Monday, July 26, 2010


Still thread.


floralgirl said...

Aha! Yes, still hot, but bearable. Yesterday's heat was awful. Now we just need more rain.
Hello everybody!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Megan.

Nice morning, here, too. Much more comfortable.

stronghunter said...

Hi Megan,

Yes, we need more rain here. We did not get anything from the storms yesterday, but I'm glad we did not get the damage, either.

magpie said...


you just put a real dash of brightness in our day! ☼

Good Morning Eagle Pals

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to bring up Cape Henlopen cam...looks like it's down and they are working on it.

Lynn, did you try to bring that up in IE or FF?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Megan and Margy.

Definitely need more rain! Only 3/16 at my house yesterday.

magpie said...

Welcome back from WV Lynne

hope the itchies and scratchies can be taken care of quickly for you too...

magpie said...

not sure how much rain Sunday we had but it came down in torrents....
Hi Paula...interesting almost-nursing career story...

oil change day for the car at 11

gotta scram soon

hope Carolyn likes her new job, first day today, Lynn!

Best wishes for a good day for everyone and hope the views from Cape Henlopen are good


hedgie said...

IE, Paula. Haven't put FF on laptop. Should I?

magpie said...


you used the past tense...."was a nurse" you, Anne-Marie and Glo...

I think of it in the present tense

Go for it BEagle if it interests you!! and Good Luck...

good luck with the car inspection Shirley !

xo ttfn

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve for the new thread. Thank you, Megan, for the call over.

Yep, ~30 minutes. One thing, and there are several, that I do not like about this new energy efficient washer is that it takes much longer to go through a complete wash cycle. Some settings are over an hour and one requires almost 3 hours.. Speed cycle is about 30-37 minutes. I put in fewer items which are not really dirty. Energy efficient?

Hi Megan. Nice to have you back this a.m.

hedgie said...

Just saw two young squirrels fighting over a corn cob up in a tree. Dropped it. Then they proceeded to play hugs and kisses and are both sprawled on branch resting now... Hard work!

Margy, I am SO anxious for 4:30 to come so I can hear from Carolyn!!!!

I have truck inspection scheduled on Weds. Dealership is so great---free annual insp. as long as I own truck since I bought it through them(I ordered it custom-made to my specs).

Costume Lady said...

And, boy what specs. she has. The truck even beeps when she's backing up in my driveway and tells her there is a tree behind her!:)

stronghunter said...

I could use some of those specs, Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Must be Momster Inspection Time...I just had my car inspected.
Eagle Express needs its yearly going-over. It's worse than a doctor's physical and even more costly:(

hedgie said...

Talking about career choices and interests......when I was a kid, I wanted to be a meteorologist. Was told my math skills weren't good enough. Then it was a journalist....but Daddy got sick and college savings went to medical bills; income too high to qualify for financial assistance, and grades not great enough for scholarship, so "settled" for nursing at local college....
Now would have loved any of the nature fields, geology, oceanography, as well as anything to do with space! DREAMER!!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynn...we are all anxious to hear about Carolyn's first day...don't forget us!

Costume Lady said...

Megan, how much rain did you get. Looking at the watering bucket on my deck, seems to be, maybe an inch or more...not a lot, but good:)

Costume Lady said...


"When I were a boy, Momma would sent me down to t'corner store wi' a
dollar, and I'd come ba ck wi' five pounds o' potatoes, two loaves o'
bread, three pints o' milk, a pound o' cheese, a packet o' tea, an' 'alf
a dozen eggs. Ya' can't do that now. Too many damn security cameras."

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I don't know if quicktime works in FF, it won't for me here at work...thought maybe that's what you were trying.

floralgirl said...

walked away, filling hummer feeders.
Good to pop in.
Just under half an inch of rain here, Wanda. About .46"
We need so much more, but we're happy to have that. Any little bit helps. We water all day long anyway.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning Everyone! Kids have hit the road for home. Miss them already. Nothing planned for the day - very pleasant outside.

I may get over to earlier thread -

Have a great day Carolyn - praying you find it interesting and challenging!

stronghunter said...

I like to get my inspections done in the summer when I have more time and don't have to do it weekends. Too bad I didn't do it when I was in earlier this summer, but when I thought about it, I had been there forever already and would have had to go to the end of the inspection line since I didn't think of it when I first got there.

I will just take a good book along.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - how did Willie do yesterday at market?

hedgie said...

This is SO sad......
Panda death in China

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Megan, I know you are young and sturdy, but how on earth do you stand all that heat, day after day?...Lord have Mercy!!!

floralgirl said...

Water, Wanda, Water! and Gatorade, and Vitamin water, and Powerade, and juice ...
He was not there yesterday, Jo, and I was glad, cause the heat was unbearable. Must've been a scheduling issue. I think maybe this Sunday he's playing.

floralgirl said...

As of 11 a.m. Monday Allegheny Power reports 663 residents in Jefferson County still without power. Road closures due to downed trees include: Cave Road, Lower Clubhouse Road, Moonshine Road, Revenuer Road, Eagle's Nest, Johnny Cake, Cedar Creed Road, and Foot Hill Lane.

Mema Jo said...

I forgot that I didn't get on last evening to say goodnight. We were playing Putt Putt and I was a loser!
But I had the most fun....
The moon was beautiful - so bright -
the clouds were passing over it.

Take care of all cats! Know their whereabouts at all times! lol

Signing off for now - enjoy your tomato Wanda and get GG inside by ringing her phone or taking that comfortable chair off the porch!

Love you guys. ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley, does VA still do annual (or was it every six mos.?) emissions inspections? Remember how much Mom hated it!!!
Unless law has changed, regular inspections aren't done in MD after initial one, but emissions are done annually, I think. Correct me if laws have changed! No emissions stuff in WV.

hedgie said...

Our nest looks so lonely..... :(

stronghunter said...

We have annual inspections in Virginia. Years ago, it was every six months, but that was changed, some think that's why Chuck Robb was elected governor, as I recall. I understand the reason for annual inspection, but every 6 mo. was a real pain.

I do not have to have emissions inspections where I live. Those in Northern VA have to deal with that. I'm just barely below the line, at least for now. Judie would know about the emissions inspections.

stronghunter said...

Time for a BLT. Got some fresh lettuce yesterday. I keep a supply of bacon that I pick up at Wegman's. I prefer the uncured with no nitrates. I freeze it.

stronghunter said...

Decided to have leftover lasagna and coleslaw instead. It was there. It was easy to fix. What can I say?

stronghunter said...

Must go shower and take off to get car inspected. Will and George will hold down the fort.

hedgie said...

Anne Marie's son is in surgery for the kidney removal....the recipient is getting ready.....

Judie said...

Lynn, thank you for the reminder about Anne-Marie's son. I would have forgotten. Hope all will go well for him and his friend.

Annual inspections here in N.VA and emission inspections are done at the same time. Need to take care of the car I drive in the next few days.

Jo, just take the day as it comes and enjoy being near the b____.

hedgie said...

Is it 4:30 yet??? Anxious momma here.
Squirrels are chewing the heck out of that corn cob. Littering the ground below the big oak closest to the deck.

hedgie said...

Such a lovely day!

hedgie said...

Dana called.....having trouble getting on blog today....maybe others are, too, since no one has been on for 2 whole hours.

hedgie said...

A-M's Rick is still in surgery...
imagine Rainee is, too.

hedgie said...

Logging in on PC so I can post pics on the Lair. Let's see if I have any trouble w/ password.

hedgie said...

Carolyn had an excellent day of training! Has a headache, but is excited and can't wait to go back tomorrow!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in to say Howdy. Slept in late this morning, and it's been a case of "52-pick-up" ever since!

Beautiful day here--June gloom in July this AM, and it must have been noon before the sun tried to burn through. Still only about 67 here!
LOVE it!

Have an English exam tonight, so have been studying like crazy.

It was our cat that got caught in the dryer--she got in there with a huge load of jeans, probably because it was warm and dry, and took a nap. The door was open, so someone took a pair of jeans out to wear them, and didn't close the dryer door. She only was in there about 10 minutes, on low heat. Must have used up a couple of her 9 lives! Hubby heard something "clunking" and rescued her! EEEEEEeeeewwwwwww--a cat in the microwave???!!!!!! It could not have POSSIBLY survived! Don't even want to think about that one!

Really upset to hear of the death of a panda in China. Hope the zoo wasn't responsible! MTBR, I'm sure.

Praying that the transplant surgery goes well for A-M's Rick and his friend!

Well, gotta go hit the books again. Will be back after school tonight--pretty late, for those folks back east. Have a great rest-of-the-day! :o]

hedgie said...

Okay---pics are up on my Lair. 3 sets.....from beginning to end of the drama!!

hedgie said...

Good luck on test, Andy. You'll do FINE!!!

hedgie said...

Wide-spread power outages in DC may take til Fri. to restore......why?? Because DC is the 3rd most heavily wooded area in the country, behind only Portland (didn't say if Oregon or Maine) and Atlanta. Hmmmmm...

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Lynn, she must have called you walking out the door! Interesting fact about the trees.

Lynne2 said...

Back from Dr....he was VERY IMPRESSED by my poison ivy! Said I am VERY lucky that I had none on my face. Have some pred....yee ha! Good by poison, good by ALL pain for the next few days!! Says dermatologists not recommending the medrol dosepacks for sever poison any more because not effective like pred. I'll be the judge of that!

Lynn, those turtle pictures are awesome! What a battle that must have been!62

Lynne2 said...

I'll just bet Carolyn has a headache...fist days are so stressful. But glad she can't wait to go back!

Good luck on your test Andy! One of my first things that I saw when I started in the vet business was a cat who had spent a few minutes in a dryer. Badly bruised and body temp too high, but he was fine in no time. Thank God, like you guys, the owner owner quickly realized the strange sound!

My friend Tracey's husband is, as we speak (so to speak) having an interview with the Maryland DNR! Hope it goes well!

hedgie said...

LOL, Paula....actually she got at 4!!!

Lynne2 said...

Megan, love your new avatar! My sunflowers grew tall, opened up and then shortly withered and died. Leaves turned yellow and splotchy. Then they started falling over.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne. It was something to see!
Good luck to Tracey's jubby. Did you apply for it, too??

hedgie said...

Grrrrr....4 sets of pics...fat-fingered that one!!!

hedgie said...

Rick is in recovery, and Rainee will be soon. All appears well.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone and blessings around.

It's supper time and I'm in the kitchen with my netbook and watching the pot. I need to catch up with today's at least and bbl.

stronghunter said...

Good to learn that Rick and Rainee.

stronghunter said...

are doing okay.

stronghunter said...

Hope that message makes sense.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I think I could do most of my laundry on speed wash. I can't imagine two hours.

stronghunter said...

My car passed inspection, thank goodness.

When I got there and said I wanted a state inspection, I was told that it would take at least two hours. I'd waited too late into the month. It was also not such a good idea to go on a Monday. But I got well into my book.

hedgie said...

Hope you didn't have to wait in the car, Shirley!!
Hi, Diann. Whatcha' fixin' good?
Yep, Judie, I'd be using a short wash all the time! Don't see how that can save money!!! Assume that it's a front-loader???

Judie said...

Lynn, so happy Carolyn had a good first day -- headache to be expected. Good she can't wait to go back. Give her my best wishes, please.

Andy, good luck with your test tonight. Another A on the way.

Still sending a prayer for Rick and Rainee. Sounds as if all has gone well, so far.

Shirley, happy your car passed inspection. Just think if you had waited until July 31st. Such a pain when some little thing causes a reject. As for laundry, the longest cycle I use is for white things like undershirts, etc. The really long cycle would be pre-wash, extra rinse, stuff I don't use.

Hi Dana and Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

we don't have inspections here in MD except when car gets bought or sold. Emissions testing is every 2 years.

Pred doing me just fine....already less painful and itchy!

Put caterpillar video on blog.

hedgie said...

Glad the pred is working, Lynne!! Itch-itch-scratch-scratch no more!

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard an eagle call

hedgie said...

Adult or Palmer, Paula??????

hedgie said...

I had just shut down the cam right before that!!

magpie said...

Find your spot
Full Corn Summer Tomato Moon is on the Rise...

really, an eagle call?
guess I better bring up live feed !

Hello Eagle Pals xo

paula eagleholic said...

Glad Rick and Rainee are doing good.

Glad you got some pred, Lynne.

paula eagleholic said...

Spidey has a really sturdy web at present!

paula eagleholic said...

It was an adult call! Only heard it once.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
Power went out yesterday afternoon for awhile & turned of 'puter, of course, so I just left it off last night. Been to dentist, store, working outside since it was under 90°!!!!Came in at dinner time & doing laundry now. Day off????
Yesterday, I finally looked up house wrens on Cornell. They said that if eggs are in 106° for an hour, they will start to become damaged. House is not in sun, but there isn't a lot of ventilation. Hatching takes 9-16 days, so guess we'll just have to wait a little longer. Poor little Ms.bird.

magpie said...

I heard a little knock knock

NatureNut said...

Wondered if Mits' Bethesda home lost power? Think they were hit pretty hard. We had high winds before the rain & then it came in sheets. We needed it.Dentist's nurse lives in Waldorf (Chas. Co.) & their power was out for 11 hrs!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta....hope the wren eggs make it. Extreme and heat and heavy snow are dangerous for our feathered friends... :(

BEagle said...

Hi Everyone.

Just have a minute to give you a copy and paste of #07 flying off the nest today, then returning for a really big reward....something like a wushi.

Have a nice evening♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Just put cam on & heard small clunks/pecks, too. If it weren't a Live cam, could almost think there's an adult standing in nest.Must all be Spidey's artwork! ☺

NatureNut said...

Margy, thx for the moon reminder!
Does that mean it will be yellow and orange??
I thought it looked full the last 2nights!

paula eagleholic said...

Great pics of the turtle battle, Lynn. I like Myrtle eating the tomato!

magpie said...

Thanks so much Lynn for the reports on the kidney transplant...
thinking of Anne-Marie....and glad to hear that Rick and Rainee are doing well ....

and thanks for the cut and paste BEagle, computer cannot handle it right now for me but I hear you talking!

magpie said...

well Lo, the real name for it is Full Corn Moon, or Full Summer Moon, (Megan keeps us up to date on that each month) and I just made up the Tomato Moon part....actualy 9:57 pm Sunday, but it had already risen by then last night when it "went full"....guess it is so nice and big it gets 3 nights worth of looking full !

magpie said...

glad things went well for Carolyn...headaches are probably our number one ailment in the business....

and Lynne2
glad you got some good medicine, so the doctor was very impressed?
that is funny...guess it is a pretty horrendous case of it!

glad about the glad things here and hope the bothersome things are better in the morning

headed for the pillows right now myself

Prayers continue for the many many things of need amongst us

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Great turtle show, Lynn!!
Wonderful to hear that all went well for Anne-Marie's son and the recipient!

Margy, thx again. I'm gonna have to get one of those almanacs w/all that neat info.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Going to turn in early tonight. Will be at the school house tomorrow for training on how to take courses completely online. Same will be for Thursday and a final session on Aug. 5th.

Laundry done. Thank goodness.

Lynn, enjoyed the Myrtle pictures. It must be such fun to have her around not to mention As-The-Turtle-Turns drama.

Loretta, sure hope the Wren eggs stay viable and hatch.

Continued positive thoughts for Rick and Rainee and hope the Prednisone works quickly, Lynne.

Off to seek the sandperson. Will try to check in tomorrow sometime. Pleasant dreams everyone.

hedgie said...

Thanks for link, BEagle. Good video! Go 07!
What a mess of poop shoots on those rocks!

hedgie said...

Goodnight early birds Margy and Judie! Sleep tight....will see you tomorrow! Same place, different day!

Lynne2 said...

anyone have blooming morning glories yet??? I know I'm behind, after the week wacking incident, then the "who ate my morning glory" incident....but I have a plant that grew voluntarily in my rock garden and it's got at least 12 other vines on it, and they are climbing a pole that is 9 feet high and NO FLOWERS!! The ones from GG are recovered from being eaten and look gorgeous, flull and lush with lots of vines, but again, NO FLOWERS!!

Heading for bed now too, prayers for all, especially Rick and Rainee.

movin said...

I don't think I got over here today, but it's not too late to say


Good NighT,

EveryonE ...


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Hope the wren eggs hatch.

No morning glories here.

hedgie said...

IDK----SIL was talking about trimming them off railing to his deck...but didn't mention blooms.
Hi, Jim. Bye, Jim!
G'night, Lynne. Don't scratch!!

paula eagleholic said...

Some high clouds over the moon here...70° out...feels chilly!

paula eagleholic said...

Beagle, thanks for the info on 07 at WE

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if Mits made it to Cape Henlopen?

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the link to 07 flying off and returning to the WE nest

07 takes flight

paula eagleholic said...

And that video was courtesy of Pat :)

Costume Lady said...

Have not had a good day:( Turtle ate one whole tomato and took one bite out of 7 others. I will let you adopt him or her, Lynn...if you don't want another turtle, this one is going bye-bye! If I can find him, that is...hard to do with a garden full of straw!

GG was not in a good mood (not sick), so I didn't stay very long.

Dustin walked up and down our road, but couldn't find a monarch caterpillar:( Guess I'll have to visit Lynne:)

One bright spot in the day was reading that Lynn's Carolyn is anxious to go back to her job tomorrow. Bless her heart...she has waited for so long for a good job:)

Turning in a little early...too tired to look at photos on here, will do so in the AM.


hedgie said...

VERY good that Mits is at the beach. Bethesda power out until maybe Fri. ARGH!
She didn't make it to Henlopen tagging. Cam was turned off intentionally per the boss man there.

hedgie said...

Wanda, Myrtle did that to my maters two years ago.....NOT trying again! So I'll take the turtle. If you can get it, I'll stop Weds. after truck inspection at 2, either your place or at GG's.

PA Nana said...

Sorry, I got side-tracked again. Supper ran a long time since youngest got caught in traffic and I watched Jeopardy and the Antiques Roadshow.

So time got away from me. I have Rizzoli and Isles on now. Just don't like this character for Angie Harmon OR Isles for the other one (can't name her right now - senior moment).

So good night to all and prayers for all wants/needs.

movin said...

Great video of 07, Paula. Glad to see he's recovering; I was getting worried.

I watched a couple of videos of him by Cumbrian yesterday, and it was apparent he had been injured ... either his left wing or he had a concussion. The left one didn't extend properly and didn't flap at the same rate as the right. He wasn't walking very confidently either.

He's looking and sounding much better in your video. TG.

Nobody saw what happened, so I'm wondering if was blown off the nest in the night and injured something trying to fly in the dark...or tumbling on the rocks.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Agree, Diann. Women's Murder Club was MUCH better!
Jim, guess no one will ever know for sure. A mystery of nature. As long as he recovers, that's all that matters, I guess!
No new update from Anne Marie's DIL--last thing I got was that she was getting in to see him in 5 mins....and that was hours ago!

hedgie said...

No Hope/Lily update yet.
Good night to all. West Coasters, keep the home-fires burning!!
Prayers for all. Sweet dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry to hear about your tomatoes Wanda.
Hurray for Carolyn's 1st day!
Moon is out sooooooooo bright!
Thankful for Rick and Rainee's good condition.
Nothing special today - kids had a safe trip home.

Good night everyone
Prayers for Karen and all others' needs and wants to be heard.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Well, we are here at Port A and on the beach. Could not get the boys to the water fast enough. The beach is covered in seaweed and it is thick floating in the water. Yuk! However, it does not faze the boys.

Enjoyed a steak dinner on the deck of Laurel's cabin and sitting and visiting with Jack's sister and her hubby. They are in their RV and came from Geogia.

We will head out to the beach in the morning. May have to get a rake to clear a spot. lol

Will be back on tomorrow! Have not read the blog....too tired.

Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I made it home from school OK. Had a nasty English exam tonight--hope I did OK on it! Everyone was pretty upset by it, though, so am hoping I didn't do TOO badly on it.

I have a MAJOR prayer project for any of you guys that feel prompted to pray about it! The 'SRS' light on the dashboard of our newest car (a 2002 Honda Accord EX) is staying on. Hubby called the dealership close to his work, and they said it
means the airbags won't inflate. I looked it up in the manual, and it ALSO means the seat belt tensioner may not work when you need it, either! In other words, the seat belts won't stay tight in a collision! :o[ Dealership said it would be $97 to find out what's wrong, and then they could tell us how much $ to fix it. We can't afford a big repair bill, but it's TOTALLY dangerous to drive the car like this! PLEASE start praying, if you are prompted to do so! Thanks!

I have officially reached maximum stress overload at this point. Don't think Hubby knows about the seat belt thing yet. If he did, he would have blown a gasket! I feel like trading the car in on anything BUT a Honda, but doubt if we could get a car loan with me unemployed.
Has anyone ever had to deal with this same problem with their car?

Well, my brain is fried from the exam tonight, and from wondering what to do about the car. I think I'll go watch some mindless TV for a bit, then attempt to get some sleep. Leaving the night light and the porch light on for others. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers said for everyone--especially those in need of healing. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a "Margy" here--

Lynne, glad your "itchies" are getting better! They said our cat survived because she was in a fully loaded dryer, so didn't get hit by the fins inside the drum. Guess lots of cats have gotten major damage to their spinal column that way. Our Meggie had frizzled whiskers with 'split ends', and a small burn mark that looked like sunburn. She was VERY dehydrated, which an IV fixed up pretty quickly. The vets were quite impressed at her toughness!

Really happy that Rick and Rainee are doing well!

Judie, hope school goes well for you tomorrow and Thursday.

Paula, thanks for the video of 07--he does seem to be improving! Thank God for that!

Well, I'll have to catch up more in the morning. Getting tired! See you when the sun's up! :o]

Lynne2 said...

OMG!! The caterpillars are turning!!! When I went to bed, 2 had settled right in line with each other on the same stick and the other was on the milkweed but not eating. I came down about an hour ago and the first 2 were hanging in the classic "J" and I have just spent the last 45 minutes watching the last one do the same! Not so easy as just letting go of that stick...which by the way is the very same stick the other 2 are on! I can just barely see the very palest of green near the tentacles now. Takes about 12 hours to pupate. Got pictures but will have to wait till morning. Now, the reason I am up is because it seems the Pred is doing my stomach wrong. UGH. But hey, if it hadn't soured my tummy, I'd have missed it! going to go back to bed now.....

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Please keep fingers crossed as I prepare to go into the world of cyberclass technology. I suspect this is going to be a stressful day.

Wishing everyone a good day with pleasant things happening.

Back tonight.

magpie said...

Best wishes to you Judie, probably now on your way....I would have the exact same kind of apprehension as you do....
but I hope it all goes better than expected!

Tough situation with the car Andy - it's always something with cars isn't it...but I hope it is a quick and inexpensive fix

headed out to near Lancaster Pa to meet up with second cousin I haven't see in awhile, that is the halfway point between her place in NJ and my place here in WV

Best wishes to all....hope all the good things happen today
Prayers continue...good thing to do while I am driving!

xoxo xo

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes!
Some really loud bugs singing at our nest----there must be one on the mic!!!!
A lovely day, weatherwise, so far!

hedgie said...

Guess everyone is either gone or sleeping in! Margy---pray with your eyes open!! Safe travels. Enjoy your visit.
Andy, never heard of that kind of vehicle problem, but suggest you check for any recall for this at: enter make, model and year. If there's a service bulletin for the problem, may be a free fix!!
Lolly, hate seaweed messes on beaches. Yuck! But the sea air is wonderful, isn't it?
Judie, you will do FINE learning some new stuff today!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land to ALL

Hoping I can get logged on here today. Yesterday it would not accept my password.

I have been praying for Annie-Marie's son and the other gentleman. I know yesterday was the day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yesterday seaweed, today thunderstorms. Surely it will get better. Having trouble posting, so will see if this posts.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

SO happy it let me on today ( :

Prayers for Margy's safe travels and a good time. She certainly deserves it.

Hi Hedgie -- a little cooler today for you?

Lolly said...

Whoa! Success!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lolly I (:

What is a success?

wvgal_dana said...

Just read Judie's comment about washer. That doesn't sound efficient at all!!

wvgal_dana said...

LOL I had my car inspected--July is the month for it. hahaha we momsters lol

wvgal_dana said...

LOL I had my car inspected--July is the month for it. hahaha we momsters lol

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda that was a good one. tee hee
too many security cameras.

Hedgie does your truck beep when you back up? I rode in it once and it sure is fanfasty.

Seaweed Yuck :(

hedgie said...

Dana, glad the blogger cop let you in! It is a lady that Anne Marie's son gave a kidney to. Her name is Rainee---which is what my Dad called my Mom whose real name is Lorraine.
Yes, my truck beeps if there is anything within 8 feet behind it.

wvgal_dana said...

Howdy there Megan. Nice to see you on here (reading comments from yesterday) when old blogger coper had me off all day. Now is that any way to treat a lady,
I ask you?

Just read about the panda so sad ty for that link Hedgie--I love her name meaning "spring". She
gave birth to 7 cubs.

Humm have to read back somewhere to find out about GG unless that is the time they are speaking
she fell asleep in chair at night wore up.

No emissions stuff in WV but when we went to Georgia we got a big surprise. Didn't know about it. Car
just made it..we were wiping sweat off our foreheads.

I have an appt. in Winchester at 12:30. Nice neighbor is taking me (thank you Lord). See can't drive after treatment.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok thanks Hedgie Prayers then for lady friend.

I knew when I rode in it when you backed up at resturant it didn't beep. Thought you all was kidding.

hedgie said...

LOL, Dana...right, nothing behind us in that parking lot!

wvgal_dana said...

I find out today what MRI showed. They already told me on phone that condition has become worse. Which I knew this will continue to happen. Although there is a God and there are miracles. I could go there one day or wake up one day and never feel these pains ever again.

Ok back to reading comments.

movin said...


Guten Morgen,

Meinen Freunden.


If I recall my German at all..

C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Right back at you Gentleman Jim ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie's frog has been fed.

Myrtle and her tomatoes love it.
Pictures are great but if Myrtle was with ITT.
Who is Hugo?

Lolly said...


Jack has gone to buy a rake! Heading to beach with two eager little boys!

Lolly said...

Our pastor has returned from the Northwoods of MN. Received this message on fb........Lilly and Hope sent a little something back with me to give to you. Let me know when you're around and you can come and pick it up. I'll have some photos of the "local bears" on my facebook page pretty soon.

Now how cool is that?!!! lol

Lynne2 said...

Very exciting things going on with the and pics on blog!!!! WOO HOO!

Hmmmm....having to rake the beach....that must be SOME seaweed! So cool Lolly that Lily has something for you!

Prayers Dana, for nothing too much more worse in the MRI results.

Going to watch my caterpillar...

Lynne2 said...

oh, please, if you are on FB..go to my profile and click on the plant a tree thing!

hedgie said...

Dana, Hugo is the hanky-panky turtle from earlier in the month..........scroll on down past ITT pics!

hedgie said...

Morning, Jim! Since I don't know German, I'm sure not going to dispute what you said!! I take it it meant Good morning, my friends. Right?? Danke!

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if Lily and Hope sent back some scat! Just kidding!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, what a hoot. Need to buy a rake in order to carve a niche on the beach. Bet it stinks, too. That was what I thought in California---the northern beaches were awful with it caught up in the rocks. Pew!

hedgie said...

How is the injured turtle doing, Lynne?
Thanks for sharing your photos and video!! Neato!

hedgie said...

ROFL, Paula, that's exactly what I was thinking!!!! Some nature places DO sell little containers of such things!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, sent you an email about the turtles regarding your comments on the pics.

Costume Lady said...

Went out to the garden early this morning and couldn't find the turtle. Maybe if a put a piece of fruit in a box trap, I can catch him:)
Want to clarify the fact that GG has fallen asleep on her porch for so many hours...She has a glider, which is very comfy and she can stretch out the full length of her body (not sleeping in a chair). She has taken many Panda naps on that glider, just never spent the night:)
Lynn and your pics. and video of your wildlife. It just sorta gives me cold chills to see Myrtle eating a red, ripe tomato! LOL

Getting ready to see GG and then, Soup Kitchen. Dustin has already gone in with Gene...he's anxious to help...I'm glad he has the opportunity to do it.
Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...

BTW...emails are not getting through to my inbox today...FRONTIER???

movin said...

That's right, Hedgie. I took it in college, but that was before Viet Nam, so ....

It looks like Finney's chicks will not be long behind BWO's in fledging. They both look very fit.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Jim, did you learn much Vietnamese?
Sending you a capture I got this morning of Finney.

hedgie said...

Wanda, have a good day at Soup Kitchen. Does VA have community service requirements in the high schools? If so, give Dustin a note documenting his time spent in service!!
Don't cringe at turtles eating MY maters----they are old, overripe or damaged (bruised) pieces!

Lynne2 said...

Oh my gosh....I have just witnessed 2 of the 3 caterpillars change to chrysalises!! HOW AMAZING! The pictures I took turned out pretty good, but the video of the first one turning was messed up because the battery was too low. The second one is OK but blurry. I got too close! And I was watching while videoing and not paying attention! I have to leave here around 3 for a few hours...I think I may get lucky enough to watch the last one turn...should be in about an hour. Hopefully get better video!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Guys!
NEW THREAD--come on over!

hedgie said...

Update on A-M's son, Rick, and the kidney recipient, from Rick's wife:
I will just take a moment to give everyone a small update now that we have been at the hospital for a while.
Rick is doind well. The majority of the nausea has burned off. He did not sleep much last night but has plans to do so tonight haha. He is nibbling on his breakfast and enjoying the endless supply of juice. His biggest concern is the nurse who has informed him that they are taking a walk in about an hour. The goal is to Rainee's room and back. (4 rooms away). I personally think he will sleep after that walk. His color is back and he can carry on a normal conversation. Mostly we love that his color back!
Rainee had a pretty good night. She slept quite a bit. Her output is amazing; and the nurse is VERY pleased! Rainee even took her first walk this morning at 5am to come and visit Rick. She made her way into his room and the first thing she said was "Hahah I beat you; I saw you first"!! She was quite pleased with herself. She then got naseaous and quickly returned to her room to go back to sleep.
Today will be a slow day filled with naps and reading for those of standin guard. We continue to thank you for your prayers and miracles taking place.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...