Saturday, August 07, 2010


Weekend thread


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

We have the start of a beautiful weekend...64° going up to 87°.
BUT*** if you have flowers and a garden, gonna have to drag that hose out, yet again:(

Judie said...

Good morning!

Thank you, Steve. Have a nice weekend.

Thank you, Wanda for the call over.

Yes, I think I recall a news report about Mrs. Calabash being on the lam with that Durante guy. Nice place to be hiding, yes?

Only 72º so far. Sunshine. Tiny whiff of air. Think I'll force myself to put a syllabus together today. That should keep me inside.

Off for coffee and newspaper, first.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We have had 7 days in a row over 100 and the end is not in sight. Be thankful for a high in the 80's even if it is without rain. We are roasting!!! However, we do have a 40% chance of rain today. I am watering and hoping that will make it rain and it is 79 right now. Going to head out for a while.

hedgie said...

Another lovely day here, so far! Never fear, Lolly....out temps are going back up---to 101° in a couple of days. And the crazy cicadas continue to hum/whirr even in the 80's!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Have fun with the syllabus, Judie. I hope it just needs updating. I am not scheduled for a dual enrollment class until spring, so I don't have to do a college syllabus until then.

I will need to update my high school syllabi, but I hope that won't take too long. They aren't as detailed as the college ones.

We have six teacher workdays before the students arrive, so I am hoping that I can do most of that work then.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I might need to drag out the hose today, too, Wanda. I did get quite a bit of rain out of the storms earlier in the week, though.

Lolly said...

Oh, school talk! I must say I LOVE RETIREMENT! It was fun and it was exciting starting every new school year, but it wore me out! Candy is a kinder aide. Wish she had worked with me. Never had an assistant! Taught 22 kinders in the morning and 22 kinders in the afternoon. The last year we finally went to all day and it was my best year!! All, yes all, of my children were at some stage of reading. So proud of that class! it was a good way to end my teaching.

Lolly said...

That said....I am heading out! Still 79, but very high humidity.

Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

I was finally able to post the video of the storm earlier this week. It's the same one I put on Facebook, so I know that some of you have seen it.

Every time I tried to post it here, I got knocked off the Internet.

This wasn't the worst of the storm. I was poised to grab George and run into the basement then. It brought down trees in our neighborhood, but I think it was very localized. I did not see damage in other areas, and it didn't make the paper. This storm was the source of the hailstones and the damaged tree across the street.

stronghunter said...

The scout jamboree is over, and I just found out that they are moving to West Virginia.

Scout Jamboree.

They are building a big facility in West Virginia that they will use for future jamborees.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all of you.. Weather is going to be good to us this weekend with low humidity - bad part is that there isn't any rain in the forecast!

I am hoping to go to Market tomorrow and check out Megan! If the cicadas didn't get her - she'll be there.

stronghunter said...

Tell Megan "hello" from the rest of us, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

I certainly will Shirley - She is missed on here. I keep up with her
on FB. BTW I like your picture on FB

movin said...





iT'S about 65° and cloudy in So Cal now, but they promise it will become a warm and beautiful 75 by afternoon.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim

It is about the same here - right now it is 79° - about the same as the nest area. Starting Monday we will be back up in the 90+°.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Slept late! Finishing coffee and just relaxing at the moment...nice day so far!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula - hope the remainder of the day is good also. I like it when you can sleep late and not feel guilty about it!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends Judie, Wanda, and those coming in.

Well I think last time at pool over did the circling of arms. Need to not excerise them for awhile until the pain settles down. Then I'll go back and take it more like a baby lol

Started out a good day. Seem my hummer friends. Moving that feeder sure did the treat. I don't know if they can smell cat but they came as soon as I moved it from where they had been and of course where the now 2 cats have been. YEP you heard me right. 2 cats!! Last night went to let doggie out. Not the white one but the one she won't get fixed that has a litter each yr.
Was right by my cardinal vine up on the railing.

Guess what dana was doing at 12:30AM--a bucket and disinfect and rag mop washing everything down on the porch plus the long ramp. Was I hurting then. It truly is not the cats winter they still have to find someplace like someones building to go underneath.

It is getting to the point I think I am going to have to trap.

Those people really wanted to try with the white cat. She kept telling them. It isn't your cat it is a female not a male. They even brought their cat carrier down. Lady leaves for work 6am other people was going to pick up carrier with cat in it at that time. The cat lady told me after they left. "I'm not going to put the cat in that carrier. I don't like those people!" I ask her, "What is more important for the cat. A home with food and shelter or the way you have it. Winter comes they have to sleep outside in freezing weather?"
She didn't do it.

I see the white cat this morning heading over to eat. Don't know from what place up the street it came. Of course, got to see the one that I had to wash my porch down over also heading over to eat from somewhere down the street. I know the neighbors up and down. They don't own cats. So they just must have been sleeping in their areas.

I just enjoyed hours of sitting on my side porch (where car pad is) and a nice breeze. Can see my feeder
and guess that means I'll be moving cardinal vine to that area also. Don't want too so many have told me how beautiful it is there. oh well

Just beautiful outside!

Hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the outside with the breeze and shed before it all becomes sun.

There is my book for the day lol

magpie said...

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Week-end and maybe even
Good week...

can't sure how long my computer will cooperate here, all the fussiness is related to what has long needed attention:
not enough computer memory

Just finished reading all the posts since last Monday Morning...

good to see that things seem to going okay for the most part for everyone....
sorry I missed a few birthdays and some opportunities to say WOOF, WAH, SIGH and a timely fashion that is....

sure was good to see many friends on here

I love Cicadas! Going to bring up live feed now to hear what goes with your words about it!

stronghunter said...

It is beautiful outdoors today, Dana.

Thanks for the compliment, Jo. My FB picture is Hunter's photography. It is just a little crooked, but then some of my pictures are crooked, too.

stronghunter said...

Hi Megan!

Good to see you back. Hope you are able to stay with us.

magpie said...

After having the unexpected pricey vehicle repair 2 weeks ago and switching back down to midnights from days
most of the computer matters are going to have be done one step at a time...
until I concentrate on it...
now, if this had been nesting season...everything else would have had to wait !!

Hope all are well...or will be...

Much as I want to look at everyone's pictures and videos and links, I just can't do it right now....but I have sure enjoyed reading about everything !

magpie said...

Hi Shirley...
well, it 's only Magpie here...
but Jo should catch up with Megan at Market today...
was going to try to do that myself..but it just didn't work out

Hope your A/C has a miracle cure...
this seems to be the place where those kinds of things can happen!

magpie said...

I really feel the need to get outdoors before I start doing something indoors that I don't like:
vacuuming :(

my resident neighborhood mockingbirds have been very very quiet....not sure, what the deal is

got up at 4:45 to look for ISS, was in the right place at the right time perfecly clear view


wvgal_dana said...

Hay Morn'n Margy gal (:

It is beautiful ouside. I'm taking me a ride later after I run some errands.

magpie said...

ta ta for now while I hike around the neighborhood...

Best wishes for a Stellar Day for everyone...

wvgal_dana said...

Margy did you read I have been using(twice) pool at Shepherd? That water is cold!! lol Lady swimmer that was in another lane. Ask me the temp. I told her they said 83 she said, "It's no 83 in here it's colder!!" LOL Swimmers are suppose
to like the water colder. At Winchester the swimming pool is much colder that the theraphy pool.

I just do what I have to do and go on. Would like to use Cork St. but too far to travel. I know a lot of people there and the other center to.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I meant Margy.

stronghunter said...

But I would like to see Megan, too.

hedgie said...

Shirley....either you missed my email or it is floating around in cyberspace---I sent you the Jamboree info at least a week ago!!

Margy, ISS is having electrical issues and has had to power down a lot of stuff, so maybe the external lights are off!

Talked to Norma-----she says she never got the mailing about Open House. So...will resend it. WHAT is up with all of these "mail" services???? She has had company for a week---kids and grandkids. Now trying to put her house back in order.

movin said...

"A stellar day."

I like that, Magpie; I
think I'll have one of those.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, Lynn. I did miss your e-mail. I get overwhelmed with messages sometimes.

hedgie said...

I am missing my baby awful badly....not even an email since Mon., and no response to mine. They are due home late tomorrow night. His mom got one message yesterday from Shannon, so at least I know they are alive! Always worry a bit about Mexico! And Carolyn is at work, so.....feeling a bit low/lonely here today. :(

Oops, Margy---maybe not. Just heard a weather guy in DC say he saw ISS this AM, so......lights on!

stronghunter said...

Maybe it's a good day to find something outdoors to do, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Margy Today is Saturday and it is tomorrow for Market. Maybe I'll see you there.

hedgie said...

Ask and ye shall receive!! The power of positive thinking? ESP?? Just got an email!
And I quote (actually copy&paste):

We've decided we are not coming home. We are moving here permanently. We both have jobs here and we are working on putting the house up for sale.

Love you!

ROFLMBO!!!! In their dreams!
Okay, I feel better now!

hedgie said...

Shirley--here's a good one. CBS Morning Show did a piece on the "best" rollercoasters (I don't do rollercoasters!) and #1 was the new Intimidator at Kings Dominion. The on-screen graphic said Doswell, PA. I sent them a complaint message!!!
Don't know if I ever told you, but when I was coming home (to Annandale) from Richmond after taking my state boards, my engine blew up at the Ladysmith exit...had to get a tow home---luckily had a friend who had a tow truck!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you got a message, Lynn!

Warm, but less humid outside today.

Michael and Laura will be in late tonight, then they are heading to Baltimore tomorrow, and heading home from will be a short visit :( , but a visit nonetheless :)

Mema Jo said...

Tell us what your complaint was, Lynn

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go tend to friends kitty...think I'll pick up some limes and some coronas for tonight :)

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo......Kings Dominion and Doswell are in VIRGINIA, not Pennsylvania!

Paula.....good that the kids are coming so you can unload that zucchini bread!!! Is there any left?? :)

stronghunter said...

I don't do rollercoasters, either, Lynn.

Yes, last time I checked, Kings Dominion is in Doswell, VA. We passed by there on the way to Maggie Valley and saw the familiar Eiffel Tower.

I know the Ladysmith Exit well. How far did you have to be towed?

stronghunter said...

Glad you got your message, Lynn.

Glad you are getting a visit, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn

To Mass this evening and daughter is joining us. After that it's out to dinner.

Need to send out more e-cards
August is a very full month - family and friends!

stronghunter said...

When she was in high school, Susan worked at Kings Dominion. I can remember wondering why parents would let their high school kids work so far from home. It involves quite a commute. Then I ended up doing it. Sometimes she rode with friends. Sometimes I made the trip.

hedgie said...

Yep, going outside in a bit to do a couple of little chores, Jo! Clouds have rolled in now...but I'm sure there's no rain in them!

stronghunter said...

King's Dominion is about 40 miles from here.

Mema Jo said...

I will be back shortly - Need to do some planning.......


movin said...

At Finney's Dad delivered a huge, Crappie-looking fish, and Sonnie has been feeding furiously.

Now, he's looking all around, and his crop is FULL, but there's still half the fish to go....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jim, Sonnie made short work of that fish----I didn't see it when it was brought in, but there's sure not much there now!

Shirley----from Ladysmith to Annandale is about 65/70 miles, I guess. If I remember correctly---40/45 miles from home to Fredericksburg and then about 55 to Richmond, right? Ladysmith is between Doswell and Frederickburg, right?

stronghunter said...

Yes, Ladysmith is between Doswell and Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

That mileage sounds about right to me if you had to get towed all the way home, Lynn.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Happy Saturday! Hubby and I are back from Wal-Mart. Everything's put away, and the birds are fed. They are glad to have some berry-flavored suet again. They always use that one up faster than the regular-flavored one! Must be because we have so many finches.

Shirley, that was quite a storm you had, all right! Glad your car didn't get hit by the hail. It's a shame your neighbors lost their tree.

I'm trying to figure out what I've done to my right ankle. When I went to sleep on Thurs. night, it was perfectly fine, but when I woke up yesterday--OW! My anklebone on the outside of my ankle is swollen up with a hard lump the size of a doorknob, and it hurts to touch it--very sensitive. Makes me limp, too. Doesn't look like anything like a bug or spider bit it--can't see any bite marks. Have alternated icing it and applying heat since yesterday.
Now the ball of my foot is aching from walking funny to baby that ankle. Lynn, any ideas?

....Well, Hubby wants to go grocery shopping now, so will check back in about an hour. Have a good Saturday! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

No I don't think we are going to get any hummmmm what's that word were water comes out of the sky.,...oh well I remember it one day.

Hedgie glad u got your phone email. They probably could move there and find jobs. Although they would miss you too much. That is truly why they are not doing it (:

stronghunter said...

Hope your ankle is better soon, Andy.

My across the street neighbor actually did not lose the tree. It was a large branch, though, and the tree looks thinner now. However, at least one other neighbor did lose a tree.

wvgal_dana said...

Which I knew where to take Mom to eat for low cholestrol meal, beside salad.

hedgie said...

Andy-----to start with---let hubby go to grocery alone. You don't need that extra walking!! ELEVATE (higher than your heart)! Absent bite or sprain, my next guess would be possibly gout or gouty arthritis. Ice and heat alternately is good. Aleve or Advil (generics fine) if you can take them. If not better by MOn., see Dr. Blood test wil tell if gout.
Feel better, gal!

Oh, yes, SHirley---towed all the way to dealership in A'dale!

Lolly said...

Shirley, enjoyed your storm video. Forgot what it looks like to have water fall from the sky! You could really see it blowing and the hail hopping!

Jack and I just ran some errands and now going to work some more on the Camp Hawkwood tee shirts. Going to look good! lol

Next Saturday is the Elvis on the Square in Denton. This is Joey's deal where he dresses up as Elvis and sings for charity. This time it is for children's clinic for free inoculations. We bring the boys home for a week of Camp Hawkwood.

stronghunter said...

Have had some long tows myself, Lynn. When I had my two accidents near Culpeper, I had the car towed to the shop where Kathryn works in the Quantico area. The cops there did tell me there were closer repair shops, but I insisted.

stronghunter said...

Storm video . . .

I retreated from the porch when the wind shifted. I don't have a waterproof camera.

Lolly said...

Elvis on the Square

This page tells about Elvis on the Square. The Elvis is Joey, Laurel's jubby. Go to the bottom of the page and you can click to go to hear him sing. If you listen to Love Me Tender you can hear him make his dedication to "4 special women". lol
Ashley, myself, (he says his mother in law, Lolly Beth) ☺, his mother and wife,Pricilla aka Laurel.

stronghunter said...

Remember all of those Elvis songs well, Lolly.

Lolly said...

I think Joey does very well with his singing and impersonating Elvis. We kid him and tell him he looks like the older Elvis. He does NOT do this all the time only for the Kiwanis club which he is a member.

stronghunter said...

Good impersonation, Lolly. I am sure you all have lots of fun with it.

stronghunter said...

I remember when people thought Elvis was shocking.

paula eagleholic said...

Elvis is alive! LOL

stronghunter said...

My strawberry plant is blooming and producing fruit. (I have one potted strawberry that sits on my back steps.)

hedgie said...

Interesting, Lolly. Sounds like quite a shebang in Denton! Is that Joey's picture? Yep---older Elvis!

hedgie said...

Went out----sun came out. Did a few things, got too hot. Came in---sun went in. Go figure!

Lolly said...

Wish you could see the Elvis show. lol He arrives at the square in a limo and police escort, lights and sirens! The band starts playing Elvis' intro song when he gets out of the limo, and of course all around him are his body guards in dark suits and sunglasses as well as the earphone in the ear. They keep very serious faces. So funny! The crowd gets all excited, as if Elvis was really coming! Hilarious!

Lolly said...

Yes, that is Joey! lol However, he has lost weight recently and has had to have a shoe repairman take up the heavy leather belt. I feel sorry for him wearing that get up in this awful weather. He will be mopping the sweat for sure!

Lolly said...

LOL He is Elvis on steroids! Joey is 6' 6".

stronghunter said...

Would love to see the Elvis show, Lolly. Be sure to share some pictures and videos.

Lolly said...

Forgot to say thank you for the report on Norma. Also it was great to see Margys posts on here this morning.

I am off to work on tee shirts.


stronghunter said...

Getting ready to re-pot my strawberry plant. I picked it up on a whim at the plant store years ago and it always gives me a few strawberries. I have to fight the critters to get them, though. I did not expect it to produce fruit in August, though.

I am going to try moving it to the front porch where it may be safer from critters.

stronghunter said...

Yes, thank you for the Norma report. I really miss her cheery messages.

hedgie said...

Dana.........missed your comment----how about China City Buffet for crab legs??? Lots of other Chinese stuff that is low-carb....sushi?????

paula eagleholic said...

2 fish crows at BWO...osprey must be out getting fishing lessons :)

hedgie said...

Friends and I are ticked, big-time. Realtor jerked us around for a week about more interior pics of the beach house.......sent her ANOTHER email about it last evening. She just now sends reply saying that house in under contract--apparently a firm deal. Dagnabit.

magpie said...

think I would like to where those limes and Coronas are tonight!
Oh, forgot, I have to work :(
no party crashing tonight

sure missed you guys

magpie said...

guys and gals that would be

stronghunter said...

Too bad, Lynn. I am surprised that there is so much competition for a beach house. Can you find another one? Surely there are lots of them out there.

stronghunter said...

Maybe you need another agent.

magpie said...

amazing how fast the Elvis benefit came around again Lolly...I remember your talking about it with pictures last year

Camp Hawkwood...those luckly little boys !!

magpie said...

was moving some pictures around off the computer last night...have quite a lot of Belle and Liberty pictures from August...
maybe won't be long before it will become a regular thing again

stronghunter said...

Margy, I have limes. Not sure about the Coronas though. They are probably all gone.

magpie said...

that is crummy Lynn...
sorry to hear of it !!

magpie said...

I was wondering about the ISS and the coolant thing too, but I had thought what we see is mostly reflected light from the maybe a little of both !

magpie said...

when I had vertigo..
the only thing I did was the postural exercises...
hope your man will be back to normal soon
and also, that your ankle returns to normal even sooner!

also have read of Ajay, Judie, Dana, and it seems that things are getting better, or, there is a plan in place to try to make it so

and how about that GG !!

magpie said...

hoping that your SIL Charlie's brother is getting better too, Lynn
and sure have special thoughts for Lynne's friend Tracey on her emotional journey this week-end

speaking of Lynne2 - what a Butterfly Drama these last few days!
Sounds like most things worked out, see she got lots of very professional and seasoned advice from some fellow Momsters !

magpie said...

Judie wants to be a Momster's dog...
and Jim been's glued to the Finney Cam!
Lolly is boosting the economy with school shopping
Darth is a television star! I did, successfully open up that link!
Nice interview....
nice neighborhood idea, too, thanks
to everyone for all the info!

magpie said...

I've been drinking a LOT of water these days Shirley...we could just, pretend ☺

Dana...I did read that you are getting some swimming in, sure hope that helps!

I read with interest that Loretta is seeing the yellow billed cuckoos...a nice bird with a great sound...have only seen them 2x here

magpie said...

don't mean to run up the blog post numbers...and sure wish I could include more thoughts to each of you...

sure am hoping that we all succeed with all the trials and challenges
coming our way...

need to saw some logs before clocking in to work at 10 for 10 hours...but I might just peek at a few cams, one at a time...

Lynn, glad you heard from your little girl...

Have a good night everyone, if wishing could make it so ...

ok market Sunday, can't do that either
I guess I thought Megan did market both days, I'm behind the times

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to Mass
then dinner like I said earlier...
trying out new restaurant here in the valley...


magpie said...

PS Enjoy your family visit Paula...glad to hear of it...

hedgie said...

I have a doe and twin fawns laying down out back......blend in well with the leaves and the sun-dappling makes it hard to see them. Saw the doe first resting while fawns all nestled down about 10-20 ft. apart from each other. Cute.

stronghunter said...

Squeeze some limes or lemons into that water, Margy. Refreshing.

stronghunter said...

I was istting on the front porch working with my plants when a I heard sounds. A squirrel appeared at the end of the porch. I froze and waited to see what he would do. He looked at me the proceeded to explore. I suppose he might eat my strawberries even on the front porch. Maybe I need to cover them with some netting or something.

stronghunter said...

Wish you could get a picture of the deer, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

. . . I was sitting on the front porch . . . when I heard sounds . . .

Maybe that makes more sense.

stronghunter said...

. . . then proceeded to explore.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, 4 osprey at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, sorry I missed you! Glad you're back....I'll save ya'll some Coronas! They had a great sale, bought a case!

Kids aren't getting here till 9ish or so, made up some snacks to go with the brewskies....or margaritas!

paula eagleholic said...

Do squirrels eat strawberries??

paula eagleholic said...

Saw a doe and 2 fawns the other day...pretty!

paula eagleholic said...

Now looks like Ma and Pa and 2 offspring at BWO, think one is munching on a fish.

hedgie said...

Margy----if you check back in---copy your photos to discs, and then you can delete from computer. They DO take up alot of space. Of course, the ones you have posted to the Momster Albums and on your blog are there for posterity, so you wouldn't really have to keep at all. If needed for another purpose, you can always copy from those places!

hedgie said...

Speaking of beer---tried a new one when we were at Outback recently....It's a Michelob product called Shock Top....hints of orange, lemon, lime and coriander. It's quite good! Food Lion has it so I got a 6-pack. On menu tonight with crab legs!

hedgie said...

Shirley, lots of foreclosures on beach houses....some w/ reasonable prices. The two that we have been interested in were sound-side...$170,000. Not bad!

There's the stupid cicada right on the mic again with its' engine sound!!

stronghunter said...

I hear the cicada. Strange sound.

hedgie said...

Okay, I recorded it on the camera......but now can't remember how to play it back---maybe I can't on the camera.....will have to download it to PC and see how it did and then see if I can figure out how to put it on blog.

hedgie said...

Camouflage is too good to get pics of the deer here now, Shirley. Have to wait til winter!! The fawns are SO covered with spots still.

stronghunter said...

I grabbed my camera to see if I can record that sound. It is really strange.

stronghunter said...

How many people do you have in your beach house group, Lynn?

stronghunter said...

That isn't a bad price.

stronghunter said...

Maybe it takes a lot out of that cicada to emit that sound. It seems to wait awhile between calls. Guess it really wants a mate.

stronghunter said...

Wonder what would happen if I put the computer outdoors. Would I get cicadas from around here jumping all over the keyboard??

hedgie said...

Legs are steaming. Anyone coming?? Gotta cover up puter w/ newspaper. BBL!

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, just one other couple and me! If we find something worth the investment---TBD after seeing in person!---we will ask the people that we've shared rentals with before if they want to join in. One of my former co-workers and her parents.

stronghunter said...

I recorded a short recording of the cicada on Facebook. I couldn't upload it on the blog for some reason. I filled up the memory on my camera, so I'll have to delete some stuff from there before I can do anything else.

stronghunter said...

There goes the crazy cicada again.

stronghunter said...

Okay, now I have the cicada sound posted on the blog. It shuts off suddenly because I filled up the camera memory with his song.

paula eagleholic said...

Ah yes, shock top. Michael likes that beer too.

Sorry about the beach place Lynn, are you going to keep looking?

paula eagleholic said...

That cicada noise is what I heard last week, thought it was a vehicle! I commented on it a couple of times.

stronghunter said...

It sounds like a vehicle, doesn't it Paula? I thought it might be a weedeater.

stronghunter said...

Cicadas: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

hedgie said...

Dinner is over.......sure takes a while to eat crab legs! They were very good!!

Shirley, thanks for posting your taping. Gotta check mine yet.....I think mine is different!

hedgie said...

It is NFL Hall of Fame induction time (ESPN). Boss Hog Russ Grimm is FINALLY being inducted!! GO SKINS!! Those good ol' days will never be repeated!

stronghunter said...

I didn't get the finale. Yours will probably be better.

hedgie said...

Paula, a few of us commented last week---I thought it sounded like some kind of engine revving up and then dying away.

Yes, we are going to keep looking for a place at the beach. I ought to have Candy go look in person and send pics!!!

hedgie said...

I found a new tool to use on crablegs----works much better than a seafood fork----a fondue fork!!!!! Try it sometime! They also work great for the gallon pickle jars!!!

stronghunter said...

Hmmmm. I am going to have to go buy some crab legs.

stronghunter said...

I'll check out the fondue forks. I don't think I have any.

paula eagleholic said...

I had some crab legs about a month ago...they were good too! I just break the legs in half and pull out the meat with a knife.

paula eagleholic said...

Cooked a steak last night, having the rest tonight w/ marinated tomatoes! I just slice up tomatoes and let them marinate in italian dressing...yummy!

paula eagleholic said...

Yay for Russ Grimm!

hedgie said...

Okay, can't get it to post on FB. Let's try it here on my Lair.

hedgie said...

Paula, legs just never seem to break for me without breaking the meat, too, at least half the time!!

hedgie said...

Okay, it's posted here! But it's not running smoothly for me!

hedgie said...

Okay, it did the 2nd time I played it.

stronghunter said...

Sounds good to me, Lynn, and it is different from mine.

wvgal_dana said...

It is almost 8pm and the hummers are still coming. The smaller one doesn't stay and drink for a long time. Tonight the one with the red throat hit every red flower and stay drinking 20 minutes between rest. Gearing up for migration probably.

Need to read comments.

hedgie said...

Well, FB won't let me post it---actually I think it's IE because I get this stupid horn sound that I sometimes get on my email, too, when I try to print. ARGH! Maybe I'll ty on Foxfire.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Need to finish a couple of chores.

wvgal_dana said...

Also good to use to pull out crab meat in crab legs is the took that comes along with the nut cracker.

Costume Lady said...

Cicadas are sooooo annoying here, must be a gazillion of them. I thought they only emerged from the soil every 17 years, but, it hasn't been that long ago that they were present. Remember it being reported that certain ones were rare and worth a lot of money?

wvgal_dana said...

Hear cicadas on live feed but just heard maybe a motorcycle go by.

hedgie said...

It's uploading to FB on Firefox....hope it works----my first attempt on video to FB.....MTBR.

wvgal_dana said...

Had crab legs Saturday hummmm good (: There is that noise on the live feed maybe a tractor or mower.

hedgie said...

So according to that article, I had 3 million cicada here 6 yrs. ago. I believe it!!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Dana----I have the nutcracker, but no picks!!!! Have no idea what happened to them!!! I use the nutcracker rather than a mallet on the crabs.

Costume Lady said...

When we used to go for crab legs every Friday, GG carried fondue forks in her purse for all of us:)
She didn't have them last night, but she did a fine job of pulling that meat out!
I thought I would have to get her food for her, but she said, no, she wanted to see what they might have different. She managed to fill her plate and carry it back to our table very well!

hedgie said...

No motorcyle, Wanda and Dana.....that IS a cicada......listen to my video!!

Costume Lady said...

I was getting the hose out today to water the garden, when all of a sudden, I heard this rattling sound and thought it was a rattle snake...scared me half to death. It was, of course, a cicada!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. I am checking in from Spotswood, NJ. This has been a great weekend but I am so ready to get back to Bedford tomorrow. How is everybody?

hedgie said...

Close call, Wanda!! Especially as dry as it is, it could just as easily have been a rattler!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New York was great, Jersey shore was great, Tara's father has been so hospitable.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, wow, Lynn...I don't have any that sound like that here...that would drive me crazy to have to listen to it all day!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Sharon...what fun you must be having!! Hope you have a lot of pics to show us:)

Costume Lady said...

♫♪♫♪Hey, Soul Sista,♫♪♫♪

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, been meaning to tell you that Capt. Gene had his ear fixed Monday (and arm) and the THING fell off yesterday. No problems:)
Thanks for you advice in having it taken care of!

hedgie said...

Hi Sista Sharon! Glad you are having a great trip. Sure sorry I couldn't find you gals or Justin in the crowd...:( Have a safe trip home!

Wanda, was it a basal cell cancer or was it a keratosis??

hedgie said...

Russ Grimm's turn!!!! BB after his speech!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you are having a blast, Sharon. Great!

wvgal_dana said...

PAULA YES YES YES SQUIRRELS EAT AND EAT AND LOVE STRAWBERRIES!!! We had a strawberry patch where we lived before (had plenty of hummers there even found a nest) anyhow they raided it all the time.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, did that bring back lots of memories. Just wish he had said something, while talking about those old days, to the effect of it was a true team sport back then with very little of the individual diva garbage that the game has become today.

hedgie said...

Not to mention the criminals who are allowed to play.

wvgal_dana said...

tee hee trying to trick the hummers with a light that it is still daylight out (wink)

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I just finished listening to it. I have the cicads sounds plenty out back not far woods and apple orchard. The other sound I think has to be something else because I never hear that sound here.????

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. checking in for the day and it's been an exciting one for me.

Youngest (Christopher) took me to meet Meredith (my birder friend). She set up her scope for me to view the falcons. I saw 2 ospreys and another beautiful white bird I forgot its name, several wood ducks a green Heron (I think she said) and of course, the adult female falcon. She identified every bird or duck she saw. I was dumbstruck. What a day!

Meredith was going kayaking so we left. She has a flickr site that has pics of our falcons and more. If you'd like to check it out, it's:

I'm really tired tonight so I'll send you all my prayers for wants and needs and catch up with you all tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

IT WORKED!!! I was standing at door away from where light shines on hummingbird feeder. Normal would be dark lol a hummer just came to the feeder to eat that is not NEAT lol

hedgie said...

Dana, we are almost 100% sure it's a cicada. We've been listening to it for over a week!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann, sounds like you had a perfect day! And perfect weather for it!! So glad you made the trip! Hope Christopher enjoyed it, too! Rest up now.

Something is clunking on the cam housing.......

wvgal_dana said...

Diann so glad you caught up with your friend on back in comments I said I hope you do. Glad your day was a memorable one. We need those kinds of days....

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, doctor didn't say what the growth was, other than it wasn't malignant.
Also, took GG's bandage off of her leg for the last time Wednesday...completely healed. Left one heck of a scar. I'm so glad we didn't have to take her to a Wound Clinic (I was beginning to think we might have to).

paula eagleholic said...

Well, my how kids plans change! Heading up to John and Ajay's, Michael and Laura are headed there...

Catch ya'll later!

Costume Lady said...

Maybe it is a cicada, Lynn:)

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie will we get to see metor showers tonight?

Costume Lady said...

Don't forget the Coronas and Zucchini bread, Paula!

Costume Lady said...

Take more photos of G-Kids.
Oh, probably asleep:(

Costume Lady said...

Diann, glad you and your friend were able to have a get-together and saw the falcon, etc. How fun to have a friend who likes birds too:)
Hope your outing helps you to sleep well.

hedgie said...

Wanda, good that it wasn't malignant! One less thing to have to worry about! Super that GG's leg FINALLY healed. But caution her that the new skin is very fragile and she must be careful not to bump it or scratch it or it will just start all over again.

Dana, don't know about the meteor showers.....depends on the cloud cover. I can't see anything in the sky here until the leaves come down.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, the hummers and cardinals are the last birds to feed at our feeders. Hummers come til it's almost too dark to see. Love our birds. Have learned each ones personalities over the years:)

wvgal_dana said...

Ed called home from work one day to tell me they were working over.
I ask him what did he think the squirrels were carrying off in their mouths? He guessed a cherry since we had a cherry tree. No I said, it is nice and red, and you wanted to pick them today when you got home from work. NO NOT MY STRAWBERRIES!!! SQUIRRELS DON'T EAT STRAWBERRIES HE WAS YELLING...GO CHANCE THEM HE SAID....poor guy I thought he was coming through the telephone. While at work that night he talked to some other guys and they too had the squirrel strawberry raiders==squirrels they love them.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynn, I didn't realize how fragile the skin would be. Will tell her that tomorrow. Thanks!

wvgal_dana said...

Something is near the cam? Well sound does carry.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't like beer but maybe I should try that kind.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of squirrels, one year, many years ago, I picked a bushel basket full of Black Walnuts and left them out to cure. When I wanted some to make brownies, looked in the basket and every one of them was gone! DUH!!

Costume Lady said...

Did the squirrels leave you any strawberries, Dana?

stronghunter said...


wvgal_dana said...

I felt so badly for Ed because he wouldn't get to pick them. I picked them for him still plenty left for the squirrels. After he got home and seen a squirrel carrying a strawberry. He just couldn't believe his eyes. Said I'm going and picking some by flashlight or I won't get any. I said hold on I'll get you the flashlight. That's when I handed him his strawberries---what a smile and a good kisser he as usual proved to be ( : (: awwww

Costume Lady said...


During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you
determine whether an older person should be put in an assisted living home?"

"Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a
teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub."

"Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the
bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup."

"No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug.
Do you want a bed near the window?"


BEagle said...

Thank you PA Nana for the pictures and the excitement of having a nice day.

The falcons are really pretty and I am glad someone cared to help the ones that attempted swimming.

Hello everyone and goodnight!

Costume Lady said...


stronghunter said...

Squirrel Facts

It says they eat strawberries.

Going to read for awhile. Picked up a good book at the library.

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Have heard that one before, Wanda!! LOL every time!

wvgal_dana said...

Shock Top Beer has no cholestrol or sugar hummm

magpie said...

SPLIT !! ☺

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...