Thursday, October 10, 2019

10-10 740am almost 3 min Shep arrived first then Bella  they were in the nest 7 min total Mostly standing around today Two small clips. You will notice this pesky Mockingbird also on the scene sitting on Stump most of the time when wasn't dive-bombing the lovely pair LOL

The ending short 33 seconds of standing on stump and then poofing

I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure  then you can scroll the 
pictures if you want

Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2006  She loved it so! 

I am sure JO  will approve of the blog being used like this  Well at least I hope so!

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Posting now because I waited yesterday to see if they showed up in the evening so not to double post But they didn't show so I will post now and if they show up later Will double post

5/5/24 botham and a different juvie

 622 scout to lop 817 am young eagle in the nest again. Poking around with old deer leg. 818 am moves to LOP then back down to nest. nibblin...