Saturday, May 10, 2014


Weekend thread.


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Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, safe travel home. Call if you need me.

Jo, how's the cataract-less eye doing?

Hoda, have fun at the festival today.

Sandi, hope the flower search help lift your spirits.

Paula, you and Larry enjoy the weekend together.

JudyE, sorry about the rain and chill. Send some rain to Lolly, please and thank you.

Headed for a bit more coffee then on to foraging for vitals. BBL

Judie said...

Oh, forgot my manners.

Thank you to Steve or whomever for the fresh thread.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judie for the call over.

BTW, I finally got to speak with a person at the IRS yesterday morning. The hold up on Mom's tax refund is b/c the accountant didn't file a form that should have been filed stating that I have a "fiduciary relationship with a deceased taxpayer." Mom's tax return was filed just a few days after she died and Ken was hoping the additional paperwork wouldn't be necessary. But let's face it, we are dealing with the federal government and they are all about additional paperwork! Will need to get that taken care of this coming week.

Off to get out of my pjs and get movuing for the day. Later.

Janet said...

Good Saturday morning all. Happy and thankful for a fresh thread…and on a SATURDAY!
JO; thank you for the well wishes.
PAULA: yes, Michael and Ashley were living downstairs….now Michael is living down stairs.
And yes, thankful about the mazda dealer. Whatever their reason, the outcome is the same and Chelsea has a new car with hopefully no major repairs needed for a very long itme!
I think there will be a whole new world for Michael. He’s attempting to move forward, talking to young women and such… still see and sense a sadness about him. But he is working through it.
DEAREST SHIRLEY! Soooo sorry. Heartfelt condolences and love for you and the family….
For the first time in over a week, I felt like me last night. I am still coughing and hacking, but my chest hurts less and some of my energy is returning.
I went downstairs to dig out a couple of veils. Livvy wants to take the basic belly dance class @ PUF this coming week….and I decided to part with a a couple of bins of the stuff since I don’t dance any more. I am keeping some of my favorites. One never knows …. Maybe? But anyway, I wanted to get out the zills, a veils and a couple of hip sashes. In the mean time, one thing leads to the next, so I decided to organize the boat stuff and pool stuff…and next thing you know I’ve organized the room. Go figure.
Yes, PUF is this coming week. I’ve picked up some extra hours onTues and Wed since I have not worked in a week. Not long hours, but a few .
The thing I forgot to tell you all, in the midst of the stuff with Chelsea’s car and Michael’s break up….Olivia was being bullied/picked on at school.
As you might imagine, I am a hugger. I hug my friends, my children, heck, even some of my clients hug me although I do not initiate that with them. I am a massage therapist, a touchy, feeling person. And Olivia is also a touchy feely, person.
So, she touches her friends, on the arm…arm around their shoulder, etc. And she teases and plays a lot, like we do at home.
And so guess what. Some girls started a rumor. The girls who were “supposed to be” her “friends”.
I had 2 days of an emotional wreck of a soon to be 13 year old.
The school counselor got involved, had them all in for a “lemon squeeze”….a long and serious talk that a person who is physically touching you might make you uncomfortable, especially if you are not like this at home. But that doesn’t make them gay and they are not wrong. But you have to speak up and tell them you are uncomfortable with that much physical contact. This has nothing to do with their sexuality. And their sexuality is none of your business. Further, Olivia is not wrong for touching, this is how her family likely is, but she has to be aware that not everyone is this way.
They all worked it out and are “friends” again. EGAD! TEENAGE GIRLS!!!!

Going to the grandkids’ soccer games later. Then going to a hibachi grill to celebrate mothers day tonight.
I took a pretty potted petunia in a fancy pot over to my neighbor across the street. She is so sweet. I guess I take it to her because I can’t send one to Tom’s mom or my mom…..and I got a pretty potted plant for Chelsea as well.

Not a lot else. Hope everyone has a good weekend. SANDI: I know this one will be especially tough for you. Holding you close my friend….

((Hugs))) light and love to all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all this day before Mothers' Day - All my kids are coming
over this evening to celebrate MOM.

Janet, your cleaning is like 'one thing leads to another'. So sorry
Olivia had to endure the cruel misunderstanding of her friends but kudos to the counselor who took the time to get things under control.
Today's society is missing the human touch!

Mema Jo said...

Judie - congrats on your feather. You will need to pack it up and take it with you when you find your dream
retirement home!

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread. Really missing our cams over
this weekend. Enjoy your time with Aimee at her graduation. Proud Dad you are I'm sure.

Janet said...

JO; I agree whole heartedly I think one of the biggest problems with humanity today is a disconnect. A disconnect within ourselves and with others. Touch is a basic need of living beings and when denied that, the end results are not good.

As people area getting more in touch with natural ways of healing, I think we will make our way back to healthy, non sexual touch...eventually.

It is my hope and my desire....blessed be

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - enjoy Sunday with your boys..
Next mother's day will be doubly loving for you with your new granddaughter. I am hoping that with mom and dad's rings close to your heart that you will have blessed memories - Loved the picture of your dad over on FB. ♥

Mema Jo said...

The non-cataract eye is still adjusting and healing. I go in on
Monday to have it checked. I will
admit it has improved a lot during this week and I hope it continues so I have NO BLUR vision. Thanks for asking ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am so concerned about Shirley - I am praying she embraces in her heart the loss of her brother and remembers the good times. Her children will need to be there for her.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Enjoy a relaxing weekend PAULA -
Thankful to hear that Larry is feeling better.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi ..hope playing in the dirt helps..I find other very therapeutic .

The hummed here are loving my potted flowers and the azaela bushes.

Mr osprey had a nice fish this morning.

Going out to play in the dirt myself this morning... showing the kids about the hawk.

Janet...glad the school counselor was so helpful.

Judie congrats on the feather

paula eagleholic said...

Jo glad the eye is improving...

Time to go outside and play in the dirt myself:-)

Mema Jo said...

PANDAS - Cam 1 at DC zoo -
some little gal is way way up in the tree!

Bao Bao is a climber..............


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
We're baaaack! Just HAD to make myself sit down and beg your forgiveness for not being on here for over a week. We went to Orlando to meet the kids on the 2nd, but when the Airport Shuttle arrived at 4:30 am to pick us up and take us to LAX, I was awakened out of a sound sleep by Ken. We were halfway to L.A. when I realized that I had forgotten my cell phone! We had decided not to take the laptop along, so I was totally "off the grid" for the entire vacation! I have Lolly's phone # in my cell, but had no way to contact anyone!
I'm SO sorry!!! We had a FANTASTIC time, but I will fill you in later today. Gotta vacuum and straighten up so we can go rescue Emma from "Puppy Camp" this morning!...then there's the fact there is not ONE grocery item in the entire house! YIKES!

Did catch up just a teeny before posting this--Shirley, I am SO sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. It's especially difficult when there's no warning at all. Prayers for you and the whole family!

Gotta run right now (much to do, and very little time!) Hope everyone has the best day possible. I missed all of you!
I ♥ us!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Giving thanks for the New Thread and for JUDIE's kind call over !

SHIRLEY, praying for you as you travel home and prepare for the celebration of your dear brother's life. May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You !

I have beautiful packages here from my eldest, Eileen, and my youngest, Lee. No idea what Julie and the guys have in mind for tomorrow, but there is no doubt something is afoot ! I don't even know if Seth is home for the weekend and if he might be planning on our usual Sat/Sun together. The suspense is killing me ! ☺

Some of you still have Mother's to honor tomorrow. Others will honor the memory of one and many of you will be honored by your own precious children. Whatever the case, I'm wishing you all a Happy Mother's Day 2014!


Kay said...

ANDY, welcome home ! I knew where you were and wasn't worried. So, how did your granddaughter's group fare in the Cheerleader competition?

paula eagleholic said...

Kay...sounds intriguing...enjoy!

Andy ..sounds like a great time !

paula eagleholic said...

Larry has been resting ... I am done digging in the dirt..all showered and feeling much cleaner.

JudyEddy said...

WOW WHEN I could have had the feather if only I looked when I got up this morning Thanks what I get assuming there would be no new thread with Steve on vaca


JudyEddy said...

peeking in on the cams PA trio are huddled together they are soaked to the bones looks like No adult in site they look like stairsteps the way the are standing biggest to littlest so cute I also have one of the MN cams up adult just left there Those two look about the same as ours

Judie said...

Aaaaarrrrg! Still no cam.

Back from foraging. Fed the car, recycled stuff, filled the larder.

Sandi, happy the IRS situation will be relatively easy IF the IRS cooperates.

Janet, how nice you have veils and items that Olivia can use. Speaking of Olivia, I am sorry she had such a bad experience but so glad the counselor stepped in quickly. Have fun tonight.

Jo, glad the eye is still improving. Have a wonderful time tonight.

Welcome back Andy. Happy you had a good visit in Orlando. Emma will be ecstatic to see you.

Kay, waiting impatiently to find out the surprise.

Judie said...

Thinking of Wanda. Hope her girls do something special for her.

Thinking also of Shirley.

Headed to point my toes toward the ceiling. Foraging makes me tired.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Pretty quiet day here on the blog.

Thinking of Shirley as she makes her way home...

And Sandi. ... It will be a tough day for her tomorrow .

paula eagleholic said...

Some storms hitting here late today.

Been watching movies with Larry :-)

Hoda said...

Good afternoon/evening every one.
It is a fantastic day here. Garden Fest was very successful.
We had rain, wind, dark clouds, blue skies and repeat twice...people went into buildings for the inclement weather and came out shopping for the good weather. We had tents set up which was great as they did not fly away in the gales...
Every one had a terrific time and people made money. Grans took in over a thousand dollars...I had to send a runner to the bank several times to get us more change and I was only on the first shift.
The Eco Society booth was very active, we sold T-shirts,signed environmental petitions and accepted donations and memberships...I visited and talked and listened and it was fantastic to connect with Nelsonites. I love this little town.

Without the cam not many reporting. Hope it is fixed as soon as they can get to it.

Need to type the minutes from Yesterday's Kootenay Spirit Festival meeting. Also need to rest as tomorrow I will be gone for twelve hours during the day...
nine to nine...loooong day. Must remember not to do that too often.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from RL with Tommy he wanted to go tomorrow but I thought lets beat the Mother Day madness Well we weren't the only ones that thought that or maybe just a touristy day and for the first time both Tommy and myself were a little disappoint with RL Tommy made jokes about our bed of rice under our shrimp looks piled up on the picture but ours was one layer of rice spread out couldn't have been a tablespoon if that (and under cooked or just tough) But had extra broccoli looked like

Races is just starting storm delayed it seems

magpie said...

God Bless You, All, Beautiful People.....

and Happy Mother's Day in Advance to all.....

you know my take on that....
We are ALL Mothers in one sense or another....even amongst ourselves, we do a whole lot of Loving Mothering here on this ol' Blog

magpie said...

Really having special thoughts about all that is going on amongst us....

Prayers for Wellness, Always...and for Joy, Faith and Hope on each and every day.....

Have to say, Shirley is foremost on my mind and in my heart today....and in the days to come
(( HUGS and Lovins' ))

Best Wishes to All...
All the Time....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...


Just wanted to let you know that I am safely home. Went out to dinner with Kathryn, Hunter, Will, and Rus. I am extremely tired. The drive home did take a bit longer than the drive down there because I stopped several times to stretch and to let some rain showers pass by. Did drive through some rain.

I very much appreciate the kind thoughts and words. I've done a partial read-back, but my brain is pretty worn out.

Got a call from my cousin Virginia, and she said she would call other cousins for me.

Rus is sleeping over tonight. It will be nice to have time to talk with him tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Thank you for checking in SHIRLEY.
Thank God for your safe arrival.
I love your family and I am glad they are there for you.
We are family too and we are also there for you.
Blessed Be and God Bless all of your journeys.

Judie said...

So relieved to know Shirley is safely at home with children and grandchild. Suspect there will be no need for Sandperson tonight but he plans to pass by just in case.

Heading for the pillows soon. Sandperson is packing a large satchel. Says he plans to depart soon.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, and mother's of furry children.

Judie said...

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to our Belle.

stronghunter said...

Susan posted this on Facebook last night. It brought tears to my eyes. Such beautiful words. I wanted to post here as well as on Facebook.

The stars grew by one last night

“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
- Romeo and Juliet

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening ♥

We have had several showers today - heavy at times. I pray our little ones are being covered by mom/dad.

Happy to hear you are safely home, Shirley and that the children are with you.

Mema Jo said...

The children came by around 7:00
Beautiful vase of flowers, flowering plants already in the pots and an
ice cream cake and a peanut butter pie. Oh how sweet it was.......
Very good evening.

Mema Jo said...

I checked out the DC Panda cams but I
really don't see BaoBao - STRIKE THAT - I do now see our little gal up with her mom who is sleeping.
lol Bao Bao is messing with the
bamboo like she is a big girl.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day...... everyone
take care!

Prayers for all and to all a
Goodnight ♥

Janet said...

good evening all.
its been a lovely day.
got a few things done around the house....headed out, taking Michael with us. we watched Amelia, then jack's soccer games. Amelia is getting quite good. jack...well...if his attention span were there....he did pretty well.

then we went to this Japanese place for dinner, you know the kind where they cook the meal In front of you and the show is a big part of the was nice.

my tummy was upset. we had sat in the sun for 3 hours and I think I just got a little over heated. I am fine now.

sad watching Michael tonight. he is doing his best to deal, but you can see and feel the sadness within him still. I would love to take this pain for him. it breaks my heart not to be able to do anything.

quiet day planned for tomorrow. if the weather cooperates, may vacuum the pool...get ready for PUF, get ready for work....just that sort of stuff. but we shall see what tomorrow brings.

JUDIE: you would not believe the belly dance stuff I have. lol. sometimes I still miss the dance...but such is life. I just didn't fit in with the dancers around here. anyway, just thrilled she wants to try!

good night all

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless Us All

Happy Mother's Day

Kay said...

Your mother is always with you...

She's the whisper of the leaves
as you walk down the street.
She's the smell of bleach
in your freshly laundered socks.
She's the cool hand on your brow
when you're not well.
Your mother lives inside your laughter.
She's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from,
your first home...
She's the map you follow
with every step that you take.
She's your first love
and your first heart break...
and nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, Not space...
Not even death...
will ever separate you
from your mother...
You carry her inside of you...

Author Unknown

Happy Mother's Day to all !


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - Happy Mother's Day.

Shirley, glad you got home safely. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I bought lots of flowers and lots of dirt and emptied all of last year's dirt from all my pots and filled all the pots and planted all the flowers in them. Decided I really need Denny to build me a potting bench by this time next year. Too much kneeling and bending over for someone as tall as me!

I didn't water b/c we were supposed to get rain last night, but we didn't. So I need to do that this morning. The pine pollen was just blowing in yellow clouds yesterday - ugghh!

Friends have tried, Kevin has tried (he bought me 2 lovely perennials) but this is just not going to be a happy Mother's Day for me. I will wear my new necklace and I think it will make me feel a little better, but I will not be celebrating today. I just can't. Kay, I posted that poem about mother's on Mom's FB on her birthday.

Prayers continue for Larry.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Happy Mother Day

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Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this special day of days - May all of our hearts be filled with love for the mothers in our lives and may we express
motherly love to all.

Thank you Kay for the wonderful poem
Judy that is a beautiful design - ♥

Sun is shinning but there is a lot of wetness on my deck.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning :-)


paula eagleholic said...

Kay I love that poem.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...after my Mom died..I thought why do I ever need to celebrate Mothers day Mom is gone ...

It took me awhile to realize it is a celebration of all the Moms in our lives...friends that are moms...puppy moms...grandmoms ... substitute moms...

So for all the Moms...I salute you <3

Judie said...


Mema Jo said...

Happy Mother's Day Mei - Bao Bao
is up in the highest tree again.

Happy Mother's Day Belle - Sure wish we could see you and your peeps ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy Mother's Day to all Momsters out there.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Critter report: Bao Bao high in the tree with people walking below not even knowing they should just look up; Big Red and Ezra have three baby RT hawks; Isla is tending her two eggs; Berry College eagle is either on a high up limb or has fledged; Barn Owls and Barred Owls have hatchlings; Pete's Pond quiet; bears are fine; Kestrel still incubating; Decorah eaglets are starting to flap and hop.


Mema Jo said...

Bao up in the tree is trying or wanting to go higher... Now she is just hanging over a limb. lol

You're right Judie that the zoo
visitors don't have their eyes to the

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of the critter information, Judie, and thanks for the phone call this morning. It was so nice to hear from you.

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of Jeanie, Jackie, and myself in our caps and gowns on my blog.

stronghunter said...

In case you can't tell, I am in the middle--It's Jeanie, Shirley, and Jackie.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Shirley, you three are beauteous in your golden garb. You, however, are the MOST beauteous. Thank you for sharing.

Yep, zoo visitors need to turn eyes to the sky, or at least the big tree. Interesting thought, we can see what the zoo-goers are looking for but do not see. lol


NCSuzan said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hope everyone is having as special day as possible.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Thank you, Judie. I thought it was a pretty good picture.

JudyEddy said...

It is snowing at the Co St Vrain nest :~(

stronghunter said...

Winter storm warning for Fort Collins.

Kay said...

Good Mother's Day Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

I hope you're all having the same gorgeous weather we're enjoying here.

As predicted Julie and the guys came through---they brought me beautiful white gardenia plant, already planted in a lovely container. They also brought in a gourmet sandwich/salad buffet. I passed up the dessert Brownies for another helping of a scrumptious salad---chick peas, radishes, mint and feta cheese--hmmm good ! Eileen and Lee have both called and they both sent wonderful presents, too. I'm truly blessed ! My "girls" and my DIL, Beth, are outstanding mother's---I'm so happy for my well cared grands !

SHIRLEY, you look great in gold ! So glad you got to take part in that grand occasion. Praying for you and the family, of course. So comforting to hear about the way your kids have rallied round you.

SANDI, that Mother's Day poem has been in my collection for ages--wish I knew who wrote it. So glad you have the necklace to reach for and to gather comfort from when needed !

JUDYE, your Mother's Day graphic is delightful !

Love and prayers for all and especially those in need of healing !


Mema Jo said...

Good late afternoon to all ♥

Shirley I tried to leave a comment but could not for the life of me prove that I wasn't a robot.
Lovely picture - Looks as though the
reunion kindled a lot of old friendships ♥

Kay said...

Oh, SHIRLEY, isn't that Ft. Collins winter storm warning a bummer ? I hope my grandson, Max, is not hiking or camping out in the mountains this week. I'll be out there in mid-June--surely winter will have disappeared by then ! Crossing my fingers.

stronghunter said...

We did see a few snowflakes in Colorado when we were there in July many years ago.

Mema Jo said...

Farewell Xi Lan and Po!

Lun Lun’s and Yang Yang’s second and third offspring, Xi Lan, 5, and Po, 3, depart for new adventures in China on May 12, tomorrow. We wish them well.

The youngest members of Lun Lun’s and Yang Yang’s family, twin cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan, are on exhibit daily.

NatureNut said...

Happy Momster Mothers' Day!!!
Hope everyone has enjoyed themselves today and God Bless Sandi and Shirley.

Been digging in the dirt this weekend, too. Bought my red and blue flowers for 2 of the 4th of July pots, but NO ONE seems to have any white geraniums or some such larger flower!
Father dear got me a lovely yellow begonia and had already oedered a box of Omaha Filet steaks!! Eating one in a couple minutes!!! The child sent me a Happy email from Barcelona, Spain!!! She'll be back on Wed. Wrote her to NOT go to any bull fights! Don't think she would.

Glad to hear Larry is feeling pretty good and Jo will soon be 20/20!!! Girl at work who had CA also got Prednisone w/her chemo meds. Made her gain weight, so might be a good thing for Larry!☺ Hope Lolly got some rain, but not the fierce storms and good to see Andy back.
Might relate a mixed up Mother's Day story concerning kitties later.

magpie said...

Happy Mother's Day Evening
to all My Moms here....

and Love to All....


God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lolly said...

Helloooooo! Knock knock, can I come in?

Whoa...what a busy weekend. Michael came over yesterday, spent the night, and went to church with us. Then he left and Laurel and family arrived. Had a great time, but they are gone now too! I am tired!!

Lolly said...

I hope all of you have had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thoughts and prayers for you, Sandi. Know how hard it is, but just remember...she is no longer in pain. She knew she was loved and she loved you.

Lolly said...

I read back a bit, but I know I missed a lot.

Andy, welcome home. I think it is good to be "off the grid" for a while. Personal contact is more important. Glad to have you back!

Michael brought me beautiful flowers yesterday that Zach picked out. Laurel brought me a water hose. LOL It is one of those new flex, light weight water hoses. Will let you know how it works. We played with it for a while. LOL Pretty neat hose!

Lolly said...

I did talk with Zacharooski on the phone. I thanked him for the flowers, as I knew he had picked them out. "It was my pleasure", was his reply. What a hoot that boy is.

Zach got 3rd place in his spelling bee at school. He missed a word that he knew. He went up to his teacher and told her "I need to step out of the room". She allowed him to go, I am sure with supervision. He needed to cry, he was very upset. Lesson do not always come in first.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Somewhere in the past few days I mentioned that I met a member of our Golden Anniversary group who is from Flower Mound, Texas. I know that's pretty close to Lolly. I am not sure if she saw the post, as I have gotten behind a bit.

Congratulations on Zach's third place in the spelling bee. That is excellent.

Went out to dinner again tonight with my children and several other people--a large group. It was nice to be with them, but also nice to be back at home where it is quiet.

Will leaves for Seattle tomorrow morning early. He went up to spend the night with Rus, as this will put him near the airport.

The memorial service for Jim is on the 23rd, and we are still working on the travel arrangements. There are so many of us.

I do hope the weather in Fort Collins improves before then.

Janet said...

good evening. just a quick check in. I hope everyone had a great day!!!!

yanno, the first few years our mom was gone, I was just cry my eyes out even going down the card aisle. after last year....when we finished up the estate (finally), its as if I have peace in my heart and soul. and I celebrate all the moms in my life. each of you, included.

I got a rather sad phone call from work...they were way short therapists, so I went to work for the day. I picked up 3 90 min massages.

came home. now unwind time.

light ,love, hugs and smiles to all! SED

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Time for me to close down for the day
All my celebrating was done last evening but I am tired out today for some reason. Everyone take care and I'll TTUT.

Goodnight and sweet dreams ♥

stronghunter said...

Would like to know how that hose works out for you, Lolly. I bought one and it burst the first time Will used it.

Lynne2 said...

evening all.....

Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers, and send extra prayers to those who have Mothers in Heaven. And an extra pray for our Bev on this difficult day for her and Tom.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Loweeda, maybe some Shasta daisies? Maybe too tall for pots. Hope you find something.

Shirley, arrangements will be worked out. All will be okay.

Lolly, so nice Zack was so gracious about the flowers. Congratulations on placing third in a spelling bee. Sad, though, that always being first is not a life-option. He will be just fine.

Hi Margy. A happy mother's day to you as I always think of you as a mom to James the Wise.

I join you Jo in saying a fond farewell to Xi Lan and Po. The two new bears will provide us with pleasure for a while yet.

Janet, so kind of you to go to work today. I'm sure the massagees were so very grateful.

Where is Hoda?

Oh wow, just heard a huge commotion in Sandperson's closet. Lots of banging and bumping and grumbling. Says he wants Father's Day off. Must investigate evidence of offspring. lol

Night light is on. Sandperson departing soon. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

My "children", and the man who sometimes acts like a child, didn't fix me breakfast in bed this morning.

This displeases the Queen.

Must hit the sack. Goodnight and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I think I will sleep soundly tonight.

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Not good to displease the Queen!! Someone is in trouble, after all, you are mom to man pets!!

No, Shirley, did not see that post. Yes, Flower Mound is in our area.

Heading for the pillows. Very very sleepy!

Rain tomorrow.....hope hope hope hope!!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

I am here JUDIE.
Just got in!!!
Left the Lake House at 9:20 AM and got in at 10:00 PM.
Yes indeed a long day, but enjoyable.

Left to get lunch for the Meditation Centre gathering. We sat Zazen for an hour and then did volunteer work as the centre is still being renovated. Then I went to the Moving Centre for my 2.5 hour yoga class. Then went to the Hume Hotel where I met with some of the Dragon Boat team members for supper and then went to the Capitol Theatre as six Dragons were part of the Choral Society. Excellent concert.

I will say good night and God Bless.
Will try to be less busy tomorrow and spend sometime in the garden with the flower beds.

Hoda said...

Well they say never two without a third!!!
The Kootenay Region is under a cloud.
Four young people went out canoeing on the Slocan Lake. It is glacier fed. They capsized. They did not have their life jackets on! Some argue it would not have helped anyway as the longest one can last in frigid waters this time of year is ten minutes!
I disagree! Ten minutes is ten minutes and it buys time to have a life jacket on!!!
At least it would help with the recovery effort.
Well they recovered the 19 year old girl and she died at hospital. Three young men are missing and presumed drowned. Range in age from 15-21!!!

I am sad

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Monday. Only 4 more Mondays in this school year, counting today. And today starts the final round of state testing for me. That's what I'll be doing for the rest of May. More boring than being in the classroom with kids but it keeps me away from the English teacher on the team who I don't get along with, so that's a good thing.

Spent the day reading Twelve Days a Slave yesterday - good book. Also took Bella for a bike ride - beautiful weather for it! Denny picked up carry out so I didn't have to cook (and neither did he). Talked to Brian on the phone. It was an OK day.

Hoda, so sorry to hear about the young people who died on the lake - very sad.

Janet, sorry to hear about Michael and Ashley breaking up. Do you think his long distance driving job played a part? Is he liking the job?

Prayers for Larry.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

good Monday morning.

SANDI: Michael could not handle the over the road thing. The first week he was out he had 3 breakdowns, calling me...very very depressed. The final time he called we were on the road to Virginia Beach and I talked him into getting a load back to Nashville and then resigning. Reluctantly, he did. Had to assure him it would be okay.

So he has a job that has him home every night. It is doing recovery of semi's that have broken down. They seem to stay very very busy.

I am sad for him regarding the breakup. I don't think the driving had anything to do with it, but they are both so young. He will be 24 in June and they have been together for 6 older people, we know that people change over the years. I think Ashley just needed to find out who she is. I have encouraged Michael to do the same. I have encouraged him to go out, meet people, men, women, and just be for a while. Date, but not seriously for a bit. I have told him be yourself and love will come.

It was nice to be back at work yesterday. I have missed being there, but know I was in no shape last week to be there.

I have to admit, after that third session I was tired, but such is life. I am thankful to have a very satisfying job and I love it.

Beautiful day here in Nashville. Continue packing the RV today....heading out Wed evening for Montgomery Bell State annual voyage to PUF. I am excited!

Light and love to each of you my friends. Have a beautiful day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thought I would bring over a video that I posted on FB about my brother Jim's work. I am proud of him.

Tech Awards

Will and I went to the awards ceremony in Maryland 10 years ago.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Wonder if Prez and Capt will fledge before the cam is repaired?

Ah, the Queen is displeased. Well, I say Off With His Head! lol

Hoda, please please slow down. You make me exhausted. You Rock!

Very sorry about the young people who died. Have to wonder if they really understood the danger?

Sandi, school is almost over and then you begin your long vacation. A time to center yourself.

Janet, good Michael has work. His heartbreak is an emotional growth spurt. You gave good advice.

What is a PUF?

Paula, how was the weekend? Larry still feeling better?

Hi JudyE.

Off to read the newspaper and enjoy the cool air before closing windows.

Wishing everyone a good morning.

Judie said...

Thank you, Shirley. You have reason to be proud of Jim.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Shirley: Lovely video, of Laureate Jim and his Laureate associate....
thank you for bringing this to us....(( HUGS ))

Best Wishes to All,
for a very good day....


magpie said...

Queen Lynne2:

By the way, you have legions of
Eagle Pals with Eagle Cans specially fitted with Saber Saws;
all we need are some driving directions from you !

God Bless You for all you do
for so many...flora and fauna and
Humans alike !


magpie said...

uh, that would be Eagle CANES
not Cans

I really enjoyed reading the Mother's Day doins' amongst us...

Am holding all with heart-sadness in my heart, and hoping the joy of memories sustains you every moment

Prayers for Wellness...
Today, all the time

xo ttfn xo

Lolly said...

Good morning! Please excuse any typos. Have a Band-Aid on a finger. Jack sharpened my knives but did not tell me. Whoops! Nothing serious!! But a big nuisance!

Cloudy and have had a few sprinkles. Bring it on!

Out to buy a new dishwasher today. Ours decided to stop working Fri or Sat. Jack is a good dishwasher though! Ours was 18 years old, so guess needing a new one is not surprising.

Very sad about the young folks, Hoda. Yes, they should have had life jackets!!

Tomorrow is our visit with Jacob to the surgeon. Prayers please that this can be done in the next couple weeks. Laurel has summer plans and it is really going to stress her if we have to make changes.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥
Jenny is here this morning and I am late coming in.

Prayers for Jacob, Lolly.

Thinking of Paula and Larry and hoping he is feeling better today.

Shirley, I see the date for Jim's memorial is May 23rd. Hope all of your family can go with you.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

Beautiful here.

Prayers for JACOB LOLLY. JACK gets to cook and wash dishes for as long as you are wounded and having to suffer with a band aid!!!LOL

I do most certainly hope the cam is restored before anyone fledges!! This comment made me laugh.

Summer break will be well earned for you SANDI... almost done.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed in for my 2 weeks check up on the eye.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like they all may travel to Fort Collins with me, Jo. We are working on it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm finally back here--Ken is running to the Post Office to pick up our accumulated mail, so I have the laptop to myself for a bit. Want to wish a belated Happy Mother's Day to all the Momsters!

We had the best time in Orlando with the kids! We're missing them something fierce since we are back home, though. We stayed at the Marriott Grande Vista timeshare while we were there--it is absolutely top notch! Just mind-blowingly beautiful. We went to Disney World on 3 different days (walked an average of 20,000 steps per day!!), and we loved it! Found out that Disney World is 25,000 acres big!
Felt like we walked the whole acreage by the time we were done, but what FUN!

Watched Courtney's cheer competition--her 'Platinum' team didn't make it to the finals because of a couple of injuries that caused a "bobble" in their routine. The "flier" that Courtney and another girl toss up in the air so she can stand on their hands came down with her foot in the wrong position when Courtney was to catch her, and she kicked Court in the right side of her head, really hard! Courtney and she managed to finish out the routine, but Court has a concussion, and the other girl has a hairline fracture in her ankle from hitting Court so hard! Courtney still has a headache, but should be OK in about a week. The one piece of great news is that the "Kryptonite" team of younger girls from Courtney's gym won 2nd place in the national finals!! Not too shabby!

I have a slew of pictures that I took, and hope to get them here where you can see them soon. If I work at night after Ken's in bed, I'll have more computer time to do it. I wish it could've been possible to meet with JudyE, but without my phone OR my laptop, I was basically out of the loop, so to speak.

I'm still not completely caught up here, either. I'm working on that! Keeping all of you in prayer. Will be back later, hopefully. Miss Emma is bugging me to say "Hello" for her. She's SO glad to be home!
I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch

Check out Google just a pic does nothing on my laptop not annimated

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Andy!

JudyEddy said...

shoot you were just a hop skip and a jump from me only a couple of hours tops Sure wish I had known I could have driven over to say HEY

JudyEddy said...

welcome home BTW
Its always good to be home isn't it
Was your weather great??

I am watching the White Rock nest right now My laptop is a pia today with the flashplayer message so I only have the one cam up I love love love that view Is that the ocean?? says Boundary Bay need to google that Looks like the tide is way out

JudyEddy said...

I watch the competitions from Disney all the time Is it going to be televised

JudyEddy said...

I see no LIVE or STILL Cam

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Back home. Darth went with me to select some flowers and vegetables.

Welcome back, Andy. Happy you had a great time. Pictures will be welcome.

Jo, hope the dr. says the eye is right on schedule. No blurries allowed.

Lolly, do hope that Jacob can be treated quickly. Be sure to milk that band aid injury for at least three or four days. lol

Today is turn the air conditioner on day. May get rain this afternoon. Humid.


stronghunter said...

Planted some lettuce seeds. Could use a bit of rain.

Came home to find the hummingbirds have emptied my feeder. Need to buy more sugar.

Mema Jo said...

Bummer that both cams are still down

I have returned from Eye Dr
80% of swelling has gone down on the cornea - Sending me to the Retina Dr
to check out a small amount of
swelling on the retina. I return
in 10 days after seeing the retina dr
He is thinking it may be 2 more
weeks before normal but said I am
going to keep a very close watch on you.

Lolly said...

Home from Lowes. Purchased a new dishwasher. Sure hope I like it when it comes to loading time. Asked them if I could bring dishes and practice loading. LOL Sure was the answer, but will pass it up. ☺

Maytag died, bought Bosch. Scary trying something new. Will get it in about a week, so a week of washing dishes.

Lolly said...

ahhh, but the Loon cam is up and there is an egg laid today!!! Awesome! Certainly missed it yesterday.

Shirley, very special that everyone is going with you to CO. Hope the weather cooperates.

I hear thunder and it is very dark. Come on rain!!!

Lolly said...

Dark as midnight, thunder, rain and wind. Turned on TV but all is well, no severe threats.

Hoda said...

OK the day continues to be sunny with blue skies and no wind to mention. TERRIFIC day.
I am headed out to yoga and maybe some errands. Slowing down a bit as yesterday was way way too busy and I need time to reflect and understand the meaning of things.

JO good follow up. Thank you.

LOLLY I will light a candle for JACOB tonight that his appointment and surgery go without hassle and that he heals fast and not have it get into the way of summer plans. Very happy you saw the children this Mother's Day. Zacharouskis response is so very charming. Love your Grands...The children are Michael and Laurel!!!I laugh how I see the adults as children, so fancy lawyer and teacher are children!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and I got a dilemma of sorts Just as I get home I noticed that-
My neighbor has decided to put a dish of cat food on my carport to feed the stray cats in the area
I know he does at his house but he is concerned for a momma cat that seems to have taken up my back yard to hide her 3 kittens in I think its the cats that my neighbor left a while back there is a male and female and now there are kittens
The momma cat he says is always at his house 4 times the other day he saw her eating
I told him I wouldn't feed them that a long time ago I got in trouble for feeding them and there is a 650.00 fine if busted
I do understand him wanting to put the food closer but would have been nice if he said something to me in regards to this. don't ya think??

JudyEddy said...

My neighbor just saw me come home and knocked on the door When I opened the door I yelled I am gonna kill you LOL he chuckles, I told him with the food out there they will never go away which is true But I can see his point I am gonna get a couple to traps he has one and the other I can get from my X to use Racoon traps What I will do is put food in the trap for a while getting them use to it then set the trap after a week or so and take them down
He said he was just in my back yard checking on them and one of the little kittens was stuck on the side of my screen porch I lost one side of the screen a year ago because of a big cat getting stuck and pulled the screen out

Lolly said...

We are now close to 2 inches of rain and it is still coming down. This following last weeks rain is wonderful. Come on...POUR!!

JudyEddy said...

OOPS clicked publish and wasn't ready He pulled the kitten of the side of the screen He said that they feel nice size not skinny at all but full of fleas and momma cat was hissing at him when he was rescuing the kitten

Heading to watch news

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY looks like more that 2 inches I say 4 of white space LOL

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful rainbow against the dark clouds with the rain shower and sun

Mema Jo said...

WOW Judy!
Did you do a face plant ?

Lolly said...

Jo, Judy is making fun of me. LOL

Watching The Voice if I can stay awake. My back acted up a little today and I took a muscle relaxer. Feeling a wee bit sleepy.

Mema Jo said...

I loved Jeopardy because my favorite guy is now a finalist.
I just finished watching Pie in the Sky - mystery.

Be sure to look for the moon tonight

Going to watch The Locket - 2 hr

Lolly - Judy = you 2 used up a lot of space. lol

Lolly the wildfires in Texas Panhandle - not a worry to your area. right?

Mema Jo said...

I am saying Goodnight to all
I know once this movie is over my eyes are going to be closing. So in case I don't return - this is it.

Night ♥
Prayers for all ♥

Judie said...

Hi all.

Jo, glad the healing is progressing. Will wait for the retina dr. report.

♪♫ Lolly did a face plant. Lolly did a face plant ♪♫

♪♫ JudyE did a copycat. JudyE did a copycat ♪♫

JudyE, why not call a local no-kill shelter to take the mom and kittens?

Hoda, thank you for slowing down. I am exhausted. Need to conserve energy to plant flowers and veggies. Even Sandperson hinted he may have to put some special brownie mix into your sleepy dust.

Now to watch some tv. BBL

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE CopyCat here LOL I was going to do that catch them and take them down there Trouble is how to catch 5 of them 3 kittens and the parents That is why I was thinking of putting food in the cage for awhile get them use to it before I set the trap If I have two cages may work I don't know down here you can get a cage from them to may check in to that Watching 24 back to it

Janet said...

good evening all. Nashville reporting in!

PUF is a spiritual gathering that we attend each year at Montgomery Bell Park. If you want to know more, you can google PUF TN and read all about it.

I look forward to it from the moment it ends til the next year when it begins again.

I have the RV packed with food. Tomorrow the clothes go in.

It was a good day. I am tired now. Ran a bunch of errands to get this, that and the other this evening.

Sounds like everyone has had a good day. Face plants, sand person wanting a vacay....looking into chopping off heads for a lack of breakfast in bed...oh and the paternity issue regarding the sandman day on the blog!

SED to all! good night!

Judie said...

Time to begin to close my eyes and get some sleep.

Thank you Janet for the PUF explanation. I know you will enjoy the experience.

JudyE, will hope the mom and kitties survive.

Sandperson is dragging a large satchel out the door as I type. He will be arriving soon.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Quiet weekend. Larry feeling pretty rough..thank goodness only 1week of treatment left...want my Larry back ...i know it will take awhile...just wish I could do something to make him feel better :-(

SED love and hugs for all <3

Lolly said...

I have managed to stay awake for the news and weather.

Jo, the fires are a long way from us. It takes us 5 hours to drive to the Texas Panhandle. We will be going through there next months when we go to Colorado.

Jack just now checked the rain gauge. We are up to 3 inches of rain. Can not tell you how long it has been since we have seen that much rain.

Heading to the pillow. Going to pop another pill. Should sleep well!

Night all! SED!!

Lolly said...

Paula, so very sorry Larry is having a rough time. Hang in there!

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you, Paula--
Prayers for Larry to feel better.

So happy for your rain, Lolly.

Will be waiting for the sandperson, Judie.

SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

PAULA hang in there!
You too LARRY.
Do sorry it has been so rough.
Prayers your way and sending LOVE and LIGHT to you both.
I hear you on wanting your LARRY back.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless us all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, happy to hear about your rain.

Janet, is this your first trip with the new RV?

Paula, prayers continue for Larry, and for his caretaker.

I think the pine pollen is just about finished here - now we just need some rain to clean everything off. I think by Thursday or Friday some is expected.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

good morning to all.

Yes, SANDI, this is our first trip in the RV. It is very exciting.

I am continuing to pack today. I work 9 to 1:30, pick Olivia up @ 2:30 (schools' out early) and then proceed to pack. Just remembered, I haven't packed any sweetener for coffee. Even when I make a list, I invariably leave something off the

anyway, another beautiful day here. rain moving in.

PAULA: holding you and LARRY close in heart and thought for healing and comfort.

hope everyone has a lovely day. (((hugs))) for all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Duke Farms eaglets banding today at 10 was on FB

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hope everyone is well. Will be back later.

Barbara said...

I don't know if anyone heard about this drama in northern Maine:
Too bad about the dad, but it looks promising for mom and both babies!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Must have had more rain last night as deck is wet. Hopefully all these storms will not be a problem for any of us. Seems impossible for CO to have snow.....

Morning Barbara Good to see you this morning and thank you so much for the url from all the drama up at the ME nest. Thank goodness for human intervention with nature when it's really needed.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Barbara. Thanks for the information. Good that the baby eagles have been rescued.

Hi, Jo. Good morning. Hope the eyes are working well today.

Mema Jo said...

Morning Shirley - Yes, the eyes are getting around to Normal. I have been thinking of you a lot and pray
you will always have your children to
rally around you - It is good that our kids have a chance to 'pay back'
for all we have done for them.

Mema Jo said...

Dana and Monte are having
an 25th year anniversary today.
I wish them many many more years of
love and happiness.

Judie said...

♪♫♪♫ Happy Anniversary to Dana
and Monty. ♪♫♪♫

Wishing you both a very special day.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Paula, so sorry Larry is having such a difficult time. Prayers continue for you both.

Lolly, you must be ecstatic with the rain. Flowers even more ecstatic.

Janet, enjoy the PUF and the first trip in the new RV. Two fun events at the same time.

Have finished my coffee and contemplating my navel. May try to get some flower pots ready to welcome their flowers.

Mema Jo said...

Most of us over on FB talk a lot with
Susan Hill -

Happy birthday Susan - enjoy your
special day

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Susan!!

I am in the middle of discussions with my children about the reality of how much this trip to Colorado will cost. Both Will and Susan had already bought plane tickets for other trips this summer, so I don't think we are all going to make it. Maybe a get-together later this summer. We will see.

Bird Girl said...

Hello all you wingnuts!

I'm sorry I haven't really been around, life has been crazy!

I'm fostering FIVE kittens for the humane society; I got two when they were 10 days old, and three when they were 3 weeks old. They are doing fantastically well!

I also have two baby birds I'm rehabbing, and I help take care of my neighbor's dog who had ACL surgery and needs walks and PT every day.

Oh, and my mom was in the hospital last week, so I was down there taking care of HER animals - and her house. Sadly, my mom has become the Crazy Cat Lady, and her living conditions have suffered. She has agreed to let me try to place several of her cats, and I did some cleaning for her to help spur her on to keeping her house in a habitable state. It was an extremely exhausting and stressful week for me, but I have hope that it will get better for her.

I think about you all, hope you know that! I peek in at the nest now and then, as well. Wish the camera were pointed just a little bit higher! Disappointed that the cam isn't working right now :(

Hope all of you are well, or working on it!

As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Shirley I'm sure that whatever you and your family are able to plan about going to CO will be the best you can do. With so many drivers is there any chance of a van rental cost + gas would get you there and back within 3 days or so. OR this summer give Jim's wife a plane ticket
to come to VA?
Just some options that cam across my mind. ((hugs))

Mema Jo said...

My delete - I am being impatient and clicking twice and getting double comments.....

Going to email Steve about cams.....

Mema Jo said...

Sent email about cam -
I will be on travel Monday May 5- Tuesday May 13. I will be checking
email regularly.

Hopefully by the 14th or 15th the cams will return.

Mema Jo said...

Delphia, I am so happy you could be there for your mom. I am sure she
appreciated everything you accomplished at the house.

I LOVE LOVE little Zoe Well, I really love them all! How cool it was to hear their little motors
running! ♥

Bird Girl said...

Mema Jo - thanks. Mom had to make some really tough decisions, and admit some tough truths about herself. I know it wasn't easy, but it had to be done. She is feeling better now, her medical issue passed without any lasting damage.

Mema Jo said...

DC Panda cam - Mei is doing her
famous Ray Charles dance at the treat

Mema Jo said...

Delphia, I pray for your mom to be
able to keep all those worthwhile
decisions that she made about herself
I feel you will keep tabs on her but I'm sure it is up to your Mom to be in control of the good life.

Judie said...

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN ♪♫ Hope the day is a special one. Enjoy!

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Shirley, Jo has a good idea to look into regarding a van and multiple drivers. Certainly worth checking out.

Hi Delphia. What a lot of responsibility. I'm sure you mom is very grateful as are all the furry critters. Please take care of yourself.

Too hot outside. Plan to keep my feet up and the ceiling fans twirling. Beauteous day here. Just hot.

Darth is bringing pizza home for dinner.


JudyEddy said...

and once more here we go again

I checked my schedule for the third week out and they have me 3 days 10-7 and t2 days 8-5 I emailed my asstmgr and her reply was She can no longer adjust people schedules and my availability does not reflect that should be 8-5 At present it is 7-7 so guess what I have the change form sitting here filled out at lunch for 7-530 So I guess they are starting the sh-t again as always
So I will probably get my hours cut by doing this I guess we will see
I just have to hang on for about another year then my house will be paid balance now is 4778.?? about 11 more payments but I also have a credit card that needs paid off and am working on it also

Mema Jo said...


Clayton worked very hard to figure out what was wrong. We had to order a new "box" to fix the problem. The part is ordered, we are waiting for it to arrive.

JudyEddy said...

JO thanks for the update

JudyEddy said...

I have the Pa and one of the MN nest up now

JudyEddy said...

a adult is in both nest

Mema Jo said...

Weather wise it feels like 89° at our nest. Chance of rain each remaining day of this week.

Lolly said...

Yea!!!!!!!!!!! Jacob is not having surgery, at least not now. He goes back in three months to the surgeon. He wants to see if it grows, calls it small now and said sometimes they dissolve. Hmmmmm???? We are very happy! God is good! Thank you for the prayers!

No more rain so far today. 2.7 yesterday and clouds could develop later on this afternoon but right now 70 and sunny. It was 50 this morning!

My back has also been much better today. Thinking of heading outside!

Lolly said...

Today would have been my father's 103rd birthday. He has been gone so long, it I hard to believe. He died when I was 25. We were very close. He was the one I could talk to. Also, I worked for him at his business.

Lolly said...

And....another big announcement. It looks like we will be welcoming a new granddog into the family. He is a Great Pyrenees pup, 7 weeks old. They will be picking him up Saturday.

Judie said...

Afternoon all.

Thank you Jo for the cam update and thanks to Steve and Clayton.

Lolly, really good news about Jacob and the soon to be new granddog. Maybe even a bit more rain.


JudyEddy said...

on the MN FB page they have a video of the two eaglets that were rescued and they are next to their mom at the hospital I am so happy to see this and that they did intervene This is what was attached to the video I will bring over the link not postive if you can see it but can't huirt to tryAvian Haven: "With their crate snuggled right up against their mother’s hospital cage, our little darlings are now in ‘visual isolation’ except for Mom. She's the only one they see. All are doing well! We hope to set up a video monitoring system, but until then we will have to keep photo updates to a minimum. For now, enjoy a little screeping eaglet"

JudyEddy said...

Bangor eaglets!
And here are the two eaglets from the Bangor nest, settled in at Avian Haven with nice full crops. They were very hungry but otherwise seem to be doing well. Their current ‘nest’ is in a habitat directly across from their mom’s hospital cage so they are in visual contact and can hear each other’s vocalizations. Once we see that all three birds are stable, we will try housing them together.

A tremendous amount of gratitude goes to Brent Bibles – tree climber, raptor biologist and Unity College professor – who climbed 90 feet up a large white pine to save these precious little ones. It was not an easy climb, and we are all in awe and admiration of Brent, who is the real hero of this story. Thank you, Brent! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

We will continue to share progress on this family via Facebook, so please do not call Avian Haven. We are extremely busy right now. Thank you for understanding.

Now shhhh, go to sleepy, little eaglets …….

forgot to add this was below a pic

JudyEddy said...

Two Harbors banding, live on camera, Thurs May 15

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all!
It is hot hot hot here in Nashville, almost 90! But the humidity is low. Olivia is out in the pool. I may go in when Tom gets home.

Let’s see: Happy Anniversary to Dana and Monte! Happy Birthday to Susan!
DELPHIA: wow, you have had your hands full. I know your mom must appreciate your help!!!!
SHIRLEY: I know you will make the best possible decisions….just breathe….(hugs)
JUDYE: so sorry that wally world is back to their usual antics. Hang tough sis.
LOLLY: such wonderful news!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

I think I am mostly packed…. I THINK. HOWEEVER…now the weather is supposed to turn sour, that is severe storms possible tomorrow afternoon/evening. If that comes to pass, I think we will stay home tomorrow night and drive down Thursday morning….PUF begins Thursday morning anyway, so we won’t really miss anything. We shall see.

Not a lot else going on. Work was good. I went to target after and exchanged the books that Michael got me for mothers day. I just didn’t want to read the hunger games series, too dark for me. I bought 3 other books instead.

My kindle died. I will get a new one next week. Found out staples carries them.

Will check in later!

JudyEddy said...

2014 Duke Farms Bald Eagle Banding today cool info in the beginning of the video also

JudyEddy said...

the video is long 1:41 but you cam FF to about 55 min and the eaglet are down but I enjoyed listening to the history of Duke Farms

JudyEddy said...

just on the news sports
The baseball game between Houston and Texas did you all see the disappearing ball???
After it was hit it It ended up going up his shirt LOL Trying to find it It was on Fox

JudyEddy said...

LOOK like the Nest is under Storm warnings My icon for TWC app is RED

Hoda said...

Thank you for the update from STEVE JO.
Thank you fir news of the rescue and the update as to how well they are doing.
Pretty funny looking family showed up at the hospital however...They must have wondered who all you people were!!!LOL!!! LOVE and LIGHT to your family LOLLY and LAUREL.

Very good day here too. Am very pleased I saw the Beaver in the lake this morning and he did not come ashore...
Plants continue to blossom and I feel blessed with the energy that is counter acting some of the sad things happening here. Blessed Be. The three boys have not been recovered...Chances are they will not find them. Slocan Lake is 500 meters deep. The Prime Minister's son, Mich Trudeau got swept in an Avalanche a few years back and we have yet to recover him...If it is any consolation breath taking areas they perished in...

In an hour I will head out to yoga and will check in at night...

I love us.

Mema Jo said...

Storm is headed into our valley

Greatest news ever that Jacob doesn't
need surgery.......

Headed into watch Jeopardy and hope
electric stays on........

Wondering if Shirley is at baseball
practice with Hunter.......


Lolly said...

Yes, very weird family at the hospital. LOL Funny shaped family!!

Cosmo Fritz....the new family member is plumb tuckered out and asleep. Luke is very excited to have a new brother. LOL

Lolly said...

Now using Firefox. Windows kept updating which killed IE. So we would uninstall the updates. Then a day later updates again and again no IE. So, have now downloaded and using Firefox.

Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Dinner, pizza, over. Not much kitchen cleanup.

Feeling tired tonight. Maybe the onset of hot and humid weather. AC is on but still uncomfortable.

Hope everyone is having a good evening.

Sandperson's alarm should wake him at 10pm. He will fill a large satchel of sleepy dust and be on his way.

Headed to the pillows early tonight. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...


Watched clouds gathering while we were at baseball practice. Now thunderstorms are rumbling through. I got some zinnia seeds planted earlier today.

Have been gathering pictures to send to Chris and Shirley for the memorial service.

I talked with Shirley this afternoon. She is still staying at Chris's house and has a friend staying with her. All three of her sisters are coming, one from Taiwan. She is also expecting a school friend from Taiwan who will stay with her a month or so. Shirley is Chinese. She and her sisters grew up in Taiwan. I know that two of them came to the US and took American names. I've met Margaret, the one who lives in the DC area, but not the others.

stronghunter said...

Interesting thing about my brother's household in Fort Collins: You learn new things about using chopsticks. How many of you all have used chopsticks to flip frying bacon? I have.

stronghunter said...

Okay, Jo, how did Jeopardy turn out? I was at the baseball field.

stronghunter said...

Probably will miss Jeopardy again tomorrow night. Susan is coming down to visit.

stronghunter said...

Saying good night to my blog friends. God bless.


Mema Jo said...

I'll fill you in tomorrow Shirley
I did watch and enjoyed it but the
3 pics don't look like the guy who
won and I didn't remember his name.
Whoever he was - he was just as sharp as the winner was the day before - this playoff is going to be one challenging game.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all ♥


magpie said...

Knock Knock Knock
and Hello and Good Night
Precious Pals...
It's tomorrow here in Martinsburg West Virginia,

I am caught up more or less on the Blog Doins'

Prayers of Gratitude for Good
Events amongst us...and
Prayers of Asking for Needs needing to be met amongst us....

Lovins' and (( HUGS )) to all...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless us all.

Flipping frying bacon with chop sticks!!! Well I have never done that!!! God Bless your family SHIRLEY.

JUDIE sorry you were tired and make sure you drink lots of liquids and stay hydrated.

I feel very good about my day and keeping PAULA and LARRY in prayers.

The new Gran dog is to be called Cosmo? Yes indeed he adopted a family with very funny shapes!!! Love your family LOLLY.

I will check in in the morning.


Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Have had my nose in a book that Laurel brought to me today.☺

A video of Cosmo was sent to me but said it was for grandparent eyes only as Joseph was in his undies. So what does Joey do....puts pics on fb. Not fair for Joseph. Hope he does not find out! Anyway, he is a cute pup and I will meet him Friday.

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Wednesday. Wish it was Friday - sigh.

Lolly, what great news about Jacob not needing the surgery and about the Pyranees pup. I hope Laurel has a good vacuum cleaner!! She'll also need to get used to things (like lamps) being knocked off of tables and broken. They should take lots of photos of Cosmo while he's little b/c he's going to grow by the minute!

Prayers continue for Larry and his most excellent nurse, Paula!

Shirley, what a coincidence that your sister-in-law's name is also Shirley! Prayers continue for you and your family as you deal with your brother's death.

Jo, are you headed to the beach soon?? If so, we owe you dinner!

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

good morning to all. Wild and wacky Wednesday. Slept in til 7. I don't have to be anywhere til 9:30. :)

Raining. Still not sure if we are going tonight or tomorrow.Just a wait and see situation!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
You caught me Sandi - headed down today even if there isn't any sunshine - We'll only be there until
the end of the week as there is a
2yr old's b=day party on Sunday.
I will try to call you at home but just maybe we could eat out in Fenwick on Thursday evening.

Hoda said...

So JO was going to go to the beach without telling us?
Uh oh not good!
Thank you SANDI for bringing it up!

Good morning everyone.

Safe travels JO and ED.

Beautiful here. Must spend as much time as I can outside.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I think Jacob is safe - on
FB there isn't any video of him with Cosmo - there are a few photos on Laurel's page but nothing embarrassing. Laurel probable took care of it lol.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...