Monday, March 18, 2013


New thread.  Things should be warmer tomorrow...


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mariadangeloart said...

The feeding (or lack of) doesn't worry me because I trust the eagles and nature. This snow on the other hand, worries me. There was an owl that lost her eggs because of a snow storm. I just hope the chicks and Belle (and Shep) stay safe....

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks, Shirley for the call over!

Both chicks were fed several times today before the snow/sleet started so, they'll be fine even if Belle has to sit on them all night. I would imagine it's pretty warm underneath Belle!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Maria.

Congratulations, Maria. You found a new thread. You get a feather!!

magpie said...

Well there sure IS a new thread,
Thanks Steve!

and Thanks Maria!

LOL maybe we should invite Steve to join the Feather Club and let us know when a new thread goes up...
he'd have a bunch of feathers in NO Time!

stronghunter said...

Maria found the new thread, Sandi. I merely posted under her.

mariadangeloart said...

Oh wow I get a feather!!! :D

stronghunter said...

Belle shaking off that snow mess.

stronghunter said...

Feeding the babies.

magpie said...

Presenting, the Snow Babies...
and not a speck of snow
fell onto the egg cup!

That's our Belle! ♥

mariadangeloart said...

I'm going to have to find more new threads so I can have a headdress! :D

stronghunter said...

Well, there is the "Away" commercial on TV.

mariadangeloart said...

My goodness they are loud! lol So adorable!

stronghunter said...

Snowflakes flying by as Belle feeds. She is getting something from the 6:00 zone of the nest, I think.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

They are loud. Shep there, too.

stronghunter said...

Helping with the feeding.

Sandi said...

I hear Belle talking to Shep - wonder if he delivered some more food out of sight. Sounds like she told Shep she's got it covered - literally!! She's now tenting a little over the chicks! Whatta Mom!!

stronghunter said...

Belle is tenting now.

glo said...

we really are missing a huge part of the top of the nest. Only saw some of Sheps head and beak. I think there is food there we can not see and of course Belle did find food at about 5 or 6 o"clock to feed just now. Glad I don't have to listen to the sleet anymore. Glad to see another feeding. I saw that Belle had shaked off in still cam and was up. Loaded live and enjoyed.

magpie said...

Beauteous Avatar, Sandi !
Wish we had an Alt character
for smiley flower faces !

stronghunter said...

Okay, signed out accidentally. Need to sign in.

Sandi said...

Thanks, Margy! Speaking of beauteous, I got a photo of beauteous Belle covering her chicks and posted it in the March album with today's date.

Yup, that grass under Belle was perfectly dry and those babes are as snug as bugs in a rug!

Off to the grocery store - catch y'all later!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I do feel protective of us as well, that thinking really sums it up. I do wish everyone would call our eagles Belle and Shep .... But in a public forum, I think it's best to keep it generic.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread
Maria thank you for the alert to come on over!

Here comes more snow showers in my valley.

Paula/Lydia where on FB is the Outdoor eagle cam page?

Mema Jo said...

I found the page - Thanks anyway!

Costume Lady said...

What you see in the nest is mostly sleet. It did snow for a few minutes, but then sleet started again. We were at GGs and decided to mosey on home before the roads got too bad...too late, already very slick. State snow plows came out when we were half way home...they were going in the opposite direction:( Looks like it has stopped, was supposed to at 6pm.
That Belle is something else, isn't she?

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, there are 2 of them...will post them when I get home.

Margy, still working at work...couple more weeks.

Costume Lady said...

We got a head start on the Soup Kitchen today. It helps a lot when we go in the day before the meal. No one to be asking questions and gettin in the way.
I made TOMATO BISQUE SOUP and Capt. Gene stewed chicken legs & thighs for Pot Pie. Tomorrow, we will pull the meat from the bones and make the pot pies and I will finish up putting things away in the Clothes Closet. Have I told you how much I love doing that? :)


NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eaglebuds. Hate to see precip in the nest, but know the chicks are safe. Hope it gets warm enough to melt.
It's been nasty here all day~~few flakes this AM, mostly rain, but Hi of 41° ish.
Have glanced at nest, but got drops in eyes at DR., so too blurry to write.Had a Panda nap, so that helped.
Gotta hit the corned beef and make sure there's enough for tomorrow's lunch sandwich. Got another head of cabbage, too!

NatureNut said...

Wow, I just missed seeing Wanda's menu! YUM! You guys are amazing!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and got my truck and they couldn't find anything wrong with it ODD HUH

in process of uninstalling google chrome just to reinstall it some how I got a thing called Whitesmoke and I uninstalled on my IE but can't get off google chorme so I am uninstalling it to see if it goes aways then BBIALW after it get done

glo said...

Our Bell is a Tough Old Bird Love her dearly.

glo said...

Belle is feeding now

DanaMo said...

Nor to bring it up again, but I think what Shirley said is what I feel.

I think some of us feel just a little protective of our own group and our history, and that is not such a bad thing either.

I'll just stay here. :)

DanaMo said...

Having a beer and relaxing. Ready to go to bed but it's too early!
Only 6.5 days til spring break!!

Lolly said...

Just came in. I mowed, edged and then blew with the leaf blower. Everything looks nice and tidy,

See Belle feeding. I feel like my eye sight is going, it is so blurry in the egg cup.

Hate to see that snow and ice in the nest, but the egg cup looks dry and cozy.

I really like you expressed everything, Sandi. I am staying right here, do not have time for two blogs. So, Hedgie and Shamrock it is!! I like that.

Bell has a big hunk of something that she is feed the chicks. Still would like to see a big ol fish!

glo said...

Have no clue what she fed but she spent some time. Hedgie got "plenty" not sure about Shamrock. very very hard to even try to watch. My eyes and head hurts today so not helping at all. They are tucked in again.

Lolly said...

Bev, thanks for the update on little Isaac. I am with you, he is not going to eat if he is not hungry. Glad they are giving him a taste of candy. I have said all along, let him taste candy...he will learn to eat. lol

JudyEddy said...

I'm back and whitesmoke free ..
that was a PIA

ok now to go read the blog

OH saw the Juvie at the ford dealership I asked how may were there they were uncertain I guess But the parents have stopped feeding it I hate that part but I know they all do it to make them grow up LOL Didn't have my camera its at Angie house along with my laptop so will get that on Thurs

JudyEddy said...

The names change is fine with me also We should honor their friend also so Kat has my vote also But will they change it there we know we are willing to bend but will there I hope that they will so the new people that pop in won't be cornfused

JudyEddy said...

HOW much snow have the nest area gotten Iguess I should go read huh was reading then saw the name issue and just wanted to pop in back to reading and I am hungry tooo

magpie said...

sorry about the repeat Crown...
Guess they are searching for the Appropriate Crown! To suit you to a "T".

sorry Glo that your head is hurting...
eyestrain can do that or add to it!

magpie said...

I'm betting it was junk in your fuel lines, or maybe bad gasoline...
a fuel filter, cheap and easy...might prevent that from
happening again if it suits your truck engine style...
maybe I am just blowing "white smoke" with my ideas though

snow plow and a train...
lots of activity at NCTC

JudyEddy said...

Love the news that Issac is getting better ♥

magpie said...

I'm thinking I should sign up for cooking classes with Wanda and Gene...that Menu sounds
Teeee-riffic !
Wonderful Ministry, Captain and First Mate ☺♥☺♥

glo said...

Well just voiced my complaint on OC about the poor quality of focus since it zoomed in. I would rather see it zoomed out than have it blurred zoomed in. If they can't focus it put it back the way it was goodness. OK done venting. I don't have any connections with anyone. It will be ignored for the most part.

JudyEddy said...

ODD SANDI you get email comments did you get this comment but its not on the blog??

"""""Beverly Sadler has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

Saw them hatch at about 7PM EST 3-18-13!

Post a comment.

Unsubscribe to comments on this post.

Posted by Beverly Sadler to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Monday, March 18, 2013 7:11:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

Odd that it is not on this page but in my email and what is she talking about hatch today HUH

JudyEddy said...

BEEP BEEP backing up and
maybe hammering I hear at the nest

Linda said...

Just checking in.....

GLO - Could it be that the camera is wet from the weather over the past few days.....or do you think it is a problem with the focus?

JudyEddy said...

You want a good chuckle remember I couldn't get the live feed on IE NOW I can I lost google chrome famework when i uninstalled google and maybe that is why it didn't play before Hmmm

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is tucked in early

JudyEddy said...

Need to go reset my clock so I don't have to get up earlier YEAH

glo said...

Linda I think it blurred after they first zoomed it in and it looked good but belles head was missing so then they zoomed it back out a little and I don't think they ever refocused after that zoom, or if they did , they did it on a small screen. Maybe I should be watching on my phone. Anyway even on a small laptop screen it is BAD, about as poor quality as I have ever seen on our camera. I don't think the weather is helping us at all, BUT I do think they could focus it better. If not then they need to put it back like it was. We could see it fine then.

Linda said...

Glo - Thanks for "clearing" that up for me...haha! I see what you mean. Maybe it is only a focus issue and they could fix that while still leaving it zoomed in a bit. And like you said, it they zoomed out even just a little bit more, so we could see the rails (check for food!), that would be good, too!!

Too bad we can't have the controller, huh??

Linda said...

Lolly - Thanks for asking....I am feeling a whole lot better than the last week or so. It sure lingered for a LONG time though. I've developed a bit of a cough now, but I can live with that!!

I've played around a little bit with the puffin browser by deleting a lot of the apps on the home screen that I would never use. I replaced them with my bookmarks! I was really surprised it was as fast as it was. I just couldn't believe there wasn't some app out there that perfected flash viewing on the iProducts. I just wish I had found it sooner!!

Now I think my laptop is too heavy!! I just use my iPad at night or in bed to browse, blog, email and watch the cam. It's so much lighter!!

Linda said...

Sandi - Glad to hear Jake's Dad's surgery was a success. Will pray the healing process is quick and successful as well.

Linda said...

On the different names issue.....

I agree with what Paula and Sandi said, too. No need to worry ourselves with forcing our opinions on others who we do not really even share our time discussing the eagles with. That FB page was their replacement and they, too, have found friendships with each other, just like they have done so on the Hancock Forums. It's all good!!

I don't have time to follow any other pages or blogs! I have enough trouble keeping up with us!! I am perfectly comfortable here, and love this place we call home. It's so wonderful to have so many of our friends return for another season with us. ♥

Sandi said...

Home from the grocery store and everything has been put away.

Judy, I did have a comment from a Beverly Sadler in my inbox comments. Isn't that strange that it's not posted on the blog???

Jake Hudson (my student from last year) is so excited that he has over 1000 likes for his dad's FB prayer page and the page was just created yesterday! =)

On another FB note, if you go to my FB, there is a contest that PIGS Animal Sanctuary has entered to try to win a Chrysler van. You can vote once a day (have messaged Melissa to find out when the voting ends). If you would be so kind as to vote for PIGS, since Melissa has been babysitting my grand donkey and grand pig, and also since the sanctuary is a neighbor to our eagle nest, it would be greatly appreciated.

Gonna watch some TV - I'll see everyone in the AM! Goodnight!!

JudyEddy said...

you gotta see this nest I hope it comes out it is deep or long I guess you could say and if you look there is a eagle in it I didn't realize it because I was so impressed with the size of the nest

<a href=">Thats on big nest</a>

JudyEddy said...

let me try again

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

try this link it is to the facebook page that it is on the other takes you to my home page didn't work

Rephab place in KY that has a picture of big nest and there is a eagle in it too

JudyEddy said...

that sure is one long train that just went by

JudyEddy said...

Here is the picture of the big big big nest

BELLE is up with the chicks

JudyEddy said...

she is now facting 3 and we can see most of her now

JudyEddy said...

I think its in WMA that is Maryland maybe this is what it said below the picture on facebook

"""Bald Eagles are dedicated to their nest site. Every year they return to the same... spot, and "remodel" by adding more sticks, so the nest gets taller and wider the longer the pair returns. This nest was found at the Sauerheber Unit of Sloughs WMA in western Henderson County. We can only imagine how long the Eagles have been there!See More
By: Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky Inc.

magpie said...

Night-night Eagle Pals...
ran out of time and steam to do
anything else tonight, but Sleep!

Prayers for Wellness, for all
Amongst Us

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

right behind ya Margy

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Just wanted to say I love US and Love it that all the old folks are returning to the roost and we need JIM now he hasn't been movin in a while any word on him ?? and Guela I wonder if she know we have chicks?? Ok nite again SED

paula eagleholic said...

The people from the now defunct Outdoor Channel forum have set up a FB page, it is named Eagle Cam.

the Outdoor Channel's FB page is listed under Live eagle cam

Lynne2 said...

Hi all just checking in.

Names and other chat rooms- to each their own is my opinion, remembering that posting on another blog means respecting that blogs names.

GLO....SANDI.....PLEASE....NO ASPIRIN FOR DOGS!!! Dosing needs to be very specific and if using it it must be enteric coated and not cut to get the correct dose, and only under the direct supervision of your vet.

Aspirin was once used regularly before there were far better meds specifically for a dogs digestive system and metabolism. It can cause stomach and intestinal bleeding. There are other meds, such as Previcoxx, Deramaxx, Rimadyl. You veterinarian can advise the best one to use for your pets particular needs and existing conditions. There can be side effects with these as well, but they are far better suited for canine use than aspirin.

Also, FYI...

NEVER USE TYLENOL for dogs or cats and NEVER USE ASPIRIN in cats!!!

glo said...

Thanks Lynne 2 Yes Dex gets enteric coated 81 mg baby aspirin and actually very very rarely. He can have it every 12 hours but I don't even give him that. Rimadyl makes him sick to his stomach. I did message Sandi on fb and told her to check with her vet.

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad Glo...whew! I am always afraid that people don't know these things. We get calls ALL the time from people who have given pets Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, etc, etc. UUUGGGGHHHH!

JudyEddy said...

don't for get the other facebook page the Outdoor Channel has one too LiveEagleCam!/LiveEagleCam?fref=ts

JudyEddy said...

I did notice on the LiveCam they have the resident male on this site is Ben I can respect that ok nite for the third time 3 times and ur out

Lynne2 said...


JudyEddy said...

It has the same picture with the snow mtns and the eagle as the Live cam feed I love that picture

Unknown said...

Stopped in to say G'Night, Has been a long day.
I am still sorting out who is who here.

By the way, I had checked the box for email follow up comments to my gmail account, and the first time I did it worked. And now it is not working. When I come back here the box is unchecked again, and I re-check it and still do not get it.

I love the way it was sending me a group of comments at a time.
So I will try checking it again, but it does not seem to be working

Hope everyone has a good night. Just checked the nest and Belle is literally "Spread eagle"

SED to all. Another workday tomorrow. Will check in during day when i can ♥

Lynne2 said...

Who is Beverly Sadler? I have a comment in my email but don't see that name on here.....suspicious.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI and I both got that message and I don't know I think spam or ad I did click on her name and took me to a google acct with ads on it Odd huh

Lynne2 said...

ah, she's spamming us. I can access her "blog" through my email and it seems she has just a lot of items for sale, not related to eagles or wildlife or anything.

Lynne2 said...

I think phishing is the right word, not spamming??

I've got to get to bed. I'm feeling really under the weather today.

Have a good night, prayers for all!

Unknown said...

PS: Is Susan Hill here in this group? You must be here Susan I see you are a regular commenter on OC and I know you use Shep name and Hedgie and you must be here.

(I need to make a little book like Shirley suggested)

Need to figure out which one Susan is. (you keep me so well update on OC and cam) thanks!

Hoda said...

NOT Good the only post I read is LYNNE is feeling under the weather today...
Oh No
Get well soon.

I will read back and get back to you again.

Mema Jo said...

Lydia - WVSusan is our Susan Hill
She posts about the eagle activities over on Outdoor.
You can friend her on FB also.

Unknown said...

Hello? Oh, I am talking to myself. Night

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I voted for "Pigs" and will try to find the link tomorrow to vote again.

I am going to close down for the day.
Sure hope the weather is better tomorrow.

Perhaps a request to Rob at our Live Cam will get the camera zoomed out a bit. I want to see the top of the nest at 12:00 position.

Mema Jo said...

Good night and God Bless us all.


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I think that big nest in near Henderson County in MD. Not sure what WMA refers to...Western Massachusetts perhaps?

paula eagleholic said...

I'll send another email to Steve...don't know how to contact Rob.

I'll post on OD channel, too.

stronghunter said...

Came back to say good night. Sleep well my friends. See you tomorrow. SED.

Hoda said...

I agree with PAULA on the names.

Prayers for JAKE.

LYDIA you did not offend anyone and you are very sensible in your posts. Thank you.

Yes SHIRLEY I did laugh at the amount of snow cancelling school. If that was the case here we would be closed 150 days a year and then there is summer holidays and Christmas and Easter and Spring break The poor little wee ones would hardly have any time to get into mischief with their friends!!! LOL!!!

Belle is doing well with the snow in the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It has officially taken me nearly forever to get caught up here!

Welcome to the world, Hedgie and Shamrock! Congrats to Belle & Shep!
(I think we should name the babies Hedgie & Shamrock, and if we post on the other blog, use their names so they won't be confused.) I have never posted there, so no problem for me.

Have not been on the computer this weekend because my shoulder has been too sore. Did go out to lunch on Saturday with Ken and my Sis-in-law. Bumps and turning corners in the car really caused a world of hurt, so didn't do much on Sunday.
Felt somewhat better today, though.

Sandi, have been praying for Doug Hudson.

Prayers of gratitude that Isaac is doing better!

Hoda, you're in my prayers, always. (((HUGS)))!!!

Lynne2, healing prayers for you, girl!

I'm heading for bed now. Computer makes my shoulder complain too much! Gotta be in good shape tomorrow. Ken is taking the day off because it will be our 42nd Anniversary!

Have said prayers for everyone, and the porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

I am going skiing tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning and then I will go get ear candeling. Then I have to find time to cook as the fridge is empty and then I will go to yoga!!!

News on the oldest son in my American Family has now been shared with the family and I feel much better. He is getting the help he needs. Thank you and I love love love us.

JANET how was yoga for you today? I Hope it was what you were looking for.

Hoda said...

Belle is well and was tucked in and she got up to do a rolling and shakes her wings but never leaves the wee ones uncovered. She looks like she is tenting right now. Back to being tuked in.

Hoda said...



I ♥ US

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night, Have been playing with my ipad tonight. Managed to mess up our email account. Alls good, we now have a new password. Such STRESS!

Hoda, so very glad everything is working out and that the family now knows about him. You did not need that burden.

Hope to see Hedgie and Shamrock being fed a big fat fish tomorrow.

Night all! SED!!

Jewels said...

Good morning
Just wanted to let you know, Hedgie is a definite name, and my opinion with Shamrock is that is the name we chose and I think that they should respect our names and we respect theirs. We are our group and they are theirs...

stronghunter said...

Belle is tucked and sleeping. It looks like there is snow in the nest, but none on Belle, so maybe it has not been snowing recently.

stronghunter said...

I appreciate the responses.

Just want to say this--their site is their Facebook page. Not the OC discussion forum. I would not post our names on their forum. Have never posted there, and don't really intend to.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Carolyn. You're probably the only one awake at this time.

I might be falling back to sleep soon. Kind of hope so.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Andy, I hope you feel better soon.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, very glad that the family knows about their son. That was too much for you to have to handle.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, when we lived in Ohio, students went to school in snow. It all depends on where you live. We do not have the snow-removal equipment that some other places have, and many people do not like to drive in the snow. Usually, it melts quickly. Not always, but usually.

A few years ago, in a neighboring county, a student was killed in a car accident on a day when there was ice on the road. It had been a close call because the bad weather developed just as buses were leaving, and sending them back would have been a problem.

A lot of people blamed the superintendent for the girl's death. I felt really bad for the superintendent. It was a tragedy for the girl and her family, but also for the superintendent. I would not want that job.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I am having trouble memorizing the new password I chose for my e-mail account. I also set it so that I have to enter the password every day. Once it shut down while I was reading my mail, and demanded the password. I did not know whether to feel annoyed or protected.

stronghunter said...

Just so you know, Hoda--we do have snow plows in Virginia. Just not as many.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! I am hearing the chirping of little eagles this morning in a snowy nest. I hope it warms up quickly up there and that snow gets out of the nest ASAP! Have a great day my friends. It looks like the rain is gonna stop here at least for the day before it comes back tomorrow. I will be lurking around.

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone!
Tuesday, one day closer to Spring Break.
Eggs arrived (did I say that last night?) Will put them in the incubator this morning with the kids. Hopefully my incubator maintained temps last night. I had to do alot of adjusting yesterday. My two thermometers are not showing the same temps! Urgh!

Ground is covered here, but not roads. No delay. They say the temps are going to come up today so the nest should clear of the snow.
I would like to see the zoom pulled out a bit, it still seems like it's not focused great to me. Maybe it's my eyes, but I feel like I can't see Shamrock and Hedgie very well.

My intent is to stay here and not read anything there. This is where I feel I belong. I'm not like alot who are watching everywhere either, I think I feel in love with these birds and with all of you. So I don't mean to be harsh as far as the OC just that I'm protective of us and our pair. :)

Lydia-we have a cheat sheet. Give me your email and I will forward it to you. It's quite a list, and some people aren't here anymore, but it will give you the screen name and our real names and where we live.

DanaMo said...

Frustrated, I saw a recipe on FB but didn't "share" it now I can't find it. I wrote it down, but wanted to double check it. Grrr....

Jewels said...

Could not agree more DanaMo!!!!

Jewels said...

Good morning!!!!

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Shirley (if you're still here), Bev, and Dana! Raining here this morning - rained all night!

♫Happy Birthday to Bev!!!!!!!♫

Also, happy 15th birthday to my old buddy, Bandit!!

Lynne, won't switch to aspirin - will stick with the Dasuquin which is working! Thanks for the advice - Glo did say it had to be the coated kind if I ever used it.

Belle is tucked and sleeping! Prayers for all on our blog, esp. Lori's dad and Dana's dad. Make it a great day!

Sandi said...

Oh, good morning Jewels! You posted while I was still typing!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Jewels and Sandi!
Ready or not, Tuesday here we come! LOL

Jewels said...

Happy birthday Bev!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

63° out now what a beautiful day

Peep Peep Belle tending the chicks

This nest is in KY I guess Anyone up for a road trip LOL

JudyEddy said...

♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........


JudyEddy said...

couldn't pick one LOL

JudyEddy said...

How many inches of snow did the nest area get hard to see the ground and can't tell much in the nest ???

JudyEddy said...

SHEP is in the house don't see food

JudyEddy said...

POOF now he is gone Belle watching him fly off

Lori O. said...

Good Tuesday Morning Eagle Family!!!



I missed yet another feeding - haven't got to see one yet!

SANDI, extra cookies for Bandit's 15th birthday!

Didn't get the expected snow overnight - YAY. Now, I only have to shovel what I didn't get yesterday, but there's less because of the rain we had!

stronghunter said...

Dozed for awhile. Got Hunter off . . . actually, he did very well at getting himself off.

Almost time to get ready for bowling.

Lori O. said...

Have a great time, CYCLONE SHIRLEY!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lori. I will try. Have gotten frustrated with myself the last couple of times. Need to cool it.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Bev.

stronghunter said...

Ohhh--looks so snowy at the nest.

grannyblt said...

GM all. Snowy nest, but at least it doesn't appear to be still coming down. A lot of the sleet/snow has melted here but perhaps more tomorrow night.
Belle up now--lot of cheeping going on

Janet said...

good morning all HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEV!

sorry for my absence yesterday, i peeked in but we were busy and i was tired. after work, came home, and tom was fixing the kitchen faucet that had been leaking. ended up having to buy a new one....and then an "attitudunal" preteen just wore me out! early bedtime for janet!

we were fine thru the storms...blew thru here, some tornados, more towards murfreesboro, which is south of here. i was at work, giving a massage during it all, of course. i figure if its bad enough they will stop the session. but our rooms, obviously, have no it is dim, nice music and rain dancing on the roof, its actually kind of relaxing...and the thunder makes it rather nice.

sunny here today. hope to complete the invisible fence...have a doc appt for tom's shoulder surgery in june....nice day off for me. cooler, in the 50's, but sunny.

i bought some pansies to put out yesterday....i will likely do that today. i love pansies. especially the ones with "faces"

looking at the nest.....snow. thankfully "our" eagles are good parents and know how to provide and keep those babies warm ! :)

i looked over the debate over names, etc....and you know, i'm gonna chime in here. so we call those precious young ens shamrock and hedgie. we love them. we are protective of them. but know what ? i bet the other folks who are not on this blog, but watch them, love them too....and they can call them what they like....can't they? they may feel the same way about us? we have so much in common, we came for the eagles, and stayed for the friendships...isn't what this group says? i bet, in their hearts, they feel the same. I just don't see where its worth a bunch of hubub....jmo.

keeping each of you close in my heart today, hoping all are well. light, love, smiles and hugs to each of you! and btw JUDYE: glad your truck is fixed you! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Glad there is not much snow on the nest.

Today I go for my renal ultrasound and a physical exam. Ugh!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Funny story. Tom got up this morning, went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Then he walked by Sissy to go sit in the living room and told her good morning. In a minute, she gets a happy birthday message from him on Facebook.

Lori O. said...

SHAR, prayers for your tests today. We'll be waiting for your report.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Breakfast time for Hedgie and Shamrock. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Watching both chicks being fed. Love how they are still wobbly and fall over, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Are you watching Lori??

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Sharon! Nice to see you here!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

zooming out

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love watching them getting fed. Warms my heart and grateful I don't have that feeling of dread.

paula eagleholic said...

Think shep is up in the tree. Hear calling but Belle beak is not moving. Tree shake

Peeping chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg cup are nice and free of snow and sleet.

Shep in

paula eagleholic said...

time for a nap

glo said...

Good morning all. Glad to read about breakfast at the nest. Haven't even turned it on yet. Time for some food here for me. I will check in later after errands etc.

Sandi said...

Quick check from school. Live stream picture doesn't look much clearer to me even zoomed out.

Lydia, meant to say something this morning about your comment that posts stopped showing up in your email inbox. Each time a new thread is started, you'll have to check the box at the bottom to have comments sent to your email address. Also, on occasion, there is no box to check until AFTER you post one comment to the new thread - some kind of "blogger glitch."

OK, back to solving linear equations (the kids are actually solving them, I'm just babysitting while they finish their test).

hedgiesbaby said...

Good morning everyone!! Just an FYI....I am a lurker more than I am a post-er. i would love to be able to reply to everyone's comments, but by the time I have caught up, i forget the first several i wanted to reply to. How do you all, do it?? LOL.

Happy Birthday Bev!!!!

hedgiesbaby said...

Feeding time again. How often do they feed?? Shep is crunching down on whatever it is. Gross!!!

Linda said...

Good Morning Christie!

Saw that very short feeding as well!

Looks like Shep stepped on the little one, too. Good thing they are so vocal. He let Shep know right away....OUCH!

Sandi said...

Hard to tell for sure b/c he had his back to the cam, but it looked like Shep fed a little of that food to the chicks! First time this year that I've seen him feed them. He usually prefers to just sit on them and wait for Belle to return to take care of the feeding - typical male! =)

Linda said...

CHRISTIE - It varies on how often they feed them. In the early days they may feed them every 30 minutes to and hour, but they can also wait hours in between.

They like to keep us guessing!! Maybe the weather has a lot to do with how often they feed them, too because when it is cold and damp, the little ones are not equipped just yet to keep themselves warm for too long.

Linda said...


Shep liked feeding them last year, didn't he?

He may have given them a bite that time, thought.....and no more!

Costume Lady said...


CHRISTY, so glad you are with us now!
Don't know for sure how often the babies are fed, but when they are so very small and young, they get fed often.
I see that Shamie can hold it's head up better, now and is getting it's share of YUK!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, LINDA, he is a good daddy, but did you see him step on Shamie and he/she squeeled? Feet are so big, it's hard to know where to put them...but he is so gentle!

Costume Lady said...


Linda said...

Hi WANDA! Yes I did see that and good for little Shammie!! I guess this pair being so vocal is a good thing.

WVJerry said...

Good morning anyone here. Also wish Bev a Happy Birthday. Don't have work. Glad to see snow didn't cause too many problems. Take care all.

Linda said...


May you have an extra special day today filled with lots of love, laughter and happiness!

((((( Birthday HUGS )))))

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Sissy....
xoxo ☺ ♥

lots of important people hav been born in March !!

Hello All Eagle Pals

I am shocked....somehow I can get the live feed this morning !!!

magpie said...

oh perfect
feeding time and I can watch it!

magpie said...

Well Shep is at least thinking about it
and doing something or other

Mema Jo said...

10am Shep in a defensive move
Up on side of nest at 11:00
Eaglets uncovered
Very noisy

magpie said...

How totally endearing

I think he did feed a few little
morsels to the little beaklets

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, I think he did, too! Hello Sycamore Palace! Our eagle family is doing so very well.


magpie said...

Best wishes for Sharon today
with her medical things

Happy Birthday to Sandi's Bandit
and Happy 42nd Wedding Anniversary to Andrea and Kubby!

And, Happy Final Full Day of Winter 2013....

magpie said...

Shep got himself a little snack first....
bet it takes lots of energy
to care for those babies...

Hi Susan!

okay, gotta go now for awhile, bye

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

More fluff being brought in by Belle.l Nest should be clear by early afternoon of the snow.

Belle takes over the incubation duties.

WV sUSAn said...

Hey Morning Crew: Did we decide on Hedgie and Kat for eaglet names?

T-Bird said...

Hedgiesbaby-we are happy you are here and can post no matter how little time it is.

WV sUSAn said...

Yes, so glad you are here, Christie!!! Post when ya can, that's what we all do anyway ;-)

T-Bird said...

Thank you all for the play by play on the feedings. I have a really hard time watching them because I can't stand seeing Shamrock get less than Hedgie. However, from you all, I know she is getting enough food but I still get scared.

DanaMo said...

I can't see them any better zoomed out. It just doesn't seem focused to me. :(

Eggs are in the incubator and countdown starts.

Lori O. said...

YAY, I finally got to see a feeding! I'm so excited! :)

glo said...

Dana I agree its not focused. It was focused much better early in the season so it isn't the camera. and I don't think its the weather. I wonder if its being focused on a smart phone small screen and it looks good to them. It does look clearer sort of on a small screen. If we hadn't seen the clean crisp photos while they tended eggs I would think it was the camera BUT I don't think it is.

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Christie!

11:00 feeding going on!

magpie said...

What do ya' think that chow is?
sure looks like it could feed a family of four!

WV sUSAn said...

Def more clear on a small screen. Gets really out of focus on a large screen.

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, I just don't know, dear. A varmint!

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Good to see the cam zoomed out a wee bit. Now wish they could do a bit of focusing.

Happy Birthday, Bev! Wishing you a fantatic fun filled day!

I was reading the paper and watching that last feeding. That puts a smile on a face! For sure! Also like the sunshine.
I am glad we decided (I think) on Hedgie and Shamrock. I did see Shammie. lol

Lolly said...

Guess that should be "fantastic". I should proof read!

Lolly said...

The children are having fun on the playground. Love listening to them.

Lolly said...

Belle calling out.

WV sUSAn said...

Shift change at the nest at 11:32. Shep has assumed the position :-)

Lolly said...

Have a question...I shared a pictue of my newest great great niece on fb. Did anyone on here see it? I might need to save and then repost. It all depends on whether they have limited who can see the picture.

Lolly said...

Did you see him pick up that stick and put it closer to the egg cup? Looks like it is moved now, but I thought he was going to bop his own babes with it!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, they should get used to it now. hehehehe

glo said...

I see no photos of your niece Lolly. Gosh these 2 aren't in any hurry to bring a fish to the nest. I wonder what that is about. Maybe the latest eagle info is that meat is more nutritious than fish. :-) Come on bring us a fish even if you let it just sit there!!!! Shep is up and feeding whatever it is again.

WV sUSAn said...

Good grief, Hedgie is sure aggressive for a little one. Already knows how to grab on and wrangle back and forth. dang

glo said...

Hedgie has taught Shamrock the submissive role. There is a pecking order established for now.

glo said...

well maybe Hedgie will do a faceplant from a full crop soon and Shamrock will get a turn. I hope Shep continues to feed that long.

WV sUSAn said...

I understand that, Glo, and that's prob the only way. The pecking order comes along very quickly!

WV sUSAn said...

Well, nothing for Shamrock this time but a good pecking.

glo said...

yep darn

glo said...

Shamrock did gt several bites an hour or so ago when Belle fed. I am uploading a short taking forever video of that now I hope

magpie said...

very soon

WV sUSAn said...

Thank ya, Glo, love the vids!

glo said...

ok well I have posted the video link twice and it has disappeared twice. So guess you need to go to facebook. Have no clue FRUSTRATED!!!

glo said...

OK split time so IF it even stays the video is post number 200. This is 201

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...