Friday, July 23, 2010


Hot TGIF thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Well lookie here...a new thread. Thanks Steve:) 100° today!

hedgie said...

Thanks for call-over, Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

92° RIGHT NOW AND ONLY 11:39:(
COME ON DUSTIN, Mow that grass...might have to wait til tomorrow!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I heard it is official...Carolyn's name on the schedule seen by margy!!

Bet you and Carolyn both, slept with a smile last night:)
You know it makes US HAPPY when one of our friends gets good news!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Not enough time to talk much--gotta run. Have a mammogram scheduled!
Will be back here when I get home.

Off and running! Have a wonderful day! :o]

Mema Jo said...

If you two are happy then so am I!
Good Morning from the surf/sand mema! Kids all headed for the beach this morning (with flip flops-hot sand)I chose to stay in AC and relax.
I'm not going over to the other thread so I am hoping that all is well and I'll pray for all my friends to stay happy and healthy.

Mema Jo said...

Tell Carolyn Congrats for me, Lynn.

Now we need to work on Lynne. Has she heard anything today?

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Wanda, and thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Just posted this on the other thread.


Back again. Kathryn called me because she was on the way to the emergency room. She had been having trouble with her arm for some time and it had become unbearable this morning. Rotator cuff problem. She is now relaxing in my recliner full of pain medication.

She had some thoughts of going on to work, but the doctor and her momma said no. She is not even in any condition to drive, and her car is still in the ER parking lot. We will work that out later.

Praying mantis--I found one on my front porch a couple of weeks ago. There seems to be a family of them out there each summer.

Wanda, my experience is that if you leave a bunch of them together, they eat each other up. But I wouldn't really want them in the kitchen! My info says they not only eat hummingbirds but other small nestlings. Wow!

Kathryn and I once saw a huge one on the top of my car. It was lunging at Kathryn and looked like it wanted to have her for supper. We didn't really want to find out if they bite or not; we both got into the car on the driver's side and let the critter fend for itself when we drove away.

The websites I checked say they may pinch but won't bite humans. That's not too comforting when you have one lunging at you when you need to turn your back on it to get into a car.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jo!!! Bet the beach is delightful! You'd best stay in til evening, tho'.
My O2 is being delivered at 3. :(
Haven't heard anything from Lynne today, but last nights report was that the poison ivy has her really bad. :(
Thanks---Carolyn and I are on top of the world. Expecting her soon for lunch and to help me do a little chore on the ladder---I can do it, just don;t like being alone to do so.
Enjoy yourself. Eat some crab for me!

Wanda....tomorrow won't be any better for mowing!

hedgie said...

Heat index currently 99 in Martinsburg.

hedgie said...

Breezy here as at nest...but only blowing hot air. Of no benefit!

Costume Lady said...

Good to hear from Jo. Didn't know she had the kids...hope they allow her to relax:) I guess she will have fun watching them have fun.

stronghunter said...

I think Kathryn has drifted off to sleep. She has been in so much pain she's had trouble sleeping, so she needs the rest. That recliner is a great place to sleep.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!
Enjoy the beach.

Lynn, good that you are having Carolyn to come help you with ladder-climbing stuff. Good to have assistance with those tasks.

hedgie said...

Shirley....what did I miss? What's wrong with K?????

hedgie said...

Oh, my---I skimmed right past that! Poor Kathryn. She must be so miserable. Is it torn, or do they know yet?

hedgie said...

Shirley, I had to battle a mantis one night at work to get into my truck....he was definitely in fighting mode.
A couple of years ago Christie and I were going someplace and one rode on her car for about 2 hrs.

Costume Lady said...

I would think that critter was definitely, after me!
I had no idea that the Mantis was feisty...I guess anything will get riled up. I had alway heard that a Daddy-long-legs wouldn't bite, so one day, when Denise was around 2 years old, one had crawled up onto her arm and she started crying...I told her that they wouldn't bite and we watched it proceed to bite her! She is now deathly afraid of spiders and I crush all D-Long Legs that I see!!

Mema Jo said...

Back for a short time - this dial up kicked me off because I wasn't continually using it.
Shirley - take care of your gal! So glad she can sleep. Hope Hunter is also with you.

Wanda - I have grown 'kids' with me! They will be sure I relax..
and I can have lots of fun just being with them.

Going to sign off.... before I get kicked off.

Someone has a birthday today and the email address I had was not a good one. I haven't been on FB

You all take care - Hedgie enjoy the 02... sleep well.

See you all later.... I do miss not being on here but that is what a vacation is - a change of pace!
I don't really believe not having my blog friends at my fingertips is the change I want! lol

See you later xoxoxox ((hugs))

hedgie said...

We miss you, Jo!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn, Wanda, and Shirley, and maybe still Jo,

Just got back from my mammogram. Well, the "girls" have had their portrait taken, so we're good for another year. Hopefully there will be no call-backs! Went through a nightmare about 10 years ago. They took 2 extra views while I was there, just to be sure. Said I'd get the results in 10 days. Didn't hear a thing. By 2 weeks, I called my doctor. They hadn't heard from the radiologist. Was told no one else could see the films. After 3 weeks, they called me back in for re-takes. Waited another 10 days. Nothing... called doctor. After 2 weeks, called again--still nothing.
Long, miserable story short, it was a frantic FOURTEEN WEEKS before my doctor was able to get the results!
All was OK, thank GOD! Wondered at the time, though, what would have happened if something HAD been wrong! AAaaarrrgh!

Ms Bookworm said...

Poor Kathryn! Glad she's fallen asleep--that must mean the painkillers are working! Prayers that her situation improves rapidly!

Lynn, good idea having Carolyn come over when you're up on a ladder. Never can be too careful! Be sure to congratulate Carolyn again for me! SOOO habby she got the job!

Glad Jo is having so much fun. Hope there's no trouble visiting us here on dial-up! Miss you, Jo!

Ms Bookworm said...

Used to have a pet mantis when I was a kid--they ARE a bit scary at times! When the one I had was hungry, he would try to grab anything that moved! Speedy little rascal, too! Never got bitten, but surprised that I didn't, when I think back about it. Didn't know at the time that they'll eat hummers and baby birds! Yikes!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- guess I missed something somewhere. Is the O2 for just at night?

Ms Bookworm said...

When I was just out of high school, I got a job at Knott's Berry Farm. At the time, it was before they fenced the entire place in for security reasons. When we would go to our cars at night, there was often a big white rooster sitting on top of your car, claiming it as HIS territory! There were a lot of "free-range" chickens of all types there then. They got into the parking lots because of lack of fences. Talk about the battle of the century! Often had to get a security guard to chase the rooster away. Not an easy task! I can laugh about it NOW, though.

movin said...

Good morning again...

I "THINK" I just saw the oldest BWO chick return from her fledgling flight.

As near as I can tell with the 20 sec. delay, that's what happened.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula, just nighttime.

stronghunter said...


Just got back with a bunch of stuff from Costco. Went a little crazy, but now I have plenty of computer paper, toilet paper, underarm deodorant, bread, etc. Had to go there to pick up the prescriptions for Kathryn. She is relaxing and watching television. Tommy is on the way to pick up Hunter and come here. I have a lasagna I can pop in the oven.

Tom wants to go fishin' tonight at the city dock. I do not know why he wants to go outdoors in this heat.

stronghunter said...

Tommy and I will have to go pick up Kathryn's car at the hospital. I hate to think how hot it will be in there. It was 110 degrees on my car thermometer when I came out of Costco. That was the outdoor temp parked on the asphalt.

hedgie said...

Nestfull, now Jim! Very blurry.....can't tell if adults or chicks!

paula eagleholic said...

BWO has 3 chicks and one adult in the chick is laying down.

paula eagleholic said...

I use those windshield sunshades to keep my car cool...they really help.

Lolly said...

Well, I typed a message this morning but did not hit publish. LOL It was still here in the box when I returned just now. You get a fresh message.

My brother should be here anytime. They left at 8 this morning. Nice long drive from the bottom of Texas to the top! Well, not the top but close if you do not count Amarillo.

Apple slices is in the oven. Heading to Dallas about 4:30. Yuk, hate to think of the traffic.

paula eagleholic said...

Temp here is 102°

Lolly said...

Have always played with praying mantis, never had a problem. Great pictures, Bob!

hedgie said...

Lolly, when do you all pull out? In the morning?

Lolly said...

No, we are not leaving until Monday morning. My brother and his wife are coming in and will be here til Sunday morning. Laurel and the boys come Sunday night, we load up and head out Monday. We will be there all week, returning home on Saturday.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out early, going to meet John at his house and watch the boys for the evening...will check in later tonight...

Lolly said...

Last year Jack and I returned to the beach for a week in Sept. Not this year, heading your way instead.

Lolly said...

Yea, for Paula! Doing her grandmommy thing!

Lolly said...

96 here. You are hotter than we are.

Lynne2 said...

good RED hot FRY-day all!

101 on the porch.

Caterpillars are a big hit at Irvine!

SO sorry to hear the Kathryn is hurting...or was til pain meds. What's the treatment plan?

Irvine will NOT be hiring anyone this fall. Well, I shoulda known. I am too discouraged for works at this point.

Need to go get some things done....

Lynne2 said...

Hope Ajay is feeling a little better today Paula!

Lynne2 said...

OMG! I just checked on the caterpillars....25mms!!!! They are off the milkweed and climbing up the sides (I guess they didn't like the sticks I put in for them) and I suspect we'll be having chrysalis action any day now!

The 2 I took to Irvine a bit smaller, but we saw them molt...and sure enough they turned right around and ate the old skins!

Lolly said...

Shhhh! It is not, I repeat, do not scare it away.☺

Larry and Sandy are here. We are heading to Dallas. See you later!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I'm back again, after spending over 30 minutes on the phone talking to AT&T. We previously had long distance coverage with MCI (rather expensive), and changed to AT&T. Will be no monthly charge for long distance if no l/d calls, and 33 cents/minute if we do make one. Call took SO long because their computer was being updated or something. Just glad it got worked out--and they gave me a $27.00 credit to this month's bill for all my trouble! Can't complain! We have Verizon Friends & Family on our cell phones, and that way unlimited calling to the kids is free.

stronghunter said...

Waiting for Tom to get back here for supper.

Radio says 100 degrees in Martinsburg and Fredericksburg. It is awful out there.

Hunter is bouncing around the family room floor.

Tom just pulled into the driveway. Lasagna and shrimp and veggie munchies left over from bridge.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lynne,

I'm so disappointed that Irvine won't be hiring! They don't realize what a gem you are! Prayers continue that just the perfect job opportunity comes your way, SOON!

I'm hoping and praying, too, that Ajay is feeling better today. Gosh, Paula, hope it soon cools down for you guys! That's NASTY hot!

Not much cooler in your area, Lolly--don't worry! I won't say a word; wouldn't want to scare the rain away!

hedgie said...

Well, Lolly, when you are finished with the rain, please send it this way! Gotcha on the travel plans!

Lynne, that really stinks. I am SO sorry. Sure can understand your discouragement. :( Will sure keep praying that the right thing falls into your lap.
Cool about the caterpillars! Wonder if this heat hurries along their maturation process at all.

Hate to say it, under Lynne's circumstances, but Christie got a call today that the Human Resources director will be calling her next week about the job she appiled for---the guy today told her he thinks she's in!

hedgie said...

Shirley, enjoy your dinner. Nice to have part of the family there. Hope Kathryn is feeling better.

Paula, hope your presence this evening will give John some balance and relief!

Ms Bookworm said...


Golly, if it were 110 here, you'd probably have to shoot me! Is it humid too? YUCK! Hope you have A/C!
Paula, guess it's pretty hot where you are, too. Guess I'd better start doing a rain dance for you guys!
Lynne, it's lotsa fun watching those caterpillars!

Oops--Hubby just got home, and wants to go out to dinner! Will BBL! :o]

stronghunter said...

I do have AC, Andy, thank goodness!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I'm happy for Christie too! I guess my day will come.

Andy, it's not that they don't realized how fabulous I am, it's just that it's a non-profit and they have budget issues, especially in this economy.

hedgie said...

Well Lynne, times are tough all over...but someone who works as hard as you do and who is as knowledgeable as you are is a valuable assest even to a non-profit! It would be money well-spent!

hedgie said...

WOW---it's down to 95 here! Like a blast oven out there still. Gee, we MIGHT get precipitation late Sun. Rain dance time.

PA Nana said...

hi everyone. Need to catch up. bbl

stronghunter said...

Kathryn, Tom, and Hunter have headed home. I hope she gets a good night's sleep. She did get some rest today.

stronghunter said...

I told her that many of you expressed your concern about her. She appreciates it. It was good to see her relaxing today. She was uncomfortable when we were in Maggie Valley, and I was worried about her then.

hedgie said...

It's miserable to deal with, Shirley. I had a very tiny tear but a severe case of rotator cuff tendonitis. It took 2 cortisone injections to get it quieted down enough that I was functional. Bill had a huge tear, with surgery and even metal brads inserted into bone to reattach the muscle. AWFUL! I literally had to do almost everything for him for two weeks.

stronghunter said...

Tornado watch in New York City.

stronghunter said...

She didn't get a cortisone shot today. Maybe she should have.

Tom said she was crying because she was so much in pain. He told her to call me and go to the hospital. I got there pretty quickly. She really needed to have someone bring her home.

After all of the horror stories we told about medical workers, I want to say everyone was very kind and helpful today. They took good care of her at Mary Washington Hospital.

stronghunter said...

. . . in so much pain.

hedgie said...

I've always heard good things about M.W., Shirley.

PA Nana said...

Well, you are all lucky! My long post got lost in cyberspace.

To give you a synopsis: Congrats to Christie; Bob, great pictures especially the aliens; Paula my best to Ajay, John & kids. Kiss the boys for me; and Jo is enjoying the land of sand.

Lolly have a great week and hope Bonnie or her remmants don't put a damper on your vacation.

Okay, that's all folks! for now...

stronghunter said...

We've always had good experiences at Mary Washington, and we have been there quite a bit over the years.

stronghunter said...

About ready to head upstairs. It has been a busy day.

Good night and God bless.

NatureNut said...

Wanda, luv your caterpillar!!
Good Evening Everyone. Just got off phone w/daughter who's in a plane!They were on way to Atlanta for a wedding tomorrow, but had to land in Huntsville,AL due to bad weather.Were going to take off again~~I could hear Capt. telling how much fuel they just loaded! Do they have rain?????? Where's ours???
Hope Lolly and Jo have excellent vacations.
Restful, painfree night wished for Kathryn & Paula's DIL.
Fubby had to have rotator cuff surgery a few years ago~~he of course waited so long he tore up his stomach w/aspirin---ER trip for that!
Is it Friday??? No work this Sat.Gotta have 2nd course of dinner!

hedgie said...

Check it out:

Osprey pre-flight

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Kids are snoozing, toys picked up and put away. Took them to good ol' Mickey D's for dinner, then went to my house where we fed the dogs, threw them the ball, and played with the hose outside before coming back to John's house. Will be here for awhile till he gets off of work.

I'm going to pick up the boys again tomorrow evening and take them to the Thurmont Carnival...rides, food, fun!

Ajay is looking good...feeling much all pain meds except OTC.

Time to catch up on the blog!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, I have a house phone just for local calls, and it's an extra line in case the kids can't get me on the cell. I don't have any LD on it at all, use my cell phone for all LD.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry Kathryn is hurting, hope the pain meds help. Will she need surgery or PT?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I was watching the boys tonight because John was working...trying to give other grandparents a break!

John is working tomorrow too, so he will spend the night here with the boys, and take them to Ajay's Mom's house in the morning. I thought I could get the boys out tomorrow night so he could spend some time with Ajay.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I well understand the limits of Non profits in this economy. Volunteering there will be good on your resume!

Judie said...

Ah, I see 00Jo has arrived at her assigned location and has begun to do surveillance of the oceanfront. We await further reports.

Shirley, I am sorry about Kathryn and the pain she is experiencing. I hope she will be able to have restful sleep tonight. Am glad that she received good care at M.W.

Today was uneventful for me. Went to Macy's to buy a summer weight dark blouse -- another funeral tomorrow -- second in three weeks. I think no one should be allowed to die in summer as no one has funeral clothes for 100+ degree weather.

Hoping for good news for Christy.

Lynne, you day will come and it will be in spades! You've got the momsters and dadsters in your job corner.

Dana, how are you feeling? Better? Any test results?

Paula, I am sure John is grateful you were there to help out tonight.

Lolly, please send rain, please, please.

Okay, going to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in later. Pleasant dreams -- the sandperson calleth.

paula eagleholic said...

Sure wish Irvine Center was closer to here, Cohen would love it.

Anonymous said...

Hi ALL Just droped in long enough to say Hi. We both are still kicking here in Pa. I don't know yet but we may make it down to open house, if she can walk around good enough. You know it is alot of walking to got around in there. We both have birthday's comming up so I GOT TO NICE. HA HA HA yOU ALL HAVE A GOOD NIGHT

paula eagleholic said...

Hello, Bob, good to see you drop in! Glad you are still kicking!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Well Did you all see that bright moon tonight? Beautiful! We just got back from the boardwalk! Whoo Hoo! Was quite a breeze as usual coming off the ocean.. Came home with Fisches' popcorn. Good time with the family.

Going to be heading back the hallway - yepper I have a hallway here in this home also.

Good night everyone
Love ya and miss ya
I'll be back tomorrow...Take care
xoxoxoxo ((hugs)) Prayers for all

Ms Bookworm said...


I'm back. We went to El Torito for dinner--had steak & chicken fajitas--yum! (Had a nice discount coupon, too!)

Paula, we wanted to have the option of using AT&T for long distance, just in case our cell service went down for any reason. There's no l/d charge if we don't use it, and we almost ALWAYS use the cells for l/d. Once in a while a relative from PA or GA will give us a call and want a call back. The other l/d service was costing nearly $16/mo! Got it long ago when my Dad & Mom had the same provider. Got to call them as much as we wanted, for almost nothing. Somehow, never changed that service. (Could kick myself now!) Good thing I checked on it!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I have been out looking at the moon tonight...warm and breezy here!

hedgie said...

Hi to all coming in. And goodnight to those going out!
Hi ya' Crunch. Good to hear that you and Doris are kickin', but I sure hope you are doin' it inside where it's cool!!!!

Paula, glad that you were able to get the boys out of the house. Know they'll have a ball with you tomorrow night, too. What does John do? Does he always work evenings?

Andy, your dinner out sounds like it was tasty!

Jo, bet the moon WAS beautiful!!

hedgie said...

I suspect that Margy must have gone from work to spend her evening with James! Sure hope she didn't get called back in to work!

Lynne2 said...

Hey CrunchBob!!!! Nice to see you again!

Heading for bed, and then Terra Alta in the AM. UGH.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and stay cool and DRINK LOTS OF WATER.
Prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, John has 2 jobs...second one is at a local bar/restaurant...he does bartending and/or waiter...usually works Fri night/Sat/Sun.
Signing off here for now, John on his way home...catch ya'll tomorrow...heading to work for a couple of hours, then carnival tomorrow night.

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

BTW, so habby that Ajay is doing so much better! OTC pain meds only--already! That's great!

Hope Kathryn sleeps well tonight! Glad she got such good care at the hospital.

Dana, how are you doing? Hope you're feeling better.

Lynne, I agree with Judie--one of these days, you're going to get the job offer of a lifetime! I just KNOW you will! How are you doing with the poison ivy? Much improved, I pray!

Judie, sorry to hear you have to go to a funeral tomorrow--(((HUGS)))! I'm starting my rain dance now!

Good to see Crunch/Bob here again! Glad you're doing OK, and your wife, too! Take care, and please visit more often!

Mema Jo, sounds like you and the family are having a great time! That's great--can't wait to hear from you tomorrow.

Lynn, thanks for the "Osprey Pre-flight"! Really enjoyed it!

Well, think I'm going to catch up on some TV we've TiVoed. (Gee, hope I spelled that right. Is that a proper verb? Not sure it's in Webster's!)

Leaving the night light on for late-comers, and the porch light, too. The eye-scanner security is enabled, as well as Dana's thumbprint-scanner security. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll be talking to you tomorrow! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you guys!

P.S.--My avatar is a picture of a baby heron on the wire over our back yard. Above and to the right are 2 Mourning Doves, for size comparison.

hedgie said...

Heat index for tomorrow could be 110 in the city....yikes! Still 89 here now. Ridiculous...BUT---it's NOT snow!!!!!
Goodnight to all my dear friends. Bath time for me. See you tomorrow. Keep cool.....and remember, it will be Saturday!
Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

P.S. Judie, sorry that you have a funeral to go to---sympathies on the loss.

Lynne---maybe it will be cooler in Terra Alta! Safe trip!

Costume Lady said...

We had great fun and food at GG's this evening. She had some very funny stories to tell about Great-Grandchildren, too long to go into, but, she had us laughing hysterically! She didn't get into jammies and wish us a Good Night...stayed up til we all went home...after 8 o'clock! Ate well:)
Kids are amazed at her turn-around, she's even hearing better!


Good to have CRUNCH-BOB stop by.
Hope he and Doris can make it to Open House:)

magpie said...

Caboosing it now...came home to a computer with some error messages...
no worms or viruses, just some system errors

Been watching and listening to Loch Garten, first empty nest, then the youngest in the nest, squawking almost incessantly with the sounds of at least one or two others for quite some time
then Mom arrived with a wonderful fish, baby mantled it immediately, then another chick flew in but baby prevails! Dearest thing is, the gentler squawks now sound a little like our Palmer !

Two O's at Finland too..stunning !

magpie said...

would like to share prayers for the nephew of Mits's friend who died in sorry to hear of this
thank you Lynn for letting us know

magpie said...

am sorry for the disappointment regarding no funding...
and I agree with Judie and the others.....there is something spectacular out there for you...just working its way towards you

Shirley glad you could be there for Kathryn and her family, and praying for relief and comfort and healing very soon

great service there from you to your grand-little 'uns too, and John ♥
guess Gianni needs to be close to Mom doesn't she

magpie said...

nice avatar Andy...and that's a great comparison size reference...what a big baby heron that is !

so Jo is having a good time, Lolly is ready and rarin' to go.
Crunch Bob is trying to behave for the upcoming birthdays and thinking about Open House...
and Wanda and the Gang enjoyed their Family Friday Night Date Night

I did go straight to Berkeley Springs....went swimming with James at a friend's house with two other little boys..and loved the giggling sounds of kids playing

guess I better hit the sack now, one more dayshift....then maybe off for a couple...never know

Take Care all, Hope everyone is getting just the right kind of rest

Prayers abound for all our needs
and for many gifts given

missing those we have not seen on here "today" and other days too

If Ceil has Aquarium duty Saturday, hope it is wonderfully cool there for that

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

PA Nana said...

Time for me to turn in. My Miss Chevious fell asleep on the printer.

Prayers for all wants/needs. Catch you tomorrow.


magpie said...

Best wishes for a good, safe, healthy day

time for work here

xoxo ♥

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Prayers for the fallen soldier and his family and friends. Tragic loss of life.

Hi Bob, you need to visit more often.

Wanda, so happy GG continues to improve.

Hoping for continued improvement for Kathryn and Ajay.

Need to get myself ready to attend the funeral service. Internment not until Nov. so at least we won't have to be outside in this horrific heat.

Wishing a good day to everyone.

hedgie said...

Good morning. Hope everyone is well. It never went below 86 here last night. Made it through the night with the O2---did didn't bother me. The heat DID! Had to nudge air conditioning back a bit cooler around 4am.

hedgie said...

Wanda, good that GG has made this turn around. Hope that there are no more set backs.
Sis said that she had told Mom three times that she would be there at 1:30 yesterday for a 2pm departure time for Dr. apptmt. called her at 11am with 3rd notice. When she got there she was still in her bathrobe and hadn't had her shower----she forgot.....rather worrisome......but guess she deserves the right to forget at 92.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, my friends, it is going to be another HOT one today. It is 8:53am and 89° already! Don't go outside if you don't have to. It's a good "inside work day".

Costume Lady said...

Forgetfulness is the main reason that I drive in to GG's every day.
She still forgets what pills to take, even though they are separated by day in a pill pak..
You, Lynn, have seen what I do to get her to remember to take her Morning and Bedtime pills. This has been working very well for about 2 months now. She never misses taking them:)
When we have an appointment, I write it down, the day before (sticky note) and place it on the
table where she drinks her morning coffee and it has been working very well. I try to go in a little early, so that, if she has forgotten, we have time for her to get ready.
I still can't get over her sitting up til after 8pm with all of us. Enjoyed it sooo much. God is good:)

BEagle said...

Hello everyone and may everyone have a nice day despite the heat and ailments and concerns of life.
Prayers for all.

I did manage to take time to check up on the little chicks at the WE nest and watch the antics of the two homing eaglets on the TH nest.

There is not a concern for #07 at the WE nest. He's very much like Palmer when it comes to mantling.
His cry for food is hail and hearty and he is preening like a good little eagle.

Both adults are watching over him well, I guess until he recovers from his mishap, whatever it was.

There is a concern about #08 his brother. They have lost the mortalilty signal from his antenna but it's reported that it could be a malfunction or the antenna was dislodged.

Sure do miss Palmer and I know I'm not the only one.

Talk to you later and the best to you.

Costume Lady said...

OH, I think I just got some WAX... Need to think about what to do with it!:

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Just called Kathryn. She is better, but not perfect. She did not sleep much last night and thinks it might be because she slept during the day.

I don't know what further treatment she will need. She has to see an orthopedist to find out about that.

Thanks for all of the kind thoughts. She appreciates them and so do I.

hedgie said...

LOL....Hey, Judie...where's Darth??? He robbed a bank in NY and is on the run!!! Biggest mistake he made? He used a gun instead of a light saber!!

Costume Lady said...

LOL Judie will do a good job preparing his criminal defense. When she gets done DOUBLE-TALKING the Judge, he will throw the case out!

stronghunter said...

Wow! I saw that news story, Lynn, but I did not think about our Darth!
Yikes! Is he going to share the loot?

paula eagleholic said...


Hottest day of the year around these parts! Stay hydrated and stay cool!

Costume Lady said...

Judie, use the TEMPORARY INSANITY plea...that would go over well with the Jury...everyone knows that Darth weilds a Sabre...thus, the insanity plea;)

paula eagleholic said...

Hope that Liberty and Belle have found a shady spot down by the river, and that Palmer has found a cool spot as well on her travels!

stronghunter said...

Gotta go out before noon to get George's medication and food, but don't plan to spend any more time than necessary outdoors.

paula eagleholic said...

I missed the Darth story!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad your night with the O2 was good.

Judie, sorry about your loss.

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to get some watering done before i go to work for a couple of hours. Cohen watered my tomatoes and the dogs last night!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Ajay had the baby last night because she is back to nursing!

Talked to John last night, they will be coming home to their house tomorrow, she has some friends that will be able to stay with her throughout the week! She's habby!!

hedgie said...

OMG----news says that heat index in Martinsburg was 110 yesterday and will be worse today. Guess the vally just kind of traps it in.

paula eagleholic said...

We just announced the winners for our 2010 Osprey Chick-Naming Contest, and they are Amy Dixon and Leslie Peterse. The winning names were Hooper, Holland and Hope. Hooper and Holland are islands near Blackwater Refuge in the Chesapeake Bay (see the map). Visit our website for more contest details, and thanks to everyone who entered year:

stronghunter said...

Darth Robs a Bank

There is also talk of a bouquet bandit. Do we know where Megan is???

hedgie said...

Good names, Paula!
How did Gianni do with bottles while Ajay couldn't nurse? Assume she's been pumping to maintain production...
Wanda, I'll mention sticky notes to my sister. She did say, too, that mom was forgetting to take her meds some days, even tho' she has them all marked and ready.
Paula--Darth robbed a bank in NYC suburbs in full garb!

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Ajay is recovering, Paula.

hedgie said...

Wnada, you are in the money-----new thread yesterday and WAX today!!

stronghunter said...

Found on a blog:

(These are not my words!! But I thought it was worth sharing!!)

"APB:::: Be on the lookout for a man wearing a black helmet, a cape and some camo pants. Has been known to breath heavily with a synthesized voice. He goes by the name "Darth Vader" and drives a Tie Fighter. Police have searched his son's house "Luke" who denies him being his father. "Darth Vader", also owes back child support for abandoning Luke at an early age. Darth is also wanted by the U.S. governement for moving his money and property (The death star) to another galaxy to avoid paying taxes. The IRS has a lawsuit against the Galactic Empire and making a deal to release names of those citizens who have money hidden in off planet accounts. Approach with caution, he is considered armed and dangerous and can use mind altering tricks at short range to kill."

Read more:

stronghunter said...

Good names for the BWO youngsters.

stronghunter said...

Has anyone around here seen a tie fighter? If you do, get the license plate number!! If there is a license plate. Or does Darth flaunt that law too?

stronghunter said...

Maybe the tie fighter is hidden in the Minnesota woods along with a certain laundry machine and a Christmas garland.

Maybe he left the light saber there, which is why he had to use an ordinary weapon.

The mystery deepens.

stronghunter said...

Has anyone seen a bear driving a tie fighter and wielding a light saber?

stronghunter said...

Need to get decked out in my street clothes and go get cat supplies. They are in the dryer. Will have to let them cool down before I put them on. Too hot to do otherwise.

Clothes may actually dry faster on a clothesline today!!

stronghunter said...

Clothes are in the dryer, not the cat supplies!!

hedgie said...

Shirley...glad you clarified....was going to ask if the cat or the supplies were in the dryer!
I think Judie could have written that blog quote!! Funny. You're filling in for her today i the follow-ups, right??

stronghunter said...

Actually thought of Judie when I read it. Lynn.

My post is a good example of a pronoun antecedent problem. Maybe I will save it for later use.

stronghunter said...

I'm not abusing my cat. He is not in the dryer!!! He is most likely in my bed enjoying the air conditioning and the ceiling fan.

stronghunter said...


I'm leaving Will and George in control of the abode.

hedgie said...

It is too hot to be outside grilling...have beef ribs in the crock pot! Fresh corn and tomatoes that Carolyn picked up for me from the farm market yesterday will make for a yummy dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo....2 tomatoes ripening in my garden!

Decided not to go to work :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - Gianni did great with the bottles and formula...she's a little piglet :)

She has had bottles prior to this, but with Mommy's milk. And yup, Ajay was pumping and dumping!

stronghunter said...

Didn't put George on the ceiling fan, either!!

BBL. Must go. Vet is across town.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the Darth link....loved this line...

"He lost some authenticity points for a pair of camouflage pants"

Anonymous said...

Hi there Hedgie Yea mine is Aug.5 and Doris's is Aug.25.

hedgie said...

Crunch, email me with your email address, please!!

hedgie said...

Either on the momster mail (Yahoo) or click on my profile and then on Email. Maybe Mema Jo or Paula can see your whole email address on the roster on Yahoo, but I can't!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good early afternoon - not sure this will publish as my dial up just said it was about to close down.
I awaken this morning - I had a tree full of beautiful eagles in my dream!
I am having withdrawals!
Caught up on Lily and BWO names.

Judie when did Frank get home from NYC?

I am not doing much today - the heat is on! Be back this evening.

Lynn I will try to send you the email for Bob.

See you later.......

hedgie said...

This is the weekend of Deb's families' reunion and memorial in Colorado Springs. They will then move on to Yankton, SD next week for activities there, including meeting up with Janie for the osprey release. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jo. He sent it to me. Thanks anyway and thanks, Bob!
Will update the list in a little while, Jo!

stronghunter said...

Back from vet's. Also went to the farmer's market in downtown Fredericksburg. Bought some sunflowers, corn, tomatoes, and peaches. Wish I could get Megan flowers!

Thanks for the reminder about Deb's memorials, Lynn. Prayers for her family.

paula eagleholic said...

All 4 CT osprey have fledged

2 on BWO at present

movin said...



[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Got it, Jim, LOL

stronghunter said...

Think about those tomatoes I got at the farmer's market. Might have to fix a BLT soon.

I have much respect for those people out there in the heat selling their produce. The sunflowers I bought are appreciating the air conditioning.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Hubby and I are back from our weekly pilgrimage to Wal-Mart. I feel kind of guilty when I tell you that it's still only 65 degrees here! Sending prayers for cooling and rain your way!

So very sorry to hear of the soldier killed in Afghanistan! Prayers for the family and friends.

Hubby and I are BOTH going to don masks and gloves and man the hoses to clean up the yard again. Doggone those herons! A huge mess again.

Gosh, had no idea that bank robbing was one of Darth's many talents! Judie, with all your connections, hope you know a good attorney!

Think a raccoon was practicing his chip shots in the back yard last night. Found several large divots that he neglected to repair! Shame on him!

Hope all of you attempt to stay as cool as possible today, and drink LOTS of water! Doing my rain dance now! Will BBL to check in. :o]

stronghunter said...

That's "thinking about those tomatoes . . ."

stronghunter said...

Andy, you have an amazing variety of wildlife to deal with!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent w/ 2 chicks at BWO...I think 2 chicks have fledged

hedgie said...

Jim, I got it all except the last three letters......???

Poor profession of poop washer.....ugh.

stronghunter said...

Panda nap time here. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...

From Hornby:
We have posted a new thread on our forum that contains addresses and links that many of you have requested. Everyone who has registered at the forum has been approved, but some notification emails are apparently being blocked by ISP providers. Please try to log in with your chosen user name and password - you should find that you do have access. Thank you so much for your support!
Hornby Forum link

hedgie said...

Well DUH, Paula! TY!!

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. Well, I know I can trust the blog family so...Darth is somewhere in MN near a bear den. He has blocked the entrance with a deceased washing machine which blends into the woodland because of the rust. He has secured the den entrance with a shiny green Christmas garland that looks a lot like a caterpillar. The light saber was disguised as a gun. He didn't listen when I told him that was a stupid disguise. OOOPs -- gotta go -- Robert Shapiro is calling -- he has time because he quit on L. Lohan. Insanity defense -- oh yeah -- and I have over a year of blog posts to prove it!

Judie said...

A nice love story to share.

The memorial service this morning was for a former neighbor who helped Darth become involved in neighborhood watch. His first wife died about 12 years ago. Another neighbor, a lady about his age, was widowed at about the same time. Next thing we know, his car is parked in her driveway late at night and still there in the morning. Rumors were rampant with everyone pretending to be oblivious. Finally, they announced their marriage. They were married 9 years. Dave was 88 when he died last week.

Judie said...

Shirley, so happy to know your clothes, rather than George, were in the dryer. I was about to call the humane society. Glad you were able to get the supplies and in out of the heat. Give Kathryn my wishes for a speedy recovery.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi to those in Eagle Land smiles for those at the Beach (with my tongue hanging out) lol

MRI no surgery--dr. will continue to treat...appt Tuesday...found someone to drive me. She was nice and offered. Thank you GOD (:

Judie said...

Dana, do you have an actual diagnosis? What type of treatment? After all this time, do you need a second opinion? Maybe Lynn will have some thoughts. Just seems like a long time to have so much pain. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, hope the treatment plan helps!

Judie, nice story about your neighbor ♥

What about the camo pants???

hedgie said...

Judie, that is a sweet story of second chances.
And I knew that you would have a perfect story/alibi/hideaway for Darth! ROFL!
Dana, don't forget to find out what the med is he's going to use on your knee!

wvgal_dana said...

Andy have a "car washing for a fund raiser" many kids for things are looking for places to have one. That should clean up your yard lol

wvgal_dana said...

I am using my new laptop and things are working well. I'm use to the now pretty blue case. The other problem has been fixed. So onward I go.......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

wvgal_dana said...

I truly can't stand people that don't invite everyone in Eagle Land with them to the B lol

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Bonnie has been downgraded to a tropical depression, and should head inland over LA problem for Lolly.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm thinking they didn't take me caused I couldn't make up my mind who I wanted to go with. Since there was more than just Mema Jo going tee hee

Judie said...

Uh, camo pants?

Oh yes, well, this is what happened. Just before arriving at the bank, Darth got nervous because he wasn't sure the light saber disguised as a gun would be scary enough -- and it almost wasn't because that customer thought he was a joke. Well, Darth is getting on in years and he was nervous and he had forgotten his Depends so he had to change into the camo pants.

paula eagleholic said...

ROFL, Judie.

Hopefully he won't get caught like the flower bandit did! Mum's the word here. What kind of vacation are you taking with all that loot?

paula eagleholic said...

And you know, you have to take us with you!

stronghunter said...

Well, that was a nice panda nap. I woke up and realized it was pill time.

I see Judie has arrived on the scene.

Meanwhile, George has been looking in the dryer for cat supplies.

stronghunter said...

Sweet love story, Judie.

Judie said...

Hey Paula? How about we all make a trip to this quaint little place called Shepherdstown? I've heard nice things -- they even have eagles there.

wvgal_dana said...

We are Judie in Oct are you coming?

Watching Loch Garten all 3 in pic

wvgal_dana said...

Judie Judie Judie sweetie I have John Hopkings, my doctor and the one I was sent to that I'm at. All have same diagnois so I think Cervical and spinal stenosis is the diagnois by all of them. Thank you sweetie for caring so much.

stronghunter said...

Dana, I hope you feel much better soon.

wvgal_dana said...

One osprey has nice size fish and you know it is NOT sharing. One flew off maybe to get its own fish. Smaller osprey just looks on.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula is that a chick eating or a parent at Loch Garten. Did they have 3?

stronghunter said...

Dana, lovely tropical locations. I want to go to one of them.

hedgie said...

I am so confused. Dana was walking with a walker because of her neck???? No,no! I thought all of this was for the knee...was MRi of both??

Judie, just remember that if you smuggle Darth into S'town, see if you can get black sheets at Sheetz!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Shirley did you see my comment above to help you clean your yard?

stronghunter said...

I am confused about what has happened to Dana, too.

stronghunter said...

I think it was Andy who had yard problems, Dana. I would like to have so much wildlife to watch in my yard, though.

wvgal_dana said...

What so you mean Shirley "what has halppened to Dana"??

paula eagleholic said...

Heading out shortly to pick up Cohen and Brensin and head to the carnival. Will check in with you fine people later!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, loch garten has 3 chicks I think, not sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Parents eyes are yellow, chicks eyes are orange. Chicks have speckled coloring, parents have solid coloring.

wvgal_dana said...

Have fun Paula with the kids. I know you will (:

Oppps Shirley thought you had all the wildlife "pooping" in yard. I was the one confused. So Andy needs to let the kids have a "fund raising car wash in her yard".

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie I had to use the walker some around the house here.Took it along sometimes when I went out. Due to pain in spine heading down left into butt, knee, down leg and fire flying out foot. It can and has happened also with the right. This time left worse than right. My cervicl is neck pain, shoulders, down to elbow and arms and fire out fingers. I don't get shots like Wanda does for new knee. Other types plus burning of nerves and other treatment. I did have the MRI when I go this Tuesday he will show me what has become worse. Good news is I don't have to have surgery.

Food fly in at Loch! Wow FULL HOUSE!!

wvgal_dana said...

Darn I mean RIGHT SIDE this time

stronghunter said...

Judie, are you going to come to Shepherdstown in October? Looking forward to seeing you there. You need to bring Darth, too. It's important to keep moving around when you are on the lam. He can't stay at the Minnesota location indefinitely.

stronghunter said...

Got some salmon calling me from the refrigerator. . . corn, sliced and salmon. BBL.

hedgie said...

Oh, okay, I understand now, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone have an answer for heat rash all down arms, on chest and below that to stomach and shoulders?

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sitting in air condition with a light white sleeveless T on. Itch Itch scratch scratch!!

stronghunter said...

. . . sliced tomatoes.

stronghunter said...

Don't scratch, Dana! Maybe some baby powder.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Shirley I thought you was telling me to use sliced tomatoes on the rash lmbo

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...