Tuesday, April 17, 2012


New thread.  Much nicer weather today, but we still need rain.


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Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread! I'll call everyone over!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Stringy breakfast time at the Sycamore Palace.

Thanks Steve and Sandi.

Sandi said...

I get a quote emailed to me each morning from the Foundation for a Better Life. Today's quote is a good one; it's a Native American proverb:

"We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

Isn't that a great thought??

Hoping to hear good things from Lynn and Kay today!

Back to test proctoring!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Lots of greenery at the nest.

hedgie said...

Hello. CLoudy and much cooler here today.
Still sick....argh! So LM for me.

Paula, sorry about the owner's mother's passing. Was she elderly?

Hope Hoda is sawing some logs!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


Warmer and sunnier today in So Cal.

2nd egg visible at BWO. Chicks visible now at 3 of 4 Channel Island nests.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Phoebe's nest has had a tragedy it looks like.

There's a note that a bird attacked the nest on the right side of the page above the comments.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Red said...

Good morning folks. Looks like a late St. Patrick's Day celebration in the nest. Lots of green.

movin said...

PH female, K26, is about to feed her chick.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Wow, a major percentage of our Dadsters is here this morning

Thinking of Lynnn♥

Thanks Steve for the new thread
and thanks Sandi, for the call over

magpie said...

is are is are

I need my Grammar Girl....

Best Wishes for a
Good, Better or Best Day
for everyone...

Red said...

Looks like next week will be a good one for me. Pretty sure I'll be getting my other hip replaced Wednesday. Will know for sure sometime today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay Red, that is great news! I know you need relief!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone. Thanks Steve for the fresh thread. I will be over to read the morning comments.
Praying Lynn that as the day goes on you will start to feel better.
Kristen is here so I'll BBL

movin said...

I too am hoping for the best for Lynn and am praying for her complete recovery.

Lynn, God bless you and support you through this thing.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Did you see the fly-by's of the shuttle in tandem atop a large jet?? It looks pretty awesome.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Red - We sure hope that new hip will be scheduled soon.

Sandi - the quote was quite meaningful
You should put your quotes on each morning...

Jim - Good Morning. Whoa! I had just been watching Phoebe yesterday. I'll go check it out.

T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone.
Thanks Steve for the new thread and Sandi for the call over.

Mema Jo said...

T-Bird, I can't believe I was here before you - Good Morning my friend!

Mema Jo said...

But Thelma you did beat me over on FB...... We are tied! ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I love that quote Sandi. Prayers for all in need today. Mowing the lawn and then an Eye Dr appt for me. It's all good :-)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Received a nice hug from Bev over on fb. I liked that! It is countdown for your weekend. I will be busy, but I sure wish I was going to be there with you!

We got down in the low 50's last night and enjoyed our campfire! (Propane fake campfire!)

Going to Wildseed Farm in a couple hours!

Just talked with my Michael. He and Ashley leave for France today. I am jealous as I love Paris!!!

I have not even tried to see our peaglets as we have such a weak connection. Maybe I should try the still cam.

Have a great day! And, as always, prayers for Lynn!♥

Mema Jo said...

I can't get Isla's cam up....

Egg cup has been deepened by the Loons

Cornell's Blue Heron is on the nest

Cornell RTH - cam zoomed in hoping to get pic of a PIP in one of the eggs.

Lolly said...

Going to get the loon cam up as soon as I get home. Love that cam!

Mema Jo said...

Me too Lolly. Like it best after the egg(s) are laid and they are sitting there incubating. Right now it is hit and miss for a chance to see them.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning again on the new thread!

JudyE, the chicks won't eat the leaves, though they do love to pick at them, much like picking at the fluff or sticks.

Good news, Red! Hope Wednesday is the day!

Funeral went well...owner's Mom was 84....very gracious and loving lady.

Mema Jo said...

Check out the Alcoa site - VOTE for the names of the 3 eaglets!

Mema Jo said...

Apace Shuttle Discovery's Journey to the Smithsonian

Hope these 9 shots come thru.....

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what Apace is but please
read it as SPACE SHUTTLE ♥

movin said...

Well, have a great day, everyone.

Don't forget your taxes, as I did.

Maybe I'll survive the day AND get the taxes paid too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim Hopefully the Taxes will owe you

Mema Jo said...

Lennox Lunch Time ♥

stronghunter said...

Yay, taxes done and filed. Nothing like doing things at the last minute. Kind of stressful.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Jim. Hope you get a refund. Sadly, I did not.

stronghunter said...

Things to do. BBL.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Multiple heart attacks have officially begun. Missy flapping her wings while the wind is blowing.

Hoda said...

Good morning and good afternoon everyone.

Lynn I certainly have sawed a few logs and have a good start on my winter pile...LOL very good sleep yet woke up again wanting a cup of tea!!!

I love the quote SANDI.

SHARON I know what you mean when you say it is heart attack time when Missy flaps her wings and the wind blows...I hold my breath.

I see Shep brought in three fish and read that they have been fed. Thanks for the reports.

LYNN Many HUGS♥ and PRAYERS come your way for healing and feeling better today...THREE MORE SLEEPS, THREE MORE SLEEPS!!!I can not wait for the pictures and the reports...those who have cell phones to post had better do so...

RED I wish you well with the second hip rep;acement and I hpoe it is not too close to the first hip replacement. You mentioned Wednesday. I will light you a candle at my home if this is the day of the surgery...PRAYERS.

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

JO great shuttle shots Scott Turnover on facebook has some shots he took also

Mema Jo said...

Well, Belle has appeared to catch her
two babies at the railing look over to see what is out there to explore.

Mema Jo said...

I just saw those Judy.

Did you see the nest shot with an eaglet appearing over that Scott took.
This nest is not ours' RIGHT?
He has a local nest near him.

Hoda said...

Belle arrived ten minutes ago.
Sirens and in comes Shep with another fish.
Missy turns around to see what is going on Bro is still looking towards five.

JudyEddy said...

two fish lunch huh

JudyEddy said...

two fish two eagle and two parents I love the sweet talk

Mema Jo said...

Hello Hoda! I won't say goo morning/afternoon - Just a Good to see you !

Hoda said...

Make that threeminutes ago??? checked JO'S post...

Poof Shep

JudyEddy said...

look at those little tail feathers to cute and did you see on the wing tips the coloring

JudyEddy said...

they don't act hungry or Belle is in no hurry either

JudyEddy said...

Big yawn fromBelle

JudyEddy said...

JO Scott has a nest where he lives he takes such awesome pictures

Mema Jo said...

This morning when Sandi reported from school she used a word I hadn't heard for so many years - Sandi was a 'Proctor'! That brought back so many memories........

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, we are going to try go to get to the Clarion before everyone leaves Friday night but do not anticipate getting there in time to eat.

Lynne2 said...

checkin in from work. Sorry to see Lynn still not feeling well :(

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Happy to report that I'm doing much, much better with the allergies that were bothering me!
I switched from Claritin to Allegra, and it made a huge difference!

Lynne2 & Steve, congratulations on Steve's new job!!! YAY!! What a relief!!!

Lynn, sorry you've been feeling lousy! Praying for a big improvement for you! (((HUGS)))!!!

Kay, prayers continue for you!

Margy, praying for you and your family in these difficult days.

Bev, sorry to hear about your fall--but glad nothing's broken! Take care, and prayers for a speedy healing!

Paula, sorry about the death of the company owner's mother.

Judie, glad to hear that Audrey & Grace are settling in nicely!

JudyE, hope you enjoy your "staycation"!

Shirley, hope everyone is OK after the accident. Hope your dentist's appt. went well, too.

Well, gotta run. Received a boatload of work from the doctor, so may not be posting much here for a few days. Will be in LM. Praying for everyone, and every situation. Love all of you! HAGD!

Lynne2 said...

Red, glad you may get your new hip next week! Hope you'll have Mrs Red keep us posted when you do!

Lynne2 said...

Hi and Bye Andy!

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...

Feeding Belle to Missy and Bro is just hanging out...

Hoda said...

Bro is being fed too now and they are sharing no fihting and no crowding...one on either side of Belle.

Hoda said...

I got this from Debseagle of Hancock Foundation. She sees Bro as self feeding and I see hi just picking on food and not actually getting anything. Is Bro Self Feeding>

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, he wasn't feeding himself. I was watching him. He was picking at it and picking it up a little bit.

hedgie said...

Sorry, but I am heading for the ER. Just not doing well at all. Caro will keep you postd from work if possible. Christie will meet me at the hospital.

Sandi said...

Oh Lynn, I wish there was something I (or any of us) could do besides pray!

Jewels said...

I have asked christie to keep me posted and I will update as soon as I find out. I am having a hard time dealing with the fact I have to go to work. Charlie is also going in. Thank you for prayers. Love u all.

Hoda said...

Serious Prayers taking place right now for you LYNN, CAROLYN and Christie...

CHARLIE is going in for support not for being in need of medical attention I hope CAROLYN?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Huge hugs and prayers for my dear friend. :-(

Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Hoda for the candle link.

magpie said...

Prayers for Lynn and all the family....and that the doctors can perform some medical magic...I am so sorry about this.
I Know that Christie and Charlie will do good service for Mom....
yet I know how much Carolyn wants to be there too...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

DanaMo said...

Oh Lynn, I'm so sorry! Prayers for you. I wish there was something we could do!

DanaMo said...

That's a nice size fish!! Didn't even realize he had it until he walked to the other side of the nest.

Hoda said...

Thinking of CAROLYN and how hard it must be for her to be at work. Prayers and blessings to you and to your family CAROLYN.Hang in there...

DanaMo said...

And Belle takes off

Hoda said...

Belle poofs and Shep is eating and the young ones are waiting their turn.

magpie said...

I sure hope Lynn had a chance to see those remarkable Discovery pictures Jo posted earlier today...that's her kind of stuff !
Thanks, Jo, they came through great !

Linda said...

Praying fervently for Lynn to get some relief at the hospital and that she will get some answers. ♥

Words just can't express how deeply saddened I feel for you, LYNN. May you find some peace and comfort tonight.

Hang in there Christie & Carolyn! We're right with you holding your hand and praying you all through this... xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry Lynn is feeling so bad

Hoda said...

Poof Belle when I got the live feed back she was gone.WOW that huge fish Shep brought in is mostly gone...

Lori O. said...

Prayers for LYNN and hopes that she leaves the hospital very soon feeling 100%!

Lori O. said...

Little babes are all sacked
out alone in the nest.

RED, hope you've had your surgery scheduled by now!
Bring on next Wednesday! Very happy for you.

Jewels said...

Mom has had a little over 500 cc of fluid, still waiting on the DR to come in. Will try to update. I am on police tonight till midnight. Pray that it goes ok too!!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Margy as she is at the viewing for Dwain. Prayers for their family's love to hold them strong.

Mema Jo said...

I am watching the RTH and the PA Falcon with 2 white fuzzy balls and our nest with a sleeping Missy and Bro with Missy's large feet. I have to laugh
at something Jim and I discovered that we had in common - sometimes you don't know which end is which when they are laying there all sprawled flat out.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Caro - that's why I'm hanging out - awaiting any info you can give us.
Bless you and pray it will stay calm
tonight for you...

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, golly! Prayers going up big-time for Lynn!! Pray that she will get some relief and some good rest while in the ER. Prayers for Christie and Carolyn, and for Charlie, too!

Sure wish there were something else I could do to help out. Hate that I am so far away! (((HUGS)) for Lynn, Christie, Carolyn, and Charlie.

Big THANK YOUs to Christie and Carolyn for keeping all of us posted about dear Lynn!

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Caro, for the update. Here you go with no sleep again. Prayers for you, too.

JO, I'm with you and Jim, so many times I look in the nest and can't figure out what I'm seeing!

Linda said...

Bless you, Caro, for keeping us up to date. Praying for God's healing touch on LYNN tonight and in the days to come.


We are all in prayer together........

Hoda said...

Thanks CAROLYN for the update. Waiting close by to read what you post. I hope it goes well for you tonight too.A CIRCLE OF PRAYERS FOR LYNN♥

Janet said...

Just a quick hidy-hello.....

Been lurking....either too tired or not enough time to write. but thinking of you all.

babies sure have grown! :) i check daily...its amazing.

hugs, light, and healing to all ...

and smiles for everyone too! :)

Lynne2 said...

Many prayers going up for Lynn, and her amazing family.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn needs more light from the candles

Please light and say a prayer for Lynn ♥

Mema Jo said...

Quick look to see the baby falcons

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the reminder about the candles, Jo.

Lynne2 said...

I think we should pick a time to have a Momster prayer moment for Lynn.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and shopping after and I forgot coffee oh well tomorrow I can get it

JudyEddy said...

Belle is in and has something on her beak

JudyEddy said...

Dads home

Mema Jo said...

They were too slow, Jo! That was a
quick but not quick enough request. It is the PA falcon - 4 eggs and 2 of which have hatched.

Belle is in the nest - nibbling at one of those fish - I didn't see her come in, maybe she brought one in.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Lynn and the whole family.

Mema Jo said...

Well - BOTH ma and paw are in the nest

JudyEddy said...

Shep is looking at attic

JudyEddy said...

wow is Missy really darker tonight

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

He doesn't stay long does he?

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Lynne - pick a time for us.
Perhaps a huge powerful prayer will help

stronghunter said...

Little Brother Eaglet leaned back and exposed a very large crop.

JudyEddy said...

HODA she is the one that said they were self feeding about a week or more ago also

stronghunter said...

Belle having some dinner.

stronghunter said...

Belle having some dinner.

stronghunter said...

I see the youngsters on their feet.

JudyEddy said...

OH Just reading to where LYNN went to Hospital So sorry LYNN wish we could help

Jewels said...

still haven't heard anything else... I will be sure to post when I do get word from CHristie. Had to call my Aunt... could tell she was upset and crying. Nothing she an do but Pray as she is in Missouri. My thoughts are with Margy tonight and tomorrow, how I wish I could be there too with her, Her BIL was such a sweet man. I can remebember him announcing the games for football.

JudyEddy said...

lost of wingerszie and I am recording

JudyEddy said...

more wingersize and they are facing each other I truely think they like each other watching them they don't do a lot of beaking like ofhere nest Belle moving stic

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Good idea Lynne. The power of prayer is so strong and it seems like we really need it for Lynn right now.

Lynne2 said...

well, how about 9pm? Most still up, maybe others will check in between now and then?

Lynne2 said...

Linda and Hoda offer such beautiful prayers....maybe they can lead us.

NCSuzan said...

Quick and successful recovery for Lynn.

Thinking of Margy and her heavy heart tonight.

Congratulations Lynne and Steve. What wonderful news for the both of you.

Thinking of everyone and their needs. We can all use a little extra prayer!

Lynne2 said...

SUZ! How are YOU doing?

JudyEddy said...

both are back and some greens tooo

Mema Jo said...

Let's all say a prayer for Lynn at

stronghunter said...

Pretty leafy branch brought in by Belle.

Nine sounds like a good time to me.

stronghunter said...

Pretty leafy branch brought in by Belle.

Nine sounds like a good time to me.

JudyEddy said...

Shep is eating

JudyEddy said...

good poop shoot

stronghunter said...

Whole family in the nest. That was a poop shoot.

JudyEddy said...

by Missy

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OK I am going to upload the two video I just did got the wingersize the all in nest BBL

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on

JudyEddy said...

I bought my cats a HIDEWAY at work and have to put it together

Sandi said...

Prayers for Lynn @ 9PM - I'm on it!!

Jewels, thinking of you too, and how hard it must be for you to be at work and not with your mom.

Has Kay checked in today? Prayers for her as well, and also for Margy and her family.

Lynne2 said...

9pm it is....now, I can't text. But maybe someone who can can alert the others...even if they can't be on the blog, they can still pray at 9

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, hi! I am good. Hope you guys are good too.

Will be here at 9pm.

JudyEddy said...

9 on the dot

Jewels said...

okay, just talked to Christie, Mom is resting and is going to try to go home. She has had dry heaves but that is all. Continued to have fluids in IV and the Halidol and Valium. The Dr said he would admit if her is that is what she wanted. HE did not see a problem with that. So...I still wait with you all. Thanks again my precious friends. You all are one great support group and we can feel the hugs and the love.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks for the update Carolyn. I wish she'd just stay the night, but MOMMA knows best!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn still needs our prayers So Let's have a go at it..........

NCSuzan said...

Yes she does Jo, lead the way!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I pray that Lynn has a good night at home. She so deserves it.

Lynne2 said...

Dear Lord, I don't have the way with words that some of our momsters do, but please hear our prayer for our beautiful Lynn. Help her with this terrible thing that has happened to her. Give her strength, show her your love. In Jesus name...

NCSuzan said...

and wrap your arms around her daughters too,Amen

stronghunter said...

Beautiful words, Lynne.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

CANCER SUCKS!!!! Just sayin. . .

stronghunter said...

Amen, Sharon.

Lynne2 said...

and Lord, please give her family strength, too!

Sandi said...

OK all, I'm headed for bath and bed, but my prayers and positive energy for Lynn will continue until I fall asleep tonight, and will start again as soon as I wake up tomorrow.

Goodnight all!

stronghunter said...

And be with Carolyn as she does her job tonight.

Lynne2 said...

Maybe another round of group prayer tomorrow, around 1pm? Give more of us a chance to join in...

I'm so glad we all have each other!

Lynne2 said...

yes, Shirley, especially Carolyn for tonight! Geez, sure wish she could be with her momma!

stronghunter said...

Me too, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Sandi. I am like you in that I start praying as soon as my feet hit the floor and just continues throughout the day.

Lynne thank you for the prayer! It said what needed to be said. Amen

Lynne2 said...

Nighty nite Sandi...TICK TOCK TICK TOCK goes the end of the school year clock!

Glad you dropped in SUZ!

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy here. Glad the day is almost over.

Lynne2 said...

Me too. We are celebrating with Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Steve's new job! LOL!

But I am tired....I've had such weird dreams the past two nights, and last night also woke up in a sweat and nauseated. Felt fine when I got up for real though.

Judie said...

May Lynn have a restful night knowing that her eagle family is with her in thought and prayer. The sandperson will stop to make sure she is sleeping and healing.

Lynne2 said...

Hey Judie! Have you posted pics of the girls yet? Gracie...Grace Kelly? Audrey..Audrey Hepburn?

Lynne2 said...

well, there is a video from my friend Kim on my timeline that I tried to share and for some reason can't figure out how to post on newsfeed. But it's funny if you want to go take a look!

stronghunter said...

Will check it out tomorrow, Lynne. My brain is running down tonight.

Taxes and fifth grade math has done me in for the evening.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley....give me TAXES any time!

When I was in grade school, there was "NEW" math. Don't know what OLD math was, but NEW math was a huge pain in the wazoo for my poor dad. Oh how that poor man struggled to help me! He was OLD math, and I was/am a TOTAL math failure!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Mr Sandman - I heard you whiz by here and drop some sleepy dust as you headed over the mountain to see Lynn. I am calling it a day -

Good Night Everyone
God Bless you all
Prayers for everyone of you
** (((HUGS))) **

Lynne2 said...

I'm thinking that we should all do a Karaoke "Mr. Sandman" rendition one day!

I'm heading up to bed too. Good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Should have said they "have done me in." Brain has quit.

Good night and God bless.

JudyEddy said...

I have two video from this evening on the blog and I put on FB page also Its on th nest video blog I have the one with LIL BRO wingersizing twice

LIL BRO wingersizing twice in 4 min I got Belle fly away in the first one I love the fly aways

Jewels said...

Mom is home!! She slept very well Christie said while she was in er. She is awake and wants to stay up for a while. Maybe she will be on here later. :)

Lynne2 said...

YAY!!!! Glad I hadn't signed off yet! Thanks for letting us know Carolyn!

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad I pulled a Margy!
Thanks Carolyn & Christie

Sleep well through the night, Lynn

grannyblt said...

Glad to hear that our Hedgie is home. I pray she has a restful night and wonderful days ahead.

glo said...

Well I missed the group prayers for Lynn but I never miss a day morning and evening praying for her and she sits on my heart all throughout the day. I will not be able to be here tomorrow at 1 pm either BUT I will be in prayer. Off to light another candle.

Hoda said...

Very glad to hear LYNN is home. Also that she did get some rest at the hospital.

PRAYERS tomorrow at one is a good idea. I am on it.

You led the prayers beautifully LYNNE 2...it is what is in the hearts that matters.

Group Hug♥ Prayers and blessings for dear LYNN and her precious family.

Linda said...

Oh, I am so sorry I was not able to be here at 9:00 pm in prayer with you, but thank you Lynne for your beautiful heartfelt prayer for our dear sister in Christ, Lynn.

You were on my mind and in my heart and prayers throughout tonight at our Bible study , dear LYNN.

I will fall asleep in prayer for you tonight, as well.

Thankful you are home safe and sound and certainly will pray you get a good night's rest tonight. Hopefully the fluids and meds will help you feel better.

I am just so sorry this is happening to you.

Gentle ((((( all night HUGS ))))) for you, my dear Friend.

NatureNut said...

Nighty night to most!
See Lynn had a hosp. trip, but is on the way home! YIPPEE!!Prayers that you feel much better ♥

Today at Park, telescopes were out behind the Gun Club (old white house office)to view a large sandpiper type bird called the ruff! It is a rare visitor from Eurasia and was picking around on the sandbar between the River and Jug Bay. It's a shorebird and was with some yellowlegs. I found a pic online and was sent MD Osprey birder paper with story about it. They are in the Nook.

Linda said...

Thinking and praying for Margy and family tonight as well....

((((((( Loving Hugs ))))) to you Margy. May you feel the love!

Hoda said...

I do not see an adult in the nest. I see the outlines of Missy and Bro. From my reading Shep was the last adult in.

In Yoga we lit a candle for LYNN and we all said a prayer for her at the end of practice. I had spoken of her as my dear friend and that I wanted us to bring her healing energy. They all shared there were 14 of us in the practice tonight.

JudyEddy said...

This is one of the pic from the video that is on the blog

JudyEddy said...

It was LIL BRO doing the wingersize this time

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...

Trying to read back on the blog, but I feel a face plant coming on.

I'm like some of the others, wish doctors would have kept LYNN for a few days until she is stronger. At a loss for words, so I will just pray!

Couldn't find a post from KAY...I'm wondering if those shots that she is having EVER work?

Soup Kitchen was hectic this evening...48 guests.
It took me forever to get the meatloaf made. 60 pounds of meat to mix with bread crumbs, onions and seasonings. My hands got so cold due to some of the ground meat still having some frost in the middle. Finally Capt. Gene stepped in and helped me with his big hands. The loaves were so big that 15 mins. before serving time, loaves were not done, so I pulled one out, cut it into slices and popped into the microwave with catsup on top. That worked and just in time to serve the 18 people that popped in all at once:)
Never going to make meatloaf again. I do have my limitations! I promised all helpers that I would have a very easy meal next time and no one will have to work hard.
Gene made potato soup and enlisted 3 people to help peal the potatoes.
They were free to us, so we felt it necessary to use them up...they don't last long in our storage area.



Costume Lady said...

*PEEL Potatoes*

I hear Mom or Dad on the cam case. Sure they are watching over chicklets:)

Lori O. said...

Oh, Wanda bless you & Gene for all you do. I know you're a huge blessing for all the people at the soup kitchen, especially those 48 who came to eat tonight.

Lori O. said...

Dang, I missed the 9PM prayer
for Lynn, but I'm off to light some candles!

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

That was me doing a double post!

Lori O. said...


A 30% chance of rain, mainly between 8am and 2pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 63.

Lori O. said...

HODA, you must have gone to bed already.
I hope you sleep better tonight. ♥

PA Nana said...

Missed the 9 pm prayer for Lynn but added my own when I found out about her visiting the ER.

Many, many hugs and prayers from me to you, Lynn.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Blessings for Carolyn & Christi.

Must get some sleep here. Rest well all.

God bless.

Hoda said...

No LORI, I am still wide awake!!!LOL I am not sure what it is about not sleeping...I will be a while yet!!!
Good morning.How is your morning going so far?

Lori O. said...

HODA, I couldn't sleep either, so I got up at 11 and here I am, but I've started getting ready for work now. Still have to dry my hair. I thought it was great that your class said a healing prayer for LYNN. Very sweet and thoughtful of everyone.

Hoda said...

LYNN touches people's hearts...she has so much strength and determination a wonderful sense of humour and how much she knows boggles the mind. She shares and is interested in the goings on around her...they identified with her LORI. It was a good experience.

I am sorry you woke up early...take your time in getting ready for work...

Hoda said...

Ok I am going to log off and if not sleep at least meditate.



Lori O. said...

Hope you're sleeping now, HODA.

Jewels said...

Good morning,
No word from Mom all night here nor here at work. hope that means she has slept well. Work has gone well tonight. Thankyou for those additional prayers for me!!
To those of you leaving for work or other things be careful in your travels. Sleep well to those of you still sleeping. Have a good day everyone.
Margy, sorry I can't be there, but Know I am in thoughts and in my heart. Hug Maryanna for me please!
I am signing off now.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the non-update/update. No news was hopefully meaning Lynn slept well through the night! Caro hope you get some rest now!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, DMo, and Jewels. Jewels, thanks so much for the "no news is good news" info on your mom.

Lynn, I fell asleep praying that today would be a turnaround day for you, and the prayers have already started again this morning!

Sandi said...

I am not able to get the cam page to load this morning! I've tried refreshing the page, clicking on "Eagle Cam" in the top left corner, and scrolling to the bottom and clicking on "Live Cams" to try getting it to come up. Nothing is working this AM!

Kay, hope to hear from you today that you're starting to feel better.

Lynne2, will put a post-it on my school computer for a prayer for Lynn at 1 - even though it's public school, i can still say a prayer!

Margy, you will be in my thoughts today as well.

Linda, it's the 17th - you made it girl!!!!

DanaMo said...

Poor wet babies this morning. Is this rain supposed to last? We are walking to the park today for our Easter egg hunt! Dang!

DanaMo said...

The radar on intellicast does not look good for us at all, big green blob!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...