Monday, August 26, 2013


New thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Thanks Steve for the brand new thread! Will call the others over. Have a great day!!!

Lori O. said...

Congrats to LOLLY on the new feather!

Thanks STEVE for the fresh new thread!

Thank you SHIRLEY for the insight. I appreciate it and know you are right.

JUDIE, Dad's dinner was nice. All the kids were here, so it was a big get together with lots of great food, games and fun. Thanks for asking. :)

Wishing everyone a GREAT day!

Lolly said...

Now I should say Good morning! Have to leave shortly for the doctor's appointment. Jack is already outside watering.

Hope the Dragon is okay Hoda. No rain in sight here and 100 degree temps back. Sigh.....

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥


Sorry for my caps lock getting stuck
My chubby little finger is the one to blame.

Lori I am very happy for your family gathering for your dad. Had to have been lots of love and fun.

I was just signing in so I need to back a page and see the other's morning greetings.

I miss my little PIP :(

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Judie, why will you be wishing for May 15th? I thought you were only doing one semester??

Pretty day here so far, heard it was supposed to get warm.

Heading to the beach Thursday night. Have 2 companies coming on Friday to give me an estimate on a new heating/cooling system. I have 2 separate systems, oil for heat, and electric for AC. I want one system for both, as they are both pretty old.

I'll have a full house down there this weekend.

Glad Sandi arrived home safely. What was wrong with the jeep on the second breakdown? What a PIA to have to drive back down and get it. Sorry you had such troubles on your trip!

Mema Jo said...

It's ok Sandi for not taking time to check in with us last night. I just couldn't get over all that happened. I think it will take months to forget about it. Your weekend was horrendous and I hope that today at school will go well.

Good luck with your car repair Hoda. Your insurance company should have a very reliable body shop that they work with

Judy - Are you working this weekend or helping with the move? Don't you dare hurt your back either way!

Lolly I think if you lived closer to Laurel you would never have time for yard work - I guess that is why I don't have a beautiful yard - all my children live close to me! I love it ♥

Mema Jo said...

Paula - good luck with your home repairs... Have fun over the Labor Day weekend with your crowd of family

Our Labor Day will be local as Jenny always has a family picnic - crabs!!

Off to start my day - Trying to find my son's keys - they weren't chained around his neck - so I best call upon St Anthony -0 it always works for me....... BBL

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday sunshiny thread. Have a great week.

Congrats Lolly.

Hi Jo.

Paula, I wasn't clear except in my own head. Wishing for this past May 15 so I could have another summer vacation and not go back to school tomorrow. Hope you can get the heating/cooling system you want - big decision and big money.

Lori, glad the celebration for your dad was a good one.

Okay, back to doing stuff.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, got it now, Judie!

stronghunter said...

I think I mentioned that the part we need for the air handler is under warranty. I have handed the task of getting the appropriate information over to Will. Getting those little numbers stamped on those little plates in hard to find places is not for old eyes.

stronghunter said...

I agree with Jo, Lolly, about living closer to Laurel. Maybe I would have a beautiful yard if I did not live so close to my children.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Thanks to STEVE for the nice new thread and congrats to LOLLY on adding another feather to your bonnet !

LORI, just go on puffing up each time one of us sends an encouraging word ! Then on Thursday you can just float into the first class and WOW EM' as we know you will !♥♥♥ So good to hear that "Dad's" birthday celebration was a huge success.

SANDI, I didn't read about your travel troubles, but get the gist from the comments posted here. So sorry and hope the first day of classes is a good one for you !

SHIRLEY, I see you and Kathryn are home safe and sound ! So glad you had that wonderful trip together !

JUDYE, like JO says, if you're helping with the move--do not hurt your back !

PAULA, sounds like a good Labor Day ahead for you and yours in Paradise. When does the new job start ?

No plans for Labor Day here though something may develop. I know it won't be a day of labor on my part, however ! ☺

Had a super duper visit with Eileen--just too short, of course. I'm thinking of grandsons Seth and Cooper on their first day of Freshman classes at Otterbein in Westerville, OH and Warren Wilson in Ashville, N.C.. Big day for our family as oldest grandchild, Max, starts classes in his 2nd year in pursuit of a Master's Degree at CO U in Ft. Collins and his sister, Dana, begins the 1st of 2 years in a Master's program at U of CO in Boulder. Can you tell I'm proud of the clan ?

Love and prayers for one and all !


magpie said...

Good Sunny West Virginia Morning, Eagle Pals....!!!

Looking forward to being able to see how my Eagle Pals have been for the last 10 days....or so....

Since I started typing this message
it rolled over into the Afternoon hereabouts. !

xoxox (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

I am thinking someone probably mentioned this is
Dog Day ??

Happy Day to all our Canine Love Ones !!

Kay: Yellow is a pretty big color in Germany, but LIME GREEN seems to be an even BIGGER Color there :)

magpie said...

Okay I see JudyE is on top of things
with the National Dog Day announcement !

and I hold Sandi in my heart with the first day back to school with
what I read were Jeep Bummer Problems over the week-end!

Boy is it tempting to just stay
here and languish in all the
past week's posts...but I need to attend to a few more things....
good example of where I am:
Still in myb Pajamas!
I saw Magpies with my very own eyes,
AND, for Sharon: My nephew put together some music CDs of some of his family's favorite tunes:
First one I played:
Hey Soul Sister !!

ttfn xoxoxoxox

magpie said...

I see the Beateous Mighty Sycamore, but no eagles...yet...
BUT, I did see some Golden Eagles and White-Tailed was part
of a Raptor Presentation at a Castle in Germany

Love you, Pals....Been thinking of you ALL, Lots !!!

okay 'bye for now xo

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome home, Margy!

Cool on the Raptor presentation!

NatureNut said...

Welcome Home, Margy!
Hope Sandi will weather the school storm today after her glitched trip! Best Wishes.
Judie needs to gear up for school also---stay strong.
Lori, sounds like a wonderful gathering for your Dad!
Lolly, when will you have a head dress?
Have been seeing little vireos after seeds in the magnolia. Can't get a pic, but am trying!
I have some pics to add to Nook & will try to get them on maybe today.
Everyone have a good one~~~~~ ☺

Judie said...

Welcome home, Margy. We missed you but are so happy you had a great time.

Kay, glad you had a nice, if short, visit with Eileen. All the best of success for the college/grad students.

Hi Lowreeda (:


Mema Jo said...

Update on Birthday/Anniversary lists Please read

Momster/Dadster Birthdays and Anniversaries‏

Jo Lennox
1:39 PM
To: Eaglet Momsters Yahoo Email

1) Go to the eaglet_momsters site

2) This is the calendar -
To find the month for which you need to record information go to left hand side
where you see the name of the month.
You will find < and > to get to the month you need.

3) Click on the date and record your information on the All Day Line

** your name on your Birthday - you can tell your age if you wish beside your name
** your name and hubby's name on Anniversary Date - you can mention the # of years

Check out Oct 12 And Nov 8

There won't be any birthday/anniversary list printed for you - You will have on hand information
on the calendar.

I will repeat this information on our Shepherdstown Eagle Daily Blog as I know there may be those
that are not yet registered with the eaglet_momsters

If there are questions - please email me

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Margy.

Kay--Was on the CSU campus in Fort Collins and drove right by the UC campus in Boulder on my journeys last week.

BRB--Must do a few errands.

magpie said...


You are the Momster Extraordinaire!
I haven't gone through all the steps but I know it is going to be
Eaglet-Awesome !!

Thank You !


Mema Jo said...

Hellooooooooooooo Margy
Welcome home ♥

Lori O. said...

MARGY, welcome home!!!

So nice to have you back. Tell us what a fantastic time you had!

Hoda said...

I have not read back except for LORI'S comment that MARGY is home. HALLELUJAH !!!
Welcome home MARGY.

A big shout out to SHIRLEY and KATHRYN for their advice and help with the Autobody Shop mystery and choosing process. THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH

I phoned the company and explained what happened. They agreed with me that it was rude they did not leave a note. She listened to my story and gave e a claim number. She gave me names of three shops I could choose from. I phoned to ask which one to choose from a friend's husband. He chose one based on his experience. I phoned and made an appointment for an estimate tomorrow. They gurantee their work for as long as I own the car. Lynn, the adjustor, told me there will be no points against my license. My insurance premium will not go up since it was not my fault. I must pay my deductible,300$. They will give me a courtesy car.

I am breathing easier.

Much appreciate your help SHIRLEY and KATHRYN.
DIANN thank you for the right words of Comprehensive Coverage. I used them and they think I know what I am talking about!!! Ha ha ha!!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Hurray, MARGY is back on American soil, but reports having had a wonderful trip ! MARGY we missed you, but were so thrilled about your German vacation. I do love citrus colors in general, so lime green would be pleasing, too !

HODA, so glad our resident experts were able to steer you in the right direction re:body shop and insurance matters ! Most questions can be addressed here and I think that's grand ! It's good you're now at ease with the have to's and will have a loaner car while the work is being done.

SHIRLEY, I knew, as I read your posts that you were within ear shot of my grands. Kept wishing I'd flown out there with you and Kathryn. ☺ I lived in Denver for several months many years ago and my parents lived in Boulder for several years many, many years ago. I know the State is beautiful, almost beyond belief and am glad the Michigan "kids" are getting a good Rocky Mountain High !

JO, thanks so much for the Calendar advise ! Way to go !!!!

Hi to dear JUDIE n' LORETTA ! And MARGY, do tell us more about the trip and how your hand is feeling these days !

Love and prayers for all !


JudyEddy said...

Home from work and find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE
NOW to go read

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

So sorry to hear about poor little Pip. Hope they find out the cause.

WELCOME HOME, MARGY!!!! Bet you're jet lagged, but happy! Can't wait to hear of your adventures, and see pictures! Take your time, though. Don't wear yourself out!

So sorry to hear of Sandi's Jeep troubles, and of Shirley's A/C problems! Gracious!

Wishing a wonderful school year to all those who are returning!--or just beginning!

Well, need to do a few more chores, so will go into lurk mode for a while. Will try to get back here after dinner. Not sure what to have for dinner, except maybe a dish of ice cream! High of at least 86 expected today. This morning the humidity was 100%, but no rain here--isolated T-showers elsewhere in SoCal. WOOF! Well, it is what it is. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥ H O M E ♥ ♥.

.♥♥♥♥ MARGY ♥♥♥♥.

JudyEddy said...

I will not be helping them move in
I am going over there and they are going to put some boxes in my truck I have volunteered to watch Jordyn that way she won't be under foot (if she wants me to) in the evenings when I am home She put the call out and has quite a few people gonna help about 8 I think so that is good
I put in for my vacation in Oct today going with Kids to disney that will be fun and I put in for one Sat off next months I am going to do that every month I think that way I can do family things with them and Jordyn can spend Fri nite with me then also

JudyEddy said...

Was it beautiful over there MARGY??? Did you get lots of pictures????

I do remember some of it when I went there but I was young and you know how that is most kids don't appreciate the beauty of it I do remember the castles and the water streets and OH the cherry picking and the waterfall with colors and dancing to music in Hamburg -Planten un Blomen

JudyEddy said...

OK did anyone else notice the ablum page is CHANGED big time

JudyEddy said...

OK I have tried to add my Bday to the calendar but it won't let me do anything I click on the date the 15th and a box does pop up with All Day on top and times under but when I click no matter where I click it won't do anything What am I doing wrong ?? I like this idea also Cool Beans JO

JudyEddy said...

I DID IT yeah I did it I got my name don't know what I did different HMMM Now to do next year and it looks like you can print also UNDER action you can get to the calander while you are on email top of mail has inbox, contacts, calendar etc

JudyEddy said...

also you can click on it to edit and it will put on every year I just found that I also put my year of birth with my name instead of age

JudyEddy said...

When you fill out don't click save click the other box More details and there is the option to repeat yearly

also in tools is option to print

JudyEddy said...

I love it Bells first egg and others is listed This is so cool JO

JudyEddy said...

I replied to the email but so far its not shown up in the email HMMM maybe a oops Odd it shows in the sent which I didn't know was there either

Mema Jo said...

Judy = what is your birth date.
Can't find you on the calendar but I may need to refresh........

Hoda said...

It is cold.
It says 72 but I do not think it is that!!!
I will sleep well this evening.
LOLLY awesome simply awesome how you help LAUREL at the start of the year and throughout it all.
The FB pictures are awesome.

Wished we would hear from SANDI about her first day.
DANA said hers was good...

I am thinking of sorting out my clothes and bring out more long sleeved options.
NO SOCKS YET though.

Mema Jo said...

JUDY Need your help with this calendar

Please check your calendar and see if you actually see my name on
Oct 12.

I think I should have read more details about our calendar - it may just be a personal calendar and not
a public one

JudyEddy said...

JO I love the calander and I figured it out finally maybe a glitch but I got it and filled it out and figured out that you can set it to show up each year

When you enter your name don't click SAVE click MORE Details and scroll to yearly and it will post yearly

and there is a option to print I found

I DID IT YEAh I figured it out

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

make sure you click on the MOMSTER on the side your name is there with a check and only shows you but if you click on the momsters it shows all JO that may be why you don't see my name I


JudyEddy said...

JO I do see your in OCT on the left of the calendar there is Subscribed Check that and you see all I discovered and once the calendar was blank so I went to the email page and clicked on the purple band the word calendar and its there now ODD

JudyEddy said...

check email JO


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Posting picture is a little different on the album also The picture are larger also

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Heading to shower and then TV time

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy - I will work on this but not tonight....


magpie said...

I am sure it's gonna work out...
like many things, that old "Tweaking" action will probably take care of it...

but you notice I cannot offer any technical advice ☺

magpie said...

I have many pictures of the beautiful places I have been and the wonderful people, my family in particular....from my Germany adventure.

Just not sure exactly how and when
to get them to somewhere you can see them if you like...

magpie said...

the weather is almost exactly like
what we have here
I will say that the airports, especially Atlanta, and Amsterdam, are HUGE snd bustling.

The residents of Germany,
native or otherwise, were
all so friendly and polite..some spoke English, and everyone was very patient with what I could not say but was trying to

magpie said...

My little nephews age 6 and 3...attend a school where German is the primary they will learn more of the language than the rest of us....however, their teachers also can speak some English also...

Everyting from start to finish was stellar; I did have some German fare, and let me tell you the
pastry and meat markets there....
and produce and Dairy, leaves one

magpie said...

and on that note.....I have to tell you I am still trying to adjust to this day...and to return to work Tuesday....

I will probably take the laptop to the bed with me and start catching up on some of the news HERE little by little...

Thanks for all the kind and enthusiastic words you always
send in my direction ♥

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for the things I know about, and that that I might not know about yet....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

MARGY definitely want to on the pictures dept .
Anecdotal recounting is also appreciated.
I found Amsterdam airport on the dull side!!! That was in the '80's.
Glad people were friendly. You are friendly do it comes back.
Great respect for your family there, for sharing and remembering.

PA Nana said...

Welcome home, Margy! Glad you had good time in Germany. My baby sister visits there about every other year. Her mother in law lives there and her brother in law lives in Holland. Beautiful country according to her pics. Hope you don't suffer from jet lag when you must be back at work so soon.

Sandi, hope your day was without incident. Even if you can't laugh about it now, it caused some chuckles here. Hope you get the Jeep fixed or Judie knows a place to put it. ;-)

Shirley, glad you got some rest before you had to get up early. Waiting for your pictures too.

Hi, Kay. I can see from here how proud you are.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, but it is tv time with the guys.
May you each have a restful sleep and may God grant you peace and love.

Sandi said...

Hi all - just have a minute. I've skimmed all of the comments on this new thread but am sure I missed stuff.

Didn't miss that Margy is home - welcome home, girlfriend! I missed you!! And thanks for the birthday card!!

Radiator on the Jeep was cracked and needed to be replaced. It was fixed today and Denny will drive to Norfolk tomorrow with the rental car and then back home with the Jeep.

Could not get my name to post on the calendar page - not sure what I'm doing wrong but I don't have time tonight to play with it anymore!

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings today - can you say boring!? I'll be glad when this week is over and the kids actually show up!

Wow, look at the time! I got no schoolwork done tonight b/c, just as I sat down to do some, the phone rang and it was the English teacher from our team who retired in June. She wasn't calling to gloat, just to get an update on what's new at school. It was nice talking with her.

Goodnight everyone - see ya in the AM!

Judie said...

Once again, welcome home Margy. Will look forward to stories and adventures as you see fit and have time. Next visit to Annandale Ann you need to stop by and meet our German neighbor. Cool lady.

Jo, many thanks and great appreciation for your help with automating the calendar. Good idea.

Hoda, Sandperson suggests you prepare a supply of socks because one cannot trust The Evil Jufie.

Speaking of Sandperson, however much I wish it were not so, tomorrow is the day and I can no longer ignore the 6am alarm.

Sandperson is packing a satchel, Jufie is fretting, Sandperson will depart at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Have retreated to my bed. Windows are wide open and the ceiling fan is twirling. It feels cooler as the evening progresses. Problem with getting the right numbers from the indoor and outdoor units. Maybe tomorrow.

We have ceiling fans in the family room and Hunter's and my bedrooms. Kathryn has one that has never been installed. It really looks like I will have to call an electrician.

JudyEddy said...

If anyone wants me to post their names let me know just email me your info and I will be happy to do it I had a hard time also but now I have the hang of it I also posted my visit to the nest and the day I became a momster
I love the HP posted also JO I have a journal that I posted last year with all the HP but not this past year would fill up the calendar I think won't leave room for BDAYS LOL OK Just wanted to put that out there If you want me to post BDAYS or Anniversary days let me know OK DOKEY I also put my YOB with my name instead of age that way each year it updates on it own if you check the yearly thing

I don't have to be to work till 9 for the next to day fine with me May just stay up later instead of getting up the same time set the clock later But my body clock may get me up anyway Not been able to sleep in of late Don't know why

JudyEddy said...

OH I wish I was up there SHIRLEY I would install it for you I have installed every ceiling fan in all the places I have lived I need to buy two Mine in bed room died and the other one in spare room also I just use desk fan in my room for now

stronghunter said...

When I say the windows are wide open, I mean mostly open at the top. I am always concerned George might fall out--my bedroom is approximately 3 stories high.

George has been known to get out a window on the front and stroll along the porch roof.

JudyEddy said...

funny thing Tom my X bought a ceiling fan years ago and uses it as a chair table and Angie asked him one day Do you want me to ask MOM to install it LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY do you have screens in does he push them out???

JudyEddy said...

MY show is coming on at 10 Under The Dome and I will watch it tonight I usually watch the News and DVR it but being I am staying up later I want to watch it I loveeee that show

stronghunter said...

I have installed a bathroom light fixture and a 4-way switch, so I might be able to do it, too, Judy, but I prefer to have help at this point in my life.

Will just took the blower out of the air handler, but he isn't volunteering. Not sure what the problem is.

Lolly said...

WECOME HOME MARGY!!! Whoo Whoo! You were missed but so glad you had such a wonderful opportunity!!

I be home from Denton. Everyone had a great first day of school. We were especially anxious for Jacob as he was at a new school but all went well. Tomorrow he walks to his momma's school. We will all be anxious about that the first time too. I did some chores waiting for Laurel and Joseph to get home and then prepared dinner.

I got out of their way as soon as the kitchen was cleaned up.

Jack and I have been working on a calendar. We have decided to head to Colorado next month. You made me jealous, Shirley!

stronghunter said...

We have screens, but I think he would push them out. I'm sure he did the day he was walking on the porch roof. I just don't trust him in my room. I'm not as worried about the others, though I do not wish to have him escape out the front downstairs. However, we haven't gotten those windows unstuck yet.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Oh, how I wish we had A/C!! It's still 86 degrees out, and feels like rain, with not a cloud in sight. Hoda, I would love to have to wear long sleeves and socks! Where is our cool fall weather?

Judie, I hope you have a good day at the big schoolhouse tomorrow. I'm praying that your students are all wonderful this time!

Margy, I hope you have a good day back to work tomorrow. Sleep tight tonight!

Well, think I'll retreat to TV Land for a while. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Colorado is a beautiful state. We did enjoy the time we spent there, Lolly.

Definitely found it hard to get enough oxygen on the highest peaks.

stronghunter said...

I lived without air conditioning for many years, Andy. It is very nice to have, but it spoils you.

stronghunter said...

Will try to post some pictures tomorrow. There are some on FB, but I have more.

Thought I had a bowling lesson today, but the teacher was a no-show. The pro shop was closed. I left her a phone message.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. I am sleepy.

Lynne2 said...

good evening....

Glad to see our Margy checking in!

Thinking of our teachers today. And kids.

Lynne2 said...

and...goodnight and prayers for all. It's been a very trying few days. I need a break!

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us All.

Hoda said...

What's up LYNNE? Trying few days?

Glad to see SANDI posted. Thank you.

Lolly said...

Just had popcorn and a G&T. Great combo! Also watching the baseball game.

Going to ask for prayer. I am having a CT Scan Wed. I have a hard lump on my head. Going to check it out. I have had it a long time but just now letting it worry me. Would appreciate a prayer or two.

Hoda said...

LOLLY from now till you say otherwise you are on my prayer list.
When us the CT?
Glad you are checking it out.

Hoda said...

I see Wednesday...
Got it

Lolly said...

Yes, Wed. morning.

Heading to the shower. Feeling the need for pj's and bed soon.

Night all! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to say my goodnights.

Lolly - prayers for sure - Wise of you to have it checked out.

Going to travel westward to visit hubby's brother and his wife. He is going to give his bro some puter lessons.

Goodnight to all my friends...♥

Costume Lady said...

Quick check-in to WELCOME MARGIE home!
Anxious to hear more about favorite things in Germany...I'm sure there are many.

Missing my family (part of them) they have been at the beach again and took my Jayden with them. Missed him so much on did GG. I think she was a little teed off because she didn't get her Friday night fix :)
Spent Sunday at Denise's with the other part of my family and friends. GG didn't go...she wanted to sleep. She doesn't want to go anywhere now...just wants to sleep. I guess when you are 93, sleep is a welcome friend~ She did go out onto her porch and pick some tomatoes and made herself a sandwich. Couldn't get her to go out this afternoon to pick her beans. They are just hanging full of beans and if she doesn't pick them tomorrow, I will have to...they will get tough!

Good night and sleep and blessings to all ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Just stopping in to say hello.
Welcome home Margy.
Sandi, I bet you were glad to get home! Geesh, what a trip. Glad the wedding was wonderful and certainly worth the hassle.
Hi Kay!
I will check out Jo's calendar at some point.
First day with 6 students went well. Very cute little darlings. Day 2 today with 7 more. Love seeing their little personalities.
I was exhausted though. I sat on the couch and fell asleep for an hour after school. I should be out in the pool enjoying, but never made it off the couch! LOL!
Need to figure out what I am wearing.....have a great day everyone!

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana and all my eagle friends!

Lolly, sending prayers and positive energy your way for tomorrow's scan.

Judie, enjoy the first day of your last group of students!

More meetings this morning, then finally some work in your room time. Will get to school this morning an hour before we're due in so I can get some work done before the first meeting. Why don't administrators/district office folks EVER get that our first priority is getting our rooms set up???? Then they can bore us to death with meetings! Open house is tomorrow evening!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good Tuesday morning all! August is drawing to a close very quickly!!

Busy day yesterday: work...went a and had my ears lowered...picked olivia up and took sable to the vet.

sable has an infection in her tooth/gum. same side where i had teeth removed, same problem, a couple of years ago. dr. and i agree, no pulse antibiotics for the remainder of her time. 2 weeks on...3 weeks off...poor baby. although it really doesn't seem to bother her...

over all, se is doing great. moving around pretty well...still on the tramadol..sleeps a lot....stlll loving mealtime i am thankful for all of this.

another day ahead. sure is dark early now. lol. i guess we are moving towards fall.....

everyone have a lovely day! light and love to all!

Janet said...

Lolly: sending light and love , healing and smiles to everyone, but especially to you today... let us know how the scan goes....

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all!

Prayers for LOLLY. Don't worry Lolly, we will pray you through it!
Big Hugs!

Just wanted to check in and say hi and wish everyone a wonderful day.

I'm running behind on my test run for school mornings.


magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals....

about time to check in at the
Dough Factory

Wanted to wish everyone a
very good day, up there in the
Perfect Ranges....

"See You" as the day progresses

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Prayer or two, or three or four,
to the googleplex for you
Lolly ☼

Just as Lori said....We're going to L♥ve you through this


Best Wishes to Judie on the first day of the semester, and to everyone with what you have on your dance cards today,
be sure to dance the happy dance once in awhile to lighten things up if you need to

okay 'bye xo

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

LOLLY keeping you in my thoughts till you get the results of the CT

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

This was on the PIP page JO posted on FB and so did I for those of you that did follow PIP

The Real PIP Ostrich Page
Dear Friends:

Thank you for your thoughts and concern, I read many of the tributes, poetry, and gestures of sympathy. They were beautiful. Thank you for your best wishes.

I heard that many of you are worried about our family.

I was super depressed, felt gutted, had a hole in my stomach feeling yesterday, I am better today.
We I have taken hits and losses before, but this one was tough.
Our daughter has been kept busy and is not vocalizing grief any more. We are healing. Thanks

We do miss Pip, she was just so cute, and full of life, and made the sweetest sounds. You cannot replace the weeks spent incubating and turning the egg, and the excitement to see the candling development and the first crack, and the first trilling sounds. She was a gift, and we fully appreciate the time she was with us. We loved her when she was just an egg. To see a wonderful creature come out of that egg was magical.

Hearing that my mother's got joy from logging on and watching Pip made me happy, and I am sorry that pleasure is now gone.

A friend, Beverly, sent along a beautiful quote:

"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened"

As far as what happened, the preliminary examination is that there was an intestinal infection. A final report will be available from the State lab in a few weeks.

I spoke with a couple of ostrich breeders today to see what may have been done differently. I felt a great relief for my conscience when I was told I did nothing wrong.

They said that ostrich chicks are the hardest hatchlings to mature successfully. One breeder had 5 chicks a couple of weeks ago, and none survived. Last year she had 25 chicks, and 15 survived, and she thought this was fair to good. They felt that although this was not for anyone with no training, experience or even the proper equipment, they said that I was persistent and did everything possible.

I used the same feed the breeders use for newborn chicks. I suggested they use medicated (antibiotic containing) feed, and they thought that was a good idea and may try it next time.

We were generously offered ostrich chicks that are hatching soon. I'm not sure if this is the right time or even if we are prepared to take this emotional roller coaster again.

Again, thank you for being so wonderful to us, I am very impressed with all of your kindness.



Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Ready to head westward
BBL - early evening........
Sure hope my car trip isn't anything like Sandi's

Take care and make it a good day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers, Lolly. I know how it is to let something go for a long time and then worry about it. Most likely it is nothing. But best to check it out.

Sitting in my bedroom with the windows open. All kinds of bird sounds are getting George excited. I have been followed everywhere in the house by cats. They are going to make sure we don't escape again. George keeps pestering me. He pokes his face into mine even in the middle of the night.

The new part for the air handler will be available tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Jo, I hope you have an excellent car trip.

Sandi, I sympathize. It was always so frustrating to sit through those meetings when you have a million things to do. You have to come in early or stay late to get done the things you want to do to set up your room and your plans.

Thanks for the information about Pip, Judy. I tried to keep up with that news as I was traveling.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Judie and her wannabes today.

stronghunter said...

Hope today is less trying, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Andy, hoping for cooler weather in your part of the country.

stronghunter said...

Best wishes for Sable, Janet.

stronghunter said...

So lovely to see your posts again, Margy.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

First and foremost, LOLLY, we're with you all the way with prayers and positive thoughts wafting toward you ! Those kids of yours are sooo lucky ! What a great first day of school you helped them all have !

JO, wishing you safe travel and a delightful holiday with the kinfolk and crabs !

SANDI, happy to hear how your school daze are going so far. I know you and Dennis will be happy to get the Jeep back and to have that ordeal behind you !

SHIRLEY, hope the A/C repair is done very soon ! I hate when such things happen---had heavy expense this year with my A/C and my dryer. Ugh !

MARGY, thinking of you as you return to work today ! Let us know how JEWEL's is faring these days. Like you, I'm Facebook self deprived and don't hear about many of our dear bloggers as much as I'd like !

WANDA, thanks for the GG update--she's an inspiration to this ol' gal ! I'm a bit younger than she, but amazed at the amount of sleep I need, even through the day. No doubt she needs the restorative power sleep provides.

Hi to my dear girls, LORI and DANA ! And, to our sweet friends, HODA, JUDYE, JANET, PAULA and JUDIE, too !

Love and prayers for all !


Hoda said...

Putting LOLLY in prayers, and confident that all will be as it should.

JANET I do not have an image of the meaning of " lowering my ears"... What pray tell would that be and why?

Awesome to see you on here MARGY

Safe travels JO.

SHIRLEY I like the image of the cats following you around.

PAULA good luck with assessments and pricing and I hope it is all affordable so the Beach House can now become your main residence.

Blessed Be...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Hoda...lowering ears = haircut!

Now you know!

Good luck on the Cat scan, Lolly.

Shirley, glad the AC repair will be soon.

Hoda said...

PAULA this blog is soooooooo good for me!
So much to learn and when I do not hear the expressions often I forget... Lowering Ears= Haircut
" but of course..." Said in the best French Accent!!!

The Wannabes won't know what hit them just about now!
Our Miss JUDIE is in her classroom again! Way to go JUDIE!

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck on your first day Judie!

Hoda said...

Off to the Autobody Shop
Then buy gifts to Australian Friends who are leaving tomorrow.
Souvenirs of the Kootenays.
Lunch with said friends.


stronghunter said...

Attic empty in breezy Shepherdstown.

stronghunter said...

Time to purchase green socks for Hunter's first football game. There have been some issues. He does not want to practice, but now he wants to play. It is all part of growing up, but grandma is about to tear her hair out.

Give me strength. Game is tonight. Must get green socks. Oh my goodness.

stronghunter said...

I will have to find out where the game is if I am to take him there. :) I am still trying to smile.

stronghunter said...

Think I will not try to roast a chicken tonight. It would be better to wait until tomorrow when there is no game and the house is cooler. That is if we get the AC taken care of. I also purchased a pie. I am not sure if anyone else will eat a berry pie. Maybe Will. Maybe Hunter. Not Kathryn. I love berry pies. I do not know why my daughter does not.

I also purchased a small watermelon. I might be the only one who will eat that--except for Luna. I love watermelon in the summer.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Judie meeting her first group of wannabes and of other teachers getting ready for classes. One of my friends is beginning her 48th year of teaching. We started at the same time. Goodness. I think I taught 28 years.

stronghunter said...

Love it when Hoda learns a new slang term from the USA.

stronghunter said...

Must wash hair and get going. Green socks will not arrive on angel wings.

stronghunter said...

Must wash hair and get going. Green socks will not arrive on angel wings.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

I have survived day one! Need to read back as it seems everyone took advantage of my absence to exceed the speed limit.


Kay said...

Yeah ! JUDIE survived the 1st day ! It's all down hill from here! ☺

DIANN, I neglected to say "hey" to you earlier. Sorry. I'm so glad to see you here more often and hope it means your health has improved--a lot !

SHIRLEY, hang in there. These wonderful grandsons do mature and begin to conform to our norms, in time ! Glad Hunter has decided he wants to play and hope you find the right green socks !

HODA, hope you had a scrumptious lunch with your dear Aussies ! How nice of you to send them home with goodies from your area.

Judie said...

Well, I see Shirley has joined the sock bandwagon and has to get herself gussied to wear green socks, George is in love with her, and she will soon be having a cool time; can't wait for Hoda to meet Janet who had her ears lowered; Diann reminded Sandi of the place where things go never to be seen again and Sandi and Dana survived boring meetings but neither got school work done; Margy has returned to the dough factory; JudyE has an XBox table and posted the report on PIP; Andy is feeling the heat; Lolly had to resort to a GT with popcorn; GG is doing what we all wish we could; Jo and Mr. Jo are off on an excursion; Lynne2 had a ruff day; Paula is blowing hot and cold. Whew!

Judie said...

Lolly, my thoughts and good health wishes are with you for tomorrow. I'm sure it will turn out to just be nothing of concern.

Janet, I'm sorry Sable has to be medicated and wish a speedy recovery.

Hoda, hope you had a wonderful lunch with your friends. I know they will miss seeing you.

As for me, well, I survived the first day. Students seemed okay and responsive.

Thank you for your good wishes and support.

Going to try a new recipe for chicken tonight. Saw it on The Chew last week. Rather suspect I will be making an early visit to the pillows but Sandperson will be on duty.


Judie said...

Hi Kay!

Judie said...

Students seemed okay and responsive = they were breathing.

Mema Jo said...

Had a very safe trip - school buses when we were almost home ...

Thanks Judie for helping me to catch up by reading your post - Incidentally how many and which days are you in class? Happy your wannabees were breathing - at least you have a good start.

everyone read my next post please

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to our

Capt Gene....♥

Enjoy your day and celebrate YOU

Mema Jo said...

BBL as we literally did just walk in the door a few minutes ago ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! You make me feel good reading the blog. Thank you so very much! Love you all!

It has been a busy day, first day home that I have had a chance to catch up on things. Well, not really caught up but did get some things done. Had to go to church and water the garden, Plants were getting crispy!! Also, got my car washed...hope that will make it rain. Saw a friend at the car wash and she says it rains every times she get her car washed. We shall see. ha!

Then I had to get to Target and the grosssserie store.

Lori O. said...


(Wanda's dear sweet husband)

Enjoy your special day! We love you and that Eagle Express!

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from day 2. Literally, the entire day was spent in meetings! The only reason I got any work done is b/c I got to school an hour early this morning and worked (on my own time) and then I ate a sandwich while I worked instead of taking an hour for lunch. So I spent 2 hours of MY time doing paperwork for school. Still don't have my room set up and open house is tomorrow. We have 2 new teachers on our team and they have so many questions -they were SO frustrated!

OK, need to make dog food and then people food, and then do more school work. I doubt that I'll get back on the blog tonight so I'll see everyone in the AM.

BTW, Judy, I could not get anything to post on the calendar, even though I tried several times. So, since you've figured it out, I would love if you would add my info.
8/18 - my birthday
8/14 - Denny's and my anniversary

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, prayers and comfort for you until you get your CT scan results. Big Hugs.

KAY, Hello! Big Hugs for you, too.

I'm missing THELMA these days.

JUDIE, congrats on making it through the first part of your last year! YAY!

JO, glad you and the Mister had a nice excursion and made it home safely.

JANET, sorry to hear about Sable. Big Hugs and comfort for you and I hope she can pull it together and feel better soon.

HODA, have fun shopping for your Aussie friends. What a fun chore!

JUDYE & MARGY, hope you're able to come home from work and put your feet up.

MARGY, so glad you're back!

SANDI, did you make it through today? I know how much you hate the end of summer and back to school.

Wishing everyone a great evening, a fabulous dinner and smiles.

Hoda said...

Oso Negro is a pretty cool coffee shop in Nelson.
They have a sign that reads:
" Unattended Children will be given a free kitten and an espresso"!!!

The kids there are very well behaved.
Parents look after them well!!!


Hoda said...

Bring that Eagle Express to Nelson BC with all the Eastern Momsters.
Blessed Be

Hoda said...

Great Day.
The people at the Autobody place were efficient and cordial.
They were very helpful.
I went to a near by park as I was early. When I came back they had most of the picture taking done and started on the paper work for the insurance.

Enjoyed visiting with my friends.
I will miss them.

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO home from work

sounds like all had a good day

SANDI done and I emailed you a snip of it

Elcaptain GENE ♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Tian Tian! Tian's 16th birthday is today and he celebrated with a fruitsicle cake of sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, apples, and a little juice.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head out to the game. Hunter will be wearing the green socks if he can find them. Somehow, I am supposed to know where they are. I swear I saw him take the bag upstairs.

Will need to obtain a Gatorade. The one I put in the refrigerator has vanished.

Have a nice evening!

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Gene.

Lolly said...

Sandi, your day sounds very normal for the beginning of the year. I will take Lynne's stand....When I am Queen all teacher in-service will be fun, motivating, and a great majority of the time given to teachers to prepare in their rooms.

Talked with Laurel....second day of school great again! Wahooo! Jacob walked to his mom's school, went to her room to drop off his backpack and then went to the library where Laurel and her class were the last period. All is good! Laurel was thrilled to have the dinner for tonight too, as Joseph has a soccer practice that she did not anticipate.

stronghunter said...

Happy Birthday Tian Tian!

stronghunter said...

Don't tell anyone, but when I was a teacher, there was a year when I got credit points for an in-service that I did not attend. I was at the dentist's. Had permission to miss the event.

Since a few years earlier, they lost a great many of my credit points that I had to re-do, I felt a little secret joy.

They lost lots of people's credits. We were unhappy. They just said they couldn't find them. Can you imagine what would happen if a teacher lost all of their student's work and said they had to do it over??? My re-do cost me $600, so I did not feel obliged to say I hadn't been to that convocation thingy.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, that's terrible! And it cost you more money! I'd have raised he**!


NCSuzan said...


To Judie and Sandi and Dana, thank you for your vocation. I admire your dedication and tenacity.

Lolly, will be thinking of you.

Shirley, glad you are back. Have missed your sense of humor in otherwise frustrating situations.

Margy, can't wait to hear of your trip. So happy you are home.

The temps are a little warmer this week but not too terribly hot. Come on fall!

JudyEddy said...

Its pouring big time out POP up storm

JudyEddy said...

WOW that down pour that lasted a little over 10 min left ONE INCH of rain in my gauge and a river for a road but now its drained

Lori O. said...

7:30 already - where did the day go. The big school monster is eating away all my free Godays!

SHIRLEY, good luck to Hunter at his game - IF he finds his socks. You are the most patient woman! :)
AND, that $600 would have really upset me!

Got an email today from one of the carpoolers and she's dropping out so she can pick up her Sister's kid after that's down to two of us. Still, I'm elated to have a co-driver.

JUDYE, hope you had a great day!

SUZAN, glad to see you tonight. Hope you're feeling well.

I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight and wake up before 5 tomorrow morning and try out my school schedule. Figure if I wake up early, I'll be able to go to bed early tomorrow on my first school night! LOL Never thought I'd be doing this again.


Lori O. said...

should be all my free DAYS....fat fingers here...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

she has turned around 4 times now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Hey remember I said that the album has changed Well when you view you can view the latest first of the oldest first Cool Beans on that part

Judie said...

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPT. GENE ♪♫ May this be the first bestest day of the bestest year ever. Darth says hi!

Hope Hunter and his team were successful tonight - especially the green sock good luck.

Eyes are getting very heavy and even The Evil Jufie is being marginally empathetic saying Sandperson can get on with things. So, Sandperson is quietly packing a large satchel and will leave quietly at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 2 TV shows - Looks as though I'll have a good many comments to read - BBILW

Lynne2 said...

Uh, Lolly....when YOU are Queen?? I think not. Off with your head.

Well, Shirley is being stalked by FURocious felines while on the hunt for green socks for Hunter who only wants to play. You may be tearing your hair out Shirley, but I am ROFLMBO!!

Speaking of playing, Lori is playing with people on WWF but she doesn't know WHO she is playing with.....danger danger danger.

Janet, pulse anitbiotics are an excellent choice and will certainly make Sable feel better!

I'll bet we are ALL looking forward to the weekend...but I'll be SANDI is REALLY looking forward to it most of all! Hope Denny had a safe trip to Norfolk and is back with the Jeep in tip top shape!

Glad things went smoothly at the body shop Hoda. And I hope you had a nice lunch with the Aussies! By the way...Judy needs to borrow your Dragon Boat..... :)

Hope things are cooling off on the Left Coast for Andy.

Glad your first day of your last semester went well with the wannabes Judie. Let us know when you introduce them to the nefarious Jufie...maybe Hunter can loan you his Bigfoot trap to catch her.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, anyone, are you watching Cedar Cove on Hallmark.

119 Days til CHristmas, BTW. Ho HO HOOOO!

Nice to see you Suz, hope you are feeling well!

You too Kay!

Lynne2 said...

Been thinking of Crunch Bob and Doris and wondering how they are doing these days.

MARGY....hope your first day back to work wasn't too taxing after the trip! Hope you get your internal clock righted soon!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, prayers for your CT scan tomorrow. I hope they don't make you wait to long to give you the results. (((HUGS)))

Janet said...

good evening pals!

okay, so i had a good laugh....never thought about it...but Dearest HODA: lowering your ears means getting your hair cut. as in, the hair was over my ears but now is above my ears, therefore looking as if my ears were lowered.....just a silly figure of speech....((((hugs)))) you made me smile!

to all: apparently the pulse antibiotics will be something sable will be on permanantly as neither Dr. K nor I want to put her under to remove the tooth. She seems to feel fine, although I think tramadol has something to do with that.

So for those of you not on facebook had a little adventure last night. I had gone in and snuggled the heelers before bed. i put them back in their respective kennels adn we went to bed.

i heard a noise around ten. assumed that it was olivia getting up getting a drink....back to sleep. shortly thereafter....a scritch scratching at my door....?????? oh no. i had not closed seven's kennel well and she had an ADVENTURE! she dug in the big sandbox in the bathroom *aka litterpan* and tour up toliet paper all over the place! WHEEEEE did she have FUN!!!!!! and when she got bored/lonely, she knocked on our bedroom dooor and had this grin like, hi mom, how ya doing? see what i did???

i couldn't be upset...i just hugged her, told her how smart and creative she is.....put her in the kennel because after all itwas my own fault and it wasn't anything a broom couldn't clean up. :)

on another note: lorelei is getting tubes in her ears in the morning. i have to scoot outaa here early as i have a 7:30 and then an 8 am. massage so i can head over to vanderbilt to be with chelsea. she is nervous simply because lorelei is so young. i think everything will be fine. its not like she is a new born...but i respect my daughers' nerves and will be present with her.

other than that, another day done.

hope everyone has a restful evening. SED to one and all!

Janet said...

Oh and happy bday Capt. Gene!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Lorelei's procedure tomorrow Janet. Love the pics on FB BTW!

Lynne2 said...

Good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Uh Oh....didn't think the Queen would declare I loose my head!!! Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive!!!!

Having a glass of Portugal wine and listening to Fado, music of Portugal. Fell in love with Fado while there!! At a banquet one night we had a famous (in Portugal) Fado singer entertain us!
Baseball game is about to start!

Well, Lori, should we say "break a leg!" You are going to do great!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone!
Blogger is behaving badly! I finally got some pics on a new post, but the 2nd half was all out of order! DUH. I deleted some, slid some around each other in the border and have to get a couple more on there! Technology is so helpful!!!!
Saturday at Park, it took the hourglass not quite an hour to run out with the Password. All we were trying to do was use the cash register!!!! This wasn't cool when we had zoo parade worse there than at the DC Panda House.
If you can stand to read about this, Sat. PM I went over to butterfly garden to look for monarchs. There was the LARGEST garden spider I've ever seen! Pics are still in camera---I'll have to get brave & promise not to show it here. I can send email if anyone wants a look! And talk about coincidence, I needed to go to Chelsea on Sunday for awhile to inventory all the signs/banners for a yearly event that we store for a history group. And you know where half the stuff is stored~~~~the unfinished spider web dungeon!!!!!! I took my "hazmat" gear and swept the broom in the air in front of me. Was not bad at all! The cleaning people won't touch it~~~they sweep/vacuum our floor and clean bathroom once a week! (Thank you for letting me vent!) Other than these frustrations, work is great! ☺ Didn't get a chance to really look at river today, but when I went out, did not hear osprey chirps. Heard a few Sat. Next, the hummers and monarchs will travel.:>(
Hope you will be able to see new pics at the crack of dawn! And then there will be another group after that.
Have to read back, but hope everyone is doing OK and prayers for all in need ☺

NatureNut said...

GADZOOKS!!!! Before the day is over

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY will be keeping you close to heart tomorrow for good results of your test,
LORI you will do great at school
HODA don't think I will need the dragon boat today the roads drained pretty fast after the down pour we had

LYNNE2 is in to beheading LOLLY
I think JUDIE needs to talk with
JUFIE on that LOL

I saw SHARON of FB having a EEG today hope all is ok

DANAMO, SANDI and JUDIE without people like you molding the youth and the olds peeps the world would be a sad state Thanks for all you do and also X teachers tooo

SIS so happy that SEVEN is doing better and I loved the picture of the TP roll funny

WANDA loved the pic of you two Love B&W pictures and I can't believe he is 75 when I meet him when I was up there he doesn't look that age You must be a good influence on him to keep him young looking I know its the Soup Kitchen that keeps you both young looking

SHIRLEY how was HUNTER game and did he find the green socks???

LORI and DANAMO hope your dads are doing ok and LOLLY your fubby hope he is doing ok also

MARGY are you almost back to normal yet Getting back to work sometime is hard after you have been off for awhile getting in to the swing of things

JO I have the BDAY list of July and August Do you want me to add those dates to the calendar I thought I had the other months but can't seem to find I may have put in another folder not the blog I will keep looking I have no problems doing it let me know OK DOKEY

I have to be at work at 9 again tomorrow get to stay up later like a big girl LOL

PAULA are you getting excited about your new job

I wonder how Guela is anyone hear from her? also JIM hasn't been movin here lately

JudyEddy said...

wow I didn't think I wrote that much

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

HI LORETTA yes send me the pic if you don't mind I was typing away and didn't see your post
Have they installed a camera at your work place yet?
OH I just pulled a MARGY

OH How is the wrist MARGY??

paula eagleholic said...

Got an email from Jim today.

Yes, excited about the job...lots to do before I leave here...won't be back for 2 weeks.

I will get to see when the ospreys migrate from the beach...then the eagles will be back!!!

Hoda said...

Big day for us tomorrow:

LOLLY putting you in the Light and prayers that all is good.
LORI proud of you and know you will rock awesome as a student
LORELI prayers for a safe procedure JANET.

I was almost getting ready to paddle down with the DRAGON team to rescue JUDYE but just saw the stand down comment. Glad Florida did not float away.

LORETTA your posts are always very interesting.

Yes MARGY JUDYE asks a good question: how is the wrist?

PAULA exciting about seeing the migration and also the return of the eagles

Lolly said...

Time for me to shower and get comfy. Still half watching the baseball game. But it is time for me to close down the laptop.

Night all. SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening
TV shows have finished
Want to watch the 11:00 news - Scary about Syria...

I'll read all in the morning
very tired out

Goodnight to all ♥

Think of you Lolly! ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Well, the game was exciting. The team played well and won, but Hunter did not want to play. I do not know what is going on. It looked like the coaches tried. They put him in twice, but he did not last long. He is one of the oldest and most experienced kids on the team.

I told Kathryn to go easy on him. But I have not asked a lot of questions. It is hot in the house and sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut.

Oh, the $600!! Well, I went to the principal. He said that they would probably tell me they are YOUR credits. But they had already collected them. After you turn in the credits, you assume they are taken care of properly.

When I complained to the central office, they said that I should have made copies. I did for some of them. The word got around that things were a mess. They did not give us the opportunity to make copies for many of them. They said, "Here are your credits, sign here, and put the papers in this box." Then they lost the danged box. They told me that they just did not know what happened to that box. I had driven all the way to Culpeper for quite a few all-day sessions during the summer to earn those credits.

These credits are very important. They determine whether or not you can renew your teaching certification. It was my livelihood, so I earned more credits as quickly as I could because the deadline was upon me.

Furthermore, when I spent the $600 and turned in those credits, I immediately requested that they make copies right then and there. (I couldn't make copies because they came in a sealed envelope I couldn't open. I had it sent to me rather than the system for obvious reasons.)

Lady said, "Come back in two days so we can finalize everything."

I went back in two days with my duplicates in my own hands.

Lady went to the files and said, "We don't have it. It's not here." I said, "I gave it to you two days ago!"

She said, "It must be in the bin, and I don't know how to find things in the bin."

I provided the duplicates, but the state requires originals.

So, I wrote a letter to the superintendent. Lady called me back a few days later, very upset. She thought I was being unreasonable, but she had found the originals.

There are many stories of people having to provide new copies of their transcripts, etc., sometimes at considerable expense. They now record the credits on the computer, thank goodness, but I do not have to worry about that anymore.

Did someone get fired because of this mess? Word is that at least one person did, but the mess remained and it seemed to grow. I do not know what happened after I left.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Shirley, sounds like incompetence! Very frustrating indeed. Glad you don't have to deal with that anymore.

Got lots of paperwork done tonight. Tomorrow is a running, post office, Staples, etc.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

PA Nana said...

Uh oh! The day is almost over and I must wish Capt.Gene a happy birthday time. Though I'm late, Gene, celebrate tomorrow with my good wishes.

Lolly, my prayers that your test is completed without cause. And everything will be fine.

Janet, your child getting tubes in her ears? It's nothing serious. 3 of my kids had them at very young ages. Two of them had to have them a second time with great results. Even my Teresa at age 45 needed ear tubes again. She's teaching voice/music and needs to hear. Said there was no hospital visit needed. Done might in the office. This was her third time. These kids have ears like their dad! Maybe he should have pair inserted so he can hear me. ;)

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow - it's hump day!

Lynne, surely you can share the crown with lolly.

Saying goodnight and may God bless you each with love, peace, and health.

I love you all. Xoxo

Loretta, don't send me any pictures of spiders! They give me the "willies"! And nightmares.

stronghunter said...

Tubes in ears--Will had them more than once. Hunter has had them once. We did have to make sure no water got into their ears.

stronghunter said...

It has cooled down a little. Have only seen a couple of mosquitoes in my room so far.

Going to try for some sleep. I do like hearing the outdoor noises of insects at night. Takes me back. Did not always have air conditioning.

Supposed to have the new part tomorrow. Kathryn is muttering about going to a hotel if the AC is not fixed.

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us All

Costume Lady said...

Just got done reading today's comments. I will show Capt. Gene your birthday wishes in the morning...thank you all so much for remembering him!

We don't do gifts anymore, just cards and a special dinner somewhere that we don't normally dine. This evening, we ate at our Brand New Olive Garden. I think they are pretty much everywhere, but ours just opened and it is a very pleasant atmosphere...very nicely decorated. We had steak medallions with fettuccine noodles and a garganzola (sp) very good. I recommend you try it if you go to Olive Garden!

Time to say good and prayers for all ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Wednesday morning everyone!

SANDI, so do you have the kids in class yet? Hope you don't have another in-service meeting today. Did Denny get home with your Jeep?

HODA, so very, very nice of you to offer to Dragon Boat your way to FL to rescue JUDYE. I bet you knew your skill would come in handy some day. :)

PAULA, you must be so excited! Going to the beach for two weeks - when does the job start - I forgot?

JANET, dogs and toilet paper, how funny! Don't know why they always end up doing that. So very cute the way you handled it.

LOLLY, prayers and best wishes for your CT Scan today. Hope the results come in pronto for you.

KAY, any news on the grandsons in college? How is Seth doing? Is he close enough that he can come home on weekends?

JUDYE, today is your Friday!

MARGY, how was work yesterday? Or is it today? Sure is nice to have you back. :)

SHARON, what were the results of your test yesterday, or don't you know yet? We're waiting to hear. Love you!

Well, it's another practice morning for up at 4:45 which is when I think I will get up for school tomorrow. Already had my coffee and feel ready to go. Hope I'm feeling sleepy at 8 tonight. Maybe JUDIE can put in a special order with the Sandman.

Wishing everyone a great day!


Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Lori, you sound so excited! I know you'll do GREAT!! No kids for me til next Tuesday.

Judy, thanks for putting my info. on the calendar but I can't see it. Must be something in my settings that I don't have time to investigate right now. The settings are probably why I couldn't add anything either.

Lolly, prayers that you get fast and positive results on your scan today!

Margy, are you un-jet-lagged yet?

Shar, test results?? Diagnosis yet??

Jeep is home from Norfolk and went into the garage here to have the AC hose fixed as well. So it's all good!

Have been through all of my special ed. kids' IEPs - mostly learning disabled, a couple with ADHD, one with high-functioning autism. I think what struck me the most was the percentage of kids with just one parent name on the IEP. I think it's hard enough to raise kids when there are 2 adults to do it; I'm hoping these single parents aren't too busy working to provide the home support their kids need.

Tonight is open house from 5:30 til 7:30 so I'm sure I won't make it back to the blog this evening. Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning to all!
Thank you for the well wishes both for Sable and Lorelei.

PA NANA;my middle child, michael who is now 23, had tubes 20+ years ago and i know it is not a problem....and my oldest granddaughter, Amelia had them a few years ago...and i think my daughter is just nervous because Lorelei is 8 months old....and her baby. You know how it is with "the baby" Thank you so much for your supprt. I know all will be fine....I am just going over to hold Chelesa's hand (and a change to play with and hold miss lorelei)

LYNNE2 (aka the queen of everything) glad you liked the pix. lol. there was a time when that would have stressed me out, but over the years i have learned to just chill and look at things as much as i can from the dog's perpective. she was just having fun....

read this great book ... can't remember the exact name, but it is on amazon: Merle and the rest of the title is about a free thinking dog....and that reinforced my thinking like a dog idea.

LOLLY: holding you close today!
LORI: rock it! can do this!!!!

well i best get moving. i have a 7:30 and an 8 a.m. massage. easy stuff, just got to get my hiney in gear.

light, love, smiles, and hugs to all! make it a great day my friends!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds


Sandi did you see the snip picture I sent you your info is there On the left side you can see the word Calendar your name should be checked and under it is the word Subscribe Eagle Momster check that also JO can you see my name, Lori, and Sandi name I can see it all and the Egg laying, hatch days and HP days that you must have put on

I couldn't see that info until I checked the Subscribe eagle momster box Good luck but your name is on the snip I sent as well as the one I sent LORI I went back just now and I still can see them Odd

You can access the calendar from the mail page in the purple band above That is the only way I am able to see the info MAYBE THAT IS IT when I used the link I culdn't see it either Try accessing thru the email tab Good luck

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A gentle rain falling outdoors here this morning.

George is still following me around. Right now, he is sleeping with one eye open, the way that cats do...oh, just closed that eye.

stronghunter said...

I know that Lori will be an outstanding nursing student.

So happy for you Paula. Wonderful to see things working out so well.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to see Margy's pictures.

Hoda said...

LOLLY ... in Prayers.

I missed SHAR had more tests yesterday?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning to all ♥

Thinking of Lolly & her CT and also of little Lorelei getting tubes in her ears. Sharon said her EEG was beautiful and that the dr even said I even I had a hyperventilatory response which rarely happens over the age of 20.
20 - yeah??????

I still need to read back - I think this time I will read from the top down - BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning to all ♥

Thinking of Lolly & her CT and also of little Lorelei getting tubes in her ears. Sharon said her EEG was beautiful and that the dr even said I even I had a hyperventilatory response which rarely happens over the age of 20.
20 - yeah??????

I still need to read back - I think this time I will read from the top down - BBL

Mema Jo said...

I am having a big problem getting our Eaglet_Momsters site to come up.

I get: internal error - server connection terminated

I'm still trying but is anyone else having the same problem ?????

Lolly said...

Good morning! Time for a quick good morning and then off to the kitchen. There is a funeral at our church this morning and was asked to do a dish for the meal following. So, off to make baked Mac and Cheese this morning. Going to be children there, so thought this would be an appropriate dish.

Jack is going to take the dish for me as I will be leaving for the test.

Thanks for the prayers. Have no idea at all when I will hear about the results, but will definitely call the doctor's office very quickly.

Have a great day! I plan on it!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Still wondering if Shirley found green socks. Sorry Hunter is having some difficulty and hope it is resolved quickly.

Hoping Lolly will get good news. Could just be a benign cyst.

Also thinking of Lorelei and know she will be just fine and dandy. Youngsters often do better than adults with these procedures.

Have a great day everyone.

Hoda said...

Thank you JO on SHAR report.

Awesome attitude LOLLY.

LORELEI in prayers.

Mema Jo said...

I need to repeat this as I am trying to get a response:

I am having a big problem getting our Eaglet_Momsters site to come up.

I get: internal error - server connection terminated

I'm still trying but is anyone else having the same problem ?????

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

LOLLY, a positive attitude can help a lot, so you are going in a winner ! Prayers galore !

LORI, reports from all the family semester start ups is good ! Seth came home for part of last weekend as he needed a couple days to try to get over a cold. His resistance is low and he starts every year with a bug ! Since a holiday is coming up I imagine he'll be home this weekend, too. He called me Monday evening with a glowing report of the first day of classes and Julie says his texts since then have all be positive ! Thanks for asking.

Oops, Penny is giving me an urgent signal. Will try to BBL.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, yes. I am having the same problem. Even trying to access it from the website. Must be them and not us!

NCSuzan said...

I hope that it is an internal problem. Sorry I am no better help than agreeing with your situation!

Hoda said...

JO I have a very hard time accessing the Eagle Momster site ALL the time!!!
I hardly ever go there!!!
Gve up in frustration a while back.
I think the last time I posted a picture way back when.
Out of ten tries I MIGHT get on once!!!
No guarantees and does not happen often.
Sorry I can not help answer your question.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...