Monday, April 09, 2012


Fresh thread, new week.


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grannyblt said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread---now I'll go back and read yesterday's entries and call the others over.

paula eagleholic said...



Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Lynne1 and Paula for the call over! Both parents were in the nest when my internet went kaput! Now that it's back, I see the kids are alone again.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets! 11 days until Shepherdstown!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh my, first time I have looked at the cam since Friday. Who snuck in our nest and replaced our babies with these big globs? :)

Jewels said...

Margy, my thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.
Good morning everyone. Absolutely had a couple great hours with Mom yesterday. Darn work had to interrupt our time. Did not get to see Charlue family, but that is ok. Did make his mom the same jello cake. :)
Warmer weather brings busy nights and dumb calls. Job security tho!!
Have a great day all!

grannyblt said...

So nice to hear about everyone's family Easter. I spent much of the afternoon finishing taxes and looking through files for some missing documents I know I saw about 4 years ago. I cooked a small shank of lamb just for myself and it was very good. I was happy to have the whole day to myself except for talking with family. I'm out of here soon to help assemble raffle baskets for a fund raiser.will check nest now---

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Prayers headed out for Margy's BIL & all that are affected.

Adding prayers of Thanks that so many were able to enjoy Easter with family & friends. Hoping the day wasn't too much for those in less than ideal health.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is now up and already playing X-Box game.

Eagle parent arrives with a stick. Now doing rearranging. I think it is Belle. I sometimes miss seeing Shep's spot, though.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your whole family, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Belle is watching something.

stronghunter said...

I see more walking efforts from our elder eaglet. And a poop shoot.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Lots of errands to run. Cool sunny beautiful weather so Dex will go with :-)

Sandi said...

Big is doing some nestorations!!

Sandi said...

OK, I need to get moving and be productive, though I want to just sit and do nothing. Later all - have a good day!

stronghunter said...

Get away from that edge you two!!

stronghunter said...

Looks like the crib rail is pretty good there, though.

stronghunter said...

Eating a few jellybeans. I found a couple of black ones that I put back. Reminds me of the college days when my carpool group told me that when they ate jellybeans on trips, they threw the black and green ones out the car window. I said that I would eat the green ones, but I didn't want the black ones, either.

I guess a few black jellybeans on the roadside did not really constitute a serious litter problem.

DanaMo said...

On the road again.

DanaMo said...

Just told the lady at the campground about us and she was amazed! She asked me how my visit was and I told her how wonderful it was to meet Kay in person. I went on to explain about our nest and wonderful group of momsters and dadsters. We are truly a unique group being so close yet so far!

Hoda said...

PRAYERS MARGy to your BIL and family.

Weloome home Thelma...wonderful to see you on this morning...

Great picture DANAMO and thank you for the wash fm page book tip.I left a couple of messages for LORI.

Daughters are great SHIRLEY NO? I am glad it was not Luna who ran the dishwasher this morning and am glad you had a good sleep.

GOOD MORNING ONE and All where are my manners.

Safe trip on the road DANAMO MONTE and family.

I saw Belle poof maybe ten minutes ago...chicklettes in the middle of the nest.

Sandi said...

DanaMo, talk to me about the wireless card. I am inheriting Lynnis's Kindle Fire that Brian bought for her for Christmas (she still prefers to use her iphone). It only has wifi capability but I would love to be able to use it when we drive to Balto. and back so I can keep up with the blog, the nest, and emails while Denny is driving. Also, my mom doesn't have a router at her house so we can never use our laptops at her house - I have to get onto her dektop. The wireless card allows you to do that, right? What kind of card would I buy and what are the monthly charges associated with it?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I have read back and see that all is well. Thanks Steve for the new thread. Can't stay but a minute. I am getting ready for an 11:00 Dr appointment - just to get a report on my blood work. Lots of special things on today's comments happening. I talk about them later! BBILW

Hoda said...

Good luck with the doctor's appointment JO...let us know.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
So sad about your BIL, Margy. Please keep us posted. Lots of prayers going up.

Hi, Thelma.....good to see you on, as well as everyone else.

Not a good night for me. Lost my dinner around 11 and again at 3. :(
Shaky today, but so far so good.

Had to drive out to retrieve trashcan from middle of driveway--argh! And wind continues to blow.

On the road again, eh Dana? Guess you are heading for Dayton? Glad you got some coffee!!

LOL, Shirley, at least with Kat starting the dishwasher, it got mt'd first and reloaded!!

Hoda said...

Oh LYNN sending healing prayers and hugs...So sorry you lust your dinner twice and oh my the wind...I thought of you as I hear it at the nest...

stronghunter said...

Lynn, sorry that the night was difficult. Too bad that the wind played havoc with your trashcan.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Has taken me forever to get through the blog, but I have!

Hi Lynn! So very sorry for your rough night! Too much rich food yesterday? Hope today is okay!

Dana and was wonderful to see your beautiful picture. Made me smile! sorry about the lack of coffee this morning. That would have kept me in bed, too. LOL

Thelma...great that you are home. You have been missed!

Oh, and I love seeing the pictures of Lori. Looks like they are having a great time in the Bahamas. Tough job! LOL And, if you look at all the pics you can see Lori's new do! cute!

Lolly said...

Jack is ready to walk so I need to get in the kitchen and eat a bite of breakfast. I had planned to work in the yard today, but once again it is too wet and muddy outside. Can you believe it?

Lolly said...

Shep just arrived. Saw his shadow before I saw him. Neat! I think he brought a load of flugg!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think that is Belle with the flugg!

stronghunter said...

Would like to do some outdoor work today.

Yes, it is good that it was not Luna who started up the dishwasher this morning. I would be a little frightened if Luna had emptied and reloaded it.

stronghunter said...

Playing an interesting game of Scrabble this morning. I do not want to get stuck with the letters I have now. No vowels, and I have the J, V, H, B, N, L. I see a spot to play the J and B if my opponent does not take it.

stronghunter said...

I also had the Z, but managed to find a halfway decent spot to play it.

stronghunter said...

Eaglets are alone and awake at the moment.

hedgie said...

Looks like they are trying to eat by themselves!

Thanks for your thoughts. Am full of meds this AM...MTBR.

Hoda said...

They are trying to feed themselves but it is not working...they peck on the fish but nothing in their beaks.

Hoda said...

Glad you have the meds and I hope they bring you ease LYNN

Sandi said...

Lynn, I'm sorry that last night was not a good one for you.. I so wish you would feel better and stay better!!

I agree with you and Hoda that it looks like the kids are trying to feed themselves! Amazing - Big actually had something in her beak and Lil tried to take it from her! They are just so fun to watch!!

movin said...




Good warm weather in So Cal today, but I guess we could have some rain later in the week.

Hummingbird chicks are healthy and growing very fast.

BWO nest is growing quickly too... Does anyone know what that purple is on the picture?

Norfolk... ??? ... there's an eagle in the nestcup, but they're saying the female is changing on that one so often that I doubt if they will have a brood this year.

Our chicks are healthy and taking the sun. They were just trying to peck some of the older fish near the tree trunk, but I don't think they're old enough yet to get much...

I hope you are all well and having a great week. Keep it up.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jim. Good morning to you!

movin said...

Good morning, how are you, Stronghunter??

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

Norfolk has left nest. You can see a lot of fluff and a definite egg cup.

I just wonder ....

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

I am fine, thanks, Jim. Taking it easy today. At least for now. Really need to get some things done.

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Lynn, sorry you had a bad night and hoping you continue to feel better as the day goes on.

Jo will likely return with good blood work report and Shirley, the weather is beauteous (another good excuse to ignore tax stuff).

Hi Jim. Phoebe's babes are growing up quickly.

Okay, back to laundry and research for tomorrow.


Lolly said...

Have finished walking and getting other things accomplished. Made an inventory of supplies in the trailer and what I need to purchase. Now that Easter is past, I can think about the trip.
Needed to talk to Sharon, my sister, but she is not home. Need to plan our meals.

DanaMo said...

Wanda-thank you for the sweet comment on my picture blog!

Look at our babies, they look like they want to get out of the nest. I'm having trouble with the page refreshing because of the signal so I don't know how long I will be with all of you.

Aric is safely back at school and apparently has a paper to get working on. I hope he can find the information that he needs to write his argumentative paper. Pro-life is his topic, God bless him! Apparently he is having trouble finding journal articles. I hope he has some luck at the library. He will probably be pulling an all nighter!

Lynn-sorry you weren't able to keep your food down. I can't imagine. I'm so sorry for you, I really wish I could do something for you. I'm glad you have your wonderful daughters taking care of you! ♥

Nice to see Jim, although I guess I missed him.

Well I'm gong to jump off. TTFN

Lolly said...

Watched the peaglets while walking. Yes, they do a lot of pecking but really get along amazingly well. IMHO

Where all all the fish? Time for a meal!

I do love it when they hear a parents in the attic and look up.

DanaMo said...

Snoozing in the sun...I might just do that myself.

Very windy, we are getting blown all over. Not a good feeling. Good thing Monte is so good at this.

Oh oh walikng...and falling ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my appointment and I was only in there for 45 minutes - no waiting time at all. All my blood showed good results. I go back in four months. All is Well (except my memory fades off a little) Hubby went to pick up labels for the name tags to be used on the Nest Visit weekend. I certainly hope the weather is just as good then as it is today.

I've had my 'ham sandwich' lunch. It looks like it is going to be around for a few more lunches!

I am now rewarding myself with a feets up for a few. Love you all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone. Thanks Steve for the new thread and Paula and Lynne for the call over.

paula eagleholic said...

Breezy at the nest. Shep in the nest with the chicklets, they are laying next to each other at about 3-4 in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are awake...stretching, preening

paula eagleholic said...

I think I see some pin feathers coming in...someone mentioned it earlier

stronghunter said...

Started working on my tax stuff. I am already confused.

The constant explosions from Hunter's X-Box game are not helping!!

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I had a roast beef sandwich for lunch, Jo. There will not be too many more sandwiches made from that hunk of beef. I am glad I picked up the largest one I could find. With 9 adults and Hunter, we ate a lot of it yesterday.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and guess what YEP I found the new thread YOU ALL thought you could hide LOL


stronghunter said...

I was pleased to see that my 2010 tax info is on this computer. I was afraid it would not be here, since I got the new computer over the summer.

JudyEddy said...

There are atleast 6 other people that he has friend requested and they also are saying NO NO WAY but they all do feel odd now when they run in to him so I hope my phone call will make him unfriend everyone I think that is going to happen because in our wire at work it states no after work fraternizing etc and social media is listed so I am glad I called but this may be a long process itll the 17th alteast

JudyEddy said...

DARN IT babes are still asleep and I want a pic wow they have grown since this am I think not unless being in a pile up now makes them look bigger LOL

JudyEddy said...

lean on me comes to mind looking at them now

JudyEddy said...

SHARON I loved your big glob comment oh they are awake

JudyEddy said...

I think I spoke to soon they are not up they are back asleep

JudyEddy said...

Did you all notice LORI hair cut????

JudyEddy said...

Hard to tell with the ear phone on

JudyEddy said...

chicks alone

Sandi said...

Kids are looking at Shep like, "Where's the food, Dad??" Shep poofs - he had better be goingt fishing!

JudyEddy said...

big feetsies

JudyEddy said...

the nest looks so soft

Hoda said...

YES JUDYE...LORI mentioned her hair cut, it is the shortest she has had it for years.
I am glad that you are investigating store policy on the FB request issue...

Shep poofs.

JudyEddy said...

this is a pic I just took yeah they sat up for me they are always sleeping

JudyEddy said...

howdy HODA

JudyEddy said...

I let some peeps know that I made the calll LINDA my x personal mgr wanted to see my balls NO offense ok we both laughed

JudyEddy said...

looks like the one is sitting on his wings holding himslef up

JudyEddy said...

one down the other is scratching

JudyEddy said...

both are zonked out again so glad I took a couple of pic when they were up They always say growth happens when they sleep so they are growing again as always huh

JudyEddy said...

suppose I should head back to work I took my lunch hours later that way only two hours left to work NICE

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just flew in.

Mema Jo said...

Shep took off Eaglets alone in the windy nest - they looked up when dad flew out but their heads plopped right back down for their nap.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle on the nest...she brought more flugg...moved it to the cup area

paula eagleholic said...

Belle fluffing the fluff

Hoda said...

Belle's siren sounds, in comes Shep, but did he bring food I think not I see nothing he just vacke off on the what was the siren about...poof Shep

Hoda said...

Vacked off should be BACKED off!!!

Kay said...

G☼☼d Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

First, MARGY, your dear BIL and the whole family are on my mind and in my prayers today. Be safe as you travel !

DANA, that was fast work on the picture ! Enjoyed the comments and have a swollen head due to the compliments. I can assure you that I'm much prettier in person and that, for some strange reason, I look years younger than Annemarie's photo shows. Wonder how that happens ? ☺ Seriously, I'm still aglow with the memory of our delightful, but too brief, get together. Praying for safe travel now that Aric is back at DU and the rest of you are closing in on the big cave ! Hope you found your billfold, by the way.

THELMA, ♫♪ Well, hello Dolly ! It's so good to see you back where you belong ♥ ♪♫

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone is having a Happy Easter Monday.
Prayers for Margy's BIL and Lynn's tummy.Sure hope you're feeling better today.
Went to work at Chelsea for a couple hours to finish last week's projects.
Trying to go thru some pics.My buddey, Doris, at Park got a couple pics of both adult eagles in the nest on Fri. PM. They're very dark~~in the shade from where she took them (rather dangerous place that might upset eagles!)I told her about NOT spooking them.
Got other bird pics, too.
BBL~~starving~~time for leftovers ☺

hedgie said...

I've managed to sleep the afternoon away! Drank a bottle of gatorade and continue with water and tea. Will try chicken noodle soup for dinner----at least the broth. Such a shame with yummy leftovers hollering out to me!! But being very cautious.
Hope I h aven't missed much, but will try to scan back through.

Hoda said...

Very good to hear about your looking after yourself LYNN. Good on you...I hope you regain your energy soon...

NatureNut said...

Wow, just got to see DanaMo's picture with Kay!!!Annemarie did a good job! And I love the Mt. Calvery depictions. Church up the road that I attended from 2nd grade for about 20 years is called Mt. Calvary.

hedgie said...

HOW close was he, Loretta? Yikes! No spooking allowed!

Good to see you on Kay!! How is your pain today? Much better I hope.

hedgie said...

Big girl is getting pretty good at walking!! Lil boy likes to stretch his feetsies!

hedgie said...

But he's trying!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, the leftovers will hold! Hope the chicken soup stays down!

OUtta here for today...catch ya on the flip side..

NatureNut said...

Hi, Lynn. Glad to see you back on.I wish you could send your yuckies to me for awhile. You sure deserve a break! ☺ ♥
TY for the beautiful Ecard!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn...thank you for the card. And, yes, keep drinking and hope you can eat the soup.

Margy, prayers for your BIL and for you and the family. Tough time, for sure.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, she walked up a wooded hill from the side of the road that puts you a little closer to the nest. I have been there, too, but not when it's bare and birds could see you. I go there after leaves are out and you're hidden and also if ground is damp & you don't make crunchy noises walking.
Xing my fingers!

Lolly said...

I love it, Kay!! You are younger and prettier in person. ☺ You are just very attractive in the picture so you must be stunning in person. Love it!!

Hope your pain is under control today!

Kay said...

LYNN, glad you're being cautious about the intake and so strong when there are yummy leftovers calling to you ! Pain is just barely under control thanks to the meds. The TENS does a poor masking job since there are three sites of pain rather than just one. I'm counting the minutes now til' Wednesday at 12:45 p.m.. Sure hoping this 2nd injection does the trick. Getting more and more leary of trying to make the trip to WV as I think of what will I do if hit by extreme pain while there. Voiced this to DANA and Annemarie last night and told them to get Aric's bedroom ready for me, just in case I get stranded there for a couple of weeks. LOL !

LORI, just viewed the Sandals pics ! What a beautiful place ! Your hair is much shorter than I'd imagined and it looks great ! I'll bet you're pleased at how easy it is to care for, especially when living the life of Riley in the land of sand and surf !

Sandi said...

Lynn, I'm with Loretta - I wish that each of us could take just a little of your "yuckies" and leave you feeling 100% great!

Kay, it's good to see you on the blog today. How's the pain? I loved seeing the picture of you and DanaMo but cannot wait to meet and greet in person! Sharon said this AM - only 11 days!!

I sent a message on FB to Melissa, the gal who runs P.I.G.S. in S'town to ask if we can stop by to visit with Posey and Sir Bryan while we're in WV. Brian and Lynnis would be upset if we were that close and didn't take any Dunkin Munchkins to Posey (her favorite treat). Have emailed Lynnis to find out what Sir Bryan loves that I could take for him.

Kay said...

Thanks to LORETTA n' LOLLY for shaking my memory about your lovely Easter e-card, LYNN. So sweet of you to think of all of us ! Wow, we sure do have a lot of "L" names on our roster, don't we ? It must be the most popular first initial for girls there is !

Kay said...

SANDI, I'm sure I'll say DUH!, but what is the P.I.G.S. ? Nice that you have friends in Shepherdstown, besides all the Momsters, that is ! Did your mom have anything to say about the TENS ?

Hoda said...

Shep brought in a fresh fish for supper. Belle took it from him and has been feeding the chicklettes. He poofed.
Big Girl seems to be getting more than little man!!!

Sandi said...

Kay, P.I.G.S. is an animal sanctuary in Shepherdstown. Before Brian and Lynnis moved to Tanzania, they lived in Ranson, WV, very close by P.I.G.S., in an old farm house with 5 acres. They had a donkey named Sir Bryan, a potbellied pig named Posey, a bunch of chickens and geese, 2 dogs, a cat, and a partridge in a pear tree! (Lynnis is a country girl!) When they relocated for 2 years, Melissa agreed to take Posey and Sir Bryan for a very reasonable monthly fee and the use of Brian's tractor while they're out of the country. Denny and I went with Brian and Lynnis the day they delivered the animals to P.I.G.S. and got to meet Melissa, the gal who runs the place. Here is a link to the P.I.G.S. site:

When I first joined the blog, I asked some of the WV momsters where the nest was in relation to P.I.G.S. and it's pretty close by.

My mom said that she didn't feel that the TENS helped very much, but also admitted that she only tried it twice!! She says she will try it for a more extended period of time. What can I say, she's my mother and I love her, but she can be so infuriating!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, all, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone!

Kay, do what you feel best, but crossing fingers that Weds. will be THE turning point and all will be swell for your trip!!!

hedgie said...

Soup is heating.....smells good and I DO feel hungry.

Hoda said...

Bon Appétit LYNN I hope there is good nourishment and that you keep it.
Sending much love and prayers your way LYNN.

Thinking of MARGY♥

I am off to yoga, I will try an evening class and see how I get on with it...


JudyEddy said...

Alaska eagle lady has a new eagle visiting on porch check it out toooo cool I want to move there

Alaska eagle lady

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((HUGS)))) to Margy and her family!

(((((HUGS)))) to Lynn! Love you both!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN hope you are able to keep the soup down, Kay I hope they can finally help you with your pain, and thinking of MARGY and her BIL gonna go rewind the news BBL

JudyEddy said...

love the talking

JudyEddy said...

that poop shoot almost got shep

JudyEddy said...

I heard Belle siren and just came over to see I think he brought in a fish

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Just saw a poop shoot from girlie. In and out in one action, as Belle is feeding. Too funny.

Hope yoga goes well, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Is your test tomorrow? Best of luck and prayers for good results!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in w;/ food?

paula eagleholic said...

I think he brought something, Belle was mantling and making her soft talk

paula eagleholic said...

Shep brought a I see part of a mammal?

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding some to the kids

Mema Jo said...

Good evening everyone... Lynn it is good to see you on here at the same time I am. Doesn't happen too often. I hope your soup stays with you throughout the night.
Tomorrow is the 10th and I will call Clarion with headcounts.

It is good to hear from Dana along her journeys. The picture of Dana and Kay is really good.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, The Pigs presentation is great. I didn't realize all that they do. The pic of the donkey was good - he put his snoot right up there! I can't get over such abuse that happens to the animals. Sure are a lot of SICK humans out there.

Mema Jo said...

The still cam is running but the image
leaves a lot to be desired.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess that is just previous fish's by that bone, so thought maybe it was a rabbit.

DanaMo said...

First time today that I can really watch the nest. Yum...what are they having for dinner, not sure it looks like fish.

paula eagleholic said...

It looks good now, Jo

paula eagleholic said...

It is fish!

Mema Jo said...

What did you have for dinner Dana?

paula eagleholic said...

Lost the feed, but got it right back

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho! Little girl is tucking the new flugg around herself.

Mema Jo said...

I lost the feed also - statement did come up telling me it was not available but I clicked again and it was up.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle getting the nest ready to tuck the chicklets in

Little man ready for a ps..and there we go

I heard Big Gal's PS earlier!

chicks in the cup areas

Ha ha, bit stiffhunk of fluff, she put it on big girl! too funny!

Lolly said...

Do not like that yucky fish right there in front.

Sandi said...

Shep arrives with another fish (headless) and then poofs. Again, Belle signals his arrival!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep arrives with a deheaded fish! Belle quickly claims it and Shep flies off to the right. Love how she looks after him, like "why did you leave?"

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ODD I just got through putting on the EM album pic from today and yesterday and it is posting that todays date is 4-10 and its not its the 9th Whats up with that?????any idear!!

hedgie said...

Having a hard time staying awake. Don't think I'll make it for DWTS. Think I'll take a shower and see if that wakes me up. If not, I'll toddle on off to bed. Sprinkling rain here as wind continues to howl. :(

Mema Jo said...

Lost my cam again and can't get it back up - Still cam is horrible also.
Going in to watch Bones - will try later for the cam.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Left for a short while and see that obnoxious fish is gone.

Watching DWTS.

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Watching DWTS.

hedgie said...

I'm heading for bed. See you all in the morning. Prayers for all. And thanks for yours!

Lolly said...

Night Lynn! Hope you have a wonderful nights sleep!♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynn.

I hope you are already asleep.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
Long day, most of it spent at Winchester Medical Center with my brother in law and his children, and some close friends.
(I also carved out a little time to see James this evening)

Condition about the same for my brother in law, vital signs somewhat more stable, kidneys working hard but trying to compensate some for what the liver is NOT doing....when I left in the late afternoon, my b.i.l. had not regained consciousness but was responding to some touch stimulus to feet and arms....but we all talked to him anyway!
Long suture in the shape of an S from top of head to back and to the side of one ear...the incision needed to remove part of his skull to allow for bleeding and swelling which IS now under control....
multiple machines, cables, tubes and IV lines attached to monitor all his functions and activities...
Special time spent with all his children, one can learn so much listening to these kids talk about past times, good and bad....
I couldn't find where I had parked my car, which garage...afterwards so that was quite a situation, but security got me straightened out. I pretty much got lost when I arrived there this morning anyway, such a huge complex there....

Thanks So Much for the prayers and well wishes, they are still very much needed....

And My apologies, I can't catch up on today's posts until, I don't know when....and I work in the morning

I care, and hope to find that things HERE amongst all of you are OK....

xoxo (( Hugs ♥ ))

Linda said...

Good Evening!

Whew....what a day today!! Glad it is over!

So happy DanaMo and Kay had a great visit!! Wonderful picture, gals!

Lynn - so sorry to hear you had such a bad night last night. Praying tonight is much better for you.

Margy - Prayers for your BIL and family and YOU! You're such a blessing to so many with your love and support.

Kay - praying for your pain to subside and disappear completely with this next shot!! Keep positive about next week's gathering!!

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Margy! Know that it has been a rough day and then loosing your car. That was frustrating, I am sure. Bless you! Prayers for your BIL and family.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, popping in to say goodnight. Have tried to read back a bit...

Lynn, so sorry you had a bad night and hopefully tonight will be better for you!

Oh Margy, so scary about your BIL...prayers for him and the family.

Hang in there KAY....Wed. will be the magic day!!

WOW! Lori, what a change in your hair! sure is cute! I'm haircuts in the budget and I now look like I'm wearing a bad wig!

Gotta shut 'er down...have a good night and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting noises on the cam...

Margy, prayers for your BIL

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN for your prayers for tomorrow...Yes I will head out to the hospital for the stress test around one my time which is three your time. I appreciate the prayers.
Sleep well dear friend.HUGS♥

I am glad things are a bit more stable MARGY prayers continue...

Thanks for the nest reports and the three fish that Shep brought in...I was wondering what was up with no fishing earlier on today...

Yoga was very good and except with my getting twisted in the instructions she gave doing a twist and I laughed so hard I fell out of the pose, no worry did not have far to go and I was laughing so hard I landed on a rolled up blanket!!! I much enjoyed it and did not have a coughing fit...

It is all good.

Lolly said...

Watched the new program Scandal. I liked it. Will watch it again Thursday.

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower and then to bed. Hoda will be thinking of you tomorrow with the stress test.I can just see you getting tickled and falling over.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, I have not watched Scandal - I guess I best give it a try next week. No plans for tomorrow at this time - never know when one of the girls will call.
Prayers for your BIL, Margy and all of the family including you! ♥
Lynn, praying for your comfort tonight and your appetite for tomorrow! ♥
Kay, hold in there pretty lady and this next shot should do the trick for pain relief. ♥
Hoda, I'll be thinking of you around 3:00 my time! Praying for great test results. ♥
I know that the sandman just trotted by my house. I can't wait much longer for the night owls ♥

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day - a good day at that. Blessing for all of you and those you love ♥
T-Bird it is good to have you back ♥

** (((HUGS TO ALL))) **

NatureNut said...

Before the computer turns into a pumpkin, I put some new pics in the Nook. Enjoy tomorrow.

Time to hit the hay-----
Pleasant Feather Dreams to All and Prayers for Good Health, esp. our Lynn ;>)

NatureNut said...

Margy, special prayers for your BIL, all the family including You!! ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night to everyone. I have tried to go to bed once and am now back up. Maybe the sandperson knew I had not said the proper good nights.

Margy, more prayers for your BIL and his family, and for you, too.

Bless you, Kay, you have had enough pain. I hope you find relief soon.

Have not looked at Lori's new do yet. Must do that.

Hoda said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures in the NOOK LORETTA. Thank you for sharin.

Thank you JO and LOLLY.I am sure it will make a difference tomorrow. HUGS ♥

Costume Lady said...

I can't remember if I was on here today or not...guess it doesn't matter.
Visited GG today and she was feeling better than she has in a long while...her new pain pills?...MTBR~

Karla, Jayden and Rachael are coming to visit at GG's tomorrow. We didn't get to see Jayden Friday and haven't seen Rachael for about 6 weeks. She started to dialate last week and her doctor said she is a ticking time bomb. Well, Gene told her we know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies, should she go into labor, but I think it would be so exciting...City Hospital is about a quarter of a mile from GG's. :)

MARGY, I will be praying for your B-I-L, to regain his body back to the way it was, before the accident. It all sounds so scary, but we do know that prayers can go a long way in restoring his health.
Glad you were able to visit with James for a while...that had to be a bit of cheering up for you!

LYNN, have you started back up with your chemo treatments?
Prayers that your food will stay where it is supposed to and nourish your body♥

KAY, praying that Wed. injection will be THE ONE that does the trick! You've been in pain far too long♥


Hoda said...

Good night.


Sandi said...

Good morning. I'm missing my other "regulars" this AM - Lori and DanaMo. Sounds like our eagles had another quiet night at the nest. Right now, the kids are alone but I hear a parent in the attic.

Sandi said...

Since Lori isn't here, guess I'll do the nest weather. Sounds like another windy one - may have to keep the volume down on your speakers:

Today: A mix of clouds and sun with gusty winds. Slight chance of an afternoon shower. High 59F. Winds W at 20 to 30 mph.

Tonight: A few clouds. Slight chance of a shower through the evening. Low around 35F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

Both kids have been up and have gotten rid of some of yesterday's food. Now they're snuggled together again in the cup area, picking at flugg.

Sandi said...

Prayers today for
Lynn, hope you feel better today than yesterday;
Kay, hope your pain is under control today so you can do something other than watching the clock for 12:45 tomorrow;
Hoda, that your stress test goes well today;
Margy's BIL and family, that he will recover from this trauma to his body;

Tennis, nail appointment, and grocery store on the agenda for me this morning and afternoon. Another breezy day here as well with temps in the low 60s.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

Go Shep, provide for your family.

T-Bird said...

I haven't seen the little one eat.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning from Great Exuma, Bahamas! Quick trip but fun...coming home today. It's beautiful here!

DanaMo said...

Just got up. Love seeing the whole family in the nest...ooops spoke too soon, Shep out!

My family is all still sleeping and this was wow, late for me!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Have been keeping up with your pics posted on FB - lucky you!!!

Morning DanaMo and Thelma!

T-Bird said...

Lori, I just go through playing with Buphals and his tug.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Would love to grab a pic of the chicklets this am if only they would wake up and sit up The one is picking on the other now then scratches himself

JudyEddy said...

fly by by the geese

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

programming my GPS for a trip to Colonial Beach for our bowling banquet today.

Will will be keeping the critters company. Hunter is off with a friend for the day, thanks to Kathryn.

Eagle preening going on now. Babies are crashed in the center of the nest.

DanaMo said...

Trying to decide which tour to do today at the cave. Of course we can't do anything until everyone wakes up! Geez.

JudyEddy said...

on the news coming up they have linked dental x rays with brain tumors Hmm will definitely watch that report

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO there is a cave up there don't remember the name Daniel Boone cave also and the cave is where they would only be allowed to drink there was a big room like a dance floor area it was really neat During prohibition There are lots of caves in the area

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are time!

JudyEddy said...

Well I got on pic this am only a back shot they are a little shy this am I guess LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, is your bowling over? How did ya'll finish up?

JudyEddy said...

I got that PS on video a short one Love it you can tell when they are going to do it so I turned on the cam in time

JudyEddy said...

looks like one is sittin on the other

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Well I know we are doing Mammoth Cave (the National Park), but there are 8 different tours available. Not sure which one we will do. I wanted to do the River Styx tour, but that one isn't open until summer.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
here is a Nest Update:

Eagle Nest Update NCTC

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn♥ Hoda ♥ and Kay ♥ and all those with immediate and continuing medical and physical concerns....

and Thanks again, Friends, for all your support and prayers for my brother in law and all our family


magpie said...

Thanks Sandi for the nest weather.....

it helped me to get dressed for the day...
the socks with the sandals will probably come OFF before day's end

Nice, I heard Lori's voice on the radio on my way to work ☺

I need to get to work hre now....
will SEE you all later

Best Wishes for the BEST day for all of you...
(( All-day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Best Wishes for all Travelers and Vacationers also !

magpie said...


magpie said...

Many thanks to Judie on the American Kestrel cam updates in Nebraska:

American Kestrel Cam Nebraska
bird is there now

magpie said...


DanaMo said...

Damn, did you see that picture of Lori in the bikini? Wow wish I looked like that! Looks like she and Loo are working really hard. I think I want to teach kindergarten in the Bahamas but I've got a long way to go to get into a suit like that. Way to go Lori!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...