Thursday, May 07, 2015


New thread.  I am offline for several days, up in northwest Maine.


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Judie said...

Good late evening.

Thank you Steve for the fresh almost Friday thread. We appreciate very much.

So, new thread just in time for Sandperson. Says he is almost packed and ready to depart. Taking a feather to Jo so she will look extra beauteous tomorrow.

Restful sleep for all and prayers for Jo tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

At Angie find a new one

Thanks Steve

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much for honoring Hoda's request for this fresh new thread over on FB. Glad she caught you before you headed for the North Maine Woods.

I guess I can say again

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Well, guess I will comment here and the go back and read. Got my do done today! It is short but Jack has not commented. Wish I had curls like Jo. Hair is straight!!!

Has been an interesting evening. At 5:57 we had an earthquake. At .4 they say it was the largest in north Texas. The house shook! We heard and felt it! Wow!
Also, tornadoes north of us. Laurel's county, but it was northwest of her. Was going to watch Grey's but no, they covered the weather! Grrrr! Think they are showing it in the middle of the night and hopefully it will be recorded!

Janet said...

Good evening to all. Thanks to STEVE for the new thread.

*JUDYE: regarding your question about the it POSSIBLE the teacher was joking? if not, then imho, that was a bit presumptuous.

I have made it a lazy day. on the TENS unit again, hoping to head any further probs off at the pass.

wasted half the day with the headache. the kids and I got in the pool this afternoon. I was in about 2 hours and in that span, 8 wasps landed in the pool. all are now dead wasps. grrrrrr. REALLY dislike those things! nasty beasts!

this evening ran and got a coffee pot for the RV. the other one gave its last pot of coffee....and we won't be camping without coffee now. that would be just unthinkable!

looking forward to work tomorrow. JUDIE: tell that sandperson to bring it on!

KAY: enjoy your doggie bed and breakfast! i'll have one in JULY, but in addition to the two dogs will come 3 grandkids while the parents are in Jamaica.

Hugs and SED to all!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Lolly, earthquakes and tornadoes. Yikes!

Very sleepy. Must say good night.


Lolly said...

Wow, Kay called me young!!! Guess she has no ideal.....I am way up there!

For the record, we turned on the AC today for the first time. It was 84 and so humid! It was awful. Feels good now!

Lolly said...

Thunder rumbling! Storms headed our way. Not sure what we will get out if this, but this is more for the lakes!!

Night all! SED

Lolly said...

Okay.....has been pouring! Just stand at the window and watch. So very thankful!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have been MIA for a couple of days, but have been pretty busy getting new insurance coverage. We bundled our car and house insurance, and got better coverage for less money. Have still been fielding calls from all sorts of insurance agencies who refuse to give up on us. Hope the feeding frenzy dies down soon!

Got quite a few paintings and collector plates hung, and still have to decide how many more we want to hang.

Shirley, glad Hunter is OK now. Allergic reactions are no fun!
(Or was it the hamburger?)

Ooh, Lolly, hope you don't get too much rain! Our kids are under a flash flood warning until morning. The radar looks pretty intense where they are! Hopefully everyone still has their head above water! We're getting some rain here right now. It comes and goes, and sounds a bit intense at times. Supposed to continue tomorrow, then clear up for Saturday.


I think I missed someone else's, too, but can't remember whose.
Must go back and look!

Right now I need to get some sleep. Jo, prayers continue for you! Will be thinking of you too.
Bet your new "do" looks great! I'm jealous of your curls! Going to say goodnight and God bless. I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Fog delay!!! And Friday!! Woohoo!!

Jo, prayers for you and your doctors as you begin your cyberknife treatment.

Judy, about that teacher ... my guess is she was being sarcastic. problem is that little kids don't get sarcasm - one of the main reasons I moved from 5th grade to 8th grade. IMO, her comment was uncalled for. Teacher appreciation gifts are to be appreciated, not expected.

Well, the good news is I have finished drafting all 4 IEPs that I had to draft - ahead of schedule! The bad news is I found out earlier this week that I now have 2 more to write! One for my racist student whose mom has been saying all year that she would be removing him from special education services at the end of this school year b/c he doesn't want an IEP in high school. Now that he has been suspended for 10 days for various behavior incidents, she is reconsidering.

The other is for a young lady on the team who was just tested by the school psychologist and it has been determined that she qualifies for special education services. So I have to write her initial IEP since I know her and the high school shouldn't be expected to write an IEP for a brand new student.

Sigh - both IEPs will get written prior to the students' meetings (one on 5/19 and the other on 6/1) but these 2 will be even harder than the 4 I just finished!!

Have agreat day all.

Barbara said...

Steve, Northern Maine? Stop and see me on your way coming or going. I am in Scarborough, just south of Portland. 80's yesterday, 50's today and 60's tomorrow, then back to the steam heat.

I see our two chubbies napping up at 10 -- they sure look lazy and well-fed! I can't wait until they start becoming more active and strengthening their wings to learn to fly!

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all ♥

Good to see everyone on here as this
beautiful weather surrounds us.
Now Barb, wouldn't that have been a treat if Steve would stop by!

With my hair coming back curly - it is as if I had gotten a perm which I
never had to smell! It is the
salt/pepper appearance.

Yes, I am off this am to see the Cyber-Knife. Thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts. I'll
check in later this afternoon. ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, prayers traveling with you.

Wishing everyone, especially Jo, the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morn, Eagle Buds!!!

Kay's Doggy Bed, Breakfast and Beyond is off to a very laid back and peaceful start. We're about to go out for our first walk of the day together. Probably a short one as we're having an early heat wave and there is a smog alert for the first time since June 2013.

Thinking of and praying for JO!!!!

JANET, 2 dogs and 3 grands are for you youngun's, not this gal! My 5 grands now range in age from 20 to 26 and the greats haven't started to arrive.☺

LOLLY, to me you ARE young and you certainly are a very busy gal with energy I envy.

With the advent of Fracking earthquakes are popping up in a lot of places, OH, MI, OK, TX. Small and seldom damaging, but scary. Do we have to have a big one in order to wake up?

Will be lurking nest side....

Prayers for all in need!!!


paula eagleholic said...

Incoming nice fish! Great job Shep!

paula eagleholic said...

And there is Belle to claim it...let it go Shep...

paula eagleholic said...

Shep gone

paula eagleholic said...

Belle working on it...Kids haven't approached yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest getting messy with sticks...will be good practice for the eaglets.

paula eagleholic said...

Kids not hungry. Belle hanging onto the the treetops the ol eagle eye.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning the eagle screamin g

paula eagleholic said...

Think she was Talking to Shep....

JudyEddy said...

Belle seems disappointed that the kids aren't wanting to eat

JudyEddy said...

that was screaming not talking LOL

JudyEddy said...

I tried to get a good snip of her beak open but the live feed keeps goiong down after a few min

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Well, I thought maybe Belle was watching me as I set up my split screen so I could watch and blog at the same time.

Forgot to say thanks for the new thread to Steve and congratulations on the lovely new feather, Judie. Nice of you to pass it on to our Jo.

stronghunter said...

Nice of Hoda to request a new thread.

So happy you got your insurance mess taken care of, Andy. I was happy that my insurance company did not cancel when our neighbor's house burned, but then when I tried to change, State Farm would not bundle the car and homeowner's plan because of that fire, so now I do not have State Farm anymore. Insurance can be a frustrating mess at times, but it is necessary.

stronghunter said...

I am watching the two youngsters basking in the sun. They do not seem to interested in the food . . .oh, maybe so. One is eating the food offered by Belle.

JudyEddy said...

One is eating now

so glad they didn't turn the sound off the noise alerted me to the feeding

stronghunter said...

Doing some laundry this morning. Like Judie, I am doing smaller loads. Also experimenting with different cycles. There is a whole list of cycles I can choose from.

Kathryn said that she, Susan, and Steph are going to take me out for some kind of girl-thing for Mother's Day. I am thinking maybe to get nails done. I may need some gloves to do any gardening. I do not think I have ever had someone do my nails. Tried to get them done for my wedding, but the place I went did not do nails, so I did my own. I will keep you posted.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the tax confusion, Red. I should think it won't be much of a problem. I do like using Turbo Tax, and I hope it works for you from now on.

stronghunter said...

Big shake, some kind of noise. I had to turn the volume up a bit. Now I hear the eaglet chirping for lunch.

JudyEddy said...

RED My Dau said at the bottom to Turbo Tax that is a place to elect file your signature did you get to that process of the form if you did then it was filed E but you had to make sure you typed your name and said that was your signature SHIRLEY typing that just brought it back to mind

JudyEddy said...

Wow that fish went fast I was sitting here typing and making out the final bill for my roof the gutters and down spouts 92. and didn't notice it being eating all of it but maybe the tail there Kids are chilling at 9

stronghunter said...

Eagle Cartoon

Val sent me this cartoon recently. Thought it was pretty cute.

JudyEddy said...

adult back in and feeding one juvie and the other is hanging head down at 10

JudyEddy said...

PS and now back for more

cute cartoon SHIRLEY

headed to shower and then out the door

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
I am back from getting zapped =- only 4 more times~

Temperatures are starting to climb.

Glad you made it through the night Lolly without any more shaking

Time for lunch and then feet up for an hour.........

paula eagleholic said...

Cute Cartoon, Shirley.

glad you are back Jo...warm down here too!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Paper in the nest...square piece near the launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

LOL...the one at the 10 spot...don't think he could be any more relaxed!!

paula eagleholic said...

Think our eldest is trying to self feed at the 3 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in with fish....chalk up another delivery to Shep :)

paula eagleholic said...

No Belle to claim it this's headless....younger one checked it out....just laying in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Um make that the older one checked it out....he is darker than the second one...

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty soon they'll be rushing the parent to claim it and we'll see who gets it

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I think the white thing is a piece of ducky....ducky is not really identifiable anymore :)

JudyEddy said...

One chick is self feeding at 11

JudyEddy said...

At Angie's

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery restored to order.

Happy Jo reported in after meeting with cyberknife. Hope she had a good dinner without any work or cleanup.

Going to put my feet up. Watch some tv. Then to the pillows.

Sandperson is mucking around in the hall closet. Packing a satchel, I guess.

Restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! Before my eyes shut down, gotta tell you I've been on a couple "mini-field trips" this week. Walked around the Nature Study Trail at Park on Tuesday. Got finished w/work early today so went down to Merkle State Park to look for the annual Favorite Flower! There were some around and also met our Park secretary and her friend. Film will definitely be in the Nook before 11 PM tomorrow!
Have also been working on new flowers for deck pots. Getting what you're looking for is somewhat frustrating. Will do more window shopping!
God Bless Jo and her treatments~~
Prayers for All, SED ☺ ♥

Janet said...

good Friday evening to one and all.

was back at work today. shoulder sore as if someone punched the daylights out of it and off and on buzzing/tingling.

went to a new chiropractor this afternoon. this one has an agreement with massage envy and we as employees of such get a great price on adjustments. the lady was really nice and did a good job. a couple of other therapists had been there prior and recommended her.

shoulder is still sore, but better than it was.

getting excited about camping next week. I have my fishing license. will download a couple more books on my kindle. looking forward to seeing my friends at the annual gathering!!!! good times to be had by all. hopefully the weather is good. we about froze last year!

good night to all!

stronghunter said...

Watching TV in my bed this evening. Almost time for sleep. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all and SED

All is well - tomorrow is coming

Lolly said...

Hi all! Thought I would tell you about our Mother's Day Eve Eve from___l. First though....almost an inch of rain last night in 30 minutes! Yea!

Ok, today was lawn mowing day. Lawn mower would not start! Jack worked on it, still would not start. So, he took in in to the lawn mower repair. (A good ol guy!). First we had to load it into the back of Jack's truck. So, he drove the truck across the lawn making ruts. (Remember rained last night!) He back into the ditch and we pushed the lawn mower up a ramp into the back of the truck. More fun! He was gone for quite a while while I continued to work in the yard. They figured out it was a funky switch. No charge, Jack came home. We unloaded...down at the ditch again. Mower started up, I started mowing.....and Jack's truck was stuck!!! Back wheels making bigger and bigger holes. He wanted me to help, stopped the mower. My help did not help and mower would NOT start back up! Oh, joy! Neighbor from down the street stops to help. A guy we do not know as he lives half mile away at the end of our street. Truck is now out but mower will not jump start. We borrow mower from neighbor, finish the yard but by the time we finish it is 5:30 (we started this morning) and we are exhausted! Can not take the mower back to be repaired while we are gone as we certainly will not back into the ditch again anytime soon!

Such a lovely day....not!

Tomorrow the kids come. Have not straightened the house, have not baked, and Jack did not get his hair cut today. So,we do all that in the morning. Expecting kids after lunch. But, the lawn is mowed!!!😛

Heading to bed. No storms tonight...all north of us! More storms expected tomorrow and Sunday.
When we did go to bed last night we did hear the Burleson alarm signal and then a voice telling people to seek shelter. They must have a new speaker further out as we are 4 miles in the country? Nice way to go to bed!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - late signing on this AM though I have been up with the dogs since 6:15.

Have not watched our eaglets this past week - I'm surprised by how big they are and how dark their feathers are; also by how green the sycamore has gotten!

No schoolwork on my agenda this weekend! I really need to get outside and start working on cleaning up the gardens. This past winter was really hard on the shrubs and some need to be replaced. I also want to get my pots planted with annuals.

Have agreat day everyone.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Overcast and a bit gloomy.

Lolly? Very sorry about all the damage and inconvenience yesterday. Mowers can be repaired and grass will regrow. I do have a question. If family are arriving for Mother's Day, why are you cooking? Shouldn't they be cooking for you or taking you out?

Sandi, hoping you enjoy working in your yard. Always so satisfying to see how much as been accomplished.

May plant a few more herbs today. Taking life easy.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

All's well with my hounds--we've had a very quiet, peaceful 24 hours for which I'm very grateful.

LOLLY, sorry your Friday was not quiet and peaceful---hope this turns out to be a better day. Perhaps you can pull something out of the freezer to serve your Mother's Day visitors or perhaps they'll arrive with all the goodies one could want. Are they staying for dinner and the night?

SANDI, so glad you do not have to dwell on school matters and can enjoy a weekend of gardening and hopefully some relaxation as well.

JUDIE, hello dere! Wishing you a wonderful day, too!

Our eaglets seem to be a happy pair this morning as they grow like weeds from one day to the next!

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Birds are chirping. It is cloudy and looks like there might be rain in awhile.

Kathryn and Hunter are already at his baseball game. I am planning to go in a bit, just needed to sleep in this morning.

Every time I go out the front door, a robin flies across the yard and eyes me. I think there is a nest in the tree at the corner of the porch. The branches are so thick, it is impossible to see a nest. I have a feeder right next to the tree, so I filled it with seeds and mealworms.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, surely it is okay to relax and let others take care of you on Mother's Day.

Same here, Sandi, I need to work on my gardens. I have bought some seeds, and it is time to get them into the ground.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Love reading all about everyone's day
It is good to be able to share our
happenings with friends ♥

Yesterday Grannyblt aka Lynne was on FB briefly in the PM - she said it was rainy and 44° - Happy to see grands and family.

Kay - thankful that you had a good day with Penny and Malcolm. Hope the weather stays good for walking.

Lolly - Bad day at Hawkwood - sounds like you and Jack couldn't win for losing. Thank goodness for neighbors! Enjoy today and hope all goes well - relax and enjoy family.

My family will be here around 4-5:00 to "Celebrate Me" with Tacos. Yepper they know I love tacos!

Sandi - No school work this weekend is the best gift you could give yourself. I wish some WV visitors could surprise you !

Janet I am hoping the weather next weekend stays sunny for you. I can feel your excitement.

Judie - Taking life easy is the best thing to do on any day of the week !

Mema Jo said...

Today, May 9th is a Birthday in Heaven for our wonderful friend, Lynn Riner. I think of her every day
as I have her picture on my FB cover.
I am richer by far having her as my friend.

Miss You, Lynn ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! As for Mother's Day. Jack is doing the cooking! Guys will all do the clean up. I was baking as I have some bananas ready for banana nut bread. Laurel is bringing dessert. As for coming here, Michael is not in a situation for entertaining. Laurel works hard all week, runs boys, and really can not afford to feed the whole family. Love having them here. I especially like watching Zach have fun with Joseph and Jacob. He really loves his cousins and they love him and are so great with him.

Tomorrow We are pulling a special dinner out of the freezer and we start to pack! It will be a lazy day!

Mema Jo said...





JudyEddy said...

good afternoon eagle buds


watching WR and it SNOWING yikes

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I can feel the excitement in your post safe trip to you and yours

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are plotzed at 9 at

grannyblt said...

Good morning from Alaska. Cold and misting rain again today. Yesterday was its usual whirlwind with rushing about and grands activities. We went to a middle school band concert last night that lasted nearly 3 hours. Some of those young musicians are really talented. A friend of my youngest grand has an amazingly soulful jazzy voice. I expect to hear she will make it big someday. Maybe after the graduation ceremony next week I will get a chance to eagle hunt. Did see a lot of mew gulls yesterday.

Glad Jo is on her way to getting this nasty problem beaten.
It is 830 am and the family is finally stirring. Maybe the coffee is ready..

Lolly said...

Oh, Alaska! Awesome! And, time spent at kid's activities. That is even better!

Banana nut bread in the oven. Best recipe ever! It is Cream cheese Banana nut bread with a streusel topping and then a glaze. Boys will be excited as they love it! Recipe makes two loaves, so one will be for them to take home!

Jubby is vacuuming. Ready for family!!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Jo, thank you for posting about Lynn'w birthday. I did not earlier although I have the date on my calendar.

The Mother's Day gathering of family will be joyous and the tacos will be heavenly.

Good to know that Lynne is safely arrive in Alaska and enjoying family and grands.

Shirley, I would put a penny or two on that Robin having a nest in the tree. How nice. How did the baseball game end?

Happy Anniversary to Candy and Jim. Hoping the day is very special for you both.

Waiting to hear how Kay's Doggy B&B is doing today.

Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.


Lolly said...

Curse words!!! Things continue to go wrong! Just a minute ago noticed that Skippi's right front paw is twice the size it should be. She had this problem before! Poor baby! Monday we take her to the vet and just leave her for when we are gone. Can not expect girl from next door to be responsible. Oh, curse words! Did not want to board her for so long. And, to leave while she has a problem breaks my heart!

stronghunter said...


Baseball today was a double-header. Unfortunately, they lost both games. The other teams each had only the one game. I think our guys were pretty tired after the morning game.

The field is quite nice. It's in a very upscale neighborhood not too far from here. Joe Gibbs lived there when he was coaching the Redskins. We drove by his very nice house once a few years ago.

Oh my, Lolly, sorry about your kitty. Hope she recovers quickly.

Yes, Judie, I am quite sure we have a nest with baby robins. I saw an adult with food in its beak going into the top part of the tree. Might be able to see something from Hunter's bedroom window. Maybe. It's a pretty good spot for a nest since the branches are so thick. I have tried to find nests in those trees before but just can't see through all of those thick branches.

stronghunter said...

Tornadoes in Texas. Hope all is well with Lolly and her family.

JudyEddy said...

one of the eaglet is playing with a stick and it keeps landing on the other eaglet

JudyEddy said...

nibbling on greens and one wingersizing at 1

JudyEddy said...

looks like ducky is all over the nest in white stuffing

Red said...

Today Diane and I drove 75 miles east to my childhood church and cemetery to put flowers on my family's graves. The cemetery observes "Decoration Day"(a southern tradition) every year on Mothers Day. Met my brother and his wife there and a cousin and had a good time visiting with them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Mothers Day.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Red, what a nice visit you must have enjoyed with family. Yes, Decoration Day. A southern tradition I remember well.

Lolly, so sorry you continue to have a run of bad luck. Hope Skippi improves quickly.

Shirley, sorry Hunter's team lost both games.

For those who enjoyed Mother's Day today, I hope you had a wonderful time. For those tomorrow, also hope you have a wonderful day.

Headed to watch some mindless tv. Then to the pillows.

Sandperson is packed and will depart soon.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

sounds like you had a mighty fine time RED always good to connect with family and I have never heard of that I am from KY lived in OH and don't recall celebrating that day

LOLLY sure wish you could figure out what she is getting into to make her paws so bad poor little kitty I loved the video of the cat pole on FB cute indeed

JudyEddy said...

Hope everyone had a good day before and a good day tomorrow on mothers day Me of course working all the last min people will be in expecting things half price but they are so surprised that it isn't same ole stuff year after year

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Good Mother's Day Eve!
Happy Anniversary to Candy & Jim!♥
B'Day Prayers for Lynn up above and her family here. When I am outside, I look up at the sky and clouds and we have a little chat. Miss her so.
Lolly, your yummies sound so good and your trip planning is so exciting. Too bad kitty is ailing, but good she can be w/the vet.
We just had a kitty scare outside. Punkin put his head in the watering can (plastic) to drink some water drops. He had it on it's side, came out, went in it again and got stuck. There was thrashing and banging all over and he fell off the deck before I could get there. He finally got out and sat under car for awhile. All limbs seem OK. I brought him in the house. Always something!

HELLO to RED and family. Good to hear from you.

I will very soon get my pics in the Nook. Some are especially for Mother's Day. Enjoy when you can.
Prayers for ALL, & JO, & SED

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds

and Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there

hope everyone has a great day

both kids are laying down in the nest but awake side by side

JudyEddy said...

adult in with greenery

JudyEddy said...

and poof

JudyEddy said...

the cam shook so I guess to the attic and kids looked up

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Belated happy anniversary wishes for Candy and Jim.

And. happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there.

stronghunter said...

Need go move a bird feeder that is attracting squirrels and upsetting the robins nesting in the tree.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - Happy Mother's Day! Overcast here.

Did a lot of cleaning up fallen branches, trimming shrubs and digging up dead shrubs yesterday. The yellow pollen is still awful here.

Today, after a repair to the nail I cracked yesterday while gardening (GRRRRR), it's off to Lowes to buy replacement shrubs and flowers for my pots.

Lolly, I'm sorry to hear that Skippi is having problems with her paw again. As I recall, it took a long time and a lot of diligence to clear the problem up the last time. Sounds like the vet is the best place for her to stay while you're away.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers of human and/or critter children. May the day be especially nice for you.

Eaglets were side-by-side watching the world.

Loretta, sorry about Punkin but glad there was no injury. Looking forward to the pictures.

Sandi, sorry about the nail but I know you're happy to have some cleanup accomplished. Happy flower-finding.

Shirley, good to move the feeder. We certainly have to be diligent with the outdoor critters. Please let us know what the "surprise" is today.

No plans for today. Newspaper. Relaxing. Maybe begin "thinking" about what to keep/discard for professional books. Good actual job for next week.

Wishing everyone a very special day.

stronghunter said...

Hoping the squirrel did no damage to the bird babies or the nest. Adult birds were having a major fit. When I went outdoors, the feeder was swinging madly, and I spotted a squirrel sitting on the fence nearby. I'd had some concerns when I put food in the feeder so near the nest. I really cannot see the nest. Well, maybe, if I went out on the porch roof, but that is not going to happen.

My research tells me that many people think squirrels will eat baby birds, but some say they will not. I do not know.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this Mother's Day to all ♥ May everyone have a joyous day

Our eaglets getting fed side by side when I opened the cam. It looks as though they grew larger overnight.

My celebration yesterday was awesome.
Close to 20 family members were here and we had fun times and good TACOS!

Kay said...

Good Mother's Day Morning Eagle Buds and hope all Momsters have a wonderful holiday!!!

Since my Mother's Day was several days ago it seems a good day to write some thank-you notes. I will, no doubt, have several phone calls today so getting "stuff" done ahead of those grand conversations.

SHIRLEY, I've lived around a lot of squirrels in my day and the only ones I've seen eating birds are the two legged kind. Others may tell us if the four legged critters dine on meals most foul.

SANDI, sorry about the nail, but love reading about your Spring beautification work!

JO, hope the Mema Jo tribute day was a blessed one for you!

LOLLY, good timing for your kitties stay with the vet. That paw should be a lot better when you return.

JUDIE, good luck as you thin out those books n' papers. A necessary, but arduous, task as you prepare for the Big Move!

LORETTA, hope Punkin is doing okay today! I'll look forward to the next pics in The Nook.

JUDY, I'm guessing you are at work by now---can't imagine WallyWorld closing or letting Moms off for the day. See you at noon--what is planned for the evening?

LYNNE1, so nice to hear from you as you enjoy all Alaska and those wonderful kids have to offer. Great way to spend Mother's Day!!!

RED, that is a nice old tradition and a great way to enjoy mini-family reunions at the same time.

Our family is double rejoicing as Eileen's daughter Dana donned a cap and gown once more, receiving her Masters Degree in Speech Therapy at the U of CO yesterday. She already has a peachy keen job at an adult rehab facility in Davis, CA. One grand well launched and four to go!!!

Eileen is enjoying good company this weekend as my dil, Beth, is with her in Grand Rapids. Beth was in Ann Arbor to deliver a speech to some fellow Political Scientists, so rented a car and included W. MI in her plans. Two lovely mothers celebrating together!

Guess I should close out this novelette! But not without giving our regal Belle a pat on the back for being a mother extraordinaire`. She's proven that year after year!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds I see flat ducky next to the eagle looks all unstuffed lol

NatureNut said...

Happy Mother's Day to Everyone!
Finally got a set (the best ones) in the Nook. Sorry so late. Had to be car mechanic's helper today putting brake back together.
Have another set all ready to put on, but need to go outside for a bit and check new plants. I got mulch for all the pots to keep out those dreaded maple keys!!!Why can't the birds be trained to eat them????

Fubby bought us 2 lobster tails for Mom's Day! Now I have to brush up on which recipe to use!!

Lolly said...

Tornado has passed thru Denton. Kids safe but storm headed towards Andy's family now. Prayers!

Lolly said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Skippi's paw is better today. Probably back to plan one.

We started packing after church. Lol we were through in minutes. Think we were ready?

Had an awesome time yesterday! Laurel and family, knowing we were leaving, did not bring flowers. Instead they brought Skippi a tower. Love it!

Michael brought me a beautiful orchid plant. It has 8 blooms. Also, Ash sent Laurel and I new framed pictures of Zach. Jack cooked me a delicious breakfast.

JudyEddy said...

Howdy eagle partners

I got home my cam has been running for almost 10 hrs now odd huh and its windy out so what gives with that

YEP work was as always crowded with last min flower and car buyers I have never been able to understand that why the last min rush You knew the day was coming why wait and put yourself through the aggervation of last min stuff I will never know Someone at worked made a very bad joke about that why people wait I told them so that it was in bad taste also

JudyEddy said...

check out google for MDay

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Just wanted to mention that I put my other pics in the Nook also.

Time to wrestle w/the lobsters!!!!

Judie said...

Good early evening to all.

So hope that everyone had a truly wonderful day, Mothers or not. I think Belle had a great day and she deserves our appreciation for being a terrific mom.

Loretta, will check out Nook pictures. Thank you.

A bit weary tonight. May check out PBS then find the pillows.

Sandperson is waking up and muttering about packing a satchel.

Restful sleep for all. Happy Mother's Day.

Mema Jo said...

5/10 We have gained an increase in the fund raising for our Eagle Cam Equipment

Collected: $2,690.00
Goal: $5,000.00 54%

Mema Jo said...

I'm off to see more of your NOOK
The ones there this morning were
exceptional...... Loved the Fox Kit

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Very busy day here. My surprise with the girls was a facial. Kathryn thought I had said at some point that I didn't like having people mess with my feet, so she thought I wouldn't want a pedicure. I do not recall saying that, but the facial was nice. I had never had one before. Kathryn, Susan and Stephanie got various things done--Kathryn a pedicure and a facial, Susan a pedicure, and Stephanie a massage. Keshia joined us as well, as did Stephanie's two daughters. All of the little girls got their nails done. They have a special price for little girls. (Stephanie is Will's girlfriend.)

We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings--just us girls. Then we came home, where we met Rus and Hunter. Rus had brought his remote control planes, so he flew one of his helicopters for the children. Then there was grocery shopping and cooking of dinner--chicken, asparagus, and a salad with beans, corn, peppers, and lots of good stuff.

It was great to see everyone. Now, I am tired and ready for sleep. Happy Mother's Day, everyone. Whether you are a mother or not, I hope you had a nice day with someone you love. SED. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Will had to work today, but he joined us for the evening activities. It was the first time I had met Stephanie's daughters, and I enjoyed seeing them interact with Will.

Janet said...

good evening to all and a late HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to one and all!

its been a lovely day. we were up early and went over to Chelsea's and put her lighthouse together while she was away at mia's soccer game.

tom and I ran to Walmart and picked up a couple of things and we were home by 10 a.m.

I hoped Chelsea would go by her house before she came here.....but she didn't. :/

I had a lovely day with my kids. my son in law cooked dinner. I enjoyed time with them all.

Chelsea finally got home about 9:30 tonight and finally saw her gift. she says she loves it. :)

busy day tomorrow. back to the chiropractor....livvy has her allergy shots and an orthodontist appt. wheeeee!

tom accidentally broke a valve stem on the rv tonight trying to air up a tire.....this is a problem. we were debating putting new tires on the back....(it has 4 on the back, two on the front)....and I think this has pushed him to go ahead and do this. I am supposed to go camping Wednesday. thankfully it happened today, not Tuesday.

I still have to pack the RV, but i'm not taking much. it'll be just me myself and I until Friday night. tom and livvy will join me for dinner thurs night....but other than that, me and the folks I hang with at our annual gathering!

hoping the weather holds.....

cold front coming thru tomorrow. we could use a shower.

good night to all. hope everyone had a lovely day!

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say

Goodnight to all ♥
Pleasant dreams and a refreshing

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Got all of the flowers purchased for my pots but by the time we got home, I didn't have the energy to empty all the pots, put in the new potting soil, and plant the plants.

Kevin bought me flowers and picked up Chinese carryout and we had a video chat with Brian and Miss Freyja.

Lolly, do you leave today???? Have a wonderful time on your trip!

Another work week - have agood one!

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

Poor Angie was down with her back yesterday and has appt with chiropractor today

Tommy stopped by bearing gifts had a nice visit with him

Barbara said...

Looks like our Eagle Mom feeding the big yellow feetsies. They are almost as big as she is! Lots of food in the pantry, so I hope Belle was relaxing on her day and being fed.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

What a serene scene at Sycamore Palace. A parent sitting nearby while two eaglets sleep in filtered sunlight.

All's well with KDBB&B. Malcolm has been a bit off his feed, as dogs seem to be when their family goes away, but today he's eating. Yeah!

SANDI, I like the sounds of your Mother's Day! Seeing both your boys and Freyja, a good Chinese meal and the purchase of flowers--that's a purty good day!

JUDY, prayers for Angie in hopes the chiropractor is able to make a good adjustment. S'wonderful that Tommy came by to honor his mother!

One dog on my lap, the other whining at my side--must be time for an outing or some play or some loving. I'll try to determine which.....

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Another day for the Cyber - he's my robot friend. lol

Calls for some rain later - I'll wait to water outside plants - maybe I won't need to if it rains.

Our two eaglets are growing and growing. Wont be long until they are juvies!

I'll be back later this afternoon.
Good wishes for all to have a fantastic day....... ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! We leave tomorrow! Tomorrow afternoon. Wahoo! Leaving Skippi at home, Macie from next door (13) is coming to check on her and play a little. Skippi is such a social kitty, loves everyone. Hope she is not too lonely. But, better than boarding her. Her paw is doing fine. .???

Calm and beautiful today after yesterday's storms. Rain, wind, hail and tornadoes. Lots of folks have clean up today including us since the neighbors' tree fell, taking a big limb off one of our Redbuds as well as damaging the fence. No rain today, but it starts again tomorrow evening.

Today is cool! Presently 66.

Gotta get busy!

paula eagleholic said...

And a Happy Belated Mothers Day!

Lolly and Jack! Enjoy the trip! Is it for 2 weeks?

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

2 down and 3 to go with Cyber Robot

I usually treat myself afterwards
with an ice cream cone.

Now I think I want my feet up for
a little while.

BBL sometime today and IF I DON'T MAKE IT - know that I am thinking of you. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. Watching one of the eaglets doing some impressive wingercizing. Recorded with my camera. Will post it in a little while.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I was thinking your were talking about the blog robot...not the cyber knife robot! Forgot your treatments are all in a row!

paula eagleholic said...

I see it's sunny at the nest...we are getting some rain from the leftover tropical can wash away all this pine pollen! It is literally blowing around in clouds down here! Doesn't bother me, but I know it bothers many others.

JudyEddy said...

adult in

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in the nest feeding eaglets

paula eagleholic said...

Hi ya Judy :)

JudyEddy said...

HI PAULA I can't believe its 85° at the nest eagle look HOT

Lolly said...

Everything is checked!!! We are ready! Waiting for Macie to come over and go over everything again with her!

We return the 28th. So, we are gone a little over 2 weeks. We will have wifi at the apartment, so will post pictures in the evenings. Also, we can receive and send email. Taking iPad and of course have my phone.

High today 72, we have standing water. Not turning on the sprinkler system.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY safe trip and can't wait to see pic and hear about your adventures we will live vicariously through your pictures

JudyEddy said...

we are 87° heat index 92° Hi is suppose to be 90 tomorrow in some areas We didn't get spring this year summer already

Belle is eating the chicks had their fill hard to believe huh both on the edge at 11 watching mom eat

JudyEddy said...

One of the eaglets decided that there was a small spot in his crop that needed some food

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hope everybody had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Ken took me to brunch/lunch at Watson's Drugs in the City of Orange. They have been in business for over 100 years, and they have a soda fountain and diner. Delicious food! I had a bacon/avocado hamburger with fries. YUM!! Ken also made dinner last night. That was yummy too!

We have been doing our walking at the Santa Ana riverbed lately, since the weather is cooler. We are keeping our eyes on 4 Canada Geese and a bunch of brown (and also white) pelicans! There are too many of them to count. There are also a number of mallard families with babies, egrets, great blue herons, and turkey vultures.

Yesterday we ran into our nephew Sean and his girlfriend Sarah while on our walk. Sean's new rental house is less than 10 minutes from ours.

Lolly, the kids (in Providence Village) had a huge rain-and-wind storm go over their house yesterday! Their yard is so soggy and flooded that Jen said her feet sink in when she walks out into their back yard! So far they're OK, though, but they have more rain in the forecast!
The huge "lake" behind their property has not soaked in at all yet, either. I worry about possible sinkholes! Prayers, please, if you are prompted. They are under a flash flood watch for the next 2 days!

Well, I'd better get going. Have some chores to finish. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!

DanaMo said...

Hi all!
JudyE said I should stop in and say hello for the non-facebookers :)

All is well in Hagerstown. I am impatiently waiting for my ducklings to hatch. Looks like I have 4 eggs that are going to hatch if nothing goes wrong between now and next week. I will worry until then.
I'm loving the heat!! So glad that the weather is finally nice. I was even in the pool over the weekend.

Happy Mother's Day to all the eagle moms!

Dad is doing well. The spot in his spine was cancer, but they felt very confident that radiation would get rid of it. He had 10 treatments and is doing well. He doesn't seem to be having the blood issues right now. Each week his numbers have been up and Mom and Dad are actually going on a trip to FL this week for a friend's birthday party. I'm glad they are going and having fun. My dad is LIVING with cancer. Most important thing of all!

I have my Aric home and Andrew and his girlfriend will be moving from CA to PA at the end of May.

That's all for now.

NCSuzan said...

A belated but heartfelt Happy Mothers Day!

Jo, thinking of you and knowing good results will be the answer.

Lolly, have a great trip. I am so excited for you.

Sounds like everyone else is doing well and staying busy. Our eagles are doing well too and it won't be long before they will be gone. This time of year goes sooo fast.

So happy to see Red here. Sounds like he is doing well too.

Have been cleaning my closet. I am not happy! LOL

Take care.

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Andy, sure hope the weather will not be a serious ongoing problem. Weather in the western States is just crazy scary. Now beginning to worry about Kay and folks in Ohio. Any update on the insurance issue?

Safe travels Lolly.

Hi Suzan,Dana, and Judy. I see Paula stopped by, also.

Glad Jo has two cyber visits down with only two remaining. Yes, an ice cream cone would be well-deserved.

One of the two eaglets at Berry College has fledged.

Sandperson is almost packed and ready to depart. I am headed to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

I have been instructed to show my face here to prove to the NON Facebookers that I AM ALIVE! I am ashamed of myself thinking how long it has been. I have fallen into the Facebook trap!

All is well. Well, all is NOT well, but we keep smiling!

Work has been crazy busy and I don't get chances to do much on the computer but I watch our babies! My boss actually put a new virus thingy on my computer so "now when I watch the birds I won't bring in a virus". LOL!!! BUSTED!!

At home we are fostering a dog from the Cocker rescue (some of you have seen him on FB) named Henry.

AND....we are trying to keep my in-laws in line! LOL! We went to help them move out of the "winter" digs to the house last weekend. I'll spare the details. LOL! My mother in law said, and I quote-"The next time I move out of this house it will be in my coffin". Steve is back up there this week trying to help get them organized. Norm's got a very sore neck and it needs surgery, Jan's got a torn rotator cuff....OMG! And they still think they'll put the house back on the market this summer. HA! We flat out told them they need to start now to figure out what will happen next winter. They need HELP!!!

Anyway, you are always in my thoughts and prayers even if I'm not here.

Have a great trip Queenie! Send me some postcards!

Janet said...

good evening to all.

yanno, I was recently thinking....... this blog sure doesn't chat up like it used to ... and... where is everyone? facebook. I get on facebook, but typically not the chat portion.

busy busy day. livvy's allergy shot. livvy's orthodontist appointment Janet's chiropractic appointment. home school.

tom had good year come out and put four new tires on the back of the RV. problem solved on many levels.

now the power is on and I have mostly packed. its a short trip and mostly only me...tom will join me Friday and sat night. I don't need a lot.

looking forward to seeing my friends over the next few days....after 7 years of attending this festival I have made a few pals. seminars. tuatha dea! and some fishing!

i'm glad people are checking in over many whom I miss seeing....

have a great night's sleep to all!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Janet, you sister is threatening us!

Hope you have a great vacation! Sounds like fun!

JudyEddy said...



Just wanted them to know that they are missed here They are part of our family and there are some not on facebook that may like to hear from them The threats still stand LOL

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night.

So good to see messages from Dana and Lynne2. I do see you all on FB, but this feels more personal.

SED, everyone.

I will be bowling tomorrow . . . Val and Julie are bowling in a summer league, and Val called and asked if I could substitute on their team.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I'll check you all out in the morning..

Have a wonderful trip Lolly and Jack

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night! We are so excited and so ready!

Just think.....17 days of fun!!!

When we return it will be back to planting pots, mowing......etc!

Night all SED!

grannyblt said...

Good evening folks, although I guess it is morning for most of you.

Mothers Day found me spoiled by daughter Katie and family. My son in law, Patrick, made sausage and gravy over biscuits for breakfast, and the day got even better. We did a bit of sightseeing, but it was very windy for outdoor activities. Today the weather was finally nice as we prepare for the big day tomorrow when "T" of BLT graduates. Then Wed.Katie and Pat go away for a few days r&r to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I will stay here herding 3 teens and an Irish Setter. I haven't seen any Eagles yet--maybe next week .
Hope Lolly and Jack have a wonderful trip.
Glad to see that Judy evidently built a fire under some of you. Do drop in more often if you can.
Time to turn out the light here. SED

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, keep on keepin on - prayers continue.

Lolly, have a wonderful time - safe travels!

Dana, what great news about your dad and about Andrew and girlfriend moving east! PA to MD is a short trip!

Lynne1, enjoy your family time!

Lynne2, thanks for checking in. Where is the in-laws' summer home? Close to you and Steve?

Nothing new with me - state testing all week again. UGG! New ELA teacher is settling in with the kids. Haven't heard anything from BFF that's fine with me. 22 more school days.

Have agood one.

DanaMo said...

Sandi-My count is 18!!! Yay! And that includes two full day field trips. I am very ready for the year to be over. Already gearing up with kinder testing for next years students!
Today I will be displaced all day! Imagine that with 23 5 year olds! God help me. They are putting new windows in my classroom, so the kids and I have to move to another room for the day. It's going to be crazy. Why you ask are they not waiting for summer? Who the hell knows. Sometimes I think the powers to be have no brains in their heads.

Is it Friday yet?

I can't believe how big our babies are! I do watch even if I don't check in often.

Love you all!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle Buds

72° at the nest this am

so happy that DANAMO and LYNNE2 has stopped to see us

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are at 9 side by side good old buds

JudyEddy said...

Belle in with more GREENS lots of them

JudyEddy said...

and poof

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having my coffee and observing two flopped eaglets. I see that Judy saw some greens come in. It seems that the eagle children have decided to flop right on top of those green leaves.

stronghunter said...

Supposed to be hot today. Looks pretty cloudy out there, so is likely to be pretty humid as well. I will be off to the bowling alley today to join the Lunch and Bowl group.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, have a wonderful day. I like the name Lunch Bowl for your team. Just enjoy and have fun. Sunshiny here but forecast is for very hot and humid.

Safe trip for Lolly and Jack.

Dana, classrooms in one of the university buildings was upgraded and modernized. Guess what? When showing a video, there was no way to dim the lights (windowless room) so either total darkness or washed out screen. Did anyone ask the classroom teachers before remodeling? Nope!

Sandi, not a fun time but a last time. Hurray! You can see the light at the end of the school year.

Lynne, sounds as if you are having a grand time with family. Enjoy every moment.

Will be thinking of Jo today. Prayers continue.

Eaglets were at the top of the nest. One in full view and the other just big ole feets.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
no appointments for today - I have a free day then a busy Thurs & Fri.

Janet made a lighthouse out of flower pots that she painted and I really love it. Pics are on FB as it was a mother's day gift for her daughter.

It is so good to have bloggers return to chat - Shirley said it well.....We see you all on FB, but this feels more personal ♥

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to say that Wed is also busy for me... I got a day ahead of myself.

Lolly and Jack - ENJOY - Happy that
Skippi has a cat sitter.

GrannyBLT - Sounds as though you are having a very wonderful time. Those
teenagers will keep you young !

Mema Jo said...

Greens and more greens into the nest
I think we may have had some rain
I see Ducky in the nest at 3:00.
I would love to have had someone
record his arrival to our nest!

stronghunter said...

Love the way they forget to ask classroom teachers about what might work best, Judie. Guess you could put a lamp in the room. I actually did that in my classroom--but it was my room all day. It is not comfortable to be in a totally dark room with a bunch of teenagers.

Many years ago, I had one central office person come into my room and comment that I did not have the screen for my movies in the proper place. It should, she said, be in front of the window because of the light coming in there. She had read that in a book somewhere, I guess, but since I had room-darkening shades, it did not matter. Also, it is a bit disruptive when a bunch of teenagers have to move their desks to watch a movie. However, some people just need to have some criticism to provide. It is their job, after all.

stronghunter said...

Need to get ready for bowling.

Hope you enjoy your calm day, Jo.

Janet said...

morning to all.

JO: Thank you. I tired to post on my blog, for the non fb-ers, but it won't take the pix. will continue to attempt to do so.

technology. bah. humbug. wonderful and frustrating all at the same time.

gorgeous day here. taking livvy for her Nashville shores (water park) pass this morning. a little packing to do. some yard work...and some pool time. imagine that.

much cooler than yesterday, but the sun is out.

must finish consuming the coffee so I can become human once again...

thinking of each of you..wishing you a beautiful day, with safe travels, healing, light, love and smiles.

Lolly said...

Good morning! It was 60 this morning and now up to 64! Unbelievable! House is open but shutting up and turning on AC for Skippi!

So long folks! Take care of our eaglets!

So excited!

See ya sometime! Jo, I will be thinking of you and keeping you in prayer!

Lynne2 said...

Lucky you all...I AM BAAAAACK!!

JANET: put pics in album on FB. To share w/ non-facebookers, open album, up in the right corner there is an EDIT, TAG and a thingy that is a tool icon. Click on the tool thingy, click the GET LINK option, and a box will come up w/ a link for you to use to post to emails, the blog, wherever!

Lynne2 said...

SANDI: the "summer house" is actually my in-laws REAL home in WV. They decided to move to an apartment for the winter where they'd be closer to town, and have someone else be responsible for the snow removal. I was opposed to this idea and would rather have had them spend that money for closing up the house and winterizing it and paying rent on a generator upgrade and a contract with someone to keep them plowed and shoveled. But sometimes as we children know, you have to let parents make their own mistakes in order to learn! LOL! What we'd like NOW is for them to decide to wait a year or two before putting the house back on the market, put a modular cottage shack on the property for US so that we can be right there to help them be able to stay in this house that they love for a bit longer. For us to move to that area in general isn't going to be much help to them if we can't even get there due to the snow, so it would have to be an on premise situation. Totally doable, too. It would give them such peace of mind, and keep them from going stir crazy in the worst of winter when there isn't anyone from the outside world to bug them! I'd hate to leave my job, it is truly the best place I have ever worked. But there are vet hospitals there, too. But they need to make decisions and they are not that great about doing so in a timely fashion!

Lynne2 said...

They are SO NOT in good shape and physically a mess. Even in good weather it's too much for them all alone up there. But they love it there, the doctors are all there and they have some really wonderful friends there.

My worst nightmare? They'll put the house up this summer and it will sell right away. OMG! They still don't know where they want to live or are even organized!

Janet said...

ah ha! THANK YOU LYNNE 2 this is the link to the pix!

as Dad would have said, my day isn't wasted I have learned something new!

hugs to all

Mema Jo said...

Janet your link worked well for me.
Hoping the non FB people cam open it
also. Need to wait to see if Kay or Judie can view it.

JudyEddy said...

HOWDY home from work shower done in order to go see Jordyn in gym
When I got home my cam was and is still running I forgot to turn down the sign I wonder if the mail man wondered what all the ruckus was when he put the mail in the box next to the window I could hear it when I got home so I am sure he may have heard it If it was windy when he delivered

SO HABBY to see LYNNE2 the queen and DANAMO on the blog Where is Thelma Bev SHAR go light a fire under them LOL So many have not returned this year as the past and they sure are missed

SIS they won't be able to see the pic because they are not on FB that is the issue unless they are public maybe they can see them crossing fingers

JudyEddy said...

JO is ANDY on FB ?

JudyEddy said...

I see JO already addressed the issue of the NonFBR may not see the pic If they are public maybe I would think

JudyEddy said...

I see both eaglet on the launch pad side by side blowing in the wind

Lay lo

Lynne2 said...

Great thing happened to me this AM! I had the slider door and screen open so the dogs and cat could roam in and out on the deck. I was standing near Steve's chair when all of a sudden a Barn Swallow just flew right in! He circled the room and was gone again in a flash!

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Lynne2, what a great surprise to see a barn swallow up close and personal. That is a keeper memory. Sure hope the inlaws will figure it out. Major changes are difficult to accept and to follow through.

JudyE, hope you are enjoying the evening with Jordyn.

Shirley? When you stop by, please let us know about the Lunch Bowl group.

Headed to the tv for a few then to the pillows. Sandperson is busy in the hall closet filling a satchel. Wants to borrow the oscillating fan.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Barn Swallows are awesome Judie! I was happy to have them back in the barn again this spring! I never ceased to amaze me how incredibly agile they are flying so you know they feed their fledglings on the fly?

Mema Jo said...

I fell asleep watching TV - now I'll never know until next season just
what happened.

Goodnight to ALL ♥

stronghunter said...

Coming in to say good night. Had to go tell Hunter he shouldn't sleep on his phone. It is not good when he accidentally calls me from his room at this time of night.

Bowling was fun. I did okay. Was the high scorer on my team for the first game. :) They haven't figured handicaps yet, so it is hard to know how things will turn out.

SED, everyone.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Cooler day on tap today & less humid - 90 degrees in mid May is too hot IMO!

Jo, prayers that day #3 of your treatment goes well.

Lolly, hope your flight was uneventful.

Lynne2, yours and Steve's plan to help Steve's folks sounds like a good one. Still, I can always tell how much you love your job at Manchester - I know it would be a sacrifice for you to move to another vet practice.

More state testing and then an IEP team meeting with my favorite parent - about the 12th meeting this year!

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Judie said...

Good morning.

One eaglet on snooze control the other rearranging flugg. Looks overcast.

♪♫ Happy Birthday Susan ♪♫ Wishing you a wonderful day and an even more wonderful year ahead.

Ah Shirley, a night time ringing phone. In your spare time, please begin writing a novelette: My Adventures with Hunter. Glad you had a good Lunch Bowl yesterday.

Lynne2, No, I did not know about about feeding on the fly. Swallows are so beautiful. Never seen one in real time. Hope yours returns. Maybe there's a nest?

Sandi, hope the IEP meeting goes smoothly. It is all almost over.

Jo, thinking of you.

Kay, how's the doggy sitting going?

May begin to sort teaching books today. Still need to cull quite a few. Well, really all of them but some I want to keep.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Barbara said...

Two lazy eaglets flopped at 10-11. It looks like Duckie has moved over to the pantry. Do the birds eat some of the greens that are brought to the nest? A little fiber might be good for the digestion!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JUDIE, the dog days here are going well--nights, too! Malcolm's thundershirt got him through the massive storm that went through---no damage in my neighborhood, but others were not so lucky---for SHIRLEY, German Village and suburbs west of town were hard hit---I'm in far north Clintonville. Now the temps are down to the mid 60's and sunny.

JANET's link worked for me and I love the lighthouse! How creative some people are!

SANDI and DANA, glad you're both nearing the end of this school year! Time for a nice break and summer fun!

DANA, your Dad is a real trooper--so glad he's well enough to travel and that the outlook is good!

SUSAN, wishing you an apple dumpling dandy Birthday!!!

My travelers reported good times in Charleston and Myrtle Beach, now converging on D.C..

JO, ever thinking of you and praying for you and any others in need!

Have a great day all!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
One morning you awaken and it is 90° summer outside but the next morning when you awaken it is 54° - perfect chilly and breezy fall weather. Must
have been windy last night due to finding my opened umbrella and glass
top table over turned. No breakage thank goodness.

Our 8 week old eaglets are looking very good. May only be in the nest
for about 3-4 more weeks. We need to see more wingersizing and food fights.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

I see ducky near the launch pad! He's in better shape than I thought!

Mema Jo said...

Kay - thanks for letting us know that Janet's FB link worked for you.

Barbara - I don't think the eaglets eat any of the greens - Usually brought in for floor coverings especially after some rain. They do pick at them.

Lolly on FB said: We are here. We are exhausted! Our patio! (beautiful picture)

Mema Jo said...

Close call for my daughter Susan who works in DC and rides Amtrak 188 to her stop at BWI. She said they were
delayed leaving DC and it was hot and & it was a chatty group. She was remembering those that went onward after she got off.
Prayers for all of those involved in this tragedy. Thank you Lord for sparing my daughter. ♥

Mema Jo said...








Mema Jo said...

Love seeing our eaglets "side by side"

The adult is on the edge at noon position - both eaglets hurried
up to get some food I assume

NCSuzan said...

Jo,I have read that there is no solid scientific explanation as to why eagles bring greenery to the nest but that speculation is that greenery can control mites and other annoying insects that would likely find an eagle's nest ripe for the taking. Interesting.

Glad Lolly and Jack arrived safely. Susan was very fortunate not to be traveling further on Amtrak last night. Thoughts go out to family.

Happy Birthday Susan! Blow out all the candles for your wishes to come true!

Shirley, no more tales of you as a poor bowler. Big league star you are! Is your knee holding up alright? I too would read your novel on Hunter as a teen and would love the movie!

Judie, our loons, bears and hawks all seem to be doing well. Spring certainly brings new life and adventure to wildlife, doesn't it?

I'm confused about Lori. She is doing a radio show and moved back to the DC area. Is she nursing at all? Wish only the best for her. She cares so much about the bulldog rescue. Some sad stories she has posted.

Ok, enough for now. Take care everyone.

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Must thank Jo for the reminder: Happy Anniversary to Dana and Monte. Hope they have a special day.

Jo, so very happy to know Susan is okay. What a depth of emotion she must be experiencing.

A friend of mine had two friends on the Amtrak train. One slightly injured. The other not found yet.

No idea about Lori. I recall when she was looking in N.VA. she was having difficulty because everyone wanted "experienced." Perhaps she's on radio for income while she continues to search.

Back to being not busy.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

KKAY so happy you got to see the pics so now we know that you all can see FB stuff if marked public =happy dog walking still

SANDI count down for you I bet you think the day will never come

JO you are always in my thoughts and heart count down on your treatment



***Sending birthday wishes your way***

JudyEddy said...

The last I heard on LORI is she was working at a HOSPICE place
and doing something with the radio and the dog rescue Maybe I need to build afire under her to post here also

JudyEddy said...

I am back went to FB and messaged LORI about popping in to say HI
OK I am a fire starter LOL

I let her know we missed her and wanted to know what she was up to So we will see wait for her response

JO I want to go to CROW its not that far I think 135 miles little over 2 hours but that is Thu and that is Jordyn gym in the evening
and dinner with the kids I will have to think about it

JudyEddy said...

I am watching WR nest and our nest amazing the growth that these little creatures Looking at WR thinking ours were that little just a short time ago

DOLLYWOOD may have a pip also saw on FB yesterday forgot to mention

JudyEddy said...






I see it when I open a new tab up

Inge Lehmnnan 127th bday

Kay said...

JO, so happy Susan is safe and so sorry for those whose lives have been turned upside down by the tragic accident.

Forgot to say congrats to DANA and Monte----Happy Anniversary----may all your post child raising dreams come true!

Kay said...

Oh, the ducky---I thought it was in pretty bad shape at one point, too. Must have been partially buried in flugg for a while.

NCSuzan said...

To someone in the know, maybe Jo! What happens if the cam fund of $5000.00 is not met. Maybe carry over until next year? The window to replace equipment is small and it takes time to order, etc. Just wondering. Miss watching at night.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in the nest...think he brought more greens

paula eagleholic said...

Our eaglets are looking pretty much the same size to me at this point.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - I know that they bring in the evergreen sprigs that it does
control the mites. Not sure about
green leaves - they usually do it when the nest has gotten wet. They do spruce up the nest a bit!

The Fundraiser - I was helping by soliciting $$$ - no matter how small. Since I an in radiation I have slowed down in helping.... I'll hit it again next week. NOT sure but will ask about not hitting their goal. We are at 54%.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - could you treat Jordyn a day out of school and the trip to CROW
with you? I so hope you can go - perhaps see Ozzie?

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I pray for all those injured or not yet sound from the Amtrak wreck.

Out of here soon for my 2:30 appointment


Barbara said...

Too funny -- one of the adults is home (and brought fish) and Big is wingercizing and swats the parent in the head with the wingtip! It must be hard to flap in all that wind...

Barbara said...

Two parents home! And both kids getting fed. It's not so much work for the parents to feed, but getting enough food must be a challenge for those big kids!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets laying low in the nest at this point....pretty windy

Janet said...

wheeee here goes the split...we are at about 200

just checking in. will be MIA for a few days, but know that I am in my RV, fishing, visiting with friends, attending seminars all out in the woods....Montgomery Bell State Park...

Will hold each of you close in my heart and thought as I commune with Mother Nature for healing for various needs, hugs and love for each of you!

Talk to you in a few days!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...