Tuesday, March 12, 2013


New thread. 

Contrary to my understanding, the cam does zoom, so Rob will be zooming in some for the upcoming anticipated hatching activities.


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread! And for the ZOOM !

Outdoor just commented
wow camera adjusted up close now.juss it getting close for the hatch

WHoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - hope you get your snooze in!

Hey Susan
How about that

I sure can see in the egg cup! and the Tail.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Rob hears your request Susan.

WV sUSAn said...

I hope so, too, Jo.

I brought this over from the old thread.

WV sUSAn said...

aaahhahahahahah We must be careful what we ask for. Someone has zoomed in on the nest and cut off Belle's head. I only know it's her because she was there a couple minutes ago.

WV sUSAn said...

Well, I put my request in to Rob at OC. I asked him to back off the cam just a little and/or center the egg cup. Fingers crossed he sees the message. He is always very helpful.

Lolly said...

Ah ha! The cam zoomed while I was doing my walking. Right on!! Thanks!! Are you sure this is Belle? The tail looks more like Sheps. This tail has notches while Belles is more straight across.

glo said...

:-) nuff said

Lolly said...

It is Shep! Just saw his head!

Lolly said...

Now off to do a few chores. He just zoomed out....no, too much!

glo said...

well I was glad to catch that nice close up zoom. I hope we get to see more of it. Those who watch closely will know which adult is on the nest. Patience with our zoomer now will pay off big in the future is my guess. I would love to get that practice part in as we wait to see that pip and then see our little ones hatch. jmho

Kay said...

Wahoo ! Great news re:zooming cam and thank you Sooooo much, STEVE, for that and the new thread ! It will take some practice for the "zoomer" and we'll be thrilled with the effort ! You've brought us a long way since the early days with this nest and the cam !!!!

MARGY, too bad it didn't go well with Lorraine, but you gave it the ol' college try. You are such a good egg !!!! Hope a happy place can be found for her.

SHIRLEY, I love hearing that Pepsi is home ! Animals have such great homing skills. Like the others, I got the "spammer" e-mail, too. Hopefully everyone has good security systems to deal with it.

JUDIE, I hope you've fully recovered from that long, productive day you had yesterday. Wow ! Wish I had your energy !

JUDY, loved the song---you said you smile every time you sing it and I've never heard it before. Every time I think I've heard it all, something new comes along ! Imagine that.

Love and prayers for all my Eagle Buds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Sorry, someone has gotten into my e-mail account. I will have to figure out what to do.

Mema Jo said...

Even though we see a pip - it can be 2 or so days before the hatch. Until we see that pip I would prefer to have the zoom on the eagle on the egg cup. JMHO

Mema Jo said...

Black smoke - NO POPE Today

Janet said...

*Yawn* hello all. I took a 3 and a half hour nap.....suddenly about 10 a.m I was just zapped. I had forewarned my chair massage folks that I have been ill and I would see how I felt this morning....and I could not. They are fine with it, good people. I will see them in 2 weeks.

Glad the camera DOES zoom....yeah!!!

Hey Stronghunter: how was bowling?

We are done after this coming Sunday. Its been fun, but I'm ready for a break now.

Later gaters.

Sandi said...

Holy cannoli - I see our cam DOES have a zoom, and we're zoomed in!! Woohoo!!

Home from school - boy, did it ever rain again today!! But all water has stayed outside and in the canal where it belongs! Need to catch up on my reading! BRB!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful egg roll down in the deep deep egg cup

Sandi said...

Sounds like the cam was zoomed in even more earlier today. I love this view - it will be much easier to see any holes in the eggs!

Margy, sorry that the homecoming didn't work out for Lorraine. Hopefully she just needs some more time to regain strength - I sure do applaud your efforts!!

Kevin (younger son) was sick for
about a week, started feeling better at the end of last week, went to Winchester to visit friends over the weekend, and came home yesterday sick again. Fever, cough. He gives voice and piano lessons and most of his clients are kids so he's exposed to some potent germs and doesn't have the resistance that I have built up over the years!

Shirley, sorry about your email account being hacked - what a pain!

Lori, bet you're looking forward to seeing Kate and Dalai this weekend! Hang in there with the math review!

Dana, happy to read that your dad's stitches are out and the docs are just going to let him heal for a while before doing anything else.

Another long day for me - 2 boys got into a knock down-drag out fist fight on the floor of the math classroom during 2nd period. This makes the 3rd fight this year for one of the boys. Since he's special ed., he will not be expelled. Instead, it creates a new mountain of paperwork for me to put a behavior intervention plan in place for him. UGGHH!!!

Tomorrow is my rescheduled meeting with the parent from hell. Have basically been ignoring her son since last week b/c, every time I look at him, I get angry all over again. I know that's not the right approach to take but it's where I am right now.

Need to fix tea and snack on something totally un-nutritious! Later!

Lolly said...


Have been out in the yard. Came in to rest a spell. Getting up and down wears me out! See that Belle is now on the nest. For those who were not here earlier, they zoomed in really close. Have backed off a bit now.

sddddddzxhj (this is a message from Annie)

Lolly said...


Have been out in the yard. Came in to rest a spell. Getting up and down wears me out! See that Belle is now on the nest. For those who were not here earlier, they zoomed in really close. Have backed off a bit now.

sddddddzxhj (this is a message from Annie)

Lolly said...

Sorry for the double post and the strange message. Annie kept walking across the keyboard. I get no respect!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly, you were asking 20 minutes later about who's on the nest. hahahaha Plus, Rob backed it off just a little. Yeah!!

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have changed my e-mail password. Interestingly, I have learned that someone from Taiwan was logging into my account. This concerns me.

stronghunter said...

First thing I noticed when I looked at the cam--wow, are we zoomed in.

Lolly said...

How did you find out the location of the person getting into your email, Shirley?

Lolly said...

Think I am going to head back outside for a while. It is sunny and 69, so very nice. Sounds like the wind is picking up at the nest.

DanaMo said...

Back from round 2 at the doctors. Everything looks good. "Cure" was cautiously used.

After reading back I realized I've been kind of self focused. My apologies.
Looks like Judie has a clean kitchen and refrig. boy, mine needs that too.
JudyE-Eagle poop? Only you and we love you!
Jo-glad you got a good report
Margy-sorry your friend is back at the hospital. So hard to give up one's home, yet sometimes we find that we have no choice. I hope things go smoothly for her!
LOL! Spring break dude, Shirley. I am ready for spring break~!
Hoda-Please package some of that energy and send it my way!

Now to go peek at the nest and the newly zoomed lens. Eaglets this week????? I hope!

My poor Frizz had a terrrible seizure this afternoon. Not sure if I need to do anything. In my experience this has happened with my older labs and it's not Frizz's first. Snuggled with him to keep him calm and got the pups put out of the way. They were freaked out! My poor baby!

DanaMo said...

WOw very nice picture of our nest!! Looks great!

Shirley, I had that happen to me too. I think it was my fb that got hacked. Changed my email and it's been fine since.

DanaMo said...

So Margy, do we have a pip? I see you mentioned it, so I guess we do? Can't wait!!!!

Sandi said...

Belle out, Shep in. Parent switch time!

Dana, you've had a lot going on lately - easy to understand why you'd be focused on you and your mom and dad. We get it!!

mariadangeloart said...

Is it just me or is the cam down?

Lori O. said...

THANKS STEVE for the fresh thread and the ZOOM!

Gracias to Mema JO for the call over!

Love the zoom view! It's Hatching time!!!

LOLLY, Annie is very prolific in her writing! :)

Sandi said...

Maria, the cam is working fine for me!

Ya know the ads that sometimes play when the cam page first loads? Has anyone else paid attention to the voice on the ad for RVing? It starts with the word "AWAY!" Has anyone else recognized the voice?

DanaMo said...

No cam problems here! Listening to the wind as I wash the kitchen floor~\!

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


mariadangeloart said...

It's running for me now. I kept getting an error message every time I clicked on the page. So do we have a chick or not?

Sandi said...

Marie, no hatch yet. Day 35 for the first egg is tomorrow so it could be any day now. Glad you got the cam running.

JudyEddy said...

When I first saw the cam I thought it was BW duh LOL

Hoda said...

Well Here it is JO got the feather!!!
YAY YAY YAY zoomed camera.

I ate tahini, onions, kale and peppers for my after ski meal and I feel fine.Just sayin' for all the ribbin!!! LOL!!! I love you guys...Hemp hearts work for breakfast...not seeds! Maybe I should send Hemp Hearts to DANA as she asked for me to send some energy!!! LOL!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE US!!!

Very happy to hear of your DAD'S report DANA.

Lolly said...

Back in from second session of working in the yard. It has been so nice today, pleasant in the sun and cool in the shade. Can not ask for any better.

Hoda said...

What is with a verification code and with not being able to get on the blog!!! I know others said they had the same problem. Well it just happened to me.

Glad you changed your pass word SHIRLEY. I too got the email but just deleted it.
How did you learn it was someone from Taiwan? Scary!!!

Hoda said...

Glad the camera zooms in...THANK YOU STEVE you are the best!

Hoda said...

With the zoom in it is hard to see Shep's spot...it seems out of focus to my eyes!!! Anyone else???

I skied 3 KM today...it was a bit sticky at spots but it was a very good positive experience...I have to work on endurance and stamina...it would help if I lost some weight.

PAULA have you taken a radio into work so you would have some company?

Hoda said...

MARGY I send prayers of gratitude for you and Tom and the attempts at helping Lorraine...We have an outreach program where the elderly are encouraged to stay at home for as long as possible and someone comes in to get them up in the morning and bathe them and get them breakfasdt and prepare a lunch tray for the fridge. They return for supper and bed preparation. Another person from physical fitness funding comes in to take them out for an outing...fresh air and or indoor exercise...they figure it is cheaper to do it this way than to keep them in the hospital. Maybe such a program could be set up for Lorraine?
Hugs and Love to you.

Hoda said...

Anyone watching the Vatican? White smoke not shown yet from what FB said am I right?

Hoda said...

I can not watch the cam for a long time with this zoom in!!! It feels like I am sitting right there in the nest!!!

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what the night light will look like in the zoom screen we will soon find out In process of uploading video to youtube I got a short video of two doves one picking bugs of the other I guess that is what they are doing I am combining all the video to one LOVE the new feature on YOUTube

JudyEddy said...

both parents at BW

Hoda said...

DANA is Father Kenny a Cardinal? I saw his picture on FB as he responded to your posts and he is wearing Cardinal clothes. I did not want to ask on FB but am curious. He could not be at the Vatican and doing FB at the same time I would not think???!!!

Hoda said...

JUDYE did you read about the Z-Pack anti biotics could cause heart issues. Is this what you were taking that was expierd. CBS news has it on the internet

Hoda said...

Off to get ready to go to Yoga.

See you all in a couple of hours.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, saw the zoom before I got here...great news!

paula eagleholic said...

Does anyone think the night vision is not as good as when the cam first cam on? Seems blurry to me....even before the zoom.

paula eagleholic said...

Does anyone think the night vision is not as good as when the cam first cam on? Seems blurry to me....even before the zoom.

paula eagleholic said...

I am trying to watch some basketball...my alma mater, Mt Saint Mary's in Emmitsburg MD is playing tonight for the North Eastern Conference championship. If they win, they go to the NCAA Tourney.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I took my radio in today...made the day much better! Thank you to whomever suggested it!

Hoda, in home care in the US is expensive...you basically have to hire a nurse.

Sandi, I haven't gotten the RV ad very often...will listen to it if I do.

Dana, glad you had a good report on your Dad from the Dr.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Susan can pass that message along to Rob....she's got connections :)

back to the game.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I remember you mentioning it now.

Sandi said...

Here's the RV ad that I hear occasionally when the cam page first loads. It's only 33 seconds - listen to the voice and you'll know why it made me smile to hear it! =)

Hope I do the clickable link thing right - it's been a long time since I did this!

RV ad

JudyEddy said...

Have Steve looks at it at night PAULA and we Hoda and I noticed during the day you can't see the ground most of the time like its foggy

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, the voice is familiar, but I don't know who it is.

Sandi said...

C'mon, Paula - you really don't know whose voice it is???? Anyone on the blog should recognize this voice ... except maybe Hoda who doesn't watch TV. =)


JudyEddy said...

Here is the video and a couple of pic of the cell phone tower eagle nest and a couple of doves at the end grooming each other bug picking lol

Cell phone tower eagle and a couple of doves

JudyEddy said...

going to go listen now

and it sound similar but can't put my finger on it SANDI

DanaMo said...

I haven't heard it.

DanaMo said...

I'm not getting the commercial! Now my curiosity is killing me!

JudyEddy said...

Blog article on the Norfolk nest

also a video
video of Norfold

Sandi said...

Dana, click on the link in my last post (it says RV ad) and it will take you to the ad. Someone will recognize the voice! =)

DanaMo said...

Nope, I listened 4 times and I don't know who it is! Sounds familiar, closed my eyes, but just can't get it.

paula eagleholic said...

Well the Mount has lost, but they will be back next year. They had a great year!

JudyEddy said...

this is a another video that is on 13 page Video of the Norfolk nest I can't get it to play but maybe you all can let me know if its just my puter OK

paula eagleholic said...

Is it Tom?

Lori O. said...

SANDI, it's Tom Selleck!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I can't get the second video either.

Lori O. said...

PAULA, when are you going to be all wrapped up at work?

Sandi said...

Paula & Lori, you got it! As soon as I heard his voice, it made me think of Lynn!

I remember when I first joined the blog, many of you had Tom Selleck avatars!! I thought you all were the weirdest bunch!! =)

JudyEddy said...

I got the vido on a different page got it to play after buffering for a while this is a little different that the first video listed they talk about the paint guns etc

but the article you can read

Norfolk Eagle

JudyEddy said...

Let it buffer for a while the arrow spins a good min or so

Lori O. said...


JUDYE, I couldn't get the Norfolk Nest video to play, either.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, I will be a couple of more weeks...not only have my work to do, but trying to take care of customers and some other things as well.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Belle is up and staring down at the eggs. Hmmm....

Sandi said...

I wonder if she can feel something moving inside one of them? Shep hasn't shown up with any fish, so I know we're not ready for a chick. But she was looking down in the egg cup like something was happening.

Lynne2 said...

ZOOOOOOMMMM!!! Hi all, haven't read back but see we have A ZOOM!


Sandi said...

I am signing off for the night - LONNGGGG day tomorrow. I have my rescheduled observation at 1:30, then parent conferences starting at 4pm and then the meeting with the parent from hell at 5:15. Oh what fun!!!

Goodnight all!! See ya in the AM!

JudyEddy said...

OW If you look now Belle and the BW mom are both tucked in the exact angle in the nest too cool

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

DIGGING in the cup she has her back to the cam

JudyEddy said...

Back down she goes wiggle wiggle

JudyEddy said...

Just a egg roll

JudyEddy said...

Watching Once Upon a Time I dvr'd
Not liking this time change I am no way tired It can't be 930 already I have been playing on the puter to long with posting picture on fb and on here Of course I posted on maybe 6 eagle pages so thats no own fault One of the peeps over there is calling the cell phone towers eagle INDUSTRIALSIZED EAGLES LOL
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I can't get the link to open comes up with OOPS thingy

magpie said...

to quote our best Tough Old Bird Wheezer.....☺ ♥...stated in loving terms I say this...

just opened up the new thread, 96 or so posts old now...
and read Steve's comments....

Attaboy NCTC ! With the Zoooooom

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
xo ♥

magpie said...

I hae not and cannot read backwards much...but I wanted
to thank you lovely people here on your kind and thoughtful words regarding my friend Lorraine....

These things going on are probably blessings in disguise...Lorraine is safe in the hospital right now,
will probably transfer out to another nursing home in a matter of days....

(( Grateful Hugs ))

Hope to catch up, later...if I can
outrun all the bandits that are dogging my steps these days....

magpie said...

"Good Night" for now, however...

ttfn xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Judy, trying it again.

Bald eagles and wind turbines in Somerset County

stronghunter said...

Have been very busy today with my e-mail. Trying to organize and delete some things.

Thanks for the alert there was a problem with the account. Took me a little while to reset the password, but I have taken care of it.

Judie said...

Just woke up before going to sleep.

Sandperson was very early for me but has departed to visit all of you.

The night light is on. Looks like Belle is all tucked in. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Thank you for taking care of it SHIRLEY. It happens to the best of us!

PAULA thank you for your comments about home care.


I liked the exchange on The AWAY voice...they are good ads from the few times they came up when I brought the camera up.

Yoga was wonderful. A class made for a body that was stiff from skiing.

Hoda said...

Well apparently Service is Unavailable Error 503!!!

All I asked was Any news on the POPE?

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds! Wanted to get on here earlier at work, but the rain stopped and caused a "flood" of boaters to come in and call to renew their permits!
Got some strange wet pics, but will have to check them out. We had several periods of heavy rain & I thought the ospreys (2) would blow out of the nest.
Came home & konked in the loungechair. Just had a dinner roll!
Early this AM at Park saw probably Dad eagle sitting above the nest, but was too wet for a decent pic.
Gotta watch this nest as much as possible in AM before work.Getting Eggciting!! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down before the sandman gets here.

Good Night to all
Prayers for all of you and your loved ones and friends.


I love us ♥

magpie said...

Nope, I didn't mention about the
Pip...haven't been able to watch long enough.
I thought I had "enlarge" button toay though when suddenly there was a very LARGE eagle in the nest ☺
I just didn't have time to check it, and then read Steve's Open Up comment...

magpie said...

All good suggestions about the folks coming in to help...
this could work for Lorraine...depends on the cost.
Meals on Wheels is a nice option for meals....
Thank You...and I see maybe there is a comment from Paula farther back...
I suggested Jammin' to some good music at work Paula ♀ ♫

Hope "The Mount" takes the victory....

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, no Pope today. Black smoke.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Margy for the jammin' suggestion!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Yes, I got that crazy message last night where it asks for your phone number (I already gave it to them), and then it dumped me out of the blog. I'll try to recreate my post from last night:

Linda, healing prayers for you! Hope you feel better VERY soon!

The time change has really messed me up. Feel as if I'm jet-lagged!
Have practically slept the day away. Did manage to do 3,827 steps though, so not a total loss. Lynne2, I agree--DST is UTTER NONSENSE!
So glad that you and Steve had such a nice outing on Sunday! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO STEVE!


DanaMo, glad to hear the good report on your Dad. Bet it feels good to have those staples out!

Hoda, glad your friend Linda is doing so well! God is good!

Margy, sorry to hear that Lorraine was unable to stay at home. You are a saint for helping her as you did, and I hope she can regain enough strength to try again. Glad you had a nice visit with James the Wise Kidster!

So sad that the 3rd BWE chick didn't make it. Thank God the other 2 are OK!

YAY!!! Hatching day is really close! Bobbleheads soon!

Jo, thanking God for your good doctor report!

Shirley, glad to hear that Pepsi's back!

Can't remember whether I've already mentioned it, but Charlee the bulldog came home from the vet's Saturday noon, and is feeling SO much better! She had a quart of yucky infection in her now-removed uterus! No WONDER she feels better now! Thank God it looks like she'll be OK! The IV antibiotics helped a lot.

Well, my shoulder is kinking up again. Guess I've been away from the heating pad for too long. Think I'll call it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...

Thinking of Sandi tonight, hope sleep is Sweeeeet to help provide a serene countenance during the meeting "from you know where with you know who. "

going to read from the old thread and hit the sack...Hard!

Prayers for Wellness All Around...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

I really don't know who that is on the RV commercial.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, black smoke at the Vatican. No pope yet.

magpie said...

oh bummer The Mount Lost...I'm a little behind reading backwards...
Shirley...the answer has been
revealed...it's a very handsome man with a wonderful moustache...
and beautiful eyes, and so on like that...

magpie said...

But happy Paula's Alma Mater team made it this far!

Did see GREAT report from DanaMo...regarding her father...just wonderful !

magpie said...

Let's just say it was Lynn's favorite Sweetie !

Back to the bedtime routine, sorry I'm kind of skimpy on the attaboys, YAYS and WOOFs tonight....
Just please know that I Care !

xo G'Night Precious Pals xo ♥

stronghunter said...

How do I know that someone from Taiwan got into my e-mail account?

I was able to get to my Yahoo profile. The account was set up for me years ago by a tech at school, and I don't think I had ever seen the profile before.

But it shows the sources from which the account has been accessed. And it showed Virginia and Taiwan as the two places from which the account was accessed.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I read back, Margy. I am not too good with identifying voices. Tom Sweetie. Okay.

Lynne2 said...

SO, Judy almost got a REAL poop shoot facial! LOL!

Pepsi is home! How cool! Shirley, I got and email today from you as well that was clearly suspicious so I reported it as spam.

OH...Margy, how sad about Lorraine! Poor woman. Glad Tom Sweetie was able to assist you with her yesterday but how sad things didn't work out. Hoda, I've heard tell of the same services offered in the UK, as far as helping the elderly. That is health CARE. And common economical sense. A win/win situation.

Please don't fall down off of your skiis!

Lori, hope the math tutoring went well. Pay no attention to Linda. Math does NOT make sense except to Freaks of Nature such as she. LOL! Love you Linda!

Good on you for the good news from the Dr., JO!!

And..LINDA, JANET...good grief I hope you two are better soon! Dragging on WAAAAY TOOO LOOOOONG. Janet, no over doing on the PRED...Pred is the "best worst drug ever" LOL!

Dana, such great news to your parents to be able to go cruisin'! Sorry about Frisbee's seizure. Is he on phenobarb?

Sandi, best wished on the rescheduled meeting tomorrow. So sorry about the mess the fist fight has caused. Just what you needed...NOT.
And hopefully Kevin will feel better (again and for good) soon. Funny little tidbit about my crazy mind....I can't carry a tune in a bag. I suck at singing and I always wanted to sing well. Many a day did my family...grandparents, aunts uncles, etc., sing around the piano while I PRETENDED to sing. Every time I get a bad cold that results in laryngitis, I tell everyone that when I get my voice back, it will be the SINGING VOICE I have always wanted! No luck so far....maybe Kevin could help me ??

Oh and Sandi, NO. Later light doesn't impress me. It makes me stay outside longer, neglect my inside chores, causes late suppers and rushed bedtime. LOL!

Hoda said...

PAULA do you know someone called Heather Peter? She sent me a message on FB wanting to sell me an ipad!!! Does she work for Apple?

Hoda said...

LYNNE that is true the UK has the same health services. The bill is not a private bill. If there is a need, some qualification points and patient agreement point the services start. House cleaning is also included!!!Aunt Mona my friend in Quebec is 87 years old and weekly she has someone coming in to do the laundry and clean the flat. She has meals on wheels she has someone to drive her to Bingo and to tea four times a week and she has not done her own spring cleaning for almost two decades now...She is a dear lady and she tries to stay healthy...I like it that the elderly are looked after.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, I used to have to pretend to sing sometimes, too. And sometimes I pretended to play the clarinet with the band. I would get hopelessly lost and just finger keys. Don't tell anyone. I am still embarrassed.

stronghunter said...

When they started up a bell choir at church, I had to say that they just would not want me. I think faking bell ringing would be really hard.

stronghunter said...

That's Lynn's Tom Sweetie I was referring to.

stronghunter said...

Only thing about Pepsi is that I will have to keep an eye out for my birds at the feeder. I have seen him try to sneak up on them. I might need to move a feeder and stop putting seeds on the fence. We shall see.

Costume Lady said...

Dropping in to say GOOD NIGHT ALL......LOVE AND PRAYERS♥

Lynne2 said...

your secret is safe with me Shirley!

Cats killing birds, the never ending argument. Bird lovers say that statistics prove that cats eat thousands and thousand of songbirds every year and that they are the number 1 danger to songbirds. I have to argue that...cars, airplanes, tall buildings, glass windows combined kill more of them. Coupled with the fact that the question must be asked...how many MORE songbirds exist artificially because people feed them? HMMMMMM.

Lynne2 said...

I don't like that cats kill birds. Or anything. But I also think that we have created a population of frustrated, overweight, bored cats because we insist on keeping them indoors. Myself included. Of course, many dangers await cats in the outdoors. SO, what is better, an artificial life that lasts longer, or a do what you were meant to do life that could end up being much shorter?

Hoda said...

Nice new avatar WANDA!

Goodnight all


Lynne2 said...

Do you know that one of the things my former mother hated about me is my tendency to argue both sides of an issue to the point of driving her insane? LOL!

Lynne2 said...

This is not a good trait when it comes to decision making....

stronghunter said...

Such philosophical questions at one minute until midnight.

I know, Lynne. I hate it too. I have George confined to my room at this point. Of course, he is an old guy now. I don't worry too much about the times I have let him out, though. I don't think he is too much of a threat to the birds.

But I do not want to be the one attracting birds to their deaths if Pepsi should sneak over the fence and get them.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, you are here asking all of these questions and playing WWF at the same time. My phone just binged to tell me you have played a word.

I have to quit for the night.

See you tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Lynne2 said...

I like to think that the birds that get caught are weaker and that's WHY they met their end.

I remember when Brother was still allowed out, before the Great Memorial Day Weekend Disappearing Act of 2011. I had the Morning Glories growing up and upside down tomato cage at the base of my feeder pole. The feeder was pretty out in the open which I thought was good, so the birds could see problems coming. But the crazy cat squished himself up under that cage, hiding in the Morning Glories...just waiting. LOL! But he brought home far more rodents than birds over the years.

I sure do miss that little bastard.

Lynne2 said...

I completely forgot to look for the comet tonight. DUH!

I'm heading in, too. Good night and prayers for all!

Shirley, I hope you turn the DING off overnight!

Lynne2 said...

Just one more....

I took the dogs out just now and heard PEEPERS!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I forgot to look for the comet, too.

Hoda, Heather Peter is my DIL's SIL. I think she must have gotten hacked, again. As did my brother...he's very new to FB, so I sent him a message.

Lolly said...

Too many trees around our house, so tonight Jack and I jumped in his truck and headed out with the telescope to a great viewing place for the comet. We sat there (cold) for over an hour and never saw the comet. Jack said he saw it once with the binoculars but then lost it and never saw it again. We did see the moon, three trains go by, and watched the stars come out.

Sandi....I truly laughed out loud at you seeing all the avatars of Tom S. and thinking we were all weird. So funny! Guess you have learned by now that we all have our quirks and love to have fun!!!

Time to turn in. Will be a great cam watching day tomorrow.

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

I got the Heather Peter message to. I just ignored it as I did not know the person and figured someone's account had been hacked.

Jewels said...

Good morning. I too got the message from Heather Peter.

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

Belle just awoke!

Long day ahead for me - make it a great one! Prayers for health and wellness for everyone.

magpie said...

Best Wishes on YOUR Day, Sandi...
know it's got some challenges to it....We're WITH You @
xxoxo (( Hugs )) ♥

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

I think Thursday and Friday might be the best days for the Comet, not sure what happens after that...
I'll be watching...
Yay on Jack and Lolly for seeing the moon, and something for a fleeting moment at least !

magpie said...

I can't sing but I sure like to Whistle ♪ ♫

the singing and music comments here are hilarious !

magpie said...

Happy ☺ to see Charlee the Bulldog in Andrea's family is on the mend !
WOOF, what an ordeal...

DanaMo: I think a reference to a PIP at the nest eggs, is that when it DOES appear it might still be a day or two before a hatch...I don't think we HAVE seen one yet but I'm not the best observer these days...

Morning Shuffling going on...

Best Wishes to Every One for a Good Day...

xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning!!

Another day closer to spring break. I guess I better check the box for email follow up so I can get word on any hatching.

Sandi good luck to you today with the parent from Hell and your observation. If we didn't have to deal with parents this job would be so easy. I have to say though, my parents have disappointed me this year. Not really involved which is unusual. This year I really needed involved parents. Oh well. There is always next year. We had an open house (yes, private schools needs to do this marketing shit!) and many came through for K for next year. Can't wait to go in today and look at my list. I only had 10 registered last week, and three that we were awaiting deposit. Not sure how many apps were turned in Monday or since.

Janet said...

Good morning to all. Chilly here 39...clear skies.

I am up and feeling better than I have in a couple of weeks. Yes, this has drug on far too long. I feel like I've been in a time warp...spent yesterday figuring out what day it was, date, etc.

Heading out for my morning massages today. Fingers crossed!

Yes, I know pred...long term, any steroid long term is a bad thing on many levels. I follow directions very carefully with meds and only take them when absolutely, positively necessary. This is why (I think) when I do have to take them, they work very very well and very quickly for me. Mostly I stick to vitamins, rest, and Reiki. But sometimes, we need more. This was the case with me this time. I think the last time I took meds was....2 years ago? I had strep throat.

Well, time to get moving. Get the kid up and get the day rolling.

Just saw some troublign news> out at Opry Mills mall, like most malls they have those massage chairs, etc in the middle of the malls. What most people do not know, is these folks are NOT licensed. As a massage therapist in TN you must have a license (thru the health dept like a nurse/doctor) and have malpractive insurance. These people do not. There was a sexual assault in one of these places yesterday. We in the industry have been fussing for as long as I"ve been in the profession to stop these illegal massage places, make them get their licenses, but because the general public hasn't complained, because they are uneducated on the ins and out of massage....nothign has been done. I wonder now....maybe we can rally a campaign and get this on the radar while public attention is on this....

Let's hope so, for the public's safety sake.

Okay, off my soap box. Have a great day all! Let's hope for a PIP today!!!! light, love and hugs

JudyEddy said...


Little chilly this am with the cold front that rained on us yesterday and I forgot to check the rain guage last nite

Still got some coughing but not too bad

HODA that is a scam I get the same message just ignore it

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!!!

It's Hatching Day! Can't wait for the pips and waiting to begin!

JANET, that's unbelievable about those people NOT being licensed. How could they not know it's the law?

SANDI, good luck on your observation and your parent from hell today. I hope you're not stressed. It'll be over soon.

DanaMO, great doc report on your Dad! YAY! Prayers continue.

Mom and I finished the quilt top for my chicken quilt last night. It's so cool! I love it!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDYE and MARGY!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Its 57° out this am almost 10° coller than yesterday silly yoyo weather

JudyEddy said...

aww BELLE is tucked back in

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

MY delete Link didn't work

more on Norfolk nest

One more try on the link you can leave a comment I think also

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

You can see all of those beautiful eagle feathers in the morning sunshine.

stronghunter said...

Belle looking around again.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, THELMA and SHIRLEY!

stronghunter said...

And tucked.

Maybe resting up for an eventful day.

Funny thing with my e-mail. I tried to message everyone on my account that I had been hacked, but Yahoo would not send it because suspicious activity had been found. Interesting.

I do need to update that account

stronghunter said...

Hi Lori, Thelma, and Judy!

stronghunter said...

Well, I see Shep now. I missed the switch.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Good zoom on the cam. Hope we get a hatch soon.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Sharon.

glo said...

Good morning all. Dex and i are running late so will read back later this am but wanted to share this with you. I Am An Eagle

stronghunter said...

My bowling friend called, so I am going to meet her at the lanes. We will try to conquer the problem with the bowling ball.

Part of me wants to sit here and watch the eagles all day, hoping for a hatch. But there is no guarantee we'd have one, and I need to get moving. That's why I took up bowling.

Lori O. said...

It's pouring snow here...glad there's no snow at the nest today!

Lori O. said...

Have fun bowling, SHIRLEY.

Enjoy your morning with DEX, GLO! Thanks for the video. AWESOME!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this possible Pip Day.

I am also excited to see a photo of Lori's new quilt!

I see Shep has morning duty and I love all the new fluff as it is much colder and will continue to be so for the next few days.

Tomorrow is the dental cleaning and after all kinds of dental work I still am not overjoyed about my appointment. lol Are we ever?

Lynne2 said...

ROFLMBO Shirley!!! Have fun!

Good morning all!

This AM, there were 2 cardinals NEAR my feeder. So far I've not had one single bird...UGH! I think they were investigating then Joker jumped into the window.

Out walking the dogs, and there was a male BLUEBIRD....on the tiki torch ON THE DECK OF THE UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS!!! He was singing his heart out!

Out in the field, I heard what sounded like a mockingbird with no talent for singing. Much like myself. LOL! I spotted him in a tree and it was and Immature Mockingbird! I guess it takes practice to get those songs right! I've never seen one before...looks the same, except sort of paler, with pale streaks on the breast.

glo said...

Looks like Shep on the nest. Will we get a nice view of eggs today to look closely for that pip. Its getting eggsiting around here.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lots of pretty spring sounds at the nest today! Shep is looking Mighty fine today!

Mema Jo said...

Feeding at BWE
Both eaglets visible

magpie said...

looks like Eagle is lasso-ed

someone probably mentioned that

Hello from Work xo

magpie said...

well on still cam I think I am watching egg tending

magpie said...

I never look forward to dental work, either Jo
I have one coming up very soon...
6 months rolls around fast

magpie said...

just a little wispy twig or piece of straw on eagle neck?

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace!!!!!

We have a



2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...