Monday, July 05, 2010


Hot, hot, hot thread.


Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Steve! Hot hot hot!!!

stronghunter said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Bob.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, it's a scorcher out there!

stronghunter said...

Brought over from the old tread:


Took a panda nap. Finished reading a book. Fed George. Such a busy day.

I will call the Maytag man tomorrow morning. Maybe I won't need to send the dryer to the great northland.

Monday, July 05, 2010 5:30:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Going to find something to eat.

Bob Quinn said...

Scorcher today and worse tomorrow. Supposed to hit 102 in Alexandria. Please be careful out there and hydrate if ou do go out!

BEagle said...

Oh, a new thread!

Thank you very much Steve. Can't you throw a few ice cubes in next time? :)

I must have dozed while looking at wrens, and sparrows and .... what are those birds that are not a ducks that have the big feet?

Just kidding. The heat is making me dorggy.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle -

Great place to look up birds.

I think it's a house finch.

paula eagleholic said...


BEagle said...

I better go get my bottled water. Thanks Bob.

I am beginning to think we should not grill out. It's been really dry and we are doing charcoal.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

I think I will look at the finches but can they be that small?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread -
Hey There Bob! Great to see you are not out in this heat taking beautiful photos! I'm just praying that for no reason what-so-ever should I lose my electric power! It is sooooooooo
Dorggy today and Bob, I don't even think any birds are out flying!

BEagle said...

That's it Paula. A house finch!

Exactly the description I got. I had already tried that website but looked at wren and other small birds..not the finches.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - if the little bird's tail isn't pointing straight upward then I
would go for the House Finch.. with that redish head and breast.
Hope he sticks around so you can ID him

stronghunter said...

I think most of us would feel dorggy if we went outdoors today. Grilling would be hot work.

Mema Jo said...

Woopie! BEagle you have that House Finch.
My previous comment was too late!

Lynne2 said...

I think the bird is a house finch BEagle
House Finch
famous for building nests in hanging plants!

paula eagleholic said...

I had them a couple of years ago in my hanging fuschia!

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, I use that search feature where you can put in color, size, etc.

BEagle said...

The house finch is a distance from here but that picture fits the description. I will give my brother the website to look them up.

My son is doing the grilling and he can get dorggy.

paula eagleholic said...

Doggies here are whupped after all the company and activity yesterday! Me too!

paula eagleholic said...

If you check out their map, they are all over the US now

Lynne2 said...

well then, I just never learn to read all the way to the end before posting. I see we all figured the house finch out! I think they have a pretty song.

I'm feeling very droggy.

I have pretty much stopped using the dryer to save electric. Amazing how much less the bill is! I just hang everything now.

stronghunter said...

I have a clothesline in the basement and a hole in the ground out back to put it in. I may need to use it.

BEagle said...

Thanks for the house finch help!

I would love to hang my clothes out on the line. Makes your clothes fresh and airy (and makes them stand up too!)

Just cannot do. All the neighbors would see the bloomers.

BEagle said...

Oops. I think that is knickers!

Lynne2 said...

I use Downey fabric softener in the wash (put it in the little ball thing). It smells so good and really does keep the clothes much softer than just washing alone when you don't use the dryer.

Poor Steve. In the heat of the mid day while I was babysitting next door, he walked about a half mile up the road to where there is a huge patch of chicory so he could bring some home for me (I mentioned the other day how much I liked it) When I came home, he was so disappointed because he said it had all died. I hated to have to tell him that it closes up in the heat of the day and you don't see the flowers so it just looks dead!

He also gave himself his summer hair cut....BALD! I'll have to get a picture later!

stronghunter said...

Got one of those umbrella-type clotheslines. Could put the knickers on the inside where nobody could see them. We did not have a dryer when I was growing up. Everything just went out on the line. I would not want to put on jeans that had been on the line now, though.

Things should dry fast out there this week. It is like the inside of a clothes dryer.

Lynne2 said...

if you use the Downey, they don't get stiff ssShirley!

Lynne2 said...

I need some help....anyone have any good Crock Pot recipes?

NOAA has added some additional chances of rain for this week...20% on Wed Pm. 30% on Thurs, and 40 on Friday....there is hope.

Bob Quinn said...

Feeling a little dorggy. Gonna go get something to eat. Meanwhile, if you missed your local fireworks last night here are mine:


Lynne2 said...

beautiful pictures Bob! They look like crazy beautiful wildflowers! Thanks for sharing!

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Bob.

Lolly said...

Just watching the news and they were talking about the heat wave in the east. Sorry! We will continue to be cooler than you.

Just spent another hour out in the yard. Now watching the news and thinking of dinner. Jack said that this being the last day of the 4th holiday we should have an all American dinner....enchiladas and tacos. LOL

BEagle said...

I just ooh'd and ahhh'd through the fireworks. Thanks.

Lolly said...

Fantastic pictures, Bob. My fireworks pictures do not look like that. lol

BEagle said...

Someone said enchiladas and now I will have to go get the ingredients.


Lolly said...

I am beginning to worry about all of you feeling so dorggy.

Lolly said...

Oh, lovely! Just lovely! Oil is now showing up on Texas beaches. And, there is now another possibility of a storm out there. Sigh........

Lolly said...

Just saw this on fb

Lily the Black Bear July 5, 2010 (2:36 PM CDT) After much searching, we found Hope shortly after noon. She looks great but was very bothered by the numerous biting deer flies in the area. She shook her head each time they landed on her ears. -- SM

stronghunter said...

How close to the oil is the beach you go to, Lolly?

Might have to invest in some Downy, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

you need to get the little Downey Ball that you just put in with the wash when it starts and it opens all by itself at the rinse cycle..

I also unplug everything I'm not using...washer, dryer, computer, microwave...these things actually use some electricity even when not running.

Hadn't heard about oil on the Texas beaches Lolly, or the storm brewing. I'll have to read up on that.

stronghunter said...

Large rabbit is visiting again. I'll bet it's a momma bunny.

Lolly said...

The news said the oil was on the Galveston beach. We go to Port Aransas. Galveston is north of that. Not sure of the milage. Laurel is going to the Galveston beach weekend after next. She is going to the Houston area to visit college friends. One day will be at the Galveston beach.
Will just have to wait and see what developes at Port Aransas.

Lolly said...

Just heard Palmer.

We go to Pioneer Beach Resort at Aransas Pass. We take our trailer but Laurel and the boys stay in a cabin.

BEagle said...

Phoenix was feeding herself earlier while an adult looked on. Now being fed by the adult.

BEagle said...

What a cute picture on the BWO nest.

stronghunter said...

I remember when you went there last summer, Lolly.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve.

MT nest.

Okay, see you figured out House Finch.

Picture this: Shirley hangs her knickers on the inside of the umbrella clothesline, a wind storm springs up, and there are Shirley's knickers all in a twist.

Dorggy? Y'all gotta quit with those berries and such.

Wow. Enchiladas and tacos -- yummy.

Sorry, Lynne. No crock pot here. Well, maybe just me.

Off to check Bob's fireworks.

stronghunter said...

When our children were small, we did a lot of RVing, but we usually explored a lot of different places rather than going to the same places each year. We owned a 21-foot trailer. After the twins were born, we outgrew it.

stronghunter said...

Guess I'd better look out for windstorms, Judie. Surely don't want to have to untwist my knickers.

stronghunter said...

I do hope you do not have to deal with oil on your beach, Lolly.

BEagle said...

Don't get your knickers in a knott.

Judie said...

Shirley, haven't seen our thumper for about a month or more. Always worry because of the fox that visits. I always have carrots for it.

Heard on news that oil has reached TX. I simply cannot begin to comprehend the devastation now and for years to come. Hope Laurel's visit will not be affected. Are you planning to go to Aransas Pass?

Okay, really going to check out Bob's pictures this time.

BEagle said...

I don't know why I post it...I just heard Palmer, I am sure it is she.

magpie said...

check 'em out for me too Judie
can't venture to any links until I am sure all is well on the computer here
glad I was at GG's because I can't go see those pictures either :(

that AND the heat leaves one definitely feeling Dorggy

Sweet story about your Steve, Lynne
What a Guy!

You all take care....
back around in a little while

BEagle said...

Now I really hear her.

stronghunter said...

Palmer is calling!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like she clunked on top of the camera.

Mema Jo said...

Bob - your fireworks were spectacular!

I hear someone up there in the tree top

I am going to see what an 8:00 movie looks like -- I may be back sooner than what I think!

BEagle said...

Guess what. To all those who are tuned in...need I say more?

stronghunter said...

Fish delivery. Palmer took over.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Oh I thought she brought that in herself. Sorry.

Lolly said...

Yes, we are leaving Monday the 26th
for the beach. We have had reservations since last fall.

Guess I better go prepare dinner. Need to keep Jack happy!

Oh...meant to mention. I am going to be watching the Bachelorette this evening. They are in Portugal. I love Portugal, that was my first trip across the pond. Also, saw where they visit this "castle" in Senta, Portugal. It is a very colorful "castle". Well, we have been there!!!!! Loved it! So, if you watch the Bachelorette this evening look for the colorful "castle". Been there...done that!` And loved it! Have an amusing story about our visit there.

Palmer is in the nest. Adult delivered food. Palmer is chowing down!

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of this Palmer visit to the nest. There may not be many more. Also, I wanted to be sure that doubters see the letter "P" sideways at 9:00.

BEagle said...

Palmer is such a delight to watch. Even when she's gobbling her ... fish.

BEagle said...

That's a good picture. The A didn't shine as bright. Maybe it will yet though.

I am so glad we did not have to listen to the screaming for 3 hours.

BEagle said...

I mean, I don't mind her crying and all but 3 hours is too long. This time it only took what? Three minutes?

stronghunter said...

But she isn't satisfied, BEagle.

BEagle said...

What is that we hear and has Palmer's attention?

I hope everyone noticed the happy dance across the nest.

BEagle said...

Is it a dove?

BEagle said...

And off she goes.

stronghunter said...

Adult in the nest.

stronghunter said...


Costume Lady said...

Oh, Margy, so sorry you can't see the slideshow. If I email it to you, would you be able to see it then? I will try anyway.

I see Lynn is still not on here. She told us last night that she is just about to go crazy without her friends to chat with on here! She made bacon-wrapped- shrimp Sat. and wanted to say how much she enjoyed them (Paula's recipe), but couldn't. Amazing how close we all are. Our friends are right at our fingertips.

Lynn and Margy, both joined us at GG's yesterday. Love those girls like sisters! We had a little celebration for Margy's B'Day. Instead of cake, we had Apple Cobbler with vanilla ice cream:)
Margy and Lynn both had red, white and blue fingernails and Margy, also had matching toenails:)
GG joined us for a little while, and was happy to see Lynn and Margy again. Gene made her a G&T (I think) and it was so strong she said it made her throat and nose burn. I think it made her sleepy...she bugged out on us around 7 or 7:30:) She did wake up when the fireworks started and laid on the spare bedroom bed and watched them for awhile. She was in her PJ's and didn't want to come out.
Denise and her entourage joined us, but Karla was at the beach, so we were not a complete family:(

BEagle said...

Off goes the adult.

Judie said...

Watched Palmer eating. Yes, I actually could see the nest and its adorable teenager.

Definitely hoping the oil will not have any unpleasant effect on the trip, Lolly.

Nice fireworks, Bob. Also, how is your wife? Sarah? I am guessing she's all healed up and doing well?

Lynne, sweet story about the chicory.

Judie said...

Just watching the nest again. Boris is beginning to show his artistic creation. So, I got to wondering if Boris will feel lonely after Palmer leaves? Did he have a broken heart after Hidey departed? Does he pine for Belle and Lib when they are off doing adult eagle things in the summer? As the nest turns...

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

After viewing Bob's fireworks, I am ashamed to put mine on my blog...but, I did anyway...not THAT ashamed. I've never seen a picture of Bob's that I DIDN'T like:)
I put a slideshow of Gene's photos on facebook, then remembered that all of you aren't on FB, so I put it on my Just For Fun Blog. I need to check and see if it got there OK.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

No reason to be ashamed, Wanda. I thoroughly enjoyed your pictures. Would have enjoyed being there with you.

magpie said...

Wanda and Gene
great slide show...
I am changing passwords so I decided to go have a look!
Oh, to have been there..It was awesome!
Slug-Snail from you guys
Red-bellied Woodpecker Wind Chimes from Hedgie...
oh, and a book and a Whole Big Box of Oatmeal Creme Pies from you also! (don't think they will still be around for egg-laying season !)

It was a Great Gathering, and this captures a lot of it
you can feel the L♥ve coming through the camera lens


magpie said...

I can't change my verizon program passwords until after Tuesday due to the Frontier/Verizon changeover....

so I'm NOT SENDING any (more) emails now from there....Jo, I did send you one earlier but you can bypass if you want...
E-M, I have changed
slowly working my way through things

Yay some of you got to see the Eagles in the nest tonight!

ttfn xo

magpie said...

PS Wanda and Gene
I have started reading the book! ☺
taking an oatmeal creme pie to work with me at midnight ♥
short rest period until then

taking in all the news here...
sure sorry about any oil problems at the and appliance problems, and praying for health and happiness all around


Mema Jo said...

Returning after hubby and I watched a movie he had taped some time ago. We get all these tapes and it's rare we watch them.. summer is the best time to do so.

Costume Lady said...

What a sweet thing to say, Shirley. So next year, we'd love to have you join us...all of you dear ladies:) We have a front-row-seat to the fireworks. They are right across the road from GG's in a pasture field.

NatureNut said...

Hot Good Evening Everyone!!
Been doing this & that in & out today, working on email that wouldn't open, trying to play wren song & video that won't. Is it the heat???
Anyway, can't believe I go to work in AM. BOO

Put some of the photograper's eagle pics on blog & got a good one Saturday of a company down the road! Enjoy.....
Gotta do hair, it will never dry!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, chatty crew tonight!

I was tired, so I went upstairs to lay down and watch the news around 6:30..well here I am 4 hours later! This is why I don't nap!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, now I am dorggy.

Judie said...

Thank you, Wanda. Watching was much like visiting long-time friends.

BEagle said...

Well, I am feeling dorggy so I think I will go for a tpigjdpwm.

Sleep well and peaceful for God loves you.

Judie said...

Will be scouting out new burial grounds tomorrow as more room may be needed for deceased appliances. So, need to get some rest. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in. Hope Andy will set our alarm for us.

Until tomorrow...

stronghunter said...

Not sure where everybody has gone. I am going to head upstairs. See you tomorrow.

Please take care. Stay cool.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Bob your fireworks were just wonderful! The slideshow feature is really nice, never tried it before. The pics come up full screen and some music plays. Nice site feature!

paula eagleholic said...

I have got to get my pics from yesterday done, but I need a snack first!

Mema Jo said...

Well I know I posted a comment about hubby and I watching a movie he had taped.. That comment is no where to be found. Guess Blogger Cop ate it.

Mema Jo said...

Well now it posted okay.
I miss Hedgie/Lynn on here. Sure hope she gets up/running soon. I'll have to call her tomorrow if she doesn't.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is to be hotter than today.
My cats didn't really want outside today and I will keep them in again tomorrow.

magpie said...

can't seem to find the latest comments, hope when I sign in again I will...

magpie said...

nope I'm lost, might have to rethink this password thing

Best wishes for a good night's rest for all...
have a midnight shift to pull, eventually I really will be on dayshift

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Twice I have placed a comment here and then the count was like 87 -
Blogger Cop is eating them all.

Good Night All
Prayers for Karen & Kailey
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I don't think my comment will stay here after it is published......

Bad Bad Blogger Cop

Costume Lady said...

Where is everyone? Something doesn't seem right...can't find any posts since 9:37pm. Hope it's not my turn to lose internet!

I guess I might as well say goodnight.


paula eagleholic said...

The blog is all wigged out again!

NatureNut said...

What has happened to Blogger???? I just came back, saw my comment made a little after 10 PM, I think, refreshed & everything new is gone from about 9:30 on...!!??

paula eagleholic said...

Had 4 posts on here, don't see any of them, or anything from anyone else...

Posted July 4th pics to Paula's Prints!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kinda late again. We spent most of the day with Sis-in-law. Went out to breakfast, then came back to the house and chatted for the longest time. It was fun!

Had a LOT of birds here today--our Eurasian Collared Dove was back, too. There's been only one for a couple of weeks--hope the other one is on a nest somewhere! Still a lot of night herons--babies AND adults. Our Rufous Hummingbird takes a shower in the back yard sprinklers every morning--really cute! For some reason, he seems to prefer the Oriole feeder to the hummingbird feeder!--a real character.

Wish I'd been home to see Palmer this morning!...maybe tomorrow.

Bob, those fireworks pictures are spectacular!

Shirley, hope you get your dryer fixed up.

Gosh, I hope you folks back east get some kind of reprieve from the awful heat this week! Yuck! Please take care, and don't get heat exhaustion, or worse!

Well, pretty tired tonight, and in need of sleep. Think I'll call it quits for now. Prayers said for everyone. Leaving the night light on for lateniks, and the porch light, too. The eye scanner security is enabled. Sleep well, and have sweet dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, see you fine people tomorrow!

Oh, and thanks for all the Palmer posts!

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Have watched my trash tv for the night and now ready to head to bed.

Need to call carpet cleaners tomorrow and get them lined up. What I would really like is new carpet. Gotta, just gotta win the lottery!!!!!!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Lynn......WE MISS YOU! Excuse me for yelling....just hoping she could hear me! Nite!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

OK...did the RUSSIAN SPIES get everyone???????

Lolly said...

Okay, I posted a good nite on here and now it does not show. I think I am not getting all the messages. I really do not think it is this quiet on here.

Blog is going crazy!

NatureNut said...

HELP!!!! Everything past 9:30 has been lost! Is Blogger feeling Dorggy????

BEagle said...

My post didn't post.

NatureNut said...

I can read what I just posted, but nothing before that. I had mentioned that I put the pro photographer's eagle pics at Park on Blog & a cool July 4 display from crane company down the road.

BEagle said...

Is there a problem with the blog?

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good night all, the holiday weekend is over, and my alarm will be going off too soon. Hope everyones holiday was a good one. All the wonderful pictures seems to suggest a lot of fun was had.

BEagle said...


stronghunter said...

Got up to have a cup of tea. Still very quiet on here tonight.

See you later.

NatureNut said...

HELP!!!! The heat has made Blogger Dorggy!!!!

Don't know if we'll get anything back after 9:37PM, But I put photog's Park eagle pics on Blog & some other stuff.
Love Bob & Wanda's pics! ☺

BEagle said...

Palmer is on the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Palmer just got to nest about 10 minutes ago....heard all the fanfare while feeding dogs!

Where did everyone go last night? Last post I see is 9:37pm. then good nights, nothing at all as of right now!

Lynne2 said...

Palmer was eating....missed if it was food drop or her own food. Now she's just looking around, now picking again....

Lynne2 said...

OK, I see blogger is being evil again...I have a post showing in my email from Lori at 6:22am but not showing here....going back to email to investigate.

Lynne2 said...

OK, everyone's posts are in my email but not hear and clearly there was a problem last night as well/

Palmer just poofed!

Heading out with the dogs, hope blog stops being evil soon.

Lynne2 said...


Judie said...

Okay, where is everyone? I can't even find my last post from last night.

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

stronghunter said...

Testing, testing, testing . . .

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone! Let's see if I have troubles with this lovely blog too!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, that one posted but not sure if it will stay.

Mits said...

New thread is up, but still don't know if blog is working

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD******************************************************

Ragdoll said...

New thread Eagle Buddies. Come on over.

Lolly said...

Come on over!

News thread is up and it is working!

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up!!

Mema Jo said...

New thread is eating comments

Mema Jo said...


the count right now is 100 &
I think my comment is staying...

Lolly said...

Okay, Jo, here is another comment. Can not see your comments.

Mema Jo said...

I can see yours - at least for now - but mine have long gone!

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
What's going on with the blog?!! Made a comment last night, and hope it wasn't lost!

Have been running around doing errands, and catching up on housework today. Need to get ready to go to school now, but will be back after I get home from school tonight. Hope you guys get this comment!

Beautiful weather here today--it's still cloudy and 68 degrees! What a surprise! Expected warmer than that. Feel really sorry for you back east folks. Hope you stay indoors in front of a fan, with a LOT of water to drink! Wouldn't recommend going anywhere unless you absolutely HAVE to! Praying that you get a break in the weather!

Hubby just got home from work, so gotta run. Will be back later tonight. :o]

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...