Thursday, August 05, 2010


Fresh thread.


stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve.

Thanks for the new thread.

I will round up the others.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the news about the new Lily and Hope update, Judie.

It is good to see that they are still together.

stronghunter said...

Thank goodness for ceiling fans. I slept in my own bed last night.

I have a ceiling fan in my bedroom and in the family room. They are helping greatly.

Lynne2 said...

WANDA!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU????? My chrysalises are CLEAR and I can see the butterflies!!!! OMG!!! How much time do I have??? I'm supposed to be at Irvine ALL DAY

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Shirley!

stronghunter said...

If they are clear, they are going to hatch right away, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lynne. You are about to become a butterfly momma.

stronghunter said...

We hatched some monarchs when my older children were in kindergarten. Their teacher had a big project on monarchs.

stronghunter said...

Can you take the chrysalises with you?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, LYNNE, they will be hatching anytime now! You will have to take them to Irvine with you, or you will miss the emergence!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Wanda.

Lynne2 said...

I HAVE A BABY BUTTERFLY!!!! One is out!!! I can't move them now...I was going to take them with me but I'm afraid to move them with this one out and trying to dry it's wings....

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynne! What do you have them in? Are you going to have butterflies flying around the house?

Lynne2 said...

I have TWO!!!! And they are both females....seems like they hatch at 9 days per my research!

How long for wings to dry and able to fly??

stronghunter said...

Not long, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

I don't remember the exact amount of time, but it does not take very long.

Lynne2 said...

they are in a little critter carrier with the lid off, and I'll be taking them outside as soon as they start exercising the wings. This is SO exciting!

stronghunter said...

It is exciting, Lynne. When my kids were in kindergarten, we found eggs and raised caterpillars at home. We got to watch the whole process. I remember coming home from a weekend trip to find pretty butterflies in a jar once, as well. We always set them free as soon as they became butterflies.

The teacher had a section of the classroom that was draped with a net. It was filled with milkweed plants, caterpillars, and chrysalises that the children brought in.

stronghunter said...

The butterflies are vulnerable while they are exercising their wings.

Lynne2 said...

that's so cool Shirley! I has been an amazing process! Had an adult monarch out in the milkweed yesterday so I'm hoping to find eggs or caterpillars again....THOSE would be the generation that fly to Mexico!

Just read it takes a couple of hours to dry wings. UGH. Wish I could take them to Irvine, since I'm supposed to be there, although not in a critical way, but I'm too afraid to move them.

Lynne2 said...

If the ones there are female, they'll emerge tomorrow! They are a day behind mine. Males take 10 days.

stronghunter said...

I want to grow some milkweed near my butterfly bushes, but I haven't gotten hold of any yet.

Lynne2 said...

the second one out (who was actually the first chrysalis) has just discharged it's waste from the time in the chrysalis. No sign of emergence from #3 yet, but he was about an hour behind the others in turning to chrysalis. They are very still....I was thinking they'd be pumping wings by now.

stronghunter said...

It is very pleasant in my family room this morning, but I will be happy to see the AC repair guy this afternoon. My back was hurting yesterday and this morning, so I took some Advil and am sitting in the recliner for the moment, but am eager to get moving.

Lynne2 said...

go to I got free seeds! But for a very small fee, like 5 bucks, you can get a gazillion more. This year, I'm putting them in the ground in the fall, just like what would happen in nature. I sowed seeds in early spring and very few actually took. Also from their site, you can get small plants for a buck a piece I think, for early spring planting.

hedgie said...

Awww, Lynne....such excitement! Congratulations on your success! Hope you can stay for the rest of the process.

Morning all. And....

♫ ♪ Happy Birthday, Crunch Bob! ♪ ♫

And also to 1 year old "Diego"!

stronghunter said...

A couple of hours to pump the wings sounds right. I didn't remember and I wasn't able to find info that specific on the Internet.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 I haven't done butterfly's yet. Want to though. I know your excitment because of sitting for hours waiting to see my bluebirds fledge. I do mean hours. It was
so worth it. A miracle of God's (:

I would take them with me.
But what do I know lol Me I couldn't
leave them there.

Sorry Morning Steve have a good day and Good Eagle Morning to ALL Momsters and Dadsters.

Prayers for friends of those that need them and for Kailey, Karen & June and friends & Mom.

Diann I feel your pain hugs

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynne!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morn'n there Hedgie (: who I know is a happy happy Momma.

Our we suppose to get a terrible storm today?

Hedgie who is Crunch Bob? Although Happy Birthday to him. I can't remember him or ever knowing him????
Help one here losing what little mind she has lol

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Crunch Bob!!!

Also, happy first birthday, Diego.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Shirley - How's the earth shaking down your way?

stronghunter said...


Crunch Bob is one of our Dadsters. He's from Pennsylvania.

stronghunter said...

No shaking that I know of, Dana. It is warm and summery here. I am waiting for the AC repairman.

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, put the lid down on your Critter Carrier and take it with you. The Butterflies will withstand the trip. They are not that fragile. Just don't release them until their wings are dry.

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, CRUNCH BOB did tell us he would be one of the good guys for his Birthday;)

Costume Lady said... hope the A/C repairmen come today. First chance that you get (All of us), when Air Conditioners go on a window unit (less than $100) and keep it on hand. We all have a day sometime or another, when the A/C goes on the blink!

Costume Lady said...

Hi Dana...hows it going with you?
Anything encouraging from your doctor?

Lynne2 said...

oooooo Wanda, I'm too scared! They have been very very still for the last hour...hope that's normal. Mouths moving a little. I have the truck and it's so bouncy getting to Irvine that I'm afraid they'll fall off the stick and the wings will get damaged.

hedgie said...

Dana, Crunch Bob is the step-grandpa of Carrie Butts Millay, the young lady who passed from breast cancer earlier this year who worked at the radio station. We first met him at Open House last fall. He is married to Doris----whose son is Gene Butts....local folks. Bob and Doris used to live on Butts Mill Rd.

hedgie said...

Possibility of severe weather later today. Highs in upper 90's. Sure hjope your A/C gets fixed, Shirley!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie now I know why I don't recall---wasn't at last years Open House because I felt something was going to happen. Wanted to spend all time I could with Ed.
So sorry about there lose.
Did Bob and Doris use to live in the trailer park that use to be on Butts Mill Rd?

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am okay for now, Lynn, but I do want to get it fixed today. I have fears of hearing that they need parts that will take a week or so to arrive.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Shirley if you can I would ask them if part is in stock. If not then how long to get if order. At least you would know how long it would take to get the part.

hedgie said...

Not sure where on Butts Mill they lived, Dana, but THINK it was a house.

Shirley, it would be awful if you had to wait on parts.....

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda dear process after 3 days from being with dr. Thank God. I was tired of using the walker. If we went to eat I left it in car lol
Could always easily get if needed.
Don't like my neck and arms. Dr.needs to re-do that area. Went to Shepherd once. I'm too short or the water level is too high lol
4.3 me 5 or 5'1" can't do legs things but happy to be in water.(:

Lynne2 said...

my third baby just arrived about 10 minutes ago! I have them secured in a mesh clothes hamper to continue to dry out, put some flowers in for them and then when Steve gets home we will release them! Butterfly expert at Irvine says they'll be just fine til later this afternoon, so I'm off like a dirty shirt! See ya later!

Lynne2 said...

BTW, looks like this one has spots on lower wings, meaning I think I have a boy!

hedgie said...

That is really neat, Lynne!! You are a good butterfly mama!

wvgal_dana said...

Butterfly Lynn2 has "pumped milk for her babies" while she is gone. Putting droplets on leaves and flowers so Momma can go to Irvin and babies will be ok...Lynn2 good butterfly Momma ( : tee hee

Mema Jo said...

Good late late morning...... almost afternoon. I can't get motivated today.
Congratulations Lynne on the hatching of your butterflies. Anxious to see your photos.
Glad you made it thru the night with your overhead fan, Shirley. I think they are great.
I need to go out later this afternoon and I hope that would be a good reason for a storm!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo----don't want it to storm when you're out on the roads!
I have a 3pm apptmt. w/ insurance agent, so I'll be out, too. Was told I need an "insurance check-up" when I called to inform them that my renewal notice still shows mortgage company....and haven't had one in several years.

hedgie said...

Of course, looked back on last years' and it was there then, too---guess I failed to notice.

Mema Jo said...

I hope you are fully covered !
I have a DR appointment at 3:00 - just checking out a rash that won't go away.

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, Jo---fully covered. Never fear.

Anonymous said...

A big thank you to all of you on the birthday greetings. Today is a good day and a bad day. Gene Butts's wife ( Helen ) mother passed away today. Last name was Knipe she was 96 from Martinsburg. We will be at the viewing, Don't know when it is yet. Know it will be at Brown's.
Thank'again catch you all later

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Crunch. Sorry for the bad news. Try to enjoy your day. We are all thinking of you

Mema Jo said...

I'll touch base when I return


stronghunter said...

Repair guy is recharging the system with refrigerant.

He says there is probably a leak somewhere, but would cost over $300 to search for the leak, and it likely is in the coils which means I need a new system which would cost $4-6 thousand.

I'm going with the recharge and wait and see what happens next tactic at this point.

The law will not allow another recharge. But I may get 2-3 more years out of this system.

hedgie said...

Storm watches issued. #500+ for the year!! We shall see what---if anything---we get out of it this time.

TIme to get ready to get outta here. Later, gators.

hedgie said...

P.S. Sorry for your bad news, Bob. Please give Gene and Helen my sympathy.

movin said...



I'm hoping you have
a great day.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Hooray...our AC guy came today...starting to cool down here.

Leaving early today to go to DR for my ear...never did clear up...then off to get some new contacts and glasses...I am way overdue!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Crunch!

But so sorry to hear the bad news.

Shirley, our system is leaking too. The guy said he would try to find the leak.

Cool Lynne that you got to see your butterflies emerge!

stronghunter said...

Yay, the house is beginning to feel more comfortable. George has moved from the floor to the back of the sofa, his usual spot. He was breathing hard. I was sweating big time. Drops of sweat were falling off my hair. I think they got here just in the nick of time.

paula eagleholic said...

Smile time :)

Fox on Trampoline

stronghunter said...

Did he quote you a price for finding the leak, Paula?

stronghunter said...

Funny, Paula.

Oh, it is so nice to be cool again.

paula eagleholic said...

This is a commercial guy, Shirley. He couldn't find one...but we know there's one. I asked if it was probably coming from the coils, since we have some oily residue near them...he said probably. This is the 3rd time in 3-4 weeks that we have charged it...I think he checked for around 45 minutes or so, so it would just be under their hourly charge.

stronghunter said...

My repair guy said that the law will not allow him to charge it again. I wondered if it gets recorded somewhere or if I could just call someone else if I want to charge it again. Hope I do not have to worry about it--at least not for awhile.

Lolly said...

Hi all! It has been a busy morning. Was mowing by 7:30, through at 9:30 and then got ready for a dentist appointment.

So, now I am home for the day. So glad those with AC problems are getting cool again. Burleson had some electricity problems last night, off for several hours. I invited a family to our house...a hs friend of Laurels but they stuck it out. Yuk!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I'm sure you could just find someone else to charge it.

stronghunter said...

Just got a severe thunderstorm warning. It is clouding up out there.

stronghunter said...

Windy at the nest. Some break-ups.

stronghunter said...

Much thunder rumbling here. May have to shut down soon.

stronghunter said...

Raining here. Lightning. Shutting down.

hedgie said...

Hi again. Nothing happening here....but looks like metro got hit pretty darn hard again....with more coming.

Video was funny, Paula---looked like foxes knew what to do, but they aren't heavy enough to make the trampoline "work"!!!

Shirley and Paula---glad you both have cooled down...

stronghunter said...

We got some impressive hail here. I made a video. Probably should have been in the basement. It got really windy. Large branch came down across the street.

hedgie said...

Horrible school bus crash out close to Mom's in MO. 1 child killed as well as a truck driver.

hedgie said...

Good news/Bad news up here in the 'burg........93 pitbulls/mixes--adult & pups--were rescued from an awful "kennel" in downtown. Most were apparently in fairly decent condition and easy to handle.............supposedly Health Dept. condemned the house.
Needless to say, the healthy dogs are available for adoption. If anyone is interested, let me know.

Lolly said...

With GG's 90th birthday recently has had me thinking of my mother. Her 90th birthday was four years ago and we had a party for her at the retirement residence where she had an apartment. Then four years ago this month we lost her. I hate August!!! Anyway,I have posted a picture taken at the party under family pics.

Lolly said...

Laurel just called, they are getting rain and the boys are playing in the rain. Sigh....wish it would happen here!

hedgie said...

Very nice pic and memories, Lolly.

BEagle said...

Hi everybody.

I was relaxing after a very busy day at work and checked on the eagles at Channel Islands. Some very interesting videos on the chicks. They still have not found one feather of #08.

While so doing I heard a clunk at the nest here. There is something up there!

stronghunter said...

Two storms have passed through. I think it is over for now. We got some needed rain, but it was a bit rough.

Mema Jo said...

Taped TV show now running by hubby
Be back shortly


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Checked radar before I left work, looks like the DC area got the rain today.

Got another antibiotic for ear, if not improved in a week, Dr said go see an's in the inner ear. Dr also said take sudafed to relieve the ear pressure.

And I have sticker shock over the cost of new lenses, polycarbonate blah blah blah. Cost of the contacts won't be so back, but the glasses are outta sight! But need to have them, the old glasses just won't do it anymore...I didn't get new glasses last time I went, just new glasses are probably 5-6 years old.

still hungry, gotta go find something else to eat!

paula eagleholic said...

Might have to hit up Michael's zucchini bread

Lynne2 said...

evening all! I just put the pics and release info of the Monarch's on my blog. What a day!!

We got no rain here. Guess I'll be watering this weekend. Poor Megan, she's sick now on top of being exhausted by the dry summer.

stronghunter said...

Paula, I know what you mean about the price of glasses. Mine were very expensive, too. I got contacts, too, but I see so much better with the glasses.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, glad you didn't get any storm damage. How big was the hail?

Paula, I can't believe you are still having an ear problem. BOOOO HISSSS
The sudafed should help a lot.

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Crunch, but sorry about the bad news on your big day.

stronghunter said...

I posted a video of the storm we had on Facebook, but everytime I try to post on here, I get knocked off the Internet.

What I posted is not the worst part of the storm, though, but you can see the fairly large hailstones that fell.

One hailstone hit the window so hard that I thought it might break.

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

It was a long day. Interesting and productive. Got many school chores done in addition to the workshop.

Also got caught between buildings in a torrential downpour choreographed with thunder and lightning.

I was ever so happy I had my new I.D. picture taken this morning before I looked like an advertisement for late adulthood baptism.

Happy Birthday, Crunch Bob. I am sorry for the sad news but hope it has still been a super special day for you. What a wonderful day to share with our Diego -- Happy Birthday to our panda boy.

Lynne, congratulations on becoming a butterfly mom. What an exciting experience. So happy for you.

Oh Shirley, sounds like not too awful news but not the best, either. I do hope this will work for you. Just happy the temperature is improving and hope you will have a comfortable night.

Sure wish the ear infection would clear up for good, Paula. Hoping! Also that the AC leak is found.

I think I need to put my feet up for a little while. Am very fatigued.

Lynne2 said...

Interesting butterfly article
Baltimore Checkerspots

Also, Donald and Lillian Stokes of Stokes bird book fame post on FB today that they had a spicebush swallowtail up where they are in NH which is rare for them.

Also, don't forget...while not LIKELY here, never say never...Northern Lights very active pretty far south this evening.

Judie said...

Paula, do you use the same frames? I do. Saves a bunch of $

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of the hailstones.

BEagle said...

It is funny to see what people talk about when they watch eagles and end up with an empty nest.

The TH/WE/PH chatters are talking about what their dogs do when they've just pootered. There are strange things that happen when eagles fledge.

Happy birthday butterflies!!!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I have not ever been able to use the same frames. They used to tell me that the new lenses won't fit in the old frames. This last time, the frames had gotten loose and the lenses kept falling out. One time, a lens fell out and landed on the floor right behind one of my friends and I had to act quickly before she stepped backwards on them.

BEagle said...

Popping lenses are a nuisance.

Lynne2 said...

LOL BEagle!!! Yes, empty nest ( or waiting for hatching ) always makes for some, uh, interesting conversations and silliness!

stronghunter said...

Probably going to be lots of claims with car insurance companies for hail damage. I know that it's really expensive to fix that kind of damage. My car was in the garage, thank goodness.

BEagle said...

I am glad you are enjoying your betterflies.


Lynne2 said...

Betterflies? UH OH did I typo somewhere???

BEagle said...

Lynne. I am glad you are enjoying your butterflies.

stronghunter said...

I've also posted the storm damage across the street. A large tree branch came down. I don't think the car or the house was damaged.

BEagle said...

It is most interesting.

BEagle said...

It is most interesting.

Lolly said...

Hi all! BEagle is stuttering!

Shirley saw your hail pics. That is scary and does so much damage!

BEagle said...

The butterfly article is interesting also. I did not know that our states have a State Insect.

BEagle said...

Oh, I meant to ask, does that mean we can see the Northern Lights here?

BEagle said...

Hi Lolly. I saw your post about the 93 pitbulls! Wow that's a lot.

stronghunter said...

Hail also means that the atmosphere is very turbulent.

Lynne2 said...

yes BEagle, it's POSSIBLE that they may be seen this far south.
<a href=" Lights</a>

They will likely not look as dramatic as they do far north but rather a colorful changing sky. I've seen them 3 times in the last 12 years here. Hopefully clouds will disperse.

Lynne2 said...

Northern Lights

Lolly said...

Memory is not remember posting anything about pitbulls.????

Lynne2 said...

that was Lynn, Lolly and BEagle.

Lynne2 said...

OK that's just poor English....Lolly and BEagle, it was Lynn who posted the Pit Bull story.

BEagle said...

Here is a nice video about Bald Eagles.
Thought you might like it.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks for that post...hope I can find some time to watch it! I love PBS shows. I have one from the library about Monarch's they did and haven't watched that yet either.

BEagle said...

My apologies.

Lynne2 said...

time to take the dogs and and hit the shower. Hope everyone has a great evening and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Oh, should have been a couple of summers ago when REGGAE music was coming through the about hysteria and fun!!!!

Paula, hope the new a/b does the trick for your ears.

Lynne, need to look at your pics yet, but so glad you had this experience.

Judie, sounds like a fruitful day for you....despite getting rained on.

I got new frames last year, so will only get lenses this year if script has changed.

Mema Jo said...

I'm sorry to hear again about all the storm damage and power outage. I didn't even have my 23 drops. :<[

Finished the tv taped show and do want to go in at 10 to watch Royal Pains.

If you leave before I return - Make it a good day tomorrow and have a restful night's sleep in your cool homes!


Lolly said...

No need to apologize!!! I am just happy I did not make the post and then forget it. ☺

hedgie said...

We had some weird-looking sky right before sun-down.....but no Northern Lights.

Time for Boston of my favs---Glo's, too.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of television,

I was watching The View the other day when the drama between Whoopi and Michaele Salahi started. I wondered how long it would be before everyone was talking about that.

I have to say that I like Whoopi.

stronghunter said...

Looks a bit cloudy for viewing northern lights here tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, got lost on the internet :)

Glasses - I did get new them much better than the old ones! The lenses were the expensive part...

Amazing hail, Shirley!

Snitched some of the zucchini bread :)

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, catch ya'll tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, I saw The View.....but today was better----Whoopi told what really happened, and showed another camera angle. That woman and her husband are both loonie-tunes.

G'night, Paula! Hope the zucchini bread makes your ear feel better!

Forgot to tell this: after a lifetime of toading, I think I saw the largest and prettiest "regular" toad of my life this evening. He was the most beautiful shade of russett brown, with gold eyes. No luck getting a pic---it was too dark, and he wasn't in a good place---right under the little patio light, where the eating is best! Really regretting not having the terrarium set up. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow....and then probably never see him again!

Lolly said...

Well, Lynn, you may not like spiders but I do not like toads and frogs. Yuk!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, I even brought home a horned-toad from Texas when I was in college! Toads and frogs can't hurt you! At least not the common ones. And they are very personable!

stronghunter said...

I missed today's View. I was thinking about the AC issue and did not even remember the Whoopi thing.

However, I did see clips of what Whoopi had to say. She confirmed that she used strong language--I didn't doubt that for a minute.

That woman is going to have to get used to having strong words said to her.

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I am going to say my goodnights now and head for the tub. Lateniks Wanda, Loretta and Andy can close up shop! Prayers and peace.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lolly!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRUNCH BOB! Hope your day has been a good one! Sorry to hear of your loss.


Lynne, congratulations on your new butterflies! Isn't that whole process just miraculous?!

Judie, glad you accomplished so much at school, but sorry you got rain-soaked! Good thing your picture was taken early!

I've been pretty busy today. Hubby started out for work this morning, but decided to call in and come back home. He had a mild episode of that vertigo that he had a few weeks ago. Got much better as the day wore on. Found out he quit doing the positional exercises the Dr. had given him to do. He started doing them again today, and I will keep reminding him about them.

Went to school tonight just long enough to turn in my Practice homework. Have the final exam on Tuesday.

Have not heard very many herons today. Wondering if the last of the babies have fledged. The female Cooper's Hawk made an appearance on the wires over the back yard today, and panicked everything else in feathers! She is SO fast--warp speed, and she's VERY beautiful! Wish she'd hold still long enough for a picture!

Shirley and Paula, hope your A/C units hang in there for a while! Bet repairs cost MUCH less during the winter.

Well, haven't had enough time to really catch up here--will have to do it in the morning. Getting pretty tired, so think I'll go watch some TV and veg. Leaving the night light on, and the porch light, too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled.
Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Hopping in here before going back the hallway. I too got caught up with the TV.

Good Night all and Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Speaking of TOADS, Lynn, I saw one in our garden like I have never seen before...many pastel colors, in addition to "Toad Beige". I was too busy putting a wire fence around my tomatoes to take a picture...maybe I will see him again.
We have caught and disposed of 4 groundhogs since our tomatoes have been ravished. Think there is a turtle, also. Could be a chipmonk on second thought. Whatever it is, it's eating the salad tomatoes which are close to the ground. I've been putting that very fine netting around all tomatoes (same as what is keeping the deer out of GG's garden. Speaking of deer, they are eating all of her red morning glories and peaches:(

I have enjoyed my "day off", so much. Working hard to get caught up and loving it!


Where's Margy? Don't recall seeing her on here for a while...need to check that out in the morning!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, and one more thing...Lynn, we saw the strange light just befor dark, too. The kind of light that is seen just befor a Tornado...didn't happen, thank goodness:)

stronghunter said...

I was definitely thinking about tornadoes today. Might have made Judie's flying recliner story more real than we'd have thought.

Susan got caught in the storm going to turn in her final paper for the terrorism class. She said she got soaked, even though she had an umbrella. She also had an ID picture taken. Had to get a new card because the old one wouldn't work with the school's printers.

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs. It should be much cooler up there tonight.

See you tomorrow. Good night.

BEagle said...

This is the time to see anything at the nest. One of the adults is there but spidey's there too!

I do see a tail though.

BEagle said...

It's probably Lib assessing the decor of his nest for future little eagles.

BEagle said...

It looks like the adult is poking at the nest a little. Now facing cam and walking toward cam tree.

BEagle said...


Both on the nest. I think Lib just flew off and Belle is up close to the cam.


BEagle said...

I would very much like to scratch away spidey's web.

BEagle said...

Lib is back. Both are on the nest again.

BEagle said...

Belle just flew off.

BEagle said...

Looks like Lib flew off too.

Have a nice day!

Lori O. said...

Adult in the nest at 6:22AM -

can't tell if it's Lib or Belle. Wish Palmer would make an appearance!

Lori O. said...

Good Friday Morning, Beagle!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
TGIF! Just got Hubby off to work about an hour ago. He's doing better, not quite 100% yet--but 200% stubborn! Didn't want to take more time off of work. Just hoping that he has a good day at work, with nothing complicated & stressful.

Looks like Isla really has left on her migration from LOL. Oh, I hope she gets there OK! I know chances are good that she won't be seen again, but I'm praying that she surprises everyone, in spite of all our doubts.

Ms Bookworm said...

Happy to see that Belle and Lib visited the nest--sure sorry I missed seeing them! Have empty nest syndrome, BAD. :o[

Ms Bookworm said...

My stomach is really growling, so think I'm going to the kitchen for some breakfast--coffee, too. Will be back later to check in. Have a good day!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all....

Glad to see that Lori and BEagle had a sighting this morning of the Royal Pair!

Well, I'm concerned about the future of my Monarchs. The one that was sitting on the woodpile yesterday that I THOUGH was gone, was actually still on the woodpile this morning. HE (gender identity really was a HE)flew into the nearby tree where he still sits at this moment. I was going to release #3 this morning as well, but she seems in no hurry to go anywhere either. This behavior is NOT what I've been told or have read about when they are released. They've had 22 and 24 hours respectively to dry out and should be flying away by now. As careful as I was, I hope I didn't do anything to hurt them. Time will tell.

I'm off to Irvine for a few hours where perhaps the babies there are emerging at this very moment! Hope everyone has a nice day. Beautiful cooler and less humid morning here and weekend looks to be very nice.

Lynne2 said...

regarding Margy Wanda....
Lynn got an email from her day before yesterday and she was having some technical difficulties.

hedgie said...


Good morning ! Beautiful one here, too.

hedgie said...

Lynne, hope all will be well with the monarchs.

Wanda, yep, I was thinking the same thing about that sky last night!! Thankfully, no BAD weather. Sure would have liked some rain, tho'.

So cool that BEagle and Lori saw our pair this morning. Nest looks undisturbed. Bless you, Palmer, wherever you are!

Andy, sure hope hubby is okay at work today. Scary.

hedgie said...

Margy finally had a night off work last night---spent her afternoon/evening with James making up for some lost g'son time!

Lolly said...

Good morning! I am getting ready to head outside but wanted to say good morning! Yes, I have been wondering about Margy. Will be glad when she is back on, have missed her. Really hate it when we loose Momsters.

Lynn, now I love horned toads. Rah Rah TCU! (Our Mascot!) Played with them as a child. However, frogs and toads hop!!! LOL Guess I just do not like their sudden movements.

hedgie said...

Have looked through the 1st two hours of Today, and don't see the "bedford" contingent at all....Mattie didn't even make it onstage----at least not yet. Cameras just don't stay on the crowd long enough, and pans too fast--but bet the gals (and Justin) are having a ball.

Lolly said...

Today I need to work on Camp Hawkwood t-shirts. Camp Hawkwood starts next Saturday and lasts until the following Friday. Have decided not to take the boys camping as it is just too hot. We will be going to the movies, the museum and swimming. Also, plan to do crafts. We will possibly go to Fossil Rim a drive through wild animal park as that is in an air conditioned car. ☺

Lolly said...

Heading out now. Have a great Friday!

Lolly said...

Oh, meant to say how neat it was that some saw Belle and Lib this morning. Wish I had seen them! And just think, Spidey's web will be wiped away when they install the new cam.

stronghunter said...




Costume Lady said...

I watched the Today show for 2 hours and was looking for Sharon with a PINK shirt...1000 pink shirts! Thought I saw Mattie earlier?? Hair curled and no glasses??

wvgal_dana said...
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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...