Monday, November 25, 2013


New thread.


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Sandi said...

Woohoo!! New thread - thanks, Steve! Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the NCTC folks!

Sandi said...

One work day down and one to go!

The sub who was supposed to come in today and tomorrow for the math teacher who is out on medical leave decided that she really didn't want to come back this week - can you believe it??? And, since she told me at the end of the day on Friday that she would plan the lessons for today and tomorrow, that meant there was no work for the kids again!! I had to teach the first period class while the secretary found someone else who would come in at the last minute, which isn't awful since I love math, but still!

Need to fix food for people and pets - later!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over SANDI and congrats on the feather Late thread I see

JudyEddy said...

this is sooo odd I am still getting emails I guess that were lost in limbo from 10 this am just came in my box I guess may take a while to catch up

JudyEddy said...


That is the balance of my house

what a nice # getting closer to my retirement my goal was to have house and vehicle paid and almost there

magpie said...

Wheee Doggy, Steve, Thanks for the brand spanking thread just a wee while ago...
Congrats Sandi....a feather for you,
and thanks for the call over

Bummerini on that sub situation...
not so sure that reflects well on reliability for the next request for work !! Glad you like Math...I do too, and would love to be a student in your class !!

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the fresh, new thread! It's always appreciated.

Congratulations on grabbing the feather, SANDI! And, thank you for the call over. Happy to be here.

LOLLY, or do I call you Lokly... did you get your cooking underway today?

SHIRLEY, GRANNY and JO, like KAY said, nice that you still have your own teeth!

Thanks for the encouragement, JANET, JUDYE and JO. I scored an 84% on the Anatomy and Physiology final - 300 questions and labeling bones! I'm very satisfied with that. I worked hard for that 84!

Just got off the phone with Kate and looked up the MD weather - looks like you're in for some nasty freezing rain tomorrow morning. We'll get it here later in the day and up to 6" of more snow.

I got my new clinical assignment and will be at a hospital about 40 miles from here for the next 2 months. Glad Cindy and I carpool.

HODA, loved your post this morning on feeling so blessed. You make me smile. Thanks for spreading the good cheer.

MARGY, once I get a moment I will Google Tundra Swan sounds.

Need to get some studying done for tomorrow's test then hit the hay.

Big goodnight (((HUGS)))


magpie said...

Counting my shoes, socks, footies,
underwear, long johns, pajama bottoms, cover alls, sleeveless vest, scarf and hat, and two gloves...I think that is 16 items of clothing: Enough !!!
I was a real glamour queen when out and about today....

magpie said...

that's a good amount, JudyE, will manage all that well, I's the Judy way!

magpie said...

That is an awesome score !!!
We are so proud of you!

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, so proud of you for the low balance on your house! That is awesome, girlfriend!

magpie said...

You would like my hat, it is yellow....knit cap, and I get a lot
of compliments on it! a Goodwill special, of course !!!

I saw what was either a male Bufflehead
or a male Hooded Merganser duck today....on a quarry was
quite a distance away for a good view, and whatever it was, I think it had some female pals with him

Lori O. said...

Thanks, MARGY! So happy to be able to share the joy with all of you. Love the clap, clap, clap! :)
Thank you, you guys have no idea how much your support means to me and encourages me.

magpie said...

I;m still waiting on a Tundra Swan encounter...but they will migrate from many Northern climates for several weeks. First time I saw and heard them, was on December 6 one year.

Lori, they will always be on the Google spot, not to worry !

ttfn, boatloads of stuff to do

JudyEddy said...

great news on the score
we are sooo proud of you
I join MARGY in a round of applause

I am off tomorrow and being I was scheduled for Thur but can't work it they never gave me the one day back
and off course I didn't mention anything
I was thinking about calling them and say I could work I know they would say yes - but in a way I want the day off but I could use the xtra $$$

Hoda said...

Well Thank you STEVE for the new Thread. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thank you SANDI JUDYE for the new thread alert.
Glorious Day here.
I am loving the dry roads and temperatures in the twenties.

Waiting on LOLLY and JACK to check in after their trip to Ft Worth.
Glad you have email JUDYE.

Hoda said...


Congratulations JUDYE on remaining amount on house.

16 items you said for clothing...
REALLY REALLY REALLY they must be at least 17 I would say!!!

Seriously there dear lady you must pack some of them too.
Where are you going anyway???

Well now I will go get a cup of tea as I got this worry off of my back!
Wait till LOLLY or JUDIE hear our MARGY is not packing pyjama tops!!!

O. M. G!!!

JudyEddy said...

Video is done It is 3 min 16sec long short but sweet

EAGLE PORN, Nesting Material Delivered, Eagle Talk and a Poopshoot at the end was dark at the later part of the video

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Interesting day!! Trip to Fort Worth was uneventful, roads was the beforehand that was blood pressure rising!!

I was getting ready to leave 45 minutes before my appointment, allowing plenty of time. Got my purse and was missing my billfold with all my stuff!!! Yikes! Immediately thought of church, but no one answered the phone. Decided to drive to church, parked and started walking up to the door where I discovered a homeless person deep inside a sleeping bag. (Sort of the back door to the church, up in a alcove, covered and three walls.) I back up quickly, got in the car and drove around to the front of the church. I have a key and also saw that Angie was there. She is the director of our daycare. I found my billfold, she called Terri our secretary and I hurried off to my appointment. Made it with 2 minutes to spare. Found out later that Terri had already seen him and called the police as well as our board chairman. Found out he is Burleson's only homeless person, known by the police as harmless. He is fed by a pizza place with their leftover pizza each day. So, they left him there.

Anyway, it made for an interesting start to my day! Oh, an my blood pressure did not go up, it was good. LOL

Lolly said...

I also called a friend and her husband went down to the church. Richard made sure that Terri was okay with the man sleeping outside that door.

magpie said...

Oh Lolly,
good report...sorry I did not send along well wishes to you on your travels and appointment BEFORE
you left earlier....
all's well that ends well?
Poor soul, homeless....that is
a sad thought....just never know what is the rest of the story on those things sometimes

magpie said...

I call them PJ bottoms, but they are really like lounge type pants...I have pj's but seldom wear them exactly as a set per so.......but it was an extra layer and comfortable underneath the
more bulky coveralls, not bibs, but the real deal, sleeves and all....
and, in Camo :)
I was nearly invisible I guess

shower time here !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets.

Magpie, I wanted to tell you that I delivered your card to Alice and she was blown away by it.

She goes to the surgeon on December 5. The blood work they did looked good as far as cancer markers so they think they are getting it at it earliest stage.

The illness she had that set this in motion was mono and cytomegalovirus. You can google that to get details on it. It very well may have saved her life.


magpie said...

That is powerful...the chance happening of those those two illnesses bringijng the more serious matter to the forefront!
Thanks for sharing this with us...
and giving us the opportunity
to be part of the Prayer Power
..and thanks, for making the delivery...I'm always proud to say "an Eaglet Momster friend of...[in this case, YOU ]

magpie said...

I set 8 pm as my Shower time, guess what, I am two hours and a few minutes behind schedule

Good Night, in advance...Precious Pals....



God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe...Margy just sleeps with Chanel No. 5 on!!! LOL!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Made my bi-weekly trip to Wally world. Found a little 4' Christmas tree and some lights for the front yard and a lighted angel for the window.

A world of difference down here today without the wind roaring at 40mph.

Worked on some paperwork tonight.

Gotta watch the news tonight...think it's just supposed to be rain here the next couple of days. We'll see if we can get any rockfishing in this week.

Yes! I am off Friday! Will be at Larry's all weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, encouraging news on Alice!

I have to find a dentist down here...I am overdue for my cleaning!

Lori, great job on your test! Wow that hospital is aways away! Glad you can carpool with someone!

JudyEddy said...

OH MY just on the new they are talking about people getting jewelry on their eyeball

JudyEddy said...

3,000 for the procedure

JudyEddy said...

not FDA approved but is in Europe but some people are doing it here

JudyEddy said...

I posted it on facebook was from their fb page FOX

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread Steve - I sure am late finding it! Thanks Sandi for the call over to everyone and Judy for the back up call over.

Mema Jo said...

Lori - 84% is a fantastic number!
Once again I can say Congratulations!

Mema Jo said...

Sad story of the homeless man down at your church. Thankful that he was allowed to rest ♥

Mema Jo said...


4th qtr starting and it is 24 to 6
San Francisco 49ers winning.... :(

Mema Jo said...

Gong to close for the day

Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for all our needs


paula eagleholic said...

Oh bummer on the Skins game. Not being broadcast down here.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh bummer on the Skins game. Not being broadcast down here.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

That time of night. Getting on to Buenos noches!

Yes, I thought it good that the police and everyone else were willing to not disturb the sleeping homeless man. The police know him and say it his choice to be homeless. Interesting, but I think there are many that way just not in our town. I think there are more in the cities.

Colder temps tonight, they say and snow flurries. Sigh....

Nite all! SED!

(You rock, Lori!!)

stronghunter said...

From what I saw, Paula, you did not miss much.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night to everyone. Did a quick read-back, but I am too sleepy to add my comments this evening.

It was a busy day.

Hoda said...

Channel 5?
That is all?
Gracious me!
Can we say RISQUÉ???

LOLLY all the right steps were taken in regards the homeless man. There but for the Grace of God go I always comes to mind. I do not understand making a choice to be homeless and I do not know his circumstances. God keep him safe. He knew enough to take refuge outside of the church in a protected area.

When it gets really cold here there are two churches here that do soup kitchen and allow people to sleep there out of the elements. We have a shelter but sometimes it is full. Transients get caught here sometimes and I worry about them.

Increasingly the face of homelessness and food bank users is that of respectable people with a family. Some even hold two jobs!!! Honestly I was shocked when this was said in a City Council Meeting!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless us all


Lori O. said...

Good Tuesday morning to all in Eagleland!

LOLLY, so glad the homeless man was allowed to rest at the church and that he is known as harmless. Bless his heart. What is cooking today in Lolly's kitchen?

Anyone else starting to cook today?

PAULA, happy you and Nick will have an extended weekend at Larry's place.

HODA, will you celebrate Thanksgiving? I know you live in Canada, but you did live in the States for a while.

KAY, what are you taking to Julie's for Thanksgiving. Hope it's not too much prep and cooking.

So, JUDYE, what worked out with your schedule...are you off or working Thanksgiving?

More snow and freezing rain on the weather map here today, but freezing rain should be after I get home from hospital orientation late this afternoon...then up to another 5" of snow tonight. Have a test this morning on the Surgical Patient, and a math tutoring session set up for tomorrow after school if the weather isn't too bad.

Hope everyone has a beautiful day full of love, light, joy and smiles - it's a short week. YAY!

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Lori, congrats on the 84!! Quite a drive to your next hospital assignment - you and your friend can use the drive time to review together!

Judy, big congrats on the mortgage balance!! Way to go, girl!!

Shar, great news about the prognosis for Kelsey's mom.

It's my Friday, I can do this!! Prayers continue for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, both Norms (yay to Lolly's Norm on his homecoming today), and for Michael.

Have a great day all - stay warm. No rain for the beach but a nor'easter is what the weather guys are saying (rain and wind starting this afternoon).

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

(note, woman in red robe running about tossing confetti in celebration, uh me) for another GREAT GRADE BY OUR LORI! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rock the grades!!! (shakes pom poms) (sits down)

Congrats LORI!
Well, we had a surprise yesterday afternoon. It SNOWED and STUCK. At least, for a little while. Then there was sleet. Then rain. Today, at 3 p.m. a winter weather advisory is in effect for…more snow?????? WHAT?????? We shall see.
Livvy has her last day of school today. Supposed to have ice skating practice @ 4:45, but I just emailed her coach that if the weather is nasty, just go home. No reason to chance a wreck.
I have my wed clients today. So two 30 min massages then I am done til Friday. However, like everyone else baking and cooking.
I left work early yesterday. During my 3rd massage I started a coughing fit. Typically stepping out, having some water, blowing my nose, etc takes care of it. I could not get it to stop. So with the client’s permission, I got a colleague to finish the massage. I brought him in the room, introduced them explained the session to him, and left. I transferred my remaining client to another therapist and went home. Ugh.
Homeless. Sad to say, but Nashville has a great many of them. We are in the cross roads of I 65, I 40 and I 24 and they come here, some I suppose on their way somewhere else? Some stay. Now they sell this newspaper on the corner, the Contributor for $1. They get to keep 75cent of the $1. The theory was to help them to earn money to move themselves up in the world, and yet, year after year, the same ones are on the corner. At least they are not panhandling… heart goes out to them, especially on days such as today, but so many have addiction problems, refuse help….real help. They’ll take a buck to go get whatever, beer, wine, pills. But real help is refused. It is a sad sad problem that breaks my heart, and I don’t know what the answer is. My mind says, help them to clean up, get them a real job to earn some money, give them a hand up not a hand out….but I also know many of them do NOT want a real job…they don’t want to be “tracked”…on the grid so to speak. And some have sincere mental health issues. Very very sad and heartbreaking.

Well anyway, need to get moving. I gotta get my girls (heelers) in as it is staring to rain/sleet. And I need to get myself moving.

I’ll check in later. Its pie and stolen baking day! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Mema Jo said...

God morning to all my friends ♥
Just pouring my 1st cup of coffee -
I have put the peanuts out - raining now in my valley. Temp is at 30° -
nO wind so it doesn't feel too chilly right now. Sure hope it stays just rain & that the temps don't drop.

Mema Jo said...

Just got a Thanksgiving card from our friend, Jim. He is always so very thoughtful in sending greetings for all occasions.

Mema Jo said...

I just spotted on my bird feeder and grill some small Ice Cycles

Oh No

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!! A snowy, frosty one here and I know it's even snowier and frostier where so many of you are.

LORI, good on you for the 84 ! Too bad the hospital is 40 miles away, but won't it be nice to stay be in one place for a couple of months ? Hope there is a good Inn nearby in case there is too much ice n' snow for driving. I'm only fixing deviled eggs to be used for appetizer or with Friday's sandwiches. It's a surprise for Julie, who loves em'. I'm also taking an Autumn centerpiece for the table. Otherwise, she and Hugh have everything bought and ready for the fixin'.

LOLLY, talk about Smallsville ! That one homeless soul has found himself a good spot. We, of course, have countless numbers, filling our shelters, especially during the winter ! Keeps us busy at the food banks and pantries, too. I know what you mean HODA and JANET, for some of them it's a desired lifestyle and I can't relate. But for all too many it's a matter of ill fortune in these troubled times. God bless and keep them !

JUDY, what a great feeling it is to get close to zero on big loans ! So glad you're going to enter retirement without such worries.

JO, happy to know you've heard from Jim ! I hope he knows we've been missing him. Looking forward to the return of our beautiful eagles and their many admirers, too !

Heads up ! A rare and beautiful yellow headed MAGPIE has been spotted in Shepherdstown and the surrounding area. Thought to be one of a kind it occasionally migrates to places like Germany and Northern CA. May be hard to spot because it seems to be able to shed the yellow head feathers at will. Seems almost tame and responds to the name MARGY when talked to. Keep cameras at the ready !!!

SANDI, so happy it's your Friday and hope you have a wonderful few days away from those kids n' classes !

PAULA, have a wonderful holiday with Larry !

SHAR, praying for Alice daily and will put in an extra word on Dec. 6th !

Prayers, too, for all in need !


Lolly said...

Good morning. Having a heat wave, it is up to 39.

Yes, more cooking today. Today, I will do the sweet potatoes, Joseph's pumpkin dessert, and the yeast rolls. Have a great recipe for the rolls. I make the dough now and keep it refrigerated until Thursday morning. Then shape the rolls and let them rise on Thurs morn.

While I have been preparing food, Jack has been doing his own cooking. He has decided to make at least 4 different cheese balls and serve them Wed night. He wants to find the best cheese ball ever! LOL He has also made "Trash", the Chex Mix for snacking. As if we needed to snack!

I might also do the mashed potatoes. Have a recipe for them includes baking them, so I can mix them now and bake on Thursday.

That will leave for tomorrow the pies and the dressing. Turkey is still thawing in the garage refrigerator.

Hoda said...

Good beautiful morning all.
Good beautiful afternoon where you are.

Amazing my sister Susan flew to California a few weeks ago and did well.
Remember she is the one who had her esophagus removed.
Well she is on her way to London England to spend Thanksgiving with her son and his family also with a niece and her family. Amazing rather.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

79° out now and windy as all heck
cold front went through and is now coming up from the south as a warm front so we will be in for some big thunderstorms later today May not have to watch Jordyn tonight because if it rains and storms Carls ball game will be cancelled waiting to see

LORI I am not working on Thanksgiving I am sticking to my guns a NA day is a NA day they had me scheduled out of my realm of hours 7-7 they had me scheduled 2pm-11pm and I am having Jordyn spend the night Thanksgiving nite so that would not work at a plus a NA day so I am off tomorrow as well as today

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon girlfriends!

JUDYE, you get a long stretch of days off being NA for Thanksgiving. Cool for you. You'll have a blast with Jordyn. Are you going to Angie's for Thanksgiving?

LOLLY, sounds like you have your plate full (pun intended) already with all the cooking you're doing.

KAY, Big hugs! Sounds like you're going to make it a wonderful Thanksgiving for Julie and family, and of course, you'll get to spend more time with Seth!

SANDI - YAY for you on your Friday! This morning dragged on and on at the hospital. It's a nice place though, big and professional with a cariac and lung wings and a cancer center. I'll be working on the third floor which also is home to the maternity ward! Hope you get to talk to Brian this weekend. That would be special.

JANET, thanks so much for all the cheers! You painted a great picture and I loved it! Rah, Rah, Rah! Hope you've survived and gotten past the coughing spell.

HODA, are you still using your dehydrator? Was wondering what you have in it now?

It's STILL snowing here. We got out of clinical at the hospital early because of the weather, but big beauteous (as MARGY would say) flakes are falling. Supposed to get another up to 3" this afternoon, 3 - 5 tonight, and 1 - 3 tomorrow.

I'm supposed to do a shift at the Sr. Center (for school) in town tomorrow, but it might be cancelled. Hope it doesn't sound selfish but I would love to not have to go out in this weather tomorrow.

Hope you, each and every one of you, has a great and blessed day.

Prayers all around.

Sandi said...

Hi all! WOOHOO - It's my weekend!!!! Wish every weekend could be 5 days long! ;)

Left school early to get my stitches removed in my leg. One incision is very well healed; the other is coming along but was much deeper, so it will take a while longer to completely heal. I'm scheduled to play tennis this coming Sunday, which is still 5 more days away so I think I'll be fine.

I finally got confirmation from the first furniture company that they have agreed to refund the full purchase price of the furniture we ordered. They have asked me to please contact the NY Better Business Bureau and the NY Attorney General's office to let them know. I MIGHT decide to do that. Then again, after all the grief they put me through, I may just let those 2 offices and my credit card company harass them a bit longer.

The rain hasn't arrived here yet but it's still in the forecast along with a lot of wind.

JudyEddy said...

Will be going over to Angie mother in laws (MaryPat) for dinner Do every year since I have been off on Thur
This will be the last at her house they have it up for sale

Angie texted me that they still want me to come over so Carl game must be still on We ave Tornado warnings till 10pm

JudyEddy said...

and Jordyn will be coming home with me since she is spending the night Angie and Carl anniversary is on Wed so MaryPat is having Jordyn over Wed night and then Thur she will be with me give the kids some alone time

Janet said...

good afternoon. almost time to go get the kid. weather is cloudy and chilly, but dry at the moment.

1 pecan pie done and cooling.
1 pecan pie about to come out of the oven in 15 min.

two down. 3 to go.

2 pumpkin.
1 chess

its been a good day. i am enjoying my peace and quiet. goodness knows i won't have any for a bit. tom and livvy will be home tomorrow.... while nice on one hand, a bitof peace and quiet can be equally as nice on occassion!

lol. went into publix today, decided i must have another bag of flour...just in case i need more. anyway, lol, as i entered in, (wearing black jeans and a black polo shirt ) and woman asked me "child, where is your coat?"

i suppose i did look odd in short sleeves as all the other customers were filing in in coats, jackets and assorted winter wear as it is only in the 30's. i chuckled and said, in the car. she looked taken aback...and i said, hot flash.
she grinned and said, say no more! i get it.

my chuckle for the day.

hope yours isgoing as well!

Mema Jo said...

Still raining here - temps to rise tonight and that is so unusual...
But I'll accept it!

Good on you Sandi and the furniture company. Hoping your new piece comes in time for Christmas.

Kay - you had me on the magpie at first! lol

Lori - you have so much snow already here in Nov - hoping you can have a day of your own.

Judy enjoy your upcoming overnight
Stay safe in your weather!

Janet - you are maxing your oven with sll those pies!

Kay said...

LORI, the maternity ward, how special ! I'd love that !

HODA, hurray for Susan and hurray for prayers answered !

SANDI, I'd just let that company stew. They can inform those entities, sending proof of payment. Why should you do it ?

JUDY, enjoy your Jordyn one on one time. We grandparents thrive on such opportunities, don't we ?

JANET, hmmm chess pie--a fav before Diabetes II !

Snowing here at the moment, too. I'm so glad Penny enjoys those flakes. She gets as wet as when rain is falling and she hates rain. What's the difference ? Only she knows. ☺

Lolly said...

Sitting down at the moment. Jack finally finished his cheese balls. Too funny! He has enjoyed making them.

Let's see...I made Joseph's pumpkin dessert, sweet potatoes are ready and just need to be reheated and I got the dressing made!! Wahoo!

Did a little more house cleaning, so I am ready for the gang. Laurel and family will be here tomorrow afternoon! Jack bought steaks for dinner tomorrow night, so I do not have to cook.

Tomorrow is pie day!! Also, need to mix the dough for the rolls since I did not do it today.

Lolly said...

Watching a live police chase on TV and the news. Scary!

Lolly said...

OMG! The police rammed him and he is still going.

Lolly said...

They finally stopped him! His car is surrounded. News is on 7 second delay and will not show if inappropriate.

magpie said...

Okay, all right already!
All this food talk is making me
very very hungry!!

Good Evening Eagle Pals!
Wowser, lots of heavy rain here but temperatures remaining above freezing, we are fortunate on that.

Kay: This yellow-headed Magpie Needs to get to Shepherdstown more often, for sure, but I did zip down there after work today, there is a really friendly computer place there, I am working to try to
get a PC/desktop computer going
You are so funny!

magpie said...

Good news, on the stitches healing....Sandi....get that racket out and start gazing upon its soon-future use

Lori: May you get your wish and NOT have to travel Wednesday....I know how you like to gaze at the snowy outdoors, inside... through the window of a nice cozy abode

magpie said...

hope you feel all better soon, Janet..."the bug" must still be roaming around in your system...
Get Thee Some Rest !

JudyE..tornado warnings...really!
I hope all will be well there....
Enjoy your Thanksgiving day off...

magpie said...

My Cat Caring duty came to an early hunting friend and five his pals bailed early from their hunting vacation today due to inclement weather....way down South in West Virginia, not too far from where Sharon and the Southern Delegation are.
I WAS looking forward to two more days looking after "Jake." But I know he is tickled that his Master is home

magpie said...

Going to watch the national weather now and see what all my relatives are going to experience...

Oh it is good to be inside where it is warm and dry...wish that every one could have this blessed luxury

Hoda: Wonderful, about your American Sister....Bravo on her healing, and Hooray for her transatlantic Journey!

magpie said...

ttfn...Enjoy your evenings, eagle pals....

Lolly: I hope you get to sample
Jack's cheese balls !! I love that kind of chow!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening folks just popping in to say had a wonderful evening at kids house tornado warning expired everything ok Cold front is meeting the warm front and causing the storms supposed to storm though the night its rumbling out there now I love going to sleep in a storm can hear the rain on my back porch roof when the windows are open nice for sleeping

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness, and Safe

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

Hoda said...

I wrote about Susan because it was amazing that when I asked for prayers for her you all came through.
The Power of Momster Prayers.
Thank you all ever so very much.
Amazed that she is spending Thanksgiving in England with her sons her husband and her nieces and her great nephew. Miracles happen.
Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Had a wonderful Yoga class.
The town is decorated for Christmas already.
It looks very pretty. Homes are starting to light up their lights too.
Sitting 27 and it is clear. The stars are twinkelling.
I feel blessed.

All the cooking LOLLY . Sounds delicious.
Make sure you post pictures of your family gathering.

Lolly said...

Laurel sent me pictures of her mantle and two Christmas trees all decorated. She has not been cooking but decorating, so when she goes back to school her decorating will be done. They plan to put up decorations outside this weekend if the weather cooperates.

We will put ours up as well if the weather is nice and then I will start on the inside, but it is all Thanksgiving decorations right now!!

Hoda, your sister is doing so well!!! Fantastic!

Time to head to the pillows before I fall asleep sitting here.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Sunrise 7:18AM
Sunset 3:55 PM

Less than a month till December 21st!
I can do this!

Lori O. said...

Good morning and happy Wednesday eagle family!

Not sure yet if I have to go to the Senior Center or not today. Had a lot of rain the latter part of yesterday that really iced up the roads for today. Don't care to go out in it, but I also have a local math tutoring session this afternoon, so I can work on the latest bunch of math homework over the weekend.

HODA, so happy for your sister, Susan. That would be a Thanksgiving to remember. OH, what did I miss that is happening on Dec. 21st???

SANDI, your Thanksgiving vacation is underway. Hope you hear from Brian. I'm sure he'll be missing the family gathering and you.

MARGY, I loved KAY's yellow Magpie story from yesterday. Had me going at first, too. How fun to be a bird just for a day!

JO, do all the kids come to your house for Thanksgiving, or where do you go? I know it'll be one large gathering.

LOLLY, have fun getting your rolls and pies done today before the arrival of Laurel and family. Ah, such happy times. Wish I could have had time to go to MD for Thanksgiving, but will try to get there for Christmas.

KAY, are you making your deviled eggs today or tomorrow? Hope your weather isn't icy.

JUDYE, bet it will be crazy busy in the store today, even more so tomorrow, but you won't be there tomorrow. Glad you got safely through the tornado warnings.

JANET, I'm sure everyone will love your pies. Hope you have today off to just veg and be at home. :)

Have a great day all! Be safe whatever you do. Love ALL of YOU!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Bandit and Bella forgot that today isn't a work day for me - they woke up at 6am. When bandit wakes up, we get him outside in a hurry b/c, if not, we have a puddle to clean up, so I am up for the day.

Judy, would not want to be you and work where you work today - make the best of it!

Lori, safe driving if you have to go out. It's raining but 62 degrees here. Temps will be falling as the wind shifts to the northeast this morning.

Hoda, what wonderful news about Susan!!

Kay, I also loved your yellow magpie story! :)

Lolly, is this the first Christmas for Laurel and the family in their new house? I don't remember exactly when they moved in. I DO remember that, back at the old house in Balto., I knew where everything went when I put out my Christmas decorations. When we moved here, everything had to find a new spot. Some things didn't work anymore and had to be replaced with other things.

Have a great day everyone! BTW, I recently had my 2 year anniversary as a Momster! It was 11/22/11 when I posted for the 1st time. What a blessing it has been for me to find this group - I love every one of you! ♥

Sandi said...

When I said "some things didn't work anymore and had to be replaced," I didn't mean they stopped working. I meant I just couldn't find "the perfect place" for them in this house.

Dogs are settled in their beds here in the sunroom - maybe I'll see if I can fall back to sleep on the sofa - later!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds wow HOda your sunset is early

sunrise 702
sunset 536

JudyEddy said...

70 ° out now and that will be our high for the day

40° tonight

cold front came through still raining slightly now and windy

35mph wind gust as the front is coming in

magpie said...

G'Morning and G'Day Eagle Pals...

looks like rain, 30's and wind and snow showers today for my area.:
LOL first I typo-ed "Snowers" :)

Best Wishes to ALL for a very good,
safe, warm and serene day
And that goes for All Pets also!

ttfn, worktime looms quickly


Lori O. said...

Still waiting to see if I have to go out today, but I'm thinking I will. Darn! It's snowing now and supposed to add another 3 inches today. Enough already! :)

Prayers for everyone to have a safe and happy day.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Dropping in quickly to check on what's happening, and to say


I am SOOO busy doing work for the doctor! Got to finish these reports and get them sent back to him so I don't have that task hanging over me. Almost finished!

Have some cranberry sauce to make, and celery, onion, parsley, and bread to get ready so I can make the stuffing for the turkey quickly tomorrow morning. Also must make creamed corn ahead of time.

Hoda, praise God for the amazing news about your sister! This will be a Thanksgiving to remember!

Lolly, your kitchen must smell heavenly! Sounds like quite a feast. Enjoy!

Margy, I'm going to look up Tundra swans, too. Hope you get to hear some really soon!

Well, gotta get back to work. Will try to check in later.

Oh! Almost forgot--Shar, congratulations to your friends on their new family members! God is SO good, all the time!

Gotta run--Emma says "Woof!" too.
Will hopefully be back later.
Prayers continue for everyone!
I ♥ us!!!!

Janet said...

Good Wednesday morning to all.

I believe it was MAGPIE I was discussing stollen with on the previous date blog:
FYI: the recipe calls for the candied fruit and nuts to be soaked overnight in ½ cup of dark rum. Then you drain the fruit, reserve the liquid and add to the recipe. There is also lemon, orange, and cardomon as flavorings. And YES YES YES I made a successful batch yesterday.

In addition to the pies!

After the meeting @ sylvan learning center, I will cook the turkey and the collards and Livvy will make the deviled eggs. Then the majority is done.
It did not snow. East of us….it all went east of Nashville. I felt a little deflated. I liked the idea of cooking today with nice snow to look at. Oh well. It is cold but the sun is out.

JUDYE: glad the weather played ball. I hate tornado warnings more than I do snow. I prefer snow to that! Ugh. Good thoughts to you today as you deal with the public at work. I do not envy you sister!
HODA: good news! And yes, you can do this. Dec 21 (YULE) is but a bit away! The extra hours of dark remind us to mimic nature, rest and meditate…
LORI: if you must travel please be safe.
Not a lot going on at the moment. Need to get ready for this meeting.

Everyone, have a great day! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Hope you're all having a good Thanksgiving Eve Day !

LORI, don't take chances if the weather or roads are too iffy, please. In answer to your question, I boiled the eggs yesterday and will do the deviling before this day is over. Sounds boring up side the talk of heavy duty baking and food prep so many of you are involved with !! But, I took my turn for many years, paid my dues and am happy to enjoy the culinary gems produced by my kids---all of whom love cooking and do a better job than mama ever did ! My mother's signature stuffing lives on as granddaughter, Dana, writes of taking it to a classmates potluck in Boulder, CO yesterday !

I wanted to get to Kroger today, but my side street and driveway are far too icy. The sun is supposed to make an appearance today, but there will be little melting with temps under freezing. May be asking Hugh to pick me n' Penny up with his 4wheel drive tomorrow.

I wonder where Belle and Shep are hunkered down during this early blast of winter ?

Glad so many of you enjoyed my Audubon report of yesterday. It should have included the fact that the Yellow Headed Magpie is oft seen in Martinsburg, WV, too !

SANDI, congrats on sticking with us for 2 years ! You've contributed as a Momster and we are truly blessed that you found us ! I don't know what I'd do with this group to enjoy and am so thankful for all the times you've brought me through a crisis with your love and prayers !!!!

Praying for all in need, for world peace and for a Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah for Momsters across the USofA !


Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this the eve of Thanksgiving ♥

I totally was amiss and didn't say my goodnight last evening - Sorry

Tomorrow this house will be rocking with shoulder to shoulder family members. The only thing I was asked to do was get the pumpkin pies and the whipped cream. I also make for them the Pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing. Everyone is due here around 1pm - I think we will have a grand time. I am hoping for all of you the same. Got a snail mail card from Margy - TY and I got an e-card from Judie - TY.

Mema Jo said...

36° here in my valley BUT I think it will be dropping as this wind is picking up

Lolly said...

Good morning!! Sun finally came out yesterday and it is out again today. Presently 37! Laurel will hound her Dad to build a fire as soon as she gets here. LOL

We love you, too, Kay! So very happy you are doing well!

Time for me to get started on my pies...pecan and apple. No pumpkin pies as I made Joseph's pumpkin dessert. Also, have a pumpkin roll in the refrig.

Lolly said...

Yes, Sandi, this is their first Christmas in this house. She said Joey did not like where she put the tree, but was not willing to move his chair to put it in the only other spot that was reasonable. She put her second tree in a front window. I love to decorate for Christmas since I am a Santa lover and collector and she has inherited this love!

Lolly said...

A friend at church said that they would not be putting up a big tree this year. Well, if I never put up my big tree, you better check on me. Something would be terribly wrong!!!

Lolly said...

Off to put on an apron and get busy!!!

See you later!


stronghunter said...

Good early afternoon!

Fat snowflakes falling here . . .

Time for me to get a few things done.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Good afternoon where you are.

LORI the days are getting shorter and shorter up here.
December 21 we start gaining light!

You are right JANET. Thank you. Going inward like nature.

Yoga today and a visit with friends.
Planning on yoga offerings over Christmas. 24,25,26 3 hour yoga sessions free by donation to the community.

Feng Shui energy and I am going through things to donate... Creating new space.

Wanting to know if LORI went out today. Stay safe.

Mema Jo said...

I started out making my Pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing and since I have 2 tube cake pans - I'm going to make two......... Leftovers for me I hope

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McD in lunch OH MY its a zoo a mad =house here today HELP LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McD in lunch OH MY its a zoo a mad =house here today HELP LOL

NatureNut said...

Happy Day before Thanksgiving!!!
Have received some great greetings. Since snail mail from me would be too slow,
please view a Greeting For All in the Nook!! ;>)

Lori O. said...

Good cold and snowy afternoon!

Just got home from my day out. Spent 4 hours at the Sr. Center and it started off horrible. I followed Cindy up to grab a cookie off the snack table and an elderly and very grumpy woman angrily shouted at me that I should use the tongs to pick up a cookie...well, there were none on the table. It was very unkind and a mean spirited thing to SHOUT at anyone, let alone someone who risked her neck getting there today and was there to help! The rest of the few guests who were there were very kind. We played Yahtzee. After that, went to the high school for a two hour tutoring session...

JUDYE, knew you'd have a mad house at WW today. They're sure lucky to such a great employee in you! Enjoy your special time with Jordyn tomorrow night.

LOLLY & JO, your cooking stories warm my heart and make me hungry.

Goodness, the Holidays really are upon us, now!

HODA, how wonderful of the community to donate three days of free yoga! I love Nelson and I don't even live there. ♥

KAY, hope you and Penny are having a great and warm day. It's getting rather blizzardy here...a lot of snow dust devils swirling around.

Now, let the Thanksgiving Weekend begin! I'm home safe and happy to have a wonderful place and be with my family and looking forward to a fabulous feast tomorrow.

I wish you all a fine and festive Thanksgiving. I'm so thankful to have been a part of the wonderful group for 4 1/2 yrs now.

SANDI, congrats on your two year anniversary here! We love you!

Lolly said...

Ahhhh.....finished in the kitchen until dinner preparations. Pies done, dinner roll dough mixed and in refrig, turkey ready for the oven in the morning, steaks for tonight are rubbed and ready to throw on the grill. Jack just vacuumed the kitchen floor. Yep, messy cook here!

Baked potatoes and salad on the menu with the steaks for tonight. Since the rest of the cooking is tomorrow, thinking about a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit in front of the fire this evening.

Lolly said...

Sorry you were yelled at, Lori. That was NOT nice. Hope it did not spoil your day! Enjoy your long weekend!

Lolly said...

Shutting down until late this evening. Afraid my laptop will be hijacked by little turkeys!! Little turkeys should be arriving at any minute!

Hee hee....Jack has avoided nagging from Laurel and has a fire going.

Later Gators!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and sure am whooped the store was so bad we were bouncing of each other

59° out now and windy as all heck Drove by the cell phone tower and they weren't up on it probably in the nest or a tree somewhere to get out of the wind

Janet said...

Good evening all.
Well, the majority of my work is done done done! Turkey is cooked. It is cooling so we can debone it. That makes reheating tomorrow so much easier. I am proud of myself, I made vegetarian collards for Ashely, Michael’s g/f of 5+ years. I also made a pot of “southern” collards for Chelsea and me. The only thing remaining beyond reheating is to cook the green bean casserole. But I don’t have to cook anything else until after the parades!!!

I did use a turkey bag for the first time ever this year and have to say I am quite impressed! It was done in record time, nice and neat… this may be the way I cook turkey from now on!

It has been cold cold cold all day. We did go to Sylvan learning center. We will be starting Olivia after the holidays.

Lori: how RUDE that that woman yelled! Yikes!
Well I need Livvy to work on her math so am going to sign off for now. Hope everyone is well. Enjoy your evening!

Hoda said...

LORI I too am upset that the senior woman yelled at you.
RUDE it is true.
I often wonder what makes people so rude. Something does. Sorry you were at the tail end of it.

Glad you are home safe and sound and that you will be with your family for Thanksgiving.

Love you and am VERY PROUD OF YOU!

JACK is smart LOLLY. A wonderful welcome to LAUREL and her family. BRAVO on all the cooking.

KAY I love the yellow magpie tales.


Hoda said...

Saw 2 Bylaw Officers on the same block today!!!
I told them so and we all laughed. I pointed my seniors parking permit and told them they won't be able to give me a ticket now!!!
I got a big hug with " you don't look a day over 35!!!"
Sweet. I told them I still have to find a place to park further away from downtown so I would not miss out on my walks. They thought that was smart and shared some options for parking spaces.
" you got it easy now" they said.

magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals....
Still enjoying all the Goodies talk,
and I like that Stollen report, Janet...

JudyE - does your Walmart have a grocery store also? Double the madhouse if so, I would think.
Enjoy your break...

magpie said...

Lori, glad you are home safe and sound, and ready for YOUR long week-end....
The elderly lady...was there a dementia problem there? Is that possible....nevertheless, I am sorry it was unpleasant for you, and I hope the negativity of it will release itself Pronto!

Good to hear from Andrea, been awhile since we heard about the
doctor's reports....Bravo, and Yay...

magpie said...

Have fun with the little turkeys,
Lolly, sounds like some wonderful days ahead for you

Hoda...always touched by your generous actions for others, and how enriched you seem to be also

Sandi: Yes, two years, and a good two years it has been having you on board as a Momster

As with all our friendly Momsters here....

magpie said...

Love the card, Loretta!
Another outstanding NatureNut
Original !!


magpie said...

And for you, Jo...I am picturing in my mind your dear little home bursting at the seams tomorrow!
Oh, the pumpkin cakes, great idea, make Two for sure !

ttfn suppertime here for me,
the last of the Venison Stew....

(( Evening Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Yep MARGY that is the dept I work in Dry Grocery (Dept 92,95,96) all dry goods, soda and junk food and beer wine and a liquor store I do all the price changes for those three depts
My position use to be Price Coordinator but they took that position away but I still do it because of my neck My title is Sale Associate suppose to throw freight but they have me still do the old job For this I am grateful

JudyEddy said...

I think I have figured out what I am going to do on Fri with Jordyn I think we will go to Weeki Wachee Springs to see the mermaid show at 11 am Its about a hour ten min but I think would be worth it I am going to surprise her not tell her where we are going she can play her Leap Pad on the way she loves it
We have lots of educational ones she loves

magpie said...

Great idea for Jordyn for Friday, JudyE...
and also thanks for the answer to my question

Peppermint Bark, I am happy to say I am beginning to stock up on it for the Holiday Season....
our dear Lynne always loved this
candy treat

magpie said...

Time to say
Good Night, Precious Pals

Going to do some reading in bed, and sleeping in bed too !

Thanks to each and every one, for your precious friendship

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

An Early Bird Special

ISS flies over 5:55 am hereabouts....nice and high
and bright! I'll be up in plenty of time to watch for it

A Happy Thanksgiving Flyover from
the International Space Station Crew

G'Night xo

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy here. I did a quick read-back to have some idea of what is going on.

Spent today getting some things ready, doing some shopping, and polishing silver.

May not make it back, so I am saying good night just in case.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all my friends ♥

Hoda said...

Good night all
God Bless Us All


magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Happy Thanksgiving to Each and Every One, your Families, and all your Pets of course!

Special Thanksgiving Wishes to Steve and all the NCTC folks...Enjoy your Holiday Break ! Thanks for all you do for us....


magpie said...

Google Image is terrific today!
Animated, bear, raccoon, turkey, mice, red fox, food, and bluegrass music!
Hope you can get the animated version :)

magpie said...

Kind of like a Jacquie Lawson E-card !

magpie said...

ISS was high, bright and beautiful this morning.
Waning Crescent Moon and many wonderful star things...I'm on the watch for Comet Ison, but I did not see it yet

Best Wishes, all, for a Very Wonderful Day....

xoxox ttfn worktime looms

magpie said...

goody, I think some of you are
sleeping in a wee bit this morning

Sandi said...

Good morning Margy and all my eagle friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

We will be heading to Baltimore today to have dinner at my sister's house. I stopped at the grocery store last night to buy flowers for the table and picked up a large sweet potato to make sweet potato biscuits. Cooked it and then went to the pantry to get flour, which I only had about 2 cups of, instead of the 4 cups I needed. Didn't feel like running back out to the store at 8:30 so ... I will not be contributing sweet potato biscuits to today's dinner. Oh well!

Have a wonderful day everyone, filled with food and family and lots of laughter!

Lori O. said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It's a crisp and cold Thursday morning with snow and ice on the ground. Not going out today.

Hope all of you are safely ensconced in your homes with family and loved ones.

For those of you traveling, prayers for safe travels.

Going to - yes, do homework today and try to accomplish a lot besides eating.

HODA, loved your story about the Policemen. I've seen pictures of you and they're right!

I'm thinking of all of you as I am most grateful FOR ALL OF YOU. Love you all, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Thanksgiving !

The balloons will be flying today in the Macy's parade . Going to kick back and watch it for awhile . Too cold and windy and rough to fish today in Rehoboth .

WVJerry said...

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Just wanted to check in and wish everyone here Happy Thanksgiving. I've pretty busy with work and repairing and inspecting our vehicles lately. My wife - Rhonda - has been doing well since the loss of her Mom. My Mom decided it was time to get Rhonda a pet. She paid for our adoption of a two year old rat terrior from the Humane Society in Washington County Maryland. Bella is her name and we have been enjoying her company immensely. She is an in-house dog and doesn't seem to like the cold weather much. I hope evrything and everybody has been well here. I'm looking forward to the nesting season to begin. Enjoy the Holiday season and take care. Once again - thanks for all your thoughts and prayers recently. It means a lot to have a welcome place like this to come and visit.

Kay said...

Good Thanksgiving morning, Eagle Buds !

Happy to hear the balloons will fly today ! I'm thankful the weather up that way cooperated. I learned that my son's children and father-in-law all arrived in Newark at their appointed hours in spite of the dire predictions. Yeah !

SANDI, safe travel and joyous times with the family !

LORI, that won't be the last time some grumpy ol' senior will yell at you. Some grow old gracefully and others bitterly---I overheard examples of both ilks when in rehab following back surgery last year. You've got to consider the source and let it roll off your back. I might have asked the old grouch, "so where did you hide the tongs ?" Naw, why add fuel to the fire, eh ?

I'll be heading for Julie's around 3pm--dinner at 5. Seth is picking some games to play0---no doubt his favorite Apples to Oranges and maybe Life or Scrabble....



JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Sandi - Sweet Potato casserole is one of my favorites... BUT flowers should do the trick ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Thanksgiving Day to All ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good to see all of you this morning
Enjoy your day and give thanks for all the small things in your lives...

Time to set up for the gang

Love to all ♥

Hoda said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I send much Love and Light to you all.
Thank you for being my friends.

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from Angie
Delivered bar stools and vacuum cleaner I got them for a early gift Being they are having the party Sat they needed the stools
I got to baskets made for them with 15 bottles of booze (wine and liquor)and some of the frozen pouches also the ones that have real booze not wine based got them on clearance also

JudyEddy said...

56° is our current temp It feels so nice and crisp out I love breathing in the air on days like this

JudyEddy said...

Gotta go figure out what I am wearing to MaryPats for dinner

NCSuzan said...

Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Day to each one of you.

It is cool here. No snow, we only had rain. Thank goodness.

I hope everyone has the holiday they hope for and that all of us are safe. Not too many carbs or sugars!

JudyEddy said...

posted a picture of the baskets on the blog can't on facebook she will see it On the day of the party I am posting it on the Invitation page on facebook that she has for it

Baskets of booze for the stock the bar house warming party

NatureNut said...

Getting ready to head out to stepson's for the Feast!
So thankful to have all you Eagle Budlets for Buddies! ☺

Mema Jo said...

5:oo pm and all is quiet with an empty house
It has been a wonderful day - Lots of memories
God is good all the time

Lori O. said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

The house here is still filled to the brim, 16 adults and 4 little ones under 3! Let
s just say there's lots of squealing and noise.

Glad you had a nice party JO and now have the quiet time to relax and reflect. ♥

Hope everyone who is still giving thanks is having a wonderful time.

Be safe.

Love, light, and Merry Christmas! Can't believe it's so close.

Janet said...

good evening all. hope everyone's thanksgivinghas been pleasant.

everyone has left now and it is quiet. i've been tired all day.

i did stay up a bit late to see the Garth man on Leno last night. He looks as good as always!

So I slept til 9 and had to peel myself out of the bed Hitting it earlier tonight as I have to work tomorrow.

Dinner was successful. Everyone is fed and leftovers have been taken to their homes. :)

So nice to have a house full of kids, then nice to have peace and quiet anda normal evening.

Good night to all. :)

grannyblt said...

I just wrote a scintillating post that seems to be lost forever.
I reported that Thanksgiving went well and the food was just fine. I can get used to Stove Top Stuffing and other meal shortcuts --Lolly and all of you from scratch cooks don't faint. I won't compromise on styrofoam plates though--it was the good china,real silver, and cloth napkins.
Did Face time with children and grands and the cat is asleep in my lap. What more could I need?
SED to all.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds so happy everyone seemed to have a good day
Just got home a bit ago Jordyn is playing in her room with her doll house

JudyEddy said...

from my best recollection there were about 30 adults and 10 kids all MaryPat grandkids by the way she comes from a big family

Mema Jo said...

Wishing that everyone enjoyed their day - Now I am closing down
My yawning won't stop......

Goodnight to all

JudyEddy said...

Just got Jordyn down for the night let her stay up past her bed time maybe she will sleep in for me She did for Marypat didn't get up till 9 this am but went to bed at 11 last night She had extremely to much sugar tonight between the birthday cake and whipped cream Angie joked she would have a sugar crash but she didn't But she didn't argue about going to bed she is such a good kid in all ways

Marypat told Angie she is such a joy to spend the night and she is Angie and Carl did good with her

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Very tired--we had a nice day with family and friends.

Hunter spent the day with his dad and his family, but is home now. Today is his 13th birthday. He has been bugging his mother for his gift, but we're holding off until his celebration on Sunday.

Susan was able to get approval to take the day off on Sunday so that she can come down for the gathering.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there.

JudyEddy said...

Now I need some down time before I crash and burn for the night I am so happy to be part of the blog for over 2yrs now and am thankful for each and everyone of you on here The world is a better place knowing all of you

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Good Happy Reports from those checking in...I had some good family time with a LOT of in-laws,
and one nephew with his wife and two children....all at
The Big once upon a time Dream House

I just watched the Google show again (today's Thanksgiving image,animated and musical if your computer lets it...)
and there is a Hedgehog in the
group of wild animals...:)
What a Joyful sight at the end of this day....
Thinking of our dear Lynne....

Tomorrow might be
Black Friday for some, but it's
RED FRIDAY for us folks...
God Bless Our Military, near and far

Good Night, Precious Pals, rest
Prayers for Wellness

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

paula eagleholic said...

Had a great dinner with all the trimmings...watching the ravens and going to get to bed soon.Hoping to fish tomorrow.

Sed love and hugs for all.

Lolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It has been a great day! Loads of fun and good food! Much to be thankful for!

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It has been a great day! Loads of fun and good food! Much to be thankful for!

Night all! SED!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Love you all!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Black & Red Friday Morning!

Anyone going to do some shopping today?

Woke up with a headache and my sinuses throbbing. Hope it goes away soon.

SHIRLEY, you'll have to video for us Hunter getting his present - is this the big Disney trip?

JUDYE, bet you're really glad you're not working today. Enjoy your time with Jordyn.

Glad to hear reports that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Didn't get much homework done yesterday with all the people here. Hoping to accomplish a lot today, except 2 of the grandkids (my niece and nephew)spent the night so not sure how quiet it'll be here today. Also have to go pick up my car from the body shop from when I hit the dear. :(

Have a great day all! You are loved!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! Happy day after Thanksgiving. Dinner and company were great yesterday. Will be spending part of today with Mom then meeting Debby's brother and sister in law for dinner before driving back to Bethany.

Bandit's diaper is working fine and he's even gotten a little better about letting me put it on. I'm so glad Lynne made the suggestion.

Judy, enjoy your Jordyn time today.

No in-person shopping for me today! May do some cyber shopping. I got a bunch of things purchased online on Wednesday.

Have a great day everyone.

Janet said...

good morning all.

it is a brisk 24 degrees outside my window .

drinking my coffee and trying to get up and moving to get er done yet again.

hope everyone has a great quiet relaxing day!

:) light, love, and smiles!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

Happy to join the chorus of satisfied Thanksgiving celebrants ! All went well with our feast, game playing and the joy of being together.

This evening Penny and I will host Malcolm while his family has dinner guests. A young woman, Julie mentors, her hubby and two small kids. They are cat people and very leery of dogs.

Penny and I started the day off with the company of a very young buck in a meadow just behind my condo. He was alone and the first buck I've seen in six years of watching this herd. He's also much darker in color than the females. I don't know much about deer other than they are so beautiful---they pose a real threat to we drivers and it's scary how close they are to the main street through town here in my neighborhood ! In part that's because we're so close to a river and near heavy woods, but also because some folks feed them. That poses a threat to them in my view. Penny growls at them, but seems to know they aren't just big dogs. Big dogs incite a far more rigorous response !

SHIRLEY, happy 13th birthday to Hunter ! He's in for such a nice surprise for this landmark day in his life---it will be worth waiting a couple of days for !

JUDY, glad you're having happy times with your family---Jordyn especially !

SANDI, have a safe trip back to Bethany ! Yeah, for doggie dypes !

LORI, had to giggle over the little ones providing "squealing and noise" and picturing you retreating to your room and computer for a little while !

Have a great RED FRIDAY---yeh, I prefer that to Black Friday myself !

Love and prayers for all !


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I prefer the RED Friday for today

Very happy that all reports from yesterday were about family and fun and food.

Anxious for Shirley's report for this upcoming Sunday - Hunter's special day.

Time to eat some breakfast - TTUL

Lori O. said...

Gee, KAY.

I didn't think I was that obvious in my not being a great lover of squealing and screaming children! But, you are right. :)

Kay said...

LORI, tee-hee ! I have to say my tolerance for the wee ones and all the clamor they create has decreased markedly in the last few years ! And I dearly love children, I really do !

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget to open your Momsters' calendar for birthdays and anniversaries

Kay said...

Thanks for the reminder, JO. I'm going there right now !

stronghunter said...


It is a cold morning!Very frosty last night and this morning.

Hunter is devouring the leftover stuffing--he likes it cold right out of the refrigerator. I think I have enough leftover ingredients to make more. That might be good for tonight's dinner.

I wore myself plumb out yesterday. Thank goodness, my children took over and finished everything up. Will, especially. I did not know he could make such good gravy from scratch. He also took care of the clean-up. I was already so tired that I had trouble getting to sleep.

We had Waldorf salad, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce, cranberry sauce, yellow squash with onions, and, of course, turkey and dressing. There was cherry cheesecake and sweet potato pie for dessert. I decided not to make my lemon cream pie as we had enough without it, so I have those ingredients for another meal. The other desserts were provided by Rus and our guest, Kiesha.

Rus came in describing a strange event in the front yard. He said that he observed something strange and black spinning across the lawn. Turns out he was witnessing serious combat between two black cats. Thank goodness, Lucky and George were safely indoors.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your reminder, Jo. I will check the calendar.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see the calendar, Jo.

Lolly said...

Helloooo! All have returned to their homes. Enjoying peace and quiet now. LOL We really did have a great Thanksgiving. Besides all the good foo we had two rousing games of Trivial Pursuit.

Families wanted to return to their own homes to put up Christmas decorations.

I traditionally give Joseph and Jacob a Wilton Gingerbread House and a tree to put together and decorate. Well, Laurel made the mistake of leaving the sack on the bedroom floor and Bosco got into it and ate a lot of the Gingerbread and the candy decorations. This morning when I got up I found Bosco sprawled on my bathroom floor. He had gotten into the trash can, made a mess, and could not get up. He is so big I could not lift him to his feet. Had to get Joseph to do it. Bosco is 15, extremely old for a big dog and in his old age is getting into every thing!! He needed to go home! LOL

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly, I hope Bosco will be okay. Could be an interesting drive home with that stuffed-full-of-goodies dog aboard.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it is there under Events..... Has your name on it ♥

Click on MORE - the drop down has Events

Lolly said...

I think Bosco made it home fine. Talked with Laurel and she did not mention him.

Jack and I enjoyed the peace and quiet for a while then went out to work on getting rid of leaves. Well, th3 lawn mower has a problem, so we did not do that!!
So, Jack brought the Christmas decorations down from the attic and we started working on the outside lights and decorations. We have it about half done. We were getting chilly as the sun went down. Will try to finish up outside tomorrow and work on the tree and the inside after that.

stronghunter said...

Got it, Jo. Thanks.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of getting chilly, Kathryn and Hunter just went out for dinner. I felt a cool breeze, noticed Luna lying in the hall looking out the front door, which was standing open. I waited to see if they would notice. Nope. They drove off with the door standing open. Good thing I noticed.

magpie said...

More Fascinating and
Exciting Reports here today, friends..

JO: Thanks for those instructions you posted about getting to the Birthdays and Special Days...I had not yet ever looked, 'cause I didn't know how to!!

Wheee....You Rock!

Good Evening, Eagle Pals


stronghunter said...

Lolly, one reason we don't allow Luna to go upstairs is her tendency to chew up toothbrushes and anything that comes in tubes--toothpaste, ointment, etc. She got my electric toothbrush once. We need to have a place where we can leave things unguarded.

Hoda said...

I do not know if it is possible to say "I love Canada Services" but I do.
It is a Federal Governement Office and I went there for help as I needed some help with finding out amounts of my Canada Pension Plan and my Old Age Security. I also needed help with tax deductions on both and they had sent me a form to set up an account with them yet when I tried from home I did not manage.
They were polite and curteous. Where they could not answer one of my questions they phoned Victoria for me and sat with me while I talked to Govenrment people in Victoria and they brought me a cup of tea!
When I got all the information I wanted and completed the tax deductions I went to a computer and a very nice lady showed me where the block was when I showed her the steps I had taken. She admitted their instructions were obscure. I sat there and completed the form which took me twenty minutes and I was very happy that it all went so well. She came to ask me if I was doing alright several times or if I needed help or wanted more tea!
I was fine.
When I was done I had printed several pages and offered to pay for them and she said no that was covered.
I thanked them and three of them came to shake my hand and invited me to come back any time I needed help.
I did not have to wait and I did not have an appointment. They were friendly.
So this is the Federal Govenrment and I normally am a bit inhibited by them...
This is a good office.
Others were being helped just as much as I was. WOW one up for them!

Hoda said...

I had a very good day.
We had some snow and it is not sticking.
People were friendly and joyful as we greeted each other out and about.
Very good yoga class.
A group I was thinking I need to not join this year phoned and wanted me to attend the Christmas gathering and they want me to join them. I am a bit conflicted. Most of them are older than me and very fine people.
I must think of it this weekend and confirm with them what I am to do.

Very happy to hear about everyone's Thanksgiving. Felt sad that the dog ate the Ginger Bread houses that the boys were to assemble LOLLY. I so love that tradition. I enjoyed seeing the photos on FB.

Does anyone here use IE 11? I keep getting notices that my browser is old and I need to update. They tell me 9 or 11 and I am confused...PAULA??? Anyone else??? JUDYE???

I have to go cook supper...
I love us.

paula eagleholic said...

Great to hear of the friendly help Hoda . We went fishing on Larry's boat today in...was rather cold and, but we stayed out for 3hours but no luck. we will pull the boat out of the water tomorrow and get it cleaned up and ready to be stored for the winter . We did watch War Horse after we came back.. great to movie.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda not on ie11 don't have to upgrade yet if you don't want to. version 9 would probably be ok. what operating system are you on?

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from all of you this evening
I think I have watched every Hallmark Christmas movie they have made. I do hope for a new on or two

Shirley - you sure your not going with Kathryn and Hunter to Disney...

I have done some family Christmas cards... A good many relatives I don't see much of so I greet them over these upcoming holidays

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get some small things done and then relax - go to bed is really what I mean.
It's only 28° right now - I think it is going down into the teens soon.
Hoping all my little critters outside burrow down in the leaves and bushes.
I am going to burrow down into my fleece spread.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Restful sleep and peaceful dreams
Stay warm

I ♥ US

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Had a fantastic day with Jordyn of course
got home a bit ago and had to shower now ready for bed

JudyEddy said...

Odd I had to sign back in to Google good thing I have google chrome remember my password all I had to do is check it

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone had a pleasant Red Friday. I don't do the Black ones unless it's on the 'puter!
Had a great yummy T'Day at Dennis' home and even got a doggy bag! Grandson Danny had to work. After about 5 years of engineering and a degree at VA Tech, he is now a fireman. I admire his sense of duty toward others, but it's a little scary to me at times.
Actually wrapped the first present ever so early on Thanks- giving Day and today tried to straighten out Word address labels. I took them from older computer to this one that has a newer Word version. Would have been easier if I understood what I was doing, but they're all printed in their little boxes (and might go to work w/me tomorrow)--Top Secret, ssshh plz!☺
Will try to hit the hay a little early.
Good Health Prayers for ALL & SED

Hoda said...

PAULA I use Windows XP for home computer.
I wonder if I should upgrade?

stronghunter said...

No Black Friday shopping for me, either. I have not done very much today, to tell the truth. I needed some down time after getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Jo, Kathryn and Hunter are going to Florida to visit friends there. Ryan has been Hunter's best friend since kindergarten, and his mother is a good friend of Kathryn's. They invited Hunter and Kathryn when they moved to Florida in August.

They do happen to live near Orlando, but the plan is to visit Sea World and swim with the dolphins. They're only going to be there a few days, so there won't be time to do much. Kathryn still has not been at her new job a year, so she has to get special permission to take any time off.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Rest well, my friends.


Lolly said...

I am ready for the pillows!! Jack and I are totally wiped out. I enjoyed all the preparations and certainly enjoyed the family, but I is too pooped to pop!! ☺

Tomorrow going to work on the yard decorations and Jack is hoping to get the mower in and fixed, He thinks it is the starter motor. Hope that is just it and that it can be repaired pronto! Gotta mulch the leaves.

Laurel's birthday is Wednesday. We will be going up, taking dinner, and giving her the dishes.

Night all! SED!!

magpie said...

Good Saturday Morning, Eagle Pals, and a Frost One it is hereabouts


Waning Crescent Moon was oh so
elegant this morning, anyone else
crazy enough to be up and outside at this hour ?? :)

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day....

I believe maybe Megan starts her Wreath Sales today at Shepherdstown Market...?? I seem to remember Jo posting about that



magpie said...

Shirley: This is a Fabulous Birthday-Christmas event for Hunter and Kathryn....
So Happy About this....

ttfn worktime looms, it IS my Friday

I only ventured into a store to pay a bill yesterday....oh, I browsed a little but that's all,and then made a trip to Dollar General....

Don't think buying papertowels and toiletries...qualifies for Black Friday shopping :)

I Love US


magpie said...

Paula: You and Larry are Hardy:
Three hours on the boat in the cold...I know it was special!
Good wishes on bringing the
boat in today...

okay, 'bye !

magpie said...

oh well, why not:


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...