC update.

Kay, so relieved that the fire did not damage the house and barns and no one was injured.

Paula, the treatments are almost over. You and Larry can then have some time together fishin' and laughin' and playin' with the dogs. You really are a rock.

Hi Hoda. How nice that Kristin will be in the same area and you two can do wild and crazy things together. What fun.

Time to put my feet up.A bit tired this afternoon.


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle friends.

Beautiful day here. 84 now. I worked in yard a bit, then sat in the shade watching Orioles, a Catbird, and Indego Buntings. What a treat.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. Hate that are cam is down. I cannot believe how Capt and Prez have grown. I forget from year to year how fast that happens.

Lolly said...

♪♫♪ It's raining, it's pouring, I'm dancing...♪♫♪

We have had an inch of rain and it is still coming down. So very very happy! Now, if it will just continue for the next 40 days and 40 nights! I do say thanks for this rain!!! PTL!

Lolly said...

Cloud rotation near Dallas but not here

Lolly said...

Looks like there is some damage not far from us. Should have turned the TV on sooner.

My cousin, Norm, the one I have asked prayers for just called and told us to watch the weather. LOL He is near Seattle, WA!

He is doing better. It is his vision that is the worst problem. He sounded good. I guess his activities are severely limited now and that is why he called....watching the weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Granny...I am getting regular sightings of indigo buntings, too. Mine are a darker blue. Pretty birds!

Did I mention I think there is only one eaglet in the marsh nest near the house. Think it's about 8-9 weeks old now. It's perching on the side of the nest :)

Mema Jo said...

5:10pm Just received call from NCTC contact that they could not get the cams fixed but will be back on it first thing in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy for you, Lolly!
It is good to dance in the rain!

Hoda said...

Am in the flat.
Very pleased to simply arrange and discard and do laundry.
Cooking class tonight.

Thank you JO for the messages from NCTC.
Much Gratitude.

Sandi said...

Hi all. IEP is finally finished but I am exhausted! Headed for the bathtub before watching Grey's Anatomy and then heading to bed.

Of all of Mom's "good" jewelry (not that she had much that's worth a lot), I chose a gold chain that she used to wear all the time until the clasp broke and both Mom's and Dad's wedding bands. I took all 3 of them to the jeweler and asked him to replace the clasp and really clean all 3, since I want to wear the wedding bands on the chain.

Denny picked everything up today. They look so beautiful - I would never have imagined that my parents wedding bands and the chain would shine the way they do! I couldn't be happier with them and can't wait to wear my new jewelry tomorrow!

Goodnight - I'll check in tomorrow in the early morning.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Happy for Lolly's rain and Larry's feeling better!

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lordy, I have to take IRON now, I'm a bit anemic. GRRRR! ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.....this could explain my shortness of breath and fatigue!!!!

Glad you are happy with the jewelry! It's amazing how well it cleans up!

Lynne2 said...

I have a SUPER COOL picture of my for Throw Back Thursday on FB...omg, I am just SO COOOOOOOL!

Jo, glad you had a great visit with the children today, but what else would it be but great!!

Lynne2 said...

I hope YOU all post some in the future....I LOVE looking at old pictures!

Going to hit the shower and stick my nose in a book for a while. OOOPS. cancel that...I have to read my infor mation on the Barn Swallow project. We have them nesting already in the barn. I LOVE the barn!

Have a good night, prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Glad they found something that is easy to take care of, Lynne!
Take that iron!!

Rain has stopped or should say has passed through. Now in east TX. 1 1/2 inch total. Awesome for us! It has also cooled of. Presently 68.

The rings and necklace is awesome, Sandi. I have a bracelet of Mother's that Daddy gave to her. It is an antique now or almost, very unique. Had a safety chain added to it. The jeweler was quite fascinated with it. I wear it only on Sunday and it is special as I think of her while wearing it. Felt so lucky I got it. Would not fit Sharon's wrist.

Lolly said...

Make that "cooled off"! Geesh!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Pretty evening here ..loved the temps today..

Larry having a rough day. I told him he needed to stay home and rest over the weekend and not attempt to go to his beach house...he wears himself out going to and fro we shall see. I did get him to eat some soup tonight .

Gotta get caught up

Judie said...

Dinner over. Kitchen cleaned up.

Watching Midsomer Murders.

Lynne2, enjoy the reading. How cool to have the swallows in the barn.

Hoda, afraid to ask to will anyway - what food was cooking class?

Sandi, good you have the IEP finished. Relax! Maybe some of the brightness from the rings and chair are reflecting love and peace.

Happy rain dance Lolly. Hope the water soaks in to do some really helpful watering.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy to hear you got some nice rain Lolly.

Sandi glad the jewelry cleaned up nice :-)

I have all my Mom's brothers knew she wanted me to have it. I gave one ring to my sis in wasn't right for me. Wearing her jewelry makes me think of her all the time ...and I feel like she is with me :-)

JudyEddy said...

Home from the kids house had a nice day as always
SANDI so happy the jewelry shinned up so nice
I have my mom gold herringbone necklaces with her cross I

JO Thanks for the info on the cam

HODA so happy for you and your friend going to be there while house sitting What a adventure for the both of you

stronghunter said...


Very busy and very tired from running around.

So far--

We met a couple of fellow alumni from Flower Mound, Texas.

We learned that East Carolina University is an internationally renowned center for teaching the use of the daVinci Surgical System.

We saw John Edwards at our hotel last night and again this morning.

I will continue at a later date. We have to be ready to catch the shuttle bus by 7:15 tomorrow morning.

SED, everyone.

magpie said...

Good Evening, And Good Night, Precious Eagle Pals...

God Bless You ALL for all the things you have going on in your lives...

Prayers for Wellness, and Strength for Each New Day

Heard Indigo Bunting and a Philadelphia Vireo today, out at Swinging Bridge,[but didn't see either one...]
waiting on more birds out there to show up!

RED RRIDAY right around the Morning Corner...
God Bless Our Military, Every Day...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Mema Jo said...

It is late - just watched 2 back to back Midsomer Murders. Both were new and I really loved them. I'm wondering if Judie watched both of them. Sandman may have gotten her.

Good news SANDI about the jewelry -
that is so special.

Happy to hear from Shirley - happy that they are keeping a fast pace.

Mema Jo said...

Hitting the pillows..........
Goodnight to all..........

I love us ♥

Judie said...

Yes, Jo, I managed to stay awake for both Midsomers and enjoyed both. Kind of nice to think we are watching tv together. lol

Sounds as if Shirley is just having a whirling and twirling good time. So happy for her.

It is nice to have some of a mom's jewelry. One of the rings I usually wear are stones from my mom's engagement and wedding band.

JudyE, glad you had a good day.

Margy, we have to go together to Swinging Bridge. Want to see/hear the birds there. We don't get those specialized birds in our yard.

Judie said...

Waaaaaaaay past my need to sleep time. Turning the night light on.

Sandperson departed just before 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Watched some TV after Jack made me walk this evening. I screamed, I cursed, I pouted, but we walked.

Heading to the pillows now. 65 and pleasant. House open once again but up to 90 tomorrow. Sigh...

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday!!

Found out 2 days ago from the IRS website (where's my refund) that my mom's federal tax refund was returned as undeliverable. The accountant used my address for the refund to be mailed to and submitted the "Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer." I have spent an hour each of the past 2 days on hold waiting to talk to someone but have been unsuccessful. My accountant tried yesterday and couldn;t get through to a person either. Grrr!!

Hoda, sounds like you and your college roommate will be having some fun adventures soon - I'm happy for you!

Prayers for Larry.

Have a great day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Today is graduation day at ECU. They will give us breakfast, then it's the graduation ceremony and lunch. We're supposed to have a tour of downtown Greenville and shopping, followed by a banquet in the evening. I think we're going to skip the downtown tour and shopping and just rest.

Time for coffee. :)

Hoda said...

Gracious me!
I did not say Goodnight!
Cooking class had a tense situation.
Everything was disrupted.
A woman passed out. Was not breathing for a while. Had to call 911.
Not much cooking while this all was happening.
We thought perhaps low blood sugar.
NO! Clogged heart!!!
She looked awful.
We lost her twice more.
Stabilized her and went to emergency.
Finished cooking and we ate.
We were all subdued!

I needed to understand my feelings about all this. Very disturbing.
Glad it happened in class though as she lives alone.
In class she had loving caring people around her and immediate very good medical care.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
God Bless Us All!

Very nice pictures of SHIRLEY on FB

Yay SANDI on finishing the IEP
Frustrating on your Mom's Tax money.

Janet said...

Good morning Eagle People.

I have not posted in a week now. Did ya miss me? Lol.
I’ve been lurking and reading, laying low as I have felt pretty yucky.
Just in short:
SANDI: glad the condo paperwork went smoothly. There are still things to be done, I am sure, and this will most certainly, as you know be a year of ups and downs emotionally….but know that you are doing well!
STRONGHUNTER: thinking of you on this special morning!!

HODA: everything for a reason and as it should be. Blessed Be my friend.
LOLLY: had rain! Looks like a bit more today perhaps?
LYNNE2: hope we can get you “on the mend”>….
PAULA: hugs and love for Larry, hope he continues to improve!

As for around here, its been a busy week.

First off, I’ve been down with bronchitis again. Remember I said Tom had a virus? (btw, he’s still coughing and hacking). I wasn’t feeling great a week ago, but thought I could fight through it. By Sunday afternoon and I was down and out and asleep. I didn’t go to work Monday or Tuesday and canceled my Wed clients and went to the dr instead. I have taken the rest of the week off (per doc recommendation) to just relax, sleep, etc. The main thing, beyond the nasty cough, is I tire so easily with this. I just haven’t had any umph. So I’ve slept a lot.

I’ve done little things around the house as well, but a lot of sleeping, fluids, and time on my hindquarters.
The rest of the family has kept me busy:
Chelsea and her husband bought a vehicle around a year ago. A 2009 Mazda R5. It is a nice van/suv/car thing, dark gray. Well it has given them fits, with many many repairs. The latest one came the end of last week…and these have not been little nor cheap repairs. So, they decided it was time for it to go. When they went to trade it, the car dealer pulled a car fax….and funny thing about those….apparently not all states report, or perhaps do not report in a timely fashion. They update, as you may know, from the VIN #. So everytime a car goes in for repairs, the VIN # is noted and it goes on the report, same for accidents as such.
Well when the car fax was pulled by Mazda when they bought the car it was clean. This time, it came up with updated (as of December) info. The car had been in a MAJOR accident, as in crossing the center lane of a road and massive damage to the front end before it was even 30 days old. It was “repaired” and sold. It has been auctioned a couple of times since, going to different states. This particular Mazda dealer bought it at auction some time before the kids bought it, it had had 5 different owners, two of those from this mazda dealership with each owner bringing it back within 18 months because of on going issues.

So no one would touch the car and they were upside down badly on it.
So after a weekend of thinking and phone calls, they went to Mazda Monday morning, armed with all this info to give the opportunity to make this right…or they would be on the local news channels with this. This was a safety issue for their family and mazda knowingly sold them this car.
So kudos to Mazda, they did make it right. They took back the car, worked out a deal that was affordable and fair for all, and now they own the same model vehicle, but in red and a 2014. Happy for them.

Janet said...

Just as this clears up….I notice my son Michael is an emotional wreck, but won’t say why.
Found out finally yesterday: he and his gal Ashley, (together just over 6 years) split up. She called it quits and moved out.
I don’t know the details, not really my business, but it is my business to support and love my son and that is what I am doing. This is his first real breakup and he is heart broken. She took all her belongings, her cat, and Michael helped her to move her stuff to her Dad’s. (sigh). Life lessons stink sometimes.
SO that’s that.

I have loved reading about the tokens we keep of our parents. I do have some of mom’s jewelry as well and Dad’s watch. But for me, its not the jewelry. Mom’s concrete flower pots….I have them out front…that is the thing that makes me feel closest to my mom. I have the memories of cutting the grass, weeding the garden, watering the flowers, etc with her. And as for dad….I have an old, I don’t know, 1950’s water can. It isn’t attractive, but it always sat in his beloved garage, along with this old, rickety stool, that is paint spattered, but dad used both a lot. I have them both and I smile when I see them/use/touch them as it feels so close to dad.

I know I’m the odd one.

Well time to get onwith my day. Gonna play on here, grab a bite of breakfast when Tom gets home from the morning bus run, maybe cross stitch, do some laundry, etc.
Hoping everyone has a lovely RED Friday. Namaste.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning to all and
happy military spouse is also celebrated today.

Cams are still down but NCTC should be working on them. Keep checking.

Judie - both of the programs were really good and best of all they were new ones.

Sandi I hope you can track down the right person in IRS - seems they can track us down quickly.

You know Shirley is being kept very busy if she gives up a shopping trip to get some rest. Have a blast Shirley and come home with lots of stories and memories

Mema Jo said...

I am going out to lunch with Jenny and Aaron/Valerie. Then shopping.
May even buy some baby items...<3


Mema Jo said...

Janet - had to get back on here and tell you that I wish the weekend for you won't contain any problems and that you will heal and feel better.
Such good news about the kids car and
heartbreaks happen but after 6 years?

Beings that you are the strong one in your family - you all will survive!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all.

Cams still down.

Jo, how's the eye coming along?

paula eagleholic said...

Janet...I thought Michael and Ashley were living in your basement?

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, glad Chelsea and hubby pursued it with Mazda and they made it right.

Hoda, sorry to hear about the lady in cooking class, but thankful that is were it occurred...otherwise she might not have made out so well.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !!!

HODA, it's "fun"derful good that Kristen has decided to house sit near you !

SANDI, sorry about the IRS snafu, but glad your necklace was ready in time for Mother's Day--she'll be with you in spirit !

JUDI, Westminster Lakeridge sounds like another slice of paradise.

JANET, glad you're feeling better. Too bad about Michael's break up, but here's hoping it opens up a whole new world to him.

PAULA, hope Larry stays put for you TLC this weekend. Prayers...

LOLLY, so glad you finally got a downpour---I know you need much more, but every little bit is a blessing.

JO, I'm imagining your lunch with "the kids" and the fun of baby stuff shopping afterward ! ☺

SHIRLEY, sounds like you're having a great time ! Keep it up !

It's gently raining off and on here today. I like it when it takes a break just long enough for a dog walk ! BBL

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Some additional laundry and looking over floor plan charts.

Kay, kudos to Julie, et al for trying to help the ducks. Hope they are all okay. Here in DC, there is a duck who nests in a sidewalk planter outside a govt bldg. Every Spring we see news coverage of men and women in business attire standing in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave. stopping traffic to allow mom and babies to cross to the Reflecting pool.

Sandi, very sorry you are not feeling well and to add to the misery you have IRS problems. Darth despises the IRS issue with being placed on hold, literally for more than an hour or two. I've suggested he contact our congressman.

Janet, good news on the car problem. Rare outcome these days. Also hope Michael recovers quickly from the breakup.

Picture this: Lolly standing in the rain waling "I'm melting, I'm melting" as she slips to the wet ground.

Jo, know you had a fun day. Jennifer is so very nice. First 48 tonight.

Okay, back to making my positive/negative comparison lists.


paula eagleholic said...

No cam yet. Weekend viewing doesn't look good...

stronghunter said...


I have some very sad news. I got a phone call from my sister-in-law this afternoon. My brother Jim died last night. He had a heart attack in his sleep. We are trying to figure out what we are going to do next.

Will be back in touch.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Shirley, love and hugs to you my friend. :(

grannyblt said...

So sorry to hear that Shirley.

Judie said...

Shirley, heartfelt sympathy for you and all the family. Remember, the blog family is always here for you.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Thinking of you and your family especially during these times.

Hoda said...

Oh Good God Almighty SHIRLEY.
What a shock!
You never said anything about his being sick.
I wish Jim a journey full of God's Grace and Mercy.
Prayers to you and to your family.
God keep you and give you strength as you figure out the steps and as you experience the grief and sorrow...
We are here for you dear friend.

First focus on the drive back to your home...make sure it is a safe journey.Stop and rest make sure you stay hydrated and eat for energy.

Lynne2 said...

OH Shirley....I can't believe it. I'm so sorry about Jim. (((HUGS))) and prayers.

magpie said...

God Bless You and Bring Comfort to You and all the Family, Shirley....
I am saddened for you and with you
about the loss of your dear brother Jim.....

Stay in touch as you can, but
we surely understand you have many
things to attend to doing and thinking about

(( HUGS )) xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - My prayers are with you and with all of your's and Jim's family members.
It was a blessing that you, Kathryn and Hunter were able to visit with him and his family recently.
Hopefully arrangements will be made and you will be a part of them.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley ...I am so sorry...hugs and prayers

Hoda said...

Anyone else having problems with FB?
My account is apparently not available due to site problems!!

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, it was the same for me earlier but now I was able to sign on.

paula eagleholic said...

Larry doings better today than yesterday ..we are hanging here for the weekend.

Shirley...don't know if you will even enjoy or get to finish the rest of your trip..thinking of you. (((hugs)))

stronghunter said...


Yes, I got the same notice about my FB account, Suzan.

My friends and I skipped the banquet tonight and stayed in the room. We had food delivered and just visited. I was able to get in touch with my brother Fred and his wife and with one of Jim's friends in Maryland.

I was able to convince Kathryn that she did not need to bring Will, Susan, Hunter, and the dog down here to get me. (My friends told me to discourage them!) I am fine to drive myself home tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your kind words. I really appreciate them.

Hoda, I do not think anyone knew Jim had heart problems. As far as I know, he was not aware of any problems. Our father died of a heart attack at age 63, but we knew he had angina.

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds didn't check in at all today had a great evening and afternoon with family

SHIRLEY so sorry for the loss of your brother my condolences to your family

JANET so sorry you have been sick and so sorry to hear to the break up But great news on the car for the kids

The hawk was at the park feeding their young funny thing is the hawk dropped its prey and I was shocked to what it was A lizard one like I sent you LYNNE2 The hawks tried to swoop down to get it once but all the kids in the park I think scared it I picked up the lizard and threw on top of the train that is there Play train but didn't come to get it Lynne2 I have the lizard its all yours if you want it LOL brought it home in the plastic apple container we had LOL So many kids were so impressed with the hawk I probably had about 15 kids around me wanting to see the pic I had gotten and the parents were impressed that they kids were interested They have never notice the hawk when ever they go there No one looks up anymore LOL Well they are all aware of it now

NatureNut said...

Read a day or so ago that Larry was felling OK after a treatment! Keep up the good feelings.
Happy that Hoda's friend will be staying in area for quite awhile housesitting.
And Lolly got a sprinkle of rain!!??
I posted Spring Flowers on this blog. Animals will be next, if anyone can see them!

Shirley, you have all our thoughts and prayers. What a shocking message to get. Take your time driving home~~we are with you.

stronghunter said...

We had a very nice graduation ceremony this morning. Our little group of about 20 people wore gold caps and gowns and lead the faculty and about 3,000 students into the stadium. We got to see ourselves on the giant screen. It was really impressive.

Hoda said...

God SANDI am I glad BRIAN is out of the Yemen!
Reports of attempted kidnapping of two Americans in the Capital. They killed those who attempted to kidnap them. They have since been removed from there.
Blessed Be BRIAN.

Thank you SHIRLEY for checking in.

Hoda said...


Judie said...

Time to say goodnight to everyone.

Shirley, Sandperson has a special bag of gentle sleepy dust for you and your family.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all and special prayers for those with hurting hearts.

Lolly said...

Howdy all! Have not been on all day! We got out early to work in the yard.

Shirley, I am so very very sorry about your brother ((hugs)) Know this is hard and a shock, but what a blessing to go in ones sleep. No suffering.

I have the opportunity to walk at my 50th graduation in 2016. Do not know if I will do it or not. Have lost contact with college friends.

Paula, glad Larry is with you this weekend. Hopefully taking it easy will help him.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Tomorrow I volunteer with the Grans, at Garden Fest and then with the Eco Society also at Garden Fest.

Tomorrow it is supposed to rain!
Come rain or snow Garden Fest is on and people show up...
Wet gear is the costume of choice.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's the weekend!!

Shirley, I am so shocked and sorry to hear about your brother's death. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Drive safely on your return trip from the reunion.

Paula, prayers continue for Larry and for you as you care for him.

Hoda, Brian talked to us about how frequent kidnapping attempts were becoming. After reading your post last night, I did a Google search and read about the Americans. I also read that the US Embassy has been closed to the public as of Thursday due to credible threats of attacks. Yes, it's truly a blessing that Brian is home from there for good but still, there are other Americans there - diplomats and military personnel - still in harm's way.

Today I am finally buying flowers and soil to plant my pots. I'm still not feeling "in the mood" to do it, but I'm hoping that being in the garden center picking out flowers, will lift my spirits.

The pine pollen here has gotten awful this week - EVERYTHING is covered in a coating of yellow. It will probably last another week, which means no opening of windows. I do open the sliding glass door in our bedroom when we go to bed, and the dark hardwood floors just inside the door have a definite yellow tinge to them!

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Bummer no Cam

Hoda said...

Good morning SANDI and everyone.
Yes indeed the US Embassy is closed to visitors but it is still functioning. Prayers to all US personnel in harms way.
I am relieved BRIAN is home and know he is concerned for his colleagues. Blessed be he is out of there.

Cold and wet here.
Birds woke me up.

Judie said...

Good morning.

We have a new Saturday thread.

We do not have a cam.

Come on over.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...