Friday, October 07, 2011


TGIF thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread I will gather the others

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

I was reading the blog and went to comment on PaNana pictures and saw the new thread and I got a strange message I have never gotten this is it I sure wish we could figure out why the blogger want to be a PIA with commenting on picture and why there is a difference in them they should all the the same I think

the below message is what I get when I tried to comment on your Nana photos what is up with that

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
The following errors were found:
Input error: Cookie value is null for FormRestoration

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, I have never seen that message, have no idea what that is~

hedgie said...

JudyE, that is the message a I got yesterday when I tried to post on DanaWV's AFTER I did the sign out thing!

Time for a breather. Garage swept out, mowing done except for dog's yard. Had to come in to get some wire to use to hook cart full of sticks up to mower to haul to the back.

hedgie said...

Jim, is that Froda you are talking about? Do they have a cam on the new nest? I can't find my old link...and it may not even be a good one anymore! Can you post it, please? Thanks!

Kay said...

Checking in today with a heavy heart. My dil's mom, Judy, is not expected to live more than a few more days. She was readmitted to the hospital a couple of days ago and is under Palliative Care. Please pray for her comfort as Luekemia claims yet another victim.

WANDA, Eileen will arrive tomorrow afternoon. Thanks to you and JUDYE for the Ensure advice. If I get down to my desired weight and am still losing I will definitely pick some up. I'm trying to relax about the scan results because I'm feeling better with each passing day and have no pain. Have another week of antibiotic to go and hope it completes it's mission in a positive way !

LYNN, LOL the beer and milkshake ! Sounds a heck of a lot better than Ensure. You sure are accomplishing a lot today and I'm guessing you'll pay for it later in aches and pains. Slow down !!!! Of course, you know I'm just jealous and longing to have that kind of energy again. Julie has done a stellar job of keeping things going around here and Eileen will take care of a few things that are nagging at me this weekend. It's just so hard to be on this end of caregiving !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I can't find a cam for Frodo and Frieda. Ava at the Alcoa cam is the one Jim is talking about Hedgie.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Ok I got done downloading all the video to facebook and the ones of the juve eagle, hawk, owl and vulture is on You Tube This is the link to it I didn't put on blog When you go on the page down below the eagle video is a list of recent video I just put on there are three on the left side below the eagle video of hawk, owl and vulture

ok now to go finish dishes


Linda said...

Good Friday Afternoon! Only have a short minute to check in and say hello to my dear friends here. I keep wishing to catch up, but this week is not cooperating with me! :(

KAY - I am sooooo sorry to hear about your dil's Mom Judy. I know she is a dear friend as well. So incredibly sad that she is suffering so. I will keep her and the whole family in my prayers as this is such a sad thing to deal with. ♥

KAY - Also sorry to hear you have to wait and wait for results. That is utterly ridiculous! For someone who was as sick as you were, you should have better information. Shame on them!

LOLLY - I hope things get fixed and you'll be happily on your way soon. You certainly do make the best of things, though!! Kudos!

DANO MO - Hoping and praying that Boomer had a better day today and by the time you get home, he will be as good as new.

LORI - You and your kitties! I am so sorry to hear they are not kicking this virus as quickly as we all had hoped. Prayers that their little appetites get better and every morsel stays down. I HATE to throw up!! Can't say I know anyone who does like it!! Get some fluids and rest yourself. I felt the same way this morning when I woke up. I took some aspirin and a decongestant and am feeling a bit better. I do NOT like those colds!

We're having company for dinner tonight, so I must go and get some cleaning and cooking going now.

It seems like many of our Momster pets have had a rough go of it lately. Praying they all heal quickly!

Will check in later, if time permits! xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

GRRRRR I got the same message on WVAGAL DANA 1988 pictures

the below message is what I get when I tried to comment on your Nana photos what is up with that
I wanted to comment on the jumping up picture ONE IN A MILLION SHOT and they captured it LOL Why can't we post and I clean my cookies and so does NORTON so Blogger what is UP as you can see I am on Thursday 1242pm comments I am over 24hours behind Jordyn is still sleeping Angies stopped by for a short visit while going over to her bosses and Jordyn didn't even budge with her mommy voice in the house LOL Ok now I still need to do those dishes unless another nice interruption happens LOL

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
The following errors were found:
Input error: Cookie value is null for FormRestoration

hedgie said...

Dumped one load of the last mulch bed cleaned up and have another load of sticks! Geesh!!!! Don't know WHY the trees don't want to keep their limbs!!!
Taking a little break....need to use the rake on one area---don't want to climb under the junipers or yews or whatever they are!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, my dear, please don't over-do today. Tomorrow is going to be another lovely day, although a little warmer...77°. Overwork,can cause even Nurses to get sick!:)

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay, so sorry to hear about Judy. That is a shame. I pray now that she has an easy passage home to the Lord. Life is so unfair.

Not really THAT much energy, Kay. I am slow...can't exert too much as I don't have the wind. And bending over is particularly hard on me---guess it compresses my lungs! I do what I can.....and I am behind because of all the lousy summer heat and then rain.

Sharon, thanks for the info. Will look for the Alcoa link.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((HUGS))))) to Kay and your family!

hedgie said...

Hi, Linda!!! Hope you haven't worn yourself out so much this week that you can't enjoy your evening with company.

Wanda....I know, I know. Seems like the more we do, the more we see yet to be done, doesn't it?

What are your shop hours tomorrow? I think Christie and Shannon may be coming to see you!!
Did you notice that I reposted your "ad" on FB a few days ago???!!!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh-----got the sneezies. Stirring up the fungi, I think!

Judie said...

Kay, prayers of peace for Judy. Sympathies to the family and friends.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, open tomorrow 10am til 7pm. Watch out for the stink bugs:(

Sitting under the hairdrier, about to leave for GG's. No children or grandchildren, once again. The BEACH has called to the Wright Sisters (Denise & Karla) and no Karla, means no Jayden or Dustin and no Denise means no Brandon:(
Don't know if GG will feel like going out to eat or not, but we will have pizza and salad, if we stay in. I shall leave with a cute joke:

Pastor's New Dentures
A Pastor goes to the dentist for a set of false teeth. The first Sunday after he gets his new teeth, he talks for only eight minutes. The second Sunday, he talks for only ten minutes. The following Sunday, he talks for 2 hours and 48 minutes.
The congregation had to mob him to get him down from the pulpit and they asked him what happened.
The Pastor explains the first Sunday his gums hurt so bad he couldn't talk for more than 8 minutes. The second Sunday his gums hurt too much to talk for more than 10 minutes. But, the third Sunday, he put his wife's teeth in by mistake and he couldn't shut up...

Have a nice evening:)

Judie said...

Linda, have a wonderful time with your company tonight. Enjoy!

Lynn, slow down. Save some energy for any upcoming events.

Kay said...

WANDA, that is a laugh I sorely needed ! Gotta keep a sense of humor no matter what comes along ! Hope you find GG in good form and rarin' to go out for Crab Legs !

Thanks to all for your thoughts about and prayers for our dear Judy. DIL just sent a message saying the whole family is with her. That would be all but my Lee and grandson, Cooper who are keeping the NJ home fires burning. The rest of her immediate family lives in MN where she is. Lee, Cooper even our shared granddaughter, Lauren, who is in China, all talked to Judy this morning. These things happen so quickly sometimes--Judy sent me a get well card just a week ago !

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is awake dishes are done and I am up to 351pm yesterday

Excited about a new L00 or porcelain throne LOL What ever floats your boat LOL

YEAH I just found my potted owl link after Jordyn rearraged I lot it but now I put on fav bar
Loved the Owl video and thanks for the reminder of the potted owl I just googled it and found it that way
Odd how GOOGLE sent me down 19 to Boyd Park I could have avoided US19 and the Sandman need a better taste of motels don't ya think LOL I just couldn't resist taking the picture I was at the light when I spottd it and took the picture as I was driving away I was so surprised it turned out I think the guy nest to me thought I was taking a pic of his truck LOL

hedgie said...

LOCALS: Weatherbug alert: DENSE FOG advisory in effect until 10am Sat. Be careful if driving tonight or in the morning!!

I am done for the day. Can't manage any more.

hedgie said...

Good joke, Wanda! Enjoy your evening with GG.

Kay, it's good that Judy has most of the family with her, and that the others had a chance to talk to her. Is she aware enough to know what is happening?? Poor gal.

movin said...

Hi, Judy...

Over the last few years I've seen that same message many times. I don't know what causes it...maybe two people trying to post at the same time, not sure.

But I find that simply backspacing once or twice will return you to the blog, and more times than not, you will find that your comment "has" been posted.

C(°?°)3 Jim

JudyEddy said...

loved the racoon in the nest to cute Busy little thing was digging
thinking maybe eggs ????? I put on facebook also

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is letting me do some reading Angies should be here shortly going to eat a Biff Burger

hedgie said...

Jim, I tried that, too! No luck!!
What have you been doing today?? Anything fun?

Judie said...

Wanda, have a lovely evening with GG. Hope she's up for crab legs but pizza and salad would be a close second for me. May have missed a comment so asking if the treatment has had any effect yet?

Kay, so nice that almost all the family is able to be with Judy. Continued prayers.

JudyEddy said...

BirdGirl that was a nice video I shared to my newsfeed I hope it helps What a heart warming story

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are back "home" and waiting for the repairman.

We had a fun morning. We stayed right here in Santa Fe. I did some shopping. Bought bracelets for Laurel and myself. Also, a great hooded sweatshirt style jacket...very "patchworky" and really pretty. For the J & J boys we got shark tooth necklaces and t-shirts and for Zach a Southwestern book. Then we had a great lunch at the Sleeping Dog Tavern.

Yea, our furnace guy is here.

Lolly said...

Forgot to mention I also bought a new cookbook..."Green Chili Bible"...award winning New Mexico Recipes. I foresee some great meals coming up!

DanaMo said...

Waiting for Boomer's rice to cool off. Still having back end issues! More than likely viral according to the vet. makes us all feel better that he probably didn't get something.

Kay, so sorry about DIL's mom. Cancer sucks. No two ways about it. Praying for her final days. St. Peregrine hear our prayer.

What a day!

hedgie said...

More good Eagle news!
New River Gorge Eagles success

hedgie said...

DanaMo----the vets say this stuff is going around. I sure hope that Boomer doesn't get as sick as Liesl was. A relief, tho', to know that he didn't have that chewie stuck anyplace.
I am not familiar with St. Peregrine....will have to look that up.

Lolly, sounds like you are finding some nice souvenirs. Hope the furnace is good to go soon.

Lolly said...

We are good to go as well as down more than a few $$$$. Oh, well, we would have had to pay that at home. They were very nice!

Oh, Dana, I do hope Boomer mends fast and also hope the other dogs do not get it as well. Did the vet say it is contagious?

Think we are going to do laundry now. Chores never end, at home or traveling.

hedgie said...

My titmice are back! Saw three pairs on the pyracantha bush!

hedgie said...

Lolly, repairs are never cheap on the road! :( But at least it's done, and you won't have to worry about it.

hedgie said...

Wow, just found out on FB that Carolyn got called into work this AM at 5am (2 hrs. early). She was up until 11 last night.....don't know what time they called, but she would have to have gotten up around 3 to get there by 5. Poor kid. And was going straight from work to high school football game to see her godson play.

Hoda said...

KAY Prayers for JUDY as she goes through her Process, May God Bless and Keep her Soul. I am glad family is with her.We never know when it is our time...I am glad she sent you a get well card and I am sure your presence and continued good health will help your DIL deal with her loss.GOD'S BLESSINGS TO YOUR FAMILY DEAR KAY

Hoda said...

LYNN do not over do it with the have to pay attention to yourself and in the morning you spoke of sore arms, so take it easy and do not push it too much, it seems to me you already did plenty today.

Hoda said...

According to the news STEVE JOBS' funeral already took place.

hedgie said...

Hoda, good for the Jobs family. Hopefully it was done before the Westboro jerks could know!

I'm a bit tired.....but better since I ate. With a big breakfast, I did not take needed some fuel! Just took a muscle relaxant and some ibuprofen...heading for the sofa for a little nap before Jeopardy. Liesl is wanting some lap time. BBL!

Hoda said...

LYNN I am glad you are having some couch and LIESL time...

Lolly said...

Certainly glad we got the furnace fixed. It is now down to 45 and raining. Really miserable weather. We are nice and cozy in the trailer though we have not turned on the heat as it is not necessary yet.

JudyEddy said...

On the blogs that are having trouble I noticed that there is no choice beside Google profile you know usually it prompts you to check where you want the comment like Google Account, Live Journal, Word Press, Type Pad,AIM or OpenID are the choices normally there ODD HUH I went and peeked at someone else pic to get the exact list LOL

Ok did any have this when they go on their dashboard the message is in green
I wonder if that has any thing to do with me not able to make comment LYNN Hedgie I went to your profile the fireball I had made a comment there before so I tried and I get that same stupid mssge I can comment on anyones at all now

New! We have enabled automatic spam detection for comments. You should occasionally check the comments in your spam inbox. Learn more about Blogger's spam detection or report issues.

DanaMo said...

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. He was on his death bed and prayed to Christ all through the night. The crucifix was over his bed, in the morning he was healed. I have his prayer memorized as I prayed it multiple times a day when my dad was going through his lung cancer treatment. I have shared his story with everyone in thanksgiving for our prayers being answered.

DanaMo said...

Aric's only request for dinners was nothing fried. No chicken fingers/fries etc...Made steak last night for everyone. Tonight Annemarie and I wanted something just fast and easy, but I am making Aric fish on the grill with lemon, butter and Old Bay and some broccoli with cheese. Yup, I'm going spoil him!

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from dinner and I figure I would try to comment on PaNana and WVGALDANA since others said they could and no luck still can't comment I put a question on the help forum and I think that last mssge the thing that is on my profile or dashboard in green as a lot to do with it What do they mean spam comments???? Ok I need to get a shower I haved started over on the news and watching it now and will get a shower and will try to do some reading boy the days I have Jordyn its really hard to catch up but I have faith I will Later gators

Hoda said...

It is headed down to 36 degrees tonight!!! The colours will be stunning tomorrow I am sure...I still have flwoers in bloom in my flower pots...thinking of bringing them in tonight...

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - dinner company has left -Bragg Girls and Son & dil were all here for spaghetti.

Wanda - take care of GG & enjoy your dinner

Kay - prayers for dil mom - Sounds like a good family mom Bless her soul

Mema Jo said...

Headed for a TV show or two.......


paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Not much time for comments, tho I am caught up.

Gotta finish cleaning house, Michael, Laura and their friend Melanie (Mel) are coming down for Colorfest.

Lori, saw you use Dr Heather. I know a couple of people who use her and are very pleased...just wished there was a mobile vet for after hours.

Kay, so sorry to hear about DIL mother Judy. Your family is in my prayers.

DanaMO, glad Boomer is on the mend, hope the virus departs quickly.

Hoda said...

PAULA your Avatar makes me smile...very Regal indeed...

hedgie said...

Thanks for info on St. Peregrine, DanaMo. I hadn't gotten around to checking him out yet. Good one, for sure! I think someone must have been praying that one for me, too! Your Dad and I are SURVIVORS of a particularly nasty cancer.

Poor Aric----has he gained any of the Frosh 15 yet? Can well imagine fried foods would get old fast. It's okay for you to spoil him with healthy food!

JudyE---have never seen anything like that on the blogs. I thought the security word was what protected them from spammers....???? Will see if i have that.

hedgie said...

Jo, glad your dinner went well.
Now you can relax!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks JudyE for the videos I really enjoyed them.

paula eagleholic said...

that blogger note has been there awhile.

Lolly said...

So glad you are enjoying have Aric home, Dana. Spoil away! Michael made a bet with Laurel about the freshman 15. She did not gain it, just because of the bet! lol

Balloon glow was cancelled tonight, expected that. Have no idea about tomorrow. We will probably not go. Going to be very chilly in the morning. Rain continues here. Snow in the mts.

Hope this rain reaches TX and home. There is chance of rain all weekend.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay ♥♥ prayers for you and family and Judy and her
family. May God Place His PEACE UPON HER ^j^

Hedgie-Lynn/e Hedgie-Lynn/e now I'll take a moment to clear my voice. You need to take advice on things you tell people on this blog....
like don't do so much in one day. Do a little then rest and do some more the next day.

Paula glad family is coming for Colorfest.

DanaMo praying that Boomer will get over this virus very fast. Woof!

Costume Lady said...

We are back home from an evening with GG. Crab Legs were on the menu:) She ate very well and wanted to get her own dessert. When she came back to our table, the little Chinese Hostess was carrying her plate of ice cream and creme puff. She was just too tired to walk straight:) We took her a Take-Out meal and some egg drop soup, home to eat tomorrow. I don't go there on Saturdays, unless she calls me to come in. It makes me feel more at ease knowing she has plenty of what she adores to eat! Got home and she went straight to bed...saying, "I love you, now I'm going to sleep...good night":)

Costume Lady said...

PAULA, may I suggest spaghetti and meat balls, using my and Jo's SECRET recipe?;)
Miss your reports from your Paradise!

Costume Lady said...

I'm speaking of your company, PAULA, if they are dining with you:)

hedgie said...

I haven't seen what JudyE was talking about on any of the blogs I've checked. ???? Weird!

Aw, Wanda....sweet GG....glad she ate well and I'm sure we will sleep well, too!

Judie said...

Wanda, so happy GG was up for crab legs dinner. She is just so precious.

DamaMo, I do hope Boomer will continue to improve. Sounds hopeful.

Another day of adjustment here. Not so awful as the past five days. Am optimistic but cautious.

The sandperson is on his way for all who are in need of sleep. The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the dark and Andy who will arrive from the West coast to set our alarm system. Restful sleep for all including me, Stella, and Naomi.

hedgie said...

Hoda, agree that you should take in your plants and posies tonight! At least Lolly doesn't have to fret about that on the trip!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie, Stella and Naomi---AND Darth! May peace reign!

My spoiled little girl is sitting front of the sofa barking..... that means she is ready for her bedtime snuggles! BBL.

Costume Lady said...

LADIES, just in case you didn't read my email about the Sandman, he was seen in a SEEDY motel in Florida, by JudyE. Make sure he wipes his feet and used hand sanitizer before you let him in your house!!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh how refreshing that sounds, LYNN. She wants to snuggle instead of taking a bite.
Capt. Gene growls, and that means he would like to cuddle:) (Tiger growl:) Yep, he and Liesl are kindred spirits!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, will your little girls ride down to OBX with you or on their own, Maybe you will run into my little girls:) They should be there by now...don't know when they are coming back.

Costume Lady said...

STELLA AND NAOMI are coming around, I do believe. It's time for them to realize which side their bread is buttered on or who is opening their cat food cans:)

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals ♥

So very sorry and sad to read of what sounds like a sudden downturn in Kay's dear friend, and her daughter-in-law's Mother Judy's condition....
what a joyful blessing that most of the family can be with her in Minnesota; Prayers for a peaceful journey to the end of Judy's days here on earth, and Godspeed into Heaven

magpie said...

And hoping that DanaMo's Boomerang
aka Boomer (thanks Hedgie...I ditzed on that one this morning)
will respond well and quickly to treatment for his GI ailments

magpie said...

Your posts were purely joyful to read throughout the day....
☺ ♥

magpie said...

And J☺
undoubtedly had a houseful of laughter and love today with the Bragg Bunch...guess that Chloe is along for the visit also

magpie said...

Saw about two dozen Cedar Waxwings at Swinging Bridge this afternoon...
I also dipped my feetsies in the cold clear waters...

magpie said...

way cool JudyE and Jordyn saw eagles today

Paula, I think you will have spectacular weather for the Colorfest; have fun with the extra housemates ☺
Nick will love it!

magpie said...

really sorry to read the colds are making the rounds...Lori, Linda, who else !!

Lolly and two can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear...
making the best of the weather and $$$ repairs, it seems...
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Been to the grocery store and got the dusting done...still have to do a quick vaccuum and finish some laundry. Making Laura some Chicken soup, if she wants some...she's been sick.

Nick is so funny. I hate to I finally dusted tonight...he's still such a scaredy dog. He ran from the room when I was spraying the furniture polish! Too funny!

magpie said...

um, lemme see, I was going to say...
Looking for Shirley this evening!

and am encouraged by Judie's posts about the Bombay Parlor Panthers....
wait for it...wait for it....
(that phrase is from a cartoon, Camp Lazlo)

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, secret sghetti would be a good choice, but I am going to grill teriyaki chicken tomorrow night..supposed to be such a pretty day!

Margy, how is James doing?

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, glad the Bombay's are doing better!

magpie said...

James is going pretty well, Paula...he does not like to talk about Harley too much yet, because it makes him sad... but I did get some pictures of Harley printed out for him last night, and put about 20 others of special things, together in an album, and he seemed to like that.
Thank You...

magpie said...

We also picked up a slingshot at Goodwill last night, James had school off today, so maybe he got some lessons today from his Dad...
I laid out some no-no's regarding the slingshot: no aninmals or people, no windows...
all that careful stuff which he already knows anyway, I guess

magpie said...

he might try to knock out a few mice though, of which there are many at his roost :(

Lolly said...

Margy, I posted some balloon pictures today on a blog...for you and others who are not of fb.

Jack and I had meatballs for dinner. I am stuffed!

Still raining...sure wish I could bottle it and take it home! Laurel said this evening that they are saying Sunday night will be the good chance for rain at home. Certainly hope so!

magpie said...

I have never had any problems with those bleach tabs in the toilet tank in the many years that I have used them...knock on porcelain!
Sorry you have to replace your two....

one water leak problem I DON'T have here.
Did hear a terrible screeching gnawing sound in the overhead of the bathroom last night...water leak? or a Squirrel?? I'm about tolose my sanity (what's left of it) over it...

Where or where is Lynne2 tonight?

magpie said...

heading there next Lolly, did see that you posted that awhile back,

just reminded me that Paula's Michael's Laura also has the punies...hope that disappears immediately ! If not the chicken soup should do it...


magpie said...


Fantastic, so cheerful and imaginative! Thank You !!!!

I got the "Cookie" message again, have seen that word so much I gotta have me some, but have none here at the Roost !

stronghunter said...

Hi, not keeping up too well today. I have been busy.

I haven't had problems with the tablets in the toilet water, either, but haven't used them for years.

Back when everyone used cloth diapers, I had a friend who flushed a diaper and bought something to dissolve the diaper that ended up cracking the toilet.

Actually, that was Sergeant Bob Douglas's wife Jenny from back in the suburbs of Columbus.

Lynne2 said...

Here oh here I am Margy, and good evening all!

Been lurking just a bit here and FB. Got home a little late, took the dogs for a nice long play time and walk.

Kay, so sorry to hear of your Judy's turn for the worse. Prayers for you and all of her family that her last days will be as peaceful as possible.

Not happy to hear there are no results for you on the scan yet...GRRRRRR

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I am making progress I am at 7:13this am comments moving right along here is a mini series book Lots of sick animal on the blog so sad

Reading in between commericals

LOLLY BRR try to keep warm so glad things are improving Loved the picture you post on face book I am on a vicarious vacation LOL

LYNN do you have the green message on your dashboard since you can't comment either

I still can't get use to WOW but I am not giving up LOL I do dislike new and different and changes LOL
Praying for you NCSUzan my daughter friend had a double transplant is doing great she was in the hospital for something else and got an infection there and ended up with a dbl transplant Hospital fault and I guess they picked up the tab on it to boot I can get her number or face book page if you would like to talk with her She lives in Texas
By way Glad to Meet You NCSUZAN

JUDIE so glad the panthers are getting better

DANAMO hope Boomer is better as I type this it is 8:30 and I am on last nites comments at 8:41 I feel like I am in another time zone LOL

LORI I hope the kittens get better soon

I am in tortaly agreement on the Grey's and House comment
Good to hear fires are down in Texas

Yep THELMA I am in total agreement with LORI you have a CAT

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, glad Boomer has no blockage! WHEW! Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon and that the others won't catch whatever it is.

UH, NURSE LYNN the HARD HEADED....tsk tsk on all that stuff you did today. Hope you have no aches and pains tomorrow. And I sure wish we could come and help you out....

Lynne2 said...

Lori, those poor kittens....I worry that they are not kicking this illness yet. But I know they are getting the best care anywhere!

NatureNut said...

Ratsss----hit something and all that I wrote disappeared & went back to Home page! DUH! Whole day has been like that----had to give up working on a banner w/glitches, like missing parts. Will have to go back over weekend. Got home at 8& snoozed in chair after dinner.Gotta do the do for Kids Day in the Kountry at Park in AM. Flat Stanley should have fun, but I'll just try to stay awake!

Lynne2 said...

I've had a weird day of being very itchy all over with no hives. BAD itching. Not sure why. Lots of pain today as well. I really do not have time for this nonsense.

Glad GG had a good evening!

Paula, wonder if Nick had a "run in" with a cat at some point in time and the spraying of the furniture polish sounds like a cat hiss to him!

And speaking of cats....hope the peace is holding at Judie and Darth's Panther Palace!

magpie said...

Hi There Shirley and Lynne

hope I didn't holler too loudly and interrupt your busy time

hope you each have a restful Friday evening and easygoing Saturday morning

Lynne2 said...

I have only read back on this new thread so I haven't caught up on all....but Thelma has a cat now???

And Lori isn't feeling well? Hope yo wake up feeling better in the AM Lori!

stronghunter said...

Sorry I have been absent today. I had a doctor's appointment for the follow-up to the check-up and tests I have been having.

Then I went to the mall to pick up jeans for Hunter and socks for myself, and finally went to the bank and grocery store.

Fixed dinner and made a phone call to an old friend.

Now, I am going to have to wind down for the night.

magpie said...

and there's Loretta!
yeah, stockpile some restful time for your busy day Saturday....

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, is everything OK??

Lolly said...

Thelma has neighbors that moved and left their cat. Isn't that horrible?!!

Lynne2 said...

How frustrating Loretta!

Lynne2 said...

HORRIBLE isn't the word for it. I have some words for it. This is happening all too much, but sadly even before the economy went south, and especially with cats. I just don't understand how people can just deem them disposable like that. OH I HAVE SOME WORDS.

BUT, thank goodness Thelma will help!

Lynne2 said...

BTW....the "new" car gets our Lori's station all the way to work almost! Now I can listen in the AM...the other car looses the signal. It is in DC after all so the fact that I can get it all the way to Manchester is pretty amazing!

magpie said...

Lynne - this one's for you:
I think it is a Pearl Crescent...what do you say, Madame Butterfly ??

stronghunter said...

Kathryn, Hunter and I are getting ready for an overnight trip tomorrow to an old mine so Hunter can go gem hunting.

Will is going to hold down the fort here and take care of the critters.

Morefield Gem Mine

stronghunter said...

Just busy, Lynne. I kind of wore myself out today.

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley,
I'm just about right behind you...

Prayers for comfort and peace for Kay's friend Judy...and all the family and dear friends at this time of having to say good-bye....

and Prayers for wellness amongst us and ALL THE PETS ....
Thanks, God, we could use a little help down here...
this is the first pryaer that James learned, from his Momma..

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, how is the "new" car running now?

magpie said...

Shirley! That is so exciting....
does Hunter have a little treasure box for his stones?

Good Night, Precious Pals....

paula eagleholic said...

Cat hiss, hadn't thought of that Lynne. I really just think it's sounds he's never heard before! And of course, he doesn't like the vaccuum!

NatureNut said...

Hi Margy, Thx for the snail mail!!!
Today's Nature Report; saw a pileated woodpecker way up high in oak tree right in front of our "farmhouse". He stayed there for a long time & I heard another one or two calling. Did you know groundhogs can stand on tiptoe?? Was going to go out our back door, but hesitated because Chelsea Leonard or Lenora was nibbling greens next to sidewalk. Then a Mom deer and fawn trotted up from edge of pond. Leonard must have heard them in the jungle (grass not cut since Irene!) and stood upright, then went on tiptoe so even tail was off the ground!!!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, gotta go do some more stuff, will check back later!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I wanted to say a prayer for Kay's friend, Judy, and for anyone else out there in need of extra love tonight.

hedgie said...

No, JudyE---no green message seen. ???

Glad to see some late-comers chime in.
Commercial....watching Tom Selleck!!

Carolyn is now at the ER with her godson and his mother, her BFF. Troy is the H'ville Eagles QB and he apparently has suffered a concussion during the game. Please had him to your prayer list.

I, too, have used the toilet tank tablets and never had a problem!
There was one cleaner that we used once that was very popular that ate all of the flushing parts! All I can think of is Simple Green, but I don't think that is what it was.

stronghunter said...

Got your bookmark, Margy. Thank you. Also got James's card. You keep the post office going, lady.

magpie said...

aaah some wildlife treasures amidst the koo koo stuff, Loretta,
you are welcome !

'Night, now, pals...
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Margy---hope you don't have a squirrel OR another leak overhead.
Did you check the CAD??? Had a friend who was coming back from B.S. and passed all those cruisers speeding up the road.

stronghunter said...

I think Hunter will be using a bucket tomorrow, Margy.

There are a lot of interesting pictures on that link. Just scroll down. We will be in the dirt and muck. Just taking some jeans and such. Found a room at the local Econo Lodge so we can take our time.

Lolly said...

I am thinking of showering and getting comfy. Still hear rain on the roof of the trailer. Now down to 41. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow, but Sunday we leave here and head to Durango, Colorado. The low there Sunday night is down in the 20's. I am not sure I am ready for low temps like that! Yikes! The weather improves after that. We take the Durango/Silverton train ride on Tuesday.

Loweeeeeeeda! So jealous of your wildlife sightings. Piliated woodpeckers...awesome!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers for Judy, Kay's counterpart.

Lynne2 said...

Yep Margy, pearl crescent!

Paula, car is running well!

SOunds like fun tomorrow Shirley!

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow is another day as the saying goes so



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Lynne, I wish you and Steve were here to help, too.
Believe me, gang....I may get tired and sore but I really am not over-exerting/extending---I can't! I KNOW not to push it too far.

Lynne2 said...

we WERE heading to WV this weekend until Steve's boss decided to take off Tu, Wed, Thurs to go to Atlantic City. Now Steve has to make up the time this weekend. SO ANNOYING.

magpie said...

hard to keep from returning

Lynn, hope/pray Troy will be okay!
Did he go by ambulance, and...hope his team The Hedgesville Eagles won the game!
He is also the nephew of a co-worker, Paula...her brother's kid...

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. Good night. Rest well, everyone.

magpie said...

Great mine site, Shirley,...I want to go too !

Lynne2 said...

I'm taking my itchy, sore aching body to bed. I'll see you good people in the AM! Good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Shirley, that sounds like such a great place to visit. Would love to do that sometime with the kids!!! Never heard of it!
Do you know about the open field mine in ?Arkansas? where gems are just under the tilled dirt?

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in.

Carolyn is on her way home---desperately needing sleep. No Dr. has seen Troy yet...he has not even been sent for a CT scan yet. :(

NatureNut said...

Don't have time now, but daughter sent pic of "A Tree Grows in Bastrop"!! that I'll have to post. The pics after the fire that showed oak trees w/leaves must have been brown leaves! Guess they scorched but didn't fall. Now there are little green leaves sprouting in the branches! How smart is that---they must know they need chlorophyll to make food!

Prayers for Kay's DIL Mom, Judy and for football QB w/concussion.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Margy, I think they lost the game. WHen they left for hospital (yeah, Ambulace) the score ws 19-7, Musselman I believe. :( Troy isn't THE team, but he is THE QB with the mostest. Did not know that Paula and Wm. were bro/sis. Learn something new everyday!

hedgie said...

AmbulaNce!!!! William IS at the hospital, too, Margy.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, that is so heartwarming and encouraging to kn ow that the tree is struggling to survive.

Mema Jo said...

Had a busy evening - very very tired
Before I do the famous face plant I
am going to say Good Night

God Bless All
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Wanda, the girls will be driving down Weds. AM of that week and stay until Sat. I'll keep in touch with Denise on FB and see if we can hook up for lunch one day!!

magpie said...

Hope the best doctors are there for Troy, Lynn, and that Carolyn can get some decent sleep.
I got sidetracked at work today, will check out that CAD in the morning

Ridiculous, Lynne...ref your post about Steve's boss, and thanks on the Pearl Crescent confirmation

Looking forward to that photo of the Bastrop Tree, Loretta

Good Night once again, Pals
(( Hugs ♥ ))

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Shirley, the gem digging looks cool. My Mom, Dad and brother went to one down in NC or SC...she found rubies! Had them made into a ring!

paula eagleholic said...

going to finish off 'the help', waiting for clothes to dry.

hedgie said...

I am heading for the tub. See you fine, fowl friends tomorrow. Looks like maybe the sandman made it to Hoda's early!! Diann maybe sent him on his way earlier than usual!
Prayers for all, but especially for Kay's Judy and her circle of family and friends. Peace.

Hoda said...

Do I understand correctly PAUla's Bro is a football player????something LYNN wrote??/

I watched a Canadian show on the internet called Beign Erica. It was a good show.

I will sign off now and wish Paula a wonderful time with Colourfest, and Lynne I am sorry your travel plans changed this weekend.

Prayers for all and wishes for sweet dreams come your way. God Bless every one.

Costume Lady said...

HODA, Lynn and Margy were speaking of a co-worker of Margy and Carolyn's, named PAULA (I think I have that right).

LYNN, Gene and I have been to to Diamond Mine in Arkansas. Didn't find anything, but had a fun couple of days there. There is a very nice campground there and we stayed for 2 days. I love doing unusual things like that:)


magpie said...

G☼☼D Morning Eagle Pals...

sure is a nice clear cool crisp October morning here in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, hope it is nice where YOU are too


magpie said...

lots of family today today for some of our Momsters and Dadsters...
Jo, Paula, Kay, and maybe more...

Have Fun!

magpie said...

it's a day to spend money here and there, with lots of festivals, including Apple Butter Festival in Berkeley Springs...
Colorfest up Paula's way...
and hopefully at
Wanda's Countryside Costumes $ $ $ $

magpie said...

Have a good workday, JudyE
I'll be at the salt mines also...

Best wishes and prayers for continued recovery for Sissy,

Comfort for Kay's friend KF Judy....

and for any and all other Pets and People amongst us...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
Love you, and it's time for me to disappear

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

G☺☺D M☼RNING ÉÄGLÉ BÃœDs Ö ö ☺ ⌂ ☻

JudyEddy said...

KAY so sorry about JUDY I will keep your family in my prayers I remember when they told that to us about my parents it was hard But I was so blessed to be with my dad when he passed on My parents belive in that you should face the person toward a window that way they can cross over better We were all in a cricle around my DAD Jimmy lead the prayers and he passed so peacefully Hospice was the best with both my parents As a matter of fact I am leaving one third to them when pass

LORI I hope you get over the cold fast I always take Zicam it taste Yukie but works

Cute LYNN waking Liesl. the old saying letting sleeping dog lie doesn't apply to her LOL

Angie maybe getting another Malamute

Laughing at the description of WANDA Capt Gene waking up and rolling over to have her belly scratched, Like Jordyn would say TOO FUNNY

I bet if I counted the parks in the area they would total to at least 100 some are small and just built by the devleopement they are in thoese don't have potty We need pottys LOL

Ok sort of a silly question do any of you know if the gift shop has ear ring Eagle ones off course or nice rings with eaglesToday the lady at Boyd Hill said she would look in her catelog for me because she knew I would be back

magpie said...

Have fun, Shirley, Kathryn and Hunter!
Can't wait to hear all about it ...
hope the Sleepover is a good one too....
take lots of pictures !!

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

don't know the answer to your questions about Eagle things, Judy, but some on here will...

Touching story about when your father died....♥

magpie said...

yeah, Wanda, make yourself beautiful, give Gene those belly and back rubs, then hand him the camera !! ☺

JudyEddy said...

Today in Tampa is the RedBull flugtag
Flugtag in Tampa Its free also
and Lego Land opens today also I sure wish I was off I love the flugtag event so funny what people will do

JudyEddy said...

I am at 537 pm comments last nite Will I get caught up Yep I have faith I will just might take a while Today is a 8 o'clock day so I mustin linger to long LOL

JudyEddy said...

Today the flutog is in Tampa that is the funniest event and it is free

I went on quite a few blog last night and tried to comment on them and wasn't able to at all I just don't know what to do about it I goggled the statement I got and apparently there are lots of other people that have and are having this issue so we are not alone and there is no explanation or fix that I can see

JudyEddy said...

So far I can see it is LYNN, MARGIE and myself that can't comment is there anyone else???

JudyEddy said...

I am saying so long before I foget I am moving right along in the reading and LYNN I sent you a email If you want to do look at my dashboard mssge HAGD BBL

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy and JudyE!

Judy, hope you find the earrings you're looking for. What a fun thing to shop for!

Prayers for Kay's DIL's Mother, Judy and family, that they have peaceful hearts, no pain and no regrets.

Lori O. said...

LeRoy is still the kitty lagging behind in getting well, but he's playing a little this morning and at a little, too! Man, what is this thing getting all the dogs and cats? Oh, humans now, too. I think I'm feeling worse today! Not as tired but if I could keep Kleenex away from my face for five min., that would be nice. Sneezing, runny nose, coughing - the whole deal. YUCK! I'm not a good sick person.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I hope you all make a good day. Catch ya later.

hedgie said...

Good morning one and all.
Here's a great way to start your day!
Mason's update

hedgie said...

Troy has a "mild concussion"---so glad it wasn't any more serious. Boys and their football!! It was supposedly an illegal hit...but refs didn't catch it. Team apparently is upset. Troy just feels like he let down the team. NOT!!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning everyone! And a beautiful morning it is! Took dogs out early for a nice walk. Already been to the GROSSery store.

Hope Boomer and Lori's babies are feeling better this morning, and Lori too!

My itching seems to be going away but wow, I have SO much pain in back and knees....UGH. But there are many Dervishes to be Whirled today!

Beautiful day for thermals, have already seen several raptors gliding along!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Eagle Buddies!
I always check out our cam as a 'just in case'!
Momma Owl is nesting! Can't find any update on her hatchlings.She is preening.
Red Pandas alert they are outside and nibbling on a tree...
Lynn - thanks for the Mason update.
Ditto what you said about 'boys and football'
Margy - no one should have to work on such a beautiful October day. Hurray for the weather for Colorfest! Paula, I'm sure, will find some artistic items.

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...

Good morning everyone. BEAUTIFUL morning here. The colours are deeper and more of them.
I have been watching on CBC, Canadian Boradcasting Corporation, a program on concussions and the damage casued to atheletes' brains. Even a minor concussion is a serious thing. I will see if I can find the link on the internet.

People are sneezing, coughing and runny noses here too.

Lynne2 said...

BYE week for Skins and Ravens this weekend. So we can all watch the Steelers and HOPE that the REAL ones show up for the game! LOL!

Hoda said...

THANKS LYNNE and to you too...

Kay said...

Kind of strange to check in and find there have been no new posts for the past hour ! Busy day for everyone, I guess.

LYNN, yes Judy has been lucid and was the one who called the shot about going to Palliative Care. As of yesterday afternoon she was responding to the family/staff, a bit groggy, but lucid. Thanks to you and to all the Momsters who've been so empathic and prayful !

DANAMO, thanks for sharing the St. Peregrine story. I'd never heard it before. Glad Boomer is on the mend and that Aric is getting some wholesome food ! Can't imagine why, in this day and age, a college is unable to offer better fare.

You may recall that the roof over my bathroom sprang a leak several months ago. It's been covered by the tarps Hugh and Seth applied that evening---through rain, rain and more rain. Hallelujah, we're having a spell of unseasonably warm temps and glorious ☼shine. A couple of days ago roofing supplies were dropped here and today there is much noise and activity above me. They are roofing the entire building. What a relief to see this happen before roofing season is over for the year !

Eileen just called and expects to be here by 4. Yeah ! We'll be going to Julie's for dinner and some good visiting ! This has me pumped up and feeling better !

I may not be on line much for a couple of days, but rest assured, no news is good news ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Wow---flood warnings out for TX and OK---10" of rain possible. Ground is so parched and dry, that massive run-off expected. Lolly and Jack might come home to a grass jungle, since they have done some watering and have grass!

NFL Raider's owner Al Davis has died.

Lynne2 said...

YAY on the roof fixin's today Kay! Hope you have a great visit with Eileen later!

Hoda said...


It is 21 minutes. LYNN you might find this worth watching.

movin said...

Blog phantom stole my comment and gave me a B.S. message in exchange.




cHILLIER This morning in So Cal, but I think the arctic air is moving through now.

[:~D] Jim

Linda said...

Good Morning, Dear Friends!

Wishing you all a cheerful Saturday on yet another sunny day in our area and yours!

LORI - I am so sorry to hear you're feeling worse today... :( Sounds like you got the whole ball of wax when it comes to a cold! REST as I know you will and I hope this passes soon for you. Also praying that you and the kitties feel better very soon!

KAY - Anxiously waiting to hear from you and how Judy did through the night last night. May God Bless her, keep her from pain or fear as she is called to His Home! For the rest, may God Bless You as you mourn her passing.

WANDA - You look BEAUTIFUL.......
Thanks for finally letting us see that gorgeous do! Such touching stories of GG. Thanks for sharing her and the joy in your life with us!

MARGY - It's your Friday!! Hoping you fly through today!

LYNN - Hope you're not too sore today. Even though you didn't overdo it, it still takes its toll on you when you do so much! Praying that Carolyn's God Son Troy is on the mend today and taking it easy.

HODA - Happy Thanksgiving!! Is today the day you go to dinner or tomorrow? Either way, wishing you a wonderful time with the ladies and thanking God for all we DO have!

LYNNE - Glad to hear you're a bit better, but that sure sounds kind of weird. Take care of yourself and look for rashes. Sorry your weekend plans were derailed. Since you got so much done last weekend, maybe you can relax this weekend??

DANAMO - Hoping Boomer is feeling better today. Poor thing......

LOLLY - Happy to hear the furnace was fixed and you and Jack are back on track!! Enjoy!

We had a great dinner with friends last night, which was fun.

Today is a beautiful day and I think I am feeling a little better.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Linda said...

KAY - Make sure you rest up today for this evening!! Dinner and time visiting with family will be so much fun!

Do check in if you get any results on your CT scan, okay? xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

KAY I am glad the roof is fixed and that you are going on a visit. We will be thinking of you.

LINDA I am also very glad you are feeling better about time I would say. HAPPY THANkSGIVING to you too. I will go for my THANKSGIVING SUPPER tomorrow with the COOWS,KOOS, The Company Of Older Women group.

Linda said...

HODA - I will be thinking of you tomorrow while you visit with the COOWS and will look forward to your telling us all about it!! Have a wonderful time!

Lolly said...

Good morning! LOL Lynn! Jack said to remind you that Texas is the size of the NE United States. Not all of Texas will get rain.

Our thermometer flat lined this morning so we do not know how cold it got. We dried it out with the hair dryer and it is now working again. The balloons did go up today but we did not go. However, we got to watch live coverage on the TV. 100,000 people kept us away!!!!

We are going for a drive today.

hedgie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Hoda! Concussions are nothing to mess around with....and there is so often a cumulative effect if athletes get them more than once.
Just look at Mohammed Ali (Cassius CLay)---they say his condition is a result of so many.

Lynne, I must have missed soemthing---why are you itching? Did you get into poison again? :(

Jo, are you doing anything special with the Bragg bunch today??

Kay---SO glad the roof is getting replaced. Sure took them long enough! Hope all the pounding doesn't give you a headache! Can imagine how excited you are for Eileen to arrive!

Lolly said...

Lynne, I am going to be much happier when you are feeling great. You are much too young to be having these problems!!! (((Hugs)))

Loretta, that is so exciting about the tree! Anxious to see the picture!

Lynne2 said...

No relaxing Linda!! Too much to do and would like to get it all done today so I can do some relaxing TOMORROW, maybe!

Lynn, yesterday I was just itching so badly. No rash, no hives. All over. Nothing new that I know of that I came into contact with or ate that might have caused it.

Thanks Lolly....OH, saw 2 RS hawks outside swooping low and slow over the yard! Making LOTS of noise! Ran outside to see, forgot camera. Ran back in, back out with camera, GONE. DUH! I never learn!

Lolly said...

We are heading out for the day. Hope to get some great pictures!

Have a great day!

Kay, thinking of you with your daughter! How fantastic that she is coming. Wahooooo!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the link, Hoda. Will watch it later today.

Linda, did you rest well last night after your soiree??

I am slowly but surely getting in gear...ibuprofen has not kicked in yet for my knee...but it will soon, I'm sure. 55° curently...wish it would warm up a bit more so I don't have to wear a jacket to work in!

Jim, sounds funny to hear arctic blast and SoCal together!!!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, 100,000 people would keep me away, too!!! Those crowds are for the young!
The map the weather guy showed made it look like it was going to rain in your area....we can HOPE!

Lynne, maybe it's dry skin from the cooler weather?? Lather up with moisturizer!

Hoda, will your COOS group eat out or are you doing a big potluck?

hedgie said...

I instructed Christie to get a picture of Wanda's new short do and send it to me!!!! Hope she lets her!!

Costume Lady said...

Break time is almost over. Capt Gene wants to do a pork shoulder roast on the grill, so I need to relieve him (from the shop).

I see a few of you discovered my "Hair-Do photo". I didn't mention it because it is not anything to write home about...Gene told me to say CHEESE, and snapped the photo just as CH was coming out of my mouth, thus, the stupid snarl of my mouth:)

hedgie said...

WOW----dishwasher at the Martinsburg high school is on fire! Scary.....sure hope it is under control rapidly before it spreads....I bet the kids are there making apple dumplings or soemthing for the big Apple Harvest Festival next weekend.

hedgie said...

Great work---everything is under control! Guess that means the fire is OUT!

Hoda said...

LYNN We are going out to a fancy Nelson Restaurant in a 100 year old Hotel. They like it there as it reminds a few of them of their childhoods. I like the food and the service there also.They do a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner and last year I could not eat it all...desert and wine included with the entré and salad all for less than 20 dollars...

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - your new do is Gorgeous!
Love it!

Hoda said...

WANDA Your hair looks GREAT. I love the curls and I think it provides a wonderful contour to your look TERRIFIC...Thanks for the photo...

Hoda said...

Dessert not desert...ooops and I have not had any wine either!!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hoda the dinner sounds bountiful!
Keep an empty stomach until you get there - that may help you! Save room for dessert! Expense wise it sound like a fantastic price!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda....glad you told us about the pic and I could even comment on your blog!!! I love the cut----you look younger than you already did!!! Lovely!

Nice dinner plans, Hoda...sounds like a great feast! Enjoy!!

I have gotten the back side of the house cleaned up....guess I'll do Liesl's yard next---I just mow (as in mulch) the leaves in there). A bite of lunch to get me revved up!

hedgie said...

I mixed up some tuna salad to go on some yummy croissants!

hedgie said...

Kathryn posted on FB:
"diggin' at the Morefield Mine... found some good stuff!! So much mica the ground glitters!!"

Mema Jo said...

I guess Hunter will bring back some
Fools' Gold! He is probably having the time of his 'diggin years'! Kathryn mentions some 'good stuff' - I wonder what that would be?

Hubby is gong out to cut grass - again

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...