Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hot Saturday thread.


Lolly said...

Oh wow! I get to write on a clean wall! Thanks Steve!

Will call the others over!

Mema Jo said...

Heard your call, Lolly. NOW 12 what?

Good Morning Everyone...
Thanks Steve

Lolly said...

LOL Went back and read the blog. Guess I was a wee bit tired when I posted last night. Inches!!!!!!

Oh, and here is Russ's email address

Thank you for the birthday wished for Jack. I have passed them on to him...he is in his chair reading the paper.

Don't think I told you this. On the news, what with the heat index so high, they were telling people to check on their elderly neighbors. Jack wanted to know if the neighbors were going to start checking on him. He said "Tell the neighbors that when they check on him to just make sure that he has a good stock of good wine." lol

Mema Jo said...

link to news report Hedgie found

Lolly said...

Card from Russ and Janet says he is not old until the fat lady sings. You open the card and you hear the fat lady singing. lol

Mema Jo said...

Have a special day and enjoy your day with family ♪♪♪♫♪♪

What kind of email address is that
ROFLMBO I really thought oh my why would Lolly give us that address

Mema Jo said...

The older you get the funnier the cards are!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the link Jo. That was a great report. I loved the view of the nest with the cam above it. A new perspective.

Mema Jo said...

The news clip - was interesting to see the tree - it sure is a tall one.

Hornby chat is still filled..
dougcarrick: (07:19)
I think the tree will be OK for the eagles' nest for a few more years. The living part of a tree is the outer layers just under the bark. Even though the centre is rotten and hollow, I think there is sufficient strenght to hold the neswt. The branches supporting the nest growing out of the outer layer, are health and still growing. Not a satisfactory situation for the additional weight of the climber and certainly not worth the riski. But probably OK for the nest itself.

Lolly said...

Jo, I have a box of greeting cards that were my mothers, her supply to send cards out. I found one that is quite aged and without an envelope. It says "Let's have a drink to your health, wealth, and eternal youth." You open it up and inside it says "Maybe this time it will work!" I am giving it to him with the note that I think Mother must have bought it with him in mind. lol

Mema Jo said...

Another interesting comment:
dougcarrick: (07:19)
But because the tree is getting less safe for climbers, we are planning a new system where cameras can be raised up and down a pole from below the nest.

I am just wishing to see the adult eagles return to that nest.

Mema Jo said...

That is a good one Lolly !

Mema Jo said...

Need my coffee and some honey/peanut butter toast.

I miss Norma in the Morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Brought a fish...moved a stick or chowing down.

Mema Jo said...

How about that - Lib visiting ALONE

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula....

hedgie said...

And here is our laugh for the day.

paula eagleholic said...

Done and gone!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, that email address is a good one---rofl!

Lolly, I was just recently going thru' a box of those cards that were my Grandmas----REALLY old since she passed in '89. Most not the kind of thing I would send out, and yellowing around the edges of the envelopes. Guess it's time to pitch them.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, good find, Lynn

Mema Jo said...

I should get all my old cards in one place so that I can see what I have.
And then pitch them! I am too sentimental at times.

Mema Jo said...

Okay - going to find some street clothes before hubby gets home from his morning activities!


hedgie said...

Time for me to pull out the vacuum cleaner. I THINK----HOPE----that the ant debacle has been solved. Lots of carcasses, tho'. The ones that were in the roof/ceiling were just tiny. The ones in the basement (and a few upstairs) were those big black ones like what Hope was digging at in that rotten stump!

hedgie said...

Ha. Picked one up Thurs. evening that I thought was dead. It wasn't and it bit my finger. Nasty buggers.

BEagle said...

dougcarrick: (06:38) One eagle (I think mom) was in Babysitting tree (nearest to nest) at 6 am and is still there now. Can't see other eagle.
dougcarrick: (06:43) Using my video camera, Booni took a picture of Dan Hamilton climbing the eagle tree. Because of the giant size of the nest tree, he first climbed up about 80 feet on a smaller nearby tree then using ropes swung across to the larger tree and continued up. Quite a process. Booni will present this video as soon as she can. I found the process very interesting.

Hello everyone. Shucks to missing Lib on the nest.

There will be postings of the tree climbing video on the forum sometime.
Don't know when.

Happy Birthday to Jack.


hedgie said...

BEagle, that climbing tecnique is used in big timbering operations....I've seen it done on a tv show. Kind of harrowing, but those guys are pros!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for a while... Take care...


Lolly said...

Just slipped outside to water plants. Expecting Michael and family any minute.

Lynn, loved the link for the Earthquake victims. ROFL

I will be back later. Will be giving Jack his b day present when they get here. Campfire in a Can!

hedgie said...

For any who throw tennis balls for dogs:

Judie said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Thanks for hollering all the way across country, Lolly.

Well, I have been waiting and waiting and imaginary ironing friend still hasn't shown up. Grrrrr!

ROFLMBO. Why do I think Lolly has sent us on an imaginary email hunt to find clues? Think I'll get my Interpol friend in on the search for clues.


movin said...







hedgie said...

Cam looks like it is shimmering with heat. Has clouded over here....there, too, I guess since no shadows.

hedgie said...

Hi Judie and Jim. The J's have arrived!!

Jim, did you hear about "our" areas dinky little earthquake yesterday? Bet you were laughing!!!

movin said...

Looks like momma osprey has chicks all standing next to her and practicing standing guard and squawking loudly at passersby.



hedgie said...

Which cam, Jim?

movin said...

No, I wasn't laughing... It sure isn't usual to have the quakes back EAst though, is it.

Was it very scary, since you aren't used to them??



movin said...

Oh yeah... hahaha.




Lynne2 said...

Hi all....and


just back from job interview. She didn't ask me one thing more than she had already asked me over the phone! I was with her for 10 minutes and feel like it was a complete waste of my time. She didn't show me around the hospital or anything. And when we were done she just gave the standard "I have just started interviewing for the position and if I need you to come for a working interview, I'll call you by the end of next week". WHATEVER.

Judie, perhaps you could call Elsie and see if she is available to come and do your ironing for you. She was my mother's imaginary maid.

Judie said...

Hi Lynn.

Hi Jim. Yep, Lynn is right that you CA folks would be tee-heeing about our earthquake. Was humorous to see people on news acting like the world was ending.

Andy, I understand now that you were typing the name of the actual medication. I thought you had meant to type medicine. My bad. YOU DO NOT NEED the vocabulary class.

Really hot, humid, and sun/clouds here. Need to create an imaginary friend who has humidity-vanishing powers.

BTR (back to reading)

hedgie said...

Storklettes have apparently all fledged. Will need to remember to check later to see if they come back to their nests.

Lynne2 said...

wow Lynn, thanks for that link. Heavy parasite load...going to have to check with Tracey when I see her later to find out what kind of parasites are typical for raptors. They didn't mention if internal or external.

Jim, I wasn't scared....I was THRILLED! Kept hoping for another one while I was completely awake, SMALL one of course where no one gets hurt!

hedgie said...

Jim, it was only a 3.6....very little movement, mostly noise they said. I didn't notice anything, but I was sleeping soundly at 5:04AM!! Lynne2 felt/heard it, but didn't know what it was at the time. Quakes not really rare in the east, but they are always so minor that they are usually unrecognized by people. THere were actually 4 yesterday: 2 in MD, one in Tenn., and one on NC/SC border. They were all only 2'ish.

I thought you were probably talking about BWO, but wasn't sure!

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry that the interview was so disappointing....sounds pretty typical, tho'. I'm sure that you have better qualifications than anyoone she will interview, so bet you'll get a positive call next week. Fingers crossed!!!

LOL---my dad would always summon SuzyQ to do the household chores, but she never showed up to help HE did!

BEagle said...

The chat monitor, I think it is alj, now has the preliminary pathology report for Phoenix.

She said she will post on the forum first, then on the chat.


Judie said...

Lynne, I know you are disappointed after this woman sort of raised your expectations. JMHO you seem so excited about what you are doing at Irvine and I am really hoping something comes through for you there. Job prayer coming your way.

Also, I think the contact I have for Elsie is: Elsie@notaprayer.duh (stole from Lolly).

Jim, people sure are not used to shivering timbers around here but I was amazed at how panicky some were.

BTR again.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is on his way back home with our little buddy Bill who's spending the night here. We're going to take him to Irvine to check it out. So I will be back later gators!

hedgie said...

Back to the cleaning. Upstairs is done. To the basement I go! LOTS of ants to suck up down there!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the good thoughts!

Mema Jo said...

I've returned and need to check out
all comments.... There is a breeze out there but it is a warm breeze....

Mema Jo said...

Lynne I am hoping and praying that the door at Irvine opens for your employment.

Mema Jo said...

I know I just got back but putting my feet up for a while before heading out to Mass.


hedgie said...

Doug posted Hornby update:

Judie said...

Okay, here is what I have accomplished today, if anyone is interested.

Reading, one load of laundry washed, dried and waiting for imaginary ironing person to arrive, reading, corm cleaned, reading, shrimp cleaned, reading, cocktail and tartar sauce made, reading, tomatoes awaiting decapitation, reading. I see I've had a very, very busy day. It helps to write down our accomplishments. Back to reading.

Sure hope everyone else has had an equally productive day.

Mema Jo said...

Out the door to Mass


Mema Jo said...

Before I shut the door
What chapter are you on, Judie

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have had a great day so far! Michael and family came and we visited and played with Zach for a while. Then Michael took us out to eat at Angelo's in Fort Worth. Great barbeque! They have taken Zach to a museum and we are now home about to get ready to go to a wedding. I think Jack has enjoyed his birthday.

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, storklettes are back in their nests at nighttime. So pretty!

hedgie said...

Well....I have vacuumed the whole house---basement included! DOne a load of laundry(still in dryer), and now I'm baking a cake! Hoping to get to my "upstairs" book after dinner!!

Judie said...

Jo, it's the chapter on lazy - number zero, I think.

Lynn, hope you get to your book when you're ready. Peanut butter cake? Please let us know how it turns out.

Lolly, glad you had a nice time and that Jack has enjoyed his special day. Haven't had a response to my email to Russ. Perhaps he's waiting for cover of darkness?

hedgie said...

The sycamore palace remains MT and quiet..... :(

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie, PB cake. Smells good!! Since Christie is always on a diet, and doesn't handle temptation well, I baked it in two for her, and one for me! So I'll get to taste-test it tonight!

magpie said...

Ah, the mention of Vintage Cards...many of you have gotten some of those yellowed envelopes with scotch tape to enforce the seal....


I have started reading a book entitled Teacher Man
by Frank McCourt
got it at the same place as my vintage greeting cards

Hello Eagle Friends

kickngbird said...

Quote from Hornby Eagles Facebook:

This morning we received the preliminary findings from the necropsy performed on Phoenix.

Phoenix was a female. She died from acute bilateral mycotic pneumonia.

Other tests results will become available over the next week, and will confirm the causative agent.

Because Phoenix's death was caused by an infectious disease, sadly, she cannot be returned to Hornby Island for interment.

magpie said...

thanks kickngbird
that was quick work determining the cause
wonder, though...why....
just like with people I guess,
things happen

magpie said...

ok I just re-read you comment kb
more to be shared about it later when more info is available

magpie said...

I'm still not opening many links here so all of your all's information is really helpful
thank you

ttfn xo

hedgie said...

What a shame......but suspected something like that. FOrgot to say that they had said yesterday they were sure she was a female.

Here's info about the illness:

Fungal infection of the lung results in an acute to chronic active, pyogranulomatous pneumonia.
Often these agents are found in immunocompromised hosts, but can cause disease in healthy individuals as well. Infection is typically caused by inhalation of spores, which can lead to hemolymphatic dissemination. Pulmonary tissues and secretions are an excellent environment for these organisms. The source of most fungal infections is believed to be soil-related rather than horizontal transmission. Considering the high rate of exposure to these pathogens in certain environments, there are unresolved questions on the epidemiology of the condition, including individual susceptibility, pathogenicity of organisms, the immune response of tOften these agents are found in immunocompromised hosts, but can cause disease in healthy individuals as well. Infection is typically caused by inhalation of spores, which can lead to hemolymphatic dissemination. Pulmonary tissues and secretions are an excellent environment for these organisms. The source of most fungal infections is believed to be soil-related rather than horizontal transmission. Considering the high rate of exposure to these pathogens in certain environments, there are unresolved questions on the epidemiology of the condition, including individual susceptibility, pathogenicity of organisms, the immune response of the host, and concurrent disease.
Mycotic pneumonia is more commonly seen in small animals. A short, moist cough is characteristic. A thick, mucoid nasal discharge may be present. As the disease progresses, dyspnea, emaciation, and generalized weakness become increasingly evident. Respiration may become abdominal. Tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy can cause extrinsic airway compression. There is no entirely satisfactory method of treating systemic mycotic infections.

BEagle said...

This morning we received the preliminary findings from the necropsy performed on Phoenix.
Phoenix was a female. She died from acute bilateral mycotic pneumonia.

Other tests results will become available over the next week, and will confirm the causative agent.
Because Phoenix's death was caused by an infectious disease, sadly, she cannot be returned to Hornby Island for interment.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Maj Birch (Mountainaire Avian Rescue), Dr. Schwantje (wildlife veterinarian, British Columbia Ministry of Environment) and Dr. Bowes (avian pathologist for the British Columbia Animal Health Laboratory) for their dedication and determination to learn as much from Phoenix as they could.

A.J.L., on behalf of Doug Carrick and the Hornby Eagle Group.

Acute: rapid onset
Bilateral: both lungs
Mycotic: fungal
Pneumonia: inflammatory lung condition

hedgie said...

Margy, your vintage cards have modern-day messages! The ones Grams had were real old-fashioned!!!

movin said...

I seem to have been bitten by the "nap bug". It's not too bad today though...we're having a heat wave, and it's better inside anyway.

There is an eaglet returned to the WE nest and calling for dinner now...could be more in the area later.



Mema Jo said...

I am happy that answers are coming out to help us understand about Ms. Phoenix. Scares me because we would hear ms. Palmer sneezing at times.

BEagle said...

Oh, I guess I really didn't need to post.

It was already taken care of.

Mema Jo said...

I had tried to view the storks but it is dark there now.
Finney site is still frozen.
I had seen them after the banding and they were okay. I hope nothing is wrong

Mema Jo said...

Shirley has FB message:
Very nice morning in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Cool and comfortable. Not much bandwidth here and almost no time left on the battery, though. Will attach pictures of llamas behind us later.

magpie said...

Yeah you did BEagle...
because it means you are here with your friends and we can see that (( hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

BEagle it is best to post even if it is a duplicate... it is important enough to read it twice.

magpie said...

thanks also Lynn for the detail

hear honking geese our nest, and cicadas, and breezes

heard mourning dove awhile ago

hi Jo

magpie said...

thanks for the message from Shirley Jo

Mema Jo said...

I'm watching an hour TV show - The Bridge

magpie said...

refrigerated peanut butter and apricot preserves sammich for dinner

easy, and yummy

need to go study something

ttfn again xo

BEagle said...


It makes me wonder about the sneezing because Palmer sneezed as well.

Not all sneezing eagles have mycotic pneumonia.

Palmer just cleared her beak nose.
I can't remember what the nostrils are called on an eagle.

BEagle said...

I see the one eaglet on the WE nest.
Just saw one fly by on the TH nest.

Hasn't there been a peep from Palmer?

BEagle said...

Starts with a "P" I think.

BEagle said...

I hear some big thunder coming this way.

I just may shut down here in a bit.

BEagle said...

I just heard a cam clunk at the royal nest.

BEagle said...

More cam clunking. Must have taken off whoever it was.

BEagle said...

More cam noise. Hum-m-m-m.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! What a mess at the Park!!!Trees, trees everywhere----most are sawed in pieces.Seems the rainstorm TU night was almost a tornado down there by the River. They're calling it wind shear, as it moved in one direction.Cartographer who did our detailed trail maps & lives right across the river (we can see his house)said one of the 4 trees near his home came down, but only knocked off the gutter. Top of one tree fell up to the AC unit right behind the Vis. Ctr.We now have no shed, but the metal trash can w/birdseed survived ☺. Another small can is flat as a pancake & golf cart is half smashed. Lady who lives further south said lightening was going once a second!
If it had to happen, thank goodness no people were there.
Of course, wires and phones were out & supposedly fixed. One of the 4 phone lines wants to ring constantly even if you lower the volume--no on off switch. Someone figured out to put it on hold & leave it off the hook, or we would have destroyed it again!!!
Other neat osprey happenings I'll write in a little while! Gotta get coffee & camera.

Judie said...

Good to know Shirley is keeping up as best she can. Just want her to have a wonderful weekend away from the routine. Thanks, Jo.

Thank you to BEagle and Lynn for the Phoenix updates. It's important for all of us to contribute - duplicates for some of us are helpful.

Jim, hot and humid and naps are like CA and sunshine -- just go together to nicely.

Peanut butter and apricot preserves? Oh dear, Margy does Lynn know about this? Will her peanut butter cake have apricot preserves frosting? Will the apricots betray the peanut butter? Will the peanut butter betray the apricot preserves? As the cake turns...


hedgie said...

Do I hear camera taps???

BEagle said...

One eaglet is on the WE nest still.
Basking in the setting sun. Doesn't look like a penguin anymore.

More like a proud eagle.

It's probably #07.

hedgie said...

Nope, Judie, no tussle here----choco icing on PB cake. I would rather have done a brown sugar thing, but Chris doesn't care for that, so....choco it is.
But almost anything works with PB on a sammich. Onion, or banana, or tuna, or jams/jellies of all flavors!

hedgie said...

Jo, did yu watch the first episode of The Bridge last week? It set the stage. Sure shows the dirty cop side of things; jives with the series I've been reading about an LA detective.....apparently it's quite rampant if authors and scriptwriters use it as a theme so much.

BEagle said...

My favorite:

Peanut butter w/ mayonnaise and green olives.

movin said...

I haven't been closely following Hornby this season; I'm very sorry to hear that the eaglet died.

I'm thinking they had an eaglet die last season not long before fledging up in that area. Was that Hornby too.



BEagle said...

Jim. I was not watching the Hornby nest last year but I constantly hear about Echo.

I can't tell if there were two chicks or just the one chick on the nest last year. I have not searched out the records on them.

BEagle said...

About a week or so ago, I had read that the two Channel Island chicks (not covered by cam) were found dead.

A while back when I first read from a data sheet that only 50% of eagles chicks fledge, I thought that there must be some mistake.

After watching these eagles for a season, it certainly does look like 50% is a good ball park.

Mema Jo said...

Well now I am hooked onto a Hallmark Family movie.
Yes, Lynn, the stage was set last week Hubby isn't pleased with it - I wonder why?

BEagle, Jim - 2 eaglets last year at Hornby - 1 got stuck onto mom's leg and as she flew off - so did the little one. Very tragic.

Off to the TV BBL

BEagle said...

Was that Echo? that was caught up in the mother's feathers?

Did the other grow and fledge?

BEagle said...

Did someone mention storks?
Is there a cam on a storks nest?

Judie said...

Bear at PApix but gone now. Deer at Snowman but camera all messed up.

At the eagle release last year, we were told survival is 1 in 3. Not the best odds. So, optimistically, only one of the three eagles Shirley and I saw released would be expected to still be alive.

I am absolutely exhausted from all the energy spent today reading. So, going to watch some t.v. and look for the sandperson.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the tub, or wherever else one might be headed. Andy, if you will, please set our alarm for us. Thank you. Pleasant dreams everyone.

kickngbird said...

BEagle - You posted more detail than I did, so yes, you did need to post. I probably edited down too much, so what you did was helpful.

As for last year at Hornby, Echo was one of two eggs that hatched. Poor Echo got caught in what looked to me like poopy/wet then dried-like-glue tail feathers. But Hope, the other eaglet in that clutch, fledged. I wasn't watching last year but went back & read their forum & looked at video when I first started watching the Hornby nest. Wish I hadn't watched that one video of Echo, but I did.

The good news is that Hope (the perfect name, right?) did grow up and fly away healthy.

stronghunter said...


Have done some reading of the blog. I'm sitting out on the porch again. Lots of insect life chirping out here tonight.

We went up into the mountains today and saw elk. Got some good pictures. The elk here were brought in from Kentucky and Canada.

Cool and so comfortable here.

movin said...

I sort of recall somebody mentioning the chick that got lifted off the nest accidentally, but that's not the one I'm talking about.

Maybe it was two years ago..or another nest.. where both chicks grew to near fledging age, but the younger one died of unknown causes and lay in the nest for more than a week...cause unknown.

I think it was Hornby because I remember that trunk right up through the middle of the nest.



Lolly said...

Good evening! Well the day is almost done and it has been a good day. We went to the wedding this evening. Knew no one there except the brides immediate family. Pam, the mother of the bride was once one of my best friends before they moved away. Kept her son the day Megan, the bride was born. So, it was extra special to be there for them.

Now we have our feet up and resting! Got some really cute pictures today of Jack, Michael and Zach. Will serve apple pie and ice cream in a little bit. Yes, Jack has enjoyed his apple slices. It is like an apple pie only you bake it on a cookie sheet. The dough is actually a little sweeter than reg. pie dough and when you it out of the oven and while hot put a lemony glaze on it. It is just basically a delicious apple pie.

movin said...

Both eaglets are back on the TH nest, but the WE pair seem to have taken a flight...



BEagle said...

Thank you KB.

It was awful watching the video of Echo. Didn't see any video of Hope. Not that it isn't there.

With the tragedy it would help to reinforce the positives which would, in turn, help improve community outlook.

HI SHIRLEY!!!! Enjoy your weekend.

BEagle said...

Jim, I think one eaglet is still on the WE nest.

movin said...

Well, I've got to go for now..

Have a great evening, everybody.



BEagle said...

Yes, #07 is still there with that antenna!

movin said...

Sure is, Beagle, AND an adult just delivered a nice fish for it.



BEagle said...

An adult just arrived at the WE nest. Gone already after dropping in some food.

#07 mantled right away. I remember another eaglet doing the same and raising a ruckus.

Some eagles take on independence quicker than others.

BEagle said...

I didn't have my sound turned up to hear the exclamations of gratitude for that fish.

BEagle said...

The TH twins just flew off together.
My they are beautiful birds. Healthy and robust.

Now and adult came on the nest followed by the female chick.

More exclamations of gratitude for what looks to be a fish.

movin said...

The TH eaglets are calling for food too. It's getting louder now.

I think Dad delivered at least one fish to TH. Now the young ones have to fight over it.



BEagle said...

The little TH lady is still fussing. Probably because the little fellow is nearby.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Been working on osprey pics, but have put the fallen trees on blog. Will put ospreys on tomorrow.
It's so strange, that I got an email from our Park secretary who retired and is back in TX. She mentioned our tornado and earthquake & I had no idea what she meant about tornado! She talked to some others at Park, I guess. All I knew was that phones were out!

Lolly said...

To those on fb....I have just posted a video. It is of a basket of puppies and is just so cute.

movin said...

I think what happened was both parents delivered fish at TH...

There was a big ruckus and both eaglets flew downward off the nest....

Shortly thereafter, I looked back and saw one eaglet mantling and Dad just taking off from the rear of the nest.

And the chicks aren't fighting over the fish in the nest...ergo, a fish for each eaglet was probably delivered.



Mema Jo said...

I've returned - movie is over.
Loretta you had your hands full!
I bet you are now in your recliner snoozing.
BEagle and Jim and KBird
Thanks for all your commentary this evening!

Lolly I am going to have to eat some peach pie - don't have any apple.
It sounds like Jack has had a very special day!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I bet you will sleep well tonight with all the fresh air & coolness of the evening! Enjoy & I'll look forward for the llamas' pics as well as the elk.

BEagle said...

Nature N, I saw a lot of talk about an earthquake but nothing about a tornado!

BEagle said...

Both twins at TH are pecking around the nest now.

NatureNut said...

Before the day is done I've got the say ♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACK !!! ♫♪

NatureNut said...

Yes, BEagle, that must be what people thought down there, but it wasn't a tornado--was strong wind shear. I never heard anything on TV weather, but I don't watch much of it.

NatureNut said...

Jo, I will be snoozing soon!Got up at 4:30AM, 'cuz I fell asleep- in chair after dinner last night!
One interesting tidbit I saw today for the first time that I probably should add to pics I'll put on was that the 3 (2 foster) osprey chicks and Mom were standing in the nest & Mom took off, flew real low and belly flopped right in the water!!She then flew right back to the nest!The smallest chick was so happy as it had been panting and it worked it's way under her wing.
The largest foster boy took a little flight, but came back to the nest.That's how he got here. He fledged from his home near Solomon's fell in the water and swam to beach. Someone got him & called rehabber.

NatureNut said...

Anyway, it's getting late, so to all hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Hope Update

A little concern about Hope and Lily!

hedgie said...

Loretta, damage sure sounds extensive. Thank goodness no one was there! Still need to look at your pics....assuming that all of your wildlife survived okay....right? Strange that nothing was said on the news about it today!

Shirley, sounds like you are having a very relaxing mini-vac!!

Jo, tell Ed that MD is not Los Angeles!!! Thank the Lord!! (No offense, Jim and Andi!) Cop misconduct/internal corruption is deep-seated and long-standing.

hedgie said...

Speaking of MD---oh, no---applications being taken for black bear hunting. Boo!

hedgie said...

Horrible dust storm in Arizona.....near Phoenix. Can't remember where Delphia is---sure hope it didn't hit her area.

Loretta, that really is a mess. THey just now mentioned heavy rain this time last evening in Manassas area with flooding.....but still nothing about your area. STRANGE!

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Friends...

One last Happy Birthday to Jack - sounds like a lot of special times !

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

hedgie said...

No field work today for Lynn and Sue----office work! BUT....GPS shows that Lily and Hope were not together......MTBR tomorrow. HOPEfully this is not another seperation! Don't know if my heart could take that now.

Mema Jo said...

After reading Bear report I am anxious for a morning report about Lily and Hope - sure hope they meet up again -

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Lolly for Hope's update.
I hope them being so far apart doesn't mean that Lily is abandoning Little Hope again:(


hedgie said...

Loretta, do you think the osprey mom was getting a good belly-soaking so as to cool down the chicks???? Wouldn't that be something cool to see? What a smart gal!!!! Have never read anything about them doing something like that!!

Lots of good play-by-play from Jim and BEagle! Thank you both.

Jo, I love peach pie!!

Going to watch Lolly's video and then bathtime, and then time to taste the cake!!
See you folks in the morning. Sleep well, one and all. Prayers for all needs. Just a reminder: I love all y'all.
BTW....tomorrow is Carolyn and Charlie's 18th anniv. Will put a pic on FB in a little while.

Mema Jo said...

Back the hallway I shall go..
Marvin (the cat) is getting anxious about getting my computer chair as soon as I get up!

Good night everyone and prayers for all. Hope AJay is getting some rest.
Karen and Kailey, we wish to hear about how you are doing.

Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

*** I would have traded you a piece of peach pie that Jenny made for a piece of Peanut Butter Cake !!! Deal?? ***

Lolly said...

This is getting to be a habit...fell asleep in my chair.

Think Jack's birthday has been great. I think zero birthdays are special. He liked the "campfire in a can." We will be taking it with us on our trips.

Yes, I am not ready to start worrying again about Hope. I would think that in a forested area that they are pretty far apart.

Have church tomorrow, but then it should be a nice quiet day.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Thank you for the birthday wishes and cards for Jack. (((Hugs)))

movin said...


Good Night, Everyone.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Hope everyone had a good day!

Glad to know what the cause of death for Phoenix was..I suspected something respiratory as well due to the breathing issues.

Ajay is definitely having surgery on Monday, part of disk is pressing on nerve. She is managing better today, although she doesn't think so. I can see a big difference from yesterday. She is either awake in pain, or asleep, not much inbetween, but she is getting some rest and relief.

Heading back to hospital for short while tomorrow, want to be there when the surgeon comes in.

Some of you around Frederick area may have heard of him, Swami Nathan. Good neurosurgeon with good reputation, so I feel she is in good hands.

I've been working on her last assignment for her class, there is no way she can get it done...sorry to the teachers out there, but I can't let the last 9 weeks be in vain. She has worked so hard. She has all the notes, I've done a little more research for her and then I'm just putting everything into a powerpoint for her.

Going to hit the hay, will catch ya'll in the morning.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...


I see that my comment last night finally posted. I had gone to Facebook by then. Enjoying another beautiful morning here. It is cool and the birds are singing. Mist is lying on the mountains.

Paula, prayers for AJay. I hope the surgery goes well. She is due some good luck.

I am being watched by a fat squirrel headed for the squirrel feeding area.

stronghunter said...

Loretta, sounds like a lot of damage from the storm.

stronghunter said...

Wow, it took my message a long time to post last night. I posted on here before I posted on Facebook.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for posting the information on Phoenix.

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning! Another hot one out there!!
Happy 18th anniversary to my Carolyn and Charlie! And to Lolly's Michael and Ashley.

Paula, I THINK that Swami Nathan also practices in CharlesTown. I'll ask Christie later. It is going to be microsurgery, right?

Gotta tell you----the PB cake is delicious!!!! Let me know if you want the recipe!!

hedgie said...

Finney cam is back to live action.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Paula, Ajay will be just fine. Will still say a "good surgery" prayer for her tomorrow. Also, I think you completing her assignment is perfectly acceptable. I cannot imagine a school not allowing an incomplete for documented medical.

Hi Shirley, so glad you are having a nice time. Please send some cool weather to us.

Sure wish Hope and Lily had stayed closer together. Such a strange relationship.


Judie said...

Diskectomy is almost always microsurgery now. That's why I was out and home 6 1/2 hrs later being held together with superglu.

Lynn, I want the recipe, please.


hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie,for anniv. wishes to my gal!
I'll send recipe to you in a little while!!

hedgie said...

Put a pic of the kids on my blog for those who don;t have FB.

hedgie said...

Finney is frozen again!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone.. Today is a day that I have no plans except to enjoy my friends and family.

Lynn - I am a die hard so don't tell me it is 'delicious' - show me! lol
Send the recipe out to us!

Paula, Ajay should do very well - with all our prayers headed to her how could she not! Nathan is well known to Frederick Memorial.

hedgie said...

Following a structure fire, officials caution against eating any food that was in the building, even if bottled/canned seal isn't broken. Swedish explorers found a 200+ yr. old ship wreck with intact bottles of champagne. They opened one and drank it......saying that it tasted wonderful. Hmmmm......hope they don't regret it later!

hedgie said...

Jo, you have mail!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Carolyn and Charlie's picture is very beautiful. 18 years is great!
On FB I said now to go for the silver and then the gold!

Lolly said...

Hope they enjoyed the bottle. Did you see the estimated value of it?

Good morning! Have had my first good laugh for today. On fb a friend posted it was going to be a hot one, talking about today, asked who is checking on Jack. Love it!!!

Yes, today is Michael and Ashley's 12 anniversary. Laurel married in 97 and the next summer Michael married. In 97 Michael was not yet engaged. He was putting it off until after Laurel's wedding said he did not want to distract from his sisters wedding. We urged him to go ahead and propose, so we could have a fiance in Laurel's wedding pictures. You can have a fiance in family pics, but not a girlfriend. LOL Then
Ashley said she needed a new dress, a fiance dress and not a girlfriend dress. ?????

Mema Jo said...

Love that wedding story - Lolly.
Well, who is checking on Jack today?

Lolly said...

So it has been a few days since Palmer has been at the nest or we have even heard her call. Has she ventured on?

Paula, yes, prayers for Ajay. Be sure to let us know the time of the scheduled surgery.

You are a fantastic mother in law!

Lynn, send on the recipe!!!

hedgie said...

Not yet----they haven't even established identity/nationality of thr ship yet! Guess appx. dating was done from items found or way things were made....IDK.

Lolly said...

Jack has me, says that is why he keeps me around. ☺

Friend of Laurel's and the family said to get him Life Alert. To go ahead and drink all the wine he wants. ☺

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - what kind of icing did you use on the cake - chocolate?

magpie said...

Guess What !


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...