Friday, February 13, 2009


Fresh thread. Still mighty windy.

I was walking out just after five last night and was able to watch on the NCTC closed circuit some interaction between our eagles that was facinating. The male was on the eggs and the famale came in, talking up a storm. The male got up, flew off. The yelling continued from the female for a few minutes.

When I walked outside, I could see the male perched above the nest. My only thought is that the female was telling her mate to get to work and fond a big fish for dinner. When I left, he wasn't yet listening to her...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


New thread. Windy day which has caused tech difficulties beyond our control.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday PM

Been one of those days thread.

I'm told we will have a new web address for the cam tomorrow. The guys have been working the kinks out of the system and this is part of that process. More when they send me the info.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Another cold morning in Shepherdstown. We're waiting for the possible third egg...

Fresh thread.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wednesday #2

For those of you who didn't hear the WV Public Radio piece on the eagle cam, here's a link.

Big thanks to our good friend Cecelia Mason for doing the story.


New thread.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...